China Urban Planning Society

Academic groups and social organizations
zero Useful+1
The China Urban Planning Society is a national academic group and professional organization in the field of urban planning, and an excellent academic association of the China Association for Science and Technology, Ministry of Civil Affairs 4A level social organization; The predecessor of the society is the Academic Committee of Urban and Rural Planning of the Chinese Architectural Society, which was established in Beijing in 1956.
According to the official website of China Urban Planning Society in June 2018, the Society has 5 working committees, 21 professional academic committees and 23 local associations; The Secretariat of the Institute's Office has three sub departments. [1]
As of April 8, 2016, there were 181 senior members of China Urban Planning Society. [2]
Chinese name
China Urban Planning Society
Foreign name
Urban Planning Society of China
Time of establishment
Nature of running a school
Social groups
School characteristics
Academic, national and non-profit social organizations
competent department
Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development of the People's Republic of China
Current leaders
Chairman: Yang Baojun Secretary General: Shi Nan (concurrently)
9 Sanlihe Rd, Beijing
Registration authority
Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China
Social credit code

Historical evolution

In 1956, the Academic Committee of Urban Planning (the Academic Committee of Urban and Rural Planning of the Chinese Architectural Society) was established in Beijing.
In May 1960, a symposium on urban and rural planning was held in Guilin.
In September 1977, the Party Group of the State Construction Commission issued a "Notice on Actively Carrying out the Work of the Architectural Society" to all provinces, cities and autonomous regions. Subsequently, the Chinese Academy of Architecture convened some directors and other construction science and technology workers in Beijing to discuss the organization and activities of the Society. After discussion, it was decided to restore 13 professional academic committees, including the Urban Planning Academic Committee, and to determine the heads of the preparatory groups to start activities; Urban Planning magazine was launched.
From August 12 to 18, 1978, the founding meeting of the second Academic Committee of Urban Planning (Academic Committee of Urban Planning of the Chinese Architectural Society) was held in Lanzhou.
From March 20 to 25, 1979, the Metropolitan Transport Planning Group of the Academic Committee of Urban Planning was established in Beijing.
From January 5 to 21, 1980, the 1980 annual meeting of the Academic Committee of Urban Planning of the Chinese Architectural Society was held in Tianjin; From March 2 to 8, the second symposium on urban transport planning was held in Shanghai.
From December 17 to 23, 1981, the founding meeting of the Third Academic Committee of Urban Planning (the annual meeting of the Academic Committee of Urban Planning of the Chinese Architectural Society) was held in Shijiazhuang.
In December 1982, the fourth symposium on urban transportation planning was held in Wuhan.
In April 1983, the second meeting of the residential area planning group of the Academic Committee of Urban Planning was jointly held in Xiamen with the subject review meeting of Research on Detailed Planning of Residential Areas undertaken by the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design.
From January 22 to 23, 1984, the annual meeting of the Academic Committee of Urban Planning was held in Beijing.
On January 3, 1986, the Chinese Urban Planning Academic Committee began to use the name of the Chinese Urban Planning Society in academic exchanges with foreign countries; From October 14 to 17, the Regional Planning and Urban Economics Group of the Academic Committee of Urban Planning held the fourth National Symposium on Urban Chemistry in Shijiazhuang.
On January 18, 1989, the third standing committee of the seventh session of the Chinese Architectural Society studied and decided to "gradually adjust the academic committee of urban planning to a secondary society"; From August 25 to 31, the second secretarial work meeting of the fourth session of the Academic Committee of Urban Planning was held in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia
On December 15, 1990, the first session of the Standing Council of the Chinese Society for Urban Planning held its first meeting.
On November 9, 1992, the Urban Planning Society reported to the Ministry of Construction the "Report on Applying for Upgrading to a First class Society and Handling the Registration of Societies" and the Society's Articles of Association, organizational structure and other relevant materials. The Ministry of Construction has agreed to change the name of the Urban Planning Society of the Chinese Architectural Society to the Chinese Urban Planning Society (the first level society).
On November 5, 1993, the Chinese Society for Urban Planning issued a notice, starting from November 6, 1993, to use the new seals of academic committees and working committees of various disciplines.
From November 28 to December 1, 1994, the secretarial work meeting of the Chinese Society for Urban Planning and the annual meeting of the National Urban Planning Science and Technology Information Network were jointly held in Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
From October 22 to 24, 1995, the Chinese Society of Urban Planning held a symposium on the renewal of old cities in Xi'an.
From June 25 to 30, 1996, the Chinese Society of Urban Planning held a training course on urban planning and design in Beijing.
On March 25, 1997, the fourth executive director meeting of the first session of the Chinese Society of Urban Planning was held in Beijing.
In December 1998, China Urban Planning Society established Beijing Yingguo Urban Planning Consulting Co., Ltd.
In June 1999, the Secretariat of China Urban Planning Society compiled and printed the Profile of China Urban Planning Society; On September 20, the seventh executive council meeting of the first session of the Chinese Society of Urban Planning was held in Beijing.
On December 12, 2001, the second council of the second session of the Chinese Society of Urban Planning was held in Hangzhou.
On December 6, 2002, the 8th Standing Council of the 2nd Session of the Chinese Society of Urban Planning was held in Xiamen.
On June 16, 2003, the 9th Standing Council of the 2nd session of the Chinese Society of Urban Planning was held by means of communication.
On September 20, 2004, the first standing council of the third session of the Chinese Society of Urban Planning was held in Beijing Jingfeng Hotel.
On December 7, 2005, the fourth chairman meeting of the third session of the Chinese Society for Urban Planning was held in Beijing.
On September 20, 2006, the third standing council of the third session of the Chinese Society of Urban Planning was held in Guangzhou.
On January 29, 2007, the Chinese Society of Urban Planning held a group worship meeting to welcome the New Year in Beijing on January 29; On August 31, the fourth standing council of the third session of the Chinese Society of Urban Planning was held in Harbin.
From September 19 to 21, 2008, the 2008 China Urban Planning Annual Conference was held in Dalian.
On October 14, 2010, the fourth enlarged meeting of the fourth executive council of the Chinese Society of Urban Planning was held in Chongqing.
On January 30, 2011, the fifth executive council of the fourth session of the Chinese Society of Urban Planning was held by means of communication.
On December 13, 2014, the annual working meeting of the Academic Work Committee of the Society was held in Shanghai.
On January 5, 2015, the official website of China Urban Planning Association "China Urban Planning Network" was comprehensively revised and launched.
From September 24 to 26, 2016, the "2016 China Urban Planning Annual Conference" was held in Shenyang. [3]

Organizational system


Institutional setup

  • The highest authority
The highest authority of the Chinese Society of Urban Planning is the General Assembly of Members, whose functions and powers are:
(1) Formulate and amend the Articles of Association;
(2) Elect and remove directors;
(3) Review the work report and financial report of the Council;
(4) Formulate and revise the membership fee standard;
(5) Decide on termination;
(6) Discuss and decide on the working policies, tasks and major issues of the group;
(7) Decide on other major issues.
  • Actuator
The Council is the executive body of the General Assembly of Members, leading the group to carry out daily work during the intersessional period, and is responsible for the General Assembly of Members. The functions and powers of the Council are:
(1) Implement the resolutions of the General Assembly of Members;
(2) Elect and remove the chairman, vice chairmen and secretary-general; Elect and remove executive directors;
(3) To prepare for the convening of the General Assembly of Member Representatives;
(4) Report work and financial status to the member congress;
(5) To decide on the admission or expulsion of members;
(6) To decide on the establishment of offices, branches, representative offices and entities;
(7) To decide on the appointment of the Deputy Secretary General and the principal heads of each institution;
(8) Leading the work of various organizations of the group;
(9) Develop internal management system;
(10) Reward, commend and confer honorary titles;
(11) Decide on other major issues. [4]
  • Organization
According to the official website of China Urban Planning Society in June 2018, the Society has 5 working committees, 21 professional academic committees and 23 local associations; The office of the society is the secretariat, which consists of editorial department, consulting department and liaison department. [1]
Working Committee and Professional Academic Committee of China Urban Planning Society
Organizational Work Committee
Academic Committee of Urban Design
Youth Working Committee
Academic Committee of Urban Ecological Planning
Academic Work Committee
Academic Committee on Urban Safety and Disaster Prevention Planning
Editorial and Publishing Committee
Academic Committee of Urban Transport Planning
Standardization Working Committee
Academic Committee on History and Theory of Urban Planning
Academic Committee on Housing and Community Planning
Urban Imaging Academic Committee
Academic Committee on Regional Planning and Urban Economy
Academic Committee of Urban Master Planning
Academic Committee of Landscape Environmental Planning and Design
Academic Committee for Urban and Rural Planning Implementation
Academic Committee for Planning of Historic and Cultural Cities
Academic Committee of Mountain Urban and Rural Planning
Academic Committee for the Application of New Technologies in Urban Planning
Academic Committee of Rural Planning and Construction
Academic Committee of Small Town Planning
Academic Committee for Urban and Rural Governance and Policy Research
Overseas Academic Committee on Urban Planning
Urban Renewal Academic Committee
Academic Committee of Engineering Planning
Academic Committee for Regulatory Detailed Planning
Local associations of China Urban Planning Society
Beijing Urban Planning Society
Ningbo Urban Planning Society
Shanghai Urban Planning Society
Anhui Urban Planning Industry Association
Urban Planning Association of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Fujian Urban Planning Society
Shenzhen Urban Planning Society
Xiamen Urban Planning Society
Guangdong Urban Planning Association
Jiangxi Urban Planning Society
Tianjin Urban Planning Society
Shandong Urban Planning Research Association
Chongqing Urban Planning Society
Hubei Urban Planning Association
Shanxi Urban Planning Society
Hunan Society of Urban and Rural Planning
Inner Mongolia Urban Planning Society
Zibo Urban Planning Association
Liaoning Urban Planning Association
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Urban Planning Association
Jiangsu Urban Planning Society
Qingdao Urban and Rural Planning Society
Zhejiang Urban Planning Society

Member organizations

The members of China Urban Planning Society are divided into individual members and unit members.
  • Basic conditions
Members who apply to join the group must meet the following conditions:
(1) Support the constitution of the group;
(2) Willing to join the group;
(3) It has certain influence in the business area of the group.
  • Membership and withdrawal
Procedures for membership:
(1) Submit the application for membership;
(2) After discussion and adoption by the Council;
(3) When the Council is not in session, it shall be discussed and adopted by the Standing Council;
(4) The membership card shall be issued by the Council or the institution authorized by the Council.
(1) When a member withdraws from the association, he/she shall notify the group in writing and return his/her membership card. If a member does not pay the membership fee or participate in the activities of the group for one year, it will be deemed as automatic withdrawal.
(2) If a member seriously violates the Articles of Association, he/she shall be expelled after being voted by the Council or the Standing Council.
  • Rights and obligations of members
Members enjoy the following rights:
(1) The group's right to vote, stand for election and vote;
(2) Participate in the activities of the group;
(3) Obtain the priority of the group's services;
(4) The right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the group;
(5) Voluntary membership and freedom to withdraw;
(6) Preferential access to books and periodicals compiled and printed by the group;
(7) Unit members have the right to request the group to provide assistance in technical consultation, demonstration, evaluation or training;
Members shall perform the following obligations:
(1) Implement the resolutions of the group;
(2) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the group;
(3) Complete the work assigned by the group;
(4) Pay membership dues as required;
(5) Report the situation to the group and provide relevant information. [4]
  • Senior member
As of April 8, 2016, there were 181 senior members of China Urban Planning Society. [2]
Senior member of China Urban Planning Society<br>
Date of grant
full name
First batch
May 31, 1991
Fang Xianfu
Wang Wenke
Bai Minghua
Ren Zhenying
Liu Shijing
Sun Ping
Wu Jiwu
Song Jiatai
Zhang Shaoliang
Zhang Jingboil
Chen Heng
Zhou Yongyuan
Zheng Xiaoxie
Jin Jingchang
Hou Renzhi
Xuan Xiangliu
Xia Zonggan
Cao Hongtao
Dong Jianhong
Pei Ping
The second batch
June 29, 1993
Fang Yuncheng
Mao Changwu
Wang Zuokun
Bian Hongmou
Lun Yongqian
Liu Changcheng
Lv Guangqi
Sun Zongfen
An Yongyu
Zhu Zixuan
Qi Kang
Yu Qingkang
Li Zhun
Li Dehua
Shen Yulin
Chen Gan
Chen Duo
Chen Zhanxiang
Zhou Jingjiang
Zheng Zhixiao
Zhao Shixiu
Chai Xixian
Qin Zhijie
High but not dangerous
Chu Chuanheng
The third batch
September 20, 1999
Ma Yuxiang
Wang Qing
Wang Jianping
Deng Shuping
Feng Rong
Wu Weicai
Wu Tongmin
Wu Mingwei
Zhang Zhaoshu
Zhang Qicheng
Zhang Xisheng
Zhang Dingyi
Zhang Xianghan
Zhang Weiqiang
Yang Mou
Zou Deci
Chen Ximiao
Lin Qiao
Zheng Chaoshen
Yu Shengfang
Zhao Youhua
Xu Jingyou
Guo Enzhang
Gu Lin
Huang Guangyu
Huang Junde
Huang Fuxiang
Wen Fuyu
Cheng Huazhao
Ge Qiming
Dong Guangqi
Xie Weisun
Yong Jiaxi
Bao World Bank
Fan Binggeng
The fourth batch
September 18, 2004
Kong Qingrong
Wang Ze
Wang Huiwu
Wang Huiying
Ren Zhouyu
Lv Junhua
Zhu Dayong
Zhu Guiquan
Lao Cheng
Zhang Wenqi
Zhang Wenbin
Zhang Shouyi
Li Changjie
Yang Yuanxi
Qiu Anji
Zhonglu Shan
Zhou Weijun
Zhou Yueting
Lin Yinxin
Fan Lixiu
Yu Wanjun
Zheng Guangzhong
Hu Lichen
Hu Xilai
Zhao Bingshi
Ling Chongsheng
Xia Shiyi
Weng Keyin
Qian Lianhe
Cao Shifa
Zhang Jihong
Huang Shinong
Huang Tianqi
Fu Guangzhang
Cheng Fengxia
Wei Qirui
The fifth batch
August 20, 2009
Qiu Pingqiu
Wang Dong
Wang Weihua
Wang Jinghui
Stanley Quan
Liu Yujuan
Liu Guanping
Zhu Guanhai
Zhu Jiansong
Zhu Jiaguang
Xu Xueqiang
Ruan Yisan
He Shanquan
Wu Zhenbang
Song Qilin
Zhang Youzhu
Li Jue
Li Baoshu
Wang Zhiming
Shen Tingshou
Chen Youhua
Radisson Chen
Chen Shanxi
Shan Lanyu
Shang Bingyi
Luo Dong
Luo Chengzhang
Fan Yuzhuo
Fan Yaobang
Yao Shimou
Ke Huanzhang
Jing Qimin
Zhao Chuankang
Zhao Zhijing
Xu Daofang
Guo Fangming
Guo Lianqi
Guo Zengrong
Huang Shujin
Fu Yangyan
Peng Yuanxiang
David Jiang
Cai Ruyuan
Pan Shuyu
Wei Yili
The sixth batch
April 8, 2016
Wang Fengshan
Wang Yifang
Zheng Junjun
Fang Qingfang
Zhao Chenghan
Xia Liqing

Business assets

  • scope of business
The business scope of China Urban Planning Society includes:
(1) Carry out academic exchange activities at home and abroad;
(2) Carry out research on discipline and professional education to promote discipline development and professional talent training;
(3) Promote the advanced and applicable technology of urban and rural planning, and publicize the scientific knowledge of urban and rural planning;
(4) Provide consulting and technical services, and undertake relevant scientific and technological assessment with the authorization of relevant government departments;
(5) With the authorization of relevant government departments, carry out achievements appraisal, technical standards development and other work, and participate in the relevant work of registered urban planners;
(6) Organize the editing and publishing of academic journals, monographs, popular science books and other publications, and host websites and other Internet media in accordance with relevant regulations;
(7) Carry out continuing education and promote knowledge updating;
(8) Carry out international academic exchanges and strengthen friendly exchanges with academic groups outside China and urban and rural planning workers. Authorized by relevant government departments, as a national member, participate in international planning organizations such as the International Society of Urban and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) on behalf of the Chinese planning community;
(9) Organize activities to serve urban and rural planning workers, reflect their opinions and requirements, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, and recommend talents.
(10) Hold commendation and reward activities related to urban and rural planning with the approval of relevant government departments;
(11) Other business work to promote the development of the discipline and industry and social public welfare activities in line with the purpose of the group.
  • Source of funds
Funding source of China Urban Planning Society:
(1) Membership fees;
(2) Donation;
(3) Government funding;
(4) Income from activities or services carried out within the approved business scope;
(5) Interest;
(6) Other legitimate income. [4]

Construction achievements


international co-operation

On May 19, 2015, a delegation of 9 Uzbek urban planning experts visited the Chinese Society of Urban Planning. [5]
From September 12 to 16, 2016, the 52nd International Planning Conference of the International Society of Urban and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) was held in Durban, South Africa, with the theme of "Existing Cities vs Ideal Cities". Shi Nan, Vice President of ISOCARP, Vice President and Secretary General of China Urban Planning Society, attended the conference and introduced the annual ISOCARP Review on behalf of the International Planning Society. [6]
From November 6 to 17, 2017, the 23rd United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP23) was held in Bonn, Germany. Shi Nan, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of China Urban Planning Society, introduced the leading role of Chinese urban planners in the field of climate change in a video speech. [7]

Newspaper resources

The journals of China Urban Planning Society are Urban Planning and China City Planning Review (English version of urban planning), and publications such as Phoenix Pins the City, Human Residence and Urban Transport are published. [1]
city planning 》It is a national Chinese core journal, a Chinese science and technology core journal, a Chinese humanities and social sciences core journal, a first prize for outstanding journals of the Ministry of Construction, a double effect journal of the General Administration of Press and Publication, a Chinese journal matrix, a Chinese scientific and technological paper statistical source journal, a source journal of the Chinese Science Citation Database, a source journal of the Chinese humanities and social sciences citation database Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index Source journals Comprehensive Evaluation Database of Chinese Academic Journals Statistical source journals Chinese Journal Full Text Database Full text journals Chinese sci-tech journal database Include periodicals. [8]
The Report on the Status of Chinese Cities is an international platform for promoting and commenting on the development of Chinese cities. Since 2010 International Academy of Eurasian Sciences China Association of Mayors UN Habitat With the joint efforts of the Quartet, three volumes have been edited and published. [9]

Talent building

  • Award setting
1. Lifetime Achievement Award
The "Lifetime Achievement Award" is the highest award of the Chinese Society of Urban Planning, formerly known as the Outstanding Contribution Award, which was renamed as the Lifetime Achievement Award at the ninth enlarged meeting of the three executive directors on September 11, 2009. This award is used to commend people who have made outstanding contributions to the academic research field of urban planning, promoting the development of urban planning, and expanding the influence of the Urban Planning Society. Each council (four years) of the society will select it once. [10]
2. Outstanding scientific and technological workers
"National Excellent Urban Planning Scientific and Technological Workers" was established in 2010 to commend scientific and technological workers directly engaged in scientific research, design, management, teaching, popularization and service in the field of urban planning, which is a lifelong honorary title. After obtaining this title, you can apply for the honorary title of "National Excellent Scientific and Technological Worker". The honorary title is selected every two years, and no more than ten people are commended each time, and is issued during the annual meeting of China Urban Planning. [10]
3. Outstanding Worker Award
The "Outstanding Institute Worker Award" was established in 2001, and is selected every two years, mainly to carry forward the scientific spirit, promote integrity, encourage the institute workers who are enthusiastic about making contributions to the development of urban planning and actively serve the urban planning workers, give better play to the advantages of academic organizations, and promote the improvement of urban planning theory and practice. [10]
4. Jin Jingchang Excellent Paper Award
The "Jinjingchang Excellent Paper Award for Chinese Urban Planning" is a national award established in memory of Mr. Jinjingchang, the founder of China's urban planning specialty. It is selected from the authoritative magazines in the urban planning industry every year through multiple rounds of selection. The purpose is to carry forward Mr. Jin Jingchang's spirit of rigorous scholarship, teaching and educating, and rewarding the latter, and promote the development of urban planning discipline in China. [10]
5. National Youth Thesis Award
The National Youth Thesis Competition started in 1987 and is held every two years. The competition aims to enliven the academic atmosphere, promote discipline construction, and provide a stage for young people to show their talents. The age of contestants shall not exceed 40 (inclusive). [10]
6. Qiushi Paper Award
The Qiushi Theory Forum was organized by Canadian Chinese scholars Liang He Nian The professor suggested that the Chinese Society of Urban Planning should hold a "Truth Seeking Theory Forum" every two years during the National Urban Planning Annual Conference, collect papers from home and abroad, and divide them into professional groups (including college teachers, researchers, professionals) and student groups (including undergraduate and graduate students) according to the author's background. The Chinese Society of Urban Planning has formed a paper review committee to review the contributions. The jury will select no more than three winners from the contributions of the professional group and the student group, make a special speech at the "Seeking Truth Theory Forum" held at the annual meeting of China Urban Planning, and all the winning papers will be published in full on the magazine Urban Planning. [10]
7. Annual Meeting Organization Award
The "Annual Meeting Excellent Organization Award" was established in 2007. It is selected once a year during the annual meeting to reward those units or groups that have long supported the work of the Association's annual meeting, actively participated in the work of the annual meeting, and have outstanding performance in organizing employees to participate in the paper submission of the annual meeting, participate in the annual meeting, and so on. [10]
8. China Urban Planning Youth Science and Technology Award
The "China Urban Planning Youth Science and Technology Award" was established in 2013, and is selected every two years. It is an award for young urban planning science and technology workers across the country. It is used to commend and reward young urban planning scientific and technological talents who have made outstanding achievements in national economic development, social progress and scientific and technological innovation. The winners can be recommended to apply for the "China Youth Science and Technology Award". [10]

Cultural tradition


Image logo

Image logo
The emblem of the Chinese Society of Urban Planning is composed of geometric patterns and the words "Chinese Urban Planning".

Purpose of the Institute

We should unite the vast number of urban and rural planning workers, abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, abide by social ethics, carry out academic research and exchange activities, promote the discipline construction of urban and rural planning, disseminate scientific knowledge of urban and rural planning, promote the professional development of urban planning, and improve the theoretical and practical level of urban and rural planning in China, Serve the sustainable development of urban and rural areas and the healthy development of urbanization in China. [4]

Community leaders


Current leaders

The 6th Council of China Urban Planning Society [17]
President: Yang Baojun
Executive Vice President : heather
Vice President : Wang Kai, Wang Jianguo, Wang Shusheng, Wu Jiang, Sun Yimin, He Xinghua, Zhang Jie, Zhang Shaokang, Zhang Wenzhong, Zhao Yanjing, Zhou Lan, Duan Jin
Secretary general : heather
Under Secretary General : Qu Changhong, Geng Hongbing
standing director (In the order of the strokes of the surname): Wang Yin, Wang Kai, Wang Jianguo, Wang Shusheng, Wang Fuhai, Mao Bing, Fang Chuanglin, Deng Xingdong, Shi Nan, Shi Xiaodong, Ye Bin, Ye Yumin, Feng Changchun, Sima Xiao, Bian Lanchun, Wu Jiang, Huachen, Qi Fei, Sun Yimin, Sun Shiwen, Li Dahong, Li Zhigang, Li Heping, Li Jinsheng, Yang Jun, Yang Baojun, Yang Xinhai, Qiu Yanqing, He Xinghua, Zhang Jie, Zhang Yue, Zhang Qin, Zhang Jian, Zhang Shaokang, Zhang Wenzhong, Zhang Shangwu, Zhang Jingxiang, Chen Tian, Chen Guiqiu, Lin Jian, Jin Yongzhang, Zhou Lan, Zhou Jian, Zheng Degao, Meng Jianmin, Duan Jin, Zhao Yanjing, Yuan Xin, Gao Huanggen, Huang Yaping, Mei Yaolin, Cui Kai, Peng Zhenwei, Zeng Jiuli, Xiong Jian, Huo Bing
director (In the order of family name strokes): Ding Zhigang, Ma Lin, Ma Donghui, Ma Xiangming, Wang Yin, Wang Kai, Wang Yong, Wang Bin, Wang Shifu, Wang Weiqiang, Wang Xingping, Wang Jinping, Wang Jianguo, Wang Shusheng, Wang Aiming, Wang Haofeng, Wang Fuhai, Wang Xinjun, Wang Huifang, Wang Panyan, Niu Xiong, Mao Bing, Wen Chaoxiang, Kang Dezhi, Fang Yu, Fang Chuanglin, Deng Dong, Deng Weiji, Deng Xingdong, Deng Chunfeng, Shi Nan, Shi Xiaodong, Shi Tiesha, Lu Tao, Ye Bin, Ye Yumin, Bai Bing, Feng Changchun, Feng Siqing, Feng Xingang, Ning Xuejun, Ning Xiaogang, Sima Xiao, Si Yonghua, Bian Lanchun, Bian Zhijie, Bi Linglan, Qu Changhong, Lv Jing, Lv Chuanting, Lv Huifen, Zhu Ziyu, Zhu Weihong, Wu Jiang, Huachen, Liu Feng, Liu Bomin, Liu Shaojun, Liu Yaolin, Qi Fei, Yan Fengying, Jiang Bo, Chi Libing, Tang Xiaolu, Tang Fanghua, Xu Chongguang, Ruan Chen, Sun Li, Sun Wei, Sun Yimin, Sun Shiwen, Yang Jianqiang, Yan Yan, Su Hongjian, Li Yi, Li Qi, Li Xia, Li Dahong, Li Yunjun, Li Zhigang, Li Yonghua, Li Heping, Li Jianwei, Li Jianjun, Li Yanbo, Li Cailin, Li Jinsheng, Li Jingyang, Yang Dian, Yang Tao, Yang Jun, Yang Bin, Yang Yifan, Yang Zijiang, Yang Yongsheng, Yang Changming, Yang Guiqing, Yang Sisheng, Yang Zhengping, Yang Baojun, Yang Xiaochun, Yang Peifeng, Yang Jingsheng, Yang Xinhai, Yang Yidong, Wu Xiao, Wu Yizhou, Wu Fenglin, Wu Xiaoguang, Qiu Yanqing, He Xinghua, Yu Biaofang, Zou Bing, Zou Zhe, Shaotao, Leng Hong, Min Xiying, Wang Xiaoqi, Song Jun, Song Xiaolong, Zhang Wei, Zhang Chun, Zhang Jie, Zhang Yue, Zhang Jing, Zhang Qin, Zhang Lei, Zhang Jian, Zhang Shaokang, Zhang Wenzhong, Zhang Yumin, Zhang Libin, Zhang Chuanhui, Zhang Yuanjing, Zhang Shangwu, Zhang Zhongguo, Zhang Jingxiang, Zhang Baowu, Zhang Xiaochun, Zhang Tiejun, Zhang Nenggong, Chen Tian, Chen Wen, Chen Youchuan, Chen Gaixiang, Chen Qianhu, Chen Guiqiu, Chen Xiaojian, Wu Tinghai, Lin Jian, Lin Conghua, Zhuo Jian, Luo Yong, Luo Tao, Luo Xiaolong, Luo Weiling, Luo Pingjia, Ji Ming, Jin Yongzhang, Zhou Lan, Zhou Jian, Zhou Jie, Zhou Qinghua, Zhou Guoyan, Zhou Jianyun, Zhou Suhong, Zheng Bin, Zheng Degao, Meng Zhaoguo, Meng Qingyan, Meng Jianmin, Zhao Bing, Zhao Wei, Zhao Liang, Zhao Hui, Zhao Tianyu, Zhao Yanjing, Rong Lihua, Rong Yuefang, Hu Qinggang, Duan Jin, Hou Baizhen, Hou Quanhua, Yun Shuang, Yao Benlun, Qin Changbo, Yuan Xin, Yuan Mu, Yuan Yuan, Yuan Jingcheng, Geng Hongbing, Geng Hong, Gu Kangkang, Dang Anrong, Ni Chengjing, Jun Haimin, Xu Congguang, Luan Feng, Gao Wei, Gao Xuelong, Gao Huanggen, Guo Wenjiong, Tao Zhongzhong, Huang Ping, Huang Yong, Huang Huan, Huang Yaping, Huang Dingxi, Huang Jingtao, Mei Zhao, Mei Yaolin, Gong Daoxiao, Cui Xu, Cui Kai, Lu Binzuo, Liang Dong, Peng Xiaolei, Peng Zhenwei, Dong Wei, Jiang Ling, Han Qing, Jing Guosheng, Fu Lide, Jiao Sheng, Shu Ping, Zeng Peng, Zeng Jiuli, Zeng Zhiwei, Lei Zhendong, Cai Jun, Zang Peishan, Tan Zongbo, Tan Chunhua, Zhai Guofang, Xiong Jian, Fan Fei, Pan Lizhen, Xue Hui, Huo Bing
Leaders of the 5th Council of China Urban Planning Society
full name
Work unit
Sun Anjun
Master, senior urban planner
Former Director of the Urban and Rural Planning Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Executive Director of the 4th Council
Executive Vice President
Doctor, professor level senior urban planner
Vice President of the International Society of Urban and Regional Planners, Vice President and Secretary General of the 4th Council
Vice President
Wang Jianguo
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor of School of Architecture, Southeast University
Yin Zhi
Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Vice Chairman of the 4th Council
Lv Bin
Doctor, professor
Director of Urban Planning and Design Center of Peking University
Doctor, professor
President of Shanghai Urban Planning Society, Vice President of Tongji University, Academician of French Academy of Architectural Sciences
Doctor, professor
Vice President of Tongji University, Academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Vice President of the 4th Council
He Xinghua
Former Director of the Planning, Finance and Foreign Affairs Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development
Zhang Quan
Master, senior urban planner
Former Inspector of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Vice President of the 4th Council
Zhao Wanmin
Doctor, professor
Former Dean of School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University
Doctor, professor
Member of Democracy Promotion Association, School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xiamen University
Zhou Lan
Chairman of Jiangsu Provincial Committee of Jiusan Society, Director of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development
Shi Weiliang
professor of engineering
President of Beijing Institute of Urban Planning and Design
Fan Jie
Doctor, researcher
Director of the Sustainable Development Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vice President of the 4th Council
Secretary general
Doctor, professor level senior urban planner
Vice President of the International Society of Urban and Regional Planners, Vice President and Secretary General of the 4th Council
Under Secretary General
Qu Changhong
senior engineer
Deputy Secretary General of the 4th Council, Director of the Liaison Department of the Secretariat
Geng Hongbing
Professor level senior planner
Deputy Secretary General of the 4th Council, Director of the Advisory Department of the Secretariat
Reference source [11]

Successive leaders

Leaders of the 4th Council of China Urban Planning Society
Honorary Chairman: Wu Liangyong Zhou Ganzhi Zou Deci
President: Qiu Baoxing
Secretary general: Heather [12]


In December 2021, it was selected into the list of first class societies with Chinese characteristics to be supported. [13]
On December 20, 2021, the Office of the Leading Group for the Selection and Commendation of National Advanced Social Organizations of the Ministry of Civil Affairs was announced as the fourth candidate for "National Advanced Social Organizations". [14]
On December 31, 2021, it was awarded the title of "National Advanced Social Organization" by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. [15]
In February 2022, it was selected into the list of systematic science communication of China Association for Science and Technology in January 2022. [16]