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Tramp transport

Operation mode of ships without fixed routes, attached ports and schedules
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A ship operation mode without fixed routes, ports and schedules. Bulk cargo, especially dry bulk cargo and liquid bulk cargo such as grain, coal, ore, oil, etc. are usually transported in this way. For some goods with small batch, scattered ports, and unstable cargo flow, shipping companies often prepare monthly transportation plans or transportation arrangements according to different flow directions, shipments, arrival ports, and shipping dates, and send ships on schedule.
Chinese name
Tramp transport
Foreign name
The Tramp
There is no fixed route, a ship operation mode
ocean shipping
Irregular vessel transportation, whether from the freight volume carried or participating in the irregular vessel transportation Tonnage In terms of international shipping, it accounts for more than 75%; In 1980, China's bulk cargo water transport volume also reached 80.6% of the total water transport volume. These fully illustrate that tramp transport Waterway transportation Position in.
Irregular ship transportation is generally organized through cargo transportation contracts. One kind of transportation contract commonly used in domestic and international water transportation of bulk goods is the contract of affreightment or quantity contract, that is, the contract of affreightment of large quantities of goods on certain routes or navigation areas and under certain conditions (ship density, ship tonnage, freight rate and freight payment conditions) within a certain period of time. The more common transport contract in international water transport is Charter party The charter party is signed by the ship owner or lessor and the cargo party or charterer through the charter market. Under the charter party, the whole ship is chartered on a voyage basis, and the whole ship is loaded by the charterer at the port of loading and then transported by the shipowner to the port of destination Voyage charter party Where the shipowner leases the ship to the charterer for use within a certain period of time, and the charterer operates the ship to transport goods within the charter period Time charter party Contract of affreightment is used, and charter party is also used internationally to deliver goods in batches. China generally does not need a charter party, but through the monthly ship allocation plan Rules for Carriage of Goods by Water Or ocean transportation Bill of Lading The rights and obligations of both parties are bound by the terms of.