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China Composite Materials Society

National non-profit industry organization
China Composite Materials Society was founded in January 1989 by Wang Junkui Song Huancheng Wu Renjie And other 7 professors; Nationwide, academic and non-profit voluntarily formed by science and technology and management workers engaged in composite materials and related disciplines and relevant units social organization
According to the official website of China Composite Materials Society in June 2018, the Society has more than 12000 individual members, 86 unit members, 31 branches and academic journals《 Journal of Composite Materials 》And the English language journal Composites Communications. [1]
Chinese name
China Composite Materials Society
Foreign name
Time of establishment
January 1989
a founder member
Wang Junkui Song Huancheng Wu Renjie et al
Nature of running a school
Social groups
School characteristics
National, academic and non-profit social organizations
Current leaders
Yu Jianyong [26] (Chairman of the Council) He Xiaodong [26] (Chairman of the Board of Supervisors)
37 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing
Social credit code
Registration authority
Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China

Historical evolution

In January 1989, the China Composite Materials Society was founded at the initiative of seven professors, including Wang Junkui, Song Huancheng and Wu Renjie; From January 19 to 20, the founding meeting and the first board meeting of the China Composite Materials Society were held in Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. [1-2]
From June 5 to 7, 1999, the third national member representative conference of China Composite Materials Society was held in Shandong Province Tai'an City Convening. [3]
On July 22, 2008, China Composite Materials Society Harbin Institute of Technology The Fifth National Congress of Member Representatives was held. [4]
On October 12, 2012, the 6th National Member Congress of China Composite Materials Society was held in Beijing Convening. [5]
On September 23, 2015, the fourth session of the sixth session of the Council of China Composite Society was held in Jiangsu Province Zhenjiang City Convening. [6]
On August 27, 2016, the 9th Standing Council of the 6th China Composite Materials Society was held in Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics; From November 12 to 13, the 7th National Member Congress and Academic Summit of China Composite Materials Society was held in Beijing. Leaders of the 6th and the proposed 7th Council of the Society and more than 300 representatives from all over the country attended the meeting. [7-8]
On January 7, 2017, the enlarged meeting of the first chairman working meeting of the seventh session of the China Composite Society was held in Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Convening. [9]
On November 26, 2018, according to the requirements of the Administrative Measures for Social Organization Assessment and the Notice on Carrying out the 2017 National Social Organization Assessment, from the end of 2017 to the present, the China Composite Materials Society has been rated as the national academic association rating 4A through the preliminary evaluation of a third-party organization. [10]
On the afternoon of October 27, 2023, the eighth member representative conference of China Composite Society was held in Beijing.
The first council of the seventh session of China Composite Materials Society

Organizational system


Institutional setup

  • The highest authority
The highest authority of China Composite Materials Society is the National Congress of Members, whose functions and powers are as follows:
(1) Formulate and amend the Articles of Association;
(2) Elect and remove directors;
(3) Review the work report and financial report of the Council;
(4) Deliberate the work report of the Board of Supervisors;
(5) Formulate and revise the membership fee standard;
(6) Determine work policies and tasks;
(7) To decide on the establishment of honorary posts;
(8) Decide on termination;
(9) Decide on other major issues.
  • Actuator
The Council is the executive body of the National Congress of Members, leading the group to carry out daily work when the National Congress of Members is not in session, and is responsible for the National Congress of Members. The functions and powers of the Council are:
(1) To implement the resolutions of the National Congress of Members;
(2) Elect and remove the chairman, vice chairmen, secretary-general and executive directors;
(3) Preparing for the National Congress of Member Representatives;
(4) Report on work and financial situation to the National Congress of Members;
(5) To decide on the admission and expulsion of members;
(6) To decide on the establishment, change and cancellation of offices, branches, representative offices and entities;
(7) To decide on the appointment of the Deputy Secretary General and the principal heads of each institution;
(8) Leading the work of various organizations of the group;
(9) Develop internal management system;
(10) Formulate and improve the financial management system and supervise its implementation;
(11) Decide on commendation and reward matters;
(12) Decide on candidates for honorary positions;
(13) Decide on other major issues. [11]
Organizational Structure of China Composite Materials Society
  • Branching structure
According to the official website of China Composite Society in June 2018, there are 31 branch [1]
Branch of China Composite Materials Society<br>
Polymer Matrix Composites Branch
Branch of Biomedical Composite Materials
Metal Matrix Composites Branch
Nanocomposites Branch
Civil Engineering Composite Materials Branch
Microfiber Composite Materials Branch
Natural Fiber Composite Materials Branch
Ceramic Matrix Composites Branch
Composite Reinforcement Branch
Professional Committee
Aerospace Composite Materials and Applications Professional Committee
Composite Structure Manufacturing Process and Equipment Professional Committee
Ship and Marine Engineering Composite Materials Professional Committee
Aerospace Power Composite Materials and Applications Professional Committee
Professional Committee of Dielectric Polymer Composites
Composite Surface and Film Professional Committee
Mineral Composites Professional Committee
Vehicle Engineering Composite Materials Professional Committee
Wind Power Engineering Composite Materials Professional Committee
Composite Structure Design Professional Committee
Aviation Composite Materials Professional Committee
Working Committee
Science Popularization Committee
Academic Exchange Working Committee
Scientific and Technological Advisory Committee
Society Award Committee
Youth Working Committee
Organizational Work Committee
Professional Title Evaluation Committee
Group Standards Working Committee
Science and Technology Evaluation Committee
Education and Training Committee
Working Committee on International Cooperation
Supervision and Audit Committee
Reference source [12]

Organization Member

According to the official website of China Composite Society in June 2018, the Society has more than 12000 individual members and 86 unit members. [1]
  • Member classification
The members of China Composite Materials Society include individual members and unit members. Individual members are divided into senior members, ordinary members and preparatory members.
  • Membership and withdrawal
1. Basic conditions
Members who apply to join the society must meet the following conditions:
(1) Support the constitution of the group;
(2) Willing to join the group;
(3) Associate engineers/engineers, lecturers, assistant researchers working in the field of composite materials in scientific research, teaching and production units, or scientific and technological personnel in the field of composite materials equivalent to the above level, as well as relevant management workers and authors who are enthusiastic about advocating the work of the society, can apply to become ordinary members;
(4) Have a meeting age of more than two years; Obtain a professional title equivalent to associate professor or above, or have a doctorate degree in the field of composite materials; Or scientific and technological personnel who have been engaged in composite materials and related fields for more than 5 years and have made remarkable achievements can apply to become senior members;
(V) Colleges and universities The third year or above undergraduate students can participate in relevant activities organized by the society as preparatory members.
(6) Enterprises and institutions engaged in research, teaching, production, design and management of composite materials science and technology and related majors, as well as relevant academic associations, can apply to become group members.
2. Procedures for membership:
(1) Submit the application for membership, and individual members can recommend themselves or be recommended by members of the Society;
(2) Passed by the Council or the Standing Council of the Society after reviewing the qualification in accordance with the Articles of Association;
(3) The membership card is issued by the secretariat of the Institute.
3. Withdrawal instructions
When a member withdraws from the association, he/she shall notify the group in writing and return his/her membership card. If a member does not pay the membership fee or participate in the activities of the group for one year, it will be deemed as automatic withdrawal.
If a member seriously violates the Articles of Association of China Composite Materials Society, he/she will be expelled after being voted by the Council or the Standing Council.
  • Membership Rights
1. Individual members
(1) Have the right to vote, stand for election and vote (excluding preparatory members) of the Institute;
(2) Give priority to participating in various academic activities held by the Society;
(3) Give priority to obtaining the journals and academic materials of the Institute related to their own business;
(4) The right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the Institute;
(5) Voluntary membership and free withdrawal.
2. Unit member
(1) The right to vote, stand for election and vote;
(2) Give priority to relevant activities of the Institute;
(3) Give priority to relevant academic materials of the society;
(4) The institute can be asked to give priority to technical consultation;
(5) Can request the Society to assist in organizing training courses, etc;
(6) The right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the Institute;
(7) Voluntary membership and free withdrawal.
  • Member obligations
(1) Abide by the articles of association and implement the resolutions of the association;
(2) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the group;
(3) Complete the work assigned by the group;
(4) Pay membership dues as required;
(5) Report the situation to the group and provide relevant information. [11]

Business assets

  • scope of business
China Composite Materials Society compound material The following work is carried out in the field or related disciplines:
(1) Activate academic ideas, carry out academic and technical exchanges, promote the development and application of composite materials science and technology, promote discipline construction and cultivate scientific and technological talents.
(2) Edit and publish the Journal of Composite Materials, composite science and technology books and periodicals, academic conference proceedings and other technical materials in accordance with relevant regulations, and organize the writing of academic works and popular science books.
(3) Promote and carry out continuing education and technical training for members and scientific and technological workers.
(4) Popularize scientific and technological knowledge of composite materials, spread and promote advanced composite technology, and carry out technical training and scientific and technological education activities for young people.
(5) We will carry out scientific and technological exchanges between international composites societies, and develop friendly exchanges and technical cooperation with scientific and technological groups, experts and scholars outside China.
(6) Carry out composite material science and technology exchange activities in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and develop friendly exchanges and technical cooperation with scientific and technological groups, experts and scholars in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
(7) Carry out decision argumentation on major issues in composite material science and technology development strategy and economic construction, put forward policy suggestions, and carry out scientific and technological development, consultation and technical services.
(8) Undertake the social service functions transferred by the government, such as innovation evaluation, achievement appraisal, business training, technical standard formulation, professional title review and certification.
(9) Through learning activities, actively discover outstanding scientific and technological talents and innovative scientific and technological achievements, carry out scientific and technological award activities approved in accordance with relevant regulations, and recommend to relevant departments to promote the social trend of "respecting knowledge and talents".
(10) Reflect the wishes and requirements of members and scientific and technological workers, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, and organize various activities to serve members and scientific and technological workers.
(11) Hold scientific and technological exhibitions, scientific and technological exchanges, etc., to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and promote cooperation between industry, university and research.
(12) Organize scientific and technical workers to participate in the consultation and formulation of national science and technology strategy, planning, layout, science and technology policies, laws and regulations, and political consultation, scientific decision-making, and democratic supervision of national affairs.
  • Source of funds:
(1) Membership fees;
(2) Appropriation from China Association for Science and Technology;
(3) Support unit appropriation;
(4) Government funding;
(5) Donation;
(6) Income from activities and services carried out within the approved business scope;
(7) The return of intellectual property rights held by the Institute;
(8) Other legitimate income. [11]

Construction achievements


Activity communication

  • China International Conference on Composite Materials Science and Technology
The 3rd China International Composite Science and Technology Conference
The China International Conference on Composite Materials Science and Technology (CCCM) is a domestic brand academic activity founded by the China Composite Materials Society in 2013. Its purpose is to improve the application level and scope of composite materials, lead the composite innovation research and development of traditional materials, expand and extend the disciplinary connotation of composite materials, and serve as a member The branch structure and the governing unit set up a scientific and technological exchange platform with an international perspective to promote the self construction of the "Society" and the development of industry university research cooperation in the industry.
On October 21, 2017, sponsored by China Composite Materials Society and Hangzhou Municipal Government, Hangzhou Science and Technology Association The 3rd China International Conference on Composite Materials Science and Technology (CCCM-3) was held in Hangzhou. The theme of the conference was "composite new materials, predict the future", with nearly 2000 participants. [13]
  • The 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM21)
ICCM has been held every two years since 1975. It takes turns in all countries in the world and follows the principle of rotation in Europe, Asia and the United States. The 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM21) was hosted by the China Composite Materials Society. After the 7th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM7) was first held in Guangzhou, China, in November 1989, after 27 years, it was hosted by China for the second time.
From August 21 to 25, 2017, the 21st International Composite Materials Conference (ICCM21) was held in Xi'an Qujiang International Conference Center, with the theme of "Innovation and Development of Advanced Composite Materials". The conference lasted for five days, aiming to promote the exchange of composite experts from various countries and display the latest research and industrialization achievements in the field of international composite materials through the discussion of various disciplines in the field of composite materials, Promote the cooperation and development of composite material experts from all countries. [14]
  • China International Conference on Composite Materials Science and Technology in the Field of New Energy
From October 13 to 14, 2018 Tai'an Municipal People's Government The first China International Conference on Composite Materials Science and Technology in the Field of New Energy (CCNE) and the first New Energy Composite Materials Industry Innovation Exhibition (EICNE) were held in Tai'an, Shandong Province, with the theme of "innovation synergy and green development". [15]
  • Sino Japanese Academic Conference on Composite Materials
The China Japan Joint Conference on Composite Materials is jointly held by the China Composite Materials Society and the Japan Composite Materials Society and is held every two years. The purpose of the meeting is to provide a good academic exchange platform for experts, scholars, engineering technicians and researchers interested in composite materials in both China and Japan, comprehensively display the latest scientific research achievements on composite materials, strengthen the exchange and cooperation between the material academia of both countries, and promote the further development of the two countries in the field of materials.
From October 20 to 25, 2018, the 13th China Japan Composite Materials Academic Conference (CJJCC-13) was held in Lanzhou, China. [16]

Newspaper resources

Academic journal sponsored by China Composite Materials Society《 Journal of Composite Materials 》And the English language journal Composites Communications. [1]
The Journal of Composite Materials mainly publishes papers with innovative, high-level and significant latest research achievements in basic research and applied research in the field of composite materials in China; Yes《 EI Compendex, Elsevier's Scopus《 CA 》It is also the core journal of science and technology in China (the source journal of statistics of scientific and technological papers in China), and has been included in the full text database of China Journal Network, CNKI, Wanfang Data《 China Science Citation Database 》And other databases.
Composites Communications reports innovative ideas and latest research achievements in the field of composite materials, as well as the most advanced and cutting-edge technological breakthroughs in processing, synthesis, material properties and mechanical models. [17]

Honors won

In December 2021, it was selected into the list of proposed support societies of the Innovation Society with Chinese Characteristics. [25]

personnel training


Award setting

  • Youth Award
In order to commend young scientific and technological workers who have made outstanding contributions to China's composite materials scientific research, technological innovation and development, the promotion and application of scientific and technological achievements, and the popularization of science and technology, encourage independent innovation of scientific and technological workers, and promote the emergence of young talents, the China Composite Materials Society established the "China Composite Materials Young Scientist Award" And "China Composite Material Outstanding Young Engineer Award".
The "China Composite Materials Young Scientist Award" and the "China Composite Materials Outstanding Young Engineer Award" are selected every two years. In principle, the number of winners in each award is not more than 5, and previous winners will not repeat the award. [18]
  • Excellent Paper Award
In order to promote scientific and technological progress in the field of composite materials in China and promote the training of high-level creative young talents, the China Composite Materials Society has set up the award of "China Composite Materials Excellent Doctoral Degree Literature and Theory". The selection is carried out once a year, with no more than 5 excellent papers selected each time, and no more than 5 outstanding paper nomination prizes are set up. [19]

Popular Science Education

Popular Science Education
Activity time table
The popular science publications and derivatives of China Composite Materials Society have original popular science articles, original multimedia popular science works, etc. [20]
  • Education and training
According to the official website of the China Composite Society in June 2018, the China Composite Society has established a multi-level and systematic training system for professional and technical personnel in the form of a series of engineering and technical training courses for practitioners of the composite industry nationwide in combination with topics such as composite mechanical property testing, composite structure design and application, and composite molding technology, It has successfully held eight continuing education training courses, and has trained more than 1000 talents. [21]
  • Youth Talent Promotion Project
On March 21, 2018, the 2017 – 2019 Youth Talent Promotion Project of China Composite Materials Society was officially launched. From 2017 to 2019, 328 young talents were finally selected for the "Youth Talent Promotion Project", of which 8 young talents were selected by the Academy. [22]

Cultural tradition


Image logo

Image logo
The emblem of China Composite Materials Society is a pattern composed of the English abbreviation CSCM. The China Composite Materials Society will give full play to the role of the Communist Party of China and the government as a bridge and link between scientific and technological workers, and earnestly study and implement the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. [1]

Purpose of the Institute

By holding academic conferences, exhibitions, training courses, scientific and technological awards and other activities, host a series of scientific and technological journals, and build a platform for academic exchanges and industrial cooperation among Chinese composite material practitioners; Keep close contact with scientific researchers, production technicians and graduate students in the field of composite materials, strengthen exchanges between the academic and industrial circles in the field of composite materials in China and international peers, and promote and train young scientific and technological talents; Promote the development and application of composite materials science and technology in China, advocate energy conservation and environmental protection, improve the industrial structure, and increase enterprise innovation capability and product added value; Adhere to the principle of independence and democracy, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members, and contribute to building a scientific and technological innovation oriented country and a harmonious society. [11]

Community leaders


Current leaders

Leaders of the 7th Council of China Composite Society<br>
President of the Council
Yu Jianyong
Vice President of the Council
Hou Xiao, Wang Yuzhong, Zhang Lianmeng, Gong Shengkai, Li Hejun, Dong Shaoming, Zhou Limin
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
He Xiaodong
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
Cao Zhenghua
Secretary General of the Council
Li Wei
Executive Secretary of the Council
Leaf stamen
Deputy Secretary General of the Council
Wang Jihui, Lin Gang, Liang Jun, Wei Xiaoding, Xie Weihua, Shen Yang, Gu Junwei, Bao Jianwen, Zhang Zongbo
Reference source [26]

Successive leaders

Secretary general
The first session
Zhang Yao
The second session
Wang Ang
Zhang Ning
The third session
Zhang Yao
Cui Deyu
The fourth session
Zhang Yao
Yan Ying
The fifth session
Du Shanyi
The sixth session
Zhang Boming
The seventh session
Chen Xiangbao
Zhang Boming
Reference source [23-24]