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Chinese Society of Soil and Water Conservation

National, academic and popular science non-profit social legal entity
The Chinese Society of Soil and Water Conservation, which is in charge of the China Association for Science and Technology, is a national, academic and popular non-profit social legal entity voluntarily registered by the national scientific and technological workers of soil and water conservation. It was established in March 1985 with the approval of the former State Economic Restructuring Commission of the People's Republic of China and joined in the same year China Association for Science and Technology Become a member of its group. [1]
According to the official website of the Society in April 2023, there are 14 professional committees, 28 provincial-level soil and water conservation societies, 151 group members and more than 5400 individual members of the Society. [1]
Chinese name
Chinese Society of Soil and Water Conservation
Foreign name
Chinese Society of Soil and Water Conservation(CSSWC)
Competent unit
China Association for Science and Technology
National, academic and popular science non-profit social legal entity
Club address
35 Qinghua East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Date of establishment
March 1985
Current leaders
President: Tian Xuebin
Social groups
Registration authority
Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China
Social credit code
five hundred and eleven thousand trillion and five billion eighty-eight thousand one hundred and eighty-eight
Legal representative
Wang Yujie [21]

Development history

In March 1985, the former National Economic Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China approved the establishment of the China Soil and Water Conservation Society, and joined the China Association of Science and Technology as its group member.
In May 1986, the first National Congress of Representatives of Members was held in Beijing, and Yang Zhenhuai, former Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources, served as the Chairman of the first Council.
In May 1992, the second National Congress of Member Representatives was held in Beijing, and Yang Zhenhuai was re elected as the chairman of the second council.
In January 2006, the Third National Congress of Member Representatives was held in Beijing, and E Jingping, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources, was appointed as the Chairman of the Third Council.
On December 14, 2010, the fourth National Congress of Member Representatives was held in Beijing, with Liu Ning, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources, as the Chairman of the fourth Council. [1]
On April 20, 2013, the 2013 expanded meeting of the Secretary General of the Chinese Society of Soil and Water Conservation was held in Zhengzhou; [2] On December 17, the seventh executive council meeting of the fourth session of the Chinese Society of Soil and Water Conservation was held in Beijing. Liu Ning, Chairman of the Association and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources, presided over the meeting and made a concluding speech. [3]
On April 11, 2014, the working meeting of the Secretary General of the Chinese Society of Soil and Water Conservation was held in Hefei. Wu Bin, Secretary General of the Society, presided over the meeting and made an important speech. Cai Jianping, Deputy Director General of the Water Resources Department of Anhui Province, delivered a welcome speech. Zhang Yan, Executive Deputy Secretary General of the Society, conveyed the spirit of the 2014 National Association for Science and Technology Secretary General Working Conference, summarized the work of the Society in 2013 and deployed the key work of the Society in 2014. [4]
On December 22, 2016, the fifth National Congress of Member Representatives was held in Beijing, with Liu Ning, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources, as the chairman of the fifth council.
On January 19, 2018, the second meeting of the fifth council was held in Beijing, and Lu Guihua, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources, served as the chairman of the fifth council. [1]
On May 20, 2021, the 2021 Secretary General Meeting of the National Society of Soil and Water Conservation was held in Zunyi, Guizhou Province. Guo Suoyan, the first level inspector of the Department of Water and Soil Conservation of the Ministry of Water Resources, Wu Bin, the vice chairman of the Chinese Society for Water and Soil Conservation, Wang Yujie, the vice chairman and secretary-general of the Chinese Society for Water and Soil Conservation, and Zhou Congqi, the deputy director of the Department of Water Resources of Guizhou Province, attended the meeting. 86 secretary-generals and representatives from the Chinese Society of Soil and Water Conservation, branches of the Chinese Society of Soil and Water Conservation, and provincial soil and water conservation societies attended the meeting. [5]
On May 20, 2022, the 2022 Secretary General Meeting of the National Society for Water and Soil Conservation was held in the form of communication meeting. Wang Yujie, vice president and secretary-general of the Chinese Society of Water and Soil Conservation, 77 secretaries general and representatives of the Society and its branches, provincial societies of water and soil conservation, and provincial (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) departments in charge of water and soil conservation business that have not established such societies attended the meeting. [6]
From December 5 to 8, 2023, the 4th China Water and Soil Conservation Academic Conference will be held in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. During the meeting, the founding meeting of the "Stony Desertification Prevention Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Soil and Water Conservation" was held by Southwest Forestry University, Beijing Forestry University and Guizhou University. [23]

Organizational system


Institutional setup

  • The highest authority
The highest authority of the Institute is the National Congress of Members, whose functions and powers are as follows:
(1) To formulate the working policies and tasks of the Institute;
(2) To formulate and revise the Articles of Association of the Society;
(3) Elect and remove directors;
(4) Review the work report and financial report of the Council;
(5) Decide on the termination of the Institute;
(6) Decide on other major issues.
The National Congress of Members is held once every five years. The National Congress of Representatives of Members can be convened only when more than two-thirds of the members' representatives are present, and its resolution can take effect only after being approved by more than half of the members' representatives present. If it is necessary to advance or postpone due to special circumstances, it must be studied and decided by the standing council of the society, reported to the competent business unit of the society for review, and reported to the mass organization registration authority of the Ministry of Civil Affairs for approval, but the advance or extension shall not exceed one year. [7]
  • Actuator
The Council is the executive body of the National Congress of Members, leading the work of the Institute during the intersessional period and responsible for the National Congress of Members. The functions and powers of the Council are:
(1) To implement the resolutions of the National Congress of Members;
(2) Elect and remove the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Director and Secretary General;
(3) Prepare for the next National Congress of Member Representatives;
(4) Report work and financial situation to the National Congress of Members;
(5) Decide to establish an office, branch or entity;
(6) To decide on the appointment of the Deputy Secretary General and the main heads of the working committees;
(7) Lead the affiliated institutions to carry out activities;
(8) Develop internal management system and supervise its implementation;
(9) Carry out reward and commendation activities, review and approve membership and member delisting;
(10) Add directors or executive directors, and terminate directors and executive directors who are unable to perform their duties;
(11) Decide on other major issues of the Institute.
The director candidates shall be recommended by the provincial (district, city) soil and water conservation society and professional committee according to the allocated quota, and the director shall be renewed at least one third each time. The directors shall be scientists, experts and young and middle-aged scientific and technological workers who have academic achievements, decent style of study, and can participate in the actual work of the society, as well as cadres who are enthusiastic about learning to work and engaged in the organization and management of water and soil conservation. If directors and executive directors are unable to perform their duties due to job changes, they shall be reviewed by the Council or the Standing Council, and opinions of the recommending unit shall be solicited to make changes and additions.
The Board of Directors shall hold a meeting once a year. In special circumstances, it can also be held in the form of communication. The board of directors can be convened only when more than two-thirds of the directors are present, and its resolution can take effect only after being voted by more than two-thirds of the directors present at the meeting.
The institute establishes a standing council. The Standing Council shall be elected by the Council and shall exercise the functions and powers specified in paragraphs 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of Article 16 when the Council is not in session, and shall be responsible to the Council.
The Standing Council shall hold a meeting every half a year, or in special circumstances by means of communication. The executive council can be convened only when more than two-thirds of the executive directors are present, and its resolution can take effect only after being approved by more than two-thirds of the executive directors present at the meeting. [7]
  • Organization
The office of the Chinese Society of Soil and Water Conservation is the secretariat, with the Office, the Finance Department, the Organization and Publicity Department, the Academic Exchange Department, the Level Evaluation Center, the Continuing Education and Training Department, the Popular Science Department, the Journal Editorial Department, the International Cooperation Department and the Award Office.
According to the official website of the society in April 2023, there are 14 professional committees and 28 provincial water and soil conservation societies of the Chinese Society of Water and Soil Conservation. [1]
Professional Committee
Discipline Construction and Talent Training Professional Committee of Soil and Water Conservation Society of China, Small Watershed Comprehensive Management Professional Committee of Soil and Water Conservation Society of China, Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring and Informatization Professional Committee of Soil and Water Conservation Society of China, Landslide and Debris Flow Prevention Professional Committee of Soil and Water Conservation Society of China, Soil and Water Conservation Plant Professional Committee of Soil and Water Conservation Society of China Science and Technology Industry Working Committee of China Society of Water and Soil Conservation, Engineering Greening Professional Committee of China Society of Water and Soil Conservation, Planning and Design Professional Committee of China Society of Water and Soil Conservation, Yellow River Professional Committee of China Society of Water and Soil Conservation, Soil Erosion Professional Committee of China Society of Water and Soil Conservation, Forest and Grass Ecological Restoration Engineering Professional Committee of China Society of Water and Soil Conservation Collapse Prevention Committee of China Society of Soil and Water Conservation, Urban Soil and Water Conservation Ecological Construction Committee of China Society of Soil and Water Conservation, Wind Erosion Prevention Committee of China Society of Soil and Water Conservation, Science and Technology Cooperation Committee of China Society of Soil and Water Conservation, Prevention and Supervision Committee of China Society of Soil and Water Conservation [13]
Provincial Institute
Beijing Society of Water Ecology and Soil Conservation, Jiangsu Society of Water and Soil Conservation, Guangxi Society of Water and Soil Conservation, Qinghai Society of Water and Soil Conservation, Guangdong Society of Water and Soil Conservation, Hubei Society of Water and Soil Conservation, Fujian Society of Water and Soil Conservation, Shandong Society of Water and Soil Conservation, Yunnan Society of Water and Soil Conservation, Henan Society of Water and Soil Conservation, Xinjiang Society of Water and Soil Conservation Ningxia Autonomous Region Soil and Water Conservation Society, Hainan Province Soil and Water Conservation Society, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Soil and Water Conservation Society, Zhejiang Province Soil and Water Conservation Society, Hunan Province Soil and Water Conservation Society, Chongqing City Soil and Water Conservation Society, Guizhou Province Soil and Water Conservation Society, Hebei Province Soil and Water Conservation Society, Anhui Province Soil and Water Conservation Society, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Soil and Water Conservation Society Soil and Water Conservation Society of Shanxi Province, Shaanxi Province, Jiangxi Province, Liaoning Province, Jilin Province, Gansu Province and Sichuan Province [14]

Organization Member

According to the official website of the society in April 2023, there are 151 group members and more than 5400 individual members of the Chinese Society of Soil and Water Conservation. [1]
  • Member classification
Membership types of the society: individual members, group members. [7]
  • Membership conditions
Those who recognize the Articles of Association of the Association, have the intention to join the Association and meet one of the following conditions can apply for membership.
(1) Individual members
1. Scientific and technical personnel with intermediate professional and technical titles (including intermediate) in water and soil conservation or related disciplines;
2. Scientific and technical personnel who have obtained a master's degree or above in water and soil conservation or related disciplines;
3. Scientific and technological workers who have graduated from junior college and have more than seven years of practical work experience and a certain academic level;
4. Scientific and technological workers who have reached the level of intermediate technical titles after assessment.
(2) Group members
All enterprises and public institutions related to water and soil conservation, scientific research, teaching, production and management with a certain number of scientific and technological personnel, as well as legal person qualifications, and relevant academic social organizations registered according to law. [7]
  • Membership procedures
Procedures for membership:
(1) Individual members
The application is made by an individual, introduced by a member of the society or recommended by an organization, and the registration formalities are handled with the direct approval of the society.
All provincial (district, city) applicants for membership of the provincial water and soil conservation society who join the society shall go through the membership registration formalities at the provincial (district, city) water and soil conservation society and report to the society for record, and then become members of the society.
(2) Group members
After the application is submitted by the unit and approved by the society, the society will issue a group membership card. [7]
  • Rights of Members
(1) Individual members
1. The right to vote, stand for election, vote and supervise;
2. Give priority to participating in academic activities and other activities organized by the Society;
3. Access to relevant academic materials and publications of the Society;
4. Obtain various awards from the Institute and its superior organizations through selection.
5. Have the right to criticize and suggest the work of the Institute.
(2) Group members
1. Participate in relevant activities of the Society;
2. Give priority to obtaining relevant academic materials and publications of the Society;
3. Ask the Society to give priority to project demonstration and technical consultation;
4. Ask the Society to assist in organizing technical training and academic activities at home and abroad;
5. Have the right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the Institute. [7]
  • Obligations of Members
Members shall perform the following obligations:
(1) Individual members
1. Abide by the Articles of Association of the Institute;
2. Implement the resolutions of the society, complete the work entrusted by the society, and actively participate in the activities of the society;
3. Actively write academic papers, participate in science popularization activities and scientific and technological consulting services;
4. Pay membership dues as required.
(2) Group members
1. Abide by the Articles of Association of the Institute;
2. Implement the resolutions of the Society and complete the work entrusted by the Society;
3. Assist the Society in carrying out relevant academic and science popularization activities;
4. Pay membership fees of group members as required.
The membership card is uniformly printed and issued by the Society, and the payment and management of membership fees are subject to the Interim Measures for Collection of Membership Fees of the Chinese Society of Water and Soil Conservation adopted by the General Assembly of Members. [7]
  • Withdrawal instructions
The members of the Association are voluntary and free to withdraw. Those who violate the criminal law or seriously violate the articles of association of the society shall be expelled by the decision of the standing council. When a member withdraws from the association, he/she shall report to the Institute in writing and return his/her membership card. [7]

Business assets

  • scope of business
(1) Organize and carry out academic exchange activities and scientific and technological investigation activities on soil and water conservation at home and abroad, and promote international non-governmental scientific and technological cooperation on soil and water conservation.
(2) Spread scientific spirit, scientific thought and scientific method; Promote advanced technology of water and soil conservation and popularize science and technology of water and soil conservation.
(3) Edit and publish conference journals and relevant academic journals, technical monographs, popular science books and related audio-visual products, and carry out the selection of excellent books and journals and excellent papers.
(4) Carry out continuing education.
(5) Accept the entrustment of relevant government departments to carry out scientific and technological project evaluation and demonstration, scientific and technological achievements appraisal, technical title qualification assessment, scientific and technological literature compilation and technical standards compilation.
(6) Formulate scientific and technological development strategies, laws and regulations for water and soil conservation for decision-making departments at all levels, put forward reasonable suggestions, and conduct scientific and technological consultation for major decisions in policies and economic construction.
(7) Undertake the work entrusted by the national water conservancy, forestry, agriculture authorities and relevant business authorities.
(8) Serve members and scientific and technological workers of water and soil conservation, reflect their legitimate requirements and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. [7]
  • Source of funds
(1) Membership fees;
(2) Donation;
(3) Subsidies from the Ministry of Water Resources, the State Forestry Administration, the Ministry of Agriculture and other relevant governments;
(4) Income from activities or services carried out within the approved business scope. [7]

Construction achievements


Activity communication

  • International high-level academic seminar on disaster prevention and mitigation
From December 14 to 15, 2019, an international high-level academic seminar on disaster prevention and reduction was held in Beijing, jointly sponsored by the Chinese Society for Soil and Water Conservation, the Chengdu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Resources, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the International Union of Science for Disaster Prevention and Reduction. [8]
  • Seminar on "Grassland Soil and Water Conservation and Ecological Restoration of the Yellow River Basin"
On July 31, 2021, the 2021 "Grassland Water and Soil Conservation and Ecological Restoration of the Yellow River Basin" seminar was held in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. With the theme of "promoting water conservancy and soil conservation to improve quality and efficiency, and building a solid ecological security barrier in the north", the seminar was hosted by the Soil Erosion Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Water and Soil Conservation, the Pastoral Water Conservancy Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Water Resources, the Wind Erosion Prevention Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Water and Soil Conservation, and the Soil Erosion and Water and Soil Conservation Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Soil Conservation, It is undertaken by the Pastoral Water Conservancy Research Institute of the Ministry of Water Resources, the Desert Grassland Ecological Hydrology Field Scientific Observation and Research Station at the northern foot of Yinshan Mountain in Inner Mongolia, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, and the Key Laboratory of Soil and Water Conservation on the Loess Plateau of the Ministry of Water Resources. [9]

Academic journals

Science of Soil and Water Conservation in China
Science of Soil and Water Conservation in China 》It is a comprehensive academic journal managed by China Association for Science and Technology and sponsored by China Soil and Water Conservation Society. It was founded in 2003 and published bimonthly. It became a China's core journals of science and technology , selected in 2011 China Science Citation Database (CSCD). In 2015, it was included in Peking University's Compendium of Chinese Core Periodicals, and in 2020, it was included in Scopus database. The journal devotes itself to reporting the research progress of water and soil conservation, soil erosion and related cross disciplines in hydrology, soil, geology, plant physiology, meteorology and other fields, innovating practical biological and engineering measures for water and soil conservation and their comprehensive management measures, as well as the latest research results of related cross disciplines, marginal disciplines and high-tech in water and soil conservation. With the purpose of highlighting innovation and practicality, it takes "basic research", "applied research", "development research", "engineering technology", "academic forum", "teaching research" and "research summary" as the main columns, provides the latest theories, methods and research progress of water and soil conservation, and takes "water and soil conservation of the Yellow River" as the characteristic column, The latest research results of water and soil conservation in the Yellow River basin of China will be released to promote academic exchanges and technological progress in the field of water and soil conservation in the world. [10]

personnel training


Award setting

  • Science and Technology Award of China Soil and Water Conservation Society
The Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Society of Water and Soil Conservation is an award approved by the National Science and Technology Award Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (GKZSZZ No. 0159) to reward scientific and technological workers and scientific and technological groups of water and soil conservation who have made outstanding contributions in the field of water and soil conservation in China. The Science and Technology Award is selected once a year, The Youth Science and Technology Award is selected every two years. The Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Society of Soil and Water Conservation is the highest award in the field of soil and water conservation in China at present. Those who have won the first prize of the Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Society of Soil and Water Conservation can be qualified to apply for the National Science and Technology Award. [11]
Review Meeting of Science and Technology Award of China Soil and Water Conservation Society

Science popularization activities

  • National Day of Disaster Prevention and Reduction
On May 12, 2021, the Chinese Society of Soil and Water Conservation and the Shandong Society of Soil and Water Conservation jointly held the 2021 National Day of Disaster Prevention and Reduction Science Popularization Activity in Jinan, Shandong Province, with the theme of "preventing and resolving disaster risks and building a solid foundation for safe development". [12]

Cultural tradition

  • Purpose of the Institute
We should adhere to the guidance of Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Learn to abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, practice socialist core values, and observe social morality. The scientific and technological workers of soil and water conservation who have learned to unite, earnestly implement the basic line of the Communist Party of China and the policy of "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend"; Adhere to the scientific attitude and fine style of seeking truth from facts; Adhere to democratic meetings; Adhere to the idea that science and technology are the first productive forces; Advocate the spirit of "dedication, innovation, practicality and cooperation"; Promote the prosperity and development of soil and water conservation science and technology, promote the popularization and popularization of soil and water conservation science and technology, promote the growth of scientific and technological talents, and promote the combination of soil and water conservation science and technology with the market economy; Implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and sustainable development of water and soil conservation, and make contributions to building a harmonious, resource saving and environment-friendly society. [7]

Community leaders


Current leaders

List of current leaders of the 6th Council of China Society for Soil and Water Conservation
name list
Tian Xuebin
Vice President
Pu Chaoyong, Huang Zhengqiu, Wang Yujie, Cui Peng, Hu Chunhong, Shao Ming'an, Zhang Zhiqiang, Feng Hao
Secretary general
Zhang Zhiqiang (also the legal person of the Institute) [20]
standing director
(Ranked by strokes of surname) Ding Jiao (female), Yu Fawen, Wang Fei, Wang Yujie, Wang Xiangdong, Wang Min (female), Wang Ruizeng, Wang Yuanchang, Tian Xuebin, Feng Hao, Bi Xiaogang, Zhu Shoujun, Zhu Dangsheng, Ren Xiaobo, Ren Ming, Li Jianzhong, Shen Zhenyao, Shen Xuejian, Zhang Fan (female), Zhang Guangzhi, Zhang Xingyi, Zhang Yuqing, Zhang Zhiqiang, Zhang Jinchi, Zhang Keli, Zhang Lu (female) Shao Ming'an, Lin Jinshi, Zhao Xining, Hu Chunhong, Zhong Yonghong (female), He Xiubin, Yuan Aiping (female), Mo, Jia Wenping, Jia Zhiqing (female), Ni Wenjin, Xu Yanda, Huang Zhengqiu, Cui Jianguo, Cui Zhefeng, Cui Peng, Liang Yin, Han Fengxiang, Cheng Zhichu, Pu Chaoyong, Pan Qingbin [22]
(Sort by strokes of surname) Ding Guodong, Ding Jiao (female), Yu Fawen, Wan Dan (female), Gong Cheng, Ma Liang, Wang Xiaoping, Wang Fei, Wang Yunqi (female), Wang Wenlong, Wang Yujie, Wang Yahong (female), Wang Chuanming, Wang Xiangdong, Wang Zhiguo, Wang Zhaoyan (female), Wang Jian, Wang Min (female), Wang Ruizeng, Wang Fuling, Wang Yuanchang, You Wei, Niu Jianzhi (female) Fang Tianzong, Lu Gang, Tian Xuebin, Feng Hao, Ning Chunpeng, Bi Xiaogang, Zhu Shoujun, Zhu Dangsheng, Zhu Jipeng, Qiao Dianxin, Ren Xiaobo, Ren Ming, Liu Shiyu, Liu Qingxin, Liu Tao, Liu Xia (female), An Leping, Sun Fazheng, Su Fangli (female), Li Shengyu, Li Ning, Li Youhua, Li Jiwei, Li Huaiyou, Li Jianzhong, Li Runjie, Li Zhaoxia (female), Li Zhiguang Yang Xitian, Yang Xinbing, Xiao Peiqing (female), Wu Lichao, He Binghui, Yu Bin, Yu Xinxiao, Wang Feiyue, Shen Zhenyao, Shen Xuejian, Zhang Fan (female), Zhang Guangzhi, Zhang Pingcang, Zhang Dongwei, Zhang Yongjian, Zhang Xingyi, Zhang Yuqing, Zhang Zhiqiang, Zhang Jinsong, Zhang Jinchi, Zhang Keli, Zhang Xujun, Zhang Yu (female), Zhang Bin, Zhang Lu (female), Chen Guangfeng, Chen Fangxiao Chen Tao, Chen Jiazhou, Chen Xiangwei, Chen Jing (female), Chen Deliang, Shao Ming'an, Fan Jianyou, Lin Jinshi, Shang Runyang, Luo Weiqun, Luo Songping (female), Yue Hui, Jin Qiu, Zheng Yunze, Zheng Haijin (female), Shan Lishan, Zhao Wenzhi, Zhao Yongjun, Zhao Xining, Zhao Bangyuan, Hao Ming, Hu Chunhong, Hu Xuli, Zha Tianshan, Zhong Yonghong (female), Hou Xiaolong, He Xiubin Qin Wei, Qin Fuchang, Yuan Aiping (female), Mo Mo, Jia Wenping, Jia Lihai, Jia Zhiqing (female), Xia Bing, Dang Weiqin, Ni Wenjin, Xu Yanda, Xu Zhiyou, Xu Jinzhong, Gao Guangyao, Gao Yan, Gao Jianling, Gao Zhaoliang, Guo Xiaoping, Guo Zhanping, Huang Zhengqiu, Huang Rongzhen, Gong Wei, Cui Jianguo, Cui Zhefeng, Cui Peng, Cui Lei, Liang Wenjun, Liang Yin, Dai Ciren Ge Yonggang, Dong Zhi, Han Fengxiang, Cheng Yun (female), Cheng Zhichu, Pu Chaoyong, Meng Zhongju, Bao Wen, Pan Qingbin [22]

Successive leaders

name list
The first session
Yang Zhenhuai [15]
The second session
Yang Zhenhuai [16]
The third session
E Jingping [17]
The fourth session
Liu Ning [18]
The fifth session
Lu Guihua [19]