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Irregular variable star

Variable star
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Irregular variable star It is a kind of variable star. It does not show regular periodicity in the change of luminosity. There are two main types of irregular variable stars: cataclysmic and pulsating.
IN (irregular nebula) variable star
Variable star
Cataclysmic and pulsating

Cataclysmic type


first kind

It can be divided into IA (spectral classification from O to A) and IB (spectral classification from F to M).

Category II

Known as IN (Irregular Nebula) variable stars, they all appear in fixed star In the formation area, the luminosity may change by several magnitudes, and can change rapidly, producing a magnitude change within 1 to 10 days. The same can be divided into INA and INB according to the spectrum, but there are other types of Taurus T variable stars belonging to INT, Orion YY variable stars are classified as INT (YY).

Category III

They are IS stars. Their luminosity can change by 0.5 to 1 in a few days or hours. Similarly, they can be divided into ISA and ISB according to the spectrum.

Pulsating type

Pulsating type Irregular variable stars are giant or sub giant stars, and their spectra are late type (K, M, C or S). If they are giant stars, they are classified as L-LB, and sub giant stars are LC. I don't know how many irregular variable stars are Semiregular variable star , which needs further research.