Personal bank settlement account

Settlement account
zero Useful+1
Personal bank settlement accounts are those opened by natural persons for investment, consumption, settlement, etc. with ID cards or corresponding certificates Payment and settlement business Bank settlement account for. Establish a classified management mechanism for personal bank accounts, that is, on the basis of existing personal bank accounts, add bank account types, and divide personal bank accounts into Class I bank accounts, Class II bank accounts, and Class III bank accounts (hereinafter referred to as Class I accounts, Class II accounts, and Class III accounts respectively). Different types of personal bank accounts have different functions and permissions. [1]
Chinese name
Personal bank settlement account
Settlement account
Personal bank
For individuals
transfer accounts Collection and payment and cash deposit and withdrawal


personal Bank settlement account It is because the depositor investment , consumption, settlement, etc. opened in the name of a natural person with personal identity card Payment and settlement business Bank settlement account of [2]

Scope of use

According to《 Measures for the Administration of RMB Bank Settlement Accounts 》Of regulations , the following funds can be transferred to individual bank settlement account:
(I) wages Bonus income.
(2) Labor income such as manuscript fees and performance fees.
(III) bond futures , trust and other investments.
(4) Personal claims or Transfer of property rights profit.
(V) Personal loan Redeposit.
(6) Securities trading settlement funds and futures Trade Kicker
(7) Inheritance and gift funds.
(8) Insurance claims, premium refund, etc.
(9) Tax refund.
(10) Income from sales of agricultural, sideline and mineral products.
(11) Other legitimate funds.

Classification Introduction

1、 Differentiation of account opening channels for three types of individual bank accounts
Applicants can use self-service machines and tools such as counter, remote video teller machine and intelligent teller machine, online banking and Mobile banking And other electronic channels;
Class I accounts can be opened through self-service machines and tools such as counters, remote video teller machines and intelligent teller machines (requiring on-site verification of identity information by commercial bank staff);
Class II households can use self-service machines (commercial bank staff did not verify their identity information on site), online banking and Mobile banking And other electronic channels;
Class III households can use self-service machines and tools (commercial bank staff did not verify their identity information on site), online banking and Mobile banking And other electronic channels [2]
2、 Functional differentiation of three types of personal bank accounts
Class I accounts are full-featured bank settlement accounts, Class II accounts meet the payment needs of direct banking, online financial products and other payment needs, and Class III accounts are mainly used for quick payment, such as "flash payment" and "secret free payment";
Class I accounts can be used for deposit, purchase of investment and wealth management products, transfer, consumption and payment, withdrawal of cash and other businesses;
Class II account can be used for deposit, purchase of investment and wealth management products, consumption and payment of limited amount; The cumulative payment limit for a single day shall not exceed 10000 yuan;
Class III households can be used to handle consumption and payment services with limited amount; The account balance shall not exceed 2000 yuan;
"For example, Class I accounts are like wives' accounts, which can handle all kinds of financial businesses; Class II accounts are like men's accounts, which can only invest in wealth management and pay fees instead of taking cash; Class III accounts are like children's accounts, which can only make small payments as pocket money." In general, Class I accounts are the "source" of capital flows; The biggest difference between Class II accounts and Class I accounts is that they cannot deposit or withdraw cash and cannot transfer funds to unbound accounts; After the bank counter and self-service equipment and the bank staff's face-to-face confirmation of identity on the spot, the Class II account can handle cash deposit and withdrawal, funds transfer in and out of the unbound account, and funds transfer in and out of the unbound account. The daily cumulative limit of cash deposit and withdrawal is 10000 yuan, and the annual cumulative limit is 200000 yuan. The biggest difference between Class III and Class II households is that they can only handle small consumption and payment, and cannot handle other businesses. Commercial banks shall not provide depositors with cash deposit and withdrawal services through Class II and III accounts, and shall not issue physical media for Class II and III accounts. With a Class III account, consumers can be more confident when making "flash payments" or "secret free payments", because the set balance is less than 2000 yuan. That is to say, if the loss is caused by fraud and loss, the maximum loss is locked at 2000 yuan. In fact, not everyone needs to open three types of accounts. The classified management mechanism of personal bank accounts is mainly to provide more choices for depositors and reduce risks by limiting functions and limits [2]

Account opening requirements

(1) Review ID card
When opening a personal bank account for the account opening applicant, the bank shall ask him/her to provide Valid ID And carefully review the authenticity, validity and compliance of identity documents. If the bank is still unable to accurately judge the identity of the account opening applicant through the valid identity certificate, it shall require the bank to provide the supporting identity certification materials;
Valid identity documents include: 1. Chinese citizens who have registered permanent residence in the People's Republic of China are Resident ID card Those under the age of 16 can use Resident ID card or Residence booklet 2. Residents of Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions are Hong Kong and Macao residents' Mainland travel permits. 3. Taiwan residents are travel passes for Taiwan residents to enter or leave the mainland 4. Chinese citizens residing abroad are Chinese passport 5. Foreign citizens are passport Or permanent residence permit for foreigners (foreign border residents shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions on border trade settlement). 6. Other identification documents as required by laws and administrative regulations;
Supporting identification documents include but are not limited to: 1. Chinese citizens are Residence booklet passport Motor vehicle driving license Residence permit Social Security Card , military and armed police identity documents police Issued Household registration certificate employee's card 2. The residents of Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions are the resident identity cards of Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions. 3. Taiwan residents are valid identity certificates for living in Taiwan. 4. Chinese citizens who have settled abroad are proof documents of settling abroad. 5. Foreign citizens are foreign resident identity cards Embassy and consulate ID card or Motor vehicle driving license And other ID cards with photos. six Tax payment certificate Tax certificate such as payment form of water, electricity and coal;
Soldiers and armed police who have not yet received resident identity cards shall issue them in addition to those of soldiers and armed police Military security card Or the certification materials issued by the unit that has not yet obtained the resident identity card [3]
(2) Verification of identity information
The bank can use the government department database, the bank database, the commercial database, other bank account information and other means to conduct multiple cross verification on the identity information of the account opening applicant, and build a safe and reliable identity information verification mechanism in an all-round way;
When providing personal bank account opening services, qualified banks can explore biometric identification technology and other safe and effective technical means as auxiliary means to verify the identity information of account opening applicants [3]
(3) Retain identity information
If an individual bank account is successfully opened, the bank shall register the basic information of the depositor, the information of the identity document related to the verification of the depositor's identity information, the complete record of the verification of the identity information, and retain the copies or photocopies of the depositor's identity documents, auxiliary identity documents, and the identity information stored electronically, The audio or video of the account opening process can be retained if conditions permit;
The bank can centrally manage the depositor's identity information registered by the branch on the premise of ensuring that the branch can obtain the relevant depositor's identity information in a timely manner [3]
(4) Establish and improve personal bank account database
The bank shall establish and improve the depositor centered personal bank account management system Citizen ID No , passport number, etc. If the depositor is a non resident of China, the bank shall identify the depositor according to his nationality (region) and realize classified query and management of non resident bank accounts [3]
(5) Deactivate or cancel bank account
If the bank finds or receives the statement of the individual whose identity is falsely used and confirms that the bank account is opened under a false name or a false agent, it shall immediately stop the use of the relevant individual bank account; The account shall be closed after obtaining the consent of the fraudulent user or the principal, and the account fund shall be included in the special account for management of long-term outstanding withdrawal [3]
Standardize personal bank account agency matters
In principle, the account opening applicant should open a personal bank account or handle other personal bank account businesses in person; If the conditions are met, it may be handled by others. The bank can prudently determine the function of the personal bank account opened on behalf according to its own risk management level, the verification method of the depositor's identity information and the risk level.
(1) Verification of identity information. If someone opens an individual bank account on behalf of others, the bank shall require the agent to issue valid identity documents of the agent and the principal as well as legal power of attorney. If the bank deems it necessary, it shall require the agent to issue a notarial certificate certifying the agency relationship.
The bank shall strictly review the identity documents and power of attorney of the agent and the principal, verify the identity information of the agent by reference to the bank account opened by the agent, and contact the principal for verification. If the agency relationship cannot be confirmed, the bank shall not handle the agency business.
(2) Agency account opening business management. If the account opening applicant is unable to go to the bank outlet due to inconvenient movement and other reasons, the bank can open an account by means of door-to-door handling. The bank shall reasonably control the number of individual bank accounts opened by individuals on behalf of others or by others.
(3) Identity information retention. If an individual opens an individual bank account on behalf of another person, the bank shall register the identity information of the agent and the principal, keep copies or photocopies of the agent's and the principal's valid identity documents, identity information stored in electronic form, and the original power of attorney, etc., and save audio or video of the account opening process if possible.
(4) Handling of special cases.
1. When the depositor opens personal bank accounts for special purposes such as payroll, education, social security (such as social security, medical insurance, military insurance), public management (such as public utilities, demolition, donation, and assistance to farmers and farmers), it can be handled by its unit on behalf. If an entity opens a bank account on behalf of an individual, it shall provide the entity's certification materials, copies or photocopies of the principal's valid identity documents.
An individual bank account opened by an entity on its behalf will only be accepted but not paid before the principal goes to the bank of deposit with his or her valid ID card to handle the activation procedures such as identity confirmation and password setting (resetting).
2. The account opening applicant without or with limited civil capacity shall be handled by the legal representative or the person designated by the people's court or the relevant department according to law.
3. When depositors who are unable to go to the bank on their own due to serious illness, mobility difficulties, inability to take care of themselves and other reasons cannot go to the bank to handle loss reporting, password reset, account cancellation and other businesses, the bank can take the door-to-door service, or the spouse, parents or adult children can use the legal power of attorney, the relationship between the agent and the principal, and the neighborhood committee (village committee) of the community where the principal is located Special case certificates issued by organizations above the county level or hospitals above the county level [3]


Problems that should be paid attention to in the use of personal bank settlement accounts:
  1. one
    For the amount paid from the bank settlement account to the individual bank settlement account by the unit, if each amount exceeds 50000 yuan, the tax payment certificate shall be provided to the deposit bank (that is, the relevant certificate corresponding to the scope of use of the previous individual bank settlement account)
  2. two
    If the amount paid from the bank settlement account of the entity to the bank settlement account is taxable, the tax withholding entity shall provide the tax payment certificate to its opening bank when making payment.
  3. three
    An individual who holds a cheque of a unit as the drawer and entrusts the deposit bank to collect the money and transfer the money to his personal settlement bank account or an individual who holds the applicant as the unit Bank draft and Cashier's check In case of presenting payment to the bank of deposit and transferring the funds to its personal settlement bank account, the individual shall provide relevant basis for collection.
  4. four
    The individual holder (or applicant) is the unit, and one or more hands endorser Unit Check Bank bills or bank promissory notes, when presenting payment to the deposit bank and transferring the funds to its individual bank settlement account, shall provide the basis for collection of the last endorser as a unit and the endorsee as an individual.