Unknown aviation phenomenon
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Since the 1940s, an elliptical disk that can emit light has been found over the United States Aerocraft Newspapers at that time called it "oval Illuminant ”This is the beginning of contemporary interest in UFOs. Later, people focused on UFO reports around the world.
The word "UFO" comes from US Air Force Of“ Project Blue Book ”, the first person in charge of the plan is Edward J. Ruppelt Captain, he formally invented the word "UFO" to distinguish it from the word used at that time inaccurate And there are Suggestive "UFO".
On May 17, 2022 local time, a committee of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress held a public hearing on the subject of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). At the hearing, the Pentagon Released footage of mysterious objects flying over pilots. [8] December, U.S. Department of Defense It said that since the Ministry of Defense established a new department to investigate UFOs in July 2022, it has received hundreds of reports of UFOs, but there is no evidence that they are related to aliens. [10]
On March 8, 2024 local time, the US Department of Defense released a report on unidentified flying objects (UFOs), saying that since the end of World War II, no evidence indicating the existence of extraterrestrial technology has been found in government investigations, and concluded that most eyewitness events are ordinary objects and phenomena that have been wrongly identified. [15]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Unidentified Flying Object
Star crotch x-com
Dishes, spirals, cigars, etc

essential information

Chinese name
Foreign name
Unidentified Flying Object
Star crotch x-com
Dishes, spirals, cigars, etc
Unconfirmed flying objects and flying saucers
In ancient Europe, the book was tied to the west, and in ancient China, it was called Xingcha
Famous Event 2
A strange car in the air , the mystery of the fallen trees

Phenomenon description


Origin of name

The full name of UFO is Unified Flying Object, which means UFO and UFO in Chinese. UFO in ancient Europe Book of Ezekiel It is recorded that in ancient China, UFO was also called Star crotch UFO phenomena can be roughly divided into four categories: misunderstanding of known phenomena, unknown natural phenomena, unknown natural creatures, and the fourth category refers to aircraft with obvious intelligent flight capability rather than those made by human beings, namely alien civilization UFO( Flying Saucer )。


1. Something that has not been fully recognized natural phenomena Or life phenomenon. Some unknown astronomy or Atmospheric phenomenon Seismic light , discoid turbulence in the atmosphere (some scientists believe that the UFO phenomenon is caused by environmental pollution), and the earth discharge effect. [3]
2. Misrecognition of known objects, phenomena or life substances. The factors or objects mistaken for UFO phenomenon include celestial bodies (planets, stars, meteors comet , death stars, etc.); Atmospheric phenomenon Globular lightning , aurora Sundog , magic moon, Elmore fire, mirage, cloud Ground light ); Creatures (birds and butterflies, etc.); Biological factors (residual images in human eyes, eye defects, illusion of aircraft reflection in ocean lakes, etc.); Optical factor (by camera internal reflection , photo artifacts caused by developing defects, overlapping images caused by reflection of windows and glasses, etc.); radar False target (radar secondary wave Anomalous refraction , scattering, multiple breakdown, such as reflection from the electric dense layer or cloud layer or reflection from high temperature and high humidity areas), artificial equipment (aircraft lighting or reflection of sunlight, re-entry Artificial satellite Rockets, balloons, military test aircraft, searchlights, flares reflected in clouds Signal flare , beacon light parachute , secret weapons, etc.).
3. Some in specific environment social groups Or personal hallucinations, psychological phenomenon And practicing fraud.
4. The product of extraterrestrial civilization.
5. On alien Caused by the manipulation of.
6. Intelligent flying objects or aircraft that people cannot manufacture and fully understand.
7. Some unknown Smart life The product of.

UFO Features

First, it can hover in the air, or move instantaneously, or stop suddenly during high-speed operation. Violation of physics. There are also some UFOs that are zigzagging in the air. The flight mode is totally irregular, but they can disappear without knowing it. (If this condition is met, the common biplane birds insect , kites, and other objects and aircraft that move with the wind or fly in a straight line, because biplane aircraft cannot stay still in the air at the moment, while birds, kites, and so on cannot disappear out of thin air immediately).
Second, most UFOs captured by eyewitness events have no engine sound and are almost silent.
Third, there is no tail gas emission.
Fourth, multiple witnesses (multiple witnesses indicate that they can eliminate personal hallucinations, and can also confirm that the film shot is completely trouble free).

Occurrence instance

UFO can be caused by many reasons. According to different reasons, various phenomena have been observed, but people pay more attention to the UFO phenomenon (namely UFO) that may be caused by extraterrestrial civilization.
UFO fever first appeared in January 1878 in the United States Texas J Martin, a farmer in Beijing, saw a circular object in the air. 150 newspapers in the United States published this news, calling this object "flying saucer". In June 1947, the United States Idaho K Arnold, an entrepreneur of Private aircraft , passing near Mount Rainier in Washington, we found 9 disks skimming through the air at high speed and leaping forward. This event was reported in all American newspapers, which once again caused a worldwide UFO fever. Later, there were no reports about the discovery of UFOs, and governments and non-governmental organizations from all over the world also organized Research
The causes of UFO are generally considered as follows:
I Misrecognition of known phenomena or objects : The factors or objects mistaken for UFO phenomenon include celestial bodies: planets, stars, meteors, comets, meteorites, etc; Atmospheric phenomenon Globular lightning , aurora, sun, moon, Elmore fire, mirage Ground light Liuyun; Creatures: birds butterfly Group; Biological factors: residual images in human eyes, eye defects, illusion of aircraft reflection in ocean lakes, etc; Optical factors: photo artifacts caused by internal reflection and development defects of the camera, overlapping images caused by reflection of windows and glasses, etc; Radar false target: radar sub wave, abnormal refraction, scattering, multiple refraction, such as reflection from the electric dense layer or cloud layer, or reflection from high temperature and humidity areas; Artificial equipment: aircraft lights or reflected sunlight, re-entry atmosphere Of Artificial satellite Rockets, balloons, military test aircraft, searchlights reflected in clouds Illuminator Signal flare beacon Lights, parachutes, secret weapons, etc.
II A product of extraterrestrial civilization Some people think that some UFOs are aircraft made by highly civilized life (aliens) on other planets.
III Underground Man's Aircraft : An aircraft for living creatures living in the interior of the earth.
IV psychological phenomenon : Some people think that UFOs may be purely psychological phenomenon It comes from the brain of an individual or a group of people. UFO phenomenon is often intertwined with people's mental and psychological experience, and there may be some connection between UFO phenomenon and the undetected field of human brain.
Many UFO photos have been identified by experts as fraud or misunderstanding, but there are always some phenomena based on the existing scientific knowledge Unable to explain.
We sometimes hear such a saying: so and so phenomenon Scientific interpretation No, then it must be aliens. For such a statement, we should think carefully:
Most UFO reports are inexperienced, untrained, unprepared or excited Observer The information provided is very vague and inaccurate, so it is usually impossible to make accurate judgments. Since most UFOs are identified as Fabrication The possibility that a small number of UFOs that cannot be confirmed due to insufficient evidence are also fabricated or natural phenomena is obviously far higher than the possibility that they are visitors from the outside world. The reason why we can't make a reasonable explanation is because there is not enough necessary evidence, not because aliens are playing tricks. Strangely, UFO reports are rarely or almost never from astronomer Meteorologists or astronomy and weather enthusiasts spend much more time observing the sky than ordinary people. They should be more likely to find anomalies in the sky. Is it because aliens are deliberately hiding from them, or because they, as experts, are not easy to regard natural phenomena as UFOs.
The most famous event of UFO Roswell UFO incident
Modern people pay attention to UFOs from Cold War The first few years of. At that time, people were used to looking up at the sky to guard against Reconnaissance aircraft And incoming missiles. The event that really set off a global upsurge took place in June 1947.
At that time, Kenneth Arnold Driving Private aircraft , fly over Washington State Of Cascade Mountains , suddenly saw the blue and white light flash in the distance. Arnold told the local newspaper about the incident, which triggered a UFO craze. In the same year, a milestone event occurred later, and its influence continues to this day. Those who believe are full of awe, while those who doubt are bored. This is Roswell UFO incident
stay New Mexico Of Roswell In the suburbs, a US Army airport On the nearby farm, some strange fragments appeared. The next day, a local newspaper launched an exclusive news report , boldly claimed that an alien spaceship had been captured by the military.
The military quickly came out to explain that the debris was actually a weather Hot Air Balloon The remains of. But this explanation is not enough to save the situation; What's more, they really want to cover up the truth: the so-called Weather balloon In fact, it is a spy balloon undergoing secret testing. This is an epoch-making beginning.
After Roswell, there were thousands of UFO sightings“ Conspiracy theory ”It is even more seething. There are countless pictures and images of UFOs everywhere; Some are not very persuasive, while others are very real.
In relevant records, the most prominent thing happened in mexico city ——At noon that day, darkness shrouded the city, not only one person, but dozens of people simultaneously filmed the outer space The mysterious object of.
On July 11, 1991, with Total solar eclipse Mexico City gradually plunged into darkness. Thousands of people Camera lens Aim at the sky and shoot this spectacle. The UFO researcher Guillermo Arekin will never forget that scene. Guillermo Arekin said, "I went to the roof to shoot the total solar eclipse, but I saw a bright spot in the sky. So I focused on it. I realized that what I was shooting was a UFO swinging back and forth, not a planet or star."
In the next few days, UFO sightings were reported all over the country. The media were really busy. Nationally famous Investigative reporter Jamie Mossan hosted a 10 hour program to discuss UFO sightings. He asked the audience to go back and look at the pictures taken with home cameras at that time.
Jamie Mossan said: "After this program was broadcast, many people called and said they had seen it. It was clear that a luminous object was like metal, with black shadows underneath. It was a silver dish. We believe that this is not a star, nor is it the distortion of the camera. This video proves that UFOs do exist. That day completely changed my life, because from that moment on, people just want to hear me talk more about UFOs. "
Others believe that these evidences are not so influential. Mario Mendes Acosta, a writer, once worked with Moussain in 1991 solar eclipse Witness the incident and debate. He believed that the public's enthusiasm for UFOs was mostly caused by Mossan himself, rather than the visit of aliens.
Truth: To uncover the truth of Mexican UFOs, it may not be necessary to go to other planets to find clues. Sweden Astronomer and photographer Tom Cullen believed that UFO witnesses in Mexico City did see strange scenes, which were not belong to the earth; But it is not necessarily made by aliens. In the video of Mexico City, the sky is dark because of the solar eclipse; You can see several clouds floating in the sky. Then, the camera zooms in and focuses on the object.
There is a computer software available in the market that can depict the sky of any day, anywhere in the world. With it, Tom can reproduce what happened over Mexico City. The computer is simulating that the moment the moon passes in front of the sun, the sky becomes dark and several celestial bodies become bright. At the location where the UFO was photographed, an extraordinarily bright object appeared.
Tom Cullen said: "Here, we can see very clearly Venus I can say for sure that this is the highlight that people have photographed in Mexico City. "
From the sun, the second one is Venus , the brightness in the sky is only second to the sun and moon. However, why does it look like a fuzzy alien spaceship? Tom believes that this is the problem of the camera itself - when the lens focuses on the bright spot in the distance, it creates a three-dimensional effect. The black line on the screen is not the chassis of any object, but the illusion created by the camera. As a result, a very common celestial body has become somewhat mysterious.
UFO during the total solar eclipse in Mexico City on July 11, 1991.
Daily celestial movements may not explain all UFO sightings in Mexico. Someone once saw this strange looking object in Popocatepet Active volcano Circulate nearby. This is obviously not a planet or star, and from the way of movement, it is definitely not like an airplane. This is the object photographed by the architect Mario Ramirez, who lives at the foot of the volcano. Like many local residents, he also believes that volcanic activity It will attract UFOs to visit Mexico. He said that in 1988, he saw a formation of spacecraft flying into the crater.
Mario Ramirez said, "I saw a very large spaceship, about 300 meters in diameter, with many lights and windows on it. It kept rotating around the center, and then flew to the volcano. I saw that about 30 of those spaceships formed a group, flew out of the crater of the volcano at a very fast speed, and then flew into space. They live inside the volcano."
In 2000, Ramirez was studying a group of rocks near the volcano and thought that it might be some kind of ancient rock Astronomical symbols At this time, something caught his attention.
Mario Ramirez said, "I was at the rock and observed Popocatepet volcano I set up the camera, and just then, I saw a flash of light. I wondered why there was a flash on the mountain. " Ramirez later discovered that what he had photographed was an object circling on a distant mountain. It hovered in the air for nearly 2 minutes, then disappeared behind the mountain peak.
Truth: What does Tom Cullen, a disappointing expert, think of this mysterious object? Tom Cullen said, "I think the video about the volcano is very close close-up shot No matter what the intention, it may be just a big bird. Look carefully, you will find what this thing is fanning, like an extension of the body. I don't think this is an alien spaceship. "
Next, we will look at some traces that are suspected to be UFOs, and see what can cause them.
In September 2004, a series of circles appeared on a small piece of remote land near Guadalajara. The owner of the land invited the architect and UFO researcher Daniel Dominguez and others to investigate the matter. They spent several nights on the spot investigation and saw with their own eyes that the spherical light appeared.
Daniel Dominguez said: "It passes right above our heads, and its brightness is getting stronger and weaker, and then it continues to move along the original route. Dominguez said that the light has changed the grassland, which is not possible for artificial objects."
For four consecutive weeks, they plotted the circle and monitored its changes; At the same time, they collected soil samples to test Radiation Dominguez believed that the circle was caused by radiation.
Daniel Dominguez said: "From what we have Evidential judgement I tend to think that these circles are the products of some kind of light energy, which is produced by Exoplanet Objects. "
But Dr Laura Gusman thinks the answer may lie in the soil. She is universidad de guadalajara Of fungus Scientists can be said to be women in the field of Mexican fungal research. However, what is the relationship between fungi and UFOs?
Laura Gusman said, "This is a very big piece Mycelium , usually grown in wood Or around the roots of plants. "
The mycelium realizes from the circle Center point It grows outward, so it is often called "immortal circle". Some fungi will wither a whole circle of grass, others fungus It will make the grass grow better, and make the grass in the circle grow more green and luxuriant than the surrounding grass organic compound , especially after the dead roots.
Truth: Laura Gusman said: "These woods will stimulate the growth of fungi, so sometimes there will be many fairy circles on the ground, because there is wood buried under the soil. Judging from a scientific point of view, I think fungi caused the fairy circle, and there is no other explanation."
There are thousands of fungal species in the soil, and only 50 species are known to cause a fairyland. To confirm that the fairy circle is caused by fungi, Dr. Gusman took the collected sample back to the laboratory and put it under a microscope for observation. She must find evidence - individual Fungal cell The tiny protrusions on the top confirmed her conjecture.
One afternoon in March 2004, a routine military flight mission turned into a frantic search for objects that seemed to be flying side by side with aircraft. Neither radar nor naked eye can see the flying object; only infrared It can be detected. The Mexican military made public the infrared record of the encounter with the unknown object during the flight, which immediately caused an uproar in the media.
Captain Alejandro Franz of the Mexican UFO Research Group decided to investigate the matter in person. Franz's attitude was dubious. Although he also believed that UFOs had visited the earth, he always felt that investigators could reach a conclusion only after ruling out all possibilities.
Captain Franz himself is a pilot. He wants to go back to that plane Military aircraft Turn the plane to the position where the object appears at the place where the pilot encounters the unknown object. Because he thought that the unknown object might still be there.
The plane reached the first place where it came into contact with UFOs. Franz instructed the pilot to turn northwest, which was then infrared camera The direction indicated. He had seen light in that direction before - this should be the direction of the military tracking.
Captain Alejandro Franz said, "I have flown across hundreds of times Gulf of Mexico These lights can be seen almost every night throughout the year. As long as the weather conditions and visibility Yes, any pilot can see them from 140 or 150 miles away.
Truth: Franz saw the target he was looking for - the huge offshore oil drilling facility - Cantarel, about 60 miles from the coast and nearly 100 miles from the last contact point. From a height of 15000 feet, the whole building still looks huge. yes , we have drilling platform As high as 40 floors, the flame can reach hundreds of feet, which is generated by burning excess gas to reduce the pressure inside the oil well.
Franz affirmed that this was the source of UFOs. But the flame here will really affect the infrared of military aircraft 100 miles away Monitoring system Is it? Why do they look like they are flying.
Jim Zefflin was asked to explain this problem. His job is training Infrared device Technicians, issue certificates to them. He himself used this technique to check Refinery And drilling platforms.
Jim Zefflin said, "First of all, we are not sure that these objects can fly. Some people may think that these objects are moving. In fact, it is a Visual illusion It is because clouds are moving relative to objects, which creates illusion. There is no other explanation. It is very likely that what we see is a heat source with abnormally high temperature. In this event, because we are on the sea, it may be the reflection of the heat source on the sea. It may be flame and smoke, or it may just be flame. I hope UFOs exist, but I can't find any evidence here. "
——Contributed by/USA《 National Geographic Channel
Continuous discovery of bright UFO in 5 places in Xinjiang Washbasin Fly 90 kilometers in 41 seconds.
On June 24 and 27, 2006, Urumqi Kuitun Wusu , Tacheng Hutubi Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have appeared in five counties and cities.
The first UFO was found Kuitun Xu Sheng, a municipal citizen. At 23:16 on June 24, 2006, when Xu Sheng was chatting on the roadside, he suddenly found a luminous object the size of a washbasin appeared in the western sky. The object moved from east to west at a very fast speed, very bright, and the luminous object disappeared seven or eight seconds later. Xu Sheng immediately captured the scene with his mobile phone.
Almost at the same time, at 23:16:40, Wusu city Chepaizi Town Unidentified flying objects also appeared in the northwest sky 1 km west. Witnesses said that there were four bright spots in the four corners of the UFO rotating, about 3000 to 5000 meters above the ground, and disappeared about a minute later.
One minute later, hundreds of kilometers away from Kuitun Hutubi County UFOs were also found. At 23:18, taxi driver Zhang Guoyin found a bright light with the size of a basin moving in the north sky. At first he thought it was the moon, but then he was denied. Zhang Guoyin said that the bright light is the brightest in the middle. It is white and the size of a bowl mouth. It is slightly dark around and bright Movement speed Soon, it disappeared in ten seconds.
Then, Tuscaloosa City Asier Township to Ninth agricultural division 165 Regiment at the foot of Mohu Lake, along the border Talbahatai Mountains On the top, there is also a Flight speed Extremely fast glowing objects. The eyewitness said that the object was found at 23:21:32 radioactivity triangle , from west to east.
It is estimated that the distance of the luminous flying body over the ground is more than 90 kilometers. After 40 seconds, the luminous flying body disappears.
At 11:00 am on the 26th, Mr. Su, a citizen of Urumqi, took a bus to Geology Middle School Suddenly, I found a basketball sized luminous object flying from north to south in the sky at a very fast speed.
In two days, UFOs appeared in four counties and cities in Xinjiang, National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences Urumqi Astronomical Station Xue Ji'an, director of the Party Office, said that the UFOs were only described by witnesses, and because of the presence of witnesses in different locations Sense of direction inaccurate The situations they described are also different. For these reasons, he could not determine what UFO was.
The UFO incident in Guizhou is finally concluded: A strange car in the air Not by aliens.
The "strange car in the air" event caused a sensation. Some people think its appearance is an extraterrestrial creation, others think it is a natural phenomenon, and many speculations and investigations caused by it have never stopped in recent years. On July 15, Chinese scientists Ouyang Ziyuan It was definitely announced to the media that the "strange car in the air" was not caused by aliens. What on earth is the positive statement, excluding the negative answer.
Academician of CAS China Lunar Exploration Project Chief scientist Ouyang Ziyuan explained to the media that it happened in 1994 Guiyang Duxi Forest Farm The "strange car in the air" incident of meteorological disaster , not by aliens, and so far, there is no evidence that aliens exist or have visited the earth.
The reason why this event has attracted special attention over the years is that people have been arguing about the cause of this event all the time, and experts from all parties have failed to find a satisfactory answer to explain it, so there is a statement that the "strange car in the air" event is caused by UFOs, and aliens have visited Duxi Forest Farm. This incident has also become one of China's mysterious "UFO events". Our newspaper once restored the scene of the incident in the article "Surprising" strange car in the air raiding the northern suburbs of Guiyang "published in September 2004.
When encountering unknown objects, 400 mu of pine trees were cut off.
At about 3:00 a.m. on December 1, 1994, Guiyang Workers and residents near Duxi Forest Farm, 18 kilometers away from the northern suburb of the city, were awakened by the rumbling sound, the wind speed was very fast, and unknown objects emitting red and green light roared past.
Truncated trees in Duxi Forest Farm, Guiyang
A few minutes later, more than 400 mu of pine forest in Majiatang forest area of Duxi Forest Farm was cut off. In a strip of four areas with an intermittent length of about 3 kilometers and a width of 150 meters to 300 meters, only 1.5 meters to 4 meters high stumps were left and broken trunk And crown of a tree Most of them were dumped to the west, and the thick trunks with one person's height in four forest areas with a length of 2km were arranged in order on the forest farm. Among some broken trees, there are many safe ones. Some of them have been uprooted, and some small trees around have been Abrasions Marks.
Most of the broken trees are 20 cm to 30 cm in diameter and about 20 meters in height. Dulaying Guizhou Railway Ministry, 5km away from Duxi Forest Farm Vehicle factory At the same time Severe damage , roof of vehicle factory FRP tile It is sucked away, the brick wall in the plant area is pushed down, and the steel pipe column of the weighbridge room is cut or bent. The 50 ton train carriage has shifted more than 20 meters, and its terrain is not downhill, but slightly uphill slope In addition to the factory area where patrols are carried out at night in the vehicle factory Security personnel It was swept up for several meters by the wind and moved for more than 20 meters in the air and fell down without any damage. There was no human or animal casualties, high-voltage transmission lines, telephones Cable The line is intact.
Experts and scholars from all over the country have come to Duxi Forest Farm for investigation and research, and have used modern advanced instruments such as Satellite locator The specific location and area of the destruction were measured. Time frequency, weak puncture and Gamma ray To monitor and analyze Duxi Forest Farm on the spot.
yes Thunderstorm and hail The strong wind caused the trees in the forest farm to fall down.
Ouyang Ziyuan told reporters that the cause of this incident was nothing but“ Downburst ”Or“ Tornado ”And other natural phenomena.
Ouyang Ziyuan's view on "downburst" and the time Guizhou province meteorology The results of the survey are consistent. The phenomenon of "downburst" is caused by thunderstorm It causes a strong sinking movement. This sinking movement can form a very large horizontal wind spreading outward near the ground. Thunderstorm and hail are the causes of the "downburst" phenomenon, which was introduced by meteorological experts at that time on-the-spot investigation The conclusions drawn are also consistent with those of Guizhou at that time weather conditions Match.
However, according to a surveyor on the site, the deciduous layer on the site shows no sign of being blown. However, when the radiation wind generated by "downburst" blows to the ground, the shape of trees falling to the ground should be radiating to the surroundings, which is different from the site situation.
yes tornado Uprooted the trees.
Ouyang Ziyuan believed that the signs at that time were also very similar to those of Lu Longjuan. According to the on-site inspection, the trees, the roof of the vehicle factory, and even the train have been damaged and displaced to varying degrees. Researcher of Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences China Association for Scientific Exploration chairman Gao Dengyi The professor also believed that the "strange car in the air" incident was caused by Lu Longjuan.
Tornado It is a kind of tornado. Tornadoes are extremely strong Scope of action Small cyclones are generally divided into land tornadoes and tornadoes according to the environment formed by tornadoes in meteorology Waterspout Professor Gao said, "But no matter what kind of tornado it is, it is funnel shaped, big up and small down, and has a strong attraction. When a tornado turns, it is possible to suck up trees, lift the roof, or even pull people off the ground. Its huge rotating force may also push the train. Judging from the fracture of trees in the forest farm, there are some trees on site that are twisted by a rotating force Hemp flowers It is twisted and broken like that, which also conforms to the characteristics of tornadoes. "
Wang Huanliang, the current director of the UFO Research Association, put forward a different view on this point of view. He believed that according to the site conditions at that time, it was unlikely that it was caused by a tornado, let alone the phenomenon of a land tornado. Wang Huanliang said: "The damage track caused by tornadoes should be in a rotating belt shape, and according to the damage traces left on the ground we saw on the scene, many of them are jumping."
According to the data of Guizhou Meteorological Bureau at that time Duxi Forest Farm There is no record of tornadoes observed, and no land tornadoes have ever occurred in Guizhou history. Because Guizhou is located in the plateau, ordinary land tornadoes do not occur in this area, and should usually occur in a relatively low place, near the sea or on land.
In response to Wang Huanliang's query, Gao Dengyi explained: "The moving direction of tornadoes is changing. The terrain of Guizhou mountainous areas is undulating, so tornadoes will also rise and fall, leaving traces of varying depths and directions on the ground. At present, the research on tornadoes is almost a blank in China, and the phenomenon of land tornadoes in mountainous areas is rarely observed. Such things are waiting in the United States developed country More, because we know very little about this phenomenon, it will be relatively novel. "
The "strange car in the air" incident was not committed by aliens, but related to the air flow.
Although there are still many doubtful points that are difficult to explain in the end, the academic community all said that this incident was not committed by aliens. Wang Huanliang said: "Most experts of our UFO Research Association regard this event as a mystery that cannot be explained by science at present, which needs our further research, but cannot be explained simply by UFOs and aliens." Experts said that from the situation of on-site observation and on-site instrument detection, the cause of this event is related to airflow. Because at that time, the trees were broken, and even the train displacement clearly showed the characteristics caused by air flow. People nearby once heard a loud noise, which is also a loud noise caused by the excessive flow speed when the air flows through the building. "But now it seems that this statement can not fully explain the event, for example, we saw many traces similar to 'dragon scratch' on the cement floor of the factory," said Wang Huanliang.
Gao Dengyi said: "Tornadoes will carry thunder and lightning, and thunder and lightning will induce Globular lightning The possibility also exists. If the lightning strikes the ground, it is also called "rolling mine". The lightning causes the ground to be burned, and there are various traces. As for the saying that traces are like 'dragon claws', it is just our subjective imagination. This kind of lightning is very common in hilly areas, especially in humid environments‘ Although there are still many focuses worth studying and debating, I think this is a natural phenomenon. " [2]
Kunming "Unknown" appears Illuminant ”Jumping high speed movement.
Civil aviation radar detects abnormal target, local observatory No conclusion can be reached yet.
At about 6:45 am yesterday, an "unknown illuminant" suddenly appeared over Kunming. Several witnesses said that the "unknown illuminant" emits blue and yellow Phase mixing The light gradually diffuses until dawn, lasting for about 20 minutes.
According to Mr. Chen, an eyewitness living in Nongyuan Village in the western suburb of Kunming, at 6:45 a.m., he found that the moon was covered by a bowl sized luminous object, "the light is a mixture of blue and yellow, dazzling and beautiful like fireworks".
The luminous body gradually diffuses into a circular size with a diameter of about one meter, and a dark irregular shape appears at its center. At this time, the luminous body starts to shrink until it disappears, and the whole process takes about 3 minutes.
But then an oval blue light was left in the sky, and it didn't disappear until dawn at about 7 o'clock.
After checking the radar playback records, the Kunming Air Traffic Management Center of CAAC found that one of the two radar systems in normal operation monitored that an abnormal radar target appeared at 6:39:48 yesterday morning Kunming Airport At 8km, the target moved from northwest to northeast at a high speed, and disappeared after 17 seconds. When it disappeared, it was 75km away from Kunming Airport.
To the surprise of the staff, usually the records of the two radar systems should be the same Air controller Neither the pilot nor the pilot flying in the air observed this abnormal radar target. However, the radar monitoring results cannot determine the specific shape and size of the target, nor can they determine what it is.
Yunnan Observatory A staff member said that there were more than one hundred calls to the observatory to reflect or inquire about the "unknown illuminant" over Kunming, but because the eyewitnesses at different locations had inaccurate sense of direction, their descriptions were different. He said that he could not draw a conclusion because no experts had seen it with their own eyes and no pictures were available at that time.
Video analysis by experts from Wentai: Xinjiang UFO and Extraterrestrial civilization of
Zijinshan Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences Researcher, international UFO research expert Wang Zedong He informed the reporter that he had repeatedly watched the UFO video over Xinjiang on September 15, 2005. Based on his research on the video, he believed that whether UFO was related to Extraterrestrial intelligent life The possibility of the relevant aircraft.
On September 8, 2005, Zhang Jingping and his family were in Xinjiang Kanas Lake Nearby travel. Zhang Jingping, who likes photography, takes tripod When shooting the local natural scenery, Zhang Jingping suddenly found a mysterious luminous flying object in the sky. Zhang Jingping quickly pointed his camera at the sky to take a picture. A total of 4 photos of mysterious luminous objects were taken, highly suspected of UFO. The photos have been released, and all sectors of society are boiling.
In the first ten days of November, after some twists and turns, Wang ideological trend saw the flying object recorded by a TV station Live video
Based on this video and his 30 years of UFO research, Wang ideological trend reached the above conclusion.
According to Wang ideological trend, at 9:18 p.m. on September 8, 2005, the flying object flew in five different directions while facing the northwest at an altitude of about 100 kilometers above the ground in Kanas, Xinjiang Ejecta The angle of the jet is 80 degrees. After a while, the jet of the flying object stopped again, and the spiral luminous object flew due north until it disappeared into the night sky. The whole process lasted more than 3 minutes.
"Ejecting materials in different directions, and then appearing as spiral luminous objects, these two characteristics appear on the same flying object at the same time, which has never been seen before," said Wang. According to him, at first, some people thought that the flying object was a comet, but after careful observation and comparison, he ruled out this possibility. There are three reasons: first, if there is such a bright comet approaching the earth, astronomers should have found it early; Second, although the tail of the comet is very long, the trajectory of the comet is relatively much slower; Third, the tail shapes of the two are also different. Each dust tail ejected by the comet is wider and slightly curved.
Wang ideological trend also denied the possibility that the flying object could be piloted manually. There is usually only one smoke jet from the aircraft. Even if the smoke has branches, the angle is very small, because this helps to save fuel. However, the angle of the jet of the flying object is 80 degrees, and it is in five different directions. In addition, the aircraft's flight altitude It is usually about 10000 meters, and the sprayed smoke usually stays in the atmosphere for a long time. The height of the flying object is 200 kilometers, and the jet will disappear soon.
According to the object of reference And the characteristics of flying objects, Wang thought that it could basically be determined that the flying object was not a masterpiece of human beings and might be related to extraterrestrial civilization.
Tourists in Xinjiang caught UFOs chasing cars and disappearing like lightning.
Zhou Jihong and Liu Mingyi, who live in Dianchi Road, Kunming, came to our newspaper with a CD, saying that they accidentally used DV The UFO was photographed. Since they could not determine whether it was a mysterious UFO, they would VHs It was carved into a CD and brought to our newspaper. I want to find experts who study UFOs through the newspaper office to see what it is?
Surprise UFO burst into my camera.
Although it has been two months since Liu Mingyi told the reporter about that experience, she still couldn't restrain her excitement: "It was around 20:00 on September 9, 2005, and our car was driving from karamai oil field to Burqin On the way to the Star City, it was the time of sunset. The sunset in the distance was as beautiful as a painting. We always ran our car and photographed the beautiful sunset with DV.
When the car arrived in Burqin, we had a meal and had a rest. When we gathered to watch the film, we unexpectedly found that a UFO had broken into the camera tour group All of us screamed and jumped, and couldn't believe that it was true. Although the UFO appeared only for a minute or two, we could see the luminous object clearly, especially the moment when it disappeared like lightning. So, we watched it again and again several times, and only after finishing the addiction did we give up. " Later on the trip, people could not talk without flying saucers.
Moving moment: UFO runs after the car.
Through the CD, we looked back and forth several times what Liu Mingyi and his wife had seen. From the lens, we saw that the car was driving on the vast prairie. The scene was very similar to some wild scenes in American western films, the beautiful sunset, Sunray Through Clouds , they all look very spectacular. Suddenly, the UFO appeared. It was only as big as a bean on the screen, but it was very bright and conspicuous. It seemed that it was running after the car. Because the car was shaking, it seemed that it was shaking up and down, flickering, one big and one small. Later, it seemed that it suddenly flew very fast and met a strong light, UFO suddenly appeared lightning, and then it suddenly disappeared without a trace.
Mystery 1: Did UFOs come to Earth?
For this UFO, the first question that Zhou Jihong and Liu Mingyi first thought of was: Did the UFO come to the earth? To this end, the reporter interviewed Duan Lixin, a teacher of Yunnan UFO Research Association. Duan Lixin explained that from this short video, he thought it was a very valuable piece of information. One reason was that he had taken it in the daytime, so he could easily identify the color of UFOs; Also, it has photographed reference objects, including distant mountains and clouds, which have never been seen before. Because the UFO is too far away from us, it appears very small on the screen. To further study it, you need to cut the screen and zoom in one by one before you can see it clearly. It has been confirmed that it is UFO. Is it a UFO? We can't make a judgment yet. We have to wait until we organize an expert discussion group team research Can be determined later.
Mystery 2: Did the UFO explode?
At the end of the video, the most wonderful moment, the UFO in flight suddenly encountered a strong light wave, and then suddenly exploded like lightning and disappeared. Zhou Jihong and Liu Mingyi thought it was a UFO explosion. For this reason, Duan Lixin explained after repeatedly watching the second degree video, in fact, it is not an explosion, but a sudden disappearance. However, our intuition seems to be an explosion, which is a bit inconceivable, and it is this inconceivability that creates research value for this video. From the video, the UFO's brightness is very bright and its speed is also very fast. Therefore, we cannot judge its sudden disappearance with normal human thinking. Because it is far away from us, there will be errors in the judgment of the naked eye. Duan Lao said that it was a pity that the couple did not shoot the back of the camera. Maybe it was just a sudden mutation. Maybe it will appear again later and become a pattern of another shape.
Mystery 3: Why UFOs frequently visit Kunming, Xinjiang
In Duan Lixin's research room, Duan Lao has collected a large amount of UFO data through more than 20 years of efforts, most of which are audio-visual data. The videos that Duan had already prepared were shown to reporters one by one CCTV News survey ”The "Discovery Journey" filmed by the column focuses on the stories of UFOs coming to the earth one after another. There are UFO related videos shot by other TV stations News report When watching these videos, the reporter made a surprising discovery about why most of these video materials are videos or photos taken by the masses in Xinjiang or Kunming. "Why do UFOs often visit Xinjiang and Kunming?" In response to the reporter's question, Duan said that UFOs have a lot of Uncertainty , so it is very difficult to study. Many scientists are studying this phenomenon, including the French scientists who have contacted us. They say that the visibility of these places is high, but this only reflects the general phenomenon, not explaining the fundamental reason. So far, scientists have not reached a consensus conclusion, which is still a Unsolved mystery
UFOs frequently visit Chongqing: like umbrellas, they also "shoot" meteors.
UFO continued to visit on the evening of the 25th Magnet port (This newspaper reported on the 26th) Later, he visited the mountain city again on the evening of the 29th. A number of citizens have called our newspaper, saying that they were in the city on the evening of the 29th Hualong Bridge Nanbin Road They witnessed a UFO with a long tail flying over Chongqing.
The experts also said that it was inconceivable that our city witnessed UFOs one after another.
The flying object looks like an open umbrella.
Mr. Yang lives in Hualong Bridge at the foot of Pingdingshan Mountain. At more than 8 p.m. on the 29th, he accidentally found a bright "star" in the sky in the direction of Binjiang Road in Jiangbei and moved slowly in the sky. "Come out and see the unidentified flying objects!" Because he had read our newspaper's report on UFOs before, Lao Yang excitedly called his family and took out a DV to take a picture of the time, but there was no moving picture on the picture light spot
When Lao Yang was worried, he used his child's telescope to observe the sky. He was surprised to find that the flying objects were like open umbrellas. The top half was red, the middle was yellow, and the "umbrella handle" was green. From time to time, they also gave off fireworks and explosions. He said that the flying object finally flew over the mesa to the direction of Shiqiaopu. To Lao Yang's surprise, the flying object suddenly "shot" a meteor before it flew out of Lao Yang's sight in the early morning.
Ms. Wu on the south bank also told the reporter that she and her child also found a strange thing with an oval shape and a "tail" flying across the sky when walking on the Nanbin Road. In addition, Marbles Ms. Li also said she saw a UFO.
While praising the citizens' spirit of exploration, Chen Zhong'an said that the UFOs witnessed by the citizens were almost all due to the weather and human factor As a result, he hoped that the public would try to provide audio and video information about UFOs to help experts identify them. (Source: Chongqing Morning Post )"We have received more than 10 citizens this month Telephone consultation !” Chen Zhong'an, the spokesman of the Municipal Astronomical Association, said that in October, people kept seeing media reports about UFOs, and some other citizens also called for advice, including various descriptions of UFOs they saw. As for the UFO that Mr. Yang said he saw the night before last, the spherical UFO appeared in Kanas, Xinjiang for nearly 50 seconds. Because he had no audio and video data at that time, he could not be sure.
30 Guangdong tourists found this scene on their way back to Kanas.
"UFO! UFO!" a tourist shouted excitedly. At about 9:20 p.m. on September 8, 2005, 30 Guangdong tourists from a group of adventure photography tour groups were lucky enough to witness the UFO flying for nearly 50 seconds on the way back from Kanas, Xinjiang.
According to International Travel Agency Li Tao, a staff member of Tourist bus leave Kanas Scenic Area Of Fairy Bay When the parking lot just passed the grassland stone man scenic spot, some tourists offered to park for convenience. After the car stopped, they heard someone on the car shouting, "Look! What's that? It's so bright!" Then someone shouted, "UFO, UFO!" So someone quickly took out the camera and Digital video camera Start shooting.
Ms. Zeng, the first one to see the UFO, said: "I was sitting in the first row on the left side of the car and planned to get off for convenience because it was The left refers to males and the right to females. , so just after the car stopped, I looked out from the right window for convenience. When I looked up, I saw a bright spot in the sky. After a few seconds, at least five linear tails were pulled behind the bright spot, and I shouted, "Look! What is that? It's so bright!" Then I shouted to my husband with the camera, "Take a picture here!" Who knows he misunderstood me and pointed the camera at a bend in the sky First quarter moon photograph.
The spherical flying object started to fly smoothly, then began to rotate behind it, and suddenly disappeared after it became flat. "According to several tourists, UFOs fly from northwest to due north, and the whole process from discovery to disappearance is less than 50 seconds.
Shenyang In the morning, I floated past the UFO security phone to take a dynamic picture.
It emits white light, is roughly circular, and has a roar similar to that of an engine
In the early morning, many people saw UFOs flying over Shenyang. A security guard also took a dynamic picture of the UFO with his mobile phone.
In this regard, Wang Sixue, a researcher at the Zijinshan Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that he had mastered the data to judge, but could not determine what it was.
Witness: Record the UFO dynamic picture.
"UFO appears in the sky!" At 3:56 a.m., a reader of our newspaper called near Hunhe Gate.
At 4:5, the relevant telephone was called again. At 4:6 at Hunhe Gate, and at 4:8 at Sujiatun At 4:46 in Dongling Baita Castle ... More than 20 phone calls indicate a phenomenon: UFOs appear in Shenyang Hunnan Near the sky.
The last call about UFO came at 7:9 this time, near Shenyang Liaoyang Ten li River. According to the time of the call, the UFO appeared for about three hours.
What's more surprising is that at about 4:00 am, at Xuesong East Road in Sujiatun, Xiaoteng, a security guard of a building, took a dynamic UFO picture with his mobile phone for about three minutes: "The luminous body is white, slightly blue, and the tail seems to have a red light flashing, slowly drifting south!"
Xiaoteng's colleague Xiaozhou also found UFOs. The two recalled that the UFO had a big head and a small tail, and there was a prominent part on the top of the front end. In the process of moving, the UFO frequently moves up and down when it stops moving, and slightly raises its head when it rises.
"This guy can still rotate left and right. When we ran over, its head was getting better and round." Xiao Zhou recalled that UFOs would make a roar like an engine when they moved, which was smaller and finer than a tractor.
Their story was confirmed by a witness, Sister Li, 49. Sister Li was on the construction site not far away from the two men: "A shiny thing passed in front of me from north to south... It's always dazzling, and it scared me!"
At 5:00 a.m., the interview car began to pursue the UFO southwards, but the reporter did not see the UFO finally. In this incident, all calls came from Hunnan.
Shenyang City Astronomical Palace: Much like a helicopter.
Xie Shao, the head of Shenyang Astronomical Palace, saw the UFO footage taken by Xiaoteng with his mobile phone.
After inquiring about the situation at that time in detail, Xie Shao said that the UFOs reported before all flew very fast and did not stay for such a long time. Most of the previously reported UFOs were silent when they appeared, but this time there was a buzzing sound, much like the sound of a turbine.
Xie Shao added: "It floats up and down, shines all over the body, and can turn its head in the air. These characteristics are very similar to 'UFO'."
Xie Shao preliminarily judged that the possibility of this flying object being a helicopter was great. By comparing the parameters, it can be seen that the UFO does not fly very high, and the brightness may be caused by the helicopter turning on the lights. It can float up and down, turn around in the air, and helicopters can do it.
UFO fan: human flying objects are not excluded
World Chinese UFO Federation Vice President Jin Fan also saw Xiao Teng's video.
After watching the video, Jin Fan said happily that this is a good case received in recent months. Unfortunately, the image is not clear.
"The image is not clear enough to exclude the possibility that it is a human flying object," Jin Fan said finally
Jin Fan pointed out that the UFO had signs of irregular movement, especially the behavior of turning around.
Wang Shuzhi, a researcher at the Zijinshan Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, failed to see the image data, but after listening to the reporter's description, he said that 90% of known UFO sightings were excluded from the investigation Extraterrestrial life of Because the material of this incident is not enough, he can not determine what it is.
The reporter also called the Northeast Air Traffic Control Bureau several times, but failed to get in touch.
For UFOs and alien pilots, some modern people like, some hate; This situation has lasted for more than 50 years. Others believe that the history of aliens is much longer than ours; They will occasionally make efforts to guide human beings in the right direction of development. If not, how could there be Egypt Pyramid And you can only see it from the air Peru Nascati painting? How could Europeans in the Iron Age paint their clothes Space suit Of Humanoid
Jamie Mosan, a UFO investigator, said: "These creatures may be smarter than us because they have a way to come to the earth."
Skeptics executive editor Ben Redford said, "This possibility certainly exists. It may be that aliens came to the earth and helped the ancient Egyptians build Pyramid The problem is that there is no relevant evidence. This assumption implies that human beings are unable to complete this project, which is an insult to human beings. "
All the bizarre theories were overturned before the scientific evidence.
In June 2023, David Grusch, a former US intelligence official, said that the behavior of "non-human intelligence" Aliens Full of malice, and even killed some human beings. [11] On September 1, 5 and 7, Jinan Seven Star Observatory photographed UFO traces three times successively These three UFOs can be identified as UFOs (Unified Flying Object) before the body of the object is identified. [12]
In January 2024, many netizens in Beijing, Hebei and other places posted that they had photographed suspected unidentified flying objects in the sky. [13]
On March 8, 2024 local time, the US Department of Defense released a report on unidentified flying objects (UFOs), saying that since the end of World War II, no evidence indicating the existence of extraterrestrial technology has been found in government investigations, and concluded that most eyewitness events are ordinary objects and phenomena that have been wrongly identified. [14]

Research History



On June 25, 2021, U.S. government Announced the long-awaited UFO issue investigation report , but did not provide specific answers, calling for more research. Investigators investigated 144 cases of witnessing aircraft or other flying objects flying at mysterious speed or track, and found no connection with extraterrestrial life, but still reached some conclusions, highlighting the strengthening of collection of information about the United States national security Urgency of problem data. Investigators were unable to determine the nature of all but one incident. The report said that witnesses to 18 incidents claimed to have found "abnormal" movement types or flight characteristics. The report says more analysis is needed to determine whether these findings are related to "breakthrough" technologies [6]
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence of the United States will issue a report in June 2021, replacing the reference to UFOs with "unidentified aviation phenomenon (UAP)". The report said that from 2004 to 2021, the United States observed 144 cases of "unidentified aviation". [10]
On May 17, 2022 local time, a committee of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress held a public hearing on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) [8] Focus of the hearing U.S. Department of Defense The "Air target recognition And manage the synchronization team ". The team was formed after the intelligence department made a preliminary assessment of 144 "unidentified aviation phenomena" observed by American personnel since 2004 [7] At the hearing, the Pentagon Released footage of mysterious objects flying over pilots. One paragraph video display A spherical object floats outside the aircraft, and another video shows two small pyramid shaped objects flashing from the cockpit Fly over [8]
By August 2022, the US authorities had recorded more than 500 incidents of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). [10]
In December 2022, the US Department of Defense said that since the establishment of a new department to investigate UFOs in July this year, it has received hundreds of reports of UFOs, but there is no evidence that they are related to aliens. [10]

Foreign witness

Abroad, thousands of years ago Ancient Egypt On the mural, there are patterns like aliens and flying saucers. vatican museums Middle, one page Ancient Egypt Papyrus It records that Tut lived 3500 years ago Moses The third generation and his subjects witnessed the UFO group scene. [4]
According to《 Record of the Korean Dynasty 》Record: "Jiangyuan Supervisor Li Xin Yu said: 'August 25th, Gancheng County 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. When there is no cloud in the sky, thunder breaks out. When everyone looks up from north to south, it looks like smoke rising from two places in the blue sky. In the form of Solar halo It stops when it moves, and the thunder sounds like a rustle. Yuanzhou Mu, at the end of August 25, the red color in the daytime flows like a cloth. From south to north, the sky moves greatly and stops temporarily. Jiangling Mansion At the end of August 25, when it was clear in the daytime, suddenly something was in the sky, with a slight sound, shaped like a big pot, pointed up and down, flowing from the sky to the north, like falling to the ground. When it flows down, its shape grows gradually, like three or four feet, and its color is very red White gas After a long time of extinction, there is still the sound of heaven moving and shaking heaven and earth. Chunchuan Mansion, on August 25, the weather was sunny, but in the southeast, there were slight clouds flame It looks like a big basin. It starts from the southeast and spreads to the north for a long time. Its disease is like a arrow. After a long time, the fire shape gradually disappears, and the green smoke rises, curls, and has not dissipated for a long time. The sudden sound of thunder shakes the world and stops. At the end of August 25 in Xiangyang Mansion, under the eaves of Weijia's atrium, there suddenly appeared a round light as bright as a plate on the ground. At first, if it landed on the ground, it could be seen that it was bent up ten feet. There was air floating in the air, as big as a circle, as long as half a piece of cloth, white in the east, green in the center, and red in the west. It looked like a rainbow, winding like a roll of flags. And the upper half of the sky, muddy to red, the top is sharp and the bottom is truncated, straight up to the sky, less north, into white clouds, bright and lovely. But still seems to stick Tianmian If there is vitality in flying and touching, it will suddenly break into two pieces, and one piece will stretch to the southeast, smoke will disappear, and one piece will float here, like a cloth mat. The thunder moves several times in a few seconds, and finally it is like the beating of drums. After a long time, it will stop. '" [5]

Witness in China

UFOs are not a modern phenomenon. For example, in the Song Dynasty, Su Shi You may have witnessed UFOs. He is《 Visit Jinshan Temple 》In the poem, he wrote about the strange experience at that time: "The moon falls in the second watch and the sky is dark. The river seems to be burning brightly, and the flying flame shines on the mountain and startles the birds. He sleeps in his heart and does not know what is not a ghost or a human being." It was also explained that the "burning brightly" can shine in the river aquatic [3]
Chinese ancient books include《 Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 》Other history books have also recorded the occurrence of suspected UFOs. For example, the "Hanji Hanwu Emperor" records: "April Wu Shen , Yes Day and night ”, "There are days and nights", that is, there are objects that look like the sun coming and going at night. From the scientific point of view Supernova explosion Or a mirage. [4]
Song Zhenzong In May of the second year of Tianxi (1018), Heyang Three Cities (In Henan today Mengzhou Zhang Min, the city's provincial envoy, reported to the central government a strange thing that happened in the area under his jurisdiction, which was called Xijing (today's Luoyang )Recently, it was rumored that there was a strange monster in the sky, shaped like a round cap, which often flew into people's homes at night and suddenly turned into a wolf, injuring indoor residents. Mancheng The citizens were so frightened that they closed the doors and windows every night and hid in a hidden place. Because this monster is shaped like a "cap", people look at the meaning of "shape" and give it a very vivid name - "cap demon".

Modern eyewitness

According to modern records, the earliest UFO appeared in January 1878, when an American farmer suddenly found an unidentified circular object in the air while farming. Many people also saw that the news was soon published in 150 American newspapers On.
On June 24, 1947, Americans Kenneth Arnold Flying a private aircraft over Mount Rainier in Washington State, he suddenly found nine white saucer shaped UFOs. According to his visual inspection, these objects flew at a speed of about 1600 or 1900 kilometers per hour and disappeared in a twinkling of an eye. He shouted to the ground tower: "I see flying saucer." (I saw the flying saucer), which caused a great sensation in the United States. As the term UFO is aptly described, it has been widely spread around the world. Later, a reporter used the abbreviation UFO for the first time in the newspaper, that is, UFO, which has been used by people until now.
The United States in 1947 Roswell , a loud noise pierced the night sky of rainstorm. The next day, all the newspapers reported that a UFO had fallen to the local area, and even the bodies of aliens were scattered in the wreckage! But then, the plot suddenly turned around: the US government denied that there was a UFO crash, and all the parties suddenly changed their attitudes. A UFO suspense that lasted more than half a century kicked off the curtain. Did aliens really fall on the earth? And how many hidden secrets?
It's like a meteor dragging a flame to the ground, when the UFO is friction Towing to the ground, the shock faced by human beings far exceeds the crash itself.
For aliens, maybe this is just a long time Interstellar navigation In an ordinary accident, human beings feel the existence of another kind of life.
Aliens are not far away from us, but when faced with them unexpectedly appearing on the earth, we are at a loss.
On the evening of July 19, 1952, the United States Washington There were many UFOs in the sky. The US fighter tried to shoot them down, but they moved far faster than the fighter and disappeared collectively“ Washington UFO incident ”。
Christmas Eve, December 24, 1980, Suffolk, England US Air Force The Lundawson forest incident occurred in the base. Two air force guards patrolling on Christmas Eve found strange light in the nearby forest. When they went to check, they found a triangular metal object parked In the forest And then flew into the air, and they reported back to the headquarters and asked Radar station Whether he saw the luminous objects flying past, the radar station staff later told the interview camera that the local radar did not see them, but he found unknown objects in the air after scanning with the strongest radar in the UK. It was the same after scanning twice. Two days later at night, the guards saw the light in the forest again. At that time, they informed the deputy commander of the base, Lieutenant Colonel He Te, who took more than 20 people to check with them in the forest. The result was that there was unknown red light in the air, and yellow and color light after approaching, which lasted for several minutes before disappearing. They questioned whether this was the light of a beachhead on the sea, Lieutenant Colonel Hort said that he knew the location of the lighthouse and that there was a restaurant under the lighthouse. He also took people to dinner. The light they saw did not come from the direction of the lighthouse recorder Record the phenomena seen on the spot and submit an official report to the military.
From the end of 1990 to 1990, there were many unidentified triangular flying objects over Belgium, which was a small number of UFO incidents with more than 1000 witnesses. At that time, not only ordinary people and police witnessed it, Belgium Military and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Our radar also detected the existence of these UFOs, Belgian Air Force Multiple dispatches F-16 fighter Interception, during which the F-16 successfully traced one of the UFOs with onboard radar, but it escaped at very high speed. After more than an hour of chasing, he returned without success. After that, the Belgian military released the incident report, which was called“ Belgian UFO wave ”This is also one of the few UFO incidents recognized by the national military.
In 1997, there was a large V-shaped UFO in Arizona, USA“ Phoenix Light spots ", flying in several states of the United States, with thousands of witnesses and taking some films, the National Geographic Channel of the United States once asked university professors, air traffic controllers and video experts to study this event several years later, ruling out that these light spots are military flares, and are not aircraft that can be made by human existing technology.
There are UFO files in the British government files declassified in the 21st century. The pilot of one declassified file, when receiving a documentary interview after declassification, pointed out that in 1957 his fighter radar showed that there were large objects in the air, almost the same size as those at sea Aircraft carrier His officer asked him to chase the UFO, but the UFO flew away at high speed Sonic speed Ten times, very amazing.
On July 11, 2022, online transmission Gansu Province Pingliang city Huating A fireball shaped UFO appeared in the city. From the Huating Emergency Management Bureau It was learned that the bureau had begun to investigate the matter. [9]

Report case

Before the 20th century, there were more than 300 complete UFO sightings. Most of them are disc shaped, ball shaped and cigar shaped.
Since the end of the 1940s, UFO sightings have increased sharply, causing controversy in the scientific community. Scientists who hold a negative attitude believe that many witness reports are not credible. UFOs do not exist, but are just people's hallucinations or eyewitnesses' misinterpretations of natural phenomena. The affirmers believe that UFOs are a real phenomenon and are being confirmed by more and more facts.
Up to the 1980s, there were about 100000 eyewitness reports around the world.
UFO witness events and witness reports can be divided into four categories: daytime witness events; Night witness events; radar Imaging; close contact And relevant physical evidence. Some eyewitness events were also photographed.
People have made various explanations for UFO, including: ① some natural phenomenon that has not been fully understood; ② Misrecognition of known objects or phenomena; ③ Psychological phenomena and fraud; ④ The product of extraterrestrial civilization. US astronauts found and photographed UFOs in the air. After understanding, this astronaut During the mission, I found that several shining unknown objects suddenly appeared in space, and these unknown objects were moving at a high speed, one of which was far from large unit Far away, but soon catch up. After careful observation, the astronaut determined the number of seven such unidentified luminous objects, but soon two of them disappeared. [1]
Many countries around the world carry out research on UFOs. There are about 350 monographs on UFO, and nearly 100 journals. A number of experts from all countries in the world have participated in this work. China also established scientific and technical worker Mainly a folk academic research group—— China UFO Research Association Chinese popular science publications on UFO《 Flying saucer exploration 》It was first published in 1981. By the early 1980s, there had been about 100000 witness reports around the world, with an average annual increase of more than 3000.

Four types of contact

Those who specialize in this kind of research call themselves UFO scientists; They divided the close contact between people and visitors from outside into four categories:
Type I contact It refers to witnessing UFOs at close range without leaving any specific physical evidence. One afternoon Mexico An amazing encounter in the sky belongs to this category.
Type II contact In addition to sighting UFOs, there are also tangible signs of alien visits. Causing many disputes Crop circle It can be classified as such contact. The strange round pattern that appeared on a Mexican lawn not long ago is considered to be related to UFOs.
Of course, there are also famous The third kind of contact This is real contact - often through telepathy, talking to aliens.
The last one is the fourth kind of close contact, that is, being kidnapped by aliens. Aliens and UFOs are still unsolved mysteries.