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China Aerospace Press

Press founded in 1980
China Aerospace Publishing House, affiliated to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation The leader of China's defense technology industry and one of the founders of aerospace industry Communist military leader Marshal wrote his own name for China Aerospace Publishing House. At present, it has two aerospace professional editorial rooms, five market editorial rooms and a magazine.
Chinese name
China Aerospace Press
Creation time
National best seller
general manager
Deng Ningfeng

Historical evolution

China Aerospace Publishing House, affiliated to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation , established in 1980, and transformed into an enterprise in 2010 China Aerospace Publishing Co., Ltd Over the years, we have published a large number of aerospace monographs in the direction of "based on aerospace and facing the market", which has generated strong repercussions in society, effectively spread aerospace culture, made contributions to the inheritance of aerospace technology, and provided knowledge guarantee for the development of aerospace industry; At the same time, we officially entered the field of public publishing in 2001 and published a large number of foreign language and economic books. With the support of channels and readers, we have achieved good results. According to the monitoring of the open book company, we ranked first in the field of practical English, second in the field of English reading, third in the field of small languages, eighth in the field of financial examination, and personal finance books Once ranked in the top five.


Existing departments of China Aerospace Publishing House: General Office, R&D Department, Editor in Chief Office, Finance Department, Distribution Department, Aerospace Editor Room 1 (for aerospace technology publishing), Aerospace Editor Room 2 (for aerospace culture publishing), Foreign Language Editor Room 1 (for practical English publishing), Foreign Language Editor Room 2 (for English reading publishing) Foreign Language Editing Room 4 (in the direction of small language publishing), Economic and Management Editing Room 1 (in the direction of economic management and financial examination publishing), Economic and Management Editing Room 2 (in the direction of personal finance publishing), and Science and Technology Innovation Guide Editing Room.


There are also two wholly-owned subsidiaries: Beijing Hanghang Bookstore and Beijing Hanghang Wenyuan.

leadership ranks

General Manager and Editor in Chief: Deng Ningfeng
Deputy General Manager and Deputy Editor in Chief: Zhang Tiejun
Deputy General Manager and Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission: Zheng Hongyan
Vice editor in chief: Li Zhicong
Vice editor in chief: Cao Xiaoyong

Main business

Aerospace Science and Technology Book Publishing Fund
China Aerospace Press
Aerospace Science and Technology Book Publishing Fund Is created by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation Established in 2007, it aims to encourage aerospace science and technology personnel to write books, continuously accumulate and inherit aerospace science and technology knowledge, provide knowledge reserves and technical support for aerospace industry, prosper aerospace science and technology book publishing, and promote the sound and rapid development of aerospace industry. The funded projects are approved by the Review Committee of Aerospace Science and Technology Book Publishing Fund and published by China Aerospace Publishing House.
The projects for which the publication fund is applied include works on basic theories of aerospace, works on aerospace engineering technology, reference books on aerospace science and technology, collections of experience and management ideas in aerospace model management, translations of cutting-edge technology development in various disciplines of aerospace in the world, and representative translations of scientific research, production, operation and management, as well as excellent books to popularize aerospace knowledge and promote aerospace culture to the public. The publishing fund is reviewed once or twice a year, and 10 to 20 projects are funded.
A series of popular science books on manned space flight in China
China Aerospace Press
A series of popular science books on manned space flight in China 》With China Manned Space Project Taking manned space science and technology knowledge as the main content, the paper is written according to the overall engineering and the seven constituent systems, which not only reflects the system engineering idea of the overall design, but also forms a volume according to the independent system, specifically interpret their characteristics, and pay attention to the organic connection between the systems. The whole series consists of 7 volumes, including system composition principle , technologies, methods, tests and achievements. The titles of each volume are as follows.
(1) The Dream of a Round Sky Road - Overview of China's Manned Space Project focuses on the overall manned space project. The content includes the significance and characteristics of manned space flight, the history and current situation of manned spacecraft, the preliminary preparation of China's manned space flight project, the system composition of China's manned space flight project, the process of China's manned space flight, the great achievements of China's manned space flight project, and the prospect of manned space technology.
(2) "Flying Heroes - Tracking the Astronauts' Flying Footprints" focuses on the astronaut system, including the responsibilities and roles of astronauts, astronaut selection and training, astronauts' life in space, astronauts' work in space, astronauts' medical supervision and medical insurance, the impact of weightlessness on astronauts, astronauts' ground simulation training, and the development prospect of manned space flight.
(3) "Exploring Space - Analysis of the Development and Utilization of Space Resources" focuses on space application systems, including overview of space resources development and utilization, space environment prediction and exploration research, space remote sensors, remote sensing information processing application research, land remote sensing application, atmospheric remote sensing application, marine remote sensing application, space life science and biotechnology research Space material science research, microgravity fluid physics research, space astronomical observation research, and space application prospect.
(4) The Shenzhou Crusade - Uncovering the Secrets of Manned Spacecraft focuses on the manned spacecraft system, including the development of manned spacecraft, the composition and construction of space stations, the overall design of manned spacecraft, the structure and mechanism of spacecraft, the thermal protection structure of manned spacecraft, the environmental control and life support of spacecraft, the thermal control of spacecraft, the power supply of spacecraft, the propulsion system of spacecraft Guidance, navigation and control of spacecraft, data management of spacecraft, measurement, control and communication of spacecraft, recovery and landing of spacecraft, instrumentation and lighting of spacecraft, emergency rescue of spacecraft, ground test and fault simulation of spacecraft, reliability of spacecraft and safety of astronauts.
(5) The Divine Arrow to the Sky - Interpretation of Manned Launch Vehicle focuses on the launch vehicle system, including the origin of rockets, rockets and manned rockets, the birth of Chinese manned rockets, aerodynamic design of manned rockets, structural dynamics of manned rockets, load and strength of manned rockets, rocket body structure of manned rockets, flight trajectory of manned rockets Flight control of manned rockets, guidance and control of manned rockets, attitude control of manned rockets, power of manned rockets, fault detection of manned rockets, escape aircraft, telemetry and external measurement and safety control of manned rockets, ground test and launch control of manned rockets, main equipment and work before launching of manned rockets, mobile launch platform of manned rockets, and development prospect of manned rockets.
(6) The Gobi Tiangang - Entering the Manned Space Launch Site focuses on the launch site system, including the site selection and requirements of the manned space launch site, the overview of China's manned space launch site, the spacecraft assembly test plant and refueling buckle cover plant, the vertical assembly test plant, the manned space launch tower, the launch site organization command and control communication system, the launch site refueling gas supply system Launch site technical service system, life and training of astronauts at the launch site, manned space launch procedures, collection of famous foreign space launch sites, and development prospects of space launch sites.
(7) "Blue Sky Chain - Exploration, TT&C Communication and Search and Rescue" focuses on TT&C communication system and landing site system, including space TT&C communication network, rocket flight measurement and control, spacecraft flight measurement and control, spacecraft return and landing control, astronaut search and rescue, space flight control center, land and sea based manned space TT&C communication network Space based TT&C communication network, new technology of manned space TT&C communication.
Series of Qian Xuesen and China Aerospace
China Aerospace Press
Series of Qian Xuesen and China Aerospace It was compiled by the research group of "Qian Xuesen and China Aerospace". The project was established in 2008 to collect and sort out Qian Xuesen's valuable historical data in the process of establishing and developing China's aerospace industry, and to excavate and inherit Qian Xuesen's valuable spiritual wealth. After more than three years of hard work, the research team of "Qian Xuesen and China Aerospace" interviewed more than 100 old leaders, experts and scientists, sorted out about 1 million words of audio recordings, consulted and extracted from the National Library, the Aerospace Archives Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The archives of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the archives of relevant aerospace institutes have more than 1 million words of information, collected from individuals, borrowed from relevant institutes, and extracted more than 200 books, more than 100 photos, more than 50 monographs, and more than 10 physical objects from newspapers and periodicals. Based on these information, the series Qian Xuesen and China Aerospace has been compiled to pay tribute to Comrade Qian Xuesen.


Over the years, we have won many awards such as "Three Hundred", "National Excellent Best Sellers", and many books have been selected into the rural bookstore.