China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association

Non profit, national associations
zero Useful+1
China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association (English name: GNSS and LBS Association of China, referred to as "GLAC" or "Median Association") is a national industry association in the field of satellite navigation and location services in China, which is headed by the China Association for Science and Technology. Founded in 1995 Ministry of Civil Affairs The approved non-profit organization is China Association for Science and Technology Group members. [3]
According to the official website of the Association in April 2023, China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association has 29 professional committees. [3] [24]
Chinese name
China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association
Foreign name
GNSS and LBS Association of China
GLAC、 Median coordination
Competent unit
China Association for Science and Technology
Registration unit
Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China
National industry associations and non-profit organizations
Club address
Floor 4, Huaxin Building, No. 288, Jinjia Village, Fengtai District, Beijing
Date of establishment
Current leaders
President: Yu Xiancheng
Social credit code
five hundred and eleven thousand trillion and five billion one hundred and eighty thousand six hundred and thirty-eight
Legal representative
Liu Dake
Social groups [38]

Development history

On October 26, 2000, the second board meeting of the second session of the China Association of Global Positioning System Technology Applications was held in Wuhan. [4]
In November 2007, the representative meeting of members of China Association of Global Positioning System Technology Applications was held in Beijing. [5]
In June 2008, China Association of Global Positioning System Technology Applications held the first executive director meeting of the fourth council of the Association, and reviewed and passed the Self discipline Convention of China's Navigation and Positioning Industry. [6]
On September 24, 2012, the first annual meeting of China's satellite navigation and location services was held in Beijing. At the meeting, Li Yong, Deputy Director of the Civil Organizations Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, read the decision of the Ministry of Civil Affairs to change the name of China Association for Global Positioning Technology Applications to China Association for Satellite Navigation and Positioning. [7]
On September 25, 2013, the third meeting of the fifth council of China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association was held in the No. 2 conference hall on the second floor of Beijing International Convention Center. [8]
On January 16, 2014, the newly upgraded official website of China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association was officially launched and put into operation; [9] On April 15, the fifth executive director meeting of the fifth council of China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association was held in China's surveying and mapping innovation base; In August, China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association (CSNA) established a WeChat public platform and officially operated it through certification. [10]
On January 8, 2015, the "100 Cities, 100 Connections and 100 Uses" of the China Location Network Service Alliance entered the Jiangmen Beidou Forum and the seventh executive director meeting of the fifth session of the China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association was held in Jiangmen, Guangdong; [11] On June 12, the signing ceremony for the launch of the Beidou satellite navigation system "100 cities, 100 couplets and 100 uses" in the New Olympics and the Beidou Precision Service Network in 100 cities across the country was held in Langfang, Hebei Province; [12] On December 22, the eighth executive director meeting of the fifth session of China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association was held in China's surveying and mapping innovation base. [13]
On January 29, 2016, the China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association held the Beidou "100 Cities, 100 Connections and 100 Uses" action plan promotion meeting in Beijing. The conference issued the action declaration of Beidou "100 cities, 100 couplets and 100 uses"; [14] On July 20, the China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association released the 2015 White Paper on the Development of China's Satellite Navigation and Location Services Industry at the China Surveying and Mapping Innovation Base, and held the ninth executive council meeting of the fifth session. [15]
On May 17, 2017, the China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association held the launch of the White Paper on the Development of China's Satellite Navigation and Location Services Industry (2016) at the national surveying and mapping innovation base; [16] On June 28, the sixth member representative conference of China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association was held in China's surveying and mapping innovation base. Min Yiren, deputy director of the National Bureau of Surveying, Mapping and Geographic Information, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. At the meeting, it was announced that the Association was officially decoupled from the National Bureau of Surveying, Mapping and Geographic Information, and moved forward to establish a modern social organization with clear rights and responsibilities, autonomy according to law, and standardized governance; [17] On December 21, the first executive director meeting of the sixth session of China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association was held in China's surveying and mapping innovation base. [18]
On September 7, 2018, the second meeting of the sixth board of directors of China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association was held in Mianyang. At the meeting, major issues such as the Association's recent main work, future work plan and related construction were reviewed and voted. [19]
On June 11, 2019, the China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association held a scientific and technological achievement appraisal meeting on "Beidou Precision Agriculture Integrated Service System" and "Agricultural Machinery Centralized Intelligent Control Driving System Based on Beidou Precision Positioning" in Harbin. [20]
On June 12, 2020, the fifth executive director meeting of the sixth council of China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association was held in China's surveying and mapping innovation base. [21]
On December 3, 2021, China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association was selected into the list of characteristic innovation societies to be supported by China Association for Science and Technology, with the proposed support amount of 200000 yuan. [1]
On January 5, 2022, the first standing council and the first party committee (enlarged) meeting of the seventh council of China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association was successfully held in Beijing in the way of online and offline combination. [22]

Organizational system


Institutional setup

  • The highest authority
The General Assembly of Member Representatives is the highest authority of the Association, and its functions and powers are:
(1) Formulate and amend the Articles of Association;
(2) Decide on the work objectives and development plans of the Association;
(3) Formulate and revise the selection method of member representatives, directors, executive directors and responsible persons, and report to the Party building leading organ for filing;
(4) Elect and remove directors and supervisors;
(5) Formulate and revise the membership fee standard;
(6) Review the work report and financial report of the Council;
(7) To decide on the establishment of honorary posts;
(8) Deliberate the work report of the Board of Supervisors;
(9) Decide on name change;
(10) Decide on termination;
(11) Decide on other major issues.
The General Assembly of Member Representatives is held once every four years. If the term of office needs to be changed ahead of time or postponed due to special circumstances, it must be voted by the Council, reviewed and approved by the Party building leading organ, and then submitted to the registration administration organ for approval. The extension of the term of office shall not exceed 1 year.
The Association shall notify the member representatives of the topics of the meeting 15 days in advance when convening the member representative conference.
The members' congress shall adopt the method of on-site voting.
Upon the proposal of the Council or more than 50% of the members' representatives of the Association, a temporary members' congress shall be convened.
The temporary members' congress shall be presided over by the President. If the president does not or cannot preside over the meeting, the proposed council or member representative shall recommend a person in charge of the association to preside over the meeting.
The general meeting of member representatives can be held only when more than 2/3 of the members' representatives are present, and the resolutions can take effect only when the following conditions are met:
(1) Formulating and amending the Articles of Association and deciding to terminate the Association shall be approved by more than 2/3 of the representatives of the members present at the meeting;
(2) To elect directors, the number of votes for elected directors shall not be less than 1/2 of the members' representatives present at the meeting; The removal of directors must be approved by more than 1/2 of the representatives of the members present at the meeting;
(3) The formulation or modification of membership fee standards must be voted by more than 1/2 of the members' representatives present by secret ballot;
(4) Other resolutions must be passed by more than 1/2 of the members' representatives present at the meeting. [23]
  • Actuator
The Council is the executive body of the General Assembly of Members, leading the work of the Association when the General Assembly of Members is not in session, and is responsible for the General Assembly of Members.
The number of directors shall not exceed 250 at most, and shall not exceed 1/3 of the member representatives, and shall not come from the same member unit.
Directors of the Association shall meet the following conditions:
(1) The governing unit should have a certain scale and strength in the field of satellite navigation and location services;
(2) The director shall be the main leader of the director unit;
(3) Individual directors should have certain influence in the industry;
(4) We should be enthusiastic about the work of the association.
Each director unit can only appoint one person as a director. The unit shall notify the Association in writing of the change of director representatives and report to the Council or the Standing Council for the record. If the unit is also a standing director, its representatives shall be adjusted together.
The term of office of the Board of Directors is the same as that of the General Assembly of Members, and the term of office is changed at the same time as that of the General Assembly of Members.
The meeting of the Board of Directors can be held only when more than 2/3 of the directors are present, and its resolution can take effect only after more than 2/3 of the directors present vote.
If a director fails to attend the Council meeting for three times, he/she will automatically lose his/her qualification as a director.
The standing directors shall be elected by the Council from among the directors by secret ballot.
The person in charge shall be elected by the Council from the standing directors by secret ballot.
The removal of executive directors and responsible persons must be approved by more than 2/3 of the directors present at the meeting.
For the election of executive directors and responsible persons, the elected persons shall be determined according to the number of votes obtained, but the number of votes obtained shall not be less than 2/3 of the total number of votes.
The Council shall hold at least one meeting every year. In special circumstances, it can be held in the form of communication.
An interim board meeting shall be convened upon the proposal of the president or 1/5 of the directors.
If the President is unable to preside over the meeting of the Provisional Council, the convener shall elect a person in charge of the Association to preside over the meeting. [23]
  • Organization
According to the official website of the Association in April 2023, China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association has 29 professional committees. [3] [24]
Organization Chart of China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association

Organization Member

  • Member classification
The members of the Association are unit members and individual members. [23]
  • Membership conditions
Advocate the articles of association of the association, and those who meet the following conditions can voluntarily apply to join the association:
(1) Willing to join the association and recognizing the association's articles of association;
(2) Have a certain influence in the industry and related business fields;
(3) Support the work of the Association, participate in the activities of the Association, and pay membership fees as required;
(4) Enterprises and institutions that have a certain number of scientific and technological personnel and are engaged in the production, operation, application, management, scientific research and teaching of GNSS and location services, and social organizations that are engaged in the application of GNSS and location services technology can apply to become unit members;
(5) Individuals engaged in GNSS and location services and related fields who are enthusiastic about participating in and supporting the work of the Association can apply to become individual members. [23]
  • Membership procedures
The membership procedures are:
(1) Submit the application for membership (the unit shall affix its official seal);
(2) Submit relevant supporting materials, including:
1. Business license or registration certificate of other types of legal person;
2. Introduction to units and social organizations;
3. Individual members must provide valid certificates.
(3) It shall be discussed and approved by the Council or the Standing Council;
(4) The membership certificate shall be issued and announced by the Council or its authorized institution. [23]
  • Rights of Members
Members enjoy the following rights:
(1) The right to vote, stand for election and vote;
(2) To participate in the activities of the Association and obtain the priority of services;
(3) The right to know, to suggest and to supervise the work of the Association;
(4) Freedom to retire. [23]
  • Obligations of Members
Members must perform the following obligations:
(1) Abide by the Articles of Association and various provisions of the Association;
(2) Implement the resolutions of the Association;
(3) Pay membership dues as required;
(4) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Association;
(5) Report to the Association and provide relevant information;
(6) Submit the basic information form of the unit to the Association every year;
(7) Complete the tasks assigned by the Association. [23]
  • Withdrawal instructions
If a member violates laws, regulations and the Articles of Association, the following sanctions will be given after the Council or the Standing Council votes:
(1) Warning;
(2) Circulate a notice of criticism;
(3) Suspend the exercise of member rights;
(4) Delisting.
When a member withdraws from the association, he/she must notify the association in writing and return his/her membership card.
In any of the following circumstances, a member will automatically lose its membership:
(1) Failing to pay membership dues as required for two consecutive years;
(2) Fail to participate in the activities of the Association as required for two consecutive years;
(3) No longer meets the membership conditions;
(4) Loss of civil capacity.
After a member withdraws from the association, automatically loses his membership or is expelled from the association, his corresponding position, rights and obligations in the association will automatically terminate. [23]

Business assets

  • scope of business
(1) Reflect the problems and demands encountered in the development of the satellite navigation industry to relevant government departments, and publicize relevant national laws, regulations and policies to members;
(2) Organize members to carry out scientific and technological innovation, production cooperation and business exchange activities, improve the overall scientific and technological innovation and production service level of the industry, and promote mutual benefit and win-win results of member enterprises;
(3) Build self-discipline mechanism and enterprise integrity system in the satellite navigation industry, standardize member behaviors, coordinate member relationships, promote member communication and collaboration, safeguard national security, create a good market environment, and safeguard the overall interests of the industry and members' interests;
(4) Formulate and promote group standards in the field of satellite navigation and positioning technology, and carry out the selection of satellite navigation and positioning science and technology awards;
(5) Assist relevant government departments, organize members to implement scientific research projects and demonstration projects, and cultivate and recommend scientific and technological talents;
(6) Carry out research on the situation, industrial policies and strategic planning of satellite navigation industry, provide advice and suggestions for the government, and help members develop in high quality; Prepare and issue annual industry white papers in accordance with relevant regulations;
(7) Hold annual meetings, technical forum lectures, academic exchanges, business training, carry out popular science education and training, organize members to implement key technology research topics entrusted by relevant government departments, and provide members with industry information;
(8) Build a multimedia platform of the Association to publicize national policies, industry trends, member activities, high-quality products of enterprises, etc. to the society;
(9) Organize members to carry out international exchanges and cooperation;
(10) Undertake other matters entrusted by relevant government departments.
Matters within the business scope that must be approved according to laws and regulations shall be carried out after being approved according to law. [23]
  • Source of funds
(1) Membership fees;
(2) Donation;
(3) Government funding;
(4) Income from carrying out activities and providing services within the approved business scope;
(5) Interest;
(6) Other legitimate income. [24]

Construction achievements


academic exchange

In 2018, the 7th Annual Conference of China Satellite Navigation and Location Services and China Beidou Application Conference was held at the same time as the China Science and Technology City International Science and Technology Expo. With the theme of "Deepening Beidou Application and Promoting Industrial Development", the annual conference and Beidou Application Conference held the award ceremony of the annual Satellite Navigation and Positioning Science and Technology Progress Award, Innovation Application Award and Lifetime Achievement Award.
From September 10 to 12, 2019, the "8th Annual Conference of China Satellite Navigation and Location Services and China Beidou Application Conference" co sponsored by China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association, Zhengzhou Municipal People's Government and co organized by the Administrative Committee of Zhengzhou High tech Industrial Development Zone was held in Zhengzhou, Henan Province.
On September 21, 2022, the China Beidou Application Conference and the 11th Annual Conference of China Satellite Navigation and Location Services with the theme of "Smart Space Time Innovation and Leadership" was grandly opened in Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center, Henan Province. Academicians, experts and representatives of enterprises and institutions from the field of national satellite navigation and location services gathered together to discuss the way of Beidou's technological innovation and application innovation, and explore the prospects and paths of Beidou's large-scale application and high-quality industrial development. [25]

Academic journals

Journal of Navigation and Positioning
Journal of Navigation and Positioning 》It was established in October 2012 with the approval of the General Administration of Press and Publication of the People's Republic of China and officially launched in March 2013. It is an academic journal that is in charge of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China and sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping Sciences, the Chinese Society of Surveying and Mapping, and the China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association, It is also the first batch of academic journals recognized by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television. [26]

Honor recognition

In 2022, it was rated as a 4A national social organization in the 2022 national social organization assessment. [2]

personnel training


Award setting

  • Science and Technology Award for Satellite Navigation and Positioning
The Science and Technology Award for Satellite Navigation and Positioning is a national science and technology award for social forces (award No. 0212) approved and registered by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, which is the only science and technology award in the field of satellite navigation technology in China. [27]
  • Award for Progress in Satellite Navigation and Positioning Science
The Science and Technology Progress Award for Satellite Navigation and Positioning is one of the awards under the Science and Technology Award for Satellite Navigation and Positioning, which is mainly aimed at the innovative breakthroughs in basic theory, system design and other aspects of the satellite navigation industry units. [27]
  • Innovative Application Award of Satellite Navigation and Positioning
The Satellite Navigation and Positioning Innovation and Application Award is one of the awards under the Satellite Navigation and Positioning Science and Technology Award, which is mainly aimed at the important achievements of the satellite navigation industry units in the scientific and technological innovation and application. [28]
  • Lifetime Achievement Award for Satellite Navigation and Positioning
The Lifetime Achievement Award for Satellite Navigation and Positioning is awarded to scientists and scientific and technological workers who have made significant contributions to the development of China's satellite navigation science and technology, whose academic achievements have had a significant impact at home and abroad, whose academic ethics are noble and widely recognized. [29]

Popular Science Education

  • Cultural Activity
On September 17, 2022, the National Finals of the 2022 "Beidou Happy Running Science Popularization China" Competition, co sponsored by the China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association and the Zhengzhou High tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee, was successfully held in Tianjian Lake Park, Zhengzhou High tech Zone. [30]
  • Science popularization training
On April 9, 2021, the fourth training course of Regulations on the Scope of State Secrets in Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information Management sponsored by China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association was held in Haikou as scheduled. Nearly 300 people from the head of the secret related department of the national surveying and mapping qualification unit, the custodians and users of surveying and mapping results, and the member units of China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association participated in the training course. [31]
The fourth training class of Regulations on the Scope of State Secrets in the Management of Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information

Cultural tradition


Image logo

The emblem of China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association is composed of navigation and positioning system, signal tower, transmitting signal and the English abbreviation GLAC, which is the English abbreviation of GNSS and LBS Association of China. [3]
Association emblem

Purpose of the Association

The purpose of the Association is to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the guidance of Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and unite enterprises, institutions, and scientific and technological workers in China's satellite navigation industry, It is our responsibility to organize the research, application and promotion of navigation positioning and location services with the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) as the core, and promote the application and development of Beidou navigation technology in various industries. Serve members, industry, government and society. Represent the interests of members, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members, create a market order of cooperation, benign competition and sustainable development, and advocate and establish a self-discipline mechanism for the industry. Give play to the role of the bridge between the market and the government. [23]

Community leaders


Current leaders

name list
Honorary President
Sun Jiadong (Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) Xu Deming Liu Jingnan (Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering)
Vice President
Zhao Jicheng, Liu Dake (female), Liu Zhonghua, Jiang Derong, Yang Yukun, Gao Peigang, Wu Lin, Jia Biming, Li Shu, Zhao Jun, Yan Gang, Lin Luzhou, Wei Baoguo, Jiang Weiping, Han Shaowei, Sun Zhongliang, Fu Cheng, Zhang Yingzhi, Zhao Yong, Wu Lan (female), Zhang Jian, Li Zhisong (female)
Secretary general
Liu Dake (female)
Chief Supervisor
Wang Jiuhui
Deputy Chief Supervisor
Lu Ming, Wei Aihui [24]

Successive leaders

name list
The first session (1996-1999)
Zhang Ting [32]
The second session (2000-2003)
Wang Zhigang [33]
The third session (2004-2007)
Wang Zhigang [34]
The fourth session (2008-2011)
Chang Zhihai [35]
The fifth session (2012-2017)
Zhang Rongjiu [36]
The sixth session (2017-2021)
Yu Xiancheng [37]