
Something that is not generally popular
zero Useful+1
Personalization, as the name suggests, is something that is not popular in general. On the basis of popularization, the need to be unique, alternative and have their own characteristics is added. Create a different effect.
Sometimes called customization, it refers to tailoring services or products to adapt to specific individuals, and sometimes binding with a group or a group of individuals. Many organizations improve through personalization Customer satisfaction , improve online sales transformation Marketing effect , brand, improve website indicators, and advertising. Personalization is Social media and Recommendation system A key element in.
Chinese name
Foreign name
personzlization, personalized,customized
Often refers to
Individual needs and services

Basic interpretation

Individualization is a kind of concrete and vivid creation in literary and artistic works Character It is also an important aspect of typification. In contrast to popularity, it is often used to refer to the needs and services with individual characteristics. Personalized, the corresponding English expressions are: personalized, customized.
Personalization originally refers to the uniqueness of something, which is seldom used on people. If someone has to use it this way, it is understandable. In short, it describes the uniqueness of things.


Personalized customization is based on the new market environment Chinese enterprises urgently need a new Production mode It is closer to the unique needs of individuals. Personalized customization services carried out in China include Personalized stamps Customized and personalized high-end ready to wear.


In drama, film and television: personalized characters are also called“ Rounding People ". Character is multifaceted and complex, which cannot be summarized and analyzed in simple language.

Educational concept

Personalized education concept Advocate people first, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and Competence Education Complementary science education Concept, integrated into Junior high school In the preparation for the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination, the main purpose is to cultivate students' ability to learn independently and to take examinations. It mainly includes six aspects: 1. Cultivation learning interest This is the source of motivation for learning; 2. Improvement Study habits This is the daily requirement of learning; 3. Improve learning efficiency This is the competitive nature of learning; 4. Perfect learning personality, which is the embodiment of learning temperament; 5. Sound learning method This is the theoretical realization of learning; 6. Strengthen examination ability, which is the result of learning Hard truth The above six points rely on each other, cause and effect each other, and are indispensable. They form the core six elements of personalized education.