Chinese nation

[zhōng huá mín zú]
Political concept
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The Chinese nation( English: Chinese nation ), in the unified Multi-ethnic country It has formed and formed a diversified and integrated family of 56 ethnic groups with equality, solidarity, mutual assistance and harmony. The Chinese nation is the only community name that represents the modern Chinese nation. [22] Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture Is the root and soul of the Chinese nation. [26]
The Chinese nation was the first Liang Qichao In 1902《 On the general trend of changes in Chinese academic thought 》The concept proposed in the article. But as a free national entity, it has existed for thousands of years. The various ethnic groups that have thrived on the land of China continue to blend and converge. Especially since China formed a unified multi-ethnic country in the Qin and Han Dynasties, the concept of unity has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. All ethnic groups live in staggered distribution, depend on each other economically, embrace each other culturally, and are close to each other emotionally, ultimately forming a pluralistic and integrated Chinese nation. [20]
dependent history and Anthropology Theories are Fei Xiaotong "Pluralistic Oneness", and Xu Zhuoyun The political concept of the Chinese nation in the late Qing Dynasty Republic of China And the three times of New China have different definitions.
The Chinese nation has always been a peace loving nation Confucianism China also has deep roots. Since ancient times, the Chinese people have praised the peace thoughts of "harmony among all nations", "kindheartedness and good neighborliness are the treasure of the country", "brotherhood is everywhere", "distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors", "kinship and good neighborliness", and "although the country is large, belligerent will perish". The idea of peace loving is deeply embedded in the spiritual world of the Chinese nation, and it is still the basic concept of China's handling of international relations. [25]
Chinese name
Chinese nation
Foreign name
Chinese nation
First proposer
Liang Qichao
Proposed time

Vocabulary presentation

The Ancestor of Chinese Humanities Created Chinese Civilization
Prehistoric era Of: Youchao [1-2] Suiren's surname [3] Fu Xi [4] Divine Husbandman Emperor Yan [5] Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan Family) [6] Respected as the Chinese nation Humanistic Ancestor [2]
China, "China" Huaxia, that is, "China". China and Huaxia are called together. "China" becomes the abbreviation of China and Huaxia, and can also be the abbreviation of China. [27]
The modern meaning of the word "nation" came from Japan afferent China After the modern meaning of the word "nation" was introduced into China, the word "Chinese nation" came into being ethnology Vocabulary. The ancient meaning of "nation" in China can be seen in《 Southern Qi Shu 》In the thirty-five biographies of Gao Yi · Gu Huan, there is a saying that "today's Chinese women, the nation's Fu Ge".
In 1899, Liang Qichao In the article "Eastern Moon", the word "nation" in modern sense was used for the first time through the review and introduction of European world history works.
In 1901, Liang Qichao published《 On Chinese History 》In this article, the concept of "Chinese nation" was first put forward and the evolution history of the Chinese nation was divided into three periods:
"First, the history of the past, since Yellow Emperor Up to now, the unification of Qin Dynasty is China of China, that is, the era of self development, self competition and self unity of the Chinese nation ";
"Second, the history of the Middle Ages, since Qin After unification the Qing dynasty Qianlong At the end of the year Asia China, that is, the era when the Chinese nation negotiated, discussed and competed with other Asian nations most fiercely ";
"Third, modern history, since Qianlong From the end of the year, it is the time for China in the world, that is, the Chinese nation contracts with the whole Asian nation to negotiate and compete with the westerners.
The Chinese nation is one family, working together to build the Chinese dream
Liang Qichao repeatedly used three "Chinese nations" here, and sketched out the different characteristics of the three periods from a macro perspective, which was obviously the conclusion after a long time of thinking.
In 1901, Liang Qichao published《 On Chinese History 》In this article, the concept of "Chinese nation" was first put forward. On the basis of the "Chinese nation", Liang Qichao formally put forward the "Chinese nation" in 1902. He is《 On the general trend of changes in Chinese academic thought 》In this article, the connotation of the word "Zhonghua" is explained first. Then Liang Qichao discussed the Warring States period The term "Chinese nation" was formally used in the academic and ideological status of Qi. [7] As he said, "Qi is also a sea state. Ancient times The Chinese nation's thinkers on sea power are unique. Therefore, there are two kinds of ideas in the process: one is the concept of state; Second, the world outlook. "
From "seed conservation" and "nationality" to“ Chinese nation ”Liang Qichao basically completed the creation of the word "Chinese nation". This is the earliest word about "the Chinese nation", which has been used all along.
In 1905, Liang Qichao wrote another article, "Observation of the Chinese Nation in History", which focused on the analysis of the diversity and mixture of the Chinese nation from the perspective of historical evolution, and categorically concluded that "the Chinese nation was not a nation at all, but was actually a mixture of many nationalities.", Liang Qichao It has truly completed the revolutionary creation of the word "Chinese nation" from form to content. That is, the Chinese nation refers to all the ethnic groups in China, including Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui and Tibetan. It is a mixture of multiple ethnic groups. [7]
In 1907, after Liang Qichao, a famous representative of constitutionalism in the late Qing Dynasty Yang Du It also became an early user of the word "Chinese nation".
On New Year's Day in 1912, Sun Yat-sen In the Declaration of the Interim President of the Republic of China, it was also solemnly declared: "The foundation of the country lies in the people. The integration of Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui, and Tibetan into one country, that is, the integration of Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui, and Tibetan into one people... is the unification of the Japanese nation." In the Interim Law of the Republic of China, The national equality is stipulated in the form of law: "The people of the Republic of China are all equal, without distinction of race, class or religion". This is the idea of the "Five Nation Republic".
After 1924, Sun Yat sen's concept of "the Chinese nation" gradually became the kuomintang Programme of Action. Chiang Kai shek the Nanjing National Government After its establishment, it not only clearly confirmed the same idea, but also further played the banner of "rejuvenating the Chinese nation" on this basis. [8]
On April 18, 1927, the Declaration of the National Government on the Determination of the Capital in Nanjing declared that we should follow the teachings of Sun Yat sen and "realize Three People's Principles , make Republic of China As an independent and free country, the Chinese nation has become a free and equal nation. Compiled by the National Government《 Summary of Sui Meng 》In the opening note entitled "The Chinese Nation", the basic attitude and propositions on this issue were clearly expressed:
"The Chinese people are all descendants of the Yellow Emperor. Because of the different places where they were granted, they are scattered all over the country for a long time, and because of the great difference in climate and traffic, they have different customs, different languages and accents. Although they have the names of Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui, Tibetan, etc., like the difference between Zhang, Wang, Li and Zhao, in fact, the Chinese nation is the whole, and everyone is like a family, because China is originally a country created by one nation. Premier Sun said that the Chinese nation is the national race. Since the founding of the Republic of China, the principle of equality among the five ethnic groups has been enshrined in the law of the covenant. Prime Minister Sun's nationalism also fully aims at uniting all ethnic groups in the country and achieving a great Chinese nation. The central government, in accordance with the Premier's teachings, has spared no effort to support all ethnic groups in China, and has made special arrangements to seek happiness and relieve pain for our remote compatriots Mongolian Tibetan Committee We plan all improvements for our Mongolian and Tibetan compatriots, and the Central Committee members also have Mongolian personnel. So the five ethnic groups are the Chinese nation and the nation. "
1931 September 18th Incident China's Anti Japanese War broke out. [23]
1935《 Children of the wind and cloud 》Theme song of《 March of the Volunteers 》The sentence "The Chinese nation is in the most dangerous time" of "The Chinese nation" spread throughout the whole country. During the Anti Japanese War, one of the outstanding characteristics of the "Chinese nation" concept identity was that under the strong stimulus of the national crisis, the national government headed by Chiang Kai shek vigorously promoted the view that "the Chinese nation" was a unitary nation in order to strengthen the cohesion of the whole nation.
In the "The Whole Common Responsibility of the Chinese Nation" published by Chiang Kai shek on August 27, 1942, from the relationship between the Chinese nation and the Republic of China, the equal "whole" relationship between the members of the Chinese nation, sharing weal and woe (including the relationship of political rights and obligations, the relationship of freedom and equality in religious belief, etc.), and the practical necessity of understanding this relationship, He repeatedly explained his understanding of the overall identity of the "Chinese nation", the core of which is to demonstrate that "the Chinese nation is one", and its various components cannot be called "nation" alone. Although he did not directly elaborate on his own definition of the concept of nationality, his so-called "historical evolution and cultural traditions show that our five major clans are an integral part of life", which has already demonstrated his understanding of the concept of "nationality". [8]
In fact, it was this long and heroic war of resistance against Japan that finally firmly established the concept of the modern "Chinese nation" in the minds and hearts of the vast majority of Chinese people and overseas Chinese.
The War of Resistance Against Japan has reunited China, and the Chinese nation's bloody struggle has finally achieved Counter-Japanese War The victory of.
On the basis of the victory of the Anti Japanese War, the Communist Party of China led the people of the whole country to continue their struggle and established the People's Republic of China, which in turn established the Chinese socialist system. [24]
In the 1950s, China followed the Soviet Union's national policy, Stalin When explaining its ethnic policy, he pointed out that a group should have the following four symbols to become a "nation": a common language, a common region, a common economic life, and a common psychological composition shown from the common cultural characteristics. Based on these signs, Chinese linguists and sociologists surveyed 400 groups that needed to be identified. They removed some branches of the ethnic community and finally identified more than 50 ethnic minorities. [8]
Since the 18th CPC National Congress, Xi Jinping Focusing on the new development of the cause of national unity and progress in the new era, the General Secretary creatively put forward the idea of "building a solid foundation Chinese National Community The important topic of national work "consciousness" points out the direction of national work in the new era. In particular, General Secretary Xi Jinping made it clear in his important speech at the National Conference for Commending National Unity and Progress held in September 2019 that, "We should take building a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line, comprehensively implement the party's ethnic theory and policies, adhere to common solidarity and struggle, common prosperity and development, take the cause of national unity and progress as a basic cause, promote all ethnic groups to embrace together like pomegranate seeds, and promote the Chinese nation to move towards a more inclusive and cohesive community of destiny", It provides an action guide for building a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation in the new era. [9]

Concept development



Grand View Garden of the Chinese Nation
The word "Zhonghua" appeared very early, which originated from ancient China Huaxia nationality (The predecessor of the Han nationality), originated in the Yellow River basin, is among the four directions, has developed culture, science and technology, and has a long history, so it is called China. This area was later called the Central Plains or China. The so-called "China" in ancient times refers to the "Central Plains" in later generations.
The earliest combination of the two words "Hua Xia" is "Zuo Zhuan · Dinggong Decade", "descendants do not seek Xia, and barbarians do not mess with Hua". Kong Yingda said: "Xia is big. China has great etiquette, so it is called Xia; there is beauty in clothes, it is called Hua. China and Xia are one." [10] It means that because China is a country of etiquette, it is called "Xia", which means elegant; The costumes of the Huaxia nationality are very beautiful, so they pretend to be "Hua". Historians believe that China originated from ancient times Hua Xuguo (Located near Xi'an, Shaanxi), it is also said that "Hua" is named for Mount Hua, and "Xia" is named for Summer water (Hanshui) got its name. Over time, "Zhonghua" became a word meaning China, Huaxia, etc.
Famous scholar in modern China Zhang Taiyan It is believed that "the cloud in China refers to the distance between China and foreign countries; the cloud in China refers to the height of the Chinese and foreign cultures" (Zhang Taiyan, First Edition of the Book of Records, Volume I, Interpretation of the Republic of China). It is emphasized here that the word "China" is the meaning that distinguishes the superior from the inferior in culture. "Zhonghua" used to refer specifically to the Han nationality in history, because it is related to the word Huaxia. The Chinese culture is developed, so we call ourselves China.


In 1901, Liang Qichao Publication《 On Chinese History 》In this article, the concept of "Chinese nation" was first put forward. On the basis of the "Chinese nation", Liang Qichao formally put forward the "Chinese nation" in 1902. [11-12]
At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, Liang Qichao Sun Yat-sen The concept of "the Chinese nation" gradually appeared in the words of other sages Full From Liang Qichao's proposition that "the reform must start from leveling the boundary between Manchu and Han" to Sun Yat sen's“ The Republic of Five Nationalities ”And then to the identification and identification activities of New China referring to the Soviet Union's ethnic theory, which ultimately made the concept of "the Chinese nation" become the pronoun of the community composed of 56 ethnic groups in China.
This concept will not be completed until the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. Some scholars pointed out that this was due to three reasons: 1. The large-scale war of resistance made most Chinese people share a common historical destiny and collective memory; 2. The united front between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and the whole nation has made Chinese nationalism deeply rooted in the hearts of the people; 3. The migration of people caused by the war broke the original geographical isolation.


The concept of the Chinese nation has been extended and developed from its inception to its development. In today's language, it is no longer a single pronoun for all Chinese nationalities, but a pronoun closely linked to China's country, nation, region and history. For example, in《 National Anthem of the People's Republic of China 》This is the concept of "the Chinese nation" mentioned in, and so is the concept of "the Chinese nation" in "realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" put forward at the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.
From the perspective of patriotism, the word "Chinese nation" has become the cohesion and symbol of national spirit and national emotion. In perceptual sense, it should be the extension and development of words such as "Chinese children" and "Chinese descendants", which has a wide range of coverage. At the same time, the modern concept of the Chinese nation is also a synonym for China in a broad sense.
The Chinese nation is not simply a group classification concept of nationality, race and citizen, but a political vocabulary. The ethnic connotation and geographical scope of the Chinese nation may vary due to different historical, political and national standpoints. However, under the background of the "Chinese nation", the Chinese people all over the world forge ahead in unity, and the history of magnificent mountains and rivers can live as long as heaven and earth, and the sun and moon shine together. from Lin Zexu Of Humen Smoke Cancellation best-known leader of the Taiping Rebellion Of Kaneda Uprising Kang Liang's Reform reform He Ziyuan Education innovation, and then Sun Yat-sen Of the Communist Party New Democratic Revolution All benefited from China all the children of the yellow emperor Always taking the national justice as its own responsibility, daring to be the first, good to be the first, standing at the forefront and constantly striving for self-improvement National spirit This spirit is like Mount Tai The Great Wall stands in the east of the world.

Statement of views


Various viewpoints

  • Liang Qichao's Theory of "Multiple Mixing"
Han nationality
Sino Japanese War Later, China's national thought was deeply influenced by the West. Liang Qichao pointed out that "the modern awakening of the Chinese nation began officially from the Sino Japanese War". In 1902, Liang Qichao wrote in the article "The Trend of Changes in Chinese Academic Thoughts": "In ancient times, there were many thinkers from all over the world in our Chinese nation, so there were two kinds of ideas between them, one was the national view, and the other was the world view." This is the earliest use of the term "Chinese nation". From the context, Liang said that the "Chinese nation" should refer to the Han nationality, To be exact, it refers to the descendants of the ancient Chinese nation, the growing Han nation. In this article, he noted in a special note on the word "descendants of the Yellow Emperor" that "the province below is called the Huang people, and the Han people are used as two words. Today, the Han Dynasty is the later dynasty, and it is not enough to take the name of our people, so it is used instead."
In 1905, Liang Qichao used the word "Chinese nation" more than seven times in his article "Observation of the Chinese Nation in History", and clearly pointed out its meaning. "Today's Chinese nation is commonly known as the so-called Han people". It is "our Chinese leader, the so-called Yan and Huang survivors". So Chinese nationalism initially tended to two different ways: on the one hand, it was what Liang Qichao called the "great nationalism" force, that is, the nation within China's borders was regarded as a whole, and through loyalty to the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, it advocated the pursuit of Manchu Han cooperation and safeguarding China's sovereignty; On the other hand, it was Han based nationalism, which Liang Qichao called "small nationalism", which sought to fill the gap and overthrow the rule of the Manchu people, and establish a nation state with the Han nationality as the main body. Among them, Sun Yat sen was most affected by the defeat of the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895.
From 1894 Xingzhong Association From its establishment to 1905 Alliance The establishment is the stage with "Chou Man" as the central slogan; At that time, the intention to overthrow the early national political ideas of the revolutionaries in the Qing Dynasty was to drive the Manchu out of the 18 provinces in Han (China), such as Revolution of 1911 The current eighteen star flag only represents the eighteen provinces where the Han people live. After the establishment of the Nanjing Provisional Government, it formally proposed“ The Republic of Five Nationalities ”National policy. [13]
Han ethnic costumes
  • Zhang Taiyan's "Han Nationality Center" Theory
Zhang Taiyan No objection Yang Du Even Liang Qichao used the Chinese nation to summarize the assertions of all ethnic groups in China. He is different from Yang Du in that: first, he insists on taking the Han nationality as the center; Second, the Han people should organize the political power; Third, the Han nationality will gradually assimilate other ethnic minorities. As we all know, Zhang Taiyan is a Han centrist. However, his views have changed greatly from the national revenge he publicized around 1903.
  • Sun Yat sen's Theory of "Five Ethnic Groups Republics"
Sun Yat sen, who has always advocated "revolutionary platoon of Manchuria", also took the banner of "the Chinese nation" and further proposed in 1912“ The Republic of Five Nationalities ”, calling for national equality and national unity to achieve national harmony.
However, Sun Yat sen Chinese Revolutionary Party After being formally reorganized as the Chinese Kuomintang, he advocated the re mention of nationalism and the sublation of the five ethnic groups: "Some people said that after the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty, nationalism could not be tolerated. This is really wrong. When we say that the five ethnic groups are republics, there are more than five ethnic groups in our country. I mean, all ethnic groups in our country should be melted into one Chinese nation. ... and we should make the Chinese nation a very civilized nation, and then nationalism is over. "
In his speech on March 6, 1921 at the Special Guangdong Office of the Chinese Kuomintang Headquarters, Sun Yat sen said: "Since the recovery, there have been hereditary bureaucrats, stubborn old parties, and the restored clan party. Together, they are called the 'Five Ethnic Republics'; The fundamental mistake lies in this place... It can be seen from this that our party still has to work hard on nationalism to make Manchu, Mongolian, Hui and Tibetan assimilate to our Han people and become a big nationalist country... Or someone said that the five ethnic republics have been exposed for a long time, and here we only talk about Han people, not to worry about Manchu, Mongolian, Hui and Tibetan. This layer of brothers think they can not worry about it. The Manchuria attached to Japan, Mongolia attached to Russia, and Tibet attached to Britain, that is, the token of the inability to defend oneself. However, it still depends on our Han nationality to pull them out. My brothers came up with a conciliatory method, that is, to take the Han nationality as the center, assimilate it to me, and provide other nationalities with the opportunity to join our organization and build a country. "

Explanation of special historical period

  • Yuan dynasty
1271 Yuanshi Formation Kublai khan take Great Mongolia Renamed according to Chinese tradition“ Dayuan ”, or "Great Yuan and Great Mongolia", is the official beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.
The Yuan Dynasty, founded by the Mongols, created a system of "provinces". Today, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Tibet and other ethnic areas are under the jurisdiction of provinces. set up Xuanzheng Academy Directly manage Tibet, set Pescadores Islands The patrol inspection department manages Penghu and Taiwan, and sets up patrol inspection departments in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Kangxi and other ethnic areas tusi system And strengthened the central authority over the border areas. The great unification of the Yuan Dynasty established by the Mongolians has far-reaching significance in Chinese history: it ended the political situation of domestic separatism and several regimes coexisting since the end of the Tang Dynasty, and established the political situation of long-term national unification in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties for more than 600 years; It has promoted the economic and cultural exchanges among the people of all ethnic groups in China and the development of border areas, further promoting the consolidation and development of China's unified multi-ethnic country; In particular, the Yuan Dynasty for the first time achieved the largest scope of reunification in the history of China and the former Central Plains Dynasty could not be unified Qinghai Tibet Plateau The territory directly under the Central Plains Dynasty plays an important role in the history of the formation and development of a multi-ethnic unified China. However, its policy of ethnic differentiation made the people all over the country resist its rule, and this feudal country only existed for 89 years.
  • Late Qing Dynasty
The Chinese nation was the first to use a single reference to the Han nationality. Its connotation is the Han nationality and is synonymous with the Yanhuang family and the Huaxia nationality. Since Yongzheng's "Mystery of Dayi Jue" put forward to distinguish China by cultural geography, the word "China" has gradually expanded from the Han nationality to a broader meaning.
In 1902, Liang Qichao first put forward the concept of "the Chinese nation".
In 1907, after Liang Qichao, Late Qing Dynasty Representatives of famous constitutionalists Yang Du He also became an early user of the term "the Chinese nation" on May 20, in his article "The Golden Iron Doctrine", which was serially published in China New News, in the same sense as Liang, that is, "the Chinese nation" refers to the Han people, and he also used "the Chinese nation" many times.
Zhang Taiyan, one of the important representatives of the revolutionaries《 The Republic of China 》In the article, the word "Chinese nation" is also used, which still refers to the Han nationality.
  • After the 1911 Revolution
On January 1, 1912, Sun Yat sen issued the Declaration of the Interim President of the Republic of China, which was the first time to put forward the theory of "five ethnic republics": "The foundation of the country lies in the people. The integration of Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui and Tibetan places into one country, that is, the integration of Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui and Tibetan nationalities into one person, is the unification of the Japanese nation." It also explained that after the Wuchang Uprising, ten provinces successively declared their independence: "The so-called independence means separation from the Qing government, union between the provinces, Mongolia and Tibet. The action is one, and there is no divergence. The pivot lies in the central government. The longitude and latitude of Sri Lanka extend from four to four, which is the unification of Japan's territory."
On March 19, 1912, revolutionary leaders Huang Xing Liu Caiyi The term "Chinese nation" in the influential "Great Harmony Society of the Republic of China" (later renamed "Great Harmony Society of the Chinese Nation"), which was initiated by the leaders of the "Great Harmony Society of the Chinese Nation", no longer refers exclusively to the Han people, but refers to all ethnic groups in China at that time, including the Han, Manchu, Mongolia, Hui (referring to all ethnic groups in Xinjiang today who use Turkic languages and believe in Islam) Tibetan and other nationalities. At the same time, some local officials in Shanghai and other places also issued the "Notice on the Dissolution of Racial Opinions", prohibiting businessmen, newspaper advertisements, public and private letters from using the word "Han" to show the national "Great Harmony" of the Republic of China.
  • Independence of Outer Mongolia
Mongolian Traditional Costume
On December 1, 1911, under the instruction of the tsarist Russia, some of the Outer Mongolian princes established the so-called "Great Mongolia" in Kulun (the residence of the Outer Mongolian Minister of Affairs of the Central Government of the Qing Dynasty of China), with Zhebuzhundanyi as the "Great Khan".
Against such a split treason In early 1913, at the meeting of the princes of West Mongolia held in Guisui (today's Hohhot), the princes of the 22 banners and 34 banners in the west of Inner Mongolia unanimously decided to "unite with East Mongolia against Kurun", and wired the whole country to declare: "For hundreds of years, Han and Mongolia have become one family, and we and Mongolia are the same Chinese nation, and we should work together to maintain the Republic of China" This is the first time in political documents, The representatives of the minority nationalities jointly decided to declare their own nationality belongs to the Chinese nation.
As President of the Republic of China high Qing official At this time, he also "took the lead" in using the word "Chinese nation" in the sense that it covers all ethnic groups in China, and this early use just happened in the process of dealing with the Mongolian separatist act. He wrote to the living Buddha Zhebuzun Danny of Kulun: "Outer Mongolia is the same Chinese nation, and has been like a family for hundreds of years.".
  • early years of the Republic of China
Chinese nation
In the early Republic of China nationalism From an ideological perspective, the first person who consciously and openly marks the banner of rebuilding the modern "Chinese nation" is Li Dazhao On February 19 and April 18, 1917, he published "New Chinese Nationalism" and "Great Asianism", and proposed that the Chinese people should stimulate the consciousness of "New Chinese Nationalism" based on the integration of all ethnic groups in response to the great Asianism advocated by the Japanese, which is centered on the Japanese nation, "Man Yun, Han Yun, Meng Yun, Hui Yun, Zang Yun, Miao Yun and Yao Yun are the leftover words in history, and today there is no boundary, and all people who belong to the Republic of China are the new Chinese nation." Li Dazhao's "Chinese nation" here refers to the new nation after the integration of all ethnic groups in China. However, the theory of integration is a betrayal of ethnology, and the integration of nations must be "the complete disappearance of all the characteristics and differences of the merged nations, and the extinction of the merged nations". Obviously, talking about integration means denying the existence of 56 ethnic groups.
In 1922, the first person who proposed the concept of "the Chinese nation" Liang Qichao In writing Research on Chinese Nationalities in History, he pointed out that "the Chinese nation" usually refers to the Han nationality, and also pointed out that "the Chinese nation" includes the integrated characteristics of the identity of all Chinese nationalities And specifically pointed out that "all Manchu people are now members of the Chinese nation.". It clearly pointed out that "in the past four hundred years, nationalism has gradually occurred and developed, and then it has become the central point of modern history. If we follow the trend, we will prosper, and if we go against it, we will perish." Liang Qichao firmly believed that to make China not perish, we must promote nationalism. But the integration of a nation must be the integration of language, culture, religion and customs. It is bound to be shamed by sociologists and anthropologists to talk about integration politically.
In 1924, Sun Yat sen put forward his definition of nationality in the Three People's Principles. Mr. Sun Yat sen believed that there are "five great forces" to constitute a nation, of which the greatest force is "bloodline", the second is "life", the third is "language", the fourth is "religion", and the fifth is "customs". These five forces are naturally evolved and not conquered by force. Sun Yat sen's understanding is correct in line with Japan's and the West's understanding of the nation.
1926 Cai Yuanpei Write in Beijing《 On Ethnology 》One article holds that the characteristics of a nation are "blood, language, residence, habits, religion, and spiritual system". This is also the correct interpretation of the nation.

Lexical implication


Basic concepts

56 Ethnic Groups of China
In modern times, the Chinese nation is a national concept of China as a national community. Due to the changes in the history and political system of modern China since the late Qing Dynasty, this concept has different meanings and debates in different periods. For example, during the Sun Yat sen Revolution, whether the Manchu people were foreigners to be expelled or were one of the five ethnic republics. The evolution of the word "Chinese nation" therefore reflects the relevant disputes between the nation and nationalism in the past century. Whether the connotation of "the Chinese nation" is the Han nationality or the national nationality has become the main doubt about the Han standard and the Han nationality center. Therefore, this word is different from "Huaxia", "Han", "Tang"“ all the children of the yellow emperor ”It is equivalent to having explicit ethnic and cultural symbols, but has explicit political symbols, such as those of the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China Country number It also reflects the concept of nation as a national community.
In case of citizenship Nationalities To define the Chinese nation, the term includes Constitution of the Republic of China or Constitution of the People's Republic of China All ethnic groups within the territory of China are the national races of the Chinese people. Some scholars also believe that "the Chinese nation", as the name of the Chinese nation state, is the integration of the three identities of nation, nation and state in the modern sense. For example, Rui Yifu once interpreted Sun Yat sen's saying that the three names of the Chinese nation, the Chinese nation and the Chinese country are "trinity".

National culture

Yellow Emperor Statue
Chinese culture can be referred to as "traditional Chinese culture" (traditional Han culture) or "modern national culture" of the Chinese nation.

Chinese origin

  • Ethnic nickname
Statue of Emperors Yan and Huang (Henan)
The Chinese nation also has two "nicknames", one is "Chinese people", and the other is "descendants of the Yellow Emperor" (descendants of the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor, or just "descendants of the Yellow Emperor"). These two forms of address can sometimes be commonly used, both referring to the Chinese nation. However, there are minor differences in the Great Harmony. The term "Chinese children" only appeared in modern times, and its meaning is biased towards culture (a group that jointly accepts Chinese culture); The term "descendants of the Yellow Emperor" (or descendants of the Yellow Emperor) has existed in ancient times, and its meaning is more focused on consanguinity (having a common ancestor). Some ethnic minorities may be more willing to accept the saying of "sons and daughters of China" and less willing to accept the saying of "descendants of the Yellow Emperor" (or "descendants of the Yellow Emperor"). Even though these words originally only refer to Han people.
  • Source of Huazhi
About 5000 years ago, when the Huaxia nationality [14] )When it began to form, its family was called "Hua". After the Han Dynasty, the name "Zhonghua" began to appear. The "Hua" of the "Chinese nation" originated from the name "Hua" (doubtful) of Shun, the last emperor of the Five Emperors era in Chinese history. The "Five Emperors" era was the era of tribal alliance in the late primitive society of China. The "emperor" of the Five Emperors era was the leader of the tribal alliance. "Shun" is the posthumous title, that is, the title of honor after death. The posthumous title method said, "The sage of benevolence was called Shun."“ Youyu Family ”It was originally the name of Shun's tribe. "Yu" was originally the official in charge of the mountain during the reign of Emperor Yao, that is, the hereditary official name of the tribe in the tribal alliance responsible for managing the mountain forest and the birds and animals in the mountain forest. In ancient China, there was a custom of "taking an official as a surname", that is, taking his official name in the tribal alliance as the tribal name, so his tribe was called "Yu" or "Youyu". In the time of Emperor Yu and Shun, the tribal alliance developed towards the nation and the country. Therefore, "Yu" or "Youyu" became the name of the dynasty, just as Xiahou's surname was called the Xia Dynasty. According to the pre Qin literature, the Youyu family was the first dynasty in Chinese history that preceded the Xia Dynasty, although this dynasty also had some traces of tribal alliances. The oldest historical book in existence in China《 Shangshu 》, i.e《 Yu Shu 》This is the beginning.
Shun, a scholar in the Tang Dynasty, is famous for "valuing China" Zhang Shoujie By《 Historical record justice 》He explained that "Chonghua" means "eyes are heavy on pupils" and said that Shun's eyes have two pupils. This explanation is unreasonable and unbelievable. If we study its origin carefully, "Chong" of "Chong Hua" is a clan name in the ancient Shaohao tribe. This clan Emperor Zhuanxu Gao Yang He served as the hereditary public office of the Tribal Alliance in the era of "Qumang" (Muzheng, equivalent to the Minister of Forestry today. See Twenty nine Years of Zuo Chuan Zhao). Chong is also the name of Shun's clan. "Hua" is Shun's name.
According to the clan tradition, the name of the clan leader is the name shared by all members of the clan and their descendants. After Shun established the state power, people followed the ancient custom and called the Youyu clan and the people under the Youyu clan as "Hua" in the name of Shun.
  • History of China
The phrase "all Chinese" was found in the Han Dynasty High inducement The note "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals - Brief Selection" means "descendants of Chinese sages". In the Tang Dynasty, the word "China" also appeared in the law. It was issued in the fourth year of Yonghui in the Tang Dynasty (653 AD) Zhangsun Wuji Led by "Lushu" (later called "Lushu")《 Tang Code 》)。 Among them, the explanation of the word "Zhonghua" in his volume III "Ming Li" is as follows: "China is also China. People who are taught by the king belong to China. They wear dignified clothes, have customs of filial piety, and live in etiquette, so they are called China."
  • Chinese Nation, Overseas Chinese and Dual Nationality
Since overseas Chinese often have nationalities other than China, and different nationality rules have different nationality and overseas Chinese affairs policies, in order to maintain the identity of overseas Chinese with the Chinese nation, some people advocate to allow dual nationality Such as the practice of the Taiwan authorities of China. In 1956, the issue of dual nationality of Southeast Asian Chinese made Zhou Enlai The policy of single nationality is clearly adopted to avoid the doubts of Southeast Asian countries about the political loyalty of overseas Chinese.
Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission of the Republic of China The Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission once declared that "Overseas Chinese" is a proper noun in English, referring to "people who identify with the Chinese nation and its culture". The Overseas Chinese Committee calls for recognition of the Chinese nation and culture, and hopes that the education of overseas Chinese can preserve the fine traditions of the Chinese culture.

Composition distribution


Ethnic recognition

56 nationalities are one family
Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, China's ethnic differences were in a state of confusion and ambiguity. In order to make all ethnic groups in China truly realize ethnic equality, fully enjoy the rights of ethnic equality and regional ethnic autonomy, give full play to the enthusiasm and initiative of the people of all ethnic groups, and make their economy and culture develop rapidly, it is necessary to identify ethnic groups nationwide.
The work of ethnic identification in China can be roughly divided into four stages.
The first stage: from the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 to the first national population census in 1954. After in-depth and detailed field investigation and scientific research, this stage first identified (including the traditionally recognized) Mongolia, Hui, Tibet, Manchu, Uygur, Miao, Yi, Zhuang, Buyi, Korea, Dong, Yao, Bai, Hani, Kazak, Dai, Li, Lisu, Wa, Lahu, Gaoshan, Shui, Dongxiang, Naxi, Jingpo, Kirgiz, Tu, Qiang, Sala, Xibo 38 ethnic minorities, including Tajik, Uzbek, Russia, Ewenki, Oroqen, Baoan, Yugu and Tatar.
The second stage: the second national population census from 1954 to 1964. On the basis of the experience and achievements obtained in the first stage, we will further deepen the work of ethnic identification. In this stage, the names of the remaining ethnic groups (183) registered in the last national census were studied one by one, and 15 ethnic minorities were newly identified, namely Tujia, She, Daur, Hezhe, Mulao, Bulang, Gelao, Achang, Pumi, Nu, Benglong (later renamed as De'ang), Dulong, Beijing, Maonan (later renamed as Maonan), and Menba; At the same time, 74 ethnic groups reported by the census were merged into 53 identified ethnic groups.
The third stage: the third national population census from 1965 to 1982. In this stage, in 1965, the Luoba nationality in Luoyu area of Tibet was identified, and in 1979, the Jino nationality in Jinuo Mountain of Yunnan was identified. So far, the number of members of the Chinese nation family has increased to 56.
The fourth stage: since the third national population census in 1982. In this stage, apart from continuing to investigate and study the identification of a small part of ethnic groups, the work of ethnic identification mainly involves the restoration and change of ethnic composition and the merging of some ethnic groups. According to statistics, since 1982, more than 12 million people have restored or changed their ethnic composition. [15]

Ethnic Composition

56 Ethnic Groups of China
In addition, there are a few unidentified ethnic groups.
include Deng Cai Family Vegetable people Old Man Eight A people Sherpa Turkman mosuo khmu Dressed in blue (According to the national ethnic policy, the ID card is marked as "XX people", such as "wearing blue people" [16] )And other unidentified nationalities.
Among the total population of China, including the population of 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and active servicemen in the mainland, the population of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the population of Macao Special Administrative Region and the population of Taiwan, the Han population is 1286311334, accounting for 91.11%; The population of ethnic minorities is 125467390, accounting for 8.89%.
Compared with the sixth national population census in 2010, the Han population increased by 60378693, or 4.93%; The population of all ethnic minorities increased by 11675179, or 10.26%. [21]
According to China Statistical Yearbook-2021, the total population in China is 1409778724, and the population of Han nationality is 1284446389. [19]

Ethnic distribution

According to the 2000 national census bulletin, the total population of 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government in the mainland of China is 1265.83 million, including 1159.4 million Han people, accounting for 91.59% of the national population, and 106.43 million ethnic minorities, accounting for 8.41% of the national population. Compared with the fourth national population census in 1990, the Han population increased by 116.92 million, or 11.22%, and the minority population increased by 15.23 million, or 16.70%. The proportion of the Han population in the total population decreased from 91.99% to 91.59%, and the proportion of the minority population increased from 8.01% to 8.41%. [15]
According to the results of the 2000 national census (the same below), among the 55 ethnic minorities, 18 have a population of more than one million. They are: Mongolian, Hui, Tibetan, Uygur, Miao, Yi, Zhuang, Buyi, Korean, Manchu, Dong, Yao, Bai, Tujia, Hani, Kazak, Dai, Li and other ethnic groups. Zhuang has the largest population of more than 16 million. There are 15 ethnic groups with a population of less than one million and more than 100000. They are Lisu, Wa, She, Lahu, Shui, Dongxiang, Naxi, Jingpo, Kirgiz, Tu, Daur, Mulao, Qiang, Gelao, Xibo and other ethnic groups. There are 15 ethnic groups with a population of less than 100000 and more than 10000. They are: Bulang, Sala, Maonan, Achang, Pumi, Tajik, Nu, Uzbek, Russia, Ewenki, De'ang, Baoan, Yugu, Beijing, Jino and other ethnic groups. There are 7 ethnic groups with a population of less than 10000, including Menba, Oroqen, Dulong, Tatar, Hezhe, Gaoshan, Loba (calculated according to the number of people in the field survey area), etc. In addition, there are more than 734000 people whose ethnic composition has not been determined. [15]
Chinese nation
The distribution of China's ethnic minority population has two characteristics: [15]
First, small settlements and large mixed settlements. [17] The minority population is mainly concentrated in the southwest, northwest and northeast provinces and autonomous regions. Five autonomous regions, 30 autonomous prefectures, 120 autonomous counties (banners) and more than 1200 ethnic townships in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Tibet, Guangxi and Ningxia are inhabited by ethnic minorities. Many Han people also live in these areas, and their proportion is also quite high. For example, the Han population in Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, and Ningxia autonomous regions exceeds the minority population, and the Han population in Xinjiang also accounts for 40%. Similarly, there are many ethnic minorities living in various Han areas. In the past 20 years, the mixed and scattered population of ethnic minorities has grown rapidly, and more and more counties and cities have mixed and scattered ethnic groups. [15]
Second, it is widely distributed, but mainly concentrated in the west and border areas. According to the 2000 national census data, all ethnic groups are distributed in 30 provinces and regions on average, of which 29 ethnic groups are distributed in all provinces and regions of the country. There are 11 provinces and autonomous regions with 56 ethnic groups, accounting for 35.5% of the country's 31 provinces and autonomous regions. Although ethnic minorities are widely distributed, their population is still mainly concentrated in the west and border areas. According to the 2000 national census data, the sum of the minority population in Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou and Xinjiang accounted for more than half of the national minority population, plus Liaoning, Hunan, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Hebei, Hubei, Tibet, Jilin, Qinghai, Gansu, Chongqing and Ningxia, The minority population of the above 16 provinces and autonomous regions accounts for 91.32% of the national minority population. [15]

Related quotes

The old hutongs in the city and the ancient villages in the countryside, as forgotten corners in history for a long time, have preserved the oldest and most vivid memory of Chinese civilization. They are the root of the Chinese nation and the soul of Chinese culture—— Feng Jicai
English words from Chinese are the inevitable outcome of the contact between Chinese and English, and also the inevitable outcome of the integration of Chinese and Western cultures; With the increasingly frequent exchanges between the Chinese nation and the English nation, there will be more and more English words and expressions from Chinese—— Zhou Haizhong
The Chinese nation will not be assimilated by any culture at all, and we will certainly turn it into our own. It's hard for us to verify how much of the culture of the flourishing Tang Dynasty is original. It's really hard for you to verify the center of the world in those days. How many things were spread after absorbing the essence of many cultures and making copies—— Zhang Yimou [18]