
[xià dìng yì]
Common explanation methods of expository text
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The definition is simple and clear Language pair Summarizing the essential characteristics of things Explain the method The following definition is Expository text Common explanation methods "Defining" must grasp the basic attributes and essential characteristics of the defined things.
For example: use judgment more often Single sentence Form of. The format is mostly "×××( Concepts )It is ××× of ×××( Concept of genus )”, such as: Irrational number (a concept) is a decimal (a concept) that is infinite and does not cycle (an essential feature); Or "××× is called ×××", for example, an infinite and non cyclic decimal number is called an irrational number.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Summarize the essential characteristics of things
Make the explanation easier to understand
Explain the method

Usage requirements

Sometimes, in order to highlight the main contents and problems of things, people often define things in concise words, so that readers can have a clear concept of the object to be explained.
When defining, you can consider it from different perspectives according to the purpose of the description. Some emphasize characteristics, such as the definition of "person"; Some emphasized the role, such as the definition of "fertilizer"; Some explain both the characteristics and functions, such as the "overall planning method" and“ applied science ”Definition of.
The definition is not only a high summary of relevant content, but also meets the requirements of format. In content, we should grasp the essential characteristics of things; Formally, the defined concept should be placed in a large concept, and the restrictions on describing its essential characteristics should be added, that is, the defined concept should describe its essential characteristics Big concept Some use "species difference", "adjacent generic concept" and "defined concept"( Concepts )”Form of. For example, memory is the imprint left in our minds by things we have known or done in our past life. In this definition, "memory" is "defined concept", which is a "neighboring generic concept" one level higher than the extension of the defined concept, while "things we have known or done in our past life are left in our minds" is "memory" different from other "imprints" Unique Attributes That is, the difference in the connotation of other concepts under the generic concept of "memory" and "imprint", that is, "species difference". According to the definition of materials, it can not only examine the screening ability of important information, but also examine the reasonable sorting and concise expression Language ability
The difference between defining and interpreting
The definition is simple and clear Language pair The method of summarizing the essential characteristics of things.
As an explanation, the explanation of the object of explanation often focuses on the characteristics of a certain aspect of the thing, or explains its structure, causes, functions and other non essential factors, so the content of explanation cannot change position with the object to be explained.
The difference between definition and interpretation is that definition requires completeness, that is, the defined object should be equal to the extension of the definition, and the full connotation of the concept should be revealed from one aspect; However, interpretation does not require completeness, as long as a part of the connotation of the concept is revealed, and the object of interpretation can not be equal to the extension of interpretation.
Words are the smallest that can be used independently language unit "In this definition, the connotation and extension of the subject and object are completely consistent, which can be reversed. That is," the smallest language unit that can be used independently is a word "is OK." Uranium is a silver white metal "is an interpretation, and its connotation and extension are not equal. The extension of" uranium "is less than the extension of" silver white metal ", so the subject and object cannot be reversed, that is, cannot be said." The silver white metal is uranium.
Interpretation can be used not only to explain concepts, theorems, laws, etc., but also to explain the nature, characteristics, functions and reasons of things or things. Although the language of interpretation is not as strict as the definition, it must be concise, accurate and easy to understand. For example, in the article "Overall Planning Method", the author uses the method of interpretation Explain the method Instead of defining the overall planning method: "The overall planning method is a way to arrange the work process Mathematical method 。”

Classic questions

1. Extract the key points of the following materials and define "creative thinking".
Creative thinking teaching aims at cultivating creative thinking. Creative thinking has the following characteristics: the result of creative thinking has Novelty And value; Creative thinking is non-traditional and highly maneuverability and Persistence Thinking activities; The task of creative thinking is to draw a clear outline of the original vague and unclear problems, or propose a solution. (1993 College Entrance Examination) Creative thinking is a thinking activity _____________________________________. [Answer and analysis] Creative thinking is a new and valuable, non-traditional thinking activity with high mobility and persistence, and can clearly outline and solve problems. This question has given the definition form. Therefore, this step can be omitted, and the rest is to accurately screen out the three characteristics of creative thinking. Select "novelty and value" from the first clause, "non-traditional high mobility and persistence" from the second clause, and "ability to clearly outline and solve problems" from the third clause. Then fill these information in the horizontal line with attributives, and finally polish it slightly.
2. In the 2003 National College Entrance Examination Chinese question, a question was asked to be defined according to the material. The topics are as follows: (2003 National College Entrance Examination) Extract the main points of the following materials and integrate them into one Single sentence , define "heredity". ① Heredity is a process in which organisms reproduce themselves. ② This reproduction will be carried out according to Parental generation The same developmental pathway and mode experienced. ③ In this process, the organism will take the materials in the environment to build itself ④ The result of this reproduction process is a copy similar to its parents.
After carefully reading the materials, it is not difficult to find that "reproduction process" is a generic concept of "heredity", so the first sentence becomes the framework of the whole sentence after integration, and the other three sentences are its modifying limiting elements, that is, "a kind of self reproduction process of living things is called heredity" or "heredity is a kind of self reproduction process of living things". By analyzing the materials given, it is not difficult to see that the main message of the first sentence is "self reproduction", the main message of the second sentence is "in accordance with the same development path and mode experienced by the parents", the main message of the third sentence is "to take substances in the environment to build itself", and the main message of the fourth sentence is "to produce copies similar to the parents", The main information of these three sentences constitutes the modifying limiting element of "self reproduction process". To extract or filter the main information of a sentence, it is necessary to grasp the main content of the sentence. To do this, in addition to grasping the content of the sentence itself, it is also necessary to pay special attention to the content of other sentences. For example, in sentence ④, "this reproductive process" is compared with sentence ① Duplicate information Because the first sentence has said that "heredity is a process of biological reproduction", a message usually does not repeat in a sentence, so The Only when they are eliminated can they be combined into complete and concise sentences. The situation of extracting information points from other sentences is basically the same. In this question, it is only necessary to insert the main information of the "species difference", that is, sentences ②, ③ and ④, in front of the concept of belonging in sentence ①. The so-called "reasonable" is to achieve a reasonable order, sentence meaning unchanged, sentences unobstructed, etc. The sentences ②, ③ and ④ of this question respectively describe the way, task and result of "self reproduction", so they conform to the internal connection and development process of things themselves, and do not need to be reversed. However, it should be noted that not all of them are like this, and they should be adjusted if necessary word order In addition, the integrated sentences can neither change the original meaning nor appear Speech disease [Answer] According to the same development path and mode experienced by the parents, organisms take substances in the environment to build themselves and produce copies similar to their parents. A self reproduction process is called inheritance. Or: heredity is Refers to living things According to the same development path and mode experienced by the parents, it is a kind of self reproduction process that absorbs the materials in the environment to build itself and produce copies similar to the parents.


Give a specific explanation of the characteristics/reasons of things to make the explanation easier to understand.

Define Rules

First, the extension of the defined concept and the defined concept (the scope of things reflected by the concept) must be equal. For example:
(1) Commodities are income from labor Products.
(2) Historical novels are based on farmers Revolutionary war A novel with a theme.
The extension of the definition concept in Example (1) is greater than the extension of the defined concept. Because the products derived from labor include but are not completely commodities. The extension of the definition concept in Example (2) is less than the extension of the defined concept. Because novels with the theme of peasant revolutionary war are only part of historical novels.
Second, should not Tautology In other words, the definition must be able to directly describe the defined concept, and cannot rely on the defined concept to explain itself. For example:
Literature is an art characterized by literature.
Third, form should not be negated. For example:
This statement does not reveal the connotation of the defined concept, so it does not actually define.
Fourth, the form of metaphor cannot be used to define. For example:
Children are the flowers of our country.
This example does not reveal the essence of the concept of "children". Although it is very vivid, it is not a definition.

Other information

[1] Definition and interpretation are two common and easily confused explanation methods. The so-called definition is a kind of explanation method that uses concise and clear language to point out the essential characteristics of the object to be explained and distinguish the object that is easy to be confused with. For example:“ Overall planning method It is a teaching method to arrange the work process. " And interpretation is a way of properly explaining some properties and characteristics of things or things. For example, the "rainbow" mentioned in "Look at the clouds and know the weather" is annotated as: "After the rain in summer, the sky is clear, and on the cloud screen opposite the sun, Regular meetings Hanging bar Color arc, this is' rainbow '.
Although these two explanations both use simple and popular language to describe the characteristics of things, they are still quite different in many aspects, showing many different characteristics.
From the perspective of form, when defining the essential characteristics of things, we often use judgment sentences to express concepts, while interpretation can be expressed in a variety of sentences. In addition, the following definition can also be expressed by the formula: defined concept=variety+ Concept of genus "Belonging concept" refers to the category of the defined concept, that is, classification; "Species difference" refers to the main difference between the defined concept and the adjacent concepts of the same kind in the general category. For example, "water is a transparent liquid without color, smell and taste." "Transparent liquid" is a "generic concept", and the rest of the explanation is "species difference", that is, the difference between "water" and other transparent liquids.
In terms of characteristics, the definition should be accurate and concise, General Strong; The interpretation is specific and popular, sometimes with a certain descriptive. Therefore, from the scientific point of view, the language for interpretation is not as good as the definition.
In terms of content, the definition focuses on things Essential attribute The interpretation focuses on the appearance, nature and characteristics of appearance.
From the perspective of strictness, the definition should reveal the essential characteristics of things intension and extension It is equal to the thing, and the explained object and the explained content can exchange positions, with the same meaning; However, the interpretation of the object of interpretation and explanation often focuses on the characteristics of a certain aspect of the thing, or explains its structure, causes, functions and other non essential factors, so the content of explanation cannot change position with the object to be explained. The difference between the two can be illustrated. The following definition: A is B=B is A √, for interpretation: A is B=B is A ×. The following example Comparison description
A、 Food is a substance that can form the body and supply energy. (hereinafter defined)
B、 Laser is a kind of light with simple color. (for interpretation)
C、 Around the sun and moon, a beautiful colorful aperture sometimes appears. The inner layer is red and the outer layer is purple. This aperture is called halo. (for interpretation)
A. B Both sentences Judgmental sentence Sentence A uses the method of definition to explain the concept of food, which can also be changed into: "A substance that can form a body and supply energy is food. The method of interpretation used in sentence B explains laser from the perspective of color. If it turns into" light of a simple color is laser ", it would be absurd, because not all Colored "Pure light" is laser. Sentence C is not a judgment sentence. The content of the explanation does not explain the essential characteristics of "halo", but describes its specific appearance, so it is an interpretation.
Distinguish whether the following sentences are defined or interpreted?
① The Milky Way is silver in color and river in shape. ② The Milky Way is a banded cluster of stars.
③ Food is as important as sunshine, air and water. ④ Food is a substance that can form a body and supply energy.
⑤ Essay is not a general argumentation. ⑥ Essays are literary argumentations.