Personal brand

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Personal brand refers to the collection of unique, distinctive, definite and easily perceived information conveyed by the external image and internal cultivation of individuals. Can show enough to cause Group consumption Cognition or consumption pattern The power of change. have entirety Long term Stability characteristics.
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Personal brand
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personal brand
It refers to the collection of unique, distinct, definite and easily perceived information conveyed by the external image and internal cultivation of individuals. Can show enough to cause Group consumption Cognition or consumption pattern The power of change

Brand definition

Personal brand refers to a person's consistent impression or reputation held by relevant people.
A successful personal brand should have three basic characteristics:
One is uniqueness: having their own views.
Second relevance : Be able to connect with what others think is important.
The third is consistency: it has some consistency with the behavior observed by people.

Brand understanding

Peters, an American management scholar, has been widely quoted as saying that the rule of work and survival in the 21st century is to establish personal brand. He believes that not only enterprises and products need to establish brands, but also individuals need to establish personal brands. The widespread spread of this sentence also shows that personal brand has been valued by people. In this era of increasingly fierce competition, no matter what kind of organization you are in, in order to let people know you and accept you, first of all, you should fully demonstrate your ability. If you are immersed in your work but not recognized by others, your outstanding performance will be overwhelmed by overwhelming information. Therefore, individual value is more important than cognition. To promote personal success and have a harmonious and happy life, everyone needs to establish their own distinctive "personal brand" like those stars, Let everyone really understand and fully recognize that only in this way can we have sustained development The cause of.

Brand function

(1) Brand is a distinguishing sign, which is used to identify - identification function. There are no two identical brands. Your brand only belongs to you, which truly reflects you and what you believe. Such as Zhang Haihe Zhao Benshan as like as an apple is to an oyster, Yang Lan And Zhang Ziyi They are also two different brands.
(2) Brand is a shorthand symbol, especially effective communication Code of - information concentration function. In the workplace, your brand image (including every move) The impression that exists in the minds of others forms a symbol of quick memory. Through this symbol, people can quickly associate and react. As mentioned Liu Huan People will think of the famous tenor The singer and his loud voice, long hair at the back of his head and strong body.
(3) Brand is a promise, guarantee and contract, which can establish a long-term relationship with consumers - safety function.
ROSELIUS (1971) believes that brand is a permanent guide to quality, trust and loyalty, and can give those who are not confident in buying Decision results Our customers have more confidence. Michael Schumacher mentioned above is the dream of car fans, love your life Incarnation of; Li Ka shing It is the representative of wealth, tirelessness, diligence and integrity; Gates is knowledge economy It is the symbol of wealth and the noble of wealth concept. Their personal brand is commitment, guarantee and contract.
(4) Brand is Self image Can be accumulated intangible assets ——Value function.
For a start-up, its success is largely determined by the CEO's personal brand. In the process of the company growing from scratch, the CEO's personal brand guides the success of the enterprise in many aspects, because the start-up enterprise does not have enough capital and has not established its own reputation. When it wants to attract venture capital or recruit high-quality employees, it must rely on the strength of the CEO's personal brand (CEO brand).
More companies' CEO brands can enhance employees' Sense of honor sense of pride It can win the trust of investors and customers in the company. CEO brand is driven by personal brand Corporate brand about Public company As for CEO, personal brand may even affect the company Stock price

Establish rules

First of all, brand positioning should be carried out. Enterprises create brand standard method It is a "feature benefit" model. The enterprise can also use this method to establish the CEO brand by thinking about the characteristics of the products or services it provides and what special benefits it can bring to customers.
Secondly, create an excellent image with rich connotation. Peter Drucker It is pointed out in the latest book that the life span of personal expertise is longer than that of enterprises. How to form a characteristic of your own ability and style with irreplaceable value is the key to establishing the CEO brand.
Third, the continuous brand accumulation process. The establishment of CEO brand is a long-term process, and we should constantly use various means to keep the CEO image full.

Packaging method

First, we should have a clear understanding of the classification of CEOs.
At present, CEOs in China are generally divided into four categories: industry leaders, successful entrepreneurs, second generation entrepreneurs and excellent professional managers.
The characteristics of industry leaders are personal charisma And high reputation, epoch-making contributions, legendary colors, strong public influence and appeal The representative figures in this field are Liu Chuanzhi and Zhang Ruimin
Successful entrepreneurs are characterized by high personal charm and influence, excellent management ability and innovation. The representative figures in this field are Wang Shi Niugensheng
The characteristics of the second generation entrepreneurs are knowledge-based and open International enterprises To cooperate with international enterprises, from simple industry to diversified capital Operation mode , make full use of informatization Management means , from protective enterprises to independent enterprises, etc. The representative figures of this type are Guo Wei
The characteristics of an excellent professional manager are excellent Professional quality And management skills. The representative figures are Sina Temporal Wang Zhidong Etc.
Second, it is necessary to clarify the CEO brand from personal brand to Corporate brand Dimension division of.
As a top performance of personal brand, CEO brand has dual characteristics of personal brand and corporate brand. stay Packaging method On the other hand, it is necessary to consider from the three levels of individuals, enterprises and society, and each level has three dimensions of nature, experience and ambition.
Third, we should have an accurate grasp of the objects of CEO brand advocacy and the principles of each object.
CEO image building can be divided into external and internal aspects. Internal objects include employees management layer And shareholders should also shape the image of CEOs from different perspectives for these three groups. More cautious strategies should be adopted for external customers, partners, governments and media.
Fourth, the CEO brand should be positioned accurately and separately.
Considering comprehensively from three dimensions and combining the whole industry and competition situation, the accurate positioning of CEO brand is given. For subsequent CEOs Brand communication Set the tone. For example, Chairman Fang Zheng Wychen The positioning of is: with International perspective The representative of the second generation of entrepreneurs with strategic vision and strong sense of national responsibility.

brand positioning

To establish personal brand, we must carry out personal brand positioning, that is, have a clear understanding of ourselves. Only in this way can we effectively establish personal brand. Self cognition It includes: what kind of employee do I want to be, where are my personal strengths, what kind of work do I adapt to, and will my work be valuable? It should be noted that different people will have different career orientations. The key to personal brand positioning is to find out the unique value existing in the workplace. The product brand positioning method is also applicable to personal brand positioning, that is, what other people think is my greatest strength, what personal characteristics are most worthy of attention, and how to make my skills and work style unique, which has irreplaceable value. Must have a skill to ensure their own Quality of work Strong Job skills It is the core content of personal brand. It is difficult for people with weak ability to establish their own personal brand. Skilled professional skills are the elements of personal brand building. Only when personal technology is professional and excellent, personal brand can have human value and develop better.

Capability requirements

The establishment of personal brand must also emphasize personal learning ability. The establishment of personal brand is a long-term process. Even if a personal brand has been formed, we must constantly learn new knowledge and add new content to maintain it. Keep learning. Be careful not to follow the trend, but to learn something useful for your career.
Learn to package and sell yourself. Packaging is to successfully show the characteristics of the brand's personality, so that they can fully understand your value, but at the same time pay attention to the moderation of packaging, excessive packaging will produce personal brand negative effect