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Northeast depression

Low pressure system active in Northeast China
Northeast low pressure, also known as Northeast cyclone , refers to the low-pressure system active in Northeast China. Some of them are developed locally, most of them are generated by Mongolian cyclones and Yellow River cyclones. It is one of the most powerful cyclones in China, with longitude and latitude ranges of 1000-2000 km, and the closed circulation can extend to more than 500 hPa.
Its central pressure value is about 990 hPa, which often causes a wide range of disastrous weather, such as gale, sandstorm, thunderstorm, thunderstorm, etc. When it moves eastward, it will lead cold air to the south, forming cold waves, and even cause changes in the overall circulation situation in East Asia. It can appear all year round, with spring and autumn being the most. Therefore, it is one of the important weather systems in China (especially in Northeast China). [1]
Chinese name
Northeast depression
Foreign name
Northeastern Low
Northeast China
1000 km to 2000 km
March May

brief introduction

Northeast low pressure, namely Northeast cyclone , a cyclone active in northeast China, is one of the important weather systems affecting China. [5] It is less formed in northeast China, and is mostly moved from the Yellow River basin of China and Mongolia. It is an important weather system that affects China. Its diameter can reach 1000 to 2000 kilometers. The central air pressure is low, and it is generally about 990hPa. [1]

developing process

According to the three-dimensional spatial analysis conducted by Gui Peilan and Wang Zuoshu on the development process of a strong northeast low-pressure cyclone in Northeast China from December 16 to 20, 1957, the development process results are as follows: from the beginning of the cyclone to the filling, there is an upward movement between the isobaric surfaces (below 200mb) of each layer above the cyclone center, and almost all the upward movement occurs in the airless area. With the development of the cyclone, the amount of upward movement and divergence convergence over the center has been increasing, and the height of the non divergence surface gradually decreases and tends to be symmetrical. When the cold air moves southward, the upward movement is strongest in the south of the cold stack, so that this part of the cold stack extends upward, which is the main mechanism to promote the formation of isolated cold vortices in the upper air. The precipitation in this cyclone is concentrated in the cold reactor, which is not limited to the southeast of the cold reactor like the general cold vortex. [2]


Northeast low pressure is the main weather system in northeast China, which can appear all the year round. However, it occurs most frequently in spring, and the intensity of many low pressures is also the largest. The weather it brings is usually strong wind. Usually from China Yellow River Basin And Mongolia [3]
Northeast cyclone is one of the most powerful cyclones affecting China. Its diameter can reach 1000 to 2000 kilometers. The central air pressure is low, and it is generally about 990hPa. Its development may lead to the outbreak of cold waves or cold air moving southward, and lead to the adjustment of the circulation situation in East Asia. It often causes large-scale gales, sandstorms, thunderstorms, thunderstorms and other disastrous weather. When it moves eastward, it will lead cold air to the south, forming cold waves, and even cause changes in the overall circulation situation in East Asia. It can appear all year round, with spring and autumn being the most. Therefore, it is one of the important weather systems in China (especially in Northeast China). [1] [4]