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Silk string

[sī xián]
Lexical concept
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Sixian, a word, refers to the silk thread used to pronounce on a stringed instrument. Also borrowed from Dream of Red Mansions.
Chinese name
Silk string
geographical indication
Central and Southern Hebei Province
Intangible Cultural Heritage Level
The first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list
Rare drama

Basic explanation

1. [silk string (for a musical instrument)]
2. String made of twisted silk.
3. A kind of folk art, in the south, Changde Sixian is famous; In the north, it is Shijiazhuang.

Citation explanation

"Sixian" refers to the silk thread used for pronunciation on the string instrument.
The Dream of Red Mansion 》The ninth third time: "Learn some silk strings and sing a song when you are free."
Junqing "Ode to Autumn, Emerald Valley": "In a large room with the same fluorescent lamp, the strings are melodious and the songs are floating. There is an amateur art troupe rehearsing." [1]
Zhu Huipeng's Zhuo Qin Method records: "According to the quality characteristics of silk strings, the feel of playing and the role of strings in sound quality, the characteristics of high-quality silk strings are summarized into six points, that is, the" six grades "of silk strings:" moist, uniform, clear, smooth, clean and medium. " [1]

Sixian Drama

Sixian is one of the traditional local operas in China. Sixian, also known as Xiansuo Tune and Xianzi Tune, is popular in central and southern Hebei Province and is one of the rare operas in China. The opera originated in the late Ming Dynasty, and its tune was Xiao Ling, popular in Yan and Zhao dynasties in the Yuan and Ming dynasties. Sixian was forbidden to perform during the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty (1796-1820). After the Opium War in 1840, it gradually developed among the people and formed five schools, namely, east, west, south, north and middle schools. The middle Sixian popular in Shijiazhuang area is called the middle Sixian.