Lower Saxony

A state in Germany
zero Useful+1
Lower Saxony (German: Niedersachsen; English: Lower Saxony, hereinafter referred to as Lower Saxony) is located in Germany Northwest, [2] And 8 Federal State Bordering. The terrain is low in the north and high in the south Netherlands Bordering the northwest the north sea , many swamp , south Harz Mountains [1] Covering an area of 47709.86 square kilometers, it is the second largest state in Germany. The population is about 8.141 million (by the end of 2022), ranking fourth in Germany. [1] state capital Hanover [1]
Originated in about 150 A.D Elbe River Coastal Saxony Tribe, occupied in the 5th century England Island and the establishment of the Anglo Saxon Kingdom. It was split into several principalities since the 11th century, and was reunified in the second half of the 12th century Denmark France Invasion, 1871 German Empire a part. [1]
The north-south and east-west highways and railways cross here, Ames River The inland canal between the Elbe River and Rhine Elbe River and Oder River Connected to form Western Europe and Eastern Europe Of Inland waterway
There are 29 in the state colleges and universities And more than 120 R&D institutions vehicle energy production and Biomedicine Expertise in the field. Famous universities include Uni Hannover University of Gottingen , Brunswick University of Applied Technology Clausthal University of Technology Etc. [1]
After 1945, University of Gottingen and Uni Hannover Five people have won Nobel Prize Hanover Medical College and TiHo Hannover Uni Oldenburg The Institute of Marine Chemistry and Biology and the Brunswick Helmholtz Infection Research Center are among the best in their respective fields. Uni Hannover and Uni Oldenburg Leading listening research, 80% of the world's deaf-aid and Cochlear implant From the research results of Lower Saskatchewan. [1]
state capital Hanover In 2014 UNESCO Rated as“ City of Music ”。 [1]
Chinese name
Lower Saxony
Foreign name
Niedersachsen (German)
Lower Saxony (English)
Lower Saskatchewan
Administrative Region Category
geographical position
The west borders the Netherlands
47709.86 km² [1]
Area under jurisdiction
Government residence
Famous scenic spot
Harz National Park
363.1 billion euros [3]

Historical overview

The state of Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen for short) is located in Germany The northwest is the second largest state in Germany in terms of area (47700 square kilometers), the fourth largest state in Germany in terms of population (8027000 by the end of 2021), and the state capital is Hanover (Hannover) City. [2]
Lower Saskatchewan originated in about 150 A.D Elbe River Coastal Saxony Tribe, occupied in the 5th century England Island and the establishment of the Anglo Saxon Kingdom. Since the 11th century, many principalities split into separate regimes. In the second half of the 12th century, they were reunified and later Denmark France Invasion, 1871 German Empire Components of. the Second World War Later, it was incorporated into the British occupied area, and Lower Saskatchewan was established in 1946. [2]

physical geography

It is located in the northwest of Germany, bordering 8 federal states. The terrain is low in the north and high in the south, bordering the Netherlands in the west, bordering the North Sea in the northwest, swampy, and Halz Mountain in the south. The climate is mild, with abundant rainfall and abundant underground resources. Germany has 99% natural gas and 22% oil reserves in the state, as well as rich salt, iron ore and building materials. [1]

administrative division

Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony borders on the Netherlands in the west and several other German states Federal State Connection: Southwest and North Rhine Westphalia (Nordrhein Westfalen), South and Hessen (Hessen) and Thuringia (Th ü ringen), East and Saxony Anhalt , Northeast and Mecklenburg - Former Pomory (Mecklenburg Volpommern), North and hamburger (Hamburg) and Schleswig Holstein (Schleswig-Holstein)。 There are also Free Lufthansa Union cities in Lower Saxony Bremen and No Mehafen (Bremerhaven), which is composed of Not to Meizhou
Lower Saxony consists of 158 cities, 51 municipal towns, 762 towns (684 of which belong to township consortia) and 25 unmanaged areas, which together constitute 37 administrative districts, counties and one region( Region Hannover )And 8 cities directly under the state government. [1]

tourist resources

The topography of the state is composed of Halz Mountain, Weser Mountain and Luneburg Grassland North German lowlands form. Distinctive scenery, romantic valleys, strange rocks, vast forests and numerous lakes make it a famous tourist attraction in Germany. Among them, Emsland Marshland The view of the Marsh Grassland behind the North Sea seawall and the East Frisian Islands in the North Sea shoal is unique, and tourists are constantly visiting throughout the year. Also attracting people is the largest fruit in Europe located on the outskirts of Hamburg Plantation ——"Old Field".
 Lower Saxony Lower Saxony Lower Saxony Lower Saxony Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony population distribution It is relatively rare, so the natural scenery is affected by places of historic figures and cultural heritage Less interference. from Ames River reach Elbe River , from Haz Mountain From the mountain top to the seaside of Beihai Marine climate , there are charming scenery everywhere. Here, it is everyone's responsibility to protect nature: more than 20% of the total land area of the state is listed as a natural park to be protected. Haz Mountain national park To Saxony Anhalt( Sachsen -Anhalt)。 Elbtalaue biosphere Reserve Protected. In addition, there are countless marshes and lonely Ou Shinan Grassland and vast Mixed forest area

Economic overview

In 2023, the GDP will be about 363.1 billion euros, accounting for about 8.8% of Germany's total GDP. As one of the important economic cities in Germany, the economy of Lower Saxony mainly focuses on electronics, machinery manufacturing and automobile manufacturing. The headquarters of Volkswagen Group is located in this state. [3]
The main export products are automobiles and auto parts, mineral oil products, plastic products and mechanical equipment; The main import products are oil and natural gas, auto parts, aviation equipment, plastics and rubber. The main industries include automobile, steel, machinery manufacturing, chemical industry, shipbuilding, food processing, electronics and biology. [1] The state is one of the German automobile bases and the largest automobile company in Europe—— VOLKSWAGEN Group Headquarters Wolfsburg (also translated as Wolfsburg). Lower Saskatchewan also has auto suppliers Continental Salzgitt Steel Group, TUI Travel Agency, Meyer Shipyard and other world-renowned representative enterprises. [2]
So is Lower Saskatchewan Agriculture Major agricultural products in Dazhou include beet , Feed Corn and Potato Etc. The coast of the North Sea is an important fish producing area, known as Germany's a region , where the cultivation of rice and the breeding of fish flourish Germany Potato 50% of the output, half of the poultry output, and more than one-third of the output Eggs , one-third pork And 25% sugar All from Lower Saskatchewan. food industry Is following automotive industry The second pillar and the largest sector of the state's economy are slaughter And meat processing industry and dairy products processing industry. [2]
Lower Saxony's industry and its rich hidden resources It has a long history of mining underground resources. Halz piedmont Mineral salt Potash mine As well as the largest iron ore deposits in Germany in Salzgitter and Brunswick economic significance The Emsland region and the North Sea area of Germany produce oil and gas.
Another industrial focus is Wolfsburg Of VOLKSWAGEN It is the largest enterprise in the state. Volkswagen Foundation It is the largest non-state science funding foundation in Germany.

Science, technology and humanities

There are 29 universities and more than 120 research and development institutions in the prefecture vehicle energy production and Biomedicine Expertise in the field. Famous universities include Uni Hannover University of Gottingen , Brunswick University of Applied Technology, Clausthal University of Technology, etc. [1]
After 1945, University of Gottingen and Uni Hannover Five people have won Nobel Prize Hanover Medical College and TiHo Hannover Uni Oldenburg The Institute of Marine Chemistry and Biology and the Brunswick Helmholtz Infection Research Center are among the best in their respective fields. [1]
Uni Hannover and Uni Oldenburg Leading Listening Research, [1] 80% of the world's deaf-aid and Cochlear implant From the research results of Lower Saskatchewan. There are many well-known museums, opera and dance theaters and theaters. [1]

Capital Overview

State capital Hanover It is a world famous expo city, known as the "billboard" of German industry. Its most famous exhibitions include the world's largest Industrial Exposition And large Communication technology Exhibition—— CeBIT Hanover Founded Binary system He also built the world's first computer capable of computing; Bernard invented a record player Gaussian Invented Telegraph Siemens? A generator was invented to generate electricity. University Town Gottingen In political history and History of Natural Science Shanghai has played a significant role.
Hanover was UNESCO Rated as“ City of Music ”。 [1]