Traditional Chinese Medicine

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TCM refers to the study of human beings based on the theory and practical experience of TCM Life activities It is a comprehensive science of health and disease transformation, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and health care in traditional Chinese medicine. [1] Traditional Chinese medicine, guided by the theory of Yin Yang and Five Elements, studies human physiology, pathology, pharmacology and its relationship with natural environment The knowledge of relationship and seeking the most effective way to prevent and cure diseases. If any theory does not have the characteristics of the overall concept, it will not be a complete sense of traditional Chinese medicine. If the overall concept does not have the dynamic nature, then this theory has not yet fully grasped the essence of traditional Chinese medicine. Holistic concept ”And "syndrome differentiation and treatment" TCM Theory In addition to the Physiological and Pathological System of Traditional Chinese Medicine, almost no one in the existing TCM can achieve such a comprehensive highlight of the "overall concept" and "syndrome differentiation and treatment" characteristics, which can not only reveal the law of Yin and Yang qi transformation of the zang fu organs, communicate with the law of Yin and Yang qi transformation of heaven and earth, but also reveal the law of syndromes of diseases Theoretical system For example, traditional Chinese medicine has a concept that "healthy qi and evil qi constitute diseases" basic contradiction ”This concept should be the theoretical basis for TCM to determine the name of the disease. However, because it is almost lost Yin Yang and Five Elements The guiding role and value of the theory to it is bound to confuse the difference and relationship between "etiology" and "syndrome cause", and realize that "disease" and "syndrome" are the basic elements of disease, but confuse "etiology" and "syndrome cause", and even finally confuse the concepts of disease which are located in different logical categories. However, Yin, Yang and Five Elements belong to Ancient Chinese Philosophy Category, which confuses philosophy and medicine, makes some people unconvinced and becomes the basis for those who question its scientificity.
Chinese name
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Foreign name
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Han Medicine Han Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine
Applicable fields
Health care
Applied discipline
Medical Science
Discipline code
thirty-six thousand and ten [10-11]

Basic definitions

Physiological and Pathological System of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine belongs to Yin Yang and Five Elements Under the guidance of theory, research on human physiological, pathological and pharmacology and its relationship with natural environment The knowledge of relationship and seeking the most effective way to prevent and cure diseases. Because of this, if any theory does not have Holistic concept If the overall concept is not dynamic, then this theory has not fully grasped the essence of TCM. So. Although traditional Chinese medicine has long recognized that "holistic concept" and "syndrome differentiation and treatment" are TCM Theory In addition to the Physiological and Pathological System of Traditional Chinese Medicine, almost no one in the existing TCM can achieve such a comprehensive highlight of the "overall concept" and "syndrome differentiation and treatment" characteristics, which can not only reveal the law of Yin and Yang qi transformation of the zang fu organs, communicate with the law of Yin and Yang qi transformation of heaven and earth, but also reveal the law of syndromes of diseases Theoretical system For example, traditional Chinese medicine has a concept that "healthy qi and evil qi constitute diseases" basic contradiction ”This concept should be the theoretical basis for TCM to determine the name of the disease. However, because it is almost lost Yin Yang and Five Elements The guiding role and value of the theory to it is bound to confuse the difference and relationship between "etiology" and "syndrome cause", and realize that "disease" and "syndrome" are the basic elements of disease, but confuse "etiology" and "syndrome cause", and even finally confuse the concepts of disease which are located in different logical categories. If so, its so-called treatment based on syndrome differentiation is actually a kind of "syndrome" or "disease" Substitute disease It's neither fish nor fowl Western medicine Under the strong pressure, the crux of TCM's failure to truly show its own characteristics and advantages in a large range. My above statement is unacceptable to the general public until they have really understood the scientificity of the theory of Yin Yang and Five Elements, because the truth will be in the hands of a few people first. But I believe that, with everyone's understanding of the theory of Yin Yang and Five Elements Scientific knowledge The sublimation of the theory of Yin Yang and Five Elements may be more perfect than my statement. This is my original intention to emphasize the scientificity of the theory of Yin Yang and Five Elements and the importance of its cognitive methods Pharmacy My pleasure! (Source: TCM Human Rhythm Regulation)

Other names

As for traditional Chinese medicine, it is also called Han medicine for short. It originated from the Han people and was developed by the Han people. It is also the Han people cultural system Components of. Before 1949, the term "Chinese medicine" was relatively common. After Qing Dynasty Republic of China , also known as national medicine. Chinese medicine, one is from Japan, the other is from the Qing Dynasty. [2]
Japanese Chinese medicine , Korean Korean Medicine , Korean medicine Vietnam? East medicine is based on traditional Chinese medicine. In today's world medical system, TCM is classified as Alternative medicine One of.
In addition to traditional Chinese medicine, there are Tibetan Medicine Zhuang medicine Miao nationality Medicine Mongolian Medicine Uygur Medicine Korean Medicine Dai medicine etc. Ethnic medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Based on the theory of Yin Yang and the five elements, Chinese medicine regards the human body as the unity of qi, shape and spirit, Four diagnostic methods combined with ginseng To explore the cause, nature, location and analysis Pathogenesis And the changes and judgments of the five zang organs, six fu organs, meridian joints, qi, blood and body fluid in the human body The growth and decline of evil and right , and then get the name of the disease, summarize the syndrome type, formulate the treatment methods of "sweating, vomiting, lowering, harmonizing, warming, clearing, tonifying, and eliminating" based on the principle of syndrome differentiation, and use traditional Chinese medicine, moxibustion, acupuncture, massage Cupping Qigong, dietotherapy and other treatment methods can make the human body reach the harmony of yin and yang and recover. The positive side of TCM treatment lies in the hope that it can help restore the human body Yin Yang balance The negative side is the hope that when drugs must be used to slow down the deterioration of disease, life and quality of life can also be taken into account. In addition, the ultimate goal of traditional Chinese medicine is not only to cure diseases, but also to help human beings achieve the same goal as in《 Inner Canon of Huangdi 》The four types of exemplary figures proposed in the "The Realm of True Man", "The Supreme Man", "The Sage" and "The Sage".
The traditional thinking mode of traditional Chinese medicine is not compatible with modern science originating from Europe modern medicine To analyze some phenomena and treatment mechanism in traditional Chinese medicine.
U.S.A US Food and Drug Administration When defining the concept of "complete medical system", Chinese medicine was mentioned: "NCCAM (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine) described the complete medical system as involving Antagonistic therapy (Routine) A complete theoretical and practical system of medicine that evolves independently or in parallel. These may reflect the unique cultural system , such as traditional Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurvedic medicine (English). The whole medical system has some common elements. I believe that the body has the ability to heal itself, which may involve the application of emotional, physical and mental therapy. "

historical background


Birth of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Oracle Some diseases and treatment methods recorded in Lake crossing bridge The ancestors have mastered primitive acupuncture techniques, Dawenkou Cultural Site Successful craniotomy performed 5000 to 5200 years ago can be fully proved!

Ancient Chinese Medicine

TCM acupoint chart
TCM originated from Primitive society Shennong Tastes Herbs , Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period TCM Theory It has been basically formed, and anatomy and medicine have emerged Division , already adopted“ Four diagnostic methods ”Treatment methods include Bian stone acupuncture Decoction medicine Moxibustion, guidance Air distribution Congratulations Etc. In the Western Han Dynasty Yin Yang and Five Elements Explain human physiology“ Medical worker ”, Gold Needle, Copper key Etc. Famous medical experts appeared in the Eastern Han Dynasty Zhang Zhongjing , he has been right“ Eight outlines ”(Yin and Yang, exterior and interior, deficiency and excess, cold and heat)“ Eight methods ”。 Hua Tuo Then master surgical operation and anaesthesia It is famous all over the world and has also founded fitness gymnastics“ Wuqinxi ”。 Tang dynasty Sun Simiao Summarize the theory and experience of predecessors, collect more than 5000 prescriptions, and adopt syndrome differentiation treatment. The medical school and medical division are nearly complete, and unify the acupoint disorder caused by the transmission of acupuncture and moxibustion in China. Published《 Atlas 》。 Since the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, the development of traditional Chinese medicine has been prosperous Liu Wansu Zhang Zihe Li Dongyuan Zhu Danxi Jin Yuan Four Masters Represented by Hejian School Yishui School etc. Schools of Traditional Chinese Medicine It greatly supplements the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and puts forward many new insights and new ideas. After the Ming and Qing Dynasties, along with plague A wide range of popular, medical experts feel that the narrow sense of treatment Typhoid fever To treat Febrile disease Through the efforts of generations of medical experts, a set of theoretical methods for treating febrile diseases has finally been formed, Febrile disease school be born. In the late Ming Dynasty be published in book form Of Li Shizhen Of《 Compendium of Materia Medica 》Mark Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medicine Another summary has made great contributions to medicine and natural science. At the same time, Mongolian medicine Tibetan medicine is influenced by traditional Chinese medicine. East medicine has also been greatly developed in Korea, for example Xu Jun Wrote《 Treasure of Eastern Medicine 》。
Wall Map of Ancient Tibetan Medicine
Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, China was invaded by western powers, and its national fortunes declined. meanwhile modern medicine The influx of western medicine has seriously impacted the development of traditional Chinese medicine. In China, many people advocate the modernization of medicine, and traditional Chinese medicine is facing great challenges. People began to use the western medical system thinking model Examined, traditional Chinese medicine fell into the debate of its existence and abolition. Japan belongs to the Chinese medical system Chinese medicine , Korean Korean Medicine So it is. 2003“ Sars ”Since then, TCM has begun to show signs of recovery.
During the Cultural Revolution, Chinese medicine, as a medical example of "making the past serve the present", was developed with the support of the Communist Party of China's policies. In modern times, Chinese medicine is still one of the commonly used means to treat diseases in China.
Internationally, acupuncture has aroused great interest in the medical community, world health organization According to the opinion of Postoperative pain Pregnancy nausea causing chemotherapy Nausea and vomiting Toothache The aspect is effective and its side effects are very low, however Chronic pain , back pain and headache data display Be ambiguous or controversial. WHO Think that many acupuncture and some herbal medicine Effectiveness Get science double blind The research has strong support, but further research is needed for other traditional therapies, and the safety and risks of traditional therapies that have not been studied cannot be ignored. On May 26, 2002, WHO issued the "Global Strategy for Traditional Medicine Research 2002-2005", inviting more than 180 countries around the world to Alternative medicine Incorporate into the country's medical policy.

Classical basic theory

Clinical TCM
The theory of traditional Chinese medicine originates from the summary of medical experience and the thought of Yin Yang and Five Elements in ancient China. Its contents include Essence and qi theory Yin Yang and Five Elements Theory Qi Blood Body Fluid Zang xiang Meridians, constitution, etiology, pathogenesis Pathogenesis Therapeutic principle , health preservation, etc. As early as 2000 years ago, TCM monographs《 Inner Canon of Huangdi 》The foundation of traditional Chinese medicine has been laid. Today, Traditional Chinese Medicine Relevant theories Diagnostic method , treatment methods, etc. can be found in this book.
Traditional Chinese medicine has complete Theoretical system Its uniqueness lies in the "harmony between man and nature" and "correspondence between man and nature" Holistic view And treatment based on syndrome differentiation. The main features are:
It is believed that man is a part of nature, which is composed of two categories of materials, Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang are opposite and interdependent, and are always in motion and change. Under normal physiological conditions, the two are in a dynamic balance dynamic equilibrium If damaged, it will appear as Pathological state However, in treating diseases and correcting the imbalance between yin and yang, we do not take an isolated and static approach to the problem, but rather focus on the dynamic perspective, that is, we emphasize the concept of "constant movement".
It is believed that man and nature are a unified whole, that is, "Heaven and Man are one" and "Heaven and Man correspond". Human Law of life activity And the occurrence of diseases are closely related to various changes in nature (such as seasonal climate, regional areas, day and night, morning and evening, etc.) natural environment Different and human to natural environment Adaptability Different, their physical characteristics and pathogenesis are also different. Therefore, when diagnosing and treating the same disease, we should pay more attention to the time, place and individual conditions, which is not the same.
It is believed that all tissues and organs of the human body are in a unity, and they are interrelated and affect each other both physiologically and pathologically. Therefore, we never treat a certain physiological or pathological phenomenon in isolation. We treat headache and foot pain as a remedy, but treat disease treatment and prevention from a holistic perspective, with special emphasis on the "holistic view".

Essence and qi theory

Qi is the primitive substance that constitutes all things in the world.
The movement of qi is called "qi engine"“ Lifting access ”Four forms. Various changes caused by movement are called "gasification", such as the "growth and aging" of animals, the "growth and aging" of plants“ Growing collection ”。
Qi is the medium between heaven and earth, making it sympathetic and corresponding. For example:“ Man is connected with heaven and earth , corresponding to the sun and the moon ".
The essence of heaven and earth turns into human beings.

Yin-yang theory

Yin and Yang are the generalization of the attributes of the opposite sides of the interrelated things or phenomena in the universe. Originally meant for daylight Backward , facing the sun is the sun, and backing the sun is the shade.
hermaphroditic Interaction Including: Yin Yang interaction, Yin Yang interaction Antagonistic restriction Mutual root and mutual use , growth and decline balance, mutual transformation.

Five Elements Theory

Five Elements Sheng Ke
The Five Elements Theory is Ancient Chinese Philosophy The five elements are wood, fire, earth, gold and water, but they do not represent five substances, but five attributes.
The five elements in traditional Chinese medicine reflect the relationship among the five systems of the human body with these five attributes. The five symbols of wood, fire, earth, gold and water respectively represent the five systems led by the liver, heart, spleen, lung and kidney. Traditional Chinese medicine is not the theory that studies how microscopic viruses and bacteria act on the human body, but the relationship between the various systems of the whole human body, and through traditional Chinese medicine, massage, acupuncture, and even Psychological effect To adjust the balance between various systems in order to maintain good health.
The interaction of the five elements includes: mutual generation, mutual restriction, institutionalization, victory and recovery, mutual aggression, mutual multiplication, and mother son interaction.

Visceral theory

Zang: refers to the five zang organs and six fu organs in the human body, which are called zang fu organs. Elephant: One refers to "image", that is, the anatomy of the zang fu organs; Two fingers“ sign ”Namely, the physiology and pathology of viscera; The third refers to the "corresponding image", that is, the viscera correspond to the image of Yin and Yang in the four seasons.
Through the change of external "image", to measure the physiology of internal "Tibet" Pathological state It is called "measuring reservoir from image". That is, "look at the outside to know its internal organs".
"Zang Fu" is not only a concept of anatomy, but also a comprehensive concept including anatomy, physiology and pathology.
The five zang organs: liver, heart, spleen, lung and kidney. The general functions are“ Metaplasia And store essence ".
Six fu organs It refers to the gallbladder, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, bladder, and triple energizer. Its general function is to "decompose water and grain, distinguish turbidity, and transfer dross".
Qiheng Mansion : refers to "brain, marrow, bone, pulse, gallbladder Female cell ”。

Qi Blood Body Fluid

Qi, blood and body fluid constitute and maintain the human body Life activities The basic material gas of Congenital and acquired The essence derived from parents is called "inborn qi". The lung inhales natural qi, which is called "acquired qi" together with the qi of water and grain produced by the spleen and stomach. Qi is driven, warm, defensive securing and containing , gasification, nutrition, etc. Qi of human body can be divided into vitality Zongqi Ying Qi Defensive qi Qi of viscera Qi of meridians. Pneumatous“ Lifting access ”Abnormal movement is called "qi engine out of tune". Its manifestations include Qi stagnation Qi depression Gas inversion Air depression Degassing , air lock, etc.

Meridian theory

Compendium of Materia Medica
See: Acupuncture and Moxibustion And acupoints and meridians are the body that runs qi and blood and connects viscera Official orifices Communication channels from top to bottom, inside and outside. Meridian system include Twelve Meridians Twelve Classics , the Eight Extraordinary Meridians Fifteen parting collaterals Floating collaterals , Sun Luo Twelve meridian tendons Twelve skin parts Etc. Meridians are as important in traditional Chinese medicine as《 Bian Que Heart Book 》He said: "Learning medicine does not know the meridians, so it is wrong to open your mouth and start your hands. Covering the meridians is unknown, so there is no way to identify the root cause of diseases and syndromes. Investigate the transmission of yin and yang."

Etiological theory

Inner Canon of Huangdi 》The etiology is divided into yin and yang: "those born in yang get wind and rain, cold and heat", and "those born in yin get food, residence, yin and yang, and joy and anger". Han dynasty Zhang Zhongjing On《 Synopsis of the Golden Chamber 》The etiology can be divided into three categories: "the meridians are affected by evil into the viscera, which is the internal cause", and "the limbs Nine orifices The blood is passed on from generation to generation. It is obstructed and damaged by the external skin. Song dynasty Chen Wuxuan Propose“ Three cause theory ”: external causes, internal causes Internal and external causes In modern times, the etiology was divided into five categories: Exogenous etiology : Includes Six obscenities (Wind chill Summer dampness Dry fire) and Leprous qi Etiology of internal injury : Including seven emotions( Joy, anger, sorrow, sorrow, fear, panic ), improper diet Exertion loss Secondary causes: including Phlegm retention , blood stasis stone Other causes: trauma parasite Fetal transmission Various poisons and medical experience.

Fundamentals of Modern Chinese Medicine

New Philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Flat magpie
Three Aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine Philosophical outlook : Holistic view, dialectical view, and the newly excavated third philosophy of Chinese medicine: Similarity view fractal On. Modern gas is a generalized wave of the unity of information energy matter. Fractal fractal dimension meridian fractal fractal dimension meridian anatomical structure, non smooth, non tubular, rough, cell filled ' Self regulation -Body fluid nerve fractal meridian model. Fractal meridian fractal dimension Fractal set of traditional Chinese medicine Fractal yin-yang set Fractal geometry The simplest binary yin-yang fractal set Fractal dimension Five element fractal set Self similar, multi-level five element fractal set Fractal dimension Mathematical yin-yang yin-yang mathematical quantitative fractal hidden image Five systems Fractal dimension of the five zang organs Five systems - heart system, liver system, spleen system, lung system, kidney system

Theoretically reasonable

Ternary theory It is believed that "there are thousands of diseases, which cannot be separated from the three elements. What is the three elements? Toxicity and depression".
Ternary medical theory To understand diseases, we believe that the causes, pathogenesis, dialectics and treatment of the world's myriad diseases are inseparable from three words: "toxin stagnation and deficiency".
Poison is With heat , Catch fire It's blood fever, Damp heat catch cold , typhoid fever. Bacterial inflammation Aseptic inflammation , causing body swelling, exudation, pain and organ damage, necrosis and degeneration.
Depression means that the body is not popular and unobstructed, that is Stagnation No way. It includes obstruction or blockage caused by qi, blood, phlegm, dampness, food and water in the body. If the air stagnates, it will swell, Blood stasis It may be blue or painful, phlegm may be obstructed, or mental disorders may occur, and dampness may be heavy, dyspepsia It is not necessary, or the defecation is difficult. If water stops, it will swell like ascites
Deficiency is deficiency, that is, deficiency of qi, blood, yin and yang. Qi deficiency and weakness, Blood deficiency There is no Chinese color, Yang deficiency leads to external cold Yin deficiency leads to internal heat
There are thousands of diseases in the world. They are toxic, impassable and weak. There is no other disease except these three. If there is no toxin, no deficiency, and the internal organs and meridians are unblocked, there is no disease. This is it. Martial arts writing Chief Physician of Traditional Chinese Medicine“ Ternary medical theory ”。
Man is an organic whole, and man and nature are closely related. This is medical Holistic concept In the treatment of diseases, we should distinguish between toxin stagnation and deficiency, and outline the disease. The whole nature is monistic, and monism generates yin and yang (that is, two properties of nature that are opposite to each other and dependent on each other, and can be transformed into each other under certain conditions). From yin and yang dualism It is the ternary theory of toxin stagnation and deficiency that is more suitable for guiding the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Three element theory can guide various dialectical methods of diseases( Syndrome differentiation of yin and yang Syndrome differentiation of zang fu organs Qi Blood Body Fluid Syndrome differentiation Eight principles of syndrome differentiation Meridian syndrome differentiation Syndrome differentiation of six meridians Syndrome differentiation of wei qi ying blood Syndrome differentiation of triple energizer Etc.) It is very wrong and unpopular that any method of differentiation of symptoms and signs is separated from other methods of differentiation of symptoms and signs, or a classical theory (such as the differentiation of six meridians) is used to limit and prevent the development of other medical theories.
There is also an inseparable dialectical relationship between the toxin depression and deficiency of the ternary medical theory. Nor can we completely separate the poison depression and deficiency. That is, there is depression and deficiency in the poison, and there is also poison and deficiency in the depression, Empty middle It can also be toxic and gloomy. That is, you have me in you, or there are three in one, or there are three in two, in order to understand the disease completely and systematically.

Development and communication

Treatment methods include Bian stone acupuncture Decoction medicine , moxibustion, guidance, etc. He has known about the "eight principles" (yin and yang, exterior deficiency and interior excess, cold and hot) and summarized“ Eight methods ”。 Hua Tuo Then master surgical operation and anaesthesia It is famous all over the world, and also founded the "Five Animal Play" of fitness gymnastics [1]. Tang dynasty Sun Simiao Summarizing the theory and experience of predecessors, collecting more than 5000 prescriptions, and adopting dialectical treatment, the western science division is nearly complete, and unifying the acupoint disorder caused by the transmission of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, and publishing the "Atlas". In the late Ming Dynasty Li Shizhen Of Compendium of Materia Medica It is the most important work of traditional Chinese medicine. At the same time, Mongolian medicine Tibetan medicine, influenced by traditional Chinese medicine, has also made great progress in Korean medicine. After the Opium War, a large number of modern medicine (Western medicine) poured in, seriously impacting the development of traditional Chinese medicine, but traditional Chinese medicine still has a considerable position and influence in China.
Compared with traditional Chinese medicine, the innovations and inventions of modern Chinese medicine deserve attention, including: Pinknife , traditional drug injection preparations, Scientific Chinese medicine Etc.
Internationally, acupuncture has aroused great interest in the medical community [2]. In today's world medical system, TCM is classified as Alternative medicine (Comprehensive and alternative medicine, CAM). world health organization (WHO) published the "Global Strategy for Traditional Medicine Research 2002-2005" on May 26, 2002, inviting more than 180 countries around the world to incorporate alternative medicine into their medical policies.

Practical methods

When diagnosing and treating diseases, we should adopt the method of syndrome differentiation and treatment, that is, the data, symptoms and signs collected from the four diagnostic methods of observation, smell, inquiry and palpation. Through analysis and synthesis, we should identify the cause, nature, location of the disease, and the relationship between evil and good, summarize and determine it as a "syndrome" of a certain nature, so as to explore the nature of the disease and draw conclusions, And on this basis, determine the treatment principles and specific Therapeutic method This method is different from simple local Symptomatic treatment It is also different from the treatment method of disease differentiation, which does not distinguish between primary and secondary, stages, nature, and one medicine for one disease.
The treatment means and methods are rich and varied, including those of general oral medication Internal treatment , external application of drugs Hot ironing Fumigation and washing etc. External treatment , as well as unique acupuncture Cupping Gua Sha , massage, Qigong and other non drug therapies,
There is also daily food therapy represented by medicated diet.
Generally speaking, a complete prescription of traditional Chinese medicine includes at least four items: Emotional governance (Emotional control) guidance; Taboos (food precautions); Sports suggestions (swimming, running, guiding, Qigong, etc.); Use of traditional Chinese medicine or acupuncture , moxibustion, massage, etc. Therefore, when TCM treats diseases, it is a comprehensive consideration from the perspective of physical and mental integration.
In recent years, a number of traditional drug injection preparations have also emerged, which are used for muscle and intravenous injection In addition, the vast majority of drugs are natural animals, plants, minerals, non synthetic chemicals, and most of them are Compound preparation , corresponding antagonistic measures can be taken in the formulation.

Chinese and Western Medicine

Since modern medicine was introduced into China from the West, the comparison between the two medical systems has been ongoing. Opponents of traditional Chinese medicine used to call them "new medicine" and "old medicine"; Supporters of traditional Chinese medicine have used such names as "western medicine" and "national medicine". Contemporary relatively neutral terms are "modern medicine" and "traditional medicine".

Medical theoretical system

The medical system in the world can be roughly divided into:
"Anthropomorphic medical system" (theology): It believes that the occurrence of diseases is caused by the power of supernatural things (gods), such as Satan, ghosts, gods, etc., including witch doctors, shamans, and spells.
"Naturalistic medical system" (empirical medicine): It believes that the occurrence of diseases is caused by changes in the natural environment or abnormal lifestyles of people, such as changes in climate, eating habits, and people's emotions. Traditional Chinese Medicine Ayurveda Homeopathy And so on.
"Scientific medical system" (experimental design): the mainstream of modern medicine, such as western medicine, is medicine produced by setting up hypotheses, designing experiments, presenting results by deduction, induction and other methods, or by detecting scientific instruments.
The former two are classified as traditional medicine or alternative medicine, while the latter belongs to the mainstream of modern medicine.

Mode of thinking

TCM diagnosis Diseases are identified and differentiated according to the results of observation, hearing and inquiry, but there are also cases where only diseases are identified without syndrome differentiation (such as emergencies or special prescriptions for special diseases), or only syndrome differentiation without disease differentiation (such as unknown diseases, difficult and miscellaneous diseases, or physical conditioning). Different from the way Western medicine focuses on "disease" in diagnosis, Chinese medicine often emphasizes "dialectics".
with cold For example, Western doctors can identify whether it is viral or bacterial infection, and can identify whether it is upper respiratory tract infection Or merge pneumonia However, these diagnoses are not the most important for TCM practitioners. From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, it is necessary to distinguish whether it belongs to wind cold or Wind heat If it belongs to wind chill, then it belongs to Solar disease Yang Ming disease or Shaoyang disease If it belongs to wind heat, it can identify the pathogenic factors Wei Qi Ying Xue Which stage of.
Some Chinese medicine experts believe that one of the values of traditional Chinese medicine lies in prescriptions, which are the crystallization of doctors' experience. The development process of TCM itself is experimental medicine, especially after hundreds or even thousands of years of clinical experience of countless doctors Human experiment It is used repeatedly to prove that it is actually effective and has been recorded and handed down. Face the disease directly and master Principal evidence It is the essence of traditional Chinese medicine to treat diseases based on syndrome differentiation.
Modern Chinese medicine also uses integrated traditional and western medicine Treatment mode Especially in mainland China, TCM doctors can treat patients with both traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine by using modern medical detection methods to assist diagnosis.
West mainly determines the condition through medical equipment and chemical tests, and then uses Chemicals Advanced Medical equipment It can kill the disease source or inhibit the way of treatment to cure the disease, which is called Antagonistic therapy
Usually some patients are suffering from stubborn diseases, chronic disease , and diseases of unknown causes, or limited by the development of modern medicine, or available to patients Medical resources Limited, when there is no way to treat them, they will turn to TCM. But most people Surgery , and seek help from western medicine in the case of serious diseases with rapid deterioration.
Whether a disease can be cured or not has clear statistics to follow in western medicine than in traditional Chinese medicine.

Efficacy verification

Traditionally, TCM judges the curative effect by pulse condition and the change of symptoms of patients after taking medicine. Some TCM doctors think that TCM is difficult to carry out contrast test However, modern scholars studying Chinese medicine have also established a variety of experimental animal Model or enter clinic Human experiment , carry out a comparative test to verify the efficacy of the prescription or traditional Chinese medicine.
Western medicine treatment methods and medicaments should pass scientific comparative tests (such as the use of placebo Compare) to confirm the effect.

Knowledge dissemination

Most of the classics of traditional Chinese medicine were written in ancient times, such as in the Warring States Period Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic , Eastern Han Dynasty《 Typhoid theory 》, Ming Dynasty《 Compendium of Materia Medica 》The use of classical Chinese or ancient spoken language, singing rhymes records, people today are not easy to understand, and increase the difficulty of communication. In ancient China, the official authorities also continuously collected and revised all kinds of TCM classics, which became official medical books examination system However, in the folk, it is mostly passed down by teachers and disciples or by family tradition. Modern times are established University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Or colleges, which systematically collate, research, and teach TCM, while some teachers and apprentices and family heirlooms are reserved in the folk.
Western medicine is based on written Knowledge system If a certain treatment method or medicine is wrong or effective, this knowledge can be quickly spread.
Generally considered experienced Old Chinese Medicine Medical skill is superior, and experience has a significant decisive role in the efficacy. Because the dialectical method emphasized by TCM is described by the words of Yin Yang and Five Elements in Chinese philosophy, it is difficult to understand the experience. And in Medical classics , herbal medicine, medical record Medical talk All kinds of traditional Chinese medicine books and records, such as the use time, processing method, use taboos, side effects, symptoms after misuse and treatment methods of various prescriptions and traditional Chinese medicines, have been recorded in detail.

diagnostic method

Treatment based on syndrome differentiation
It is different from the treatment method of disease differentiation, which is not divided into primary and secondary, stage, nature, and one medicine for one disease.
Treatment based on syndrome differentiation is the way for TCM to recognize and treat diseases basic principle It is a special study of disease and processing method It is also called syndrome differentiation. It includes two processes: syndrome differentiation and treatment.
Syndrome differentiation is the process of authentication. Syndrome is a summary of the pathological reaction of the body at a certain stage in the process of disease development, including the location, cause, nature of the disease and the relationship between evil and positive, reflecting this stage pathological change The essence of. Therefore, syndrome reveals the essence of disease more comprehensively, profoundly and correctly than symptom. The so-called syndrome differentiation is to identify the etiology, nature and location of the disease, as well as the relationship between evil and positive, and summarize and judge the syndrome of a certain nature according to the data collected by the four clinics through analysis and synthesis.
Treatment, also known as treatment, is to determine the corresponding treatment method according to the results of syndrome differentiation. Syndrome differentiation and treatment are two inseparable parts in the process of diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Syndrome differentiation is the premise and basis of treatment, and treatment is the means and method of treatment. The correctness of syndrome differentiation can be tested by the effect of treatment. Treatment based on syndrome differentiation is the process of recognizing and solving diseases, the embodiment of the combination of theory and practice Prescriptions and Medicines The concrete application in clinical practice is the basic principle guiding the clinical work of TCM.
Syndrome is the pathological generalization of the body at a certain stage in the process of disease development. Because it includes the location, cause, nature of the disease, and the relationship between evil and positive, reflecting the essence of pathological changes at a certain stage of the disease development process, it reveals the essence of the disease more comprehensively, more profoundly, and more accurately than symptoms.
"Syndrome differentiation" is to diagnose four diseases( Inspection Auscultation Inquire , palpation). Treatment, also known as "treatment", is to determine the corresponding treatment method according to the results of syndrome differentiation. Syndrome differentiation is the premise and basis for determining treatment, and treatment is the means and method for treating diseases. Through the effect of syndrome differentiation and treatment, the correctness of syndrome differentiation and treatment can be tested. The process of syndrome differentiation and treatment is the process of recognizing and solving diseases. Syndrome differentiation and treatment are interrelated in the process of diagnosis and treatment of diseases inseparable The two aspects of TCM are the embodiment of the combination of theory and practice, the specific application of principles, methods and prescriptions in clinical practice, and the basic principles guiding the clinical practice of TCM. Differentiation of symptoms and signs refers to the collection of data, symptoms and signs (such as pulse conditions Tongue picture )Through analyzing, synthesizing and distinguishing the cause, nature, location of the disease, as well as the relationship between the evil and the good, it can be summarized and judged as a syndrome of a certain nature. Treatment, also known as treatment, is to determine the corresponding treatment method according to the results of dialectics.
TCM clinical understanding and treatment of diseases, both disease and syndrome, but mainly not focus on the similarities and differences of "disease", but focus on the difference of "syndrome", and further understand the disease through syndrome differentiation. For example, cold It is a disease that can be seen clinically Aversion to cold fever , head and body pain, but due to the cause of disease and Body reactivity It is different, but also shown as Cold Wind heat cold Cold due to summer dampness And so on. Only by identifying the syndrome type of cold, can we correctly choose different treatment principles and adopt Pungent temperature relieving superficies Pungent and cool relieving exterior syndrome Or clear the summer heat Dispelling dampness and relieving superficiality And other treatment methods. Differentiation of symptoms and signs and the treatment of headache anodyne For fever febrifuge . The symptomatic treatment that only takes specific measures against a certain symptom is completely different, and it is also fundamentally different from the simple disease differentiation treatment of all patients suffering from the same disease with the same prescription.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the same disease has different Development stage , different syndrome types can appear; Different diseases may have the same syndrome type in their development process. Therefore, when treating diseases, we can take“ Treating the same disease differently ”Or“ Treat different diseases together ”Principle of. "Different treatment for the same disease" refers to different treatment methods for different syndrome types in different stages of the same disease. For example, measles In the initial stage, when the rash is not fully exposed, it should be published with Penetration rash Methods of treatment; Measles metaphase usually Pulmonary fever Obviously, the treatment must clear away the lung heat; But in the late stage of measles, there is more residual heat left, which will hurt Lung yin Stomach yin At this time, the treatment should be Nourishing yin and clearing away heat Mainly. "Treating different diseases with the same treatment" means that different diseases have the same syndrome type in the development process, so the same treatment method can be used. For example, Arrhythmia And amenorrhoea It is two completely different diseases, but both can have blood stasis syndrome, and can be treated Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction conduct Promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis This principle of using different methods to solve different contradictions in the process of disease development is the embodiment of the essence of syndrome differentiation and treatment.
The commonly used clinical syndrome differentiation methods are as follows: eight principles syndrome differentiation Qi Blood Body Fluid Syndrome differentiation, viscera differentiation Syndrome differentiation of six meridians Wei Qi Ying Xue Syndrome differentiation Syndrome differentiation of triple energizer Meridian syndrome differentiation

therapeutic method

Unique acupuncture (acupuncture, moxibustion) Cupping , massage, Qigong Air distribution And other non drug therapies, as well as daily food therapy represented by medicated diet. Therefore, when TCM treats diseases Physical and mental unity From a comprehensive perspective.
Compared with traditional Chinese medicine, the innovative inventions of modern Chinese medicine include: Pinknife , traditional drug injection preparations, Scientific Chinese medicine

Discipline classification

Compiled by Su Wen Lingshu, Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic
since Zhou Dynasty There are food doctors, disease doctors Ulcer doctor And veterinary medicine. Sui Tang Imperial Medical Department It is divided into medicine and pharmacy. There are four medical departments, namely, medical department, acupuncture department Massage Department Curse Department Medical science is divided into Physiotherapy , less small Sore , ears, eyes, mouth and teeth Angular method And five other departments. Song Dynasty Imperial Medical Bureau Of medical education It is initially divided into three branches: square pulse, acupuncture and yang, Song Shenzong Later divided into Nine families , i.e Generous pulse Small square vein Wind family , obstetrics, ophthalmology, oral and dental Pharyngology , sore swelling and fracture department, acupuncture and moxibustion department, golden arrowhead and book prohibition department. element Taihu Hospital branch Thirteen families Later, there are ten families: Dafang Pulse Miscellaneous Medicine , Small square pulse department, wind department, obstetrics and women Miscellaneous diseases Department, Ophthalmology Department, Oral and Pharyngology Department Osteogenesis It is also known as Golden Arrowhead Ulceration Department , Acupuncture and Moxibustion Department, Zhuyushu Department. Mingtai Hospital is divided into 13 departments: Dafang Pulse, Xiaofang Pulse, Women, Typhoid, Sores, Mouth, Throat, Bone Connector, Golden Arrows, Eyes, Acupuncture, Massage and Prayer. Qingtai Hospital was initially divided into eleven departments, and later into nine departments: Dafang Pulse, Xiaofang Pulse, Women, Typhoid, Sores, Mouth and Throat, Bone Setting, Eyes, Acupuncture and Moxibustion. The second year of Daoguang (1822) An imperial edict "Acupuncture and moxibustion by fire are not suitable for Feng Jun", the Imperial Court ordered Tai Hospital to abolish the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Tongzhi Korean general Dafang pulse, women and typhoid fever are all in one department, so there are only five departments.



Basic Traditional Chinese Medicine

Clinical Chinese Medicine

Chinese medical classics

TCM classics can be divided into Medical classics Medical theory , herbal medicine, medical prescription, medical record Medical talk Etc., e.g《 Inner Canon of Huangdi 》、《 Dysmenorrhea 》、《 Typhoid theory 》、《 Synopsis of the Golden Chamber 》、《 Shennong's Herbal Classic 》Emergency Preparedness A golden prescription 》、《 Compendium of Materia Medica 》、《 Cases of famous doctors 》。

School Physician

Hanshu · Yiwenzhi 》Chinese doctors are divided into“ Medical classics ”、“ Classic prescription ”Two schools. Up to now, it can be roughly divided into eight schools: Typhoid school Hejian School Yishui School , evil fighting school, Danxi school, Wenbu school Febrile disease school China and the West converge.

Similarities and differences between China and the West

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Since Western medicine (also known as Antagonistic medicine )With the introduction of missionaries from Europe to China, the competition and integration of the two medical systems has been going on. Modern western medicine is western traditional medicine Biology towards modern biological science medical model Transformation, facing the formation of social psychological biological comprehensive medical model, in April 1992 Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine The "First National Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine comparative study symposium ”, at the meeting Zeng Bangzhe (Zeng Jie) proposed the trend of the convergence of Chinese and Western medicine Systems Medicine Along the way of systems medicine and pharmacy, the classics of traditional Chinese medicine are preserved as traditional medicine. On the one hand, it provides modern medical resources for the convergence of Chinese and western medicine, on the other hand, it enables traditional medicine to play its unique and irreplaceable role, that is, traditional Chinese medicine exists as authentic traditional medicine Combination of Chinese and Western Medicine must be thoroughly modernized.

Medical theoretical system

The medical system in the world can be roughly divided into:
Anthropomorphism Medical system (theology): It is believed that the occurrence of diseases is caused by the power of supernatural things (gods), such as Satan, ghosts, gods, etc., including witch doctors, shamans, and spells.
"Naturalistic medical system"( Empirical medicine ): such as climate change eating habits , people's emotional changes, etc. Traditional Chinese Medicine Ayurveda Homeopathy And so on.
Scientific theory Medical system "(experimental design): the mainstream of modern medicine is medicine that is generated by setting up hypotheses, designing experiments, presenting results by deductive, inductive and other methods, or detecting by scientific instruments, such as Western medicine
Diagnostic thinking
TCM often emphasizes "syndrome differentiation".

Therapeutic thinking

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine mainly helps the human body expel diseases and evils and restore vital energy through traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and other treatments. Their thinking can be simplified into two categories: attack and remedy. According to different conditions, attack or remedy, or Attack and supplement Traditionally, there are eight methods for clinical attack and tonification, namely "sweating, vomiting, lowering, harmonizing, warming, clearing, tonifying and eliminating", which are called eight methods. Traditional Chinese Medicine Both traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine can be used to treat patients.

Efficacy verification method

Hippocampus is a common Chinese medicine guide
Traditionally, traditional Chinese medicine judges the curative effect by pulse conditions and changes in symptoms of patients after taking medicine. In recent years, all major teaching hospitals or regional hospitals in Taiwan have generally set up TCM departments and undertake the task of clinical trials of TCM. For example, Yang Xianhong, director of the North District Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Changgeng Hospital, issued the "Xinyi Powder Treatment" at the "2006 Chinese Medicine Research and Clinical Cases Academic Seminar" held on September 24, 2006 rhinallergosis Random double blind Clinical efficacy Assessment "in the two-year Double blind experiment A total of 108 patients were collected, and 60 patients completed the overall experiment, including experience group 40 bits control group 20 persons, and focus on clinical symptoms, nasal resistance, nasal cavity Cross-sectional area Dust mite Specific immunoglobulin T lymphocyte hormone secretion and other indicators were statistically analyzed. The results show that Xinyi Powder has a clinical effect on patients with allergic rhinitis. The mechanisms of this effect include T cell Of Immunomodulation And addicted to Neutrophil granulocyte Effect of activation. This is one of the numerous scientific evidences of TCM science and its medical value verification. Others Representativeness The results of scientific research and verification of TCM are also in Taiwan“ Health Department, Executive Yuan ”The website of the Committee of Traditional Chinese Medicine has open and detailed records, providing interested people with a glimpse of the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine and clinical practice.

Knowledge transmission mode

The ancient Chinese authorities also constantly collected and revised various TCM classics.
A very different point between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine is that traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the experience of the ancients. Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine The researchers of modern medicine, on the contrary, pay more attention to the development of medicine.
Western medicine is constantly pushing through the old to bring forth new drugs. On the one hand, traditional Chinese medicine digs, collects, researches and draws on ancient secret prescriptions and medical books clinical experience , and continue to examine and apply it, on the other hand Classic prescription or Time square On the basis of this, we can add or subtract from different diseases in clinical practice, develop new prescriptions, or expand the therapeutic scope of prescriptions or enhance their efficacy by changing dosage forms, such as traditional Chinese medicine injection preparations.
Modern Internet and Communication media And University of Traditional Chinese Medicine With the establishment of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, various ancient books and information of traditional Chinese medicine have gradually become electronic and rapidly spread.
Because TCM emphasizes syndrome differentiation Chinese philosophy It is described in terms of the five elements of Yin and Yang, such as Qing Dynasty Chen Xiuyuan On《 Shennong's Herbal Classic 》Volume IV· Aristolochia In his note, he mentioned that "people today are confused Qian Yi Bufei Ejiao Powder One side, take (Aristolochia) for treatment Asthenic cough A hundred clothes and a hundred deaths ".

Important events


Debate over the Existence or Abolishment of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The dispute between Chinese medicine and western medicine in modern times was mainly manifested in the suppression of traditional Chinese medicine by the powerful western medicine. It's called the dispute between Chinese medicine and Western medicine. In fact, it's Scientism The problem of the preservation and abolition of traditional Chinese medicine under the impact.
February 1929 National Government At the Central Health Conference held by the Ministry of Health, the "case of abolishing traditional Chinese medicine" was passed.
In March 1929, the traditional Chinese medicine community took various measures to oppose the "abolition of traditional Chinese medicine case", and gained public support, which far overwhelmed the western medicine community. Through the efforts of all parties, the Civil Office of the National Government finally gave instructions to "revoke all the laws and regulations that imprison Chinese medicine". At this point, the debate on the preservation and abolition of modern Chinese medicine came to an end.
In 2003, the SARS epidemic broke out, and TCM became the Main force [3]
On June 3, 2003, at the International Seminar on SARS Prevention and Control in ASEAN, China, Japan and South Korea, Gao Qiang, the Executive Vice Minister of the Ministry of Health, pointed out that Chinese medicine has become an important force in treating SARS patients Scientific value Is fully reflected. Practical proof We actively used the resources of traditional Chinese medicine and practiced the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, which played an important role in the prevention and treatment of SARS. [3]
2005 Central South University professor Zhang Gongyao On《 Medicine and Philosophy 》In a magazine Public publication The article "Farewell to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine" once again triggered the public opinion of the debate on the preservation and abolition of traditional Chinese medicine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
On November 19, 2005, the state officially Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Renamed‘ Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine ’, Dean Cao Hongxin The "scientific status" of TCM was clearly stated in the speech.
On October 5, 2015, scientists from the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Tu Youyou With the extract of Chinese herbal medicine“ artemisinin ”It has made great contributions and won the award of 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine Tu Youyou claimed that this was "a gift of traditional Chinese medicine to the world". [4]
In October 2015, the General Office of Zhejiang Provincial People's Government issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Development of TCM Health Services, requiring education departments to incorporate relevant TCM knowledge into primary and secondary schools Local courses Textbooks. [5]
In February 2016, the State Council issued the Outline of Strategic Planning for the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine (2016-2030), calling for vigorously promoting traditional Chinese medicine Cultural knowledge We will promote the use of traditional Chinese medicine in schools, communities, villages and families, and incorporate basic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine into primary and secondary schools traditional culture Physiological health courses. [5]
In November 2016《 The 13th Five Year Plan for the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Hebei Province 》It is proposed to incorporate the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine into the traditional culture and physiological health curriculum of primary and secondary schools. [5]
Issued by the State Council on December 6, 2016 White Paper of Chinese Medicine [6]
white paper It is pointed out that the development of traditional Chinese medicine has become a national strategy, and the cause of traditional Chinese medicine has entered a new historical development period. [6]
Issued by the 13th National People's Congress on March 14, 2018 Institutional reform plan of the State Council The State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine will be placed under the jurisdiction of the State Council under the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China to further consolidate the official position of traditional Chinese medicine. [7]

Application for World Heritage of Traditional Chinese Medicine

In November 2005, the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Ministry of Culture Submitted the Draft of Traditional Chinese Medicine Application for National Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection.
In 2006, the country issued the first batch of intangible cultural heritage protection list, and traditional medicine was included in the list as the ninth category of 9 items. The State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine said in the progress report of the declaration: "It is suggested that our bureau should put forward the declaration of traditional Chinese medicine from the national strategic perspective World Intangible Cultural Heritage It is hoped that it will attract the attention of the leaders of relevant countries and give priority to declaration. "
In 2009, following the Dragon Boat Festival event, South Korea reported that it planned to change traditional Chinese medicine to Korean medicine for declaration World Heritage Site , causing multiple disputes. July 31, South Korea cultural heritage Hall announced, the United Nations UNESCO applied for《 Treasure of Eastern Medicine 》First issue included Memory of the World Heritage List It is not "changing traditional Chinese medicine into Korean medicine to apply for world heritage", and the rumor is wrong. [8]

undergraduate major

Professional training objectives : Cultivate a systematic grasp of the basics of traditional Chinese medicine Theoretical knowledge and basic skill , Adapt Modern Chinese Medicine It is necessary for the development and higher education of traditional Chinese medicine, and has good humanistic and natural science literacy Western medicine fundamental theory And basic skills, certain Traditional Chinese Medicine and preventive medicine Relevant knowledge and strong clinical skills Thinking ability And clinical practice ability Specialists Graduates of this major have comprehensive quality, good learning ability, strong ability to handle clinical practical problems with TCM theory and preliminary scientific research ability. After graduation, I can work in TCM medical institutions at all levels scientific research institution General hospitals and various related medical and health units are engaged in medical treatment, teaching and scientific research.