Tokyo City

Current Tokyo Metropolitan Area of Japan
zero Useful+1
Tokyo City (ときょし, ときやし Tōkyō shi )From 1889 to 1943 Tokyo Prefecture (Now Tokyo Metropolitan )A city in the east. It is Three metropolitan areas in Japan one of Capital Circle The central city of. The seat of the government of Tokyo Prefecture. The final city and Tokyo Metropolitan Department Tokyo 23 )Equivalent.
the Second World War period, Japanese government It was decided to implement the capital system in Tokyo, so the Tokyo City and the Tokyo Prefecture were abolished in 1943, and the Tokyo City was established on the basis of the Tokyo Prefecture. The districts under the former Tokyo City were changed to be directly under the jurisdiction of the Tokyo Metropolitan. [1]
Chinese name
Tokyo City
Foreign name
Tokyo City, Yoo Yoo Yoo
Administrative Region Category
City (before abandonment)
Japan - Tokyo Prefecture (before abandonment)
Government residence
Yonacho Erdingmu, Uchicho District, Tokyo
population size
6778804 (1940)
Abandonment date
July 1, 1943 (Showa 18)
Reason for abandonment
The Tokyo Metropolitan System has been implemented [1]

Relevant definitions

In 1943, originally belonged to First level administrative region Of Tokyo Prefecture And the Tokyo Municipal Government under its jurisdiction Tokyo Metropolitan [2]
Generally speaking, "Tokyo" is a place name rather than an administrative region, and it does not only include the city of Tokyo or Tokyo Metropolitan In terms of administrative division, Tokyo has three main geographical divisions: usually called“ Tokyo 23 ”23 special zones, "three" in the west of Zone 23 Tama And some islands in the Pacific Ocean under the jurisdiction of Tokyo. [2]
In 1947, after the promulgation of the Local Autonomy Law, the "Tokyo Metropolitan" system was abolished. thus, Tokyo Metropolitan It is actually a local autonomous body. [2] The scope of Tokyo does not necessarily include only 23 districts of Tokyo or Tokyo Metropolitan. The following are different definitions from the narrowest to the broadest, which are used to define the scope of various appellations for Tokyo:

Historical evolution

Original name
The idea of renaming Edo as Tokyo Edo Period Later period of aristocratic family Sato Xinyuan Created in the 6th year of Wenzheng (1823)《 Secret Tactics of Confusion in the World 》It has already appeared in. Sato recorded the following idea in the book: In order to make Japan active on the world stage, it is necessary to move the capital to Edo, and name it Tokyo, and Osaka Xijing, forming the three capitals of Tokyo, Xijing, and Kyoto. [4]
Okubo Toshimichi Influenced by Sato, it is suggested that Edo be renamed Tokyo. [5]
In September 1868 (July of the 4th year of Qingying (the first year of Meiji)), according to the edict issued by the government, the edict of "Jiang Do Yi Calling Yi Te Tokyo Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi", the government of Tokyo, which governs the area where Edo cho practices domination, was established. From then on, the name of Tokyo began to be used.
Although there is a Tokyo notation, no official decree on pronunciation has been issued. Although "ときややときやややときや〠きや〠き〠〠いととけいいいとととととき. Due to the development of daily newspapers, people's information has been widely exchanged. In the first issue of the national language textbooks, the pronunciation of Tokyo is recorded as "トーキョーーーーーーキョーー" to avoid confusion. In addition, as far as the writing of Chinese characters was concerned, there was also a confused use of "Dong". "亰" is a variant of "Jing". The word "亰亰亰亰亰亰亰亰亰亰亰亰亰亰亰亰亰京京京京京京京京京京京京20140.
The second half of the 15th century: the completion of Edo City
Old name of Tokyo Edo , whose name comes from the construction of the city in 1457 Edo City Edo City was built by Musashi Chuanyue( Saiyu County )The city lord of kyoto ashikaga shogunate Order Taitian Road Irrigation Supervised [6] When choosing the location, Taitian saw the Kanto Plain surrounded by mountains and sea although it was a humid area at a glance, so today (2018) Edo City ("Edo" means "estuary", which originated from Yutianchuan flowing into Tokyo Bay, which was called "Edo Bay" at that time) was built in the Huangju area. Later, history entered the Warring States Period, when military officers from all over the country fought for years.
Early 17th century: the beginning of the Edo shogunate's rule over Japan
Tokugawa Jiakang It won a crucial victory in the Battle of Guanyuan. In 1603, Tokugawa Kakang established the Tokugawa shogunate here, and since then Edo City During the rule of the Edo shogunate, which was a stronghold, Edo became a political city [7] After that, the population of Edo City became more and more, and it gradually developed into a central city at that time. In the process of development of Edo City, two different types of regions have formed: one is the civilian activity area - "Xiacho", where many merchants, vendors and craftsmen gathered. They are mainly engaged in water transportation in Yutianchuan, material distribution in Edo Port and various commercial activities; The other is the upper class social activity area - "the hand of the mountain", which is the political center of Edo City, including the residential areas of Daming and Qiben. The political and economic development of Edo City also contributed to the prosperity of culture. The formation of civilian culture also symbolizes that the cultural development of Edo City has entered its heyday.
In 1868 (the fourth year of Qingying), the Edo shogunate collapsed, and Edo was renamed Tokyo Since then, the Emperor moved from Kyoto to Tokyo, implemented the government system, and established the Tokyo Prefecture. [8]
In 1878 (Meiji 11), Tokyo was incorporated Izu Islands In 1880 (the 13th year of Meiji), it was included in the Ogasawara Islands.
In 1889 (the 22nd year of Meiji), the Constitution of the Great Japanese Empire (the Meiji Constitution) was published, establishing the basic system of Japan as a modern country. On May 1, Tokyo 15 District was separated from Tokyo Prefecture and became Tokyo City.
April 1, 1893 (Meiji 26), according to Tokyo Prefecture and Kanagawa Prefecture The laws related to the change of territory basically established the territory of the Tokyo Metropolis by incorporating the Tama region from Kanagawa Prefecture to the Tokyo Prefecture.
After the 20th century
The Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923
It happened in 1923 (the 12th year of Dazheng) Great Kanto earthquake [9] , and World War II late US military Although the intensive bombing of the aircraft group caused devastating damage to the heart of the Tokyo Metropolitan twice, the reconstruction work was also carried out quickly afterwards.
In 1932 (Showa 7), Tokyo merged the surrounding areas into 35 districts. The urban area is basically the same as the Tokyo Metropolitan Area.
In June 1938 (the 13th year of Showa), the Ministry of Internal Affairs issued the Outline of the Tokyo Metropolitan Plan.
In January 1943 (the 18th year of Showa), the government proposed the "Tokyo Metropolitan Plan" to the Imperial Parliament and passed it. On July 1 of the same year, the Tokyo Metropolitan System was officially implemented, the form of the Tokyo Prefecture and the Tokyo City was abolished, and it was unified into the Tokyo Metropolitan.
On September 2, 1945, Japan signed the surrender agreement, ending the war. The population of Tokyo, which turned into a wilderness, decreased sharply. In October 1945, the population was 3.49 million, only half of the population in 1940.
On March 15, 1947 (22nd year of Showa), 35 districts were reorganized into 22 districts. On May 3, the same year, due to the implementation of the local autonomy law, it became a special district. On August 1 of the same year, the area of Old Lianma Town and other four villages itabashi Separated from and merged into Nerima , forming 23 districts in Tokyo and continuing (July 2018).
one side, Japanese economy because Korean War (1950), and entered a period of rapid economic development in the 1960s. During this period, with technological innovation and the introduction of new industries and technologies, chemical fiber, television, refrigerator, washing machine and other household appliances began to be mass produced, and people's lives have changed greatly. In 1962, the population of Tokyo exceeded 10 million for the first time.
In 1964, Olympic Games It was held in Tokyo for the first time in an Asian city. In order to welcome the arrival of the Olympic Games, in addition to the facilities required for the Olympic Games such as stadiums, other major public constructions (such as Capital Expressway )At the same time, construction began, and the whole city entered the stage of building. Since then, Tokyo has officially become one of the international representative cities.
After 1970, due to the negative impact of rapid economic development, air pollution, river pollution, noise and other public hazards have emerged. In 1973, affected by the oil crisis, the rapid economic development that has lasted for many years finally came to an end.
In the 1980s, Tokyo realized economic leap through internationalization and informatization, and became one of the few global metropolises with social security, leading technology, culture and fashion, vitality and charm. After 1986, affected by the "bubble economy", land prices and stock indexes rose.
After entering the 1990s bubble economy Collapse, Japan's economy fell into a long-term depression, but Linhai Deputy Duxin Large-scale development, Xinsu Deputy Duxin along with Metropolitan Hall With the further development of transfer, the continuous preparation of the transportation system, and the implementation of a number of urban renewal and large-scale complex zone transformation plans, Tokyo's development pace is still moving forward.
The data of population movement between Tokyo and local governments in 1997 showed that after 12 years, for the first time, the population transferred into Tokyo exceeded the population transferred out. The population of Tokyo increased from 12 million in 2001 to 13 million in 2010.
In 2010, Tokyo was divided into 23 special regions, 26 cities, 5 towns and 8 villages. The population is 13.16 million. In the same year, according to the statistics of the United Nations, Tokyo was rated as the world's largest city, and together with Kawasaki, Yokohama and other places, it formed the world's largest metropolitan area with the largest population (about 35 million people). The GDP per urban unit has surpassed that of New York and become the first in the world.
Occurred in 2011 Great earthquake disaster in East Japan Tokyo's economy was slightly affected but also recovered rapidly; After that, Tokyo actively applied 2020 Summer Olympic Games And successfully won the right to host the Olympic Games, becoming the first Asian city to host the Olympic Games twice.
In September 2013, Tokyo was elected the second time Olympic Games host city. [10]

administrative division

As of 2016, Tokyo is composed of 23 special administrative regions, 26 cities, 5 towns and 8 villages. The administrative region includes 23 special administrative regions and the long and narrow land part of Tama region (26 cities, 3 towns and 1 village), as well as Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands (2 towns and 7 villages) distributed in the southern waters of Tokyo Bay.

Tokyo Metropolitan

Tokyo Metropolitan, usually the six main districts in the central area of Tokyo Metropolitan—— Chiyoda District Central District Port area shinjuku Wenjing District Taidong District , and called "Duxin District 6".
Chiyoda District, Central District and Port District are also called "Duxin District 3". At the same time, in daily usage, there are also derived meanings of "Duxin District 5", "Duxin District 8", "Duxin District 10", "Duxin District 11" and other usages.

Tokyo Metropolitan Department

Tokyo Metropolitan Department, also known as Tokyo 23 , Tokyo Special Region, consisting of 23 special regions of Tokyo Metropolitan, is the political, economic and cultural hub of Japan and the seat of the central government of Japan [11] It refers to the scope of "Tokyo" which is widely used in a narrow sense. Its scope is equivalent to that of Tokyo in the past (Existing from 1889 to 1943) The area of 35 districts under its jurisdiction.
The eastern part of the district covers Yutianchuan Arakawa And Edogawa The vast estuarine plain lowlands formed by such rivers are often called "Xiacho".
To the west of Hekou Plain, Musashino Platform Some areas at the east end are eroded to form tongue shape platform , commonly known as "the hand of the mountain" (や や) JR Yamato line The railway was originally designed to connect these small platforms. To the south Tamachuan A strip of low land along the estuary. Tokyo Bay The coastal land reclamation project continues, and the newly reclaimed land is also included in Zone 23, such as the land reclamation project in Yutian Chuankou Station yard (おおおいばおおおいばおおおおいばばおおおおいばおおおいばばおおおおお123.
Tokyo Metropolitan Department
Region Name
Area (square kilometers)
Region Name
Area (square kilometers)
eleven point six four
fifteen point one one
ten point one eight
fifteen point five nine
twenty point three four
thirty-four point zero two
eighteen point two three
thirteen point zero one
eleven point three one
twenty point five nine
ten point zero eight
ten point two zero
thirteen point seven five
thirty-two point one seven
thirty-nine point nine nine
forty-eight point one six
twenty-two point seven two
fifty-three point two zero
fourteen point seven zero
thirty-four point eight four
sixty point four two
forty-nine point eight six
fifty-eight point zero eight

Tokyo Metropolitan

Tokyo Metropolitan, by Tokyo Metropolitan Department Tama Place Izu Islands Ogasawara Islands And other regions. The first level administrative division in Japan adopts Dudaofu County "Du" refers to the capital of Tokyo. In 1943, the original two first level administrative regions - Tokyo Prefecture After the war (1947), it was abolished because of the promulgation of the local autonomy law. After that, Tokyo was only a local autonomous body formed by the simple integration of the special region and other cities, towns and villages, but it still used the original name of Tokyo City.
Tokyo is located in the southern part of the Kanto region in the center of the Japanese archipelago, to the east Edogawa Is bounded by Chiba County Adjacent, bounded by mountains in the west Yamanashi County Adjacent, south to Tamachuan Is bounded by Kanagawa Prefecture Adjacent to, north to Saiyu County Adjacent. Tokyo is a wide area autonomous body composed of 23 special regions and 8 villages in 26 cities, covering an area of about 621 square kilometers. The administrative region consists of 23 special regions, Tama region (3 towns and 1 village in 26 cities) and Izu Islands, Ogasawara Islands, etc. (2 towns and 7 villages) on the sea south of Tokyo Bay. [12]

Tokyo Capital Circle

Also called Tokyo Metropolitan Area , Tokyo Circle, one city and three counties. It is a city cluster centered on the Tokyo Metropolitan District, with Chiba, Kanagawa, Saitama, Ibaraki, Gunma, Tomi, Yamanashi and other counties in addition to the Tokyo Metropolitan (except Yamanashi County for the "Kanto Prefecture" in the division of Japan's "eight regions"). The total GDP ranks first in the world, and the total population accounts for more than one-third of Japan's national population, making it the largest urban agglomeration in the world.

Tama region

The Tama area, centered on the lowlands along the Tamachuan coast, contains the long and narrow suburban area composed of the Takesano platform in the north and the Tama hills in the south. It is composed of three towns and one village in 26 cities. It is an area within the whole Tokyo Metropolitan area, except for the Tokyo Metropolitan area and islands. This area was Musashi It is under the jurisdiction of Tama County, which was divided into four counties in the Meiji era, and was incorporated into Tokyo City in East Tama County Nakano area And Suginami After a part of Nishitama District The population of Tama region is about 4.2 million, with an area of about 1160 square kilometers.
Region Name
Area (square kilometers)
Region Name
Area (square kilometers)
one hundred and eighty-six point three one
eleven point four eight
twenty-four point three eight
eight point one five
ten point seven three
ten point two four
sixteen point five zero
six point three nine
one hundred and three point two six
thirteen point five four
twenty-nine point three four
ten point one nine
seventeen point three three
twelve point nine two
twenty-one point five three
fifteen point three seven
seventy-one point six four
twenty-one point zero eight
eleven point three three
seventeen point nine seven
twenty point four six
nine point nine one
twenty-seven point five three
seventy-three point three four
seventeen point one seven
fifteen point eight five

geographical environment


Location context

Tokyo belongs to Guandong Corner of, located at Guandong Plain South end, facing Tokyo Bay , roughly located in the center of the Japanese archipelago. The east is connected with Chiba County by Jianghuchuan, the west is connected with Yamanashi County by mountains, the south is connected with Kanagawa County by Tamachuan, and the north is connected with Saiyu County connect. The total area is 2155 square kilometers [13] The central coordinate of the city is 35 ° 69 'north latitude to 139 ° 69' east longitude.
In addition to the local areas in Japan, the formal administrative division should also be added Ogasawara Islands And Izu Islands And other outlying islands. The southernmost tip of Japan( Chongniao Island ), and the easternmost end( Nanniao Island )It is also under the jurisdiction of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

topographic features

The 23 special districts and Tama region in Tokyo form a long and narrow zone, 90 kilometers wide from east to west and 25 kilometers long from north to south. In the Pacific Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands , although geographically separated from Tokyo. It is also part of the administrative division of Tokyo Metropolitan.


full name
term of office
Governor of Edo Prefecture
Black Pill Light
July 13, 1868 - October 5, 1868
Black Pill Light
October 5, 1868 - December 20, 1868
Damuqiao people
January 16, 1869 August 22, 1869
Rensheng Basic Repair
November 6, 1869 - September 7, 1871
September 7, 1871 - August 18, 1872
June 30, 1872 - December 19, 1875
December 19, 1875 - January 22, 1877
January 22, 1877 - December 12, 1879
Matsuda Daozhi
December 12, 1879 July 6, 1882
Fangchuan Xiangzheng
July 19, 1882 - June 13, 1885
Dudang Hongji
June 13, 1885 - March 9, 1886
Takasaki 56
March 9, 1886 - May 19, 1890
May 19, 1890 – July 21, 1891
Takeshi Toyoda's help
July 21, 1891 - October 26, 1893
October 26, 1893 - March 14, 1896
Long time, long time
March 14, 1896 - October 12, 1897
Minister Gang
October 12, 1897 – July 16, 1898
Fat Tomb Dragon
July 16, 1898 - November 12, 1898
Thousand Family Blessings
November 12, 1898 - March 25, 1908
March 28, 1908 – December 30, 1912
December 30, 1912 - April 21, 1914
Kubota Zhengzhou
April 21, 1914 July 2, 1915
Yoichi Inoue
July 2, 1915 June 12, 1919
June 20, 1919 - May 27, 1921
Yuzomei Shengfu
May 27, 1921 - September 16, 1925
September 16, 1925 July 5, 1929
July 5, 1929 - October 9, 1929
Niuzuka Tiger Taro
October 9, 1929 - December 18, 1931
Kuichi Hasegawa
December 18, 1931 – January 12, 1932
Tengnuo Zhuangping
January 12, 1932 – May 27, 1932
Xiangban Changkang
May 27, 1932 – January 4, 1935
Yokoyama helps
January 15, 1935 - February 10, 1937
Guan Zhe II
February 10, 1937 – June 24, 1938
Okada Zhouzao
June 24, 1938 - January 7, 1941
Chuanxi Shisan
January 7, 1941 - January 9, 1942
Matsumura Guangmo
January 9, 1942 - July 1, 1943
Matsuda Xiuxiong
October 6, 1898 - June 15, 1903
June 29, 1903 to September 12, 1908
September 30, 1908 June 26, 1912
July 12, 1912 - February 25, 1915
Yoshito Oda
June 15, 1915 August 21, 1917
Inajiro Tanjiri
April 5, 1918 - November 27, 1920
December 17, 1920 - April 27, 1923
Hideiro Nagata
May 29, 1923 - September 8, 1924
October 8, 1924 June 8, 1926
Tokio Isawa
July 16, 1926 - October 23, 1926
Xikubao Hongdao
October 29, 1926 - December 12, 1927
Shilai Yiyan
January 7, 1928 - February 14, 1929
Shinjiro Horie
April 24, 1929 – May 12, 1930
Hideiro Nagata
May 30, 1930 - January 25, 1933
Niuzuka Tiger Taro
May 10, 1933 - May 9, 1937
Xiaoqiao Yitai
June 28, 1937 – April 14, 1939
Mu Guiji
April 24, 1939 - February 19, 1940
Okubo Liujiro
May 12, 1940 – July 22, 1942
August 3, 1942 - June 30, 1943
July 1, 1943 - July 22, 1944
July 25, 1944-August 23, 1945
Hirosami Kuzhong
August 23, 1945 - January 15, 1946
Tengnuo Zhuangping
January 15, 1946 June 8, 1946
Matsui Chunsheng
June 8, 1946 July 23, 1946
July 23, 1946 - March 13, 1947
March 13, 1947 - April 14, 1947
April 14, 1947 - May 3, 1947
Shinichiro Andai
May 3, 1947 - April 18, 1959
April 27, 1959 - April 22, 1967
April 23, 1967 - April 22, 1979
April 23, 1979 - April 22, 1995
April 23, 1995 - April 22, 1999
April 23, 1999 - October 31, 2012
December 18, 2012 - December 24, 2013
February 11, 2014 June 15, 2016
August 2, 2016 -