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Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Promoting the Rule of Law

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Decision on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Promoting the Rule of Law
This term is provided by the CPC History Publishing House and the Party Building Readings Publishing House.
The plenary heard and discussed Xi Jinping The work report commissioned by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee deliberated and passed the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Promoting the Rule of Law.
The overall goal of comprehensively promoting the rule of law is to build a socialist system of rule of law with Chinese characteristics and build a socialist country ruled by law. That is, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, implement the socialist theory of the rule of law with Chinese characteristics, form a complete system of legal norms, an efficient system of rule of law implementation, a strict system of rule of law supervision, and a strong system of rule of law guarantee, form a perfect system of intra party laws and regulations, and adhere to the rule of law, rule by law, and administration by law, Adhere to the integrated construction of the rule of law country, the rule of law government, and the rule of law society, realize scientific legislation, strict law enforcement, fair justice, and law abiding by the whole people, and promote Modernization of national governance system and capacity [4]
(Reference source for overview drawing [1]
Chinese name
Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Promoting the Rule of Law
Communiqu é meetings
the fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee
Release time
October 23, 2014


In order to implement the strategic deployment made at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and accelerate the construction of a socialist country ruled by law, the fourth plenary session of the 18th Central Committee studied several major issues and made decisions on comprehensively promoting the rule of law.

Full text of the decision

  • 1、 Adhere to the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics and build a socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics
Rule of law It is the essential requirement and important guarantee for adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, the inevitable requirement for realizing the modernization of the national governance system and governance capability, and it is related to the governance and rejuvenation of our party, the well-being of the people, and the long-term stability of the party and the country.
To build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, comprehensively deepen reform, improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and improve the Party's governing ability and level, we must comprehensively promote the rule of law.
China is now Primary stage of socialism The building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects has entered a decisive stage, and reform has entered a critical period and a deep-water area. The international situation is complex and volatile. The task of reform, development and stability that our Party faces is unprecedented, and there are more contradictions, risks and challenges than ever before. The rule of law plays a more prominent and important role in the overall work of the Party and the state. Faced with the new situation and new tasks, our party should better balance the domestic and international overall situation, better maintain and use the important strategic opportunity period of China's development, better coordinate social forces, balance social interests, adjust social relations, and regulate social behavior, so that our society is both dynamic and orderly in profound changes, and achieve economic development, political clarity, cultural prosperity Social justice, good ecology, and the realization of China's strategic goal of peaceful development must better play the role of the rule of law in guiding and regulating.
Our party attaches great importance to the construction of the rule of law. For a long time, especially since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, our party has profoundly summarized the successful experience and profound lessons of China's socialist rule of law construction, and proposed that in order to safeguard people's democracy, we must strengthen the rule of law, institutionalize democracy law We have defined the rule of law as the basic strategy for the Party to lead the people in governing the country, and the rule of law as the basic way for the Party to govern the country. We have actively built the socialist rule of law and made historic achievements. At present, the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics has been formed, the construction of a rule of law government has been steadily promoted, the judicial system has been constantly improved, and the whole society's concept of rule of law has been significantly enhanced.
At the same time, we must be aware that compared with the requirements of the development of the Party and the national cause, the expectations of the people, and the goal of modernizing the national governance system and governance capacity, there are still many problems in the construction of the rule of law, which are mainly manifested in: some laws and regulations fail to fully reflect the objective laws and the will of the people, and are not targeted and operable, The tendency of secularization and the phenomenon of competing for power and shifting responsibility are more prominent in legislative work; The phenomenon of non-compliance with the law, lax law enforcement, and lack of accountability for violations of the law is relatively serious. The law enforcement system is still out of line with its powers and responsibilities, and the phenomenon of multiple law enforcement and selective law enforcement still exists. The phenomenon of irregular, lax, opaque, and uncivilized law enforcement and justice is more prominent. The public has a strong response to the unfair and corrupt law enforcement and justice; Some members of society do not have a strong sense of respecting the law, believing in the law, abiding by the law and using it, and safeguarding their rights according to the law. Some state workers, especially leading cadres, do not have a strong sense of handling affairs according to the law and lack the ability to do so. The phenomenon of knowing the law and breaking the law, using words instead of the law, using power to suppress the law, and bending the law for personal gain still exists. These problems run counter to the socialist principle of the rule of law, harm the interests of the people, and hinder the development of the cause of the Party and the country. We must make great efforts to solve them.
To comprehensively promote the rule of law, we must implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics Marxism Leninism Mao Zedong Thought Deng Xiaoping Theory 、“ Three Representatives ”Important ideas Scientific Outlook on Development To guide and thoroughly implement Xi Jinping The spirit of the General Secretary's series of important speeches, adhere to the organic unity of the Party's leadership, the people's ownership and the rule of law, unswervingly follow the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, resolutely safeguard the authority of the Constitution and the law, safeguard the rights and interests of the people according to law, safeguard social fairness and justice, and safeguard national security and stability, in order to achieve the "two centenary goals" The realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation provides a strong legal guarantee.
The overall goal of comprehensively promoting the rule of law is to build a socialist system of rule of law with Chinese characteristics and build a socialist country ruled by law. That is, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, implement the theory of the rule of law with Chinese characteristics, form a complete system of legal norms, an efficient system of rule of law implementation, a strict system of rule of law supervision, and a strong system of rule of law guarantee, form a complete system of intra party laws and regulations, and adhere to the rule of law, rule by law, and administration by law, Adhere to the integrated construction of the rule of law country, the rule of law government, and the rule of law society, realize scientific legislation, strict law enforcement, fair justice, and law abiding by the whole people, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and capacity.
To achieve this general goal, we must adhere to the following principles.
——Adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China. The leadership of the Party is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the most fundamental guarantee of socialist rule of law. It is a basic experience of China's socialist rule of law construction to implement the leadership of the Party in the whole process and all aspects of the rule of law. Our Constitution establishes the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Adhering to the leadership of the Party is the fundamental requirement of the socialist rule of law, the root and lifeblood of the Party and the country, the interests and happiness of the people of all ethnic groups in the country, and an integral part of comprehensively advancing the rule of law. The leadership of the Party is consistent with the socialist rule of law. The socialist rule of law must adhere to the leadership of the Party, and the leadership of the Party must rely on the socialist rule of law. Only under the leadership of the Party, the rule of law and the rule of law can be fully realized, and the legalization of national and social life can be orderly promoted. Ruling by law requires the Party not only to govern the country in accordance with the Constitution and laws, but also to govern the Party in accordance with intra Party laws and regulations. We must uphold the Party's leadership in legislation, ensure law enforcement, support the judiciary, and take the lead in abiding by the law. We must unify the basic strategy of governing the country by law with the basic way of ruling by law, and unify the Party's overall leadership, coordination with all parties and the People's Congress, the government, the CPPCC, the judicial organs, and the procuratorial organs in performing their functions and carrying out their work in accordance with the Constitution, We should unify the Party's leadership of the people in formulating and implementing the Constitution and laws with the Party's adherence to activities within the scope of the Constitution and laws, be good at making the Party's propositions become the will of the state through legal procedures, be good at making candidates recommended by Party organizations become leaders of state power organs through legal procedures, and be good at implementing the Party's leadership over the country and society through state power organs, We should be good at using the principle of democratic centralism to safeguard the authority of the Central Committee and the unity of the whole Party and the country.
——Adhere to the dominant position of the people. The people are the main body and source of strength of the rule of law, and the people's congress system is the fundamental political system to ensure that the people are the masters of the country. We must adhere to the rule of law for the people, rely on the people, benefit the people, and protect the people. We must take safeguarding the fundamental rights and interests of the people as the starting point and end result, ensure that the people enjoy extensive rights and freedoms according to law, assume due obligations, safeguard social fairness and justice, and promote common prosperity. We must ensure that the people, under the leadership of the Party and in accordance with the law, manage state affairs, economic and cultural undertakings and social affairs through various channels and forms. We must make people realize that law is not only a powerful weapon to protect their rights, but also a code of conduct that must be observed. We must strengthen the awareness of the whole society to respect and use the law, so that the law is mastered, observed and applied by the people.
——Insist Everyone is equal before the law Equality is the basic attribute of socialist law. All organizations and individuals must respect the authority of the Constitution and laws, must act within the scope of the Constitution and laws, must exercise their powers or rights, perform their duties or obligations in accordance with the Constitution and laws, and must not have the privilege of going beyond the Constitution and laws. We must safeguard the unity, dignity and authority of the national legal system, effectively ensure the effective implementation of the Constitution and laws, and never allow anyone to use any excuse or form to speak for the law, suppress the law with power, or bend the law for personal gain. We must focus on regulating and restricting the power of public power, strengthen supervision, ensure that when we have power, we must be responsible, and when we use power, we must be supervised, and when we break the law, we must be held accountable. We must resolutely correct violations of the law, lax enforcement of the law, and impunity for violations of the law.
——Adhere to the combination of rule of law and rule of virtue. State and social governance need law and morality to play a role together. We must adhere to the rule of law and rule of virtue at the same time, vigorously promote socialist core values, carry forward traditional Chinese virtues, and cultivate Social morality professional ethics , family virtue and personal morality, attach importance to both the normative role of law and the educational role of morality, embody moral concepts with the rule of law, strengthen the role of law in promoting moral construction, nourish the spirit of the rule of law with morality, strengthen the role of morality in supporting the culture of the rule of law, and realize that law and morality complement each other, and rule of law and rule of virtue complement each other.
——Insist on proceeding from China's reality. The road, theoretical system and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics are the fundamental guidelines for comprehensively promoting the rule of law. We must proceed from China's basic national conditions, adapt to the deepening of reform and opening up, summarize and apply the successful experience of the Party in leading the people to implement the rule of law, focus on major theoretical and practical issues of socialist rule of law construction, promote the innovation of the rule of law theory, and develop socialist rule of law theory that conforms to China's reality, has Chinese characteristics, and reflects the law of social development, To provide theoretical guidance and theoretical support for the rule of law. Learn from the essence of Chinese legal culture and learn from the beneficial experience of foreign rule of law, but never copy foreign concepts and models of rule of law.
It is a systematic project and a broad and profound revolution in the field of national governance to comprehensively promote the rule of law, which requires long-term hard work. All comrades in the Party must more consciously adhere to the rule of law, more solidly promote the rule of law, and strive to realize the rule of law in all aspects of the country's work, and continue to move towards building a rule of law China.
  • 2、 Improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics with the Constitution as the core, and strengthen the implementation of the Constitution
Law is the most important tool for governing a country, and good law is the prerequisite for good governance. To build a socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics, we must adhere to the principle of legislation first, play the leading and promoting role of legislation, and seize the key to improving the quality of legislation. We must adhere to the concept of people first and legislation for the people, and implement the core socialist values, so that every piece of legislation conforms to the spirit of the Constitution, reflects the will of the people, and is supported by the people. The principles of justice, fairness and openness should be applied throughout the whole process of legislation, and the legislative system and mechanism should be improved. We should adhere to the simultaneous development of legislative reform, abolition and interpretation, and enhance the timeliness, systematicness, pertinence and effectiveness of laws and regulations.
(1) We will improve the system for implementing and supervising the Constitution. The Constitution is the concentrated embodiment of the will of the Party and the people, and the fundamental law formed through scientific and democratic procedures. To adhere to the rule of law, we must first adhere to the rule of constitution, and to adhere to the rule of law, we must first adhere to the rule of constitution. The people of all ethnic groups, all state organs and armed forces, all political parties and social groups, and all enterprises and institutions must take the Constitution as the fundamental guideline for their activities, and have the responsibility to safeguard the dignity of the Constitution and ensure its implementation. All acts that violate the Constitution must be investigated and corrected.
We will improve the constitutional supervision system of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee, and improve the procedural mechanism for constitutional interpretation. We will strengthen the record review system and capacity building, bring all normative documents into the scope of record review, revoke and correct unconstitutional and illegal normative documents in accordance with the law, and prohibit local governments from producing and distributing documents of a legislative nature.
Set December 4 every year as National Constitution Day We should carry out constitutional education in the whole society and carry forward the spirit of the Constitution. We will establish a constitutional oath system. All state functionaries elected or appointed by the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee will publicly swear to the Constitution when they take office.
(2) Improve the legislative system. Strengthen the Party's leadership over legislative work and improve the Party's decision-making procedures on major issues in legislative work. Any legislation involving major institutional and policy adjustments must be reported to the Party Central Committee for discussion and decision. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to the National People's Congress to amend the Constitution in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the Constitution. Major issues concerning the formulation and amendment of laws shall be reported by the Party Leadership Group of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to the Party Central Committee.
We will improve the system and mechanism for the people's congresses with legislative power to lead legislative work, and give play to the leading role of the people's congresses and their standing committees in legislative work. Establish a system in which relevant special committees of the National People's Congress and the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress organize relevant departments to participate in the drafting of comprehensive, comprehensive, fundamental and other important draft laws. Increase the proportion of full-time standing members with experience in rule of law practice. We will establish and improve the system of legislative expert advisers to special committees and working committees in accordance with the law.
We will strengthen and improve the government's legislative system, improve the procedures for formulating administrative regulations and rules, and improve the mechanism for public participation in government legislation. Important administrative laws and regulations shall be drafted by the government legal institution.
Clarify the boundary of legislative power, and effectively prevent the legalization of departmental interests and local protectionism from institutional mechanisms and working procedures. For important legislative matters with large disputes among departments, the decision-making organ shall introduce a third party to evaluate them, fully listen to the opinions of all parties, and coordinate the decisions. It shall not be delayed for a long time. Strengthen legal interpretation, and clarify the meaning of legal provisions and the legal basis for application in a timely manner. Clarify the jurisdiction and scope of local legislation, and give the local legislative power to the cities divided into districts according to law.
(3) We will further promote scientific and democratic legislation. We will strengthen the organization and coordination of legislative work by the National People's Congress, improve the mechanism for legislative drafting, argumentation, coordination, and deliberation, improve the mechanism for soliciting legislative opinions from people's congresses at lower levels, establish a system of grassroots legislative contact points, and promote the refinement of legislation. We will improve the system of soliciting the opinions of deputies to the people's congresses in drafting laws, regulations and rules, increase the number of deputies to the people's congresses who attend meetings of the Standing Committee of the people's congresses as nonvoting delegates, and give more play to the role of deputies to the people's congresses in drafting and amending laws. We will improve the collection and demonstration system for legislative projects. We will improve ways and means for legislative bodies to lead and for all sectors of society to participate in legislation in an orderly manner. Explore and entrust a third party to draft laws and regulations.
Improve the communication mechanism between the legislature and the public, carry out legislative consultation, and give full play to CPPCC member Democratic parties Federation of Industry and Commerce Non party personage people 's organization . The role of social organizations in legislative consultation, and explore the establishment of relevant state organs, social groups, experts and scholars on the major interest adjustment demonstration and consultation mechanism involved in legislation. We will broaden the channels for citizens to participate in legislation in an orderly manner, improve the mechanism for soliciting public opinions on draft laws, regulations and rules and the feedback mechanism for the adoption of public opinions, and widely pool social consensus.
Improve the voting procedures for draft laws, and vote on important clauses separately.
(4) We will strengthen legislation in key areas. We will safeguard citizens' rights in accordance with the law, accelerate the improvement of the legal system that reflects the fairness of rights, opportunities and rules, ensure that citizens' personal rights, property rights, basic political rights and other rights are not violated, ensure that citizens' economic, cultural, social and other rights are implemented, and realize the legalization of the protection of citizens' rights. We will strengthen the whole society's awareness of respecting and protecting human rights, and improve the channels and methods of civil rights relief.
The socialist market economy is essentially an economy governed by law. To enable the market to play a decisive role in resource allocation and better play the role of the government, we must take the protection of property rights, the maintenance of contracts, the unification of the market, equal exchange, fair competition, and effective supervision as the basic guidance, and improve the legal system of the socialist market economy. We will improve the property rights protection system with fairness as the core principle, strengthen the protection of property rights of economic organizations and natural persons under various ownership, and clear up laws and regulations that violate fairness. Innovate property rights protection systems that adapt to various forms of realization of public ownership, and strengthen the protection of the ownership and management rights of state-owned and collective assets and the property rights of various types of enterprise legal persons. The State protects the enterprise's legal person property rights to operate independently and assume sole responsibility for its own profits and losses in accordance with the law. The enterprise has the right to refuse the request of any organization or individual without legal basis. Strengthen the legislation of corporate social responsibility. We will improve the property rights system that encourages innovation, the intellectual property protection system, and the system and mechanism that promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Strengthen the construction of market legal system and compile Civil Code We will formulate and improve laws and regulations on development planning, investment management, land management, energy and mineral resources, agriculture, finance and taxation, and finance, and promote the free flow, fair trade, and equal use of commodities and factors. We should strengthen and improve macro-control and market supervision in accordance with the law, oppose monopoly, promote reasonable competition, and maintain the market order of fair competition. We will strengthen the legal guarantee for the in-depth development of civil military integration.
Institutionalization, standardization and routinization are the fundamental guarantees of socialist democracy. Focusing on ensuring that the people are masters of the country, we should adhere to and improve the system of people's congresses, adhere to and improve the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the system of regional ethnic autonomy and the system of grass-roots mass autonomy, and promote the rule of law in socialist democracy. We will strengthen the construction of the socialist consultative democracy system, promote the extensive and multi-level institutionalized development of consultative democracy, and build a consultative democracy system with reasonable procedures and complete links. We will improve and develop democracy at the grassroots level, promote democracy at the grassroots level and self-discipline in the industry in accordance with the law, and practice self-management, self service, self-education, and self-monitoring. We will improve the organizational law of state institutions and the electoral system and working mechanism. Accelerate the promotion of national anti-corruption legislation, improve the system of punishing and preventing corruption, form an effective mechanism that dare not, cannot, and does not want to corrupt, and resolutely curb and prevent corruption. We will improve the legal system for punishing corruption and bribery, and expand the scope of bribery from property to property and other property interests.
We will establish and improve a cultural legal system that adheres to the direction of advanced socialist culture, follows the law of cultural development, and is conducive to stimulating cultural creativity and safeguarding the basic cultural rights and interests of the people. The Law on the Guarantee of Public Cultural Services was formulated to promote the standardization and equalization of basic public cultural services. We will formulate the Law on the Promotion of Cultural Industries, legalize effective cultural and economic policies, and improve institutional norms that promote the organic unity of social and economic benefits. We will enact the Law on National Medals and National Honorary Titles to honor outstanding people who have made outstanding contributions. We will strengthen legislation in the Internet field, improve laws and regulations on network information services, network security protection, and network social management, and standardize network behavior in accordance with the law.
We will accelerate efforts to ensure and improve people's wellbeing, and promote social governance system innovation and legal system building. We will strengthen and standardize public services in accordance with the law, and improve laws and regulations on education, employment, income distribution, social security, health care, food safety, poverty alleviation, charity, social assistance, and the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of women, children, the elderly, and the disabled. We will strengthen legislation on social organizations, standardize and guide the healthy development of various social organizations. Formulate community correction law.
We will implement the overall concept of national security, accelerate the construction of the rule of law for national security, promptly introduce a number of urgently needed laws such as anti-terrorism, promote the legalization of public security, and build a legal system for national security.
Protect the ecological environment with a strict legal system, accelerate the establishment of an ecological civilization legal system that effectively restricts development behavior and promotes green, circular and low-carbon development, strengthen the legal responsibility of producers for environmental protection, and significantly increase the cost of violations. Establish and improve the legal system of natural resource property rights, improve the legal system of land and space development and protection, formulate and improve laws and regulations on ecological compensation, soil, water, air pollution prevention and marine ecological environment protection, and promote the construction of ecological civilization.
We will link legislation with reform decisions, ensure that major reforms are based on the law, and that legislation actively adapts to the needs of reform and economic and social development. If it has been proved effective in practice, it should be raised to law in time. If the practical conditions are not mature and need to be tried first, authorization shall be made according to legal procedures. Laws and regulations that do not meet the requirements of reform should be revised and repealed in a timely manner.
  • 3、 Deeply promote administration according to law and accelerate the construction of a government ruled by law
The vitality of law lies in its implementation, and the authority of law also lies in its implementation. Governments at all levels must persist in working under the leadership of the Party and on the track of the rule of law, innovate the law enforcement system, improve the law enforcement procedures, promote comprehensive law enforcement, strictly enforce the law responsibility, establish an authoritative and efficient administrative system in accordance with the law, and accelerate the construction of a government ruled by law with scientific functions, legally defined powers and responsibilities, strict law enforcement, openness, fairness, integrity, efficiency, and integrity.
(1) Fully perform government functions according to law. We will improve the legal system of administrative organizations and procedures, and promote the legalization of institutions, functions, authorities, procedures, and responsibilities. Administrative organs should adhere to the principle that they must perform their statutory duties and cannot do anything without legal authorization. They should be bold in taking responsibility and responsibility, resolutely correct inaction and disorderly acts, resolutely overcome laziness and neglect of government, and resolutely punish dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty. The administrative organ shall not set powers out of law, and shall not make decisions that impair the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations or increase their obligations without the basis of laws and regulations. We will implement the government power list system and resolutely eliminate the rent seeking space for power.
We will promote the standardization and legalization of the administrative power of governments at all levels, improve the legal system of the administrative power of governments at different levels, especially the central and local governments, strengthen the central government's macro management, system setting responsibilities, and necessary law enforcement powers, strengthen the provincial government's responsibility to coordinate and promote the equalization of basic public services in the region, and strengthen the implementation responsibilities of municipal and county governments.
(2) We will improve the decision-making mechanism in accordance with the law. The public participation, expert argumentation, risk assessment, legality review, and collective discussion decision are identified as the legal procedures for major administrative decision-making, to ensure that the decision-making system is scientific, the procedures are legitimate, the process is open, and the responsibilities are clear. Establish a review mechanism for the legality of major internal decisions of the administrative organ. Those that have not been reviewed for legality or have been reviewed for illegality shall not be submitted for discussion.
We will actively promote the system of government legal advisers, establish a team of legal advisers with government legal institutions as the main body and experts and lawyers as the participants, and ensure that legal advisers play an active role in making major administrative decisions and promoting administration according to law.
Establish a lifelong accountability system and a responsibility review mechanism for major decisions, and strictly investigate the legal responsibilities of the executive heads, other responsible leaders and relevant responsible persons for serious mistakes in decision-making or decisions that should be made in time according to law but have caused major losses and adverse effects due to delay.
(3) We will deepen reform of the administrative law enforcement system. According to the powers and functions of governments at different levels, and in accordance with the principle of reducing levels, integrating teams, and improving efficiency, the law enforcement force should be reasonably allocated.
We will promote comprehensive law enforcement, significantly reduce the number of law enforcement teams at the municipal and county levels, and focus on implementing comprehensive law enforcement in food and drug safety, industrial and commercial quality inspection, public health, production safety, cultural tourism, resources and environment, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, transportation, urban and rural construction, marine and fishery, and other fields. Cross departmental comprehensive law enforcement can be implemented in areas where conditions permit.
We will improve the administration of law enforcement at the municipal and county levels, and strengthen unified leadership and coordination. Rationalize the administrative enforcement system. We will rationalize the urban management law enforcement system, strengthen the construction of comprehensive law enforcement agencies for urban management, and improve law enforcement and service levels.
Strictly implement the system of employment with certificates and qualification management for administrative law enforcement personnel. Without passing the law enforcement qualification examination, no law enforcement qualification shall be granted and no law enforcement activities shall be conducted. Strictly implement the management system of separation of fines and payments and two lines of revenue and expenditure. It is strictly prohibited to link the revenue from fines and confiscations with the interests of departments directly or in disguised form.
We will improve the linkage mechanism between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, improve the standards and procedures for the transfer of cases, establish a system for information sharing, case reporting, and case transfer among administrative law enforcement agencies, public security organs, procuratorial organs, and judicial organs, resolutely overcome the phenomenon of cases that do not move, cases that are difficult to move, and punishment instead of punishment, and achieve a seamless connection between administrative punishment and criminal punishment.
(4) Adhere to strict, standardized, fair and civilized law enforcement. Punish all kinds of illegal acts in accordance with the law, and strengthen law enforcement in key areas that affect the vital interests of the masses. We will improve law enforcement procedures and establish a record system for the whole process of law enforcement. Specify specific operation process and focus on standardization administrative licensing administrative sanction Administrative compulsion, administrative expropriation administrative charge Administrative inspection and other law enforcement actions. Strictly implement the legal review system for major law enforcement decisions.
Establish and improve the benchmark system of administrative discretion, refine and quantify the standards of administrative discretion, and standardize the scope, category and range of discretion. We will strengthen the informatization construction and information sharing of administrative law enforcement, and improve the efficiency and standardization of law enforcement.
Fully implement the administrative law enforcement responsibility system, strictly determine the law enforcement responsibilities and accountability mechanisms of law enforcement personnel in different departments, institutions and positions, strengthen law enforcement supervision, resolutely eliminate interference in law enforcement activities, prevent and overcome local and departmental protectionism, and punish law enforcement corruption.
(5) Strengthen the restriction and supervision of administrative power. We will strengthen the system of inner-party supervision, people's congress supervision, democratic supervision, administrative supervision, judicial supervision, audit supervision, social supervision, and public opinion supervision, strive to form a scientific and effective system for restricting and supervising the operation of power, and enhance the resultant force and effectiveness of supervision.
Strengthening the restriction on the internal power of the government is the focus of strengthening the restriction on administrative power. For departments and posts with centralized power, such as the distribution and use of financial funds, supervision of state-owned assets, government investment, government procurement, transfer of public resources, and public engineering construction, we will exercise power in different tasks, set power in different posts, authorize at different levels, rotate posts regularly, strengthen internal process control, and prevent abuse of power. We will improve the internal level supervision and special supervision of the government, improve the supervision of higher authorities over lower authorities, and establish a regular supervision system. We will improve the mechanism for error correction and accountability, and improve accountability methods and procedures such as ordering public apology, suspension for inspection, taking the blame for resignation, ordering resignation, and dismissal.
We will improve the audit system and ensure that we exercise audit supervision independently in accordance with the law. Public funds, state-owned assets, state-owned resources and the performance of leading cadres' economic responsibilities shall be fully covered by audit. We will strengthen the leadership of audit institutions at higher levels over audit institutions at lower levels. We will explore the unified management of people and property of local audit institutions below the provincial level. We will promote the professionalization of auditing.
(6) We will comprehensively promote openness in government affairs. Adhere to the principle of openness as the normal and non openness as the exception, and promote the openness of decision-making, implementation, management, service and results. Governments at all levels and their working departments shall fully disclose government functions, legal basis, implementation subjects, responsibilities and authorities, management processes, supervision methods and other matters to the public according to the list of powers. We will focus on promoting the disclosure of government information in the areas of financial budget, public resource allocation, approval and implementation of major construction projects, and construction of social welfare undertakings.
Normative documents involving the rights and obligations of citizens, legal persons or other organizations shall be published in accordance with the requirements and procedures of government information disclosure. We will promote the system of publicity of administrative law enforcement. We will promote the openness and informatization of government affairs, and strengthen the construction of the Internet government information data service platform and the convenience service platform.
  • 4、 Ensure fair justice and improve judicial credibility
Justice is the lifeline of the rule of law. Judicial justice plays an important leading role in social justice, and judicial injustice has a fatal destructive effect on social justice. We must improve the judicial management system and judicial power operation mechanism, standardize judicial behavior, strengthen the supervision of judicial activities, and strive to make the people feel fair and just in every judicial case.
(1) We will improve the system to ensure that judicial and procuratorial powers are exercised independently and impartially according to law. Party and government organs and leading cadres at all levels should support courts and procuratorates in exercising their functions and powers independently and impartially according to law. Establish a system of recording, notifying and accountability for leading cadres' intervention in judicial activities and handling of specific cases. No party and government organs and leading cadres shall allow judicial organs to do things that violate their statutory duties and hinder judicial justice, and no judicial organ shall implement the requirements of the party and government organs and leading cadres for illegally intervening in judicial activities. Those who interfere with the handling of cases by judicial organs shall be given party and government disciplinary sanctions; If a case is unjust, false or wrong or other serious consequences are caused, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.
We will improve the system in which administrative organs respond to lawsuits in court according to law, support courts in accepting administrative cases, and respect and implement effective court decisions. We will improve the legal provisions for punishing illegal and criminal acts that hinder judicial organs from exercising their functions and powers according to law, refuse to implement effective judgments and decisions, and flout the authority of the courts.
Establish and improve the protection mechanism for judicial personnel to perform their statutory duties. Without legal reasons and legal procedures judge The public procurator shall be transferred, dismissed or removed from office or demoted.
(2) Optimize the allocation of judicial powers. We will improve the systems and mechanisms in which public security organs, procuratorial organs, judicial organs, and judicial administrative organs perform their respective duties, and investigative, procuratorial, judicial, and executive powers cooperate and restrict each other.
We will improve the judicial system and promote the pilot reform of the system that separates judicial power from executive power. We should improve the penalty execution system and unify the penalty execution system. We will reform the system for managing people and property in judicial organs, and explore ways to separate the administration of judicial affairs from the judicial and procuratorial powers of courts and procuratorates.
Establishment of the Supreme People's Court circuit court And hear major administrative, civil and commercial cases across administrative regions. We will explore the establishment of people's courts and people's procuratorates across administrative divisions to handle cross regional cases. We will improve the system and mechanism of administrative litigation, reasonably adjust the jurisdiction system of administrative litigation cases, and effectively solve the outstanding problems of administrative litigation such as difficulty in filing, hearing, and executing cases.
We will reform the court case acceptance system, change the case filing review system to the case filing registration system, and ensure that all cases that should be accepted by the people's courts in accordance with the law must be filed, and all cases must be handled, so as to ensure the litigants' litigation rights. We will intensify the punishment of false lawsuits, malicious lawsuits, and unreasonable lawsuits. We will improve the system of lenient punishment for pleading guilty in criminal proceedings.
We should improve the trial level system. The first instance should focus on the settlement of facts and the application of law, the second instance should focus on the settlement of facts and legal disputes and the realization of the final trial of the second instance, and the retrial should focus on the settlement of errors according to law and the maintenance of the judicial authority. We will improve the judicial supervision system for administrative enforcement measures involving citizens' personal and property rights. The procuratorial organ shall urge the administrative organ to correct the illegal exercise of its functions and powers or the failure to exercise its functions and powers when it finds out in the course of performing its duties. We will explore the establishment of a public interest litigation system by procuratorial organs.
Clarify the authority of all levels within the judiciary, and improve the internal supervision and restriction mechanism. The internal personnel of the judicial organ shall not interfere with the cases being handled by other personnel in violation of the provisions, and establish a record system and accountability system for the cases of the internal personnel of the judicial organ. We will improve the responsibility system for the presiding judge, the collegial panel, the chief prosecutor, and the lead investigator in handling cases, and ensure that whoever handles a case is responsible.
We will strengthen the management of clues to job-related crimes, improve the system of acceptance, diversion, investigation and information feedback, clarify the standards and procedures for discipline inspection and supervision and criminal justice, and strictly investigate and handle job-related crimes in accordance with the law.
(3) We will promote strict administration of justice. Adhere to the principle of taking the facts as the basis and the law as the criterion, and improve the legal system that the fact determination conforms to the objective truth, the case handling result conforms to the substantive justice, and the case handling process conforms to the procedural justice. We will strengthen and standardize judicial interpretation and case guidance, and unify standards for the application of laws.
We will promote the reform of the trial centered litigation system to ensure that the factual evidence of the cases investigated, reviewed and prosecuted can stand the test of the law. We will fully implement the rules of evidence adjudication, strictly collect, fix, preserve, review and use evidence in accordance with the law, improve the system of witnesses and expert witnesses appearing in court, and ensure that court trials play a decisive role in ascertaining facts, identifying evidence, protecting litigation rights, and making fair judgments.
Clarify the work responsibilities, work processes, and work standards of all types of judicial personnel, implement the lifelong responsibility system for case handling quality and the accountability system for misjudged cases, and ensure that case handling can stand the test of law and history.
(4) We will ensure that the people participate in justice. Adhere to the principle that people's justice is for the people, rely on the people to promote fair justice, and safeguard people's rights and interests through fair justice. Ensure the people's participation in judicial activities such as judicial mediation, judicial hearing and complaint reporting. We will improve the system of people's assessors, safeguard citizens' right to jury, expand the scope of participation in trials, improve the method of random selection, and improve the credibility of the people's jury system. Gradually, people's jurors will no longer try the application of law, but only participate in the trial of the determination of facts.
We will build an open, dynamic, transparent and convenient sunshine judicial mechanism, promote the openness of trials, procuratorial affairs, police affairs and prison affairs, disclose the judicial basis, procedures, processes, results and effective legal documents of law enforcement in a timely manner in accordance with the law, and put an end to backdoor operations. We will strengthen the legal interpretation and reasoning of legal documents, and establish a unified online and public inquiry system for effective legal documents.
(5) We will strengthen judicial protection of human rights. Strengthen the institutional guarantee of the parties and other litigation participants' rights to know, to make statements, to defend and debate, to apply and to appeal in the litigation process. We will improve the legal system for implementing the legal principles of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime, no suspect, and the exclusion of illegal evidence. We will improve judicial supervision over judicial measures and investigative methods that restrict personal freedom, strengthen the source prevention of extorting confessions by torture and illegal evidence collection, and improve the mechanism for effective prevention and timely correction of unjust, false and erroneous cases.
We will effectively solve the problem of enforcement, formulate a law on compulsory enforcement, and standardize the judicial procedures for sealing up, seizing, freezing, and disposing of property involved in the case. We will accelerate the establishment of a legal system for credit supervision, deterrence and punishment of those who break their promises. Ensure that the winning party realizes its rights and interests in a timely manner in accordance with the law.
We will implement the system of final adjudication and termination of litigation, separate complaints from visits, and ensure that parties exercise their right to appeal in accordance with the law. For appeals against effective judgments and decisions of judicial organs, the system of lawyers acting as agents shall be gradually implemented. The complainant who cannot afford a lawyer shall be included in the scope of legal aid.
(6) Strengthen supervision over judicial activities. We should improve the legal system for procuratorial organs to exercise their power of supervision and strengthen legal supervision over criminal, civil and administrative proceedings. We will improve the system of people's supervisors, and focus on supervising procuratorial organs' law enforcement activities in the process of investigating and handling duty related crimes, such as filing, detaining, seizing and freezing property, and prosecuting. The judiciary should respond to social concerns in a timely manner. Regulate the media's reporting of cases and prevent public opinion from affecting judicial justice.
We should standardize the contact and communication between judicial personnel and parties, lawyers, special relationships and intermediary organizations in accordance with the law. It is strictly prohibited for judicial personnel to contact the parties and lawyers in private, disclose or investigate cases for them, accept invitations or accept their property, introduce agents and defense services for lawyers, and other illegal and disciplinary acts, and resolutely punish the acts of judicial brokers to prevent the transfer of interests.
Judicial personnel dismissed from public office for violating laws and disciplines, lawyers and notaries whose practicing certificates have been revoked are prohibited from engaging in legal profession for life, and those who constitute crimes shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.
We will resolutely break down all kinds of hidden rules, never allow extralegal leniency, and never allow the handling of relationship cases, human relations cases, and money cases. We will resolutely oppose and overcome the idea of privilege, the style of government offices, and the overbearing style, and resolutely oppose and punish acts of brutal law enforcement. There is no tolerance for corruption in the judicial field, and we will resolutely eliminate the black sheep.
  • 5、 Strengthen the concept of the rule of law of the whole people and promote the construction of a society ruled by law
The authority of law originates from the people's inner support and sincere belief. The rights and interests of the people should be protected by law, and the authority of the law should be safeguarded by the people. We must carry forward the socialist spirit of the rule of law, build a socialist culture of the rule of law, strengthen the enthusiasm and initiative of the whole society to enforce the rule of law, form a social atmosphere in which law-abiding is glorious and law-abiding is shameful, and make all the people become loyal advocates, conscientious followers, and firm defenders of the socialist rule of law.
(1) We will promote the whole society to establish a sense of the rule of law. Adhere to the principle of law popularization and law-abiding by the whole people as the long-term basic work of governing the country according to law, carry out in-depth publicity and education on the rule of law, guide the whole people to consciously abide by the law, find the law in case of trouble, and rely on the law to solve problems. Adhere to the principle that leading cadres should take the lead in learning the law and be exemplary in abiding by the law as the key to building the awareness of the rule of law, improve the system of learning and using the law for state workers, include constitutional law in the study of the central group of the Party committee (Party group), and list it as a compulsory course in the Party School, School of Administration, Cadre College, and Socialist College. We will incorporate rule of law education into the national education system, starting with young people, and set up courses on rule of law knowledge in primary and secondary schools.
We will improve the publicity and education mechanism for law popularization. Party committees and governments at all levels should strengthen their leadership over law popularization. Publicity, cultural and educational departments and people's organizations should play a functional role in law popularization. We will implement the responsibility system for popularizing the law of the state organs that "whoever enforces the law will popularize the law", establish a system for judges, prosecutors, administrative law enforcement personnel, lawyers, etc. to interpret the law through cases, and strengthen the team of lecturers and volunteers for popularizing the law. We will incorporate rule of law education into the creation of spiritual civilization, carry out mass cultural activities of rule of law, improve the system of public law popularization by media, strengthen the application of new media and new technologies in law popularization, and improve the effectiveness of law popularization.
Firmly establish the concept that where there is power, there is responsibility, and where there is right, there is obligation. We will strengthen social integrity, improve citizens' and organizations' law-abiding credit records, improve the commendation mechanism for law-abiding integrity and the punishment mechanism for illegal and dishonest acts, and make respecting the law and abiding by the law a common pursuit and conscious action of all people.
We should strengthen the moral construction of citizens, carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, strengthen the moral foundation of the rule of law, strengthen the sense of rules, advocate the spirit of contract, and promote public order and good customs. Give play to the role of the rule of law in solving outstanding problems in the moral field, and guide people to consciously fulfill their legal obligations, social responsibilities, and family responsibilities.
(2) We will promote law based governance at multiple levels and in multiple fields. Adhere to systematic governance, governance according to law, comprehensive governance, and governance at the source, and improve the rule of law level of social governance. Deeply carry out multi-level and multi form rule of law building activities, deepen the legal governance of grass-roots organizations, departments and industries, and support various social entities to self restrain and self manage. Give play to the positive role of social norms in social governance, such as citizen conventions, township rules and regulations, industry regulations, and group charters.
Give play to the positive role of people's organizations and social organizations in building a society ruled by law. We will establish and improve mechanisms and institutionalized channels for social organizations to participate in social affairs, safeguard public interests, help people in need, help and educate special people, and prevent crimes. Support social organizations such as industry associations and chambers of commerce to play the role of self-discipline and professional services. Give play to the role of social organizations in guiding their members' behavior, restricting their rules and safeguarding their rights and interests. Strengthen the management of non-governmental organizations outside China, guide and supervise their activities in accordance with the law.
Hold high the banner of national unity, properly handle social problems involving ethnic and religious factors according to law, and promote harmonious ethnic and religious relations.
(3) Build a complete legal service system. We will promote the development of a public legal service system that covers urban and rural residents, and strengthen legal services in the area of people's livelihood. We will improve the legal aid system, expand the scope of assistance, and improve the judicial assistance system to ensure that people receive timely and effective legal assistance when they encounter legal problems or their rights are violated.
We will develop legal services such as lawyers and notaries, coordinate urban and rural and regional legal service resources, and develop foreign-related legal services. We will improve the unified judicial expertise management system.
(4) We will improve the mechanism for safeguarding rights and resolving disputes in accordance with the law. Strengthen the authoritative position of law in safeguarding the rights and interests of the masses and resolving social conflicts, guide and support people to express their demands rationally, safeguard their rights and interests according to law, and solve the most direct and realistic interest problems that the masses care about most.
We will build an institutional system that plays a major role in safeguarding the interests of the masses, establish and improve the early warning mechanism for social conflicts, the interest expression mechanism, the consultation and communication mechanism, and the relief and relief mechanism, and open legal channels for coordinating the interests of the masses and safeguarding their rights and interests. Bring letters and visits into the track of rule of law, and ensure that reasonable and legitimate appeals can get reasonable and legitimate results in accordance with legal provisions and procedures.
We will improve the mechanism for preventing and resolving social conflicts and disputes, and improve the diversified dispute resolution mechanisms that organically link and coordinate mediation, arbitration, administrative adjudication, administrative reconsideration, and litigation. We will strengthen the construction of industrial and professional people's mediation organizations, and improve the system of people's mediation, administrative mediation, and judicial mediation. We will improve the arbitration system and enhance the credibility of arbitration. We will improve the administrative adjudication system and strengthen the functions of administrative organs in resolving civil disputes closely related to administrative activities.
We will further promote comprehensive governance of public security and improve and implement the leadership responsibility system. We will improve the three-dimensional social security prevention and control system, effectively prevent and resolve problems that affect social stability and ensure the safety of people's lives and property. In accordance with the law, we will crack down on violent terrorism, crimes involving mafia, cults, pornography, gambling and drugs and other illegal and criminal activities, and will never allow them to take shape. We will, in accordance with the law, strengthen the governance of key issues that endanger food and drug safety, affect safe production, damage the ecological environment, and undermine network security.
  • 6、 Strengthen the construction of the rule of law team
To comprehensively promote the rule of law, we must vigorously improve the ideological and political quality, professional work ability, and professional ethics of the rule of law team, focus on building a socialist rule of law team that is loyal to the party, the country, the people, and the law, and provide strong organizational and talent support for accelerating the construction of a socialist rule of law country.
(1) We will build a high-quality team dedicated to the rule of law. Put the ideological and political construction in the first place, strengthen the education of ideals and beliefs, deepen the education of socialist core values and socialist concept of the rule of law, adhere to the supremacy of the cause of the Party, the interests of the people, the Constitution and the law, and strengthen the construction of the legislative team, the administrative law enforcement team, and the judicial team. Grasp the key to the construction of leading groups at all levels of the legislative, law enforcement and judicial organs, highlight political standards, and select people who are good at using the rule of law thinking and methods to promote work to leadership positions. The channels for exchange between cadres and talents in the legislative, law enforcement and judicial departments as well as with qualified cadres and talents in other departments should be unblocked.
We will promote the regularization, professionalization and professionalization of the rule of law professional team, and improve their professional quality and professionalism. We will improve the legal profession access system, improve the national unified legal profession qualification examination system, and establish a unified pre service training system for legal professionals. We will establish a system for recruiting legislators, judges, and prosecutors from qualified lawyers and legal experts, unblock the channels for qualified military cadres to enter the rule of law team, and improve the standardized and convenient mechanism for recruiting talents from political and law graduates. We will strengthen the building of specialized law enforcement teams in border areas and ethnic minority areas. We will accelerate the establishment of a management system for rule of law personnel that conforms to professional characteristics, improve the occupational security system, and establish a professional job order and salary system for judges, prosecutors, and the people's police.
We will establish a system for selecting judges and prosecutors level by level. The newly appointed judges and procurators shall be recruited by the Higher People's Court and the People's Procuratorate at the provincial level, and all shall serve in the basic courts and procuratorates. Judges and procurators of the people's courts and people's procuratorates at higher levels are generally selected from the outstanding judges and procurators of the people's courts and people's procuratorates at the next lower level.
(2) Strengthen the construction of legal service team. We will strengthen the ideological and political construction of the lawyers' ranks, take supporting the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist rule of law as the basic requirements for lawyers to work, and strengthen the consciousness and determination of lawyers to follow the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics. We will build a team of social lawyers, public lawyers, corporate lawyers and other lawyers with complementary advantages and reasonable structure. Improve the professional quality of lawyers and improve the practice guarantee mechanism. We will strengthen the management of law firms, give play to the self-discipline role of the Bar Association, standardize lawyers' practice, supervise lawyers to strictly abide by professional ethics and ethics, strengthen access and exit management, and strictly implement the disciplinary system for illegal practices. We will strengthen the Party building in the legal profession, expand the coverage of the Party's work, and give practical play to the political core role of the party organization of law firms.
Party and government organs and people's organizations at all levels generally set up public lawyers, and enterprises can set up corporate lawyers to participate in decision-making and argumentation, provide legal advice, promote legal work, and prevent legal risks. Clarify the legal status, rights and obligations of public lawyers and company lawyers, and straighten out the management system and mechanism of public lawyers and company lawyers.
We will develop a contingent of notaries, grass-roots legal service workers, and people's mediators. Promote the construction of legal service volunteer team. Establish a mechanism to encourage cross regional flow of legal service talents, and gradually solve the problem of insufficient legal service resources and high-end talents in grass-roots and underdeveloped areas.
(3) Innovate the training mechanism of legal talents. Insist on occupying the legal education and legal research positions of universities and scientific research institutions in an all-round way with Marxist legal thought and the theory of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the research of basic legal theory, form a perfect theoretical system, disciplinary system and curriculum system of socialist legal science with Chinese characteristics, and organize the preparation and comprehensive use of national unified core teaching materials for law majors, Included in the compulsory scope of judicial examination. Adhere to the guiding principle of morality and moral education, promote the theory of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics into teaching materials and into the classroom, and cultivate and cultivate legal talents and reserve forces who are familiar with and adhere to the socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics. Build a team of foreign-related legal talents who are familiar with international legal rules and good at handling foreign-related legal affairs.
We will improve the two-way exchange mechanism between political and legal departments, law schools and law research institutions, implement the plan of mutual employment between universities and law enforcement departments, focus on building a team of high-level jurists and experts with firm political positions, profound theoretical foundation, and familiar with China's national conditions, and build a team of high-quality academic leaders, backbone teachers, full-time and part-time teachers.
  • 7、 Strengthen and improve the Party's leadership in comprehensively promoting the rule of law
The leadership of the Party is the most fundamental guarantee for comprehensively promoting the rule of law and accelerating the construction of a socialist country ruled by law. We must strengthen and improve the Party's leadership over the rule of law, and implement the Party's leadership throughout the process of comprehensively advancing the rule of law.
(1) Adhere to the rule of law. Ruling by law is the key to governing the country by law. Party organizations and leading cadres at all levels should deeply realize that safeguarding the authority of the Constitution and the law is to safeguard the authority of the common will of the Party and the people, safeguarding the dignity of the Constitution and the law is to safeguard the dignity of the common will of the Party and the people, and ensuring the implementation of the Constitution and the law is to ensure the realization of the common will of the Party and the people. Leading cadres at all levels should be in awe of the law, keep in mind that the red line of the law cannot be crossed and the bottom line of the law cannot be touched, take the lead in abiding by the law, take the lead in handling affairs in accordance with the law, and should not exercise power illegally, let alone substitute words for the law, use power to suppress the law, or bend the law for personal gain.
We will improve the system and working mechanism of the Party's leadership in governing the country in accordance with the law, and improve the working mechanism and procedures to ensure that the Party determines the principles, policies, decisions and arrangements for governing the country in accordance with the law. We will strengthen unified leadership, deployment, and coordination for comprehensively advancing the rule of law. We will improve the Party committee's decision-making mechanism in accordance with the law, give full play to the respective advantages of policies and laws, and promote the interconnection and interaction between the Party's policies and national laws. The Party committee should regularly listen to the work reports of the political and legal organs, and set an example in promoting fair justice and safeguarding the authority of the law. The main responsible persons of the Party and government should perform their duties as the first responsible person for promoting the rule of law. Party committees at all levels should lead and support trade unions, the Communist Youth League, women's federations and other people's organizations and social organizations to play an active role in governing the country according to law.
Party organizations and party cadres of the People's Congress, the government, the CPPCC, judicial and procuratorial organs should resolutely implement the Party's theories, lines, principles and policies, and implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Committee. The Party organizations of the people's congresses, governments, CPPCC committees, judicial organs and procuratorial organs at all levels should lead and supervise their own units to follow the Constitution and laws by example, and resolutely investigate and deal with law enforcement violations, illegal use of power and other acts.
Judicial and Law Commission It is an organizational form for the Party Committee to lead the political and legal work and must be adhered to for a long time. The political and legal committees of party committees at all levels should focus on grasping the political direction, coordinating the functions of all parties, coordinating political and legal work, building political and legal teams, urging the performance of duties according to law, creating a fair judicial environment, taking the lead in handling affairs according to law, and ensuring the correct and unified implementation of the Constitution and laws. Party organizations in political and legal organs should establish and improve the system of reporting major issues to the Party committee. We will strengthen the Party building in political and legal organs, and give full play to the role of the Party organization as a political guarantee and the vanguard and model role of Party members in building the rule of law.
(2) Strengthen the construction of laws and regulations within the Party. Intra Party laws and regulations are not only an important basis for governing the Party, but also a powerful guarantee for building a socialist country ruled by law. The Party Constitution is the most fundamental law within the Party, and the whole Party must strictly comply with it. We will improve the system and mechanism for the formulation of intra party laws and regulations, increase the efforts to record, review and interpret intra party laws and regulations, and form a complete set of intra party laws and regulations. Pay attention to the connection and coordination between the Party's laws and national laws, improve the implementation of the Party's laws and regulations, apply the Party's laws and regulations to implement the Party's management and strict governance, and promote Party members and cadres to take the lead in abiding by national laws and regulations.
Party discipline is a party discipline. Party rules and disciplines are more strict than national laws. Party organizations at all levels and the majority of Party members and cadres should not only follow national laws by example, but also strictly demand themselves according to Party rules and disciplines to a higher standard, firm their ideals and beliefs, practice the purposes of the Party, and resolutely fight against violations of law and discipline. We must seriously deal with violations of Party rules and disciplines. We must focus on early and minor problems of sexual orientation, so as to prevent minor mistakes from leading to major mistakes and violations of discipline from going against the law.
Oppose and overcome formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance in accordance with discipline and law, and form a strict long-term mechanism. We will improve and strictly implement the rules and regulations governing the political, work and living conditions of leading cadres, and focus on rectifying all kinds of privileged behaviors. We will deepen the building of a clean and honest government and the fight against corruption, strictly implement the main responsibility of the Party Committee for building a clean and honest government and the supervision responsibility of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and resolutely punish any corrupt acts and corrupt elements in accordance with discipline and law. We will never relent.
(3) We will improve Party members and cadres' ability to think about the rule of law and act in accordance with the law. Party members and cadres are important organizers, promoters, and practitioners of comprehensively promoting the rule of law. They should consciously improve their ability to deepen reform, promote development, resolve conflicts, and maintain stability through the use of the rule of law thinking and the rule of law way. Senior cadres should especially lead by example. Take the effectiveness of rule of law construction as an important content to measure the work performance of leading groups and cadres at all levels, and include it into the performance appraisal index system. The ability to abide by the law and act in accordance with the law is an important part of the investigation of cadres. Under the same conditions, cadres with good legal literacy and strong ability to act in accordance with the law are preferred. We should criticize and educate cadres who have serious ideas about privileges and weak ideas about the rule of law, and those who do not correct should be transferred from their leading posts.
(4) We will promote the rule of law in grass-roots governance. To comprehensively promote the rule of law, the foundation is at the grass-roots level, and the focus of work is at the grass-roots level. We will give full play to the role of grass-roots Party organizations as a fighting fortress in comprehensively advancing the rule of law, strengthen grass-roots cadres' awareness of the rule of law and the rule of law for the people, and improve their ability to act in accordance with the law. We will strengthen the construction of grass-roots rule of law institutions, strengthen grass-roots rule of law teams, establish a working mechanism for the rule of law with a downward focus and sinking strength, improve infrastructure and equipment conditions at the grass-roots level, and promote the activities of rule of law cadres at the grass-roots level.
(5) We will deepen efforts to run the military in accordance with the law and with strict discipline. The Party's absolute leadership over the military is the core and fundamental requirement of running the military according to law. Focusing on the Party's goal of building a strong military in the new situation, focusing on comprehensively strengthening the revolutionary, modern and formal construction of the military, innovating and developing the theory and practice of running the military according to law, building a sound military rule of law system with Chinese characteristics, and improving the level of rule of law in national defense and military construction.
We will continue to actively and steadily advance the reform of national defense and the military on the rule of law track, deepen the reform of the military leadership and command system, force structure, policies and systems, and accelerate the improvement and development of the socialist military system with Chinese characteristics.
We will improve the military laws and regulations system that meets the requirements of modern military construction and operations, strictly standardize the formulation authority and procedures of military laws and regulations, include all military normative documents in the scope of review, improve the review system, and enhance the scientificity, pertinence, and applicability of military laws and regulations.
Adhere to the iron law of strict military management, strengthen the implementation of military laws and regulations, clarify the responsibility for law enforcement, improve the law enforcement system, improve the law enforcement supervision mechanism, strictly investigate the responsibility, and promote the implementation of law based military management.
We will improve the military legal work system and establish and improve the legal work institutions of leading organs. We will reform the military judicial system and mechanism, improve the military trial and procuratorial system under unified leadership, safeguard the interests of national defense, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of military personnel, and prevent and combat crimes. We will establish a system of military legal advisers, set up military legal advisers in leading organs at all levels, and improve the legal advisory support system for major decisions and military operations. Reform the military discipline inspection and supervision system.
We will strengthen the concept of the rule of law and legal literacy of officers and soldiers, incorporate legal knowledge learning into the military academy education system, cadre theoretical learning, and military education and training system, and make it a compulsory course for military academy students and a compulsory course for military officers and soldiers. We will improve the training mechanism for military legal personnel. We will strengthen theoretical research on military rule of law.
(6) We should safeguard the practice of "one country, two systems" and promote the reunification of the motherland in accordance with the law. Adhere to the highest legal status and legal effect of the Constitution, fully and accurately implement the principles of "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong", "Macao people governing Macao", and a high degree of autonomy, act in strict accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law, improve systems and mechanisms related to the implementation of the Basic Law, exercise central power in accordance with the law, and safeguard a high degree of autonomy in accordance with the law, We will support the Chief Executive and the government of the Special Administrative Region in their governance in accordance with the law, ensure the development of economic and trade relations between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao, as well as exchanges and cooperation in various fields, prevent and oppose external interference in Hong Kong and Macao affairs, and maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao.
We will use the rule of law to consolidate and deepen the peaceful development of cross Straits relations, improve Taiwan related laws and regulations, standardize and safeguard cross Straits people's relations in accordance with the law, and promote cross Straits exchanges and cooperation. Use legal means to defend the one China principle, oppose "Taiwan independence", enhance the common understanding of safeguarding the one China framework, and promote the peaceful reunification of the motherland.
Legal protection Hong Kong and Macao compatriots Taiwan compatriots Equity. We will strengthen law enforcement and judicial cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao, and between the mainland and Taiwan, and jointly crack down on cross-border illegal and criminal activities.
(7) We will strengthen foreign-related legal work. Adapt to the deepening of opening up, improve the foreign-related laws and regulations system, and promote the construction of a new open economic system. Actively participate in the formulation of international rules, promote the handling of foreign-related economic and social affairs in accordance with the law, enhance China's voice and influence in international legal affairs, and use legal means to safeguard China's sovereignty, security, and development interests. Strengthen foreign-related legal services, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and legal persons overseas and foreign citizens and legal persons in China, and safeguard the rights and interests of overseas Chinese in accordance with the law. We will deepen international cooperation in the judicial field, improve China's judicial assistance system, and expand the coverage of international judicial assistance. We will strengthen international cooperation against corruption and intensify overseas efforts to recover stolen goods, repatriate and extradite. We will actively participate in international cooperation in law enforcement and security, and jointly combat violent terrorist forces, ethnic separatist forces, religious extremist forces, drug trafficking and smuggling, and transnational organized crime.
Party committees at all levels should fully and accurately implement the spirit of this decision, improve the responsibility implementation mechanism of the unified leadership of the Party committee and the division of responsibilities and joint management of all parties, formulate implementation plans, and ensure that all deployments are implemented.
All Party comrades and the people of all ethnic groups in the country should closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, actively participate in the great practice of comprehensively advancing the rule of law, forge ahead, work hard, and fight for building a China ruled by law! [2-4]