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Cifu Artists in the Western Han Dynasty
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Yan Zhu (? - 122 years ago), [10] He was born in Wu (actually Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province), Kuaiji Prefecture in the Western Han Dynasty. He was the son of a strict taboo family in the Western Han Dynasty. Yan Ji was originally named Zhuang. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, in order to avoid the name of Ming Emperor Liu Zhuang, he changed his surname to Yan. Later generations called him Yan Ji, also known as Yan Fuzi. [11] Chinese Cifu writers, essayists [10]
In the first year of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty (140 BC), Yan Zhujun selected the best and most upright people, and was deeply appreciated by Emperor Wu. He was promoted to be a Chinese doctor and the most effective counselor. He often argued with Dongfang Shuo, Sima Xiangru, Wuqiu Shouwang and other ministers, and was trusted by Emperor Wu. In the third year of Jianyuan (138 BC), Fujian and Vietnam sent troops to attack Dongou. Dongou is in a hurry. Tian Xuan, the first lieutenant, is ready to leave it alone. Yan helps refute Tian Yi and advocates sending troops to rescue Dongou. Emperor Wu sent Yan Fu to send troops to check and rescue each other in order to calm the situation. In the sixth year of Jianyuan (135 BC), Ying Bing, the king of Fujian and Vietnam, entered South Vietnam, and Emperor Wu sent Yan to help send reinforcements, making Fujian and Vietnam surrender to Han Dynasty. Since then, the southeast frontier has been peaceful and stable. He was praised as a "wise and trustworthy official in Kuaiji" because of his merits. The empress served in the inner court and was a close minister of Emperor Wu's literature. In the first year of Yuanshou (122 BC), Liu An, the king of Huainan, and Liu Heng, the king of Hengshan, plotted against each other, and Yan Zhu was implicated and killed. [11-12]
Yan Zhufu is rich in literary talent. He once traveled with Dongfang Shuo, Meigao, Wuqiu Shouwang, Sima Xiangru, etc., and wrote poems. He has written 35 articles, including Xiang Er Jing and Yan Zu Fu, which have been lost and not passed on. Only two articles, Yu Yi Huainan Wang and Shang Shu Xie Gui, are left. See Han Shu Yan Zu Zhuan. [11]
Zhuang Assistant
Western Han Dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Wuxian County, Kuaiji County (today's Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province)
Date of death
122 years ago (the first year of Yuanshou)
Key achievements
Rescue Dongou
True name
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Official position
Chinese doctor, chief inspector of Kuaiji

Character's Life


Be worthy and virtuous

Yan Zu is the son of Yan Ji, a native of Wuxian County, Kuaiji. Some people also say he is the son of Yan Ji's peers. More than 100 people were recommended by the prefecture to take part in the countermeasures. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty thought that Yan Zhu's countermeasures were the best, so he specifically promoted Yan Zhu as a Chinese doctor.
Later, they got Zhu Maichen, Wuqiu Shouwang, Sima Xiangru, Zhu Fuyan, Xu Le, Yan An, Dongfang Shuo, Mei Gao, Jiaocang, Zhongjun, Yan Congqi, etc. They were with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.
At that time, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty attacked all the barbarians, set up border counties, sent out troops for many times, changed the system at home, and the court had a lot of affairs. Therefore, he repeatedly recommended scholars of good literature. Gongsun Hong was born as a civilian. For several years, he went to the prime minister and opened the East Pavilion to invite the wise men to discuss national affairs with him. When the emperor saw the emperor, he used to talk about national interests.
Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ordered Yan Zhu and others to debate with the ministers. The disciples of the Son of Heaven and the officials of Gongqing answered each other with righteous articles. The ministers were refuted many times. Among them, the one who was trusted and favored by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was Dongfang Shuo Meigao, Yanzhu, Wuqiu Shouwang, Sima Xiangru. Sima Xiangru often said he was ill and avoided things. Dongfang Shuo and Mei Gao could not adhere to the fundamental principles. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty regarded them as funny actors to amuse and relieve boredom. Only Yan Zhu and King Qiu Shou were appointed, and Yan Zhu was the first to be appointed. [1]

Advocate the dispatch of troops

In the third year of Jianyuan (138 years ago), Fujian and Vietnam The army was dispatched to encircle Dongou, and Dongou appealed to the Han Dynasty for help. At that time, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was less than 20 years old. He asked the Taiwei about this matter Tian Xuan
Tian Xuan believed that it was a common thing for Yue people to attack each other, and they repeatedly betrayed each other, which was unworthy of China's rescue. They had abandoned it since the Qin Dynasty and did not belong to China.
Then Yan Zhu asked Tian Xuan, "I'm just worried that the strength is not enough to rescue and the virtue is not enough to cover. If I can, why abandon it? Besides, the Qin Dynasty abandoned Xianyang, the capital of the country, where is only Vietnam? Now small countries are desperate for help. If the Son of Heaven does not help, where can I complain? How can they rule all countries?" Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said, "It's not worth discussing with the Chief Lieutenant. I just ascended the throne, and I don't want to take out the tiger charm to deploy troops to the prefecture." So he sent Yan Zhuo to Kuaiji with a staff. The Chief Inspector of the Joint Inspection Department wants to refuse according to the laws and regulations and will not send troops. Yan Zhu killed a Sima and told the Imperial Guard what Emperor Wu meant, so he sent troops from the sea to rescue Dongou. Before they arrived, Fujian and Vietnam led their troops to retreat. [2]
In the sixth year of Jianyuan (135 BC), Fujian and Vietnam sent troops to attack South Vietnam. South Vietnam strictly abided by the rules of the Han Dynasty and did not dare to send troops without authorization, so they sent people to report to the court. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty praised them for their morality and justice, and sent two generals to lead the army to fight against Fujian and Vietnam. Liu An, the king of Huainan, wrote to remonstrate. By this time, the Han Dynasty's army had already dispatched, and had not yet crossed the South Ridge. It happened that Yu Shan, the younger brother of the King of Minyue, killed the King of Minyue to surrender. Only then did the Han army withdraw.
Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty praised Liu An for his good advice and praised the merits of the soldiers, so he ordered Yan Zhu to convey the will of the Emperor in South Vietnam.
The King of Nanyue bowed his head and said, "Nanyue is lucky to get the emperor to send troops to punish Fujian and Vietnam, and I can't repay him even if I die!" So he sent the prince to follow Yan Zhu into the court to serve Emperor Wu of Han. [3]

Message to Huainan

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On Yan Zhu's return to Beijing, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty issued an imperial edict to Liu An, the king of Huainan, saying, "The emperor asked the king of Huainan: I know all the things you sent the Chinese doctor Yu to talk about. I have followed the virtues of the former emperor, and I have been rising and sleeping all day long. But wisdom cannot be universal. In addition, virtue is not enough, so years of famine have afflicted the people. By dint of their own insignificance, there are hungry and cold people in the country, and the Nanyi people invade and rob each other, making the border unrest. I am afraid. Now the King of Huainan has considered carefully and pointed out the way to reach peace, to help me make up for my mistakes, praise the prosperity of the three generations, and take over the heaven and earth. Wherever people arrive, they all show surrender. I am ashamed of what you said so long ago. You are very kind. I will send the Chinese doctor Yan Zhu to convey my intention and tell you my opinion on the affairs of the Yue people. " [4]
Yan Zhu conveyed his intention to Liu An, saying: "Not long ago, the king sent my Yan Zhu to tell you about sending troops to Vietnam, so your majesty sent me to tell you about it. You live far away, and things are urgent, so your majesty did not discuss with the king. There are shortcomings in the government, which makes the king worried. Your majesty is very sorry. The army is a dangerous instrument. That's why the sage monarch was very cautious in sending troops. But since the Five Emperors and Three Kings, it has not been heard that riot is forbidden without the army. The Han Dynasty is the patriarch of the world, holding the power of life and death, and controlling the fate of the sea. Those in danger hope for peace, while those in chaos wait for governance. Now the King of Minyue is cruel and violent. He killed his kinsmen and betrayed his relatives. He has done many things against morality. He has sent troops to invade Baiyue many times, annexed neighboring countries, raped and greedy, and set up intrigues. He entered the territory of the Han Dynasty, burned Xunyang Louchuan, and wanted to occupy Kuaiji and follow suit Gou Jian Dominate the Central Plains. Now the border reports that the King of Fujian and Vietnam led the other two countries to attack South Vietnam. His Majesty laid down a long-term plan for the peace of the people, sent people to convey the emperor's will, and told them all over the world, 'The world is peaceful, each country and people are safe, and no annexation is allowed.' The relevant officials think that he is a tiger and a wolf, greedy for the advantages of occupying Baiyue, and may have a rebellious heart. If the border officials have not received the emperor's clear edict, then Kuaiji and Yuzhang will certainly have a long-term disaster. What's more, if the Son of Heaven only criticizes and scolds, but does not send troops to fight, why should he make people tired and soldiers hard? So we sent two generals to garrison our troops on the border, to show our prowess and maintain our deterrent force. Before the troops were gathered, God had the power to kill the King of Minyue. His Majesty sent messengers to withdraw the troops, so as not to delay the farming season. The King of South Vietnam was very grateful for being rescued by the Emperor and took over the Emperor's Deze. He hoped to change his usual behavior and personally went to the DPRK with the envoy to thank him. But he was ill and could not enter the capital, so he sent the prince Ying Qi to accompany the emperor; When he gets better, he is willing to go to Beijing to pay homage to the Emperor and thank Dade. In August, the King of Fujian and Vietnam sent troops to Yenan. The soldiers were tired. The three kings' troops attacked him again. God killed him with the help of his younger brother Yu Shan. Up to now, there is no monarch in China, so envoys were sent to the Han Dynasty to present the military symbol and sceptre to ask the people who should be the king to stand on their own feet and wait for the clear edict of the Son of Heaven. In this action, no weapon was lost and no soldier was sacrificed. But the King of Minyue ambushed his guilt, South Vietnam was protected, his majesty shook the brutal King of Minyue, and his righteousness preserved the critical country. This is the starting point of His Majesty's far-reaching plan. The effect of the matter has been seen before, so I sent Yan Zhuo to convey the will of the Son of Heaven to the king. " [5]
So Liu An apologized and said, "Even if Shang Tang The crusade against Xia Jie and King Wen's attack on Chong would not exceed this. I am so honored that your majesty could not bear to punish Liu An, the minister, for his foolish ideas and nonsense. He sent an envoy to Huainan to tell Liu An the truth and knowledge he had never heard of. " Yan Zhu went back to Beijing with Liu An. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was very happy. [6]

Serve as the joint auditor

Yan Zhu accompanied his servant Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to have a chat. When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked Yan Zhu about his hometown, Yan Zhu replied, "My family is very poor, and I was insulted by my friend's son-in-law and a rich man." When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked him what he wanted, Yan Zhu replied that he hoped to be the chief inspector of the Kuaiji. So Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty worshipped him as Kuaiji Prefecture Chief.
After several years, there was no outstanding achievement. The Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent a letter saying: "The imperial edict of Kuaiji: you are tired of the court, think that the attendants are tired, miss your hometown, and become a county official out of Beijing. Kuaiji is connected to the sea in the east, close to Zhuyue in the south, and close to the Yangtze River in the north. We have been separated for a long time, and the journey is far away, so we can't hear your achievements for a long time. You should answer all according to the principles of Spring and Autumn Annals, not to use the theories of Su Qin strategists."
Yan Zhu was very afraid, and wrote a letter of apology, saying: "According to the Spring and Autumn Annals, the emperor went out to live in the State of Zheng because he could not be filial to his mother, so he lost his throne. The courtiers served the monarch as if their children served their parents. Yan Zhu should be punished. His Majesty did not have the heart to kill me, and I hope to serve the total book for three years in Beijing." The imperial edict agreed, so he stayed with the emperor. If something strange or special happened, he was asked to write dozens of eulogies. [7]

Killed and abandoned

Later, Liu An came to the court and gave Yan Zhu a generous gift. The two had a private relationship and discussed the government.
In the first year of Yuanshou (122 BC), Liu An, the king of Huainan, and the king of Hengshan Liu Ci The defendant conspired against Yan Zhu, who was involved in the matter. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty thought Yan Zhu's crime was not serious and wanted to kill him.
a military rank Zhang Tang He argued strongly that Yan Zhu was a trusted minister of the Emperor when he went to the palace, but he made friends with princes privately. If he didn't kill people like this, he would be out of control later.
Yan Zhu was killed and abandoned. [8]

Historical evaluation

Ban Gu: According to the poem, "Rong Di is a fake, Jing Shu is a punishment", which has long been a disaster for all Xia. Hanxing attacked Huyue and became prosperous. Studying the meanings of Huainan, Donation, Master Father and Yan An, we are deeply aware of their writings, so we can discuss their language. The world is known as Gongsun Hongpai's master father. Zhang Tang was trapped by Yan Zhu, and Shi Xianzen donated it to investigate its deeds. The master father sought to win the family through his desire. Yan and Jia had the right to enter and exit the forbidden door. Death is their own thing. How can they hate being trapped! [9]

Personal works

Yan Zhufu is a famous litterateur with rich literary talent. He has written 35 pieces of Fu, including Xiang Er Jing and Yan Zhufu, which are no longer handed down. Only two articles, "Yu Yi Huainan Wang" and "Shang Shu Xie Gui", are preserved.

Tomb site

Yan Zhumu It is said that in today's Zhejiang Province Jiaxing City In the campus of Fucheng Primary School in Jiaxing, the city proper, it is also called General Yan's Tomb.

Film and television image

Yang Pingyou as Yan Zhu
In 2004, the TV drama Emperor Hanwu: Yang Pingyou As Yan Zhu.