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Clump planting

[cóng zhí]
The trees are planted together at different distances to form a bush effect
Cluster planting means that several trees of the same or different species are planted together at different distances to form a clump effect. In the form of clumps, trees are the main scenery in the planting composition. The combination of trees should not only consider the group beauty, but also the individual beauty of each individual tree in the unified composition. [1]
Chinese name
Clump planting
Foreign name
clump planting
Tree species selection
Camphor, plain tree, beech, etc
Simple bushes, mixed bushes, etc
Configuration form
Combination of two plants and three plants


Clumps are Natural garden One of the most commonly used methods in, it mainly reflects the group beauty of trees. This group beauty is also reflected through the organic combination and collocation between individuals. There are both unified links between each other and their own morphological changes. In the spatial landscape composition, trees are often used as the main scenery of local space, or as the supporting scenery, barrier scenery, partition scenery, etc., and also have the function of separating space and shading.
The trees are often arranged in the center of the lawn, mounds, islands and other places as the main scenery or at the edge of the lawn and waterside; It can also be arranged at the entrances and exits of garden green space, road forks and curved roads to guide tourists to enjoy the garden scenery according to the design route; It can be used behind the statue as a background and foil to set off the landscape theme, enrich the landscape level and activate the garden atmosphere; By using freehand brushwork, several trees are clustered and planted in different postures, which can form a scenic spot or a specific space. [2]

Tree species selection

Trees are often selected for the main purpose of shading, and single tree species are often used, such as cinnamomum camphora, parvifolia, beech, and sophora japonica. Shade tolerant shrubs can also be properly configured under the trees. For ornamental trees, in order to extend the ornamental period, several species can be selected, and the seasonal changes of the trees should be noted. It is better to use flowering shrubs and evergreen trees for viewing flowers in spring and fruits in autumn together, and shade resistant ground covers can be configured under the trees. [2]


1. Simple trees
It is better to use simple trees for shade trees. Generally, shrubs are not used or few shrubs are used. It is better to use tall trees with crown spread,
2. Mixed trees
The main scene in the art of composition (it is advisable to use coniferous and broad-leaved trees to be planted in the middle of the lawn, waterside, riverside, island, hills and hills, and in the garden, and to form a small tree stone scene with the rock scene set in front of the whitewall, the corridor and the corner of the house) The induction of the main scenery (mostly arranged at the entrance, road and road bend, to fix the scenic sightseeing road into a curve, to guide tourists to enjoy the colorful garden scenery according to the designed route; it can also be used as a sign of the divergence of paths or the prospect of shading paths, so as to achieve the effect of turning the peak circuit into another scene), and the trees used for landscape matching are mostly trees mixed with trees and shrubs. [3]

Planting pattern

The form of cluster planting includes: two cluster plants, three cluster plants, four cluster plants and five cluster plants.
1. Coordination of two clumps
Problems that should be paid attention to when two plants are planted together:
(1) There should be both harmony and contrast;
(2) Two kinds of trees with large morphological differences cannot be arranged together;
(3) The two have nothing in common;
(4) It is better to use the same tree species, but not the same in size, shape and height;
(5) Two plants in one cluster must be bent and lifted, and swept all the way, from left to right, from flat to sharp, from two roots to one height;
(6) The distance between two trees shall not be greater than 1/2 of the average diameter of two tree crowns.
2. Coordination of three clumps
Problems that should be paid attention to when three plants are combined to form a bush:
(1) If it is two different species, it is better to be evergreen or deciduous;
(2) Same as tree Or both are shrubs;
(3) Only two different species can be used at most;
(4) Two plants should be near, one plant should be far away to show the difference, the one near should be bent and bent, and the one far away should be straight and lifted;
(5) Three plants should not be knotted or scattered. Scattered plants are ruthless. Knots are diseases;
(6) The size and posture of trees should be compared and different;
(7) It shall not be planted in a straight line or equilateral triangle, and the distance shall be unequal;
(8) The largest and smallest plants should be close, while the medium-sized plants should be far away.
3. Coordination of four plants
The problems that should be noticed when four plants cooperate with Weishu bush:
(1) General - only two different species can be used at most, and must be the same tree or shrub. In addition, if the appearance is very similar, there can be more than two species;
(2) Different appearance - when the tree species are identical, try to be different in shape, posture, size, distance and height;
(3) Any three plants cannot be planted in a straight line;
(4) It cannot be combined in pairs, and the plane layout should preferably be an unequal triangle or an unequal quadrilateral with unequal angles;
(5) The largest one should be in a collective group;
(6) A single plant can neither be the largest nor the smallest
4. Coordination of five clumps
Problems that should be paid attention to when five trees are combined into a bush:
(1) General appearance - the same combination, each tree has different shape, posture, momentum, size, and planting distance,
(2) The most ideal combination is the "3+2" model, that is, three plants in a group, two plants in a group. If divided into five numbers according to size, the group of three plants should be 1, 2, 4, 1, 3, 4, or 1, 3, 5. In short, the main body must be in two of the three plants in a group.
(3) Three groups are the same as three bushes, and two groups are the same as two bushes.
(4) In the "4+1" combination, the single tree should not be the largest or smallest. The foot of two small groups should not be too far away.
(5) When "1+4" is combined, there are two kinds of plants, and the seeds of two plants should be placed in two of one unit.
(6) When "2+3" is combined, there are two plants, but three plants of different species cannot be placed in the same unit.
5. More than six synthetic trees
Problems that should be paid attention to when more than six trees are combined into a thicket:
(1) If five plants are ripe, then thousands of plants can be analogized, and they can be skillfully crossed here;
(2) The fewer the number of trees, the less the trees can be used;
(3) Within 10~15 trees, it is better not to have more than 5 trees whose shapes differ too much. [3]