East Asia

[dōng yà]
East Asia
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East Asia Asia Abbreviation of the east, generally including China Japan the republic of korea North Korea and Mongolia Five countries. East Asia is located in the east of Asia, the largest continent in the world, and the west bank of the Pacific Ocean, the largest ocean in the world. The terrain is high in the west and low in the east. Most rivers flow from west to east the pacific ocean , mainly including Yangtze River Yellow River Pearl River Heilongjiang Etc. The main peaks are Mount Qomolangma Mount Tai Fuji , Changbai Mountain, etc.
East Asia is one of the most densely populated regions in the world, population size occupy World population 22%. The economy of all countries (regions) has developed to a certain extent in recent years. Among them, Japan, South Korea and China Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan The region has reached a developed level.
Chinese name
East Asia
Foreign name
East Asia
East Asia East Asia East Asia
geographical position
Asia east, the pacific ocean west bank
12500000 km²
Area under jurisdiction
China Japan the republic of korea North Korea Mongolia
population size
About 1.6 billion
Beijing Capital International Airport \Hong Kong International Airport\ Narita International Airport \Haneda International Airport, etc
More in the west plateau There are many plains and hills in the east of the mountain
major city
Beijing Shanghai Hong Kong Tokyo Seoul etc.
primary language
chinese English Japanese Korean mongolian
Road access
Drive on the right (except Japan, Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region of China)

History and culture



Main entry: China
China originated from Yellow River Basin and Yangtze river basin Of Chinese Civilization The most important countries in East Asia are East Asia and Southeast Asia Han cultural circle Of suzerain About 2070 BC, the first country in China Xia Dynasty Establish. In 221 BC, the Qin Dynasty completed the unification of China for the first time. Established in the 7th century Tang Dynasty economy Prosperity and wide spread of culture in East Asia.
Many other ethnic groups in East Asia, such as the Korean nationality ,, and Chinese civilization Influence of Chinese characters Confucianism Buddhism belongs to these nationalities traditional culture The most significant common ground in the Chinese culture is that the fields of these ethnic activities and the Chinese ontology are also known as Han cultural circle Or Huaxia cultural ring [1]

North Korea and South Korea

Ancient Korea entered in 5000 BC Neolithic Age The first 10 centuries began to enter Bronze Age The first four centuries entered the Iron Age. In the 3rd and 4th centuries, Korean Peninsula formation Goguryeo Baekje Silla The situation of tripartite confrontation, and then Silla unified the Korean Peninsula; tenth century Korea Dynasty establishment; Late 14th century Joseon Dynasty Establishment; Japan annexed the Korean Peninsula in 1910; World War II The post Korean Peninsula formed a state of confrontation between North and South Korea.


In the 5th century Honshu The rise of Dahe in central China has been basically unified Japan In 646, Japan began to imitate the system of the Tang Dynasty“ Dahua Renovation ”, become a Centralization Feudal state; At the end of the 12th century, Japan entered Shogunate rule Period; In 1868, Japan learned from the Western system“ Meiji Restoration ”, gradually developed into a Constitutional monarchy Country.


In the early days, the Mongolian Plateau was a place of multi-ethnic nomadism, where Huns Xianbei Turkic etc. nomadic people In 1206, Genghis Khan unified all Mongolian ministries, and from then on, most ethnic groups on the Mongolian Plateau were renamed Mongolia. modern Mongolia It became independent from China in 1946.



Basic overview

Longitude and latitude Positioning: 4 ° N~53 ° N 73 ° E~150 ° E
Terrain: high in the west and low in the east.
typical monsoon climate Rain and heat synchronization , which is beneficial to crops, especially unhusked rice Growth; Near the pacific ocean fishery resources Abundant (the Western Pacific fishing ground is one of the major fishing grounds in the world), with many natural ports, which is conducive to the development of fisheries and foreign economy; Water resources Rich.
At the edge of East Asia continent, the geological conditions are complex, mountainous, volcanic and seismic. Typhoons often hit in summer and autumn.
East: Coastal, winding coastline, many islands and peninsulas; Terrain: many plains and hills.
West: far away from the sea; Terrain: many plateaus and mountains.
This difference in topography between the east and the west leads to a high terrain in the west and low terrain in the east. Most of the big rivers flow into the Pacific Ocean from west to east.
East Asia covers an area of about 12.5 million Square kilometers The population is 1.6 billion. The terrain is high in the west and low in the east, divided into four steps. Southwest China and Indian subcontinent The northern part of Qinghai Tibet Plateau Average altitude Above 4000 meters. The southeast half is Monsoon region , genus temperate hardwood forest Climate and Subtropics Forest climate Northwest is continental Temperate grassland Desert climate Mountains in the southwest Plateau climate From May to October, the eastern coast was affected by typhoon.
mineral resources With coal, iron, petroleum, copper, antimony, tungsten, molybdenum, gold magnesite , graphite, etc. East Asia is characterized by rice Dioscorea zingiberensis Millet buckwheat , soybeans ramie , tea Tung oil tree paint Trees citrus Longan litchi , ginseng, etc Cultivated plant The country of origin.
The rice produced accounts for the world's rice total output More than 40%, tea accounts for more than 25% of the world's total output, and soybeans account for 20%. Cotton, peanut, corn, sugarcane sesame rapeseed The output of silk occupies an important position in the world.

Location and topography

East Asia is located in the east of Asia and the west bank of the Pacific Ocean. The total area is about 12500000 square meters
It accounts for about 9% of the global land area. The terrain is high in the west and low in the east. Traditionally, there are three steps: the first step is Qinghai Tibet Plateau The altitude of this place is generally more than 4000 meters; The second level is a series of basins and plateaus; The third level includes plains, hills and some islands.


East Asia has the most typical monsoon climate in the world, which is characterized by hot and rainy summer, mild and humid winter, seasonal variation of precipitation and Interannual change Large.
As East Asia is located in the east of the world's largest continent and faces the world's largest ocean, Thermal difference between land and sea Large, thus forming a typical monsoon climate.
The west of East Asia is located in Eurasia Inside, it is far away from the ocean, and the ocean water vapor is difficult to reach, which results in less precipitation, Annual range Large temperate continental climate , and this one Climatic zone Because the distance between the east and the west is very different from the ocean, the climate difference between the east and the west is also very obvious.
Due to the complex terrain and large topographic relief in East Asia, the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, the "roof of the world", is the most prominent, forming a unique Plateau and alpine climate
Eastern coastal area The monsoon climate is remarkable, and it is the most typical subtropical zone in the world Temperate monsoon climate East Asia monsoon region, humid and mild climate; Western inland region temperate continental climate Typical, arid Semi arid climate zone The Qinghai Tibet Plateau is a plateau mountainous climate region.

ocean current

main ocean current Kuroshio( Japanese Warm Current )Amicable tide( Thousand Island Cold Current )。

Rivers and lakes

Mainly Yangtze River Yellow River Yalu River Tumen River , Pearl River, Heilongjiang Shinokawa Liegenchuan Etc.


Japan and China are adjacent Siberia and Central Asia The area is warm and humid, and the original rich temperate zone coniferous forest broad-leaved forest and Mixed forest Because densely populated lowlands and river valleys have been converted to agricultural and urban use, forests will be found mostly in mountainous areas in the 21st century. ice age Of Glaciation It has little impact on East Asia. From Japan and South China Palaearctic Temperate forest, to Oriental Realm Subtropical zone and tropical forests And create a rich and diverse Flora and fauna The mountains in southwest China are listed as the world Biodiversity hotspots One, for example the himalayas Contains about 8% of the world's birds In Southeast Asia, Myanmar The northern and southern mountain ranges of China form the tongue region of the Palaearctic flora and fauna. The isolated Sky Island exists in the south to the central part of Myanmar, and in the north Vietnam? And the mountains of Taiwan Province.

Countries and regions



(including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)
"China" in the concept of political power Huaxia nationality Establish, Chinese culture The main founder of the Chinese ethnic group is the Han nationality, a descendant of the Chinese ethnic group. The Han nationality is also the Chinese mainland and China in the 21st century Hong Kong , China Macao And Taiwan's Main ethnic groups , with Ancestor worship Buddhism, Taoism Confucianism And other beliefs.
Topography of China The west is higher than the east. Mountains, plateaus and hills account for about 67% of the land area, and basins and plains account for about 33% of the land area. The mountains are mostly east-west and northeast southwest, mainly including Altai Mountains Tianshan Mountain Kunlun Mountain Karakoram the himalayas , Yinshan Qinling Mountains , Nanling Greater Khingan Range Changbai Mountain Taihang Mountain Wuyi Mount Taiwan Mountains and Hengduan Mountain Etc. The west has the world's tallest Qinghai Tibet Plateau , with an average altitude of more than 4000 meters, known as the "roof of the world", Mount Qomolangma With an altitude of 8848.86 meters, it is the highest peak in the world. [2] To the north and east of here Inner Mongolia Xinjiang Region The Loess Plateau Sichuan Basin and Yunnan Guizhou Plateau Is the second step of China's topography. Greater Khingan Range one Taihang Mountain one Wushan one Wuling Mountain The east of the line of Yixuefeng Mountain to the coastline is mostly plain and hilly, which is the third step. To the east and south of the coastline continental shelf , which contains rich seabed resources The climate is complex and diverse.
China Vast territory , wide latitude, large distance from sea, different terrain, terrain type and Mountain trend Therefore, the combination of temperature and precipitation is diverse, forming a variety of climates. from Climate type Seen from the above, the east belongs to monsoon climate (which can be divided into Subtropical monsoon climate Temperate monsoon climate and Tropical monsoon climate ), northwestern genus temperate continental climate The Qinghai Tibet Plateau has an alpine climate. from Temperature band In terms of division, there are tropical, subtropical Warm temperate zone Mesotemperate zone Cold temperate zone and Qinghai Tibet Plateau According to the division of dry and wet areas, there are wet areas Semi humid area Semiarid region And arid areas. In the same temperature zone, there may be different dry and wet zones; There are different temperature zones in the same dry and wet area. Therefore, in the same climate type, there will also be differences in heat and dryness and wetness. The complexity and diversity of terrain also make the climate more Complexity and diversity
The monsoon climate is remarkable. Climate in China It is hot and rainy in summer, cold and rainy in winter High temperature period And Rainy season coincident Monsoon climate characteristics Because China is located on the world's largest continent—— Eurasia In the east, and in the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, the largest ocean in the world, southwest the indian ocean It is also near, because the climate is significantly affected by the mainland and the ocean. The northerly wind blowing from the mainland to the sea prevails in winter, and the southerly wind blowing from the sea to the land prevails in summer. Winter wind It originates from the interior of Asia and is cold and dry in nature. Under its influence, most parts of China generally have little precipitation and low temperature in winter, especially in the north. Summer monsoon It comes from the Pacific Ocean in the southeast and the Indian Ocean in the southwest. It is warm and humid in nature. Under its influence, precipitation generally increases, Rain heat Same season.
Foreign Trade of Mainland China
Although China's climate is conducive to development in many aspects agricultural production But there are also disadvantages, China Disastrous weather Frequent, for China Production and construction And people's lives, among which drought big flood cold wave Typhoon, typhoon, etc. are the main disastrous weather that has a great impact on China. Drought and flood disasters occur on average once a year in China, mostly in the north, and in the south. In summer and autumn, the southeast coast of China is often affected by tropical storm - Typhoon attack. Typhoons (called typhoons when tropical storms develop to a particularly strong level) are most frequent from June to September. In autumn and winter in China, from Mongolia Siberia Of cold air When the cold air is particularly strong, the temperature drops suddenly and cold waves appear. Cold wave can cause low temperature, strong wind Sandstorm frost And other disasters.
Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, due to political factors, trade with Western countries has almost been cut off; During the period when relations with the United States and the Soviet Union were not good, China's modernization of industry The process is rather slow. However, since the beginning of the reform and opening up policy in 1978, the economic development has become increasingly active under the stimulation and drive of foreign technology and capital investment, Production technology And accelerated progress. During this period, the foreign capital invested in mainland China mainly came from the United States, Japan, South Korea and China Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Region (including Reinvestment )Equal place; With the influx of foreign capital and the prosperity of the industry, Zhujiang delta Yangtze River delta And other eastern coastal areas Open area And some inland cities have rapidly developed into highly capitalized and industrialized areas.
Since the 1990s, due to the global Industrial division Resulting scale economy Advantages make China play an increasingly important role in the world trading system. The Chinese industry mainly produces export-oriented products, and by 2010, the overall Gross domestic production Listed Second in the world , second only to the United States; In addition, the increasingly vigorous battalion Jianye and domestic market It also makes mainland China a major importer of raw materials and energy in the world. The admission to the World Trade Organization in 2001 marked the trend of closer integration between the economic and trade development of mainland China and the world's mainstream system.
on the other hand, The People's Republic of China And Russia stay Military weapons , energy, industrial equipment, daily necessities and other aspects of trade relations are very close. From the People's Republic of China to Russia, Kazakhstan Uzbek Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan Six countries in total Shanghai Cooperation Organization (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) and Sino Russian cooperation Northeast Asia The action of the natural gas pipeline can be seen that the Chinese mainland is facing the western capitalism globalization At the same time, it also attaches great importance to regional strategic partners and Energy security Layout.
stay Hong Kong British Period Hong Kong has developed into an important international port where the world's commercial and financial activities converge. Since the reform and opening up of the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong has become the welcome of the Chinese mainland Foreign investment , and the most important window for the transfer of raw materials and products; With the economic integration of Hong Kong and mainland China, Zhujiang delta The region has been driven to develop into another highly developed region in mainland China. Hong Kong's current economic activities are dominated by shipping, logistics, finance, tourism and service industries, and it has begun to devote itself to high-tech research.
The People's Republic of China Macao, another earlier internationalized city, is also among the developed economies. Its economy is dominated by tourism and service industries.
Taiwan Existing in the early stage of the province Taiwan's ethnic minorities During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Taiwan began to have immigrants from the coast of mainland China Netherlands Spain , Japanese rule to varying degrees, Han and Pingpu nationality Common descendants become the majority of Taiwan's population; In terms of economy, Taiwan's Infrastructure , but in the Second World War February 28 Incident After that, the infrastructure and people's livelihood construction were damaged to a certain extent. In 1949, the Kuomintang government fled to Taiwan after its defeat and began to rule.
Taiwan develops industry with agriculture Import substitution Processing export and industrial structure transformation have developed all the way to the 21st century. From 1963 to 1996, the average annual economic growth rate exceeded 9%. The economy is developed, the political and economic level and living conditions are up to developed country Or regional level. Taiwan's main industries are high-tech, electronic, communication products, and automobile production; In particular, computer components have a very high market share In addition, based on geographical and cultural roots strait Taiwan Island Bilateral economic and trade exchanges between mainland China are also quite frequent.


National flower of Japan
Japan lies in the Pacific Ocean in the east of Asia. It is composed of four large islands and about 4000 small islands, with an area of 377800 square kilometers. With a population of 125.6 million World population density One of the largest countries. with Daiwa family by Main ethnic groups , common Japanese, believe in Shintoism And Buddhism.
Tokyo, the capital, with a population of 36.7 million, is the political, economic and cultural center of the country [3]
After Shinzo Abe came to power again at the end of 2012, he vigorously promoted "Abenomics" and implemented a series of economic stimulus policies, which to some extent boosted the Japanese economy. Before the COVID-19 epidemic, Japan's stock market rose, exports grew and consumption recovered. After Takeo Kishida came to power, he proposed to build a "new capitalism", promote a virtuous cycle of economic growth and income distribution, strengthen economic security, and revise the neo liberal economic line, including "Abenomics". Revitalizing the Japanese economy is a top priority, focusing on coping with rising prices and yen depreciation, improving national income, and promoting economic growth through investment and reform. Diplomatically, Japan adheres to the Japan US alliance, attaches importance to multilateral diplomacy, and strives to play an important role in international affairs. [11]

the republic of korea

Capital: Seoul
South Korea is located in the southern half of the East Korean Peninsula on the Asian mainland, surrounded by the sea on three sides: east, south and west, with an area of 99600 square kilometers. The total length of the peninsula coastline is about 17000 kilometers (including island coastline) Northeast High , low in the southwest. The mountainous area accounts for about 70%, which belongs to the temperate monsoon climate. The average annual temperature is 13 ℃, and the precipitation is about 1300~1500 mm. winter Average temperature It is below 0 ℃. August is the hottest month in summer with a temperature of 25 ℃. It is vulnerable to typhoons in March, April and early summer. With a population of about 50 million (2012), the Korean nationality (Korean nationality) is the main ethnic group, which believes in Buddhism Confucianism
In the 1960s, the Korean economy began to take off. Since the 1970s, it has continued to grow at a high speed. The per capita GNP has increased from US $87 in 1962 to US $10548 in 1996, creating a "miracle of the Han River". In 1996, he joined the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and became one of the founding countries of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the same year. After the Asian financial crisis in 1997, South Korea's economy entered a period of moderate growth.
In 2008, affected by the international financial crisis, South Korea's economy declined significantly. The South Korean government quickly adopted a series of policies, including large-scale fiscal stimulus. The financial market recovered in an all-round way, the real economy stabilized and rebounded, and the confidence of enterprises and consumers continued to increase, making it the first country among the member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to go out of the bottom. [4]

North Korea

Capital: Pyongyang
It is located in the eastern part of the Asian continent, bordering China in the north, Russia in the northeast, and Japan across the sea. average Altitude 440 meters, with mountains accounting for about 80% of the land area. The total length of the peninsula coastline is about 17300 kilometers. genus Temperate monsoon climate Annual average temperature 8~12 ℃, annual average precipitation 1000~1200 mm. It has a population of about 25 million, with Korean (Korean) as the main ethnic group, and believes in Buddhism Confucianism Cheondoism
Implement planned economy. According to the official data released by North Korea in January 2023, 100.7% of the budget revenue and 99.9% of the expenditure will be completed in 2022. The budget revenue in 2023 is expected to increase by 1% over the previous year, including 1.2% increase in economic construction investment and 0.7% increase in science and technology investment. The defense budget accounted for 15.9% of the total budget, unchanged from the previous year. We should attach importance to the development of the four leading industries of metallurgy, electricity, coal and railway transportation, as well as mining, machinery, chemical industry and light industry, and strive to realize the normalization and modernization of production. Concentrate on developing grain production, continue to promote seed improvement and double cropping, and expand the planting of potatoes and soybeans. Grain production is dominated by rice and corn. [10]


Capital: Ulan Bator
Mongolia It is the largest inland plateau country in the world and the second largest in the world inland country , located between China and Russia, with an area of 1.56 million square kilometers and a population of 2.9 million. with much land and few people. with Mongolian by Main ethnic groups , believe in Tibetan Buddhism Shamanism Mongolia is located in the northern half of the Mongolian Plateau. The north and northwest are relatively high, and the southeast is relatively flat, with an average elevation of 1500 meters. The climate is typical temperate continental climate, with short and hot summer and long and cold winter. Annual temperature difference and Diurnal range Everything is very big. Rainfall is scarce. There are forests in the Altay Mountains in the northwest and some mountains in the north, and the Gobi in the southeast( Coarse sand And gravel). The whole grassland is vast, and the animal husbandry is Mongolian Economic lifeline The main livestock types are sheep, horses, camels, etc. The industry is dominated by livestock products processing. north Selenge River There are wheat fields around, which is the main farming area.
capital Ulan Bator Is the national political, economic, cultural and Transportation Center Wool textile, leather and other industries are relatively developed, and there are railways connecting China and Russia.

Population and nationality

East Asia has a population of more than 1.6 billion, accounting for 22% of the world. This region is also one of the regions with the highest population density in the world; About 135 people per square kilometer, equivalent to the world population density average value (about 40 people per square kilometer). population distribution unbalanced, Western China Region and Mongolia Sparse population , and Eastern China , Korean Peninsula and Japanese archipelago The population is dense.
East Asians are mainly Yellow Asians, mainly in coastal and valley plains. The ethnic distribution can be roughly divided into two groups: genus Sino Tibetan language family Han nationality and the zang or tibetan people , and genus Altaic Mongolian Manchu Korean, and ethnic groups of isolated language family.
East Asian Scenery
About 5000 years ago Ancient times Since the beginning of the Yellow River Basin( central plains )Established by the Chinese civilization centralization Empire is the most important country in the region. During the period when the Chinese Empire was relatively strong, it often established tributary relations with nomadic or settled peoples in the surrounding areas to exchange needed goods; Sometimes they are expelled by force. The territory of the Chinese Empire expanded significantly to the south and northwest from the first three to the first century, indirectly or directly resulting in the great migration of ethnic groups in the Southeast Asia and Central Asia; Then in the third, 13-14th and 17th centuries nomadic people They invaded on a large scale and were even conquered. However, due to the deep-rooted Chinese civilization and large population, these nations that invaded or conquered the Chinese Empire later adopted the Chinese Rules and regulations To be fully or partially integrated Chinese nation among.

international relation


Ancient relations

The influence of the two cultural bodies of Japan and China is between the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan contemporary history There were several wars here until the 15th century when overseas colonization and trade flourished ancient civilization The historical track of see also Battle of Baicun River Wenyong, Hong'an Campaign, Japanese pirates Wanli Korean War or Ren Chen Patriotic War]

sixteenth century

From Europe Spain Portugal Netherlands And other forces began to directly contact with East Asia Civilized exchanges The establishment of a maritime trade network, and Western crops and Thermal weapon The input of Supply capacity And the pattern of war, which indirectly affected the historical trajectory of the two countries later, though not obviously. For example, maritime trade and“ Iron cannon ”( Musket )The introduction and application of ", to a considerable extent, affected the growth and decline of Japan's internal regional forces in the sixteenth century, and influenced Japan to a considerable extent Sengoku The result of the competition for hegemony. For example, the planting of new crops such as sweet potatoes has slowed down Chinese nation field arable land The problem of development saturation, however, was caused by the change of food supply, which led to the population explosion in the Ming Dynasty since the 18th century; Later, the excessive population became a heavy burden that the People's Republic of China could not shake off until the 21st century. On the other hand“ far east The "The Far East" trade demand provides European forces in the United States, Africa Asia Vigorously develop everywhere Colonialism Inducement of; Affects as far as possible capitalism and industrial revolution The rise of objective condition

nineteenth century

After the long-term impact of the aforementioned development, there has been a huge gap in economic and technological development between Europe and East Asia. Powered by emerging Western powers such as Britain, France and the United States military superiority The Qing Dynasty Edo Bakufu and Joseon Dynasty ——Are forced to accept the European centered International politics And trade system, and entered the history of modernization and transformation New stage

A modern country

By Europe nation-state The impact of concepts, and contemporary Italy Germany Stimulated by the success of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the political history of China, South Korea, and Japan after the second half of the 19th century, can be said to be a history of shaping their own under the background of modernization and transformation Nationalities The history of the founding of the People's Republic of China.


China The initial modernization efforts were constrained by the powerful conservative forces that combined the ruling class and traditional bureaucrats in the Qing Empire, and Population issues Under the drag of, it failed to achieve significant success. The 1911 Revolution overthrew the Qing Dynasty, Republic of China Is established equal to Dominion It was also dominated by the majority Han nationality. The "golden decade" after the Northern Expedition in 1928 was the period of the Kuomintang's political and economic development in the mainland, but then it fell into the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China and the 14 year war of resistance, which almost destroyed the foundation and people's livelihood construction. 1949 The People's Republic of China After its establishment, it carried out socialist transformation, and China entered socialist construction During this period, the social economy was fully recovered and developed. After entering the Deng Xiaoping period, the People's Republic of China began to restructure its domestic economy and actively develop diplomacy, national policy Led the transformation of the People's Republic of China into World Factory After the 21st century, the People's Republic of China has become an international power in terms of military affairs, economy and trade, which cannot be ignored Economies
Hong Kong and Macao Returned to China at the end of the 20th century and became China central government Directly administered special administrative region Hong Kong and Macao The Special Economic Zone has the right to High degree of autonomy The Chinese central government has a comprehensive view of Hong Kong and Macao Control power
Taiwan's ethnic minorities already existed in the early stage of Taiwan Province. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Taiwan began to have immigrants from the coast of China. Despite the rule of the Netherlands, Spain and Japan to varying degrees, the Han nationality still became part of Taiwan's population absolute majority Economically, the Japanese colonial period has gradually built Taiwan's infrastructure, but the Second World War After the 228 Incident, infrastructure and people's livelihood construction were damaged to a certain extent. In 1949, the Kuomintang government moved to Taiwan to promote land reform US Aid Implementation with support capitalism System; After the 1970s, the economy gradually transformed to industry and commerce (second Three industries )Mainly, in politics, it has successively gone through martial law lifting, universal election of the Legislative Council, direct election of the "President", and political party rotation, Taiwan Consciousness Gradually popularized. At the same time, the relationship between Taiwan and the mainland is also complicated from the early military, anti communism and other confrontation and conflict modes to the recent exchanges in the form of political alienation and economic cooperation (see the current situation of the Taiwan Strait and the Taiwan issue). Taiwan's national identity has long been regarded as a phenomenon of identity confusion. However, in 2010, Taiwan's national identity survey showed that 80% of the people agree that they are“ Chinese nation It shows that Taiwanese have no doubts about national identity.

South Korea and North Korea

Under the influence of the international situation in the second half of the 19th century, North Korea first broke away from the suzerain relationship with China and was included by Japan Sphere of influence And finally merged with Japan in the early 20th century. However, under the great stimulus of hard won independence and immediate loss of one's own country, Republic of Korea The people have experienced Japan for more than 30 years colonial rule On the contrary, it has strengthened the national consciousness that we must establish our own country; Finally, after the end of World War II Allies The sovereignty of South Korea was restored by consensus of the major powers.
However, in the United States and the Soviet Union Cold War Against the background Korean War , causing North Korea The split of the regime on the peninsula: the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, which controlled the northern part of the peninsula with the assistance of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, has long implemented pure communism planned economy The Republic of Korea, which controls the southern part of the peninsula with the support of the United States, Britain and other countries State capitalism After several times of political interference by the military, democratization was finally achieved in the 1990s.
The North and the South have long practiced different policies, economies social system As a result, two completely different countries were created on the Korean Peninsula; In the case of huge differences in all aspects, the future reunification of the Korean people in the DPRK is bound to encounter major challenges in reality.


After being oppressed by the West, such as the black ship incident in 1853 Japan Of Honor the king and fight against the barbarians Ideological trend Inversion movement Wind surges, and towards the establishment centralization The civil war and Local system Change, first of all, will bring about the success of its founding; Through“ Meiji Restoration ”The long-term reform of the feudal system Japan At the end of the 19th century constitutional monarchy Country. Is eager to imitate the West Imperialism And Social Darwinism With the help of ideology, Japan actively extended its influence into North Korea and Taiwan Province of China in an attempt to expand its international influence, which led to Sino Japanese War The result of the war has decisively changed the two warring parties, as well as North Korea's Qing Dynasty The historical track of Taiwan (see Taiwan Japanese occupation Times).
Japan gradually stepped up in the early 20th century Militarism The way is itself Political system And International Strategic situation Interaction Results. stay Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895 (Japan called the Japanese Qing War) Russo Japanese War And World War I Under the "encouragement" of successive victories, Sea of Japan The morale of the young soldiers at home and abroad is high, and the non main fighting factions are inferior. Finally Sino-Japanese hostilities Raise and Pacific War The outbreak of such campaigns as Circum Pacific Countries are mired in war. The post-war Japanese regime the United Nations Concept reorganization, composition reform, implementation of representative democracy and its essence Cabinet system Country.


The Qing Dynasty called it Ulyasutai General District Late Qing Dynasty Gradually called Outer Mongolia
On December 28, 1911, Outer Mongolia declared "independence", Tsarist Russia They consider themselves as Mongolian protectors. Emperor Qing After abdication, the Beiyang government continued to negotiate with Russia and signed the agreement on June 7, 1915《 China Russia Mongolia Treaty 》, barely keeping the sovereignty of Mongolia in the legal sense. In the summer of 1919, Mongolia Zhebuzundamba The feudal upper class, led by the Communist Party of China, began negotiations with the Beiyang government on the cancellation of "autonomy". In November, the "autonomy" government of Outer Mongolia revoked and submitted a petition to restore the old system. The Chinese government agreed to this request, declared the documents between China and Russia on Outer Mongolia autonomy invalid, and conferred Jebzun Danba the title of Borg hyperhidrosis , and sent the northwest border guard envoy Xu Shuzheng Led the army into Outer Mongolia and recovered Territorial sovereignty Zhiwan War After the event, Xu's main force was transferred back from Mongolia to participate Warlord scuffle , only in Kulun and the border between Mongolia and Russia to the north Buying and selling city (Today Altan Prague )Keep a small number of troops. On February 3, 1921, Wen Ganlun's troops defeated the Chinese garrison, occupied Kulun, helped the eighth Zhebuzun Danba to ascend the throne of "Mongolian Emperor" again, and established the so-called "autonomous government". On July 10, the constitutional monarchical government of Mongolia, with Jebzundamba as its emperor, was officially established and declared independence in Kulun. The next day, it was later designated as Mongolia National Day , and the date of liberation of the Buying and Selling City (March 18) is set as Mongolian People's Army Army Day. In 1924, the Chinese government signed the Outline Agreement on Settlement of Outstanding Cases with the Russian government, which still stipulated that Outer Mongolia was Chinese territory China enjoys territorial sovereignty. In May 1924, the eighth Zhebuzun Danba died of illness. Mongolia cancels after one month Constitutional monarchy , establish republic , established the people's republic ofmongolia [5]
In 1945, National Government and Soviet Union Signing《 Sino Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance 》。 According to the treaty, Outer Mongolia referendum independent.
On January 5, 1946, the National Government Formal recognition Outer Mongolia Independence In 1952, Chiang Kai shek believed that Soviet Union Obstruct its presence Manchuria The efforts to restore sovereignty and assist the Communist Party of China in the Kuomintang Communist civil war violated the treaty and sued the former Soviet Union to the United Nations. United Nations General Assembly With 25 votes in favour, 9 against and 24 abstentions, the former Soviet Union was condemned by Resolution 505.
In 1953, China Taiwan Regional abrogation《 Sino Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance 》And refused to recognize the independence of the Mongolian People's Republic.
The Taiwan region of China vetoed Mongolia's accession to the United Nations in 1955, but in order to prevent the People's Republic of China from joining the United Nations Africa Eleven students from the French Department member state Under the pressure of, the Taiwan region of China stopped blocking Mongolia, and finally Mongolia joined the United Nations in 1961. [5]

Contemporary politics and economy



Mainland China
Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, due to various unfavorable political factors the West The trade between them is almost cut off; During the period of bad relations with the United States and the Soviet Union advanced technique The pipeline of the People's Republic of China is restricted modernization of industry The process is rather slow. However, since the beginning of the reform and opening up policy in 1978, under the stimulation and drive of international technology and capital investment, economic development has become increasingly active, and production technology has also been able to accelerate progress. During this period, foreign investment in the People's Republic of China mainly came from South Korea U.S.A Japan And Taiwan Province of China; With the influx of foreign capital and the prosperity of the industry, Zhujiang delta Yangtze River delta And other economic open areas such as the eastern coastal areas, as well as some inland cities, have rapidly developed into highly capitalized and industrialized areas.
Since the 1990s, due to the global industrial division scale economy The advantages of the People's Republic of China world trade Play an increasingly important role in the system. In recent years, the industry of the People's Republic of China has Export oriented The main products of the People's Republic of China by 2010 Gross domestic production It has ranked second in the world, second only to the United States; In addition, the increasingly vigorous construction industry and domestic market also make the People's Republic of China become the world Raw materials , energy, etc. Admitted in 2001 World Trade Organization It marks the trend of closer integration between the economic and trade development of the People's Republic of China and the world mainstream system. [6]
On the other hand, the People's Republic of China and Russia Trade relations in military weapons, energy, industrial equipment, daily necessities, etc. are very close. From the People's Republic of China and Russia , Kazakhstan Uzbek Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan Six countries in total Shanghai Cooperation Organization (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), as well as the Sino Russian cooperation in building the natural gas pipeline in Northeast Asia, it can be seen that the People's Republic of China is greeting the western capitalism At the time of globalization, it also attaches great importance to regional strategic partners and energy security layout.
Hong Kong, China
Hong Kong, China is located in Pearl River Estuary On the east coast, facing Macao across the sea, during the British rule, Hong Kong developed into an important international port where the world's commercial and financial activities converged. Since the reform and opening up of the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong has become the welcome of the People's Republic of China international investment , and the most important window for the transfer of raw materials and products; With the economic integration of Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China, Zhujiang delta The region has been driven to develop into another highly developed region in the People's Republic of China, and is second only to New York London Is the third largest in the world International Financial Center Current economic activity Mainly in shipping, logistics, finance, tourism and service industries.
Macao China
Macau, China is located in Pearl River Estuary On the west bank, across the sea from Hong Kong, Macao developed into a world-class gambling industry during the Portuguese rule tourist city The economy is also among the developed ones, with tourism and service industries as the main industries.
Taiwan, China
Taiwan, China, develops industry with agriculture, import substitution, processing and export Industrial structure transformation Development along the way. From 1963 to 1996, the average annual economic growth rate exceeded 9%. The economy is developed, and the political and economic level and living conditions have reached a developed level. Taiwan's main industries in recent years are high-tech, electronics, communication products, and automotive OEM In particular, computer components have a very high Market share In addition, based on geographical and cultural relations, economic and trade exchanges with Japan, mainland China and other places are also quite frequent.


World War II After the war, Japan first used supply the Korean War The front-line military supplies are an opportunity to rebuild its economy. After the 1960s, the economy developed rapidly, and enterprises were able to accumulate a large amount of capital. After the 1970s, Japan's capital and technology intensive Precision manufacturing Already very developed, the export of automobiles, household appliances and other products swept the global market, once seriously threatening similar industries in the United States. With the rapid economic growth, Tokyo Yokohama. Osaka Kobe The commercial centers such as the Shanghai Metropolitan Area have developed into the largest metropolitan area in the world.
Japan's manufacturing industry has made great achievements in technology improvement and product export, which has established Japan's leading position in the world economic base Although experience US Japan trade friction bubble economy The collapse and other shocks have led to the stagnation or even regression of Japan's economic development trend since the 1990s. However, Japan is still the world's leading economy in the 21st century, and its gross domestic product ranks the third in the world, after the United States and the People's Republic of China. In the 21st century, Japan's industries are dominated by service industry, shipping, finance, high-tech research and development, etc.
Japan's Strategic Dilemma: Post Cold War Temporal U.S.-Japan Security Treaty Political friction with Japan and China.

the republic of korea

Republic of Korea At the end of World War II, it was one of the poorest countries in the world because of the good Political environment And a smooth diplomatic strategy Singapore , Hong Kong, China“ The Four Little Dragons in Asia ”。

North Korea

North Korea is one Socialist country It is in the process of unifying problems Six Party Talks , missile test launch nuclear weapon Test explosions and human rights have attracted worldwide attention.
North Korea implements planned economy, and its economic activities traditional agriculture and Military industry Give priority to, and develop small-scale civil industry And tourism. [10]


Mongolia Lacking modern industrial foundation, the economy is still Animal Husbandry Mainly.

East Asian Community

Scope includes Northeast Asia Several countries, China in the east and several Southeast Asian countries.


It was done in Europe after the Second World War European Community (and European Union )And the same community conceived in East Asia. This is the desire of the countries in East Asia that are geographically close to each other through long-term mutual cooperation and integration process And form a close whole. It is based on common interests and regional identity, not a exclusiveness And does not target any countries outside the region.
East Asian Community ”Should be regional economies Integration as the cornerstone, through free trade area , Economic Community monetary union And other forms, from low to high, to form a kind of relationship state in which you have me, I have you, and interests are intertwined and linked together, which further develops into security community and Social community


Most of the proponents advocate that we should first move towards the common Economic circle As a goal, it is also said that Parliamentary system Democracy market economy as well as Chinese character culture And other common values.
This idea has been used in ASEAN+3, India Australia New Zealand The 9th session in 2003 ASEAN Summit As a topic. On October 10, 2009, the second time China Japan ROK Leaders' Meeting Held in Beijing, China, Japan and the ROK finalized the general direction of future cooperation: jointly building the East Asia Community.

member state

If its member states are East Asia Summit If members, their potential members include:
The People's Republic of China India Indonesia Japan the Philippines Vietnam? Thailand Myanmar the republic of korea Malaysia Australia Cambodia Laos Singapore New Zealand Brunei
At the Nikkei meeting in Japan on 24 May 2007, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Arroyo listed 17 potential member countries, and replaced them with Russia on this list Timor-Leste Russia as observer Attended the first East Asia Summit. Later, Arroyo listed only 16 countries in his keynote speech at the 40th ASEAN Ministerial Conference.
There are many economic cooperation frameworks in East Asia. "10+3" Summit Begins in Asia Currency crisis "10+6" is the framework of 10+3+Australia, India and New Zealand. In 2011, ASEAN invited the United States and Russia, and "10+8" was born. In addition, the United States is promoting the TPP out of economic and geopolitical motives. The birth background of each framework determines its characteristics. From the perspective of East Asia Community's need for monetary cooperation to achieve exchange rate stability, East Asia Community should be a "10+3" with 10 years of practical achievements in financial cooperation and cooperation system, rather than other cooperation frameworks. In fact, Japan expects CMI to become AMRO by Permanent establishment Asia Monetary Fund "10+3" will become the embryonic form of East Asia Community.
In Europe, the idea of avoiding war and establishing peace has contributed to European Economic Community The establishment of the European Community has developed into the European Union. In East Asia, Enterprise activities Promoted economic integration The development of Monetary authority They are also trying to promote regional financial cooperation, but whether from Economic development level , political ideas or security policies, and so on. [7]


The idea of establishing a trade community in East Asia has a long history. Since the 1940s, Japan has been established in East Asia Greater East Asia Co prosperity Circle The assumption of. However, this idea is not successful, because it is mainly used as a ideology Yes, Japan wants to rely on its huge economy, military and politic force , establish Japanese yen Circle and Japanese sphere of influence. However, the idea of Asian integration did not end with Japan's defeat.
East Asian scenery
On August 8, 1967, it was composed of the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore asean (ASEAN) Association was established to prevent the expansion of communist forces in the region.
In 1990, Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir Proposed“ East Asia Economic Group ”It was later renamed "East Asia Economic Forum". The forum failed to start because of the opposition of the United States and the passivity of Japan.
In 1994, ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) was established.
In 1995, ASEAN Bangkok At the summit, the idea of holding a summit meeting between ASEAN and China, Japan and South Korea was put forward.
In 1996, the first Asia Europe Summit Convening.
In 1997, Asian financial crisis At the end of the same year, the first informal meeting between the leaders of ASEAN and China, Japan and South Korea (9+3 at the time, Cambodia became 10+3 after joining ASEAN in 1999) was held in Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Held.
In 2002, the "10+3" Leaders' Meeting adopted East Asian Studies The report on the establishment of "East Asia Community" proposed by the Group (EASG).
At the end of 2003, Japan and ASEAN held a special summit meeting. The Tokyo Declaration issued after the meeting also confirmed the goal of establishing the "East Asian Community". East Asian countries have set the establishment of "East Asian Community" as the long-term goal of East Asian cooperation.
On December 14, 2005, the first East Asia Summit will be held in Malaysia. But Japan and China are meeting joint declaration There were major differences in drafting. China believes that the forum for discussing the establishment of the future East Asian Community should be the "10+3" meeting, but Japan advocates that it should be the East Asia Summit including the "10+3" members and India, Australia and New Zealand. In short, the focus of the confrontation between Japan and China is whether the "10+3" Conference or the East Asia Summit is the parent of the "East Asia Community".

Assumed disputes

Most of the proponents advocate that the goal should be to first move towards the common economic circle in East Asia, and then euro Import common currency as a model. This is from“ Asian monetary unit ”As A basket of currencies Of Concept acquisition Anticipation that begins with adoption. But others say it is from parliamentary democracy? The opinions summarized from the common values of market economy and Chinese character culture.
In Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs It is regarded as a more active party in the realization of this concept. Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic Party of the United States Both mentioned in their political platforms the idea of building a community in East Asia. In particular, the Democratic Party, which advocates "symbiosis with Asia" among political parties, is more favorable. In Japan and abroad, it is mainly advocated by conservative politicians in South Korea.
This idea was once used in ASEAN+3? India, Australia and New Zealand participated in the 1st ASEAN Summit as a topic.
In September 2009, Democratic Party of Japan After taking office, the Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama When contacting with the leaders of China and South Korea, they repeatedly mentioned the construction of the East Asian Community, and the leaders of China and South Korea also responded positively. The concept of the East Asian Community is rapidly warming up. Hatoyama has positioned the East Asian Community as the third pole of the world in Asia, keeping pace with the United States and the European Union. On September 28, 2009 China Japan ROK Foreign Ministers' Meeting Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said that he would actively participate in East Asia cooperation and integration; Japanese officials also said for the first time that this dream is expected to be realized in the next 10 to 15 years.
At the end of December 2009, Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping was invited to visit Japan official visit On the eve of his visit, Xi Jinping accepted Japan and the ROK at the Great Hall of the People on the 12th mainstream media The reporters stationed in Beijing made a joint interview and made an important statement on the construction of the East Asian Community. Xi Jinping said that the East Asia Community is the common goal of China and Japan. He said that Prime Minister Hatoyama's proposal to establish the East Asia Community shows that the Japanese government attaches importance to East Asia Regional cooperation Positive attitude. This concept is in line with the general trend of Asian integration process, and is also the common goal of all countries in the region, including China and Japan. Building an East Asian community is a systematic project, which should be based on reality and long-term vision. At present, the most important thing is that all countries should strengthen dialogue and communication and reach consensus. [8] This talk has shown the world the bright future of the East Asian Community, which has attracted wide attention.

Affirmative opinion

The opinions in favor can be roughly divided into the following points:
Economic advantages
*If it is limited to currency, the introduction of Asian common currency will suppress foreign exchange market The impact of the East Asian region has made the economy of East Asia stable for a long time. In addition, the common currency will be dollar And the euro exist side by side in the world, making Asia international economy Its position has been upgraded and contributed a lot.
*In the EU and nafta In the process of global regional integration, in order to make the economic growth of countries in East Asia more stable, East Asia also needs such an organization to maintain.
Interregional Political stability , expectations of harmony
*With the active development of the community in economic exchanges, the political opposition between countries will gradually disappear, so it is regarded as closely related to regional stability. In addition, it may also promote the democratization of China.
*Japanese proponents believe that if Japan does not participate in the Community, the Community will be formed with China as the center, and China's influence on the participating countries will grow. Therefore, Japan, as a check on China's role, is necessary to do something in building a community Leadership role


Objections can be broadly divided into the following points:
Different ideologies
*There is no consistent ideology Compared with the sense of community, nationalism Our values tend to be preferred.
*There is a gap between China, Japan and South Korea in their understanding of each other's history.
*There is a common religious existence of Christianity/Catholicism among EU countries, which is also opposed turkey Reasons for joining the EU. In contrast, what once dominated East Asia Confucianism (Confucianism) can no longer be said to be the common religion in the region.
Territorial and political disputes
*Because this idea would exclude the United States, the ally of Japan and South Korea, the United States is not happy with this idea. Therefore, the United States actively lobbied Australia and other allies to join the Community.
*Because of the participation of the People's Republic of China, China will not be recognized Taiwan The authorities act as "independent Sovereign state ”As a prerequisite.
*It is precisely because the People's Republic of China adheres to its independent national character, as well as South Korea, which is both anti American Roh Moo hyun The government, so some minority people think that this idea is anti American.
*People in China and South Korea Anti Japanese sentiment High, so there are many opponents in Japan and Japan.
*South Korea and Japan Dokdo /Takeshima, the People's Republic of China, Taiwan and Japan Diaoyu Islands /The territorial issue of the Senkaku Islands remains unresolved. In addition, there are also Nansha Islands The territorial disputes of.
Economic reasons
*Because of the great difference in economic level between Japan and other countries, a large number of workers with lower quality will flow into Japan. So even if such social burden factors are taken into account free trade agreement There are still quite a few.
*If a common currency is introduced, countries will lose financial policy and fiscal policy Of Autonomy As a result, countries will not be able to implement financial and fiscal policies in line with their own markets, so opponents believe that the economy will deteriorate. In fact, they didn't join eurozone Britain Sweden and Denmark The economies of Germany and France, which have joined the euro zone, are in a downturn.
*After the establishment of the Community, the United States, China's largest trading partner and one of Japan's most important trading partners, will be excluded.
*East Asia is expected to be strongly China's economic circle Nibbled. Japan is also doomed to be eaten by this economic circle. In order to prevent the economy from weakening, the opposition from the Japanese side believes that Japan should join nafta Instead of the East Asian Community, it forms a community with the United States, which has similar values.
Security reasons
*If we set up a common army like the European Union Army, it is not an American ally [9] For example, Chinese troops may stay in Japan. In addition, Japanese Self Defense Force It is also possible to stay in China and the Korean Peninsula, which will lead to opposition from the host country.
*Other opinions point out that this is exactly the same as the "Greater East Asia Co prosperity Circle" once advocated by Japan. One side of the consensus believes that this is contrary to the idea of building an international organization in which all East Asian countries can participate under the position of reciprocity. The opposition side believes that the reality of international politics is power politics Therefore, we should trust the optimistic idea of "reciprocity between countries" from the very beginning.
*As a maritime country, Japan would be irrational in land politics if it intervened deeply in mainland countries as it did before the war. However, the objection to this point is that the land politics itself has also had deficiencies (Because a country in a region does not necessarily mean a mainland country), it should not be discussed based on land politics.