the medieval times

[zhōng shì jì]
An intermediate period of the three traditional divisions of European history
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The Middle Ages refers to the period from the late 5th century to the mid 15th century.
European history Three traditional divisions: Classical times , Middle Ages, modern times; The Middle Ages refers to an intermediate period. Since 476 Western Roman Empire The end of Eastern Roman Empire And finally integrate The Renaissance Sport and Age Of Wind Great Geographical Discovery )Medium.
Medieval history itself can also be divided into three stages: the early, middle and late stages. Terminology“ Dark Age ”The "dark period" generally refers to the early Middle Ages.
Chinese name
the medieval times
Foreign name
Middle Ages
European history Last period
A period of relatively slow development
time frame

Concepts and viewpoints



Europa 1400: Gold
The term "medieval" was used in the late 15th century Italy Humanism person Biondo Started using. Of this period Europe There is no powerful regime rule Feudal separatism brought frequent wars, Catholic Church The imprisonment of human thought caused the stagnation of the development of science and technology and productivity, and the people lived in hopeless pain, so the medieval or early medieval Europe and America Commonly known as“ Dark Age ”Traditionally, it is believed that this is a period of relatively slow development in the history of European civilization, as well as a period of social and ideological transformation (about its name, it is also called Medieval Ages or Middle Times, also known as Dark Ages).

About the Dark Age

The Middle Ages are often portrayed as an "age of ignorance and superstition"“ Religion His speech is above personal experience and rational activities ". This is The Renaissance and enlightenment campaign At that time, scholars compared their knowledge and culture with those of the Middle Ages. Scholars in the Renaissance regarded the Middle Ages as a period of civilization decline; Enlightenment scholars believed that reason was better than belief, so they regarded the Middle Ages as an era of ignorance and superstition. In fact, there are many controversies about the Middle Ages. At one time, the term "Dark Age" was equivalent to "Middle Ages". After 1904, the term was more limited to "early Middle Ages".
Encyclopedia x ignorance: illustrating the Middle Ages

Feudal system

medieval history , also called Middle Ancient History, due to different concepts Middle Ancient World History The understanding of the beginning and ending years of.
Feudal system The formation, development and disintegration of the European era was the main line of European history. But all countries in the world feudal society The development of“ slave society capitalist society ”The social stage is Marx Studying Europe social development A set proposed by the process Social evolution Theory. But the theoretical circle is right Chinese history There are different views on the stages of feudal society. Some people think that the Zhou Dynasty of China Enfeoffment system It's a feudal society. It came after the Qin Dynasty Republic of China Not feudal society).

dark ages

Another view is that until the 9th century AD, most late antiquity scholars Augustine He believes that human beings are in the sixth and last stage of history, namely《 Bible 》On“ The Book of Revelation ”The prophecy of "the end of the day" in, therefore, it means darkness.
It is generally accepted by historians that "the Middle Ages Dark Age ”This word was invented in the 14th century Italy The Renaissance Humanism scholar Petrarch Invented. He traveled around Europe to rediscover and publish classical Latin and Greek works, aiming at restoring Roman classical Latin language, art and culture. He did not think it worthwhile to study the changes and events since the fall of Rome in 410AD. Humanists view history not in terms of Augustine's religion, but in terms of society (science), that is, through classical culture, literature and art; Therefore, humanists call this 900 year period of stagnation in the development of classical culture a "dark period".
Petrarch divided European history into two stages: Ancient Rome And ancient Greek Period; The second is the "dark period". Humanists also believe that one day Imperium Romanum Will rise again and restore the purity of classical culture. At the end of the 14th century and the beginning of the 15th century, humanists believed that a modern age had begun, so logically speaking, a "middle age" had been formed.
Therefore, since humanists, historians have also held negative views on the "dark period" and the "Middle Ages". Christianity in the 16th and 17th centuries protestant Protestants also took Catholicism The corruption of was written into this history. In response to the Protestant accusations, the Catholic reformers also gave a picture opposite to the "dark period": a period of social and religious harmony, not dark at all. For the "dark period", many modern negative ideas came from the 17th and 18th centuries enlightenment campaign In Kant and Voltaire In their works.

Historical changes

In the early 19th century, Romantic Movement This has changed the trend of one-sided negative concept of "dark times".
Medieval Europe
It gives a peaceful picture: the harmony between society and environment is rooted in the life of nature; Also respond enlightenment campaign In Rationalism The practice of completely transcending sensibility by reason and the emerging industrial revolution Environmental damage and pollution. Romantics' views on the "dark period" can still be seen in some cultural activities and festivals celebrating that period today, through the customs displayed and historical events that took place.
Romantic Movement In the second half of the 19th century, great progress was made in archaeology, and many historical documents and cultural relics unknown to previous scholars were excavated and sorted out. However, the Sutton Hoo Grotto discovered in 1939 around 625 AD, and the research findings of Charles H. Haskins, a famous scholar of medieval studies, make the "dark period" no longer seem to be a suitable word.

Time characteristics

dark ages
early stage
from Late Classical Age From the beginning, until the early Middle Ages, the population decline, anti urbanization, invasion and migration of ethnic groups had not stopped. Large scale migration of people.
After 1000 AD, with technological and agricultural innovation, trade flourished, Medieval Warm Period Climate change crop yield As a result, the population of Europe has increased significantly.
In the late Middle Ages, famine plague And wars are everywhere, and the European population is significantly weakened; From 1347 to 1350, Black Death It killed about one third of Europeans. Disputes within the Catholic Church, Separatism With interstate conflicts, civil strife and peasant uprisings everywhere. With the development of culture and technology, great changes have taken place in European society, and Europe has gradually entered the modern era (the modern era divided by the three European traditions, namely Modern).

Medieval countries

along with Western Roman Empire cover germanic people There have been a batch of barbarian tribes country. Successively The Kingdom of Visigoth Frankish Kingdom Ostrogothic Kingdom Vandal Kingdom , Kingdom of Burgundy Kingdom of Suweihui Lombard Kingdom Anglo Saxon And other countries. There are constant wars among kingdoms, among which the Anglo Saxon and Frankish kingdoms have existed for a long time.
As a member of the Germanic people Franks , defeated in 486 Gaul Army, by Clovis Set up Merovian Dynasty The rule of. Clovis passed and Holy See The union of Imperium Romanum All the territory of Gaul.
along with Frankish Kingdom It continued to expand, and by the middle of the sixth century, it had conquered Burgundy Thuringia Some tribes in Bavaria and Saxony became the most powerful country in Western Europe at that time and established feudalism fiefs In 751, Gong Xiang Piping the Dwarf He became the king of Franks and founded Carolingian dynasty stay Charlemagne During the reign, the national power reached its peak, annexed the Lombard Kingdom, and captured Spain The border area, occupied East Bavaria, conquered the Awar Khanate, and most of the land in Western Europe became the territory of the Frankish Kingdom. After the death of Charlemagne, the Frankish Kingdom was divided by a fraternal war, which was signed in August 843《 Treaty of Verdun 》Divided into West Francia Middle Francia and East Frankish Kingdom , modern French Italy and Germany The territory of China is based on this treaty.
Another branch of the Germanic people Anglo Saxony Jutes Entered in the middle of the 5th century British Isles From the end of the 6th century to the beginning of the 7th century, seven kingdoms were formed, British history Is called Age of Seven Kingdoms
In 829, Wessex Kingdom Annexation of six other kingdoms England (England)。 1066, France duke of Normandy William asked to inherit the throne by kinship. After being rejected Battle of Hastings , seized the throne of the British King by force, known as“ William the Conqueror ”(i.e William I ), and established Norman Dynasty Later, the grandson of the French king inherited the British throne, but this also caused the British and French royal families to carry out Centennial War The root cause of.
Henry I (1100-1135), with the strengthening of the royal power Intensification of contradiction
1215 John I (No Land King) was forced to sign《 magna carta 》This document limits the royal power under the law and establishes private property and Personal freedom The principle of inviolability.
During the civil war in 1264, Henry III Captured by Simon de Montfort.
In 1265, de Montfort convened the National Assembly to become British Parliament The beginning of.
Since 1343, British Parliament Divided into aristocratic Upper House And representatives knight Citizen class The House of Commons of Parliamentary monarchy meanwhile, West Francia Has evolved into Kingdom of France And strengthened the royal power, and the Holy See was forced to move to Southern France Of Avignon , and held from top to bottom Third level meeting (The first level is High Priest , the second level is the nobility, and the third level is the rich citizens), which also formed the parliamentary monarchy.
The predecessor of Germany East Frankish Kingdom The royal power declined, and the local princes' power was very strong. 911 East Franks Carolingian dynasty After the extinction of the heir, the French royal family should have sent someone to succeed the king of Germany, but at this time Germany was invaded by the east, so the local dignitaries elected a duke from each other as the leader of the alliance to replace the king, which gave birth to the later German monarchy election system, which generally called itself "Caesar" elector The candidates selected from the vassals are not necessarily German vassals, but also foreign vassals (no throne but only nobility), such as French Earl, Italian Earl or Luxembourg Dukes of other low-lying countries, often translated in China“ emperor ”Or "king" is more about reputation, and the right to elect a king is equal to that of local princes. This characteristic is considered by historians as the reason for his enthusiasm for external expansion.
In 951, Otto I Led the army to occupy the Lombard area Otto II March to Rome.
1155 Frederick I Capture Milan , was crowned by the Pope as Holy Roman Empire In its heyday, the territory included Germany The whole territory, Italy Central and northern, sicily Czech Republic Switzerland Estonia Prussia Frederick I was confronted with resistance from 15 cities (i.e Lombard League ), and was defeated. Frederick I The Third Crusade Drowning to death, occupation zone They are also independent.


Italy It has been unable to unify. In order to maintain its independent status, the Pope established Papal States And forged the document "Gift of Constantine", claiming that Constantine the Great The city of Rome, Lateran Palace The waiting place was handed over to the pontiff The church rule is very strict and controlled Western Europe Of cultural education Priests cannot marry, advocate abstinence, and require people to give everything to God before they can go to heaven after death. On the other hand, the phenomenon of clergy trading is very serious. Publicity three-in-one Original sin theory etc. Scholastic philosophy , strictly controlled Scientific thinking And set up Inquisition To punish heresy, school education is also to serve theology. stay the pontiff Gregory I (590-604 AD), Ancient Rome The library was also torched.
The 11th to 13th centuries were the peak period of medieval cultural development. At the end of the 13th century, Italy Produced The Renaissance And extended to many countries in Europe. At this time, many philosophers, writers, artists and scientists emerged, such as Dante Bojiaqiu Leonardo da Vinci Michelangelo Rafael Machiavelli Shakespeare Cervantes Copernicus Bruno Galileo Kepler Harvey Francis Bacon wait.


The economy in the Middle Ages was mainly Feudalism Manor style natural economy A batch of Commercial city Paris leon , Durnai Marseille Cologne Trier Strasbourg hamburger Venice Genoa Wait a minute, form a mediterranean sea It is a central trade zone.


medieval castle
In the feudal society of Europe, kings, nobles and knights of all sizes Feudal lord Form a pyramid like ranking system However, their powers and obligations are limited. "My vassal's vassal is not my vassal." This complex hierarchical relationship has left the European feudal countries in a state of separatism for a long time, and the eastern China is centralized with "the whole world, the king's land; the land, the king's officials" Feudal monarchy It's quite different.
The rulers of all countries are still engaged in war, plundering and annexation, and many countries have not yet emerged a stable unified regime. The feudal landlord relied on Land ownership And the regime exploited the peasants. In Europe, Christian Church It has become a tool of feudal rule. They and secular feudal lords jointly maintain the feudal system. The work of peasants and serfs was forced by the feudal lord Land rent in kind Various taxes and levies And the church“ Tithe tax ”And other forms of misappropriation. The peasants' resistance continued, but there was no large-scale overthrow of a dynasty as many times as in China peasant 's war
The war in the Middle Ages was formed by loosely organized battle groups, which confronted and clashed with each other on the battlefield where strategies and mobilization were needed, and then evolved step by step. One part of the evolution is reflected in the development of different arms and weapons, and how to use them. The early army of the Dark Age was a group of unorganized foot soldiers. When heavy cavalry rose, the best army was a group of unorganized knights.
The dismounted soldiers will cause damage to the farmland along the way, and will cause greater damage during the siege. When the two armies confront each other, heavy cavalry is often placed at the front of the army Light cavalry On both wings, infantry and Bowman In the post (Middle Ages). After the battle begins, heavy cavalry will take the lead in charging the enemy formation. The power of heavy cavalry charge is huge, and several successful charges can completely tear the enemy's formation. However, in a melee, the knights will try to fight their enemies one-on-one, and the dismounted soldiers will be sandwiched between the knights on both sides. In fact, this method of warfare is very dangerous, because most of the dismounted soldiers in the early medieval era were peasants recruited under the feudal system and had not received combat training. Bowmen are very suitable for city siege, but they also risk being destroyed on the battlefield.
By the late 14th century, commanders had strengthened the discipline of knights, making their troops more able to play a team role. But in the British army, although Longbowman They proved their value in many battlefields, but the knights did not pay too much attention to these shooters. Discipline also allows more and more knights to fight for reward, rarely for loyal and honorable fighters. In Italy Mercenary It is famous for long-term combat but little damage. In this period, soldiers of all classes are assets of the army and will not be abandoned easily. This has made the feudal army, which pursued glory in the past, gradually become a professional army that only cares about how much they will receive.
The cavalry will be specially divided into three teams or parts, and then one team will fight after another. The first wave of attacks will break through or disperse the enemy, and then the second or third wave of attacks can be subdued. Once the enemy escapes, they can kill or capture them.
In fact, if the knight takes personal action, it will do great harm to any commander's plan. Knights are most concerned about loyalty, glory and riding in the first rank of the first-class team. In order to strive for personal glory, the overall victory on the battlefield becomes second. After starting to fight on the battlefield, it will not be long before the knights attack the enemy they see, thus destroying the whole scheme of operations
The best way to control them is for the commander to unload his knights when necessary. This is a common way for small armies, because these knights rarely expect to perform in combat. The dismounted knights can timely strengthen their fighting strength and boost the morale of the general dismounted army. These knights and other dismounted soldiers will be used to slow down the charge of the enemy's cavalry, or to fight in the rear of other battlefield fortifications.
The Battle of Cressy in 1346 was an example of cavalry's undisciplined behavior. At that time, the number of French troops was more than that of British troops (40000 to 10000), and there were many knights. The British divided the Longbowmen into three teams and put them into the battlefield under the protection of the stake. Between the three teams are two cavalries who unload their horses, while the cavalries who unload their horses in the third team are reserved as reserve troops. The French king also divided his knights into three parts and assigned Genonos' mercenaries to shoot English knights, but because Crossbow Get wet and not work.
In addition, the French knights ignored the efforts of the French king in organization. Shortly after the war began, they immediately became furious when they saw the enemy. They opened their mouths and shouted again and again, "Kill! Kill!" Because the French king could not stand the repeated inaccuracies of the Genoese arrows, he ordered the knights to move forward and knock down Genoese in front of them Crossbowman The battle lasted for a whole day. At last, British knights and longbowmen (who kept their bowstrings dry) defeated the undisciplined and disorderly French knights who rode horses.
By the end of the Middle Ages, the value of heavy cavalry on the battlefield was not as good as before, almost the same as that of projective troops and dismounted troops. During this period, people have already understood why the attacks deployed prudently still fail and the importance of training infantry. The rules of operations have changed. Markings, horse traps and trenches are often used by the army as protective tools to resist cavalry attacks. If the cavalry Spearman Attacking archers (or gunners) will only produce a large number of wounded horses and cavalry. Knights will be forced to fight on foot or wait for the right time to attack. Only the enemy is moving, confused, or from a temporary battlefield fortification A destructive attack can only work if it comes out of the situation.


The Bible in the Middle Ages
the pope In order to maintain their independent status Papal States , and forged《 Constantine Gifts Inquisition To punish heresy, school education is also to serve theology. In the Pope Gregory I (590-604), the ancient Roman library was also burned.


Christianity was born in the period of religious turmoil and economic upheaval in the vast Greek Roman world. During this period, the sense of security that the society gained from the traditional belief in the Greek Roman gods of the state religion was fading, Isis (Isis)、 Mithra (Mithras)、 Sibuli (Cyber), Sol Invictus and Gnosticism Gnosticism and Christianity are replacing traditional gods. These new sects not only compete with each other, but also integrate and absorb each other's doctrines and religious rites At the same time, their basic beliefs are strikingly consistent: the world is full of evil and will eventually die; If you are guilty in life, you should stay away from the secular world and edify yourself in the eternal spiritual field to obtain endless blessings. Therefore, they not only adopt different degrees of Asceticism At the same time, he believes that there is a savior who is willing to sacrifice his life for the believers in exchange for eternal life after death. This trend of thought was not only limited to religion, but also affected the Neo Platonism and New Pythagoranism Some philosophical schools even played the role of religion, trying to guide their followers to achieve the goal of salvation through integration with God.
At that time when the traditional belief in gods was at the end, people longed to establish a close relationship with a ruler of the world, the only god with personality Personal contact Many people began to believe that direct revelation from the only God could enable them to overcome the evil in the world. Thus, a large number of exclusiveness The group is planning its own unique redemption plan. Christianity is one of them.
Christianity slowly expanded in the Greco Roman world. In the first century after A.D, The Apostle Paul The success in the Greek world enabled Christianity to expand beyond Jerusalem for the first time after its formation. It was not until 300 A.D. that Christianity really expanded to the whole territory of the Roman Empire. 313, constantine i promulgation Milan edict It stipulated that Christianity enjoyed full equal rights with other religions in the empire in law. In 392, Emperor Theodosius closed all Paganism In temples, pagan worship is forbidden, otherwise it will be regarded as treason. From the rise to 392, after almost four centuries, the slow and peaceful expansion of Christianity finally won the victory. It is this seemingly slow but solid penetration that enables Christianity to adapt to the surrounding pagan century. Early Christians could not predict what role their religion would play.
In the process of its infiltration and for a long time after its victory, Christianity has made many major adjustments under the influence of the surrounding pagan academia, which are reflected in many knowledgeable Christians. Their works have had a profound impact on later generations.

Impact on science

Since Constantine declared the legalization of Christianity in 312 AD, Christians have changed from forced victims to persecutors. They are hostile to everything that does not conform to the Bible, including some new ideas and science. In history, many great thinkers and scientists were persecuted by Christians. In the Middle Ages Holy See Of“ Inquisition ”And Calvin Of“ Religious court ”And other legitimate institutions persecute the so-called "heresy". On the other hand, the church also attaches great importance to the inheritance and education of ancient knowledge. Many universities in Europe were established with the support of the Holy See.
1、 Copernicus poland Famous astronomer《 Celestial motion theory 》, was brutally persecuted by the church. He died on May 20, 1543.
2. Persist in Copernicus“ Heliocentric theory ”Of Bruno He was first put into prison. When he heard the sentence, he said contemptuously to the murderous executioners, "When you read the sentence, your fear was much greater than when I went to the fire." Later, on February 17, 1600 Rome Flower Square Burned to death.
3、 Hipattia (375 – 415) is the first known female mathematician in history. edward gibbon On《 History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire 》"She was pulled down from the car, stripped to nothing, and dragged to the church. For a group of barbaric and inhuman maniacs, she used sharp oysters to exploit her flesh from the bones, cut off her hands and feet, and threw it into the flames."
4、 Galileo : famous Italian physicist and astronomer. He was persecuted by the Inquisition for defending scientific truth in 1633, and died of illness in 1642, when he was blind.
5. The scientist Pelosi was sentenced to death by the "Inquisition" for saying that fossils are animal remains rather than "creator's game".
6、 Sylvit In the book "Revival of Christian Belief" blood circulation He died after being roasted for more than two hours.
7、 Belgium Physiologist Visalius , due to the publication of anatomy His book Human Structure forced him to go to the Holy Land in 1564—— Jerusalem If you repent, you will die on your way home.
8. Amori: University of Paris Professor, in 1210 Pantheism After death, the tomb was dug, and all ten disciples were executed.
9. Sikker: Professor of the University of Paris was killed alive by the church because of his so-called heresy in physical research.

Disease prevalence


for the first time

There are two times, the first time Pandemic be called Plague of Justinian , which occurred from 540 to 590. There is no clear statistics on how many people died as a result, but it is generally believed that the disease caused mediterranean sea About 25 million people died. The plague has weakened Byzantine Empire Justinian's dream of restoring the glory of the Roman Empire also failed.

The second time

Rat induced Black Death The large-scale attack on Europe from 1346 to 1350 led to a sharp decline in the population of Europe mortality Up to 100%. The Black Death is believed to be Mongolian Bring. About 1347, intercourse Crimea And Messina sicily )Inter Genoa Trade ships brought infected Black rat or flea And soon spread to Genoa and Venice In 1348, the epidemic spread to France, Spain and Britain, and from 1348 to 1350, it spread eastward to Germany and Scandinavia And finally spread to northwest Russia in 1351. It is estimated that about 25 million people died in Europe, while about 55 million to 75 million people in Europe, Asia and Africa died in this epidemic. At that time, no therapeutic drugs could be found, and only isolation could be used to prevent the spread of the epidemic. Since then, the Black Death has repeatedly attacked Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries; However, the mortality and severity gradually decreased.
Some people believe that the Black Death has seriously hit the traditional European social structure , weakened feudal and church forces, indirectly contributed to the later The Renaissance And Reformation

Medieval Knights



Knights, or samurai, were cavalry with formal military training in the European Middle Ages, and later evolved into a kind of Honorary title , used to indicate a social stratum In this stage of chaos, the king and the nobility both need some arms with overwhelming advantages in war, so they will carefully cultivate some young people to become knights. The identity of knights is not inherited, and its essence is also different from that of nobles. In addition to being able to obtain fiefs like nobles, knights must also serve in the lord's army and bring their own weapons and horses in the war. In chivalry literature, knights are often symbols of bravery and loyalty Chivalry As a rule, it is the embodiment of heroes (not necessarily the case) Chivalry It is similar to the Samurai system of Japan.
It takes 14 years to train a boy to become a knight. During this period, the trained boy would first follow the lord's wife as a servant and learn etiquette; Later, learn "Knight" Seven Arts ”(Swimming javelin , fencing, horsemanship, hunting, chess, poetry), as well as working for the lord or responsible for training his knights. After becoming a knight, he should follow the "chivalrous spirit", such as serving the king or lord, protecting the church and women and children, fighting against the strong and supporting the weak, and fighting bravely.
In the medieval times, besides fighting for the lord or king, knights also had to participate in some competitive activities at some time of the year. These competitive activities have special names:
Two knights on horseback compete Lance riding (lance, The saddle used for martial arts competition also has no rear bridge, which makes it easy for knights to fall off after being attacked. Sometimes one side will still fight with other weapons in the landing contest until one side dies, loses consciousness or surrenders. The one who surrenders or loses consciousness will become the prisoner of the winner, and the family must pay a ransom to redeem it.
More than two groups of knights conduct the above competitive activities, which is called "martial arts contest".
The first intention of these competitive activities was that the king would move the nobles to nearby surveillance and maintain the fighting quality of the knights.

Sealing process

To become a knight is the dream of every medieval boy. At the beginning, the awarding ceremony was simply to pat the right shoulder of the giver with a sword and give him a name. But as time passed, the process gradually became very difficult. The following is a process for a medieval boy to become a knight.
1. First, you should be born into a noble family in medieval Europe. At the age of seven, he will be sent to another knight's home as a page to learn various knights' etiquette. At the age of 14, he will become a squire, receive various trainings and learn "chivalrous spirit".
2. At the age of 21, he was ready to become a knight. Before being knighted, you should first clean yourself, and then put on white clothes and red robes: white clothes mean you are clean, and red robes mean you are ready to fight and get hurt at any time.
3. After getting dressed, you should fast for a day, hold a sword and pray to God in front of the shield. The prayer content includes asking God to forgive your sins, sanctify yourself, promise to protect the church and swear to "eliminate the strong and support the weak." At this time, any attendant who does not agree with the status of knighthood can break the shield, and the attendant must defend his shield with a sword.
4. Finally, it will be sent to the giver. The giver will level his sword and press it on his right shoulder. Sometimes there will be a kind of merciful sword without a sword tip to carry out this ritual and bless. In this way, the ceremony of being crowned was completed, and he became a knight formally.
Very rarely, attendants will also be canonized on the battlefield because of their heroic performance in the battle.

The influence of the church

The influence of the church
In the literature
Each monastery has a considerable number of books Cloister China and Israel Benedictine Church Is the most. The mendicant recess also had a large collection of books, which were continuously copied and expanded.
In education
Monastery Our school was the safest educational organization in that turbulent era, and there were responsible teachers, although not very high level. They developed the traditional seven arts education and created the early university.
Saved and developed Greek philosophy China and Israel Aristotle The doctrine of the dominant“ Scholasticism ”Although tedious, it makes formal logic It is more refined, preparing for the later development of ideas. Nominalism and Realism The dispute has been preserved and developed Materialism and idealism The fire of struggle.
adopt Religious music Ancient tunes were preserved, and new music theories and methods developed slowly but firmly. Architectural techniques are preserved, new architectural art And technology in Religious architecture Is reflected in. Painting emphasizing intense emotion and profound experience Sculpture art Developed.

Definition evolution

14th century Italy Renaissance humanism scholar Petrarch Travel around Europe to rediscover and publish classic Latin and Greek works, aiming at restoring the Latin language, art and culture that originated from Roman classics, and viewing history through classical culture, literature and art in terms of changes and events since the fall of Rome in 410AD.
Many modern negative ideas about the "Dark Age" came from the 17th and 18th centuries enlightenment campaign In Kant and Voltaire In their works.
Medieval painting In the early 19th century, Romantic Movement This has changed the negative one-sided trend towards "dark times".
In the second half of the 19th century after the Romantic Movement, archaeology Great progress has been made.
After the middle of the 20th century, in the literature of professional scholars in English speaking countries, the word "dark period" gradually disappeared. Charles Haskin wrote: "The continuity of history excludes the medieval and The Renaissance There is a great possibility of difference between these two historical periods. Modern research shows that the Middle Ages were not so dark or stagnant as once thought; The Renaissance was not so bright, nor so sudden. Before the Italian Renaissance, there was a similar movement, even if it was not so popular. Therefore, the original "dark period of the Middle Ages" has been changed to refer specifically to the period from A.D. 410 (or 455) to A.D. 754 (or 800) European history