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Party Flag of the Communist Party of China

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Party Flag of the Communist Party of China
The party flag is the flag representing a political party. The party flag of the Communist Party of China is a red flag with a golden party emblem on its surface, which is the symbol and symbol of the Communist Party of China.
The party flag of the Communist Party of China is a red flag with a golden party emblem on its surface. The emblem of the Communist Party of China is composed of a sickle and a hammer. [1] Issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee on September 21, 1996《 Provisions on The Making And Use of The Party Flag And Party Emblem of The Communist Party of China 》, officially set the party flag standard: "The party flag of the Communist Party of China is a red flag with a golden party emblem on its surface." [1]
Issued by the CPC Central Committee on June 26, 2021《 Regulations on the Party Emblem and Flag of the Communist Party of China 》And shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. [5]
Chinese name
Party Flag of the Communist Party of China
Flag face
Red flag with golden party emblem
Symbols and symbols of the Communist Party of China

Birth process

The party flag of the Communist Party of China is one of the symbols and symbols of the party. The party flag we see today has not existed since the founding of the party. It has taken a long time to grow from scratch to its finalization, and its process is closely related to the history of the party's development and growth.
In the early days of the founding of the Communist Party of China, local party organizations imitated the style of the flag of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) and used sickles and axes as symbols, with different specifications and styles. From the first Kuomintang Communist cooperation to the Nanchang Uprising, because of the requirements of the situation, the Communist Party of China played the flag of the Kuomintang. After the failure of the Great Revolution, Mao Zedong repeatedly stressed at the August 7th Conference and other occasions: "The flag of the Kuomintang has become the flag of the warlords, and only the flag of the Communist Party is the flag of the people." "We should not fight the flag of the Kuomintang anymore, we should fight the flag of the Communist Party high".
In September 1927, Mao Zedong proposed in the Autumn Harvest Uprising at the border of Hunan and Jiangxi that the banner of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army should be played and He Changgong should be responsible for the design. This flag is made of bright red cloth, with a yellow five pointed star sewn in the center, a sickle and an axe in the center, and the words "First Division of the First Army of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army" are written on the white flag cover. Since then, our party and army have their own flags.
On October 15, 1927, the joint meeting of the Southern Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee adopted the 14th Notice of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China: Recent Work Program, which clearly pointed out that "the blue and white flag should be abolished, and the red flag should be used instead, marked by axes and sickles." It basically framed the outline and elements of the party flag. In April 1933, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to change the "axe" pattern in the party flag and party emblem to the "hammer" pattern. Due to frequent wars, this decision could not be fully implemented. Since then, there has been a mixed use of "axe" and "hammer" in the expression, production and use of the party flag. In April 1945, the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was held in Yan'an, and the six party flags were dazzling. This is the first time that our Party has hung its flag at the National Congress.
After the founding of New China, Yang Shangkun, then Director of the General Office of the Central Committee, was very concerned about the issue of the Party flag. In June 1950, he wrote to Liu Shaoqi about the party flag, and attached three sets of party flag patterns and descriptions. In the same year, the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China drew up a plan for the production of the party flag: "The flag is red and rectangular, with a length ratio of three to two in height. The top left of the flag is decorated with a yellow sickle and ax, and the flagpole is covered with white." Since then, due to the continuous political movements, there has been no formal unified regulations on the standardized style of the party flag.
It was not until the reform and opening up that the issue of the Party flag was put back on the agenda. On September 21, 1996, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued Several Provisions on the Production and Use of the Party Flag and Party Emblem, which formally set the party flag norms: "The party flag of the Communist Party of China is a red flag with a golden party emblem on its surface. The party emblem of the Communist Party of China is a pattern composed of sickles and hammerheads." Since then, the party flag of the Communist Party of China has had a unified and clear norm. In November 2002, the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China adopted《 Constitution of the Communist Party of China 》It is specially written in the chapter of "Party Emblem and Party Flag" to clearly define the nature, production and use of the logo of the Party Emblem and Party Flag. [1] [3]
Issued by the CPC Central Committee on June 26, 2021《 Regulations on the Party Emblem and Flag of the Communist Party of China 》。 The Regulations is the first basic main regulation on the Party emblem and the Party flag in the history of our Party, and is the basic compliance of the production, use and management of the Party emblem and the Party flag. The Regulations take the Party Constitution as the fundamental principle, inherit existing good practices, absorb new practical experience, and comprehensively regulate the work of the Party emblem and the Party flag. The formulation and implementation of the Regulations are of great significance for giving full play to the political function of the Party emblem and the Party flag, enhancing the Party's cohesion and combat effectiveness, stimulating the Party members' and the Party's awareness, encouraging the whole Party to remember its original intention, remember its mission, strengthen its ideals and beliefs, and unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups across the country to march forward bravely under the Party's banner. [5]

Production and use

Standard party flag coordinate map (with accurate division line on it)
There are five general specifications of the party flag: (1) 288 cm long and 192 cm wide; (2) 240 cm long and 160 cm wide; (3) 192 cm long and 128 cm wide; (4) 144 cm long and 96 cm wide; (5) 96 cm long and 64 cm wide.
If it is necessary to use a Party flag of non general specifications in a specific place, it shall be reported to the Organization Department of the Party committee at or above the county level for approval.
The scope of use of the party flag is: (1) to convene the party's grassroots congress and hold the oath ceremony for new party members; (2) Major celebrations, commemorative activities and party day activities are held within the Party; (3) The Party flag may be hung in the conference rooms of the Party committees and their working departments, the representative offices and their working departments dispatched by the Party's central and local committees, and the Party's discipline inspection organs. In general, Party flags are not hoisted at the same time in places where the National Flag should be displayed according to the National Flag Law.
Party organizations at all levels and every Party member should safeguard the dignity of the Party flag. Party flags shall be made and used according to regulations. [2]

Preparation description

The two sides of the party emblem on the party flag face each other. For convenience, only the left side of the flagpole is taken as the description standard. For the right side of the flagpole, the left side should be changed to the right side.
1 The ratio of length to width of the flag is 3:2, and the upper left quarter of the flag is decorated with the party emblem.
2 Draw the middle line of the length and width of the flag surface to divide the flag into four equal rectangles, and draw a small square 18 horizontally and 12 vertically in the upper left rectangle. The design of the Party emblem is cut into a square with 8 × 8 small squares. The upper part of the square is 3 spaces above the flag, and the left side is 4 spaces below the flag.
3 The flagpole cover is white. [2]

laws and regulations

(On June 17, 2021, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee deliberated and approved the issue of the CPC Central Committee on June 26, 2021)
Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China in order to standardize the production, use and management of the Party emblem and the Party flag, give full play to the political functions of the Party emblem and the Party flag, enhance the Party's cohesion and combat effectiveness, stimulate the Party members' and the Party's consciousness, encourage the whole Party to never forget its original intention, remember its mission, strengthen its ideals and beliefs, and unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups across the country to march bravely under the Party's flag.
Article 2 The emblem of the Communist Party of China is a pattern composed of a sickle and a hammer. The party flag of the Communist Party of China is a red flag with a golden party emblem on its surface.
The party emblem and the party flag indicate that the Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, a Marxist party that strives tirelessly for the happiness of the Chinese people, the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the adherence to and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the realization of the lofty ideals of communism.
Article 3 The emblem and flag of the Communist Party of China are the symbols and symbols of the Communist Party of China.
Party organizations at all levels and every Party member should safeguard the dignity of the Party emblem and flag.
Article 4 The production, use and management of the Party emblem and the Party flag must adhere to unified standards and norms, and adhere to hierarchical responsibility and centralized management.
Article 5 The general dimensions of the diameter of the Party emblem are as follows:
(1) 100 cm;
(2) 80 cm;
(3) 60 cm.
If it is necessary to hang the Party emblem in a non universal scale, it shall be appropriately enlarged or reduced in proportion to the universal scale, which shall be suitable for the background and occasion.
The design of the Party emblem is generally golden or red.
Article 6 The Party emblem or its design shall be used under the following circumstances:
(1) Convene the Party's national and local congresses and conferences, hang the Party's emblem in a prominent position, and place five red flags on both sides of the emblem;
(2) Convene plenary meetings of the Party's central and local committees, and hang the Party emblem in a prominent position;
(3) The seals (impressions) of the Party's central and local committees and their working departments, the representative offices and their working departments sent by the Party's central and local committees in specific regions, the Party's discipline inspection organs, the Party's leading group, and the Party's grass-roots organizations, with the logo engraved in the middle.
Article 7 The Party's basic committee may hang the Party emblem when it needs to hold a Party members' congress or a Party members' congress.
Party logo can be used under the following circumstances:
(1) Certificates and signs used for important intra party meetings and activities;
(2) Medals, badges, awards, certificates and other honorary documents and certificates issued by Party organizations at all levels, and relevant work certificates produced;
(3) Important publications and propaganda materials within the Party;
(4) Network websites of Party organizations at all levels;
(5) Party member education base, Party member pioneer post, party building bulletin board (wall), party masses service center, party member activity room and other grassroots party organization activities;
(6) Carry out the Party's foreign exchanges.
Article 8 The general standards of the Party flag are as follows:
(1) 288 cm long and 192 cm wide;
(2) 240 cm long and 160 cm wide;
(3) 192 cm long and 128 cm wide;
(4) 144 cm long and 96 cm wide;
(5) 96 cm long and 64 cm wide.
If it is necessary to use a Party flag of a non universal scale in a particular occasion, it shall be appropriately enlarged or reduced in proportion to the universal scale.
Article 9 The Party flag shall be used under the following circumstances:
(1) Hold the oath taking ceremony for new party members and organize them to review the oath;
(2) Major celebrations and commemorative activities are held within the Party;
(3) The Party's central and local committees and their working departments, the representative offices and their working departments dispatched by the Party's central and local committees in specific regions, the Party's discipline inspection organs, and the meeting rooms of the Party's leading groups.
Article 10 The Party flag may be used under the following circumstances:
(1) Convene the Party members' congress and the Party's grassroots congress;
(2) The Party's grass-roots organizations carry out theme party days;
(3) Party member education base, Party member pioneer post, Party masses service center, Party member activity room and other grassroots party organization activities;
(4) Party organization positions and party member commandos in the front line of important work, key project tackling, rescue and disaster relief, and epidemic fighting;
(5) Carry out the Party's foreign exchanges.
In addition to the above situations, the design of the party flag is generally used with reference to the situation where the design of the party emblem can be used.
Article 11 Where it is necessary to fly the Party Flag and other flags at the same time under special circumstances, the Party Flag shall be placed at the first place.
Article 12 Where a party emblem or a party flag with a non universal scale is made, and the party emblem or a party flag and its pattern are used outside the prescribed circumstances, it shall be reported to the organization department of the party committee at or above the county level for approval.
Article 13 The Party emblem and the Party flag and their designs shall not be used for:
(1) Trademarks, patented designs and commercial advertisements;
(2) Private activities;
(3) Markers of private places and personal cyberspace;
(4) Personal daily necessities and furnishings of daily life;
(5) Other unsuitable places, situations and environments.
Article 14 It is not allowed to add any words, symbols and patterns on the Party emblem and the Party flag, or use damaged, stained and faded Party emblem and the Party flag, or make and use any Party emblem and the Party flag that do not conform to the instructions of the laws attached to these Regulations. It is not allowed to hang or use the Party emblem and the Party flag upside down, upside down or in any other way that may damage the dignity of the Party emblem and the Party flag.
Party emblem and flag shall not be discarded at will. Party emblems and flags that are damaged, stained, faded, marked words and symbols and do not conform to the provisions for production and use shall be taken back and disposed of in accordance with the provisions. After major celebrations and commemorative activities are held in the Party, the relevant units shall take back or properly dispose of the party emblem and flag used at the activity site in accordance with the principle of "who issues, who is responsible".
Article 15 After the death of a party member, with the consent of the grass-roots party committee of the unit where the party member's organizational relationship is located that has the relevant approval authority, the party flag may be covered on his remains or ashes boxes, but the party flag shall not touch the ground, shall not be cremated with his remains, and shall not be buried with the ashes boxes.
Article 16 The use of the logo of the Party emblem and the Party flag on the Internet and in publications should be placed in a prominent position.
The standard version of the logo of the Party emblem and the Party flag used in the network and publications is published on the Communist Party website and the CPC News website.
Article 17 The knowledge of the Party emblem and the Party flag shall be an important part of the study and education of the Party history, the education and training of Party members, and the training of activists for joining the Party.
Party organizations at all levels should educate Party members, members of the Communist Youth League, young pioneers and the masses of the people, understand the history and spiritual connotation of the Party emblem and the Party flag, consciously standardize the use of the Party emblem and the Party flag and its patterns, and respect and protect the Party emblem and the Party flag.
All news and publishing units shall strengthen the publicity of the knowledge of the Party emblem and the Party flag, report and use the news and pictures containing standardized designs of the Party emblem and the Party flag, and maintain the image of the Party.
Article 18 The Party emblem and the Party flag shall be made in accordance with the instructions for the system of the Party emblem and the Party flag of the Communist Party of China attached to these Regulations. Production enterprises shall be determined by the Party Committee Organization Department of the province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government) among enterprises with production qualification. No unit or individual is allowed to make Party emblem and Party flag without approval.
Article 19 In principle, the party emblem and the party flag should be distributed in a centralized manner, so that a party committee has a party emblem and a branch has a party flag, and the necessary funds can be disbursed from the party dues.
Article 20 Party organizations at all levels shall take the maintenance of the dignity of the Party emblem and the Party flag as a political task and earnestly perform their main responsibilities. The organization department of the party committee at or above the county level shall perform the supervision and management responsibility for the work of the party emblem and party flag of the unit in the region, and strengthen the supervision and management of the production, sales and commercial use of the party emblem and party flag together with the market supervision and management department.
Enterprises and individuals that illegally produce and sell products of the Party emblem and the Party flag, and those who use the Party emblem and the Party flag and its patterns in violation of these Regulations, should be criticized, educated, and corrected in a timely manner. If the circumstances are serious or they refuse to correct, they should be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions, and those suspected of illegal crimes should be dealt with in accordance with the law.
Article 21 The Central Military Commission may formulate relevant provisions in accordance with these Regulations.
Article 22 The party member badge is the identity mark of a party member, and its production, use and management shall be stipulated separately.
Article 23 The Central Organization Department shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations.
Article 24 These Regulations shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. The provisions on the Party emblem and the Party flag previously issued, if inconsistent with these Regulations, shall be implemented in accordance with these Regulations.
Annex: 1. Explanation of the CPC Emblem System Law
2. Explanation of the CPC Flag System Law
For details, please refer to the relevant articles distributed by the Xinhua News Agency News Photo Line [5]
(Issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee on September 21, 1996) [4]
Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in order to safeguard the dignity of the party flag and the party emblem of the Communist Party of China and standardize the production and use of the party flag and the party emblem.
Article 2 The flag and emblem of the Communist Party of China is the symbol and symbol of the Communist Party of China. Party organizations at all levels and every member of the Party should respect and cherish the Party's flag and emblem.
Article 3 The party flag of the Communist Party of China is a red flag with a golden party emblem on its face. The emblem of the Communist Party of China is composed of a sickle and a hammer.
Article 4 The general specifications of the Party flag are as follows:
(1) 288 cm long and 192 cm wide;
(2) 240 cm long and 160 cm wide;
(3) 192 cm long and 128 cm wide;
(4) 144 cm long and 96 cm wide;
(5) 96 cm long and 64 cm wide.
If it is necessary to use a Party flag of non general specifications in a specific place, it shall be reported to the Organization Department of the Party committee at or above the county level for approval. The specific size of the party emblem to be hung shall be proposed by the party organization using the party emblem and submitted to the party committee at or above the county level for approval.
Article 5 The Party flag and the Party emblem to be hung shall be designated by the Organization Department of the Central Committee from among the enterprises that produce the national flag and emblem, and shall be made in accordance with the instructions of the Law on the System of the Party Flag and Party Emblem of the Communist Party of China attached to these Provisions.
Article 6 Scope of use of the Party flag:
(1) Convene the Party's grassroots congress, and hold the swearing in ceremony for new Party members;
(2) Major celebrations, commemorative activities and party day activities are held within the Party;
(3) The Party flag may be hung in the conference rooms of the Party committees and their working departments, the representative offices and their working departments dispatched by the Party's central and local committees, and the Party's discipline inspection organs.
In general, Party flags are not hoisted at the same time in places where the National Flag should be displayed according to the National Flag Law.
Article 7 Scope of use of the Party emblem:
(1) The seals (impressions) of the Party committees and their working departments, the representative offices and their working departments dispatched by the Central and Local Committees of the Party, the discipline inspection organs of the Party and the leading Party members' groups shall bear the logo of the Party emblem in the middle;
(2) When convening the Party's national and local congresses and conferences, the Party emblem shall be hung, and five red flags shall be placed on each side of the Party emblem;
(3) The design of the Party emblem may be printed on the certificates of awards, certificates and other honorary documents and certificates issued by Party organizations at all levels;
(4) The Party logo can be printed on the Party publications.
In addition to the above situations, the use of the Party emblem and its pattern must be approved by the Organization Department of the Party committees at and above the county level.
Article 8 The hanging of the Party flag and the Party emblem shall be placed in a prominent position. The use of the Party flag and the Party emblem and their patterns should be serious and solemn.
Article 9 Party flags and party emblems that are damaged, stained, faded or do not conform to the production regulations shall not be used.
Article 10 The Party flag and the Party emblem and their designs shall not be used as trademarks or advertisements.
Article 11 Party organizations at all levels shall regularly supervise and inspect the implementation of these Provisions
The Party organizations and Party members under these Provisions shall be criticized and educated, and if the circumstances are serious, the party concerned shall be given disciplinary punishment.
Article 12 These Provisions shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. [2] [4]