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Hillhouse School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China

Second level comprehensive college of Renmin University of China
Hillhouse AI School of Renmin University of China is composed of founder and CEO of Hillhouse Capital, president of Yale University and alumni of Renmin University of China Zhang Lei He is a secondary college of Renmin University of China, which is responsible for the planning and construction of artificial intelligence discipline, and carries out undergraduate, master and doctoral talent training and scientific research in this discipline and related interdisciplinary fields. [2]
On January 19, 2019, the Hillhouse Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Renmin University of China was founded. [1] On April 22, the inaugural meeting and unveiling ceremony of Hillhouse AI Institute was held. [3]
The college will take the promotion of basic theory and technology research of artificial intelligence, the cross integration of artificial intelligence and humanities and social sciences, and the application of innovative practice in cutting-edge industries as its mission, and absorb and train independent thinkers and pioneers who deeply integrate artificial intelligence with various cross disciplines and practice fields
The vision of Hillhouse AI College is to build a world-class college that can influence and shape the future AI era, and to think about and create a "smart and warm" future for the world. [2]
Chinese name
Hillhouse School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China [1]
Foreign name
GaolingSchoolof Artificial Intelligence,Renmin University of China
Hillhouse Institute of Artificial Intelligence
Time of establishment
January 19, 2019 [1]
a founder member
Renmin University of China
Nature of running a school
Secondary college [1]
School category
General/science and engineering
competent department
Renmin University of China
Current leaders
Wen Jirong
Number of full-time academicians
Pan Yunhe
Undergraduate major
artificial intelligence
59 Zhongguancun St, Haidian District, Beijing
Well known teachers
Pan Yunhe Wen Jirong Dou Zhicheng

College Profile

Hillhouse Institute of Artificial Intelligence Renmin University of China The subordinate secondary college is responsible for Renmin University of China artificial intelligence Planning and construction of relevant disciplines, and carrying out talent training and scientific research in the field of this discipline. Hillhouse AI College will adhere to the development policy of "high starting point, high level, international and innovative", and in accordance with the development goal of "innovating first-class system and mechanism, building first-class teachers, cultivating first-class professionals, and producing first-class scientific research results", give full play to the existing advantages of the school in AI related disciplines, and build a world-class AI discipline, Improve the international influence and competitiveness of the school. [1]

development history

On January 19, 2019, Renmin University of China established the Hillhouse Institute of Artificial Intelligence. [1] On April 22, the inaugural meeting and unveiling ceremony of Hillhouse AI Institute was held. [3]

Main tasks

Promote the research on the basic theory and technology of artificial intelligence; Explore the establishment of a new type of cross research center to promote the deep integration of humanities and social sciences and artificial intelligence; Joint research centers and laboratories will be set up together with all sectors of society, and special talent training plans will be jointly created with world-renowned AI enterprises to encourage innovation and industrialization, and promote global AI dialogue with broad consensus. [2]