China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation

National Public Welfare Fund
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The China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (hereinafter referred to as "China Green Development Association" and "Green Development Association") was established in 1985. It is a national public welfare foundation approved by the State Council and a national first-class society. [1] Also September 1, 2016《 Sorp 》Since its implementation, the first batch of 16 public offering companies in China has been recognized charitable organization one of. [6] In 1985, in order to welcome the return of the unique species of milu deer in China Lv Zhengcao Qian Changzhao Balkhan And other leaders launched and established the China Milu Foundation. Through unremitting efforts, milu deer were able to return to nature. The reintroduction project of Chinese milu deer is internationally recognized as the most successful example of reintroduction of species in the world. With China's accession to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity in 1992 and the approval of the State Council in 2009 after President Hu Deping pointed out the essence of green development, the name was changed to the current name twice, and Hu Deping Xie Boyang Under the leadership of the Council, Zhou Jian and other leaders, actively and comprehensively implement the Central Committee's instructions on ecological civilization construction, and mobilize all sectors of society to pay attention to and participate in relevant work. [14] Zhou Jinfeng At present, he is the Vice President and Secretary General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the "Green Development Foundation"). [6]
China Green Development Council (CGDF) is an observer organization of CITES, which has long been committed to biodiversity conservation and green development. [13]
Chinese name
China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation [18]
Organization predecessor
China Milu Foundation
Date of establishment
Social credit code
53100000500009167K [2]
Xie Boyang [3]
Nature of organization
National Public Welfare Fund [6]
Unified social credit code
53100000500009167K [18]
101, Floors 1 to 5, Building 1, Yard 17, Minhe Road, Daxing District, Beijing [18]

Historical evolution

The China Green Development Association was first established in 1985. During its more than 30 years of development, it has focused on scientific research and public welfare, continued to focus on biodiversity conservation and promoting green economic development in China, received widespread social support, and has become one of the most influential foundations in this field in China.
The predecessor of CGDF is the China Milu Foundation, which has experienced three important stages of development. First, the initial stage of the foundation for reintroducing milu deer. In 1900, the Eight Power Allied Forces captured Beijing, and the Yongding River flooded, resulting in the disappearance of the world's only 200 milu deer population in the royal hunting park in the southern suburbs of Beijing. In May 1985, with the deepening of diplomatic ties between China and Britain, Marquis Tavis Tok, the owner of the Utopia Temple manor in Britain, offered to return the 38 milu deer preserved in the manor to China as a symbol of friendship between the two countries. In order to make the milu deer return to their hometown smoothly and reproduce, Lu Zhengcao, Bao Erhan, Qian Changzhao and other comrades who were then vice chairmen of the CPPCC National Committee initiated and established the China Milu Foundation. By 1993, 38 milu deer that were initially reintroduced back to China had grown to more than 200, and were successfully released for the first time in the old Yangtze River in Shishou, Hubei Province. The reintroduction project of milu deer has become an example of reintroduction of species in the world.
What will be the future development direction of the Foundation after the successful completion of the mission at the beginning of its establishment? In 1992, China Green Development Association ushered in the second important development stage. That year, China officially signed and joined the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Foundation believed that expanding the protection of a single species to the protection of overall biodiversity would be conducive to promoting China's comprehensive integration with the international community. So, under the instructions of the then Vice Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council, in 1997, after being reported to the Chinese Association for Science and Technology for approval, the China Green Development Council was established by the "China Milu Foundation" It was renamed as "China Biodiversity Conservation Foundation" for the first time, and the business scope of China Green Development Association was also expanded to the protection of ecosystem diversity, species diversity, and genetic diversity, laying a solid foundation for the foundation's future in-depth research and practice in this field.
In 2009, China Green Development Council ushered in the third development and reform. During this period, with the transformation of the global economic form, the process of green development has been significantly accelerated. Biodiversity conservation and utilization has shown unique economic value in the field of green development. In 2009, under the leadership of Hu Deping and Hu Zhaoguang, the "China Biodiversity Conservation Foundation" was renamed as "China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation" again. The development path of China Green Development Association after entering the 21st century was clear, and the top-level development framework was completed. In 2015, under the leadership of the council with Hu Deping as the chairman and Zhou Jinfeng as the secretary-general, the China Green Development Council (CGDF) started the internal reform of the organization, reform and innovation from the management system, personnel employment, business scope and other aspects, invited senior academic experts, industry leaders, discipline leaders, etc. to join, and widely recruited young people such as college students and graduate students, As well as senior environmentalists who have been fighting in the front line of environmental protection for a long time, the foundation has been revitalized, and has formed expert working committee, legal working committee, green enterprise working committee, botanical garden working committee, nature reserve working committee, birdwatching working committee, starry sky working committee, Lvhui Ancient Village Friends Association A series of secondary working institutions, such as the Wildlife Protection Working Committee, have focused on the research and practice of ecological civilization, the construction of China's protected area system, environmental public interest litigation, plastic reduction and waste reduction, driven by special funds such as the Special Fund for Promoting the Development of Sand Industry, the Protection Fund for Urban Drinking Water Sources, the Special Fund for Wolf Totem Grassland, and the Public Welfare Fund for Water Safety Ecological poverty alleviation work, volunteer system construction, international exchange and cooperation, global environmental governance, college students' environmental protection exchange (Green University) and other work, among which many representative work has aroused warm responses at home and abroad.
In 2022, at the invitation of the Institute of Geology, University of Porto, Portugal, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation co signed and became the official partner of the global campaign "Restoring Our Common Home: Stockholm+50 Declaration". [8]
In April 2022, the International Department of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (hereinafter referred to as "CGDF" or "CGDF") received an invitation letter from UNESCO, inviting representatives of CGDF International Department to participate in the African conference to set priorities and develop partnerships for the United Nations Decade of Marine Science for Sustainable Development to be held from May 10 to 12. [9]
In May 2022, the State Press and Publication Administration approved Qiushi to officially《 well-to-do 》The magazine was transferred to China Green Hair Association. [11]
On October 20, 2022, CGDF officially became an observer of IPCC. [12]
On April 28, 2023, Ministry of Civil Affairs Warning to China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation administrative sanction [16]
September 2023 On the 26th, the Rural Revitalization Committee of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation was inaugurated in Haikou. [15]


Research and practice of ecological civilization
CGDF deeply participated in the establishment and work implementation of the Ecological Civilization Research Center of the Xi Jinping Institute of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era at Peking University, Secretary General Zhou Jinfeng Joint director of the Center was hired. At the same time, the China Green Development Council has made suggestions on how to effectively implement the construction of ecological civilization in various fields social development Conduct in-depth research and carry out Ecosystem GDP (GEP) research and practice, successively in Inner Mongolia Xing'an League , Yunnan Puer and other places carried out GEP accounting to provide guidance for local ecological environment protection and economic development. At the same time, the China Green Development Council has increased the implementation of ecological civilization ideas in the field of education, compiled the Compilation of Ecological Civilization Urban Planning Policies and Practices, and guided local ecological civilization Urban construction and planning Work; A series of activities were carried out in the lecture hall of ecological civilization Tsinghua University Renmin University of China Beijing University of Technology Zhejiang University Southern University of Science and Technology Zhengzhou University Ningbo Nottingham University Yale University Georgetown University And nearly 10 other universities, sharing ecological civilization research and Green development The latest developments in the field of practice are very popular. At the same time, the China Green Development Council is also under the guidance of ecological civilization Concept innovation , proposed "based on Human based solutions ”(HbS), "macro protection theory", etc bio-diversity And the climate change crisis.
Build the protected area system of China Green Development Association
According to General Secretary Xi's important instructions on ecological civilization, combined with more than 30 years of work experience and achievements of China Green Development Council social organization For more effective, rapid and dynamic species and habitat Protection. In 2016, the China Green Development Council innovatively proposed to build a "China Protected Area (CCAfa)" system, through the collection of private Environmental protection organizations , local government agencies scientific research institution Equal strength to endangered Species protection Focus on habitat protection, gather grassroots environmental protection forces, form a network of Chinese protected areas, carry out ecological environmental protection work in real time and dynamically, and finally National Nature Reserve Outside the system, the formation and national park , natural reserves and other protection systems. As of November 2019, CGDF has set up more than 130 protected areas of various types throughout the country, with remarkable protection results. As an innovative protection concept and practice, "China Protected Area" has also been recognized and appreciated by relevant United Nations agencies. In 2018, China Green Development Council Tibet Naqu The two Chinese night sky protectorates set up by Ali have also been World Conservation Union The Night Advisory Committee formally received and entered“ World List of Night Reserves ”And become one of the first batch of dark night protected areas recognized by international organizations in China.
Environmental public interest litigation
With the implementation of the new Environmental Protection Law in 2015, the China Green Development Council, as a qualified subject, with the assistance of the Legal Work Committee, established the Legal Department to carry out a series of environmental public interest litigation. Over the past four years, China Green Development Council has raised more than 100 environmental public benefits Litigation case , accounting for the vast majority of such cases filed by national social organizations, which has attracted much attention at home and abroad. among Tengger Desert Pollution case, campus“ Poison runway ”Case TaoBao Illegal sale automobile exhaust Falsification purifier The air pollution cases of Fangyuan Glass Enterprise, etc China Law Society The Case Law Research Association and others were rated as the typical cases of public interest litigation of the year, which will help promote China's Environmental justice The process has played a huge role in promoting. At the same time, the China Green Development Council has also taken an active part in the implementation of the Wildlife Conservation Law, the Solid Waste Law Forest Law And other amendments to ecological environment related laws, and carried out environmental judicial training Chinese social organizations Environmental public interest litigation Judicial practice A benchmark for work.
Promote plastic reduction and waste reduction
Establish a working group of "plastic reduction and plastic picking" to reduce Plastic waste As the core, continue to promote waste reduction. After more than three years of research, the CGDF sent a letter to the Ministry of Education, suggesting that primary and secondary schools should not use plastic Book cover And take practical actions to root the concept of ecological civilization in primary and secondary education. At the end of October 2019, the proposal of the Green Council was approved by the Ministry of Education Environment Bureau Adopted by the General Office of the four ministries and commissions of the China Association for Science and Technology and the State Administration of Market Supervision Joint issuance Require efforts to achieve Unplasticized school season At the same time, the Green Club has advocated and suggested that the delivery platform should not be used since 2016 Disposable tableware Protect consumers' green Option The domestic waste classification issued and implemented in Shanghai in 2019 Management Measures Is reflected in. In addition, China Green Development Council also issued《 Lvhui Index 》, Green Campus, etc Group standards And further promote waste reduction, and promote the implementation of ecological civilization construction in work and life.
Deeply participate in global environmental governance and carry out international exchanges
Deeply implement the call of the central government for "social organizations to go global", the China Green Development Council has set up the "go global" office to deeply participate in global environmental governance through international exchanges and cooperation, and pass on China ecological environment Good stories Good voice At present, China Green Development Council has cooperated with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)、 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO )United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), United Nations《 Convention on the Protection of Migratory Species of Wild Animals 》(CMS)、 International Convention on Wetlands (RAMSAR)、 WWF (WWF), International Dark Night Association( IDA )Etc United Nations agencies international covenant It has established extensive contacts with international organizations, and successfully hosted the "CMS and ecology 'Belt and Road' seminar", "protection and benefit sharing of food and agricultural plant genetic resources, focusing on the post 2020 Agricultural biodiversity ”International conferences such as seminars CITES Border meetings have also been successfully held at international conferences such as the Standing Committee Meeting, the UNCCD Conference, and the Three Chemical Conventions Conference. At present, CGDF is the official certification body of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Conservation Union (IUCN), UN Global Compact (UN Global Compact)、 Global Genome Biodiversity Alliance (GGBN), the United Nations《 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 》(CITES), UN《 International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture 》(ITPGRFA), and Intergovernmental science policy platform for biodiversity and ecosystem services IP BES )Observers, etc., and become Global Biodiversity Information Network (GBIF) Official data publisher. In 2019, CGDF also successfully promoted the United Nations to adopt the proposal of "establishing ecological civilization as the theme of the 2020 UN Biodiversity Conference".
Volunteer system construction
Adhering to the service purpose, CGDF will“ masses It is the main force of ecological environment protection in China. " Mobility Ecology of Environmental protection volunteers The team includes young green volunteers for young people, large green volunteers for college students, and green volunteers for ecological environment protection all over the country, covering Wildlife Protection, environmental pollution investigation, anti pollution Electric fish Up to now, the volunteer team of CGDF has more than 10000 people in various aspects, such as patrol and campus science lectures.
The outstanding work of China Green Development Council in the field of ecological environment has also received many national and social commendations and awards, and has successively won the "CCTV2015 Ten legal figures ”, the first China Ancient Village Congress "Ancient Village Guard" The 18th Huading Award "Outstanding Individual Award for Public Welfare", "Outstanding Unit for Systematic Planning and Investigation of China Association for Science and Technology in 2015", "2016" National Society Outstanding unit of science popularization work ", surging news" 2018 best government communication " Group organization The fifth, seventh and eighth awards China Public Welfare Festival Public welfare organizations Award ", and won many awards and recognition such as" Annual Public Welfare Collective Award "and" Public Welfare Individual Award "of China Public Welfare Festival. [1]

Honors won

China Green Development Association has won many honors for its outstanding contributions to environmental protection, green development, public interest litigation, etc.
In November 2015, China Green Development Council won the "Ancient Village Guard" award at the first China Ancient Village Conference.
 Honors won Honors won Honors won Honors won Honors won Honors won
Honors won
On January 21, 2016, due to Public service communication Green and environmental protection He won the "Public Welfare Organization Award" of the 5th China Public Welfare Festival for his outstanding performance.
In February 2016, China Green Development Council sued 8 enterprises for public welfare lawsuit and lawsuit on pollution of Tengger desert environment ConocoPhillips Oil spill Two cases of public interest litigation were included in the "2015 Top Ten Public Interest Litigations in China".
On April 21, 2016, due to environmental protection Outstanding performance in the field, won the 2015 "Green English Award" - Outstanding NGO Award for Environmental Protection.
On June 3, 2016, due to protection Acer pentaphyllum With unremitting efforts and outstanding achievements, he was awarded the "Defender Action against Illegal Trade in Wild Animals and Plants" Nomination Award [1]
On March 3, 2021, the Ministry of Civil Affairs announced the evaluation level of national social organizations in 2019, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation Class 3A. [17]
On December 3, 2021, it was selected into the Chinese characteristics released by the China Association for Science and Technology Innovation Institute List of proposed supporting societies, The proposed support amount is 200000 yuan. [4]
In December 2021, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation was elected《 China News Weekly 》One of the influential figures in 2021. [5]
In January 2022, it was selected into the new media science communication list of the Association for Science and Technology. [7]

Project Specifications

The China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation implements unified numbering management for the projects carried out. [10]
 Project Numbering Specification of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation Project Numbering Specification of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation Project Numbering Specification of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation
Project Numbering Specification of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation