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Individual working hours

Economic terminology
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Every commodity is produced by many commodity producers. Due to various subjective and objective reasons in production, each commodity producer consumes different labor hours. The labor time that each commodity producer spends on the same commodity is called Individual working hours
Merchandising Value If it is determined by individual labor time, it will inevitably encourage backwardness and laziness and restrict the development of productivity. Therefore, the value of commodities is not determined by individual labor time, but by the production of such commodities Socially necessary labor time Determined.
Chinese name
Individual working hours
Foreign name
individual production time

Individual labor time and determination of commodity value

The determination of the quantity of commodity value is to transform individual labor time into Socially necessary labor time , the process of individual value transforming into social value, that is, market value.
Assume that the supply and demand of goods in the market are balanced and do not exist compete The production conditions of a production department can be divided into good, medium and bad, so the determination of commodity value can be divided into the following three situations:
First, in the production of this sector, if the medium production conditions dominate, and the products produced under the medium production conditions account for the vast majority of the products in this sector, then the socially necessary labor time for the production of such goods is determined by the individual labor time for the production of goods under the medium production conditions, The social value of commodities is determined by the individual value of commodities produced under medium production conditions.
Second, in the production of this sector, if the inferior production conditions dominate, and the products produced under inferior production conditions account for the vast majority of the products in this sector, then the socially necessary labor time for the production of this commodity is determined by the individual labor time for the production of the commodity under inferior production conditions, and the social value of the commodity is determined by the commodity produced under inferior production conditions Individual value To decide.
Third, in the production of this sector, if superior production conditions dominate, and the products produced under superior production conditions account for the vast majority of the products in this sector, then the socially necessary labor time for the production of such goods is determined by the individual labor time for the production of goods under superior production conditions, The social value of commodities is determined by the individual value of commodities produced under superior production conditions.
If we introduce the relationship between market supply and demand and market competition, and assume that the relationship between market supply and demand is balanced, medium production conditions dominate the production of this sector Socially necessary labor time The social value of this commodity is determined by the individual value of the commodity produced under the medium production conditions. In this way, the determination of the quantity of commodity value is as follows:
1、 If the supply of goods in the market falls short of demand and the price rises, not only will the profits of enterprises with superior and medium production conditions increase, but also the enterprises with inferior production conditions will be profitable to produce such goods. As a result, enterprises with inferior production conditions flood in, leading to inferior production conditions occupying a dominant position in the production of this sector, The quantity of its products accounts for the vast majority of the products in this sector. Thus, the socially necessary labor time for producing this kind of goods is determined by the individual labor time for producing goods under inferior production conditions, and the social value of this kind of goods is determined by the individual value of goods produced under inferior production conditions.
2、 If the supply of goods in the market exceeds the demand, the price drops, and enterprises with inferior production conditions or even some enterprises with medium production conditions withdraw from the production ranks, leading to superior production conditions occupying the dominant position in the production of the department, and the commodities produced under such conditions account for the vast majority of the products of the department, The socially necessary labor time for the production of this kind of commodity is determined by the individual labor time of the commodity produced under superior production conditions, and the individual value of the commodity produced under superior production conditions determines the social value of the commodity.
3、 In this way, market supply and demand are constantly changing, prices fluctuate and production conditions are constantly changing due to market competition. Finally, the individual labor time of commodity producers to produce commodities is transformed into social necessary labor time, and the individual value of commodities is transformed into social value.
The above situation shows that the process of transforming individual labor time into socially necessary labor time and individual value into social value is the weighted average process of individual production conditions, individual labor time and individual value of commodities.
Therefore, we can draw the following conclusions: the production conditions that determine the value of commodities are the average social production conditions, and the socially necessary labor time that determines the value of commodities is the average social labor time that produces commodities; The social value of commodities can be regarded as the average value of commodities produced by a department (the average here is a weighted average); It can also be regarded as the individual value of the commodity that constitutes a large quantity of products in this sector under the average (weighted average) production conditions of this sector.

Relationship between individual labor time and socially necessary labor time

Generally speaking, socially necessary labor time refers to the average labor time of the whole society for the production of the same commodity (which determines the value of the commodity). Individual labor time is the actual labor time consumed by various commodity producers to produce this commodity. (It determines the profit of merchants) [1]