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No separation

Biological split noun
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Nondisjunction, nonseparation, a biological split noun.
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No separation
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In meiosis, the phenomenon that two identical paired chromosomes tend to the same pole. As a result of non separation, the number of chromosomes will increase or decrease by one gamete. When such gametes combine with normal gametes, they become trisomic or monosomic individuals. C.B.Bridges (1916) was the first one in Drosophila melanogaster Sex chromosome It was found that in this case, the X chromosome did not separate during egg formation. At first, it is only seen in the non separation of chromosomes during meiosis, and later in the mitosis during somatic division and gamete formation Autosome Or non separation of paired chromosomes in B chromosome. Chromosome non separation is one of the reasons for the formation of cells or individuals with different chromosome numbers.