individualistic heroism

Outstanding expression of individualism
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According to the dictionary, when a great cause of the whole nation and the great efforts necessary to actively overcome the contradictions and obstacles that occurred at that time become the essence of the personality of individual people, their bravery and tenacity and self sacrifice in their personal activities are reflected in the behavior of individual people, The heroism spirit appears when the behavior has great significance [1]
Chinese name
individualistic heroism
Foreign name
individual heroism
personal heroism
Individualism An outstanding expression of thought
Part of speech


The heroic thought and behavior of not relying on the strength of the people, but emphasizing the strength of individuals to complete certain social tasks. It is opposite to "revolutionary heroism". It takes individualism as its principle, emphasizes the role of individuals in social life and historical activities, and puts "the strength and wisdom of the people" at a secondary position.


"Individual heroism" is objective and is inherent in human nature. Its main characteristics are the desire to be recognized by others for their own ability, to be concerned, to publicize their personality, and to focus on themselves. The contradiction between individual heroism and team spirit is actually the contradiction between human nature and human socialization. Personal heroism in work is often manifested as the display of personality, more creative work, and the courage of enterprise employees to face pressure and take responsibility. The best expression of individual heroism is to give full play to individual ability.