
[qiū nǎo]
The largest oval gray matter nucleus in the diencephalon
zero Useful+1
The thalamus, also known as the dorsal thalamus, is Diencephalon The largest oval gray matter nucleus in the Third ventricle On both sides of the left and right thalamus by gray matter mass (called Intermediate block )Connect.
The thalamus is the senior center of sensation and the most important relay station of sensory conduction. From all kinds of senses Conduction pathway (except for sense of smell), all were replaced in thalamus neuron , then project to cerebral cortex In the thalamus, only the sense is roughly analysis and synthesis , thalamus and hypothalamus Striatum There are fibers connected with each other, and the three become many complex Unconditioned reflex The subcortical center of the brain. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Gray matter nuclei


Schematic diagram of thalamus
The thalamus is covered by a Y-shaped white matter plate (called inner Medullary plate )They are divided into three major nuclear groups: anterior, medial and lateral. Nuclei of thalamus and their fiber connections:
Medial thalamic nucleus: receiving fibers from other thalamic nuclei, sending fibers projecting to frontal lobe Anterior cortex.
Lateral thalamic nucleus: it is divided into smaller dorsal part and larger ventral part. The dorsal part receives fibers from other thalamic nuclei and sends fibers to parietal lobe cortex. Ventral part, spinal cord, brain stem and cerebellum It has extensive connections. [2]

Specific structure

The bottom of the thalamus is midbrain Tegument and Dorsal thalamus There are subthalamic nucleus and Forel's area in the transitional area of the brain. accept Globus pallidus And cortex Sports area The fibers of Red nucleus Substantia nigra And the tegmentum of the midbrain.
Posterior thalamus: located below the posterolateral thalamus, including Medial geniculate body Lateral geniculate body and Occipital thalamus Medial geniculate body acceptance Lateral lemniscus Auditory fiber Auditory radiation , projected to Temporal lobe Cortical auditory area. Lateral geniculate body acceptance Optic fasciculus The fiber, which emits fiber called visual radiation, projects to Occipital lobe cortex. The deep side of the thalamic occipital is Occipital nucleus , it accepts the inner and outer knees Somatic nucleus The fibers sent out to the inferior parietal lobule, occipital lobe and the cortex behind the temporal lobe.
upper part
Supra thalamus : at Third ventricle Around the top. It includes left and right triangles, commissure and rear Pineal gland The medullary stria of the thalamus, which starts from the olfactory center, ends in the trigonal gray matter, and sends fibers from the gray matter to the visceral motor nucleus of the brain stem. Therefore, the upper part of the thalamus is related to the olfactory visceral reflex.
lower part
Hypothalamus : It has two characteristics: one is nerve cell Not many, but the links are complex and extensive; Second, in addition to ordinary neurons, it also contains endocrine neurons, which have the characteristics of ordinary neurons and Endocrine cell synthesis hormone Function of. The volume of the hypothalamus is very small, but it controls many important functional activities of the body. as Water metabolism Thermoregulation Carbohydrate metabolism Fat metabolism

Nuclear cluster classification

According to the neural connections, the thalamic nuclei can be roughly divided into three categories [2]
Schematic diagram of main nuclei in the right thalamus
1. The first type (sensory replacement nucleus) is receptive Projection fibre , and further projected to Cerebral cortex Those cell groups in the sensory area, such as the lateral and medial parts of the posterior ventral nucleus (called the posterolateral ventral nucleus and the medial ventral nucleus, respectively) Medial geniculate body , lateral geniculate body, etc. The posterolateral ventral nucleus is Spinothalamic tract And Medial lemniscus It is related to the transmission of trunk and limb sensation; The posteromedial ventral nucleus is Trigeminal lemniscus It is related to the transmission of head and face sensation. The fibers from the posterior ventral nucleus Cerebral cortex Sensory area projection, fibers from different parts have certain exchange in the posterior ventral nucleus space distribution The sensation of lower limbs is at the outermost side of the posterior ventral nucleus, the sensation of head and face is at the medial side of the posterior ventral nucleus, and the sensation of upper limbs is at the middle part (Figure 10-22); This spatial distribution is related to the Spatial positioning Correspondence. Medial geniculate body It is the transformation station of auditory pathway, which sends out fibers to project to the auditory area of cerebral cortex. The lateral geniculate body is Visual conduction pathway And send fibers to the cerebral cortex Visual area project. Therefore, the above cell group is the replacement site of all specific sensory impulses (except for smell) to the cerebral cortex, called the sensory replacement nucleus.
Figure 10-22 Projection of monkey's body surface to the left posterior ventral thalamic nucleus (posterolateral ventral nucleus and posteromedial ventral nucleus)
2. The second type (connecting nucleus) receives fibers from the first type of nucleus and other subcortical centers (but does not directly receive sensory projection fibers), and sends fibers to project Cerebral cortex A specific area of. For example, the anterior thalamic nucleus receives hypothalamus The papillary body originates from fibers and sends fibers to project to the cingulate cortex of the cerebral cortex to participate in the regulation of visceral activities; The lateral ventral nucleus of the thalamus mainly receives cerebellum Globus pallidus And the posterior ventral nucleus, and send out fibers projecting to the cerebral cortex Sports area , involved in cortical pair Muscle movement Adjustment of; The thalamus occipital receives fibers from the medial and lateral geniculate bodies and sends fibers to project to the cerebral cortex parietal lobe Occipital lobe and Temporal lobe Middle of Contact area , participate in the connection function of various senses. In addition, there are many cell groups in the thalamus, which send out fibers to the front of the hypothalamus and cerebral cortex frontal lobe and Orbital region Or the contact area of the headquarters behind the parietal lobe. These cell groups project to Cerebral cortex The connection area of the thalamus and cerebral cortex is functionally related to the connection and coordination of various senses at the level of the thalamus and cerebral cortex.
3. The third type (mainly the core group of the medullary plate) is the various structures within the so-called inner medullary plate near the midline, mainly the core group of the medullary plate, including the central middle nucleus Parafascicular nucleus , central lateral nucleus, etc. It is generally believed that this type of cell group does not directly project fibers to the cerebral cortex, but some people think that some of its nuclei can Marginal leaf Orbital gyrus project. In fact, these cell populations can indirectly Synapse After replacement, it diffusely projects to the whole cerebral cortex, playing an important role in maintaining the excited state of the cerebral cortex. It is generally believed that these nuclei make diffuse projections to the cerebral cortex indirectly through Reticular nucleus of thalamus But the specific projection path is not completely clear. Studies of the parafascicular nucleus indicate that it may be associated with sense of pain of Irritating Thalamic tract The paranuclear nucleus can aggravate the pain symptoms of patients, and the lesion of this area can alleviate the pain of patients; Parafascicular Electrophysiology Studies have observed that there are indeed cells sensitive to nociceptive afferent impulses in the nucleus.

Projection system

The thalamus is the replacement station of sensory conduction. Except for smell, various sensory conduction pathways replace neurons in the thalamus, and then project to Cerebral cortex In the thalamus, only rough analysis and synthesis of sensation are carried out, while in the cerebral cortex, fine analysis and synthesis of sensation are carried out.
According to the different projection characteristics of each part of the thalamus to the cerebral cortex, the thalamus can be divided into two major systems, one is Specific projection system The other is nonspecific Projection system (also called diffuse projection system).
Specific projection system (specific projection system)
From various parts of the body receptor Issued Nerve impulse , enter central nervous system Rear, fixed by Sensory pathway , certain concentration reaching the thalamus Nucleus nervi (except for smell), from which fibers are projected to cerebral cortex Of Sensory area , produce a specific feeling. such Conduction system It's called a specific projection system.
typical Sensory pathway It is generally completed by the replacement of tertiary neurons. The first level neurons are located in Spinal ganglia Or related Cerebral nerve Sensory ganglion Internal; The second level neurons are located in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord or the relevant nucleus of the brain stem; The third grade neurons are located in the ventroposterior lateral nucleus of the thalamus. but Special feeling (visual, auditory, olfactory) Conduction path More complex. Therefore, the thalamus is an important successor station of the specific conduction system. It gathers various afferent impulses (except for smell), makes preliminary analysis and synthesis, and produces rough feelings. However, the nature and intensity of the stimulus cannot be accurately analyzed.
ps: Visual conduction pathway Including sight stick and Cone cell Inside, four neurons take over. Auditory conduction pathway From the outside to the cerebral cortex, it is difficult to be sure that several neurons will take over. These feelings are found in the lateral thalamic nucleus Lateral geniculate body Medial geniculate body After neuron replacement, projection to Cerebral cortex A specific sensory area that produces a specific sensation.
  1. one
    Specific projection system It refers to the projection of the lateral nucleus, lateral geniculate body and medial geniculate body of the thalamus to Cerebral cortex Of fibre Contact. The classic sensory pathway is through the thalamus Specific projection system It then acts on the cerebral cortex. The specific area from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex is a point-to-point projection relationship, and each kind of sensory conduction has its own specific path.
first kind Cell population , they cast Cerebral cortex The specific area of the has a point-to-point projection relationship.
In structure, most of the second group of cells also have a specific projection relationship with the cerebral cortex, projecting to specific areas of the cortex, so they can also belong to Specific projection system


Nonspecific projection system (unspecific projection system)。 When sensory transmission is directed to the cerebral cortex projection, that is, when the fibers of the secondary neurons of the specific projection system pass through the brain stem, they send out collateral branches and brain stem Reticular structure Neurogenesis of Synapse Connect, and then pass the short axon It is projected to a wide area of the cerebral cortex through multiple transformations. This projection system is a common way forward for different senses. Due to various feelings and impulses Reticular formation of brainstem After that, through the interaction of many intricate and interwoven neurons, the specificity of various feelings will be lost, and the projection to the cerebral cortex will no longer produce specific feelings. Therefore, this conduction system is called nonspecific projection system. One of the functions of this system is to stimulate the exciting activities of the cerebral cortex, so that the body can Waking state Therefore, the nonspecific projection system is also called the ascending activating system of the brainstem reticular structure. When the afferent impulses of this system increase, the excitatory activity of the cortex increases, keeping the animals awake, and even causing Excited state When the afferent impulse of this system decreases, the cortical excitatory activity weakens, making the animal in a relatively quiet state, and even the vast area of the cortex turns into Suppression state And cause sleep. The second is to regulate the sensory areas of cortex Excitability , which makes all kinds of special senses Sensitivity Raise or lower. If this system is damaged, the excitatory activity of the cortex will be weakened, and the animals will fall asleep. Because this system is a forward system with multi synaptic succession, it is vulnerable to narcotic The conduction barrier occurs due to the action of objects. Some anaesthesia Medicine such as Hibernating spirit It acts on the reticular structure of the brain stem, blocks this pathway, reduces the excitability of the cortex, and thus causes quiet and sleep.
Sensation in the cerebral cortex depends on the cooperation of specific and non-specific projection systems. Only through the impulse of the non-specific projection system can the sensory area of the cerebral cortex maintain a certain excitability. At the same time, only through the various sensory impulses of the specific projection system can specific feelings be generated in the cerebral cortex.
  1. one
    wrong Specific projection system It refers to the thalamus Medial nucleus group Diffuse projection onto Cerebral cortex Broad regional fibre Contact.
  2. two
    The second level of the above classical sensory conduction pathway neuron Of axon , when passing through the brain stem on the way to upload, send out lateral branches and Reticular formation of brainstem Neurogenesis of Synapse Contact; Then, the neurons were repeatedly transformed in the reticular formation and ascended to reach the nucleus group in the medial part of the thalamus, and finally diffusely projected to the extensive area of the cerebral cortex. Experiments prove that stimulation midbrain The reticular structure can awaken the sleeping animals; When the reticular formation is cut off at the head end of the midbrain, the animals will be in a sleep like state. It has been observed clinically that patients with damage to the mesencephalic reticular structure also show lethargy. It can be seen that in the reticular formation of the brain stem Cerebral cortex Uplink wake-up Functional system It is called the ascending activation system of brainstem reticular structure. The ascending excitatory system of brainstem reticular formation mainly works through the nonspecific projection system of thalamus.
wrong Specific projection system It refers to the third group of cells, which project to Cerebral cortex Wide area of, without point-to-point projection relationship

Reticular formation of brainstem

Uplink reticular activation system And thalamic non Specific projection system Functionally indivisible, forming a unified system, they are the common pathway of various sensory inputs, and their role is to maintain and improve Cerebral cortex Of Excitatory state Therefore, the nonspecific projection system of the ascending activation system thalamus of the brainstem reticular formation is sometimes called the nonspecific projection system of sensory afferent.
The nonspecific projection system of sensory afferent plays an important role in maintaining the arousal state of cerebral cortex. The more various afferent impulses, the more impulses entering the brainstem reticular structure through the collateral branches, thus the stronger the upward wake-up effect on the cerebral cortex, the better the excited state of the cortex, and the more perfect the sense of the specific projection system. Therefore, the specific projection system and the nonspecific projection system of sensory afferent are functionally interdependent and inseparable.
Reticular formation of brainstem Uplink reticular activation system -Non specific projection system of thalamus Synapse Successive uplink system, so it is easily affected by drugs Conduction block For example, Barbiturates Drugs may be caused by blocking the conduction of the ascending excitation system Hypnosis Of; some General anesthetic (e.g Ether )It is also the first to inhibit the upstream excitation system and Cerebral cortex Activities Anesthetic effect Of.

Scientific research achievements

In 2022, Switzerland Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne The researchers decoded the Parkinson's disease Of Walking obstacle When the patient moves the leg, the platform shows that the hypothalamic nucleus controls the start and stop of muscle activity in the leg. [3]