
German cities
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Bremen (Bremen) and Berlin and hamburger It is also a prefecture level city, [4] yes Germany The smallest city state, [5] Not to Meizhou The state capital and the second largest port city , the fifth largest Industrial city And the center of the northwest. [2] By Bremen and No Mehafen Bremen Port )It is composed of two cities. [4] Is the oldest in the world city-state one of. [7]
be located Germany Northwest, Weser River Downstream, distance the north sea About 70km. [4] It covers an area of 419.38 square kilometers, [4] The population is about 687000 (by the end of 2022), [4] About 83.1% of them live in Bremen. [4]
Bremen has a long history, dating back to A.D Bremen was built in the 8th century. Bremen joined in 1260 Hanseatic League [1] In 1646, Bremen became a free imperial city. It was not owned by any lord and was directly under the imperial government. Therefore, the full name of Bremen is“ Free Hanseatic city Bremen ”。 [2]
Bremen is the first to carry out China Trade A German city founded in 1861 by Qing government Signed with Prussia《 Sino German Trade Treaty 》Mentioned in“ Boleimen, Hanxie City ”It is the ancient name of the Hanseatic city Bremen. [2]
Bremen Aerospace The center is rocket satellite and Airbus Design and production place of important parts. Europe The largest aerospace enterprise Astrium (Astrium) Group has a production base in Bremen. Airbus (Airbus) Bremen Branch is second only to Germany hamburger The second largest aircraft R&D and production base Benz Nearly a quarter of car sales are produced in Bremen.
Bremen owns university of bremen Bremerhaven University of Applied Technology 5 other institutes Colleges and universities Max Planck Society The Institute of Marine Microbiology, Fraunhofer Institute of Manufacturing Technology and Applied Materials, Institute of Medical Image Processing and other more than 20 research institutes. Grimm's Fairy Tales Musicians in Bremen 》The Plum City mentioned in is“ Fairy Tale Tour ”The starting point of. [4]
Ranked in 2021 Global Top 500 Cities No. 442 on the list. [3]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Werder Bremen Bremen Bremen
Administrative Region Category
Federal municipality
geographical position
Germany Not to Meizhou
419.38 km² [4]
Area Code
forty-nine thousand four hundred and twenty-one
Postal Code
population size
About 687000 [4]
Famous scenic spot
Bremer Rathaus Baker Brewery Mercedes Benz production line Weser Stadium
License plate code

administrative division

Bremen is divided into 5 districts (Stadtbezirk), 19 urban districts (Stadtteil) and 88 streets (Ortsteil). The longest part of Bremen is about 38 km, and the widest part is about 16 km. In terms of area, it ranks 13th among German cities; In terms of population, it is the largest city in northwest Germany and the 10th largest city in the country.
No Mehafen The pelagic port area of is also under the jurisdiction of Bremen, but is managed by Bremen Haven. The escrow agreement signed by the two cities includes garbage cleaning, fire fighting, rescue, etc.

Development history

Bremen around 1600
Between the 1st and 8th centuries A.D Weser River The first group of settlements appeared on the bank. These settlements are built on sand dunes to avoid floods, and are close to shoals and ferries to facilitate transportation. As early as AD 150, Alexandria, Egypt Geologist Ptolemy In his work, he mentioned a settlement called Fabiranum. In 787, Charlemagne elevated Bremen to the center of the diocese. In 845, Bremen diocese became Archdiocese During the period when Adelbert von Bremen was Archbishop, Bremen had some influence in the empire for the first time. [4]
In 1186, Frederick I The Emperor of Barbalosa issued a law that made Bremen an imperial city, separated from the church.
Bremen in 1641
In 1260, Bremen joined Hanseatic League However, during the existence of the Alliance, it withdrew and rejoined the Alliance many times. The economic development has shaken the dominance of Bremen diocese in secular society. In 1404, the Bremen government erected a Roland statue symbolizing independence and freedom on the central square. In 1409, the city hall was built to show its independence from the church.
In order to protect the ports built on the banks of the Weiser River between 1574-1590, Neustadt District with a defensive wall was built on the left bank of the Weiser River. With the increasingly serious siltation of the Weiser riverbed, it is more and more difficult for merchant ships to reach the "Schlachte", the riverbank in the old city of Bremen, which has been used as an ocean terminal since the 13th century. In 1619-1623, Dutch craftsmen built Germany's first man-made port in Wigssack, downstream of Bremen.
During the Thirty Year Religious War Holy Roman Empire Of Ferdinand III The Linz Certificate issued recognized Bremen as a municipality directly under the imperial government, but the surrounding areas still covet Bremen's land, and its status as a municipality directly under the central government is constantly threatened. In 1741, Bremen reached a settlement agreement with the Brunswick Luneburg Elector, which confirmed that Bremen was not under the jurisdiction of other places and belonged to the city directly under the Imperial Government.
Schlacht in 1862
In 1811, Napoleon Bremen was captured by the army of. In 1814, the French army was defeated again in the War of Liberation and withdrew from Bremen.
In the 18th century, a considerable part of Germany's overseas trade was completed through Bremen. In 1817, a shipyard in Bremen cast the first German made steamboat. The "Weser" steamship transported passengers and letters between Bremen, Wigssack, Elsfright and Braque until 1833, and finally its destination even extended to Gerstmingde. As the sedimentation of the Weser River continued to increase, Bremen in 1827 Kingdom of Hanover Purchase land near the sea and set up the Outer Port of Bremen No Mehafen As an outpost. The agreement for the purchase of land was signed on January 11, 1827 by a minister of the Hanover Kingdom and John Schmidt, then mayor of Bremen.
Bremen around 1900
In 1848, the cancellation of charges for entering and leaving the city gate at night won space for industrial development. In 1847, Bremen was connected to the national railway of Hanover Kingdom. Since 1853, after large-scale damming and drainage treatment of marshes around the old city, it has been called a typical "Bremen style house" Townhouse Start construction.
With the development of economy, the population of Bremen increased sharply from about 35000 to 100000 in 1812-1875, thus reaching the population standard of becoming a big city in Germany. In 1911, the population jumped to 250000. In 1857, Norddeutscher Lloyd (now Herbert )Since then, other shipping companies have also been established. In 1867, Bremen became North German Confederation Member States of, joined in 1871 German Empire But Bremen hamburger and Lübeck The three port cities were not included in the customs territory and did not join the German Customs Union until 1888. However, Bremen and Hamburg Freeport It remains outside the customs territory. From 1886 to 1895, after the river course was renovated, the navigable capacity of Bremen's inner port was greatly improved, thus becoming the main distribution center for various commodities. Weimar Republic During this period, Bremen's economy continued its previous development trend. In 1920, Scheduled flight stay Bremen Airport Take off and landing. In 1928, the Columbus Cruise Terminal was completed.
During World War II, various facilities in Bremen and Bremerhaven were severely damaged. After the war, Bremen and Bremerhaven were included American occupied area , serving as a supply port in the American occupied area of southern Germany. In 1949, Bremen became Federal Germany One of Federal State
Although a lot of repair and reconstruction work has been carried out, the number of Bremen buildings is still surpassed by modern buildings. Preserved and repaired Representativeness The old buildings are mainly gathered around the municipal square, and the original appearance of the medieval old city can still be seen through the former fishermen's residential area "Schnoor".
Since 2000 Harbor basin A modern new urban area gradually unfolds in the old port area to the west of the old city. This 300 hectare urban area is named after the "Ocean City" (∨ berthestadt), with an area three times that of the old city. It is the largest city in Europe Construction Project [5]
In 2004, Bremen Municipal Square and Roland Stone Statue were listed in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage

Political system

Bremen hamburger , Bavaria and Saxony are the four states in the history of Germany (Stadtstaat), enjoying the free privileges granted by the king or royal family, namely Freedom and right to self-determination Bremen, like Hamburg, has a long history. As early as the 8th century AD, Bremen had built a city. In the late Middle Ages, it controlled the commercial channels along the North Sea and the Baltic Sea with Hamburg, Lubeck and other important Hanseatic cities. Historically, Bremen has always been an independent free city, free from the rule of kings and princes. The representatives elected by citizens govern the city.
The fundamental law of Bremen is the "Free Hanseatic City of Bremen" issued on October 21, 1947( Not to Meizhou )Basic Law of the Federal State. Not from Meizhou People's representatives The organization is elected every four years parliament (Bremer B ü rgerschaft), of which 68 members were elected by Bremen, No Mehafen The city elects 15 members of parliament. Members of the Bremen City also form the "Bremen City Council".
The highest leading body of Bremen is also responsible for the management of Bremen. The municipal and state governments share one set of personnel. The mayor of Bremen is also the governor of Bremen. The seven directors (ministers) of the municipal government are also responsible for the affairs in their respective fields at the state level.

emblem of a city

Bremen emblem
Bremen's city emblem is a Gothic silver key. according to Heraldry From the point of view of the wearer, the key on the Bremen emblem leans to the right and the key teeth to the left. from Observer On the contrary, the key is tilted to the left and the key tooth is tilted to the right. The background of the city emblem is red. This key is Jesus Twelve Apostles one of Peter Peter is the patron saint of Bremen Cathedral. The design of the city emblem has changed several times in the historical changes, and the new design was determined by the city emblem law in 1891.
because hamburger The city emblem is a city gate. Bremen people have a saying: "Hamburg is the door to the world, and Bremen is the key to this door."

City flag

Bremen City Flag
Bremen City flag The pattern of the flag is composed of eight red and white stripes from top to bottom and red and white squares on the side of the flagpole. Because of its multi-level lines and reminiscent streaky pork The Bremen flag is also called“ Bacon Flag "or" Flesh Flag ". Red and white Hanseatic League Traditional colors.

Sister city

Bremen and the following cities are Sister city [6]
Friendly relations with the following cities are not active at present:
There are informal friendly relations with the following cities:
Because of Bremen's important regional location, more than 40 countries have consulates and honorary consul

Exchange with China

More than 3000 overseas Chinese live in Bremen [7] More than 150 Chinese enterprises have taken root in Bremen [8]
[Politics] On April 17, 1985, Bremen and Dalian concluded sister city relations. [55] The two prefectures and cities have close cooperation in electric vehicles, wind energy, environmental protection, port and container transportation, aerospace technology and other fields, as well as exchanges in health economy and elderly care. [55]
[Economy and Trade] Bremen's trade with China enjoys a strong momentum of development. According to German statistics, the total trade volume between Meizhou and China in 2020 will be 2.524 billion euros, down 3.14% year on year. Among them, the export was 1.554 billion euros, up 2.97% year on year; Imports were 970 million euros, down 11.55% year on year. The export commodities to China are mainly complete sets of equipment, machine tools, generators, measuring equipment, plastics, etc. The import commodities are mainly textiles, electronic products, toys, clocks, automobiles, etc. In order to promote the development of economic and trade relations with China, the Bremen Economic Promotion Bureau established a cooperative relationship with the Shanghai Office of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in April 2003. By providing funds to the office, it designated a person to be responsible for promoting the cooperation between the state and China. The focus of cooperation is to attract Chinese enterprises to invest in Bremen. [55]
[Humanities] In 2013, the Confucius Institute in Bremen was inaugurated and jointly operated by Capital Normal University, Bremen University of Applied Technology, Bremen University, Jacobs University and Bremen Economic Promotion Bureau. Dalian has carried out exchanges and cooperation with the German Artificial Intelligence Research Center in Bremen and the Fraunhofer Institute of Manufacturing Technology and Applied Materials in the field of electric vehicle technology. The University of Bremen cooperates closely with Dalian Maritime University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. Bremen University of Applied Technology has established cooperative relations with Shanghai Institute of Electrical Engineering, Dalian Foreign Studies University, Capital Normal University, East China Normal University, Sichuan University, Hong Kong University, etc. In 2015 and 2016, artists from Dalian and Bremen held plastic arts exhibitions in each other's cities. [55]
In China and Germany marine science High level talents Joint cultivation Under the cooperation framework of the project (Sino German Initiative on Marine Sciences: High Education), 2005 -, Ocean University of China And university of bremen Leibniz Society tropic Marine ecology Center Kiel University and Helmholzkill Institute of Oceanography Jointly hold summer holidays Workshop [9]
In October 2013, Confucius Institute in Bremen from Capital Normal University And Bremen University of Applied Technology university of bremen jacobs university bremen The establishment of the Ministry of Economy, Labor and Port of Hebraim highlights port city Bremen and universities in the city attach great importance to cooperation and exchanges with China, and set up in Germany for the first time in the form of cooperation between several German universities and Chinese universities Confucius Institute , for the whole state and Lower Saxony Universities, enterprises and institutions in the northwest region carry out language and cross-cultural training, and Teaching Chinese And teacher training [10]
Bremen Research in the Ocean and Polar Regions [11] electric vehicle [12] Intelligent logistics and Smart City [13] Artistic creation [14] Central Europe logistics [15] And other fields are actively exchanging and cooperating with Chinese partner institutions.

Economic overview

Bremen Motor City
Bremen is Germany's main automobile, shipbuilding, steel, electronics and food industrial center according to Total industrial output value By calculation, Bremen is the fifth largest city in Germany [16] according to european union According to Eurostat's statistics on regional economic development, Bremen's annual per capita GDP of 43085 euros ranks 12th in nearly 300 regions of the EU and 3rd in Germany [17]
Daimler Benz Daimler Mercedes Benz) is the largest enterprise in Bremen, with more than 12500 employees. In 2015, the factory produced 320000 cars of 8 models, making it the highest production factory of Mercedes Benz in the world [18] According to the plan, the world's first batch of Mercedes Benz EQ electric vehicles will be mass produced in Bremen in 2019. [19] Mercedes Benz factory has also attracted parts suppliers to set up shop in Bremen to realize JIT timely supply, among which well-known auto parts enterprises include Johnson Controls, Hella brose Brose, Lear Magna MAGNA )、 Bosch (BOSCH), SCHEDL.
Baowo Automobile (BORGWARD) brand was born in Bremen in 1919, and production was interrupted once after the 1960s. [20] In 2018, Baowo factory It will be rebuilt on the left bank of the Weser River in Bremen, echoing the Daimler factory on the right bank. It is expected that the first Baowo electric vehicle will be rolled off the production line from this factory in 2019.
Anheuser Bushbeck Brewery
Bremen is an important service industry and high-tech industry in Germany Industrial base Airbus Aircraft wing The final assembly of was carried out in Bremen, Airbus The Group Defense and Space Company and OHB Group are Space laboratory Production modules and components of manned rockets and satellite systems. Rhine Metal Defense and Atlas Electronics produce military and civilian Electronic equipment And university of bremen The adjacent science and technology park has developed into the largest science and technology park in Germany in the past few years, with more than 6000 High skilled talents Provide jobs.
Hachez Chocolate Shop
overseas trade It has always been of special importance to Bremen. The goods imported and exported through the port of Meizhou are various, including fish, meat Dairy And various raw materials, such as cotton, tea, rice, tobacco, wine or fruit. The famous import and export firms include the Meishishi with a history of 200 years Yanghang , cotton Traders Otto Stadtlander、 Univeg, a fruit trader.
Bremen is also the main food industry center in Germany. Large multinational food enterprises with branches in Bremen include: InBev Group Baker Beer )、 Yizi International (Milka Chocolates Oreo biscuits) and JDE (Jacobs coffee). German food enterprises headquartered in Bremen include: pet food enterprise Weitakav (Vitakraft), DMK Ham Product enterprises K ö necke and high-quality chocolate enterprises Black Knight (Hachez)。 Bremen is one of the 10 major coffee processing centers in the world. The main brands processed here include Jacobs, Melitta and AZUL. Half of the coffee that Germans drink every year comes from Bremen. The first coffee shop in Germany was born in Bremen in 1673.
Bremen since 2006 steel The plant belongs to International Steel Group ArcelorMittal special Ship field The Bremen Leshun Shipyard (L ü rssen) is a major luxury yacht shipyard in the world.
Exhibition and Conference Center
Messe Bremen
Messe Bremen has a total exhibition area of 40000 square meters in several exhibition halls and Conference Center Bremen, and the exhibition company itself also hosts several Regional And international exhibitions [21]
Fish International
International Fisheries Exhibition
Building materials and home decoration exhibition
Bremen Classis Motorshow
Master Auto Show
Home and daily necessities exhibition
Tourism exhibition
RV Camping Exhibition
Modell BAHN Bremen
Model train and auto show
Fish International, founded in 1988 and held every two years, is a grand event for German and even European aquatic enterprises [22]
In 2005, the proportion of each industry in the economy of Bremen City was 0.1% for agriculture and 28.9% for industry, the service sector; the tertiary industry 71.1%, of which the service industry accounts for 44.7% and the trade industry accounts for 26.4%.
Urbanscreen's projection show at the venue of Bremen Chamber of Commerce
The representatives of Bremen Chamber of Commerce are Industrialists and businessmen Its office is located in the "Haus Sch ü tting" next to the municipal square.
Bremen handicraft industry The Federation represents the interests of more than 4900 handicraft enterprises and about 31000 practitioners in the city, and its office is located in the "Industrial Park" not far from the City Hall Commercial building ”(GewerBehaus).
Bremen employee The Federation represents the interests of about 290000 employees in the city. other liberal professions The representative structures of the Association of Physicians, Pharmacists, Architects, Lawyers and notary Federation Tax Federation of Consultants, Federation of Engineers and Federation of Dentists.
industrial park
  • Distribution in Weser River Port area on both sides
  • Centered on Bremer Industry Park in the industrial port area, about 140 hectares
The old city of Bremen, about 1300 hectares, is dominated by shopping, commerce, banking, management and media industries
Bremen, Neustadt District Logistics Park (GVZ), about 472 hectares
Ocean City (∨ berthestadt), about 290 hectares
The industrial park near the airport in Neustadt District takes the "Airport stadt" and "Gewerbegebiet Ochtum" as the core, and the main enterprises are Airbus Group, wind energy enterprise ENERCON and Bremen bus company BSAG.
near university of bremen Bremen Science Park, about 172 hectares
"Gewerbepark Hansalinie" in Hemelingen, about 155 hectares
Sebaldsbr ü ck Benz Industrial park, about 70 hectares
Bremen in Vegesack volcano The planned "Bremen Volcano Industrial Park" on the former site of the shipyard, about 50 hectares
Bavarian Road Industrial Park in Walle District, about 60 hectares
Bremen, Osterholz expressway The industrial park at the intersection (Gewerbegebiet Bremer Kreuz), about 50 hectares
The industrial area along the Weser River in Neustadt District is about 40 hectares, and the main enterprises are Baker Brewery, Jacob DE Coffee Yizi International
Weserpark in Osterholz, the main enterprise is the large-scale shopping center Weserpark
Fage "Fage East Industrial Park" in Farge District, about 22 hectares
Bremen Inner Harbor Industrial Park
Weser River It's Bremen Mother River It passes through Bremen. The old city of Bremen is the dividing point between the middle and lower reaches of the Weser River. The channel from the port area of Bremen is a manually dredged marine ship channel. 60 km away No Mehafen Located on the Weser River Estuary The section from Bremehafen to the open sea is called the Outer Weser River.
Bremen Bremen and Outer port Bremerhaven Bremerhaven“ Bremen combined port ”。 The distance between the two ports is about 60 kilometers No Mehafen Bremen ports of the city carry out unified planning and management.
Distance from the inner port of Bremen Weser River The entrance to the sea is about 65 nautical miles (or 122 kilometers), and ships with the deepest draft of 10.7 meters can use the tide to enter and leave the port. This port is the first port in Germany to start container loading and unloading, but with the ocean Container ship With the continuous expansion of the scale, the function of container transshipment has been almost completely implemented by sister ports Bremerhaven Undertake. Bulk cargo and Pieces of groceries At the same time, it serves the developed port industry in Bremen, while the automobile and container business only accounts for a small proportion.
No Mehafen in the outer port of Bremen
Wharf at the inner port of Bremen Operation area They are scattered on both banks of Weiser River, Core port area by Industrial port (Industrieh ä fen) and Neust ä dter Hafen, the main Dock berth The water depth is between 10.5 and 11.3 meters, equipped with containers Bridge crane Gantry crane Roll on roll off A complete range of lifting and handling equipment such as platforms. There are inland barges connecting the internal port of Bremen with the external port of Bremen Haven and the inland ports in the middle and upper reaches of the Weiser River, and ocean going bulk carriers are set up between the internal port of Bremen and the major ports in China General cargo ship Route.
In addition, the port area under the jurisdiction of Bremen City includes Trade port (Handelsh ä fen), Hohentorshafen and the outer port No Mehafen Ocean port area. The outer port of Bremerhaven is the second largest container port in Germany and the fourth largest container port in Europe throughput About 6 million Standard case
The historic ocean port area of Bremen has been revitalized after landfilling and successive development, and now it has formed a new urban area called "Ocean City". [5]
Container ships are constantly updated. In order to continue to have a foothold in the future shipping industry, Bremen has also invested heavily in the construction Lower Saxony Port William JadeWeserPort( Port Yade )Project.
Because of not coming to Mehafen Chinese Old translation Bremen Port City, Bremen Port and Bremen Haven Port are often confused. In order to distinguish them, most German Professional literature is also particularly accurate in writing Bremen Stadt/Stadtbremische H ä fen.




The shipping industry has been a traditional industry in Bremen for hundreds of years. Despite many historical changes, this industry is still an important economic pillar of Bremen and provides a large number of jobs.
Bremen is a city with the most intensive German shipowners, and 28 shipowners manage 272 ships in total [23] Type of vessel Including small and medium-sized container ships tanker , bulk carrier, etc. The history of Bremen Shipowners Association can be traced back to 1884 [24]

Freight center

Logistics Park and Inner Port Noisdat Port Area
After the first batch of enterprises settled in 1985, Bremen Logistics Park The scale of. In 1989, Hellmann, as the first large-scale logistics enterprise, settled in the logistics park.
The warehouse area for logistics, production and wholesale in the park is 1 million square meters, 146 enterprises settle in the park, and 8000 jobs are provided. The German logistics park has an average of 50 enterprises and 2000 jobs. In contrast, the Bremen logistics park highlights its leading position and creates the most jobs in Germany and even Europe. The fundamental advantage of Bremen Logistics Park lies in geographical position September 2012 Germany Deep water port Port William After its opening, Bremen is located in the center of three German ports. In the hinterland of the port Transportation system Bremen's funnel function is of great strategic significance.
Another outstanding logistics advantage of Bremen Logistics Park is that there are many type of shipping The combination of. There are three modes of transportation in the park: highway, railway and water Organic combination And get the surrounding Bremen Airport Supplement to. Roland of Logistics Park Intermodal station Covering an area of 16 hectares, the total length of available tracks is 5670 meters, of which four tracks are 730 meters long in the highway and railway reloading area, two tracks Gantry crane The span is 36 meters and the lifting weight is 40 tons. [25]


Bremen Airport
Bremen Airport is located in the southern suburb of Bremen, mainly targeting short and medium distance routes. In 2014, the total number of passengers was about 2.77 million. Bremen Airport is the closest to the urban area in Europe international airport , take No. 6 bus tram It only takes 10 minutes to reach the city center. Besides, from the airport to Oldenburg And Hamburg. Due to the ban on night flights, the takeoff and landing time at Bremen Airport is from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day. [26] According to the rating of the German Pilot Association in 2015, Bremen Airport is the airport in the north of Germany safety factor The highest airport, with Munich, Frankfurt and other international Hub airport At the highest security level. [27]
The "European Flight Academy" in Bremen Airport is Lufthansa Group German Defense Forces and European Space Agency (ESA) Train pilots.
The airport was built in 1909. Airport in 2001 air-terminal Reconstruction completed. In 2007, Budget airline Ryanair (Ryanair) contracted a freight warehouse, transformed it into a dedicated terminal E, developed a large number of new routes, and the number of passengers at Bremen Airport soared.
Airportstadt Airport City Business District [27]
In the summer of 2014, airlines that opened routes to Bremen include: Berlin Airlines (Air Berlin)、 Air France (Air France)、 Air Via、AIS Airlines、bmi Regional、 Brussels Airlines 、Express Airways、 Germanic Nya Airlines, Germanwings KLM Lufthansa 、Onur Air、 Nordic Airlines SAS )、 Sun Express、Tuifly、 Turkish Airlines [28] Among them, Germania Airlines and low-cost airlines Ryanair It is the airline with the most direct destinations from Bremen, covering Europe and North Africa Some regions. Lufthansa KLM Air France Nordic Airlines etc. International Airlines Starting from Bremen and passing through their respective transit hubs, you can reach destinations around the world. In addition, there are charter flights from other airlines at the airport. [29] Since 2015, Bremen Airport has added new access Brussels (Brussels Airlines) Iceland capital airport Kevlavik Italy Naples Ryanair )、 Greece capital Athens and Aquidneck Island Direct flights [26]


Bremen Urban Interchange
The A1 and A27 federal highways are connected at the crossroads in the southeast suburb of Bremen. A27 highway is going No Mehafen The direction of is also divided into A270 expressway, leading to Farge in the north of Bremen.
A281 expressway has completed the right bank of the Weiser River and the left bank of the Weiser River from Bremen Logistics Park to the airport. The tunnel passing through the bottom of the Weiser River and the last link between the airport and A1 expressway are expected to be started in 2017 and completed in 2021. After the closure of A281 expressway, it will form a ring expressway around Bremen with A1 and A27, ease the urban traffic, and improve the logistics park (GVZ) and Bremer Industry Park Traffic conditions
In addition to the expressway, the federal ordinary roads B6, B74 and B75 also pass through Bremen.


Built between 1885 and 1889, Bremen Central Railway Station is the 12th largest railway station in Germany and the main railway hub in northwest Germany.
To Luer District Hanover City Oldenburg City hamburger City No Mehafen The railway line between the city and the district of Wegsak in Bremen meets at Bremen Central Railway Station. There are three long-distance railway lines passing through Bremen Central Railway Station: Bremen- Munich Line( ICE Intercity Express), Hamburg- Cologne Line (IC Intercity Railway), Oldenburg- Leipzig Line (IC intercity railway).
Bremen Central Railway Station is Historicism Style buildings. There are four reliefs on the front of the railway station, which respectively symbolize industry, trade, railway and shipping. In addition, Cologne Hanover Hamburg, three cities connected with Bremen, and the city emblem of Bremen itself. The roof of the railway station is a copper roof. As time goes by, the copper roof chemical reaction First it turns grey, then green. The mosaic mural on the wall of the waiting hall reflecting tobacco planting and trade was an advertisement produced by Martin Brinkmann, a Bremen tobacco company, in 1951.

Public transportation

The 8 tram lines and 44 bus lines of the Bremen Bus Company (BSAG) are responsible for the Public transportation Some private bus companies also provide regional bus services, and cooperate with the Bremen bus company to form Bremen covering the lower reaches of the Weser River- Lower Saxony Public Transport Alliance (VBN). Since 2011, VBN has successively entrusted private Northwest Railway Company (Nordwestbahn) has opened four regional light rail lines (Regio-S-Bahn) connecting Bremen and surrounding cities.
Bus, tram and railway information in VBN area can be queried through VBN APP. [30]


Because the terrain is relatively flat, Bremen belongs to bicycles Usage The tallest big city in Germany. The city has 560 kilometers and Motorway Parallel bicycle lanes. There are also special cycle path
In addition, from Minden, Hanover to Bremen the north sea The nearly 500 km long Weser River bicycle lane, as well as the 150 km long bicycle lane from Bremen to Hamburg, are all part of Germany's long-distance bicycle lane network extending in all directions.


Cafe Sand Ferry
distance Weser Stadium Not far, Siel wall There is a line between the ferry and the Cafe Sand beach on the opposite bank Passenger Ferry There are 3 bus ferries between Bremen North District and Wessemach County on the opposite bank.

Science, technology and humanities


Primary and secondary schools

Bremen has 74 primary schools, 33 ordinary middle schools, 5 vocational high schools and 8 liberal arts and science high schools that are qualified to deliver graduates to universities.

Colleges and universities

Bremen University, weightlessness experiment tower and University Lake in the distance
There are four institutions of higher learning in Bremen: university of bremen Bremen University of Applied Technology Bremen Academy of Arts And private jacobs university bremen
The public University of Bremen has about 20000 students and more than 1500 Scientific researchers After its establishment from 1971 to 1972, the University of Bremen merged the Bremen Teachers College in 1973. This university teaches all subjects except medicine and theology. In 2012, university of bremen Also included in the building Elite university Of German University Excellence Program In 2017, the University of Bremen Thames Ranked 41st in the world's top 100 young universities [31]
jacobs university bremen
jacobs university bremen It is a American model A private university, its predecessor is International University Bremen , located in Vigsack District Grohn (Grohn) Street. Unlike other German universities, its teaching language is English. In November 2006, Klaus Jacob, who once ran the famous Bremen coffee enterprise "Jacob", donated 200 million euros to the university through his foundation, which is the largest single private donation received by universities in Europe so far. Therefore, the university has been named after Jacob since 2007. In 2013, the number of registered students at Jacob University was 1370.
Main building of Bremen University of Applied Technology
Public Bremen University of Applied Technology It was formed through the merger of four colleges in 1982: School of Economics, School of Science and Technology, School of Social Sciences and School of Navigation. The earliest history of this university can be traced back to 1799. The number of students in 2011 was about 8200.
Public Bremen Academy of Arts There are 70 professors and more than 900 students. The art and design specialty of the art school is the "No. 11 Warehouse" reconstructed from the old warehouse in the "Ocean City" In the building The music major teaches in the old city.
APOLLON hygiene APOLLON Hochschule der Gesundheitswirtschaft is a German National recognition Private university of applied technology, providing Healthy economy nursing Management Applied Psychology Undergraduate and Master education [32]

Research institutions

The main scientific research institutions of Bremen are as follows:
Warehouse 11, Ocean City (Art College/Port Museum)
Two Fraunhofer Society The subordinate research institute is located in Bremen: the Institute of Manufacturing Technology and Applied Materials (IFAM) is mainly engaged in material form and function adhesive technology and surface treatment Of applied research And development; The Medical Image Processing Institute (MeVis) specializes in developing medical imaging technology and Quantitative analysis The auxiliary software of.
Max Planck Society The Marine Microbiology Institute (MPI-MM) is located in Bremen. This company is engaged in fundamental research Our institute mainly studies the metabolism of marine and related micro organisms.
university of bremen Marine Environmental Science The Research Center (MARUM) is listed as the German elite research cluster, and No Mehafen City Alfred Wegner polar region The Institute of Oceanography (AWI) cooperates closely and enjoys a good reputation in the world. Global Offshore drilling Project( ODP and IODP )1/3 of Atlantic and arctic ocean Drilling samples, all stored in MARUM [11]
Leibniz Society The subordinate tropical marine ecological center (zmt) conducts tropical Marine ecosystem Basic research on the function of the system. Belong to Leibniz Society Prevention research and epidemiology BIPS mainly studies the factors affecting health and disease prevention scientific method [33] Bremen since 2018 material science The Institute of Research (IWT) will also be included in the Leibniz Society, and become a federal and local institution [34]
German Artificial Intelligence Research Center (DFKI) is created by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research Lefa Saarland , Bremen and the world's top enterprises (such as SAP Intel Google )Via PPP Model co built institutions. The key research fields of Bremen DFKI are robotics Innovation center, network physical system [35] The research center is working with university of bremen Researchers from The International Space Station upper [36]
Microgravity tower falling of Bremen University
Germany aviation Space Center( DLR )Set up in Bremen Space system graduate school. university of bremen application space technology and microgravity The microgravity drop tower of the Center (ZARM) is the weightlessness experiment drop tower in Europe, which plays an important role in the field of space research. More than 20 research institutions and Airbus Group Defense and Aerospace Corporation, OHB Group and other enterprises have formed Industry, education and research Integrated space Technology cluster Bremen is therefore known as "City of Space" [37]
The Bremen Institute of Marine Economy and Logistics (ISL) is a non-profit maritime research and consulting organization established in 1954. The Institute is divided into three research fields: logistics system , maritime economy and transportation, and Logistics Information Technology Its main function is the transformation between theory and practice.
In 2005, Bremen and Bremerhaven had a total of 36 German cities It stood out and was selected as the "City of Science" by the German Association for the Advancement of Science.


  • Located in the old city, the Bremen Municipal Library is a public library built by the city itself.
  • The National and University Library of Bremen (SuUB) is located in the university and is the academic library of Bremen State and University of Bremen.

tourist resources

Main attractions
  • Bremer Rathaus—— Bremer Rathaus , Weiser Renaissance style, World Cultural Heritage
  • Roland—— Roland Statue, symbolizing Bremen's independent municipal status
  • Ratskeller - Bremen City Hall Wine Cellar, located in the basement of the City Hall, a famous German Wine Wine cellar
  • Stadtmusikanten—— Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten The Road to German Fairy Tales End of
  • Bremer Dom - Bremen Cathedral and its showroom
  • Domshof - Cathedral Square
  • Sch ü tting - Shiting House, office of Bremen Chamber of Commerce
  • Stadtwaage/Essighaus - two typical Weiser Renaissance style buildings
  • Gewerbehaus - industrial and commercial building, Weiser Renaissance style, office of Bremen Meishou Industry Federation
  • B ö ttcherstra ß e - Bircher Street or Stirruper Street, a handicraft shop. This is the street built by the coffee merchant Ludwig Roselius after the medieval street. The narrow street with a total length of less than 100 meters has cinemas, art galleries, fashion shops, handicraft shops, cafes and restaurants. use Mason Glockenspiel made of porcelain is hung between two roofs, and music will be played when time comes.
  • Schnoor - Schnoor District, a fishing community in the Middle Ages. This is the old city of Bremen. Most of the houses were built in the 15th - 16th century.
  • Postamt 1 - Post office building near Domsheide, New Renaissance style
  • Landgericht - State Court Office Building near Domsheide, Historicism style
  • Stadtbibliothek - Bremen Municipal Library
  • Schlachte - Schlachte, formerly wharf Used Weser River Embankment, there are various restaurants, bars and Bremen Casino
  • Weserrundfahrt - Weiser River sightseeing boat, starting place: Martinianleger in Schlacht
  • Am Wall - Old City Wall Street, with restaurants, high-end furniture and clothing stores
  • Fedelh ö ren - an alley around the old city featuring ancient coins and antiques collection shops
  • ▄ berthestadt - Ocean City, which has transformed from an old port area into a modern new city in less than 20 years [38] The Bremen Art Institute and the Bremen Port Museum are located in the "Speicher XI" of Ocean City
In addition, low rise townhouses called "Bremen style houses" can be seen everywhere in the urban area around the old city. Schwachhausen District has a large number of unique Private villa There are many buildings with youth art style in Barkhof District near the railway station. These are also places worth seeing in Bremen.
Church castle
  • Bremer Dom - St. Peter's Cathedral in Bremen
  • Liebfrauenkirche - Notre Dame Church
  • St. Johann Kirche - St. John's Church
  • Martinikirche - Martini Church
  • St. Stephani Kirche - St. Stephanie
  • Schloss Sch ö nebeck
Parks greenland And lakes
  • Wallanlagen - City Wall Park is a park around the inner city built after the old city wall was demolished in 1805. There is a "moat" and a windmill in the park.
  • B ü rgerpark - Citizen Park is the largest park in Germany maintained with social funds, covering 202 hectares. Park Hotel in the park is a five-star hotel. In addition to the vast green space and woods, you can take a cruise and visit a small zoo for free in the Citizen Park. There are restaurants and beer gardens in the park.
  • Stadtwald/Unisee - Urban forest and University Lake are located at the northernmost end of Citizen Park. University Lake is one of the most popular places for outdoor swimming in Bremen.
  • Blockland - Brockland is a natural scenic spot covering an area of 30 square kilometers, mainly with natural green space.
  • Rhododendron-Park / Botanika Bremen—— Rhododendron The park and botanical garden cover an area of 46 hectares, and more than 500 of the more than 1000 azaleas on the earth are planted in the park.
  • Werdersee - Yunda Lake is a lake with a length of 2km and an area of 37 hectares on the left bank of Weiser River. It is another popular place for boating and outdoor swimming in Bremen.
  • Beck's Besucherzentrum - Baker Brewery Visiting Center
  • Mercedes Benz Bremen Benz factory
  • Airbus Bremen—— Airbus factory
  • Kaffeer ö sterei August M ü nchhausen - traditional coffee baking workshop
  • Lloyd Kaffee - Coffee Baking Workshop
  • Wilkens Werksf ü hrung - Silver Factory
  • Weserwehr Weir [39]
The Road to German Fairy Tales
The Road to German Fairy Tales
Deutsche M ä rchenstra ß e is a road planned and constructed by the Federal German Government in 1975 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Grimm brothers, the master of fairy tales. This road starts from Hanao, the hometown of the Green Brothers, in the south and winds northward, channel The Green Brothers grew up in Stenau, studied in Marburg, lived in Kassel, and finally arrived in Bremen, about 600 kilometers long. [41] German Fairy Tales Rise in the South Brothers Green Hometown of Hanau , winding NATO 600km, reach the fairy tale Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten Bremen, where the. This line passes through the places where the Green Brothers lived and《 Grimm's Fairy Tales Classic works Location of.
hotel industry
The hotel facilities in Bremen (2015) are as follows [40]
Super five-star
1 (Park Hotel)
1 (Swissotel)
Four star
Three star
Below three-star level and not rated
Hotels and Camping Posts (G ä stehaus&Camping platz)
Holiday rental (Ferienwohnung)
Hotel ship




Bremen City
  • ▄ berseemuseum - overseas museum, which introduces the natural conditions and customs of the world, as well as the history of Bremen's foreign trade. The museum displays the nature, life, customs, environment, culture, art, etc. of other countries, covering a wide range of contents.
  • Kunsthalle Bremen - Bremen Art Museum, which collects European art works from the Middle Ages to the present
  • Weserburg Museum mainly displays modern art works
  • Museen B ö ttcherstra ß e - The museum on Berthel Street (Stirruper Street) includes two exhibition halls named after celebrities: Paula Mordelssohn Becker Museums and Ludwig Rosserus Museum (the former is Germany Expressionism Pioneer, who invented decaffeinated coffee)
  • Gerhard-Marcks-Haus / Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Haus—— Gerhard Max Museums and William Wagenfeld Museums (the former are German expressionist prints and sculptors, and the latter are art designers)
  • Gesellschaft f ü r Aktuelle Kunst (GAK) - Contemporary Art Society mainly displays international contemporary art works
  • K ü nstlerhaus Bremen/St ä dtische Galerie Bremen - Bremen Art House and City Gallery
  • Focke Museum - Fokker Museum, namely the Museum of Art and Human History in Bremen
  • Dom Museum/Bleikeller im St. - Petri Dom - St. Peter's Cathedral Museum and Basement
  • Universum Bremen - Bremen Cosmic Science and Technology Museum with the theme of science popularization and experience
  • Hafenmuseum Speicher XI - "Warehouse 11" Port Museum
  • Olbers-Planetarium—— Aubers observatory
  • Wuseum—— Werder Bremen Football Team Exhibition Hall
Bremen North
  • Heimatmuseum Schloss Sch ö nebeck - Shannebeck Castle Local Museum, mainly to display local human customs
  • Denkort Bunker Valentine - Memorial Hall of World War II Victims of "Valentin Air Defense Fortress". The building was originally built during World War II nazi force Israel And prisoners of war submarine The factory is used for war reflection and anti war education.
  • SPICARIUM - Introduction to the port history and shipbuilding industry of Wigsak, Bremen North
  • Overbeck Museum - a museum showing the works of Fritz and Hermine Overbeck

Theater troupe

  • Theater am Goetheplatz - Goethe Square Theater is the main performance place of the city Bremen Theater, which is regularly staged opera and light opera
  • Bremer shakespare company (Theater am Leibnizplatz) Shakespeare The theatre of Shakespeare Company
  • Musical Weather Bremen musical play theatre
  • Theaterhaus Schn ü rschuh - Lace up Shoes Theater mainly presents children's plays and youth plays, occasionally there are book clubs and music performances
  • GOP Variet é - Theater
  • FRITZ Theater - FRITZ Theater (entertainment, vaudeville)
  • Theaterschiff Bremen - Bremen Theater
  • Improver Bremen - Bremen Improvisation Theatre Troupe
  • Teatro Magico - a stage theater featuring transvestites
  • Das Junge Theater - Youth Theater mainly performs modern dramas


  • Bremer Philharmoniker - Bremen Philharmonic Orchestra It is the Bremen Interchange Symphony Orchestra, which not only accompanies the Bremen Theater, but also holds various concerts.
  • Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen - Bremen German Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra, which represents the highest level of German Chamber Philharmonic.
  • Glocke - This concert hall named "Bell" is the main place for classical music performance in Bremen. Herbert von Karajan It is praised as one of the three best performance venues in Europe.
  • Stadthalle
  • PIER2 - "Pier 2" Concert Hall
  • BLG Forum - Activity center reconstructed from the old power station in the port area
  • Aladin Music Hall
In addition, Bremen Academy of Arts Some professional performances are also held.

festival activities

  • Samba Karneval - Samba Carnival
  • La Strada - Street Drama Festival
  • Breminale - Bremen Open Air Music Festival
  • Musicfest Bremen - Bremen Classical Music Season
  • Osterwiese - a large-scale folk festival held during Easter
  • Freimarkt—— Bremen Free Market The folk festival is held at B ü rgerweide near the Central Railway Station from October to November every year. There is also a Kleiner Freimarkt on the municipal square. Bremen Free Fair is the fourth largest folk festival in Germany, with the number of tourists (about 4 million) second only to Oktoberfest Munich (Wiesn)、 Nordrhein-Westfalen Helne Cranger Kirmes and Dusseldorf Sch ü tzenfest [41]
  • Weihnachtsmarkt - Bremen Christmas Market


  • Werder Bremen——“ Werder Bremen There is one club German Division One League The football team also leads Germany in chess and table tennis.
  • Gr ü n-Gold Club Bremen - Bremen "Green and Golden Club" is Europe and the world Latin dance The winner of the championship.
  • Galopp Club Bremen - "Bremen Racing Club" holds several races in Galopprennbahn, Farr District every year horse racing meeting [42]
  • City Triathlon Bremen Triathlon match
  • Swb Marathon - Bremen Marathon

Medical facilities

There are four municipal hospitals in Bremen, which are members of the hospital consortium Gesundheit Nord:
  • Klinikum Bremen Mitte - Bremen Central Hospital
  • Klinikum Bremen Nord - Bremen North Hospital
  • Klinikum Bremen Ost - Bremen East Hospital
  • Klinikum Links der Weser - Hospital on the Left Bank of Weiser River
There are also four independent hospitals:
  • DIAKO Evangelische Diakonie Krankenhaus - Protestant Diako Welfare Hospital, Gr ö pelingen District
  • Krankenhaus St. Joseph-Stift—— Catholicism St. Joseph's Monastery Hospital, Schwachhausen District
  • Rotes Kreuz Krankenhaus—— Red Cross Society Hospital, Neustadt District
  • Roland Klinik - Roland Hospital, Neustadt District
In addition, there are some smaller professional hospitals:
  • Dr Heines Hospital, a hospital for mental disease , psychotherapy and psychosomatic medicine, located in Oberneuland District
  • Paracelsus Klinik Bremen - Bremen Paracels Hospital under Paracels Medical Group, covering orthopedics neurosurgery , Ophthalmology Otolaryngology General Surgery, Vahr District


Radio and TV
TV news magazine of Bremen Radio but un binnen
German TV 2 Private TV stations RTL and Sat1 are set up in Bremen Press station In addition, Bremen can listen to several private Radio channel : For example, Energy Bremen, Hit Radio Antenna Bremen and Motor FM.
Bremen State radio and television The organization is Radio Bremen No Mehafen With points studio It is a member organization of the German Federation of Radio and Television, so Radio Bremen not only produces programs for its own television and radio channels, but also German TV 1 And other national public television channel Deliver front-line reports, TV dramas and feature films:
TV program
  • Buten un Binnen - half hour TV news magazine broadcast at 7:30 p.m
  • 3nach9 - Germany's oldest talk show (monthly)
Radio channel
  • Bremen eins
  • Bremen vier
  • Nordestradio - "Northwest Radio Channel" in cooperation with North German Radio
  • Funkhaus Europa - "European Radio" in cooperation with Radio West Germany and Radio Brandenburg Berlin
TV play
Newspaper industry
Bremen Daily AG
Weser Kurier is a local daily newspaper in Bremen, and also the daily newspaper with the highest circulation. The national daily newspaper Taz [43] And《 German Bild 》Issue a copy in Bremen Local edition newspaper. In addition, Bremen has three weekly newspapers: Bremer Anzeiger, Weser Report and BLV.
Some private publishing institutions also publish and publicize various local cultures and social activities Of City magazine : Bremer, Prinz Bremen, Bremen Magazin, Mix, Foyer, etc.
The biggest publishers in Bremen are:
KPS office building in Herdentor
-Bremer Tageszeitungen AG, main publication: daily Weser Kurier
-Carl Ed. Sch ü nemann Publishing House, founded in 1810 and run by the Sch ü nemann family, mainly Business field For book publishing, artwork and design production foreign language teaching And study the publication of newspapers and magazines [44]
-Edition Temmen, mainly publishing city introductions, children's books, political history books
-KPS, together with Eventim Ticketing, belongs to Klaus Peter Schulenberg, a wealthy businessman. Its main publication is the advertising newspaper WeChat Report [45] (Weser Report), concert and event magazine "event"

Important institutions

  • Bremen Cotton Exchange
Bremen Cotton Exchange
In 1872, the inner port of Bremen imported cotton dealer Established Bremer Baumwellb ö rse with intermediaries. This exchange is an authoritative organization for international cotton trade. It works with 16 cotton trade organizations around the world to formulate detailed rules and regulations for cotton trade Contract terms Bremen Cotton Exchange publishes a report every two weeks reflecting German and international cotton Market dynamics The Bremen Cotton Report, published the Bremen CIF cotton index, and jointly held the biennial international cotton inspection authoritative conference - Bremen International Cotton Conference with the Bremen Fiber Institute (FIBRE).
  • Deutsche Factoring Bank
Germany Factoring Deutsche Factoring Bank is a professional bank engaged in import and export factoring. It was founded in 1971, and its office address is located in a central building, Weixi, which was built in 1618 Renaissance style The ancient building Essighaus (Vinegar Tower). German Factoring Bank is a German bank savings bank financial group Members of.
  • German Federal Logistics Association
Germany Federal Logistics Founded in 1978, the Association (Bundesvereiningung Logistik, referred to as BVL) is headquartered in Bremen. Its members include more than 10000 enterprises and institutions from industry, trade, service industry and academia. The German Federal Logistics Association has 33 regional branches, covering Germany, China (Beijing, Shanghai Hefei )、 Singapore Russia , the United States and other countries. The largest activity held by the German Federal Logistics Association every year since 1983 is Berlin Deutsche Logistik Kongress. In 1994, the German Federal Logistics Association and German Foreign Trade and Transportation College (Deutsche Aussenhandels - und Verkehrs Akademie, referred to as DAV) vocational education And the German Logistik Akademie (DLA for short).
  • German Maritime Search and Rescue Service Center
SAR ship model for collecting donations
Germany Maritime search and rescue Service Centre (English: German Maritime Search and Rescue Service, German: Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbr ü chiger, abbreviation: DGzRS) was established on May 29, 1865, and the coordination center was established in Bremen Weser River Bank. As a non-governmental organization providing maritime search and rescue services, although it is responsible for international covenant Search and Rescue/SAR contribution run. This center is responsible for territorial waters And Beihai and the Baltic Germany exclusive economic zone The rescue commander inside has a modern fleet of 60 search and rescue vessels. From the westernmost Ames estuary To the easternmost Pommersche Bucht There are rescue stations under the German Maritime Search and Rescue Service Center.
  • German Air Traffic Management Company
Germany Air Traffic Management Four companies (Deutsche Flugsicherung, German Air Traffic Control Agency for short) Regional control One of the centers is located in Bremen Airport (The other three are located in Frankfurt Nearby Langen Munich and Karlsruhe )Its main task is to monitor the airspace And guide the aircraft safely through the area.

Famous people

Karl Carstens He was the fifth president of the Federal Republic of Germany (1979 – 1984). He was born in Schwachhausen, Bremen. From 1945 to 1949, he worked as a lawyer and legal adviser to the municipal council in Bremen. From 1949 to 1954, he served as a lawyer in Bremen in the federal government Plenipotentiary Later, he was active in federal politics until he was elected president of the Federation in 1979.
Karl Carstens visited China in October 1982. He was the first president of the Federal Republic of Germany to visit China [46] During his visit to China, he worked for Germany in Shanghai Consulate General Opening ribbon cutting [47] And visited Shanghai as the first German head of state Tongji University Besides, he also Visit Has Canton Fair and Guangxi Guilin And played a positive role in enhancing exchanges between the two peoples.
  • Heinrich· Aubers (1758 − 1840), astronomer
Obos Statue [48]
Heinrich Obers (full name Heinrich Wilhelm Math ä us Olbers) was born in Albert (now under the jurisdiction of Bremen). He loves research comet In 1797 Comet orbit The method of [48] In 1823, Aubers put forward the famous Aubers paradox: if the universe is Steady state And infinite, the night should be bright rather than dark. [49]
Since 1850, a statue of Aubers has been erected in the Wallanlage in Bremen. In 1952, located in Bremen University of Applied Technology Obers, Werderstra ß e Campus observatory (Olbers Planetarium) was built, and this small observatory is used for teaching in the navigation college and teenagers Popular Science Education [50]
FW61 helicopter
In 1923, Henrich Focke and George Wulf founded Bremen Aircraft manufacturer This factory has been renamed as Fokker Wulff Aircraft Manufacturing Factory and United Aircraft Technology Factory Airbus Part of the Group. [51]
Henry Fogg's greatest innovation was the invention of the world's first fully controllable helicopter FW61。 Although the first helicopter in human history emerged in 1907 FW61 helicopter Achieved a historic breakthrough through propeller blade It can move in all directions and even be suspended [52] At the end of World War II, because Germany was prohibited from manufacturing aircraft, he went to Brazil Presided over the design of light helicopters, Related technologies Later Embraer adopt.
Henrich Focke's father, Johann Focke, donated his own collection to establish Bremen's art and cultural history museum From 1918, this museum was also called Focke Museum.
Typical representative works of William Wagenfeld
Wilhelm Wagenfeld (1900-1990) is known as one of the 50 most famous designers in the 20th century [53]
He was born in Bremen, Germany, and worked in a silver furniture factory in his early years Bauhaus Study and teach. In the metal workshop of Bauhaus, Huagenfeld designed the famous chrome plated steel tube desk lamp. [54] As one of the most famous German designers involved in mass production, Wagenfeld industrial design It has further played a role in the specialized production system.
Bremen William Wagenfeld The museum (Wilhelm Wagenfeld Haus) has exhibited his works for a long time.

strange stories

Young Engels
Friedrich Engels He is an internationally renowned politician, economist and philosopher as famous as Marx. The years spent in Bremen from 1838 to 1841 became a milestone in his development, which was of great significance to his fame and the beginning of his political career. [39]
In this 600 page monograph, Koenig divides his research into three parts. The first part describes Engels' birth, his childhood in Bamen and his years in Bremen; The second part arranges all the letters, sketches, articles and literary works of Engels in Bremen in chronological order, from which we can understand Engels' great ambitions and the development of world outlook in Bremen; The third part outlines Engels' later life path, and the author emphasizes the influence of Bremen on Engels' future life path. [39]
Robinson Crusoe Tower
British writer Daniel Defoe Pen Legendary figures Robinson Probably the most famous "Bremen" in the world. World famous works Robinson Crusoe (English original name: Robinson Crusoe) begins with Robinson's self statement: "In 1632, I was born in York One city Upper class society 's family. We are not natives. His father is from Bremen, Germany. After he moved to England, he first lived in Hull. " In the novel, Defoe also introduced that the original German surname of the Robinson family was "Kreuznaer", which was later changed into Crusoe according to the English pronunciation.
Since the 1920s caffeine Ludwig Roselius, a Bremen coffee trade road with extraction technology, will be close to city hall After buying a street, it was rebuilt in the traditional style of North Germany for craftsmen and artists to create here. This street is named Berthel street (B ö ttcherstra ß e, also called hoop Barrelman Street). The last two buildings at the junction with Martini Street were completed in 1931, and the one on the left was named "Robinson Crusoe Tower", because Rousselius regarded Robinson as a symbol of the Hanseatic spirit of striving to be the first. [56]
A bench across the sea
Heine bench attracts attention at Shanghai World Expo
Bremen Civic Park There are 17 benches in B ü rgerpark for tourists to have a rest, one of which is particularly special because it has been to China. It turned out that Bremen wanted to participate in the 2010 Shanghai World Expo , specially commemorate the poet Heinrich Heine Heinebank moved from Citizen Park to Shanghai [57] This green painted cast iron bench with wooden bench surface has experienced the World Expo After a short period of noise, he returned to his original position and stood quietly on an unknown path hidden by trees.
The full body statue of Heine beside the art museum
In 1826, Heine Nordnai Island Go Luneburg On the way to Bremen, I left a poem for the famous city hall wine cellar here. In 1904, in this great romanticism Nearly 50 years after the poet's death, the Bremen Literary Association set up a bench in the Civic Park in his name. In the middle of the back of the bench is the relief head of Heine, and on the copper plates on both sides is a poem of Heine: "Once upon a time, I had a beautiful motherland/the trees grew very tall/ violet The flower branches droop gently/It has disappeared like a dream shadow ". Because Heine's judea Blood, this bench was destroyed by anti Semitism, World War II It was even bombed during the period, but the head portrait and copper plate were moved to a safe place. It was not until 1989 that the Heine bench was restored [58]
In addition to this bench, in 2010, Bremen citizens donated money to erect a more than two meter high Heine memorial statue on the grass on the side of the art museum to the old city, which shows his popularity here.
Beluga whales on the ground and in the sky
In 1996, several university of bremen A professor of Science and Technology Museum The idea of. Immediately, the "Cosmic Science and Technology Museum Foundation" came into being. In 2000, the Universum Bremen was opened, and it took only one and a half years to build it. Main pavilion designed by Bremen architect Thomas Klumpp“ Science Center ”(Science Center) is very distinctive and even listed as the most peculiar building in the world. It looks like an open mouth from afar shell It seems that the teeth are exposed whale The internal exhibition area of the Science Center is about 4000 square meters. After re arrangement, the three themes of the long-term exhibition since 2015 have changed from "human, earth and universe" to "technology, human and nature". Tourists will be brought into a wonderful experience world, where they can study, experiment and try in person, and feel the various forces of nature. The co organizers of these long-term exhibitions include jacobs university bremen German Artificial Intelligence Research Center Inside Well known universities and scientific research institution [59]
On the basis of the main hall "Science Center", in 2007, the Cosmic Science and Technology Museum added a rust red building for temporary exhibition - "SchauBox" and the outdoor exhibition area "Entdecker Park".
In addition to the space science center on the ground that looks like a whale rather than a whale, there are also planes that look like beluga whales in the sky over Bremen. This is commonly known as“ airbus Beluga "(Airbus Beluga )A300-600ST Super transport plane Responsible for Airbus Group transportation of goods [60] In addition to regularly transporting the wings produced here from the Airbus factory in Bremen to the final assembly plant in Hamburg, in 2006 Columbus orbital facility Shipped from Bremen to the United States Kennedy Space Center The mission of launching was also completed by a "beluga whale".
City of Tobacco
Bremen has a history of more than 300 years of tobacco trade and processing. The inner port of Bremen is the most southerly German seaport. Historically, ocean going merchant ships will be produced from Southeast Asia And Central South America The leaves of tobacco are transported to Bremen, processed into cigars and cigarettes, and then sold throughout Europe. In the middle of the 19th century, the trade and processing of tobacco in Bremen reached its peak. One in six citizens was engaged in work related to the cigar industry. The humble houses and processing plants where cigar workers lived were concentrated in the Buntentor area of Noisda District. [61]
200 year old Brinkmann The company was founded in 1813. When Wolfgang Ritter held shares in 1968, it was the largest cigarette factory in Europe and the third largest in the world; Established in 1848, H Upmann Company first imported cigars processed in Cuba, and then imported Cuban tobacco leaves for processing in Buentenmen. H. Upmann refined cigars are favored by celebrities. It is said that it is the former German Prime Minister Ludwig Erhard Favorite brands [62]
Bremen founded in 1961 tobacco exchange (Bremer Tabakb ö rse) is one of the best sellers in the world Indonesia Tobacco exchanges, global buyers and producers come here twice a year to select and bid for tobacco leaves.
Champions League Place of origin of the trophy
Racing trophies produced by Koch Bergfeld
Koch&Bergfeld and Wilkens in Bremen are two of the only five remaining silverware factories in Germany.
Koch&Bergfeld is one of the 30 most famous luxury brands in Germany Silver tableware , home and office decorations (including Germany stationed abroad Embassy and consulate Tableware used), also including European Champions League Germany Television Art Trophies are made in various competitions including the highest award "Golden Camera" award. [63]
Wilkens, which originated in 1810, is the oldest silver brand in the world. It was acquired by Shuangli Ren in 1995 and passed the management layer Acquisition has become an independent enterprise. Wilkens mainly produces high-grade sterling silver or silver plated tableware Root zone (Hemelingen) Factory store Also sell products of other household brands [64]
Saudi Arabia Prince's luxury yacht
L ü rssen plant site
L ü rssen Werft in Bremen Wigsak District was founded in 1875 and has been jointly manufactured with Daimler since 1890 motorboat The shipyard is managed by Peter and Friedrich, the fourth generation of the Leshun family. [42] While the business of other German shipyards was dying out, Leshun frequently made acquisitions, with 8 branches and 1400 employees. 33 of the world's longest 200 ultra luxury yachts were built by Leshun Shipyard, accounting for 1/6 of the total [65] Whereas Privacy protection The customer background of Leshun luxury yacht is usually unknown, with Azzam as an exception. In 2013, it was honored as arab Warren Buffett ”Prince Walid of( Walid bin Talal Al Saud )In Leshun, we received the luxury yacht Azzam, which is 180 meters long world record At the same time, it reached a sailing speed of 30 knots [66]
According to Germany in 2013 Fortune List In Bremen, only Jacob, the "coffee family", and Klaus Peter Schulenberg of CTS Eventim Entertainment Ticketing Group have more assets than the Leshun family.
The most complete German wine collection
Restaurant in Bremen City Hall wine cellar
This wine cellar with the title of "World Cultural Heritage" not only has the largest area (more than 5000 square meters) among 144 city hall wine cellars in Germany, [38] It is also the largest in the world Germany It is a place for wine collection. From 13 wine producing areas in Germany Wine There are collections here. Every year, only the best 150 wines selected by the cellar master from many wines can be posted on the Bremen City Hall cellar Wine label
Bremen City Hall Cellar Underground passage And the length of the storage room can add up to two kilometers, which can store 500000 bottles of wine. The Schatzkammer in the wine cellar is a collection of fine wines from the past few centuries. Although the wine is expensive, it can be sold to the public. The difference is the 1653 vintage stored in the Rosekeller“ Ludesheim ”Barreled wine, the oldest 1000 liter wine German wine It can be said that "treasure of cellar", only the British Queen Elizabeth II carried out a visit to Bremen in 1978 official visit Happily After tasting a little, it is said that its taste has changed into Sherry similar [67]
The oldest German wine in 1653
Throughout the ages, many literati and politicians were guests in the Bremen City Hall wine cellar: Engels proudly described that he tasted the "Ludesheim" produced in 1794 here; Heine, a literary giant of the generation, wrote a poem titled "Im Hafen" with the cellar of the city hall; From 1890 to 1914, Emperor William II held breakfast in Bremen City Hall wine cellar every year [68]
The Bremen City Hall wine cellar has regular explanation and visit as well as group visit. The sales department is located at the back of the city hall, and Not to Meizhou Landesbank is opposite. The restaurant in the wine cellar still has arched ceiling , ancient interior and designed for businessmen to negotiate business cubicle , the entrance is located in the city hall pilgrimage mother church (Liebfrauenkirche) One side, featuring North German cuisine, Rest Day Too often, people are full of people. If you don't book a seat in advance, you can only go home disappointed.