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Donglin School

Neo Confucianism School with Practical Characteristics in Jiangnan Area in the Ming Dynasty
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In the Ming Dynasty, the Neo Confucianism school with practical characteristics in Jiangnan area was named after the establishment of Donglin Academy in Wuxi. Created by Gu Xiancheng Gao Panlong The Neo Confucianism thought Zongcheng and Zhu criticized Lu and Wang, criticized the last of Wang's studies for their emptiness and misunderstanding of the country, and advocated practical learning characterized by pragmatism and valuing practice. In the dark and corrupt period of the late Ming Dynasty, he emphasized moral integrity and tried to save the social crisis to achieve the political goal of governing the country and the world by reading, lecturing and discussing politics. [1]
Chinese name
Donglin School
Neo Confucianism School with Practical Characteristics in Jiangnan Area in the Ming Dynasty
Created by
Gu Xiancheng, Gao Panlong

formation and development

The brothers Gu Xiancheng and Gu Yuncheng initiated the establishment of Donglin Academy in the 32nd year of Wanli (1604) at the Guishan Academy, the former site of Yang Shi's lectures in the Northern Song Dynasty. Together with Gao Panlong, Qian Yiben, Xue Fujiao, Shi Menglin, Yu Kongjian and others, they gathered to give lectures, and people from the court and the countryside followed suit, thus forming an academic group. In view of the serious crisis of the Ming society, some of the savage gentry and officials in the dynasty criticized the current situation and demanded reform. Gu Xiancheng and Gao Panlong still aspire to the world after being demoted back to their hometown. Focusing on the rise and fall of the country, they gathered at Donglin Academy to give lectures, judge people, satirize the government, and combine reading, lecturing and political discussion. There are couplets in the academy, "The sound of wind and rain, the sound of reading", "Family affairs, state affairs, and world affairs are concerned", which show its purpose. The upright officials in the dynasty such as Zhao Nanxing, Li Sancai, Zou Yuanbiao, Feng Congwu, Zhou Qiyuan, Wei Dazhong, Li Yingsheng, Yang Lian and so on also responded with each other. The Donglin Academy became the center of public opinion, and the Donglin School gradually expanded to form a political faction, which was denounced as the "Donglin Party" by those in power and persecuted. As an academic group, the Donglin School not only has roughly the same political views, but also requires basically the same academic tendencies; As members of the "Donglin Party" of a political faction, they are only members of the same political views and often carry out common political activities. Both are titled "Donglin Party" by those in power. In the fortieth year of Wanli, Gu Xiancheng died of illness, and Gao Panlong was solely responsible for it. In the fourth year of Tianqi (1624), Yang Lian, Zhao Nanxing and Zuo Guangdou, members of the "Donglin Party", were dismissed for impeaching Wei Zhongxian, and Donglin Academy was destroyed. In the sixth year of the apocalypse, another "Donglin Party" Yuan Prison was set up, ordering the arrest of seven Donglin scholars who had been dismissed from office, including Gao Panlong, Zhou Shunchang, Miao Changqi, Li Yingsheng, Zhou Zongjian, Huang Zunsu, and Zhou Qiyuan (known as the "Seven Gentlemen" in history). Gao Panlong threw himself into the water with Qu Yuan's consent.

Academic characteristics

① Advocate the "useful learning" of governing the country and the world, take the ability to govern the world as the standard to evaluate and measure all thoughts and theories, and advocate that "learning is not learning if it can not be used by the people everyday. (Donglin Huiyu). Criticism of Wang's learning at the end of the stream abandons Confucianism and enters Zen, and empty talk of the mind is" killing the world with learning "(Zhengxing Bian Sin Yan). To a certain extent, it breaks the traditional bad style of study of Confucian classics that is divorced from reality and has nothing to say. Politically and ideologically, he opposed the feudal autocracy and put forward the slogan of "the world should listen to its own right and wrong" (Preface to the Record of Yi Hou); Criticize the drawbacks of the imperial examination, and advocate the irregular employment of people regardless of rank; We advocate the rule of law and try to limit the monarchy's power by the rule of law. In terms of economy and ideology, it attaches importance to commerce, proposes "learning agriculture, industry and commerce is the essence of life" (Zhao Nan Xingyu), requires to change the high and heavy tax system to benefit businesses and people, and proposes a series of reform measures. ② The Neo Confucianism thought Zong Cheng Zhu, criticized Lu Wang, and revised Cheng Zhu. However, they did not hold the same view academically. They could objectively evaluate the historical role of Neo Confucianism and the psychology from the perspective of the history of the development of Neo Confucianism, point out their advantages and limitations, and advocate mutual respect. After weighing the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of Zhu School and Wang School, the author proposed that "it is better to stick with others" ("Notes on Caution Room"), indicating its Neo Confucianism tendency.

Impact and evaluation

Donglin School tried to arouse the hearts of the people and save the social crisis in order to achieve the goal of governing the country and the world. Its combination of reading, lecturing and discussing politics and free association for academic activities showed the democratic color of free association and teaching requirements that broke the feudal shackles, and gave a direct impact to academic organizations such as Fushe and Jishe, which later called "Takeover Donglin". His slogan of "the right and wrong of the world should be heard from the world" also has the sprout of democratic thought, which is the precursor of Huang Zongxi's "what the Son of Heaven is may not be, and what the Son of Heaven is not may not be" (Ming Yi Dai Lu · School). Academically, it advocates "useful learning" and opposes empty and sparse learning style and "valuing practicality". His theory of pragmatism and pragmatism really opened the thread of the practical learning trend in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. His fair attitude towards different schools of learning also enlightens later generations to summarize Neo Confucianism. Although Donglin School failed to break through the severe shackles of the feudal code and the philosophy of Cheng and Zhu, it had many progressive factors in ideology and theory and became the pioneer of early enlightenment thinkers later. The multiple integrity of Donglin people also has a considerable impact on future generations. [1]