
[shì jiè yǔ]
An international language invented in 1887
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Esperanto is defined by poland Jewish ophthalmologist Lazaru Ludwig Chaimenhoff Dr. Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhof Indo European It was invented on July 26, 1887 Artificial language [8] [10] He expects that this language can facilitate the communication of people with different languages, and help people to cross the boundaries of language, color, race, region, etc. and use the same identity—— World Citizens To get along equally and amicably, and do not intend to replace any National language [8] Esperanto has made contributions to cultural exchanges, economic and trade exchanges and human social progress. [15]
Esperanto, an Esperanto word, means "the hopeful", [14] They expressed their longing for a better future for mankind. Esperanto speakers are known as“ Esperanto ”(Esperantisto)。 [8] Esperanto is the most widely used language in the world International language One, there are more than 150 countries and regions in the world Esperanto And Esperanto. [10] 1954 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Officially put Universal Esperanto Association Listed as a Level B consulting relationship unit, thus determining Universal Esperanto Association (UEA) Official status in UNESCO. World Federation of United Nations Associations They have taken a positive attitude towards the promotion of Esperanto. [1]
The religious groups that use Esperanto as their official language are: Yong Zhong Benbo Buddhism (Yongzhong Bonpo), South Korea Circular Buddhism (Ŭ onbulismo), Japan Omotokyo (Oomoto), etc. Esperanto as official language And the San Marino International Academy of Sciences International Federation of Culture and Arts International Yongzhong Benjiao Federation Etc.
At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, Esperanto entered China. In 1951, All China Esperanto Association Established in Beijing, Hu Yuzhi Served as the first chairman. [10]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Number of users
Second language About 2 million to 20 million users
Number of native speakers
About 2000 (2004)
Creation time
July 26, 1887 [8]
Writing system
latin alphabet
Management organization
Esperanto College
Language code
anniversaries of important events
July 26th [9] (Esperanto Foundation Day)




azarz Ludwik Zamenhof
In 1887, at the age of 28 Lazaru Ludwig Chaimenhoff Esperanto was invented.
Chaimenhoff was born in 1859 in a small town in eastern Poland Bialystok [12] His father is a local teacher. Chaimen Hoff Mastering multiple languages: I learned Polish, Russian and German in my childhood, and mastered Latin, Greek, French, English and Ukrainian after middle school.
Europe in the second half of the 19th century, poland Still in Czar Russia Under the rule of Russians Polack germanic people With Jews, because of language barrier, various ethnic groups are often hostile and unfriendly to each other. Gradually, Tshaiman Hoff, who always felt the language barrier, came to the conclusion that language differences were the main reason why human beings were divided into hostile camps, [14] Therefore, he hopes to create a neutral and universal language. [12]
Tchaiman Hoff began his research at the age of 16 international language , carefully analyze the characteristics of various languages and explore their common laws. After more than two years of research, he finally Indo European He was only 19 years old when he completed the preliminary program called Esperanto.
After completing the preliminary scheme of Esperanto, Chaimen Hoff invited his classmates to his home for a party. These young people recited their poems in Esperanto for the first time, celebrating the arrival of a new hope. But then their actions were mercilessly ridiculed and criticized by the society, and even denounced as "arrogant". Under the pressure of public opinion, Chaimenhoff's father prevented his son from continuing. In order to make him concentrate on his study, he went to Chaimen Hoff Moscow When he was in college, his father burned all the materials about Esperanto. However, Chaimen Hoff is determined and firmly believes that his career is beneficial to mankind. After graduating from college, he continued to study Esperanto while practicing medicine, constantly modifying, enriching and improving it. At the same time, he also used this new language to carry out a lot of translation and creative practice, so as to enrich the use of this language.
In July 1887, when he was 28 years old, with the support of his father-in-law, Tchaiman Hoff, in the name of "Dr. Hope", Published at one's own expense The First Book was published and Esperanto program was officially announced. This day also became the official birthday of Esperanto. [9]
In 1888, Tchaiman Hoff issued a statement saying that he would not be the creator of a new language, but just a founder. He announced that Esperanto should be handed over to the masses to be tested and developed in practice.
Since then, he has continued to practice medicine in the daytime, and devoted himself to the translation and communication of Esperanto at night. He has devoted his fortune to the development and promotion of Esperanto. After years of hard work, the French Blogne Successfully held the first " International Esperanto Conference ”。 Since then, Esperanto has gradually spread around the world and been applied to many fields.

Esperanto and China

Esperanto was introduced into China at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Some people have transliterated it into "Aisi is not difficult to read", and some have called it "Wanguoxinyu". Later, it borrowed the Japanese translation name "Esperanto", which has been used until now. About the beginning of the twentieth century Russia The merchant first brought it to Harbin And brought to Shanghai and Guangzhou Lu Shikai He and others had set up an Esperanto evening school in Shanghai in the early days. With the students studying in Japan republican revolutionary After learning Esperanto and returning home, Esperanto Institute appeared in Shanghai to promote Esperanto. Students studying in France and Britain founded Esperanto Science and Literature magazine and《 New Century 》Weekly magazine to promote Esperanto.
During the New Culture Movement, Esperanto Cai Yuanpei Qian Xuantong Lu Xun Many colleges and universities have set up with their support and implementation International language Ben. Hu Yuzhi People are affected by proletariat Under the influence of Esperanto International, the Chinese Leftist Esperanto League was established in Shanghai in 1931. [12]
Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Hankou before the 1930s Esperanto Movement One of the most active cities. In these cities, Esperanto organizations, Esperanto publications and Esperanto schools have been established, Peking University Shanghai University Sun Yat-sen University Renmin University of China Dozens of universities have also offered Esperanto courses.
Chinese students studying in Japan republican revolutionary Zhang Ji Human orientation Anarchism person Dashanrong Mr. A studies Esperanto. After returning home, they advocated anarchism while establishing a Esperanto Institute in Shanghai to promote Esperanto.
Overseas Study France Of South China Gui Wu Zhihui Chu Minyi Xu Lunbo Mr. Yang Zenggao, who studied in the UK, also learned Esperanto and founded Esperanto Science and Literature magazine and New Century weekly to promote Esperanto. These people are also enthusiastic about the spread of Esperanto after returning home.
Esperanto Sign
In December 1939, Mao Zedong Yan'an The inscription of Esperanto exhibition: "I am still saying that if Esperanto is taken as the form, and it is contained in the way of true patriotism and true revolution, Esperanto can be learned and should be learned." This inscription not only pointed out the direction for Esperanto speakers in Yan'an, the revolutionary holy land at that time, to engage in Esperanto movement, And later it became the guide of Esperanto movement in China. In Yan'an, there was an upsurge of learning foreign languages. Many people learned Russian, Japanese and Esperanto. The inscription of Mao Zedong and other central leaders greatly promoted the development of Esperanto movement in Yan'an. [17]
After liberation, the Esperanto movement flourished with the support of the Chinese government. Hu Yuzhi Jxelezo Led by a group of Esperanto speakers, Esperanto launched an international publicity publication in 1950《 China Report 》。 In March 1951 All China Esperanto Association At the first national symposium on Esperanto work, Chen Yi The Vice Premier proposed to hold a meeting in Beijing International Esperanto Conference In December 1964, China Radio launched Esperanto programs, broadcasting Esperanto to the world every day.
In 1963, All China Esperanto Association "Esperanto publicity" was held Work report And held the first national symposium on Esperanto work. Vice Premier Chen Yi visited the exhibition, attended the symposium and delivered a speech. He said: "After seeing it, I gained a point in my knowledge, broadened my vision and enriched my world outlook." At the symposium, Chen Yi stressed that "the work of this department is not optional, it is necessary to do, and it should be developed greatly." In the same year, the Ministry of Education issued Official letter : "opened in the Department of Foreign Languages in colleges and universities Second Foreign Language , Kekaijia in other departments Elective Courses To train cadres ". In 1982, the Ministry of Education issued another document, reiterating that "institutions of higher learning can use Esperanto as a second foreign language, or Elective Courses After graduation Cadre assessment Esperanto can be used as a second foreign language subject in postgraduate examinations. The establishment of Esperanto's educational status in China has ushered in a boom in Esperanto learning. [18]
After the reform and opening up, Esperanto ushered in its second spring in China. In December 1981, Chutunan Hu Yuzhi, Ba Jin Ice core Bai Shouyi Ye Shengtao Xia Yan And other people initiated the establishment of Esperanto Friends Association. China Esperanto Press Published many introductions in Esperanto Chinese politics Economic culture Books, such as《 Collection of Lu Xun's Novels 》《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》《 Strange Tales from a Liaozhai 》《 The Analects of Confucius 》《 home 》, and some businesses English for science and technology Esperanto Chinese dictionary.
In 1986, the 71st session International Esperanto Conference Held in Beijing. [16] More than 2000 Esperanto speakers from 54 countries participated in the conference. [13]
In 2004, the 89th International Esperanto Conference was held in Beijing. 300 children from China signed up for the Esperanto Conference. [3]
On July 22, 2019, Universal Esperanto Association chairman Duncan Charters In Finland Lahti In view of the current situation of Esperanto development and the current situation of the international Esperanto cause, he spoke highly of the development achievements of Chinese Esperanto cause. He said that China is an important part of the cause of international Esperanto, and Esperanto has good prospects in China. The International Esperanto Association will continue to maintain good relations with China and Chinese Esperanto speakers, fully tap the potential for cooperation, and strive to play a better role in the development of the cause of international Esperanto. [11]


UNESCO messenger 》The magazine is published in eight languages, including Esperanto. [4]
Editor in chief of UNESCO Esperanto Messenger magazine Huang Yinbao

Big family under "green star"

Esperanto logo is a green five pointed star, symbolizing peace and hope. Wear Green star Mark Esperanto lovers all over the world can recognize each other with signs. There is an unwritten rule among Esperanto lovers: It's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar. The International Esperanto Association updates the contact information of Esperanto speakers registered as members every year, and prints it into a booklet for distribution. Esperanto creates a big family, and every Esperanto speaker is a member of the family.
The attraction of Esperanto is that it represents a spirit of equality. After the announcement of Esperanto, Tchaiman Hoff has repeatedly stated that Esperanto is not his own language, but belongs to all mankind. As neutral, it has no nationality The purpose of Esperanto is not to interfere in the internal affairs of countries and nations, nor to exclude or attempt to replace any national language , it is only for human beings international intercourse One provided by international auxiliary languages Its purpose is to make exchanges between people of all countries more equal and easier. Therefore, many people began to actively promote, promote and use Esperanto, and established various professional organizations and schools. [3]

Linguistic features

Esperanto is a planning language, written in latin alphabet There are 28 letters in total. Each letter only has one sound Phoneme Fixed, no silent letters, and the pronunciation and writing are identical. The stress of each word is fixed on the penultimate syllable. [14] After learning the pronunciation of twenty-eight letters and mastering their spelling rules, you can read and write any word.
Most of the roots of Esperanto's basic words come from European languages.
Esperanto grammar is derived from 16 basic rules. It is concise and logical, so it is easy to master.

language property



Esperanto flag
Esperanto flag It is characterized by a green five pointed star in the white square in the upper left corner on a green background. In 1892, B G. Designed by Jonson. The green star flag was originally from France Buloney, Binhai The first Esperanto Club was held in Boulogne in 1905 International Esperanto Conference At the meeting, the delegates approved the flag as a Esperanto symbol. Sometimes people add the letter E to the stars. Christians sometimes put a white cross on the star. Left wingers will change the green background to red.


ISO 639-2: epo
ISO/DIS 639-3: epo [2]


Esperanto books
Esperanto has 28 letters latin alphabet Based on (22), plus 6 belts Diacritical mark Letter of (Ĉ Ĝ、Ĥ、Ĵ、Ŝ、Ŭ)。
Examples of alphabetic [International Phonetic Alphabet] words
A a [a] ami love
B b [b] bela - beautiful
C c [ts] celo target
D d [d] doni - give
E e [e] egala - equal; equitable
F f [f] facila - easy
G g [g] grand big
Ĝ ĝ [d ʒ] ĝ ui Enjoy
H h [h] horo - hour, hour
Ĥ ĥ [x] ĥ oro Chorus
I i [i] infano child
J j [j] juna young
Ĵ ĵ [ʒ] ĵ Newspaper
K k [k] kafo coffee
L l [l] lando - country
M m [m] maro sea
N n [n] nokto night
O o [o] oro gold
P p [p] paco Peace
R r [r] rapida fast
S s [s] salti jump
Ŝ ŝ [ʃ] ŝ ipo ship
T t [t] tag - daytime
U u [u] urbo city
Ŭ ŭ [w] a ŭ to - car
V v [v] vivo life; life
Z z [z] zebra
reference material: [5]



Basic rules

  1. one
    Each word reads and writes the same. [ Note: Each letter has only one sound, and each sound has only one letter.]
  2. two
    word stress Always on the penultimate syllable.
  3. three
    There is no indefinite article, only the definite article la, which can be used for all sex, number and case.
  4. four
    The noun suffix is - o, complex Form with suffix - j. There are only two types of lattice: nominative and Binge The objective case is composed of the principal case and - n, and the complex objective case is written in the way of first j and then n. Other cases are expressed by prepositions.
  5. five
    The vowels at the end of nouns and definite articles can be omitted and expressed with provincial apostrophes. [ Note: It is indicated by the prime (') above.]
  6. six
    The adjective ends with - a. Its case and number are the same as nouns. The comparative level is formed by pli and the conjunction ol, and the superlative level is plej.
  7. seven
    Personal pronouns li, Ŝ i, ĝ i (representing objects or creatures), ni, vi, ili and adjective suffixes constitute Possessive pronoun The changes of number and case are the same as nouns.
  8. eight
    The adverb suffix is - e, and each comparative grade is the same as the adjective.
  9. nine
    Cardinal number word (No suffix change) is: unu 1, du 2,tri 3,kvar 4,kvin 5,ses 6,sep 7,ok 8,naŭ 9,dek 10,cent 100,mil 1000。 Dozens and hundreds are formed by simple conjunction of numerals, and thousands do not need to be connected. The ordinal numeral plus the adjective suffix, the multiple plus - obl -, the fraction plus - on -, the collective numeral plus - op -, and the preposition po means "every... (several)". In addition, numerals can also have noun and adverb forms Note: po tri means "three pieces per copy".]
  10. ten
    When other negative words are used, ne is no longer used. (Note: the first word of NENI can be used, and the word ne can also be added to express double negation)
  11. eleven
    Verbs have no change in person or number. Various forms of verbs: table Present tense The tense verb ends with - as; The past tense ends with - is; Future tense Ends with - os; Assumption - us; Imperative - u; The infinitive - i. Participle (meaning adjective or adverb): active present tense - ant -; Active past tense int -; Active future tense - ont -; Passive present tense at -; Passive past tense it -; Passive future tense - ot -. All forms of the passive form are formed by the corresponding form of the verb esti and the required passive participle of the verb. The preposition of the passive form is de.
  12. twelve
    All prepositions require the nominative case Note: Nouns and pronouns after prepositions are nominative.]
  13. thirteen
    When indicating direction, add the accusative suffix at the end of the word.
  14. fourteen
    Every preposition has a definite and unchanging meaning; But if we need to use a preposition and can't see which one to use from the meaning, then we will use the preposition je which has no independent meaning. The preposition je can also be replaced by the objective case without preposition.
  15. fifteen
    A compound word is a simple combination of words (the main words are put behind); Grammatical suffixes are also regarded as independent words.
  16. sixteen
    so-called Loanwords That is, most languages take words from the same source and apply them in Esperanto unchanged, just according to Esperanto spelling; But if several different words are derived from one root word, it is better to adopt that word only without change Basic words , and thus construct other words according to the rules of Esperanto. [ Note: Esperanto neologisms are introduced according to this article. Only basic words are introduced into Esperanto Indo European Or the spelling or pronunciation of other original languages, transcribed into Esperanto, and added with parts of speech Suffix After introducing the basic words into Esperanto, follow the Esperanto Word formation , derive other related words.]


In 1887, Tchaiman Hoff identified the core vocabulary of Esperanto in Lingvo Internacia, which lists nine hundred root words, and tens of thousands of words can be derived from nine hundred root words and pre suffixes Compound words In 1894, Tchaiman Hoff published the first Esperanto dictionary, "Universala Vortaro", which included a larger number of roots. If necessary, users can "borrow" root words from other languages, which is in line with Esperanto rules. However, it is better to use a word that is more popular internationally Derivative We should also follow Esperanto rules.
Since then, Esperanto has borrowed many foreign roots, most of which originally came from Western Europe Language. Although not all people consciously and widely learn from foreign languages loan , but there are still many people who have introduced a lot of borrowed words, especially Technical terminology In addition, most everyday expressions are derived from old roots. For example, "computer" komputilo is composed of the verb komputi (calculation) and the tool suffix - il. At the same time, there is also the phenomenon of semantic borrowing, that is, vocabulary expands according to the meaning of the corresponding vocabulary in the foreign language. For example, "mouse" has added the meaning of "mouse" because of the polysemy of "mouse" and "mouse" in English. Esperanto speakers often discuss whether the semantics of a loan word and an old word should be expanded.
The meaning of some Esperanto compound words is not so clear. For example, the literal meaning of eldoni should be "giving", while its actual meaning is "publishing". This compound way is often generated by imitating the word formation of a Western European language, such as German. In addition, the suffix - um has no clear meaning. Only by memorizing one by one can the exact meaning of words with the suffix - um be clarified, such as dekstren "right" and dekstrumen derived from adding um“ Clockwise ”。
There are not many idioms and slangs in Esperanto, because too many idioms and slangs may make communication between people from different countries more difficult, which of course runs counter to the original intention of Esperanto.
Esperanto uses 23 consonants; Five vowels: a [a]/e [e]/i [i]/o [o]/u [u].


Esperanto Spelling
dek unu
dek du
dek tri
dek kvar
dek kvin
dek ses
dek sep
dek ok
dek naŭ
dudek unu
dudek du
one hundred
one thousand

Linguistic characteristics

  • Internationality: Esperanto is mainly used to communicate with people of different nationalities who have no common mother tongue.
  • neutrality : It does not belong to a particular nation or country, so its function is neutral Language.
  • Equality: When using Esperanto, from the language point of view, it makes people feel more equal than talking with people whose native language is English.
  • Simplicity: Due to the structural characteristics of Esperanto, it is easier to learn and use than any foreign language.
  • Vitality: Esperanto, like other languages, is alive and evolving; It can express all kinds of human thoughts and feelings.
  • No ambiguity: One of the outstanding features of Esperanto is its unambiguity, which includes the consistency of words and texts and the consistency of shape and meaning.


Because Esperanto has qwerty keyboard The missing six special letters require special Keyboard layout Or input method assistance.
The most convenient way is to install Universal Keyboard Layout for Esperanto, Chinese Pinyin, French, German and Spanish. This keyboard layout is Windows Enhanced version of English input method, compatible with all support Unicode Software.
In addition, some Esperanto input software can also be used -- for example, on the Windows platform, there are Russia Esperanto created EK software. iOS ĝ usta klavaro on the platform, and Windows Phone Esperanta Klavaro developed by Chinese Esperanto speakers. [6]
At the same time, you can also add“ Canada Multilingual input method. For the input of cap letters, just type "[" (left square bracket) first, and then type the relevant letters. It should be added that after using the "Canadian Multilingual" input method, the half corner question mark "?" on the original keyboard has become the old way of typing French For letters, you can use Shift+6 to type the "?" sign in the half corner, because the originally typed "^" sign has changed to "[]"( square brackets )Up. In addition, the original "" and "/" keys have also been transferred to the "~" (wavy line key beside 1) in the second row at the top left corner of the keyboard. Semiangular Quotes The key '' is transferred to the shift Yes.
According to Dr. Chaimenhoff, if printing plant When the world language chapter needs to be typeset without these special cap letters, you can add h after the letter corresponding to the cap letter to distinguish (such as gh, ch), but this writing will produce contradictions. In addition, there are plans to add x (such as gx, cx, Esperanto Wikimedia This scheme is adopted).

Advantages and disadvantages



The world's first Esperanto mini sheet issued in Germany in 1987
Esperanto is an artificial language created on the basis of the Indo European language family. It absorbs the reasonable factors of the commonalities of various languages in this language family, and is more simplified and standardized. Its pronunciation and writing are completely consistent. The stress of each word is fixed on the penultimate syllable. After learning twenty-eight letters and mastering the rules of pinyin, You can read and write any word.
Esperanto vocabulary should be used as much as possible natural language The internationalization part of the Basic vocabulary The roots of most of the words come from the natural languages of Indo European language family, which basically come from Germanic languages and Romans , pronounced from Slavic languages The cohesiveness of Esperanto vocabulary and the use of prefixes and suffixes greatly enrich its word building ability, and it is also simple and clear. These characteristics of Esperanto vocabulary reduce the burden of memorizing words.
Esperanto grammar is refined on the basis of Indo European language family rule of grammar There are only 16 rules, but they are quite flexible, so they are easy to master.
These advantages of Esperanto make it easier to learn and master than any other national language.
In human history, there have been thousands of international auxiliary language programs, [7] But survive and become fully functional human language Only Esperanto is available. This is because:
  1. one
    Esperanto is not invented out of thin air, but based on the Indo European language family, according to certain language rules, it has been studied and sorted out, and is constantly developing and improving in use;
  2. two
    Esperanto is easy to popularize because of its advantages in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar;
  3. three
    After the announcement of Esperanto, Tchaiman Hoff has repeatedly stated that Esperanto is not his own, but belongs to all mankind and is easily accepted by everyone;
  4. four
    Esperanto is a "neutral" language. It does not exclude or attempt to replace any national language. It is an international auxiliary language for human beings in international exchanges. Its purpose is to make exchanges between people of all countries more equal and easier, in line with the aspirations of people of all countries for development and peace;
  5. five
    In many countries, there are many enthusiastic Esperanto speakers actively promoting, promoting and using Esperanto, and various professional organizations have been established internationally.


In 1987, Hainan's first Esperanto postmark
Esperanto is not considered international paralanguage The ideal solution for. Esperanto has also received a lot of criticism, especially from other auxiliary language groups. Other criticisms of Esperanto put forward by auxiliary languages in the 20th century include:
  1. one
    A large set of basic vocabulary systems, although Esperanto speakers and linguists claim that this makes Esperanto more flexible and more expressive. It contains six ASCII encoding The letters that do not exist in the Chinese characters, which brings trouble to the input of Esperanto on the computer, just as those languages without ASCII codes bring trouble. Although this situation has been solved in Unicode and X-system;
  2. two
    The affixes with masculine color. Esperanto through positive Add "in" after the word to indicate negative Words. It also relies too much on European languages. Although its Chinese translation is "Esperanto", it is basically based on Indo European languages, without the elements of other languages in the world. Although some syntax structures (such as agglutinating language )More like Asian languages;
  3. three
    Too free word order. Because of the naturalism The tendency is that some words in Esperanto do not conform to word formation, which is too cumbersome. For example, in Esperanto, the word "freedom" is "libero", while the word "liberalism" is "liberism"; According to the word formation, "liberalism" should be "liberismo". For another example, in Esperanto, the word "form a federation" is "federa", while the word "federation" is "federacio"; In fact, according to the word formation, "federation" should be "federa".
However, others paralanguage The number of people using Esperanto does not reach the number of people using Esperanto. Other auxiliary languages are developed based on Esperanto, such as Ido (Ido), and some are far from Esperanto, which were popular for a certain time in the early 20th century. Other languages to consider include: Idiom Neutral, Occidental, Creative and Latin International Some of these languages were not originally conceived as international auxiliary languages, such as: Logical language (Lojban)。 Because Esperanto is the most widely known artificial auxiliary language, many people ignore other artificial auxiliary languages.