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The Easterners (동인) are Joseon Dynasty A friend of the time. [1]
Chinese name
A friend of the Korean Dynasty



East West Party Division

Korean Xuanzu In the early years, Confucian scholars with rich literary reputation at that time Jin Xiaoyuan With the Imperial Concubine of the Ming Dynasty Queen Renshun 's brother Shen Yiqian The confrontation between them has become an opportunity for the rise of Easterners. At that time, the new Jinshi class supported Jin Xiaoyuan, and the established Jinshi class supported Shen Yiqian, which led to the "separation of the East and the West". [1]
The opposition between Jin Xiaoyuan and Shen Yiqian stems from the important position of personnel power“ Quan Lang ”Position. At that time, the No. 1 Scholar and the famous Jin Xiaoyuan were influenced by Wu Jianhe Hongwen Hall Zhiti Xuejin Jihui recommended him as Quanlang. Shen Yiqian accused him of being the imperial concubine of Zhongzong Queen Munjeong 's younger brother leads politics Yin Yuanheng His disciples objected to his saying that he was a Confucian scholar of Ah Fu's power. But soon, when Jin Xiaoyuan, who had been appointed as Quanlang, was about to be transferred to Qingxing Prefecture Envoy, Shen Zhongqian, Shen Yiqian's younger brother, was recommended as the successor. Jin Xiaoyuan objected, saying that the king's relatives could not serve as Quanlang. [1]
Around the position of Quan Lang, Jin Xiaoyuan and Shen Yiqian were at odds, and officials and scholars also stood in their own ranks, divided into one supporting Jin Xiaoyuan and one supporting Shen Yiqian At that time, Jin Xiaoyuan's family lived Seoul Qianchuan Cave on Luoshan Mountain in the east, so those who support him are called "Easterners"; Shen Yiqian lives in Zhendong in the west of Seoul, so his supporters are called“ Westerners ”。 [1]
Jin Xiaoyuan, the leader of the East, learned from the two walls of the Lingnan School, which believed in "Taoism of philosophy", namely Li Huang and Cao Zhi Therefore, the ideological background and academic tradition of the Easterners are based on the "Taoism of philosophy", and the academic tradition also belongs to the Lingnan School. Therefore, most of the leading figures belonging to the East are the disciples of Li Hwang and Cao Zhi, except for a few others. [1]

Lear mediates

After the East West Party split Si Xianfu Dasixian Lear In order to prevent the outbreak of political disputes, Zeng Shangshu requested that Jin Xiaoyuan and Shen Yiqian both be given External release To discuss politics on the left Lu Shoushen Jin Xiaoyuan was appointed as Qingxing Prefecture envoy and Shen Yiqian was appointed as Kaicheng Stay. Qingxing is located Hamgyong Extremely, this measure is unfavorable to Jin Xiaoyuan. Those who follow Jin Xiaoyuan are even more dissatisfied. As a result, the court's punishment caused disputes, and the dispute between Jin Xiaoyuan and Shen Yiqian also caused controversy among the courtiers, which clearly showed their support and criticism. Li Er mediated the dispute, which led to the establishment of the "East West Person List". [1]
After that, although Lear continued to work hard to promote reconciliation between East and West, he had little effect and the political dispute became more intense. In 1580, Shen Yiqian, a native, was appointed as the leader of Li Cao Zheng Renhong He was impeached, but nothing happened because of Li Er's suggestion. Then, in 1584, Lear, who played a mediating role, died. Li Po, Bai Weirang and others joined forces with the East to refute Shen Yiqian. When the westerners were eliminated, Shen Yiqian was also dismissed, and the easterners gradually gained power. [1]

Internal differentiation

After the Easterners came to power, in 1589 Zheng Ruli Rebellion incident, was ousted by Westerners. But in 1591, due to the Western giants Zheng Che He raised the issue of the son of a prince and fell down. Taking this as an opportunity, the Easterners came to power again, and bloody purged the opposition parties. At this time, the Western Zheng Che's punishment led to the internal opposition of the Eastern people, which split into the radical group demanding the execution of Zheng Che and the moderate group only sending him back for rehabilitation. The former is called“ Northerner ”, the latter said“ southerners ”。 So the "Easterners" as a whole no longer exist. [1]

Historical evaluation

Lear: All the people available today are in the eyes of things. The so-called "East" refers to those who are young and new, but are determined to do good, brave to seek a country, and sincere and prosperous. This should be encouraged, fostered, and controlled, rather than suppressed. [2]