Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics

Non profit social organizations
zero Useful+1
The Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics was founded in 1978 by Engineering Thermophysics An academic nationwide non-profit social organization formed voluntarily by scientific and technological workers and units of the discipline. Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics International Air breathing Engine Society International Society for Heat and Mass Transfer, International Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer International Combustion Society And other international academic organizations.
As of June 2013, there are more than 5000 members of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, with seven branches. [1]
Chinese name
Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics
Foreign name
Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics
Time of establishment
a founder member
Wu Zhonghua
Nature of running a school
Social groups
School characteristics
Non profit social organizations
Current leaders
President: Jin Hongguang Secretary General: Du Jianyi
11 Beisihuan West Rd, Haidian District, Beijing
Social credit code

Historical evolution

In October 1978, the founding meeting of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics was held in Moganshan, Hangzhou. [2]
The 6th member representative meeting of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics
In 1980, the first Council of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics was elected.
In August 1992, the executive director meeting of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics was held.
In 1999, the fourth council of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics was established.
In 2004, the fifth member representative meeting of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics was held. [1] [3]
In October 2009, the sixth member representative meeting of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics was held in Dalian. [4]
In November 2014, the 2014 Academic Conference of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics and the Seventh National Congress of Member Representatives and the Seventh Council were held in Xi'an. [5]

Organizational system


Institutional setup

  • The highest authority
The highest authority of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics is the General Assembly of Members, whose functions and powers are as follows:
1、 Formulate and amend the Articles of Association;
2、 Elect and remove directors;
3、 Review the work report and financial report of the Council;
4、 Formulate and revise the membership fee standard;
5、 Decide on termination;
6、 Decide on the work policies and tasks of the Institute;
7、 Decide on other major issues.
  • Actuator
The Council is the executive body of the General Assembly of Members, leading the Institute to carry out daily work during the intersessional period, and is responsible for the General Assembly of Members. The functions and powers of the Council are:
1、 Implement the resolutions of the General Assembly of Members;
2、 Elect and remove the chairman, vice chairmen and secretary-general; Elect and remove executive directors;
3、 To prepare for the convening of the General Assembly of Member Representatives;
4、 Report work and financial status to the member congress;
5、 To decide on the admission or expulsion of members;
6、 To decide on the establishment of offices, branches, representative offices and entities;
7、 To decide on the appointment of the Deputy Secretary General and the principal heads of each institution;
8、 To lead the work of all institutions of the Institute;
9、 Develop internal management system;
10、 Recommend excellent academic papers and outstanding popular science works;
11、 Decide on other major issues. [6]
  • Discipline branch
As of June 2013, the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics has seven disciplinary branches. [1]
Subject branch of China Engineering Thermophysics Society
Engineering Thermodynamics Branch of China Engineering Thermophysics Society
Aerothermodynamics Branch of China Engineering Thermophysics Society
Heat and Mass Transfer Branch of China Engineering Thermophysics Society
Combustion Branch of China Engineering Thermophysics Society
Multiphase Flow Branch of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics
Fluid Machinery Branch of China Engineering Thermophysics Society
Energy Utilization Branch of China Engineering Thermophysics Society

Organization Member

  • Member type
Membership types of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics: individual members and unit members.
1. Individual members shall meet one of the following conditions:
1、 Scientific and technical personnel of engineering thermophysics discipline at or above the level of assistant researcher, lecturer and engineer;
2、 Scientific and technical personnel in engineering thermophysics who have obtained a master's degree or above;
3、 Graduated from a university with a bachelor's degree, engaged in engineering thermophysics for more than three years in research, teaching, production, enterprises and institutions, and scientific education organization and management departments, and with a certain academic level; Or scientific and technical personnel who, although not graduated from an institution of higher learning, have work experience and academic level equivalent to that specified in the article;
4、 Leaders who enthusiastically and actively support the work of the Institute and are engaged in the work of relevant disciplines.
2. Unit members shall meet the following conditions:
Enterprises and institutions related to engineering thermophysics, with a certain number of scientific and technological teams, and participating in and supporting various activities of the society.
  • Membership and withdrawal
1. Membership conditions
Members who apply to join the society must meet the following conditions:
1、 Support the constitution of the society;
2、 Willing to join the society;
3、 Has certain influence in the business (industry, discipline) of the Institute;
2. Membership procedures
1、 Submit the application for membership;
2、 After discussion and adoption by the Council;
3、 The membership card shall be issued by the Council or the institution authorized by the Council.
3. Withdrawal instructions
When a member withdraws from the association, he/she shall notify the association in writing and return his/her membership card. If a member does not pay the membership fee or participate in the activities of the Association for one (usually three years at most) year, it will be deemed as automatic withdrawal.
If a member seriously violates the Articles of Association of the Society, he/she will be expelled after being voted by the Council or the Standing Council (the Council or the Standing Council).
  • rights and duties
1. Members enjoy the following rights:
1、 The right to vote, stand for election and vote;
2、 Participate in the activities of the Society;
3、 Obtain the priority of academic services;
4、 The right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the Institute;
5、 Voluntary membership and freedom to withdraw;
6、 Other rights stipulated in the association.
2. Members shall perform the following obligations:
1、 Implement the resolutions of the Institute;
2、 Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Institute;
3、 Complete the work assigned by the society;
4、 Pay membership dues as required;
5、 Reflect the situation to the society and provide relevant information;
6、 Actively write papers and participate in activities organized by the society;
7、 Other obligations stipulated in the association. [6]

Business assets

  • scope of business
The business scope of China Engineering Thermophysics Society is:
1、 Actively carry out academic exchanges in the field of engineering thermophysics and related disciplines, regularly hold engineering thermophysics academic conferences, discuss the development direction of engineering thermophysics, promote independent innovation, organize discussions on key academic topics and scientific investigation activities, and prosper China's engineering thermophysics science and technology.
2、 Actively promote and organize the basic research, high-tech research and technology development of engineering thermophysics and related disciplines, and strive to develop the high-tech industry of engineering thermophysics.
3、 We should strengthen academic exchanges, actively carry out non-governmental international academic exchanges, and develop cooperation and friendly exchanges with China's border, surgical and technical groups, and scientific and technical workers.
4、 Popularize scientific and technical knowledge of engineering thermophysics, and disseminate scientific spirit, ideas and methods. Carry out science and technology education activities for young people.
5、 To play an advisory role in the national scientific and technological development strategy, important scientific and technological policies and scientific decisions on national affairs related to engineering thermophysics, and actively put forward constructive suggestions.
6、 Edit and publish scientific and technological academic books and periodicals related to engineering thermophysics and relevant audio-visual products in accordance with relevant regulations, and disseminate scientific and technological information.
7、 Provide scientific and technological consulting and technical services, and undertake the evaluation of scientific and technological projects related to engineering thermophysics; With the approval of relevant government departments, carry out scientific and technological achievements appraisal, commendation and award of engineering thermophysics, accept the government's entrustment to undertake or organize and hold scientific and technological exhibitions according to the needs of market and industry development.
8、 Hold training courses, workshops and refresher courses related to engineering thermophysics, strive to do a good job in continuing education, actively cultivate and discover talents, and recommend outstanding talents to relevant departments.
9、 Provide relevant services for engineering thermophysics scientific and technological workers, and reflect the opinions and voices of scientific and technological workers to relevant departments.
  • Source of funds
1、 Membership fees;
2、 Donation;
3、 Government funding;
4、 Income from activities or services carried out within the approved business scope;
5、 Interest;
6、 Other legitimate income. [6]

Construction achievements


Activity communication

  • Annual academic meeting
Group photo of participants of Multiphase Flow Branch of the Academic Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics
In November 2014, the 2014 academic conference of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics was held in Xi'an. The conference was hosted by the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University undertake. 2208 papers were included in the conference, including 6 branches, including thermodynamics and energy utilization, thermal engine aerodynamics, heat and mass transfer, combustion, multiphase flow, internal flow fluid and fluid machinery, 4 conference reports and 106 symposiums. The participants discussed and exchanged views on the basis, frontier and hot issues of engineering thermophysics and energy utilization, as well as application issues related to national economic construction. [5]
  • Academic Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer
The academic conference on heat and mass transfer of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics is held from October to November every year. The conference topics cover heat conduction, convection heat transfer, phase change heat transfer, porous medium heat and mass transfer, radiation heat transfer, micro scale heat transfer, biological heat transfer, numerical calculation, measurement and display technology, industrial applications, heat exchangers and other fields.
On October 13, 2018, the academic conference on heat and mass transfer of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics was held in Harbin. [7]

Newspaper resources

Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
Journal of Engineering Thermophysics CA Chemical Abstracts (USA) (2014), JST Japan Science and Technology Promotion Agency Database (Japan) (2013) EI Engineering Index (US) (2016), Reviews of Heat and Mass Transfer (US), Abstract Magazine (Russia), JP Science and Technology Literature Express (Japan), CSCD Chinese Science Citation Database Source Journal (2017-2018) (including extended version), Beijing University《 Overview of Chinese Core Periodicals 》(The first edition in 1992, the second edition in 1996, the 2000 edition, the 2004 edition, the 2008 edition, the 2011 edition, and the 2014 edition), China Science and Technology Paper Statistics and Analysis Database, China Science and Technology Journal Abstracts Database, China Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database, China Journal Full Text Database, and China Science and Technology Journal Excellence Database. [8]

personnel training

  • Award setting
Wu Zhonghua Award Fund
In 2007, the "Wu Zhonghua Award Fund" was established by Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences It was jointly established with the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics.
"Wu Zhonghua Award Fund" is to promote Wu Zhonghua Mr. Wu Zhonghua's spirit of patriotism, dedication and hard work promotes the development of engineering thermophysics discipline, and cultivates young talents and graduate students who are interested in scientific research in relevant fields of engineering thermophysics discipline in China. The "Wu Zhonghua Award Fund" is open to all China, and awards young scientific and technological talents and graduate students who have outstanding scientific research achievements and innovative thinking in the field of engineering thermophysics discipline. [9]

Cultural tradition


Image logo

Emblem of China Engineering Thermophysics Society
The emblem of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics is composed of the abbreviation CSET and simple flame pattern. [1]

Spiritual culture

The purpose of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics is to unite and mobilize members and scientific and technical workers in the discipline of engineering thermophysics in China, promote the prosperity and development of science and technology, promote the popularization, application and promotion of science and technology, promote the growth and improvement of scientific and technological talents, and promote the combination of science, technology and economy; We should reflect the opinions of members and scientific and technological workers and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests; We should work hard to serve the economic and social development, build an innovative country, build a socialist harmonious society, and climb the peak of engineering thermophysics science and technology, produce achievements and talents.
The Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics implements the guidelines of national scientific and technological work for independent innovation, key leap forward, supporting development and leading the future, promotes the fashion of respecting labor, knowledge, talents and creation, advocates the spirit of "dedication, innovation, practicality and cooperation", adheres to the principle of independence, democracy and "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend" Policy.
The Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics abides by the Constitution, laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, abides by social morality, and earnestly implements the guidelines and policies of the Communist Party of China and the state. [6]

Current leaders

Leaders of the 7th Council of China Engineering Thermophysics Society
full name
Vice President
Chen Yong, Li Yinghong, Zhu Junqiang, Yang Yongping, Zhang Xing, Yao Chunde, Guo Liejin
Secretary general
Reference source [10]
The 8th Council of China Engineering Thermophysics Society [11]
President: Golden glow
Vice Chairman: Xuan Yimin, Li Yinghong, Guo Liejin, Yang Yongping, Yao Qiang, Zhang Xing, Chen Haisheng
Secretary general: Chen Haisheng (concurrently)
standing director: (In the order of phonetic alphabet of surname) He Yaling, Huang Zhen, Jiang Peixue, Jiang Shengyao, Liao Qiang, Liu Wei, Luo Ercang, Luo Zhongyang, Ma Longlong, Qi Fei, Song Yongchen, Sun Xiaofeng, Tan Heping, Wang Ruzhu, Wang Zhifeng, Xi Guang, Yan Jianhua, Yao Mingfa, Zhang Xinxin, Zhao Tianshou, Zheng Riheng, Zhong Wenqi
Directors: (In the order of family name spelling) Bai Bofeng, Cao Bingyang, Chen Zheng, Chen Yongping, Ding Jing, Du Chaohui, Duan Yuanyuan, Fan Wei, Gong Maoqiong, Gu Chunwei, Guo Zhaoli, He Hongzhou, He Maogang, Huai Xiulan, Huang Zhiyao, Huang Zuohua, Ji Lucheng, Li Jun, Li Qiushi, Li Shuiqing, Li Xiaosen, Liu Bo, Liu Chao, Liu Nai'an, Liu Qibin, Liu Zhongliang, Lu Huilin, Luo Kun, Lv Qinggang, Lv Youjun, Ma Lianxiang, Ma Xuehu, Ni Mingjiu, Nie Chaoqun, Qi Haiying, Qiu Limin, Shang Shoutang, Shi Lin, Tan Chunqing, Tan Huijun, Tang Dawei, Wang Jianwen, Wang Shuangfeng, Wang Jun, Wang Jianping, Wang Qiuwang, Wang Songtao, Wang Tianyou, Xiao Rui, Xie Huaqing, Xu Jinliang, Xu Minghou, Xu Zhiming, Yan Junjie, Yang Minlin, Yang Shuhua, Yao Jun, Yu Daren, Yu Bo, Yuan Jianping, Zhang Xiaosong, Zhang Yangjun, Zhao Li, Zhao Qingjun, Zhao Changying, Zhong Jingjun, Zhou Weixing, Zhu Xun, Zhu Zuchao