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Special training

Staff training methods
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Special training refers to training for employees to achieve a specific purpose or solve a specific problem.
Chinese name
Special training
Foreign name
Special training
Staff training methods
Promote employee development

Content mode

Special training is the training for employees on a special topic. With the gradual improvement of work requirements, it is necessary to carry out planned individual training for employees to expand their knowledge and further improve their professional quality. The methods and contents of special training can be flexible and diverse, including: [1]
(1) Business competition. It can be intellectual or operational. Business competition is a good way to stimulate employees to study, train and communicate consciously.
(2) Special lectures. You can choose a topic according to the work needs, and the staff of the department or other professionals can be hired to teach or demonstrate, such as: telephone answering skills, handling customer complaints, supervisor management skills, etc.
(3) Series of tutorials. For example, English classes at the beginning, middle and advanced levels are held to meet the needs of different employees in learning English and improve their foreign language skills.

course arrangement

Special training is arranged for some prominent problems, which is highly targeted, so it can achieve more direct training results. The course arrangement of special training should start from the following aspects. [2]
1. Clarify the principles of curriculum setting
Generally speaking, the arrangement of thematic courses should follow the following principles:
(1) Gradually expand the number of courses.
(2) The selection of courses should be consistent with the company's policies and plan objectives.
(3) Avoid repetition. Repetition of courses will not only waste training resources, but also affect the interests of trainees.
(4) The balance of the curriculum.
(5) The choice of courses should be carried out in accordance with the policy while maintaining its flexibility.
(6) Feasibility.
(7) The combination of fixed courses and flexible courses.
2. Set course objectives
Course objectives refer to the level of knowledge, ability or attitude that students are expected to achieve through the course at the end of the training course. Objective description is the result of training, not the process of training, so the focus should be on what the trainees should master rather than what they are willing to teach. Clear goals can enhance the learning motivation of students and provide criteria for assessment.
The objectives to be achieved in training should be put forward before setting courses. On this basis, these objectives should be distinguished. What are the main goals and what are the secondary goals? Different goals should be treated differently. These tasks are mainly completed on the basis of demand survey. After distinguishing the primary and secondary objectives, we will conduct feasibility analysis on these objectives, and make appropriate adjustments to those unfeasible objectives according to the status of enterprise training resources. Finally, it is necessary to carry out a hierarchical analysis of the goals, that is, which goals should be completed first, and the rest of the goals can be achieved on this basis.
3. Determine the start time
To arrange special training courses, the following must be determined:
(1) The length of each class;
(2) Number of classes per week;
(3) The best time to start classes every week;
(4) Duration of study.
4. Arrange the content
The contents of special training include:
(1) Training of decision-making skills;
(2) Creative skills training;
(3) Communication skills training;
(4) Sensitivity training;
(5) Training on project management technology;
(6) Training on meeting hosting skills.
5. Avoid mistakes
(1) Do not attach importance to curriculum design or do not realize the key of curriculum design;
(2) Rely too much on experience and trust your own judgment;
(3) Greed many and covet big.
The above contents must be paid special attention to when arranging special training courses. Professional managers should master and implement them in their work.