China Core Journal (Selection) Database

Database established by Wanfang Data Company
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Chinese core journals (Selection) Database Wanfang Data The company was established in 2003, and Wanfang Data is based on China's digital journals, and integrates China's science and technology that has been built for many years Literature database Chinese scientific papers And citation databases As well as some contents of journal entries in other relevant databases, the "Chinese core journal selection database" has been formed. [1]
Chinese name
China Core journal (selection) database
Operating company
Wanfang Data Company
Creation time
Basic Sciences
Chinese Society of Science and Technology Periodicals Editors

Document category

The Database of Chinese Core Periodicals (Selection) basically includes Chinese literature Unit of measurement Core journals of science and technology and social sciences Statistical source journal It is the data source basis for the evaluation of core journals and statistical analysis of papers. China Core Journal (Selection) Database mainly includes the following databases:
Statistical Source Journals of Chinese Scientific and Technological Papers - China's core journals of science and technology : Ministry of Science and Technology CITIC Evaluates the academic quality and impact of journals for scientific research performance evaluation
Chinese Science Citation Index Database: prepared by Chinese Academy of Sciences, focusing on Basic Sciences Journals in the field
Chinese core journals Peking University Library Compile and guide the library's literature procurement
Chinese core journals Selection database: Wanfang Data Produced by the company technical periodicals Resource database
Comprehensive Evaluation Database of Chinese Academic Journals Tsinghua University Scientific and technological journal resource database

Construction history

China Core Journal (Selection) Database Chinese Society of Science and Technology Periodicals Editors and Wanfang Data limited company The national seminar on internationalization and networking of core journals was held from September 22 to 23, 2003. Participants believed that the journal online is one of the effective ways to effectively promote the scientific, accurate and standardized evaluation of core journals, and an important window for Chinese journals to go international. The construction of China Core Journal (Selection) Database is the core journal evaluation and papers statistical analysis Of data source Basics.
Determining core journals is a complicated and huge systematic project, which should be carried out Bibliometrics To analyze, quantitatively evaluate academic journals and determine core journals, a large number of Journal paper And citation data as the basis of statistical sources, which requires the establishment of a complete, comprehensive and standardized core journal selection database. To this end, Wanfang Data Co., Ltd China Digital Journals Group Based in China Institute of Science and Technology Information Under the leadership of Literature database Chinese scientific papers And citation databases As well as journal entries in other relevant databases, China Core Journals (Selection) Database has been formed.
Wanfang Data's China Core Journal (Selection) Database further expanded the record range , included at the end of 2003 Chinese academic journals