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Shanghai County Records

Shanghai County Chronicles
The Chronicles of Shanghai County is a local chronicle of Shanghai County, which is described in three levels, namely, articles, headings and entries.
Chinese name
Shanghai County Records
Record location
Shanghai County
Book start time
In August 1984, Shanghai County
Record time
The starting period of things and events


Shanghai County has gone through 700 years. The 700 years of Shanghai County, which occupies an important page in the history of Chinese civilization, is even more decisive for the development of Shanghai. Shanghai County came out from fishing villages, salt farms and towns. In modern times, it was the largest industrial and commercial city in China. After liberation, it has developed into a thriving new socialist Shanghai county with developed industry and agriculture, thriving trade, economic strength in the forefront of more than 2000 counties in China.
There are many things worth studying here. I think, in addition to many other reasons for the development of Shanghai County, such as its superior geographical location and relatively stable society, whether it has lost no time to develop the economy, especially the commodity economy, with the broad-minded and compatible attitude of "embracing all rivers, embracing all others", to accept and absorb all useful things and develop the foreign (domestic and foreign) Communication has a great relationship. If we analyze the causes of several economic development climaxes in the history of Shanghai County, this statement is reasonable. For example, before the middle of the 19th century, agriculture and handicraft industry, which played a leading role in the county economy, mainly planted food for local consumption and operated the sun salt industry in the Tang and Song dynasties. With the development of the regional economy and the increase of the population, the cotton planting and cotton textile industry rose rapidly in the Yuan Dynasty. The cotton and cotton cloth produced were mainly used for exchange and trade, and their economic benefits were significantly higher than those of other planting industries and handicrafts. This was already a commodity production for profit. In the Ming Dynasty, the cotton textile industry became more prosperous and became one of the economic pillars of the county. In a short period of time, the economic structure has changed so rapidly. According to the historical conditions at that time, it is not bad. What is more intriguing is that cotton and cotton textile technology are not "indigenous", but refer to the place that calls itself "barbarian". Cotton was introduced to Fujian and Guangzhou, and the textile technology was brought back from Hainan Island by Huang Daopo, a native of Shanghai, who learned from Li compatriots. It took a lot of courage and courage at that time to abandon local and national prejudices and modestly learn from others' strengths and skills. Another example is that after the opening of the port, it is one thing for Shanghai County to be invaded and squeezed by imperialism, but in dealing with western science and technology and management methods, it is more to take and use them instead of using them, and ultimately develop its own attitude rather than being exclusive. This attitude is undoubtedly very scientific and open-minded. It was this spirit of continuous progress, absorption and development that made Shanghai County rapidly develop into the industrial, commercial and financial center of the country at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. After the separation of Shanghai Special City from Shanghai in 1928, the economy of Shanghai County has lagged far behind, even among 60 or more counties in Jiangsu Province. The suffocation of economic vitality caused by political corruption, social turbulence and narrow geographical area is an important reason for economic backwardness. By 1949, the county had barely built a decent road, and the per capita income was less than 50 yuan. After liberation, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, a series of changes in production relations were carried out, and a vigorous economic construction was carried out. The purpose was to develop the local economy and improve people's lives. The economy has indeed made great progress, but it has not achieved satisfactory results for a long time. Even in the mid-1970s, the problem of food and clothing for farmers was not well solved in some areas. The reasons are complex and many, among which the most important reason is that the cadres and the masses of the county have never been able to settle down to concentrate on economic construction, and the economic activities of the county are basically closed, so that the good opportunities are lost again and again, and it is difficult to give full play to and make use of the unique advantages of suburban counties in big cities to develop the commodity economy, The natural economic pattern dominated by agriculture has not been changed. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the whole county insisted on taking economic construction as the center, adhering to reform and opening up, vigorously developing rural industry and the tertiary industry, adjusting the agricultural production structure, and the economy took off rapidly. In the 12 years from 1979 to 1991, the cumulative GNP reached 13.58 billion yuan, 2.1 times more than the 4.36 billion yuan achieved in the 28 years from 1950 to 1978. In a relatively short period of time, the national economy has completed the transformation from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy, basically laying the economic pattern of the whole county, laying a solid material foundation, better solving the problem of the way out for surplus labor, and the people's living standard has been significantly improved. This is an earth shaking change, and its far-reaching historical significance will be difficult to estimate. The basic experience of this situation, I think, is to grasp the economic construction.
When we turn our attention from history to reality, we can see that today's Shanghai County is more vibrant and undergoing profound changes. This change is not only a continuation of the reform since the 1980s, but also a development at a higher level. It can even be said that it is experiencing a "transformation", a rapid transformation of urbanization. This is the result of the times. It can be expected that by the end of this century, or in a slightly longer time, the land of Shanghai County presented to people will no longer be an idyllic scene, but a colorful picture. There are high-yield, high-quality and efficient agriculture, large residential buildings, magnificent factories, advanced municipal facilities, comfortable cultural venues, beautiful campuses, people live and work in peace and contentment, and enjoy a high degree of material and spiritual civilization. This is well founded.
First, the advantage of geographical location. Shanghai County is located in the hinterland of Shanghai, almost covering the west and south of the city. After liberation, it has become an extension of Shanghai's urban area. A large number of factories, houses, municipal and cultural facilities have been built. In recent years, three economic and technological development zones have been opened, namely Hongqiao, Caohejing and Minhang. Some areas are included in Pudong Development Zone. Today, with the expansion and internationalization of Shanghai, more than 370 square kilometers of land in Shanghai County, which is almost half of the urban area of Shanghai, is undoubtedly a treasure land for urban development.
Secondly, with complete transportation facilities and advanced communication means, the investment environment is very favorable. Huangpu River and Wusong River, the largest rivers in Shanghai, flow through the county; Hongqiao Airport, the only airport in Shanghai, is located in Shanghai; The Shanghai Hangzhou Railway and the Outer Ring Road run through the county vertically and horizontally; The highways extend in all directions, and the two national highways are the traffic arteries connecting Shanghai and other provinces and cities. The installed telephone capacity is more than 20000, and there are microwave communication facilities. The first satellite ground receiving station in China is also located in the county.
Third, the industrial and agricultural production is advanced, the economy is developed, and the personnel quality is high. In 1991, the gross national product of the county reached 2.25 billion yuan, the gross social output value was 6.87 billion yuan, and the fiscal revenue was 380 million yuan. Agricultural production, which mainly produces non-staple food, melons, fruits and flowers, has advanced production means and high commodity rate, and occupies an important position in the city. Today, we are further adjusting the production structure to meet the needs of cities and foreign trade export markets, and this field will make great achievements. There are relatively complete industrial categories, with the original value of fixed assets reaching more than 1.7 billion yuan, 61 backbone enterprises with a gross industrial output value of 10 million yuan and a profit of more than 1 million yuan. Counties and towns are planning and building industrial communities. The scale of enterprises will be further expanded, production technology will become increasingly advanced, and the level of enterprises and products will be rapidly improved. The real estate industry has become an important industry with early start and strong strength. The tertiary industry, which is dominated by commerce and rural warehousing, closely relies on urban and foreign trade exports and accounts for a considerable proportion in the national economy, accounting for 33.3% of the gross national product in 1991. The export-oriented economy has made rapid progress. In 1991, there were 81 Sino foreign joint ventures; The value of industrial products allocated for foreign trade accounts for 19.8% of the total industrial output value of the county. The strong economic strength and reasonable industrial structure have laid a solid foundation for the rapid economic development of the whole county.
It is true that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the people of the whole county should work with one heart and one mind, broaden their horizons, consciously participate in the torrent of reform and opening up, work down-to-earth, dare to be the first in the world, and be good at absorbing all useful things, so that the blueprint will become a reality.
Shanghai county has compiled more than 10 kinds of county chronicles in history. The remaining 10 kinds of county chronicles provide us with extremely rich materials to learn from historical experience and study the origin and development of Shanghai. Today, the compilation workers of local chronicles of our county have finally completed the new "Shanghai County Annals" after ten years of hard work. This is very meaningful. This is because, first, our revision of the Annals coincides with a great era, which provides a fundamental guarantee for seeking truth from facts and recording the events and things in the county objectively and comprehensively. Second, as far as the annals themselves are concerned, in terms of the time span of records, they have leaped over two different times. The colorful life in the socialist era has provided a large number of valuable materials for the county annals; From the content of county records, it has greatly broken through the stereotype of the old county records and highlighted the economic sector; From the perspective of the scope of county records, it is different from the 10 old county records in that it has narrowed the scope of records, basically limited to the county territory in 1984, and filled the gap in the "Little Shanghai County" records from 1928 to 1984. In this sense, this is also the first "Shanghai County Records". I believe that reading or consulting such an encyclopedic information book that comprehensively records the history, politics, economy, culture, etc. of Shanghai County will not only arouse many comrades' good memories of the past years, or cause bitter laughter, but more importantly, will enhance and inspire everyone's confidence and ambition in building a good Shanghai County today and tomorrow.
I have served as a leader in Shanghai County for 9 years. In the past nine years, I have always felt the ever-changing hot land of Shanghai County, and the incomparable creativity of the people of the whole county. It can be said that the nine years spent in Shanghai County are the busiest and best time in my life. I sincerely wish Shanghai County prosperity and the people happiness. [1]

General rules

1、 According to this chronicle, it is basically limited to Shanghai County in August 1984, which can be traced back to Shanghai County and Western Suburb (excluding Zhenru District), Xinjing District (Pusong District) and Longhua District (Caojing District) before August 1958. The historical facts of the area that was divided into Shanghai City due to the division of Shanghai counties and cities before 1928, in addition to the historical materials that are hard to distinguish regions due to the strong continuity of events, construction history, zoning, household registration, police and justice, etc., the important historical materials such as economy and culture are not scattered in the relevant chapters, and there is another special article called Special Records (I).
2、 According to the fact that the county territory of Shanghai changes frequently and today is basically composed of two parts of Shanghai County and the western suburbs in 1958, the historical facts of each period recorded in this chronicle are all directly written with the construction names of their subordinates to maintain the integrity of the data. In addition to "Shanghai County", there are mainly "Pusong District" and "Caojing District" before the Anti Japanese War; From the victory of the Anti Japanese War to 1956, "Xinjing District" and "Longhua District" (sometimes referred to as "two districts" and "western suburbs"); 1956~1958 "Western Suburb". "Current county territory" generally refers to Shanghai County, western suburbs (excluding Zhenru District) and Jiwang District before August 1958. Special cases shall be explained separately.
3、 This chronicle has no upper limit, and most of it starts from the beginning of things and events. The lower limit is 1984, and some of it extends to 1988. Due to the revocation of Shanghai County, the Chronicle of Events, Establishment, Political Consultative Conference of the Political Power, and Political Party Organizations were recorded until the end of 1992.
4、 In this chronicle, "before liberation" and "after liberation", Shanghai County is bounded by May 15, 1949, and Xinjing District and Longhua District by May 24, 1949.
5、 This chronicle is described in three levels, namely, chapters, headings and entries, with entries (marked with []) as the main carrier.
6、 This blog does not write biographies for strangers. The characters in it are mainly those from Shanghai County. The characters are arranged according to their birth years.
7、 The statistical data of the whole county after liberation used in this chronicle are based on the statistical data of the county statistical bureau in principle; Statistical data of each department, with reference to the data of each department; All economic statistical data, unless otherwise specified, do not include enterprises and institutions under the central and municipal governments in China. The RMB before 1955 was converted according to the 1955 new currency system.
8、 The materials used in this blog are mainly taken from or referred to the archives of Shanghai County Archives, Shanghai Municipal Archives, Jiangsu Provincial Archives and various departmental archives, historical materials compiled by various townships, towns, bureaus and departments, newspapers, periodicals, monographs, and public praise and recollection materials of relevant people. [2]

executive summary

Shanghai County is one of the 10 counties in the suburbs of Shanghai. Located in the hinterland of Shanghai, it is crisscrossed with the southwest of Shanghai urban area. The north end of the county is Wusong River flowing to the east; The Huangpu River, the largest river in Shanghai, flows into the county from Nuerjing, turns north at the gate port, flows into the urban area of Shanghai through Longhua Town, and divides the whole county into two parts, Puxi and Pudong. In 1983, it covered an area of 427.83 square kilometers and cultivated land of 387000 mu; 148000 households, 556000 people, agricultural and non-agricultural population accounting for 69.6% and 30.4% respectively; It has jurisdiction over 5 county towns and 17 townships. In 1988, the area was 37844 square kilometers, with 336000 mu of arable land; There are 123000 households, 416000 people, and the agricultural and non-agricultural population account for 79.3% and 20.7% respectively; It has jurisdiction over 3 county towns and 16 townships. Xinzhuang Town is the county seat.
Shanghai County is located in the southeast front of the Yangtze River Delta. 6000~7000 years ago, there was still a vast ocean here. The area to the west of Yutang Village, Maqiao Township and Xujing Line, Qingpu County, has become a land more than 4000 years ago due to the alluvial deposits of the Yangtze River sediment and waves. More than 1300 years ago, the whole county became a land. The average altitude of the whole county is about 4m. The surface soil layer is 180~300 meters thick, which is the soil quality soil formed by the sediment brought by the Yangtze River, forming a good agricultural cultivation layer. The underground water is rich in resources, with good water quality and mineral water distribution. The climate has obvious subtropical monsoon climate characteristics, warm and humid, with four distinct seasons.
Shanghai County is connected to the urban area of Shanghai, with excellent geographical conditions and complete transportation facilities and conditions such as airports, railways, highways and waterways, which is extremely beneficial to economic construction and social development. Hongqiao Airport, the only airport in Shanghai, is located in Shanghai. Shanghai Hangzhou Railway and its outer ring road run through the county, with Xinlonghua, Xinzhuang and other stations. The highways extend in all directions. 82 highways connect all townships with the urban area and neighboring counties of Shanghai. Two national highways 318 and 320 are the traffic channels connecting Shanghai with Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and southern provinces. In recent years, Xinsong Expressway has been built. The 37 bus passenger transport lines operating in China form the Huxi bus passenger transport hub. The Huangpu River flows through the county for 35 kilometers, and half of the river course is navigable to 10000 ton ships, which forms a crisscross shipping network with Wusong River, Dazhi River, Dianpu River and Hengli Port as the main channels. There are more than 100 wharves along the river, with an annual handling capacity of 10 million tons. The postal and telecommunications industry is quite developed. The Xinmin District Branch of the Shanghai Municipal Telephone Bureau, located in Xinzhuang Town, has a telephone switchboard capacity of 28000. The county post and telecommunications department also has microwave telecommunications and other facilities.
Shanghai County has a good social development environment. A large number of municipal enterprises, important municipal facilities, residential areas and schools have been built in the county. Hongqiao, Caohejing and Minhang Economic and Technological Development Zone are like three gems inlaid in the east and south of the county. Six industrial zones with their own characteristics, namely Beixinjing Chemical Industry Zone, Caohejing Electronic Instrument Zone, Changqiao Building Materials Industrial Zone, Zhuhang Arts and Crafts Zone, Wujing Chemical Industry Zone and Minhang Heavy Machinery Industrial Zone, stretch across the east and south with great momentum. Tianlin and other residential quarters in Shanghai and new villages such as Xinjing and Changqiao have been built successively, forming an important residential area in Shanghai. It has 6 colleges and universities, including East China University of Chemical Technology and Shanghai Normal University, as well as research institutions such as Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Most county towns and township market towns are under reconstruction. Xinzhuang Town has become a clean and civilized new town with complete living and cultural facilities, convenient transportation, and most of its residents have moved to new villages. In the 1930s, tap water supply began in some areas. In recent years, Changqiao Water Plant, which can supply tap water for millions of people, and Linjiang Water Intake Pump Station of the Upper Huangpu River Diversion Project, have been built. The county also runs its own county, township and village water plants. In 1984, 65% of the population in the county drank tap water. The use of gas began in 1955, and in 1984 there were 22000 users in the county.
Shanghai County is an important production base of agricultural and sideline products in Shanghai. The production of vegetables, poultry, fresh eggs, pigs, flowers and medicinal materials occupies an important position in the city. Through long-term evolution, agriculture has formed three production areas: vegetable area, grain, cotton, oil and vegetable mixed planting area and grain and cotton area. With rich products and high commodity productivity, all kinds of agricultural and sideline products can meet the consumption needs of Shanghai citizens at different levels. They are also important export products.
Shanghai County is one of the major tourist attractions in Shanghai. There are Maqiao ancient cultural sites belonging to Liangzhu culture, the graveyards of celebrities such as Huang Daopo and Song Qingling, and the Shanghai Martyrs Cemetery. Longhua Temple, the largest Buddhist jungle in Shanghai, Jinjiang Paradise, a modern amusement park, and two professional parks, Shanghai Zoo and Shanghai Botanical Garden, are all located in Shanghai.
Shanghai County has nurtured the central urban area of Shanghai in history, and has undergone great historical changes in modern times. The special historical background and geographical situation, the rapid development of the economy and the continuous urbanization have led to the continuous changes of Shanghai counties and counties over the centuries. In 1984, the area of the county was less than 1/5 of that when the county was established, and the county government moved nine times, which even led to the proposal of county withdrawal in 1927 (16 years of the Republic of China) and 1957.
Shanghai was established as a county in 1292 (the 29th year of the Yuan Dynasty), with an area of about 2000 square kilometers per hour. In 1542 (the 21st year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty), 1726 (the 4th year of Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty), and 1810 (the 15th year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty), Qingpu and Nanjiang counties and Chuansha Fumin Hall (now Chuansha County) were successively set up, covering only 1/3 of the area when the county was established. In 1843 (the 23rd year of Daoguang's reign), Shanghai was opened as a port. By 1862 (the second year of Tongzhi's reign), the whole county had been divided into four parts: "public concession", "French concession", "Chinese boundary" (the county's urban area and areas adjacent to the concession), and rural areas. On the land of Shanghai County, the situation of the separation of three powers has actually formed. The jurisdiction of the county is limited to the Chinese border and rural areas, and the decree cannot be passed through the concession. Shanghai County began its history of humiliation. At the same time, China's largest industrial and commercial city was also rapidly bred in Shanghai County, which began its modernization process. The expansion of Shanghai's urban scale has made it difficult for the county bureaus and county-level institutions that originally took the countryside as the main management object to effectively manage the city. In order to adapt to this change, at the beginning of this century, various autonomous institutions aimed at adapting to urban management were established, which effectively replaced some management functions of the county office without fundamentally changing the administrative functions of the county, forming a very peculiar administrative management system. But it failed to fundamentally solve the problem. In 1927 (the 16th year of the Republic of China), in view of the special status and complex situation of Shanghai in the country, the National Government planned to set up a special city of Shanghai in Shanghai County; This is a fundamental change in the administrative system of Shanghai County, thus establishing Shanghai's municipal administrative system, the size of the city, and the status of a megacity. Due to the opposition to the withdrawal of the county, the next year the county and the city finally demarcated, leaving only eight townships in the southwest, such as Minhang, which also established the scale and status of Shanghai County, with an area of only 152.86 square kilometers and a population of 114000 people, making it the smallest and least populous county among the 61 counties in Jiangsu Province. This situation lasted almost until 1958. In the same year, due to the need of large-scale economic construction and urban expansion in Shanghai, Shanghai County was transferred from Jiangsu Province to Shanghai, and most of the western suburbs of Shanghai were incorporated. The area of the whole county was expanded to 463 square kilometers, and the population increased to 432000. Since then, Minhang District was set up in Minhang and Wujing respectively in 1959, and Beixinjing, Caohejing and Longhua towns were set up in 1984, and the county territory has been shrinking.
The change of Shanghai county territory is the inevitable result of the economic development and continuous urbanization of Shanghai county, which provides necessary conditions for the rise and development of Shanghai city. At the same time, it has a great impact on the economic construction and social undertakings of the whole county. Especially in 1958, the economic development was unbalanced, and the combination of different products and different customs regions complemented each other, which injected fresh blood into the development of Shanghai County. However, the subsequent frequent changes in the county also brought some negative effects. If it is not conducive to the formulation and implementation of the long-term plan for the economic construction and social undertakings of the whole county, it is difficult to form a traditional economic and cultural center. The economic organic links between various regions in the county are often cut off due to regional changes.
Shanghai County is based on the economy and revitalized by the economy. The rise and fall of the economy plays a decisive role in its development process, and the continuous development of the economy has always been the reason why Shanghai County is full of vitality.
In the Tang Dynasty, Shanghai developed fishery and salt industry; It has become an important grain producing area by building seawalls, flat fields and fertile fields, suitable for rice production and quietness. In the Song Dynasty, maritime trade and fishery both developed, and liquor tax became an important tax source. Until the Xining period of the Northern Song Dynasty, Shanghai Affairs was established. During the reign of Xianchun in the Southern Song Dynasty, in the area of Shanghai, "a huge number of people and ships converged", which was like a prosperous area in the Eastern Wu Dynasty, forming a Shanghai town, replacing Qinglong Town, establishing a shipping branch and becoming a trade port. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, there were many towns in Shanghai, such as shopping malls, liquor stores, military passes, government offices, Confucian schools, Buddha Fairy Palace, and private shops. Shanghai has the conditions to establish a county. In the Yuan Dynasty, cotton planting industry and cotton textile industry rose. From the Yuan and Ming dynasties to the Qing Dynasty, cotton planting, cotton textile, sandboat transportation and other industries and trade have made great progress, and Shanghai County has become increasingly prosperous, giving birth to the seeds of capitalist production relations. In agriculture, cotton seeds were introduced in the Yuan Dynasty, and the cotton planting industry was gradually popularized. In the Ming Dynasty, a large area of commodity production had taken place. During the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, most of the grain planting had been replaced by cotton, and then the whole county's farmland was "cotton, seven rice, and three rice". The cotton textile industry became increasingly prosperous due to Huang Daopo's innovation of cotton spinning technology in the early Yuan Dynasty. Shagang produced quilts with three shuttles of fine cloth and Wunijing quilts with patterns. By the middle of the Ming Dynasty, Shanghai County had become the center of the national cotton textile industry. The cloth was sold at home and abroad, and the "Longhua tip", "Qibao tip", Sanlin standard cloth and other fine fabrics were well-known all over the world. The cotton cloth and cotton yarn dyeing industry, which developed synchronously with the cotton textile industry, was also unique in indigo, and developed into the dyeing and kicking industry in the late Ming Dynasty. Other industries attached to the cotton textile industry and dyeing end industry are also increasingly prosperous. The sand boat transportation industry, which thrived to meet the needs of shipping grain by sea, began in the Yuan Dynasty. For hundreds of years, it was suitable for Kangxi and Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty to open the sea ban, and became more prosperous. It became a major economic pillar of Shanghai County during the reign of Emperor Qianlong and Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty. With the development of economy and trade, the status of Shanghai County has been increasingly improved. During the reign of Qianlong and Jiaqing, Shanghai County has become "a city connecting the river and the sea, and a capital in the southeast". However, before the Opium War, the economic and trade status of Shanghai County in China was still lower than that of Guangzhou, Ningbo and other cities.
In addition to the economic development that promoted the prosperity of Shanghai County, there were two other things that played a crucial role in the development of Shanghai County in the Ming and Qing dynasties. First, during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, Fan Jiabang was dredged to connect with Huangpu. The Huangpu River became the largest river in Shanghai, connecting the Yangtze River and the East China Sea, and seagoing ships directly arrived at the county seat of Shanghai. Shanghai County, located at the midpoint of China's coastline, controls the river and occupies the sea. As a vast hinterland, it not only has a good harbor, but also has the rich Yangtze River along the river and delta. It has unique conditions to develop maritime trade and eventually become an international city. On the other hand, after the Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty lifted the sea ban, Shanghai County relied on the advantages of Shanghai Port to develop maritime trade and entrepot trade. Shanghai Port has become an important trade port and grain transport center in China, and has increasingly close contacts with foreign countries. Shanghai County has gradually attracted foreign attention and its superior conditions. Long before the Opium War, it had become a trading port sought by western businessmen in the 1830s. The economy and residents' consciousness of Shanghai County were more open and compatible, preparing for the construction of an open economy and culture that Shanghai must have in order to become an international city in the future.
The artillery fire of the Opium War quickly pushed Shanghai County to the world. According to the Sino British Treaty of Nanjing in 1842, Shanghai was listed as one of the trading ports. The opening of Shanghai as a port in 1843 was an extremely important turning point in the development history of Shanghai County. Since then, Shanghai County has entered a completely different era from the past. On the one hand, the Anglo American and French powers turned the Shanghai Concession into a colony completely independent of China and the administrative system and judicial system of Shanghai County, controlled customs and river and sea shipping, opened banks, operated a variety of modern industry and commerce, turned Shanghai County into a major port for dumping goods, seizing raw materials, plundering Chinese wealth, controlling the base of Chinese finance, and invading China as a bridgehead. On the other hand, it further catalyzed the development of the original capitalist productive forces in Shanghai County, further established the capitalist relations of production, thus making Shanghai County the birthplace of modern Chinese industry, and fundamental changes have taken place in foreign trade, finance, industry, commerce, municipal construction, transportation, post and telecommunications. By the end of the 19th century and the beginning of this century, Shanghai had become China's largest industrial and commercial city, the largest port and financial and trade center. By the 1920s, it had developed into an international metropolis. Shanghai County has become the place where the Chinese working class and bourgeoisie are most concentrated and where Marxism is first spread, and the Communist Party of China was born. This series of changes also brought about cultural education and even the mentality of residents. The great changes in life customs and the composition of residents' native places have formed a cultural style of "Shanghainese", which is characterized by a mixture of scientific civilization, ignorance and backwardness, collision between East and West cultures, and restlessness.
While the concession and the Chinese community were extremely expanding and prospering, and constantly urbanizing, the rural areas of Shanghai County initially responded calmly to the growing westerly wind. Rural residents still work at sunrise, rest at sunrise, and dig wells to drink. Cattle are still plowing in the fields, and cattle powered carts, wind powered carts and rickshaws are pumping water to irrigate the fields. In the cotton milling industry, the manpower is ginning, the cattle are pressing oil in the oil truck, and the farm machinery is constantly singing. However, rural areas are changing quietly. As residents of Shanghai County, there is a difference between "Shanghainese" and "countrymen", who are looked down upon by "Shanghainese". The production of vegetables and flowers has developed rapidly due to the growing prosperity of the city. Iron, wood, bamboo and rice rolling and oil pressing workshops appeared in the market town, and handicraft industry was developed. The knitting and embroidery products originally compiled and used by oneself have become important export products, and the household handicraft industry of knitting and embroidery has become increasingly prosperous. At the beginning of this century, a series of new things appeared, including the establishment of new schools, the construction of roads and railways, small passenger ships sailing in inland rivers, the establishment of post offices, and the distribution of newspapers. In the 1920s, modern large-scale factories were built and passenger cars were used on roads. Some rural residents were no longer satisfied with buying daily necessities in the local area, but preferred shopping in Jing'an Temple, Xujiahui, Shiliupu and other places. Some people left their homes to seek jobs and study in the city. Huayang Department Store began to appear in stores in large and small market towns. All this is changing the face of the countryside. However, the natural economic form dominated by agriculture has not changed fundamentally. The poverty and depression in rural areas are in sharp contrast to the prosperity of concessions and Chinese communities.
In 1928, the prosperous place was known as Shanghai Special City, and Shanghai County became a rural county. 73% of the county's property is owned by the special city, and only 25% is left. The county's financial source is miscellaneous taxes and rice, and the total annual income is more than 100000 yuan (silver dollars), which makes the county economically difficult. The county's economy is dominated by agricultural economy, with cotton and grain (rice and wheat) as the main crops, accounting for 2/3 and 1/3 of the cultivated land respectively. The annual yield of seed cotton per mu is less than 40 jin, rice 400~800 jin, and wheat 100~150 jin. The average income per mu is 5~6 yuan (silver yuan). The grain produced is only used for half a year in the whole county. Cotton is the main cash crop, and manual cotton textile and embroidery are the main household sidelines. Modern industry appeared at the beginning of this century and in the 1920s. In 1913, Minhang Zhenshi Electric Company was founded. In the 1920s, there were Xinda and Taishan Brick and Tile Factory. In the 1930s, Zhongfu Dye Factory was opened, and other small factories such as towel factory and yarn factory were also opened. Handicraft workshops were spread all over the towns. In 1949, there were 157 factories in the county with 1740 employees, and 52.6% and 26% of the employees in agricultural and sideline products processing industry and building materials industry respectively. There are 386 manual workshops, 953 employees and 151000 yuan of assets. The total industrial output value is 2.115 million yuan. There are 1203 commercial households and 3783 employees. Minhang Town is the first town with 300 merchants and 77~221 other market towns. Residents live in general poverty, and the per capita annual income of the rural population is less than 50 yuan.
The western suburbs (formerly Xinjing District and Longhua District), which form another part of the county, are connected to the urban area of Shanghai, the Wusong River in the north and the Huangpu River in the southeast. The geographical conditions are superior and the transportation is relatively developed. In 1901, the Bureau of the Ministry of Industry of the Public Concession built roads such as Hongqiao Road across the border. In 1909, the Shanghai Hangzhou Railway was built for transit. In 1922, Longhua Airport was opened. In 1928, passenger shuttle buses were available. Modern industry began in the second half of the 19th century. In 1874, Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau Black Pharmaceutical Factory was founded in Longhua Town. From 1920 to 1933, a number of large-scale factories were successively opened along the Wusong River and Huangpu River, becoming an important industrial zone in Shanghai. Longhua Plant and Tianyuan Electrochemical Plant of Shanghai Cement Co., Ltd. are representatives of the highest production level in the same industry in China. There are several ginning plants, rice rolling plants and oil tankers in all towns. In 1949, there were 148 factories in the region with 15000 employees, and more than half of them were in the textile industry. There are 296 individual handicraft workshops, involving 40 industries, including iron, wood, bamboo and sewing. At the beginning of this century, the production of vegetables and flowers has developed rapidly. At the beginning of liberation, this area has become a major production area in Shanghai. It is very common for farmers to work concurrently. From the beginning of this century to the 1940s, foreigners, ethnic businessmen and bureaucrats competed to purchase real estate, build garden villas or sell them at high prices along Hongqiao Road, forming an important garden villa area in Shanghai.
The industrial and agricultural production and living standards of residents in Shanghai County and the western suburbs are quite different, and the western suburbs are generally higher than Shanghai County. There are also differences in living customs.
After liberation, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the economic construction and social undertakings of Shanghai County entered a new stage of development, and with its unique geographical and cultural conditions, it has gained advantages in development. After the land reform, agricultural cooperation and other changes in production relations, vigorously carry out the construction of water conservancy, farmland infrastructure, and develop agricultural production, the productivity of the whole county has been greatly improved, economic strength has been enhanced, and people's lives have also been improved. But on the whole, economic construction has not achieved the level of development it should have for a long time. There are internal and external reasons for this situation, and the formation of internal reasons is mostly the result of external influences. In summary, the main reasons in the county are: (1) failing to consciously take advantage of the favorable conditions connected with the urban area of Shanghai, failing to give play to the characteristics of the combination of urban and suburban areas, developing commodity production, and developing products that are produced as cities and exported for foreign trade; (2) Agricultural production is regarded as the only way to develop the rural economy, but there is a lack of understanding of the situation of the county where there are too many people and too little land to rely on agriculture to improve the productivity of the whole county; (3) The rural industry is only regarded as a supplement to the rural economy, which is too restrictive; (4) Neglect the tertiary industry. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Shanghai County has adhered to the Four Cardinal Principles, adhered to reform and opening up, followed the path of urban-rural integration, gave priority to the development of rural industry and the tertiary industry, developed commodity production, and developed its economic construction at a relatively high speed. Shanghai County has developed into a relatively developed county with industrial economy as the pillar of the national economy, agriculture, sidelines, industry and trade developing in an all-round way, export-oriented economy growing constantly. Remarkable progress has also been made in social undertakings. In the more than 40 years since liberation, the following changes have taken place:
County expansion has laid a foundation for the development of the whole county. In 1958, Shanghai County was transferred from Jiangsu Province to Shanghai, and most of the western suburbs were merged into Shanghai. The county territory expanded by 1/3, the population increased by 91%, and the economic strength was greatly enhanced. It has a profound impact on the economic construction and social development of Shanghai County. Since then, the economic construction of Shanghai County has been incorporated into the overall planning of Shanghai, and Shanghai County has become one of the main extensions of Shanghai urban area. From 1953 to 1985, the state expropriated more than 100000 mu of land in the county, and a large number of construction projects started on the flat land. Two airports were expanded, and dozens of roads and the outer ring road of Shanghai Hangzhou Railway were opened up. Nearly 10 residential areas such as Tianlin have been built and a large number of urban residents have moved in. Six municipal industrial zones have been built. There were 175 municipal factories in the county in 1984. Three economic and technological development zones have been established. It also opened 6 colleges and universities and 7 parks. It has formed a good social environment for economic development.
The function of serving the city has been continuously strengthened. Since the 1960s, Shanghai County has developed into one of the most important agricultural and sideline products production bases in Shanghai. The supply of vegetables accounts for 1/3 of the total listed amount in the suburbs of Shanghai all the year round, with more than 300 varieties. More than 20 kinds of special varieties, such as Banye Arbor, Xiaozha Yellow Wolf Pumpkin, are popular among the citizens. In recent years, more than 100 foreign varieties have been introduced to meet the needs of Shanghai's opening up. The production of non-staple food, mainly poultry, fresh eggs and live pigs, plays an important role in the city. Since 1979, the annual market volume of fresh eggs and live pigs has accounted for 1/4 and 1/5 of the total market volume in the suburbs of Shanghai. The endangered flower planting in the "Cultural Revolution" has been restored in recent years. In addition to traditional varieties such as carnation and fulan, new varieties such as overseas freesia and fulang flower have also been introduced. Shanghai County has become the largest flower production base in Shanghai, with cut flowers on the market accounting for 80% of the city's total. In the mid-1950s, the production of traditional Chinese medicine was developed. In the 1980s, the planting area accounted for 2/3 of the city. In recent years, saffron was successfully extended, and the annual market volume accounted for more than 70% of the country.
The national economy has developed rapidly. The gross national product (GNP) increased by 8.58% annually from 1949 to 1984 (including Xinjing District and Longhua District from 1949 to 1955, and the western suburbs in 1956 and 1957, the same below). It was 36.5 million yuan in 1949, 651.21 million yuan in 1984, and the primary, secondary and tertiary industries accounted for 24%, 57.3% and 18.7% respectively. In 1988, it reached 1573.78 million yuan, with the primary, secondary and tertiary industries accounting for 13%, 61.9% and 25.1% respectively. The total social output value increased by 12.2% annually from 1949 to 1984, 26.62 million yuan in 1949 and 1504.97 million yuan in 1984, with industry and agriculture accounting for 64.9% and 17.7% respectively. In 1988, it was 3991.6 million yuan, with industry and agriculture accounting for 71.6% and 10.9% respectively. The county's financial revenue increased by 15.2% annually from 1949 to 1984, 1.33 million yuan in 1949 and 190.29 million yuan in 1984. In 1988, it was 29.105 million yuan, ranking eighth among all counties in China.
Fundamental changes have taken place in the industrial and agricultural production structure, and a large number of rural labors have been transferred to industry. Before the 1970s, the county's economy was dominated by agricultural economy. In 1949, the total output value of industry and agriculture was 32.69 million yuan (constant price in 1980, the same below), with industry and agriculture accounting for 6.9% and 93.1% respectively. In 1958, the commune run industry was developed, and the industrial output value of the whole county increased to 27.5% of the total industrial and agricultural output value. In 1970, the industrial and agricultural output value accounted for 45.5% and 54.5% of the total industrial and agricultural output value respectively. In 1971, the industrial output value exceeded that of agriculture for the first time, accounting for 51.9% of the total industrial and agricultural output value. Since then, industrial production has always maintained a high growth rate. In 1984, the industrial and agricultural output value accounted for 80.7% and 19.3% of the total industrial and agricultural output value respectively, and in 1988, it was 92.3% and 7.7%. Rural industry has absorbed a large number of rural labor. In 1958, social industry employees accounted for 6.8% of the rural labor force, decreased to 0.8% in 1962, increased to 10.3% in 1971 (including the brigade industry, the same below), and accounted for 20.5% in 1979. In 1984, there were 251000 rural laborers, and the number of employees in rural industry (including production team industry, the same below) accounted for 41. 2%, agricultural (including planting, animal husbandry, sideline, forestry, fishery, the same below) employees accounted for 42.2%. In 1988, there were 221000 rural laborers, 51.2% of whom were engaged in rural industry and 24% in agriculture.
Agricultural production increased, the internal economic structure was adjusted, and the production of non-staple food, mainly vegetables, pigs, poultry and fresh eggs, developed particularly rapidly. The agricultural output value was 30.43 million yuan in 1949 and 240.71 million yuan in 1984, with an annual average increase of 6.09% from 1949 to 1984 and 225.99 million yuan in 1988. Agricultural production has long focused on grain, cotton and oil, and sideline production has been weakening. In the 1960s, in order to meet the increasing demand for non-staple food in Shanghai urban area and develop vegetable planting and animal husbandry, the county's agriculture basically formed a production pattern focusing on grain, cotton, oil, vegetables and animal husbandry. In the agricultural output value, in 1950, planting accounted for 85%, animal husbandry for 4.9%, and sideline industry for 9.6%. In 1958, planting accounted for 88.5%, animal husbandry for 8.2%, and sideline industry for 2.8%. In 1964, planting accounted for 82.3%, animal husbandry for 12.4%, and sideline industry for 4.4%. In 1984, planting accounted for 58.1%, animal husbandry for 35.4%, and sideline industry for 5.5%. In 1988, it accounted for 47.3%, 44.7%, and 5.9%, respectively. Forestry and fishery have always accounted for only 0.1~2% respectively. After liberation, food production was still insufficient for self-sufficiency. After 1959, the county took improving grain production as the main direction of economic work, expanded the area of grain fields, increased the number of crops, and comprehensively promoted the three cropping system. The area of grain fields expanded from 110000 mu in 1949 to 130000 mu in 1958, and reached the highest level after the liberation of 233000 mu in 1960. In the "Cultural Revolution", grain production was raised to the height of political issues. All other agricultural and sideline production competing with grain production for labor, financial resources and fertilizers were restricted. Grain fields remained stable at about 180000 mu for years. In 1984, the grain field was 165000 mu, with an annual yield of 874 kg per mu and a total output of 146000 tons. Thereafter, the planting structure was adjusted, the cotton planting area was reduced, grain production continued to expand, and the rural population was striving for food self-sufficiency. In 1988, the grain field expanded to 214000 mu, with an annual yield of 648 kg per mu and a total output of 141000 tons. The difference between grain production and consumption in the whole county is half. Except that Maqiao, Zhuzhai and other townships have commercial grain production, the rest are not self-sufficient, and the state supplies part of the grain for monopoly sale; The grain for vegetable areas is basically supplied by the state; Most of the grain for animal husbandry is transferred from other places. Cotton is the main economic crop, and the planting is decreasing year by year. In 1952, the cotton field was 244000 mu, accounting for 52.8% of the total cultivated land. In 1961, it was only 84000 mu, accounting for 19.9% of the cultivated land. In the future, it will be stable at 100000~140000 mu for years. In 1984, 100000 mu, 60 kg lint per mu, with a total output of 6000 tons. Since 1985, the cotton field has been greatly reduced. In 1988, only 1000 mu of cotton was planted, with a lint yield of 39 kg per mu. Rape has become an important economic crop after liberation, with an annual area of about 60000 mu. In 1984, 57000 mu, 132kg per mu, and in 1988, 55000 mu, 108kg per mu. The commodity production rate of vegetables, poultry, fresh eggs and pigs is nearly 100%. In terms of business philosophy, the production of non-staple food is for the purpose of the task assigned by the superior for a long time, instead of being produced as a commodity, the production of non-staple food is purely in pursuit of output, ignoring the production of fine and famous varieties, which affects economic benefits. It is difficult to form modern production suitable for Shanghai, a megacity, and it has always hesitated in export production. However, the production of non-staple food has basically ensured the normal needs of Shanghai urban residents, and has made great contributions to arranging the life of urban residents. Vegetable production, 47000 mu vegetable fields in 1952, 62000 mu in the next year, and 100000 mu vegetable fields in 1959, the largest number of vegetable fields after liberation. It decreased to 50000 mu in 1964. In 1984, 61000 mu (1 mu ≈ 666.67 m2), 154.3 loads of vegetables were listed per mu (1 mu ≈ 666.67 m2). In 1988, 60000 mu, 114.3 tons per mu were listed, and the output value per mu was 1255 yuan. The production of poultry, fresh eggs and pigs once developed slowly, and large-scale commodity production began in the 1960s. In 1957, there were only 7000 poultry and 41000 kilograms of fresh eggs on the market. In 1966, there were 158000 poultry, 148000 kilograms of fresh eggs and 197000 pigs. In 1978, the production of non-staple food was expanded, with 2.04 million poultry, 33.09 million kilograms of fresh eggs and 300000 pigs on the market. Since then, the scale operation of 1000 pig farms and 10000 feather chicken farms has been developed, and the market volume has increased, and the economic benefits have improved. In 1984, 2.09 million poultry, 184.81 million kilograms of fresh eggs and 390000 pigs were listed. In 1988, 3.7 million poultry, 19.671 million kilograms of fresh eggs and 456000 pigs were listed respectively.
The industrial economy has become the pillar of the county's national economy, and the development of rural industry is the main economic component. The development of rural industry has produced unprecedented far-reaching historical significance, created huge wealth, fundamentally changed the face of the whole county, rewritten the history of thousands of years of rural areas, and created a new generation. The development of rural industry has also experienced a bumpy and tortuous road. At the beginning of liberation, the local industry of the county was mainly composed of private industry and individual handicraft industry. After the people's communalization in 1958, the local industry of the county formed two systems. One is the county owned factory and handicraft production cooperatives formed by the former private enterprises and individual handicraft workshops after the socialist transformation of private industry in 1956, which are collectively called county owned industries; The other system is to increase the ownership of people's communes by the whole people, and reflect the "one big and two public" of people's communes. The industry of people's communes established in cooperation with agricultural mechanization is collectively called community run industry. After "adjustment, consolidation, enrichment and improvement" in 1962, enterprises decreased and industrial output decreased. In 1963, the number of enterprises decreased to 137, and county owned enterprises and commune owned enterprises accounted for 54.7% and 45.3% respectively; 4344 employees, 60% in counties and 40% in communes; The output value is 58.16 million yuan, with the county and commune accounting for 66.6% and 33.4% respectively. In the county economy, industry plays a supporting role, and some commune enterprises only maintain the maintenance business of agricultural machinery in the commune. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the industrial development of the whole county met an opportunity. From the perspective of the internal environment, the contradiction between more people and less land in rural areas, which had taken shape in the early 1960s, became increasingly serious. By 1966, the per capita arable land in rural areas was only 1.01 mu, and the output value of each mu of arable land was only 185.4 yuan. There was a lack of production funds, farmers' income was low, and it was difficult to improve their lives. A large number of workers were looking for a way out. In terms of the external environment, affected by the "Cultural Revolution" in 1966, many municipal factories produced abnormally, and a batch of products were distributed to suburban enterprises for production. At the same time, some factories with serious environmental pollution also transferred their products to commune enterprises for production. The dual influence of the internal and external environment has created conditions for the development of Shanghai county industry, especially the commune industry. In 1970, the central government proposed to develop commune industry and "five small" industries (small steel, small machinery, small fertilizer, small coal kiln, small cement), which opened the way for the industrial development of the whole county. Agricultural production brigades also set up enterprises in succession to solve the problem of labor outlet and production fund shortage. There are 474 industrial enterprises in the county, accounting for 11.4% and 77.8% of the county and commune brigades respectively; 22000 employees, 23.1% in county and 43% in commune brigade; The output value is 103.87 million yuan, accounting for 60.1% and 33.4% of the county and commune teams respectively. Due to the views on the relationship between the development of commune and brigade industry and the development of agriculture, as well as the "what road to take" and other issues brought about by the development of commune and brigade enterprises, there are still many restrictions on the operation direction, number of employees, remuneration distribution and other aspects of commune and brigade enterprises, which makes the development of enterprises difficult. However, because the commune and brigade enterprises find their own supply and marketing channels, assume sole responsibility for their own profits and losses, and pay attention to economic benefits, commune and brigade industry has become the most active part of the county's economy. The proportion of industrial economy in the rural economy is increasing day by day, and the strength of rural economy is greatly enhanced. With more agricultural and water conservancy construction funds collected, and a large number of labor absorbed, commune and brigade enterprises have developed under heavy resistance. By 1976, there were only 449 enterprises in the county, but the number of employees increased to 53000, the scale of enterprises expanded, and the output value reached 28.052 million yuan. In 1979, the county adjusted its industrial structure and took the development of industry as the main way to develop the national economy. The county run enterprises should adjust the product structure, take the market as the product production orientation, change the production of marketable products to the market, and increase the production of export products. Shedui industry will increase investment, expand production scale, gradually change its status as a vassal of urban large industry, produce independent products, and push products to the market. At the same time, we took advantage of the city's large industry to develop city township joint ventures, and established the first Sino foreign joint venture factory in 1985. Shedui industry quickly gained the leading role in the county's industry. In 1984, there were 767 enterprises in the county, and the county and village (including production teams, the same below) accounted for 7.3% and 91.9% respectively; 118000 employees, 11.9% in counties and 87.2% in villages; The output value is 1008.36 million yuan, accounting for 20.7% and 68.3% respectively in counties and villages. There are 10 main industries and more than 100 kinds of main products in the county. In 1988, there were 1960 enterprises, accounting for 3.9% and 87 6%; 167000 employees, 9.4% in counties and 86.7% in villages; The output value is 3030.97 million yuan, accounting for 14% and 82.7% respectively in counties and villages.
Commercial retail expanded. After 1956, the business operation changed from private business to state-owned and supply and marketing cooperatives; Focusing on the means of living, expanding to the means of living and production, and further improving the coverage of commercial outlets. In 1970, a multi channel circulation system was formed, with state-owned and supply and marketing cooperatives as the main businesses and collective and individual businesses developing simultaneously. The social retail sales increased significantly, with 27.05 million yuan in 1950, 83.88 million yuan in 1956, 100.78 million yuan in 1966, and 203.48 million yuan in 1976. 465.68 million yuan in 1984 and 1001.06 million yuan in 1988, ranking first among all counties in China.
The real estate industry has become one of the important industries. From the 1950s to the 1980s, the real estate industry was mainly public housing rental. In 1984, the public housing area was 1.15 million square meters, and the annual income of rent was 1.35 million yuan. The income was not enough to cover the expenses for years, and the operation was maintained by the national financial subsidies. In 1982, it developed commercial housing, and opened five commercial housing bases in the suburbs. By 1987, the construction area was 1.15 million square meters, and the completed area was 520000 square meters. In 1988, the profit from real estate development at the county and township levels reached more than 40 million yuan.
We will actively develop the storage industry. In the mid-1950s, the storage industry developed in the rural areas of the suburbs, mainly for the storage of materials in municipal factories, stores or companies. It charged fees, developed slowly, and was later severely prohibited. After 1979, the warehousing industry became one of the main industries in the rural areas of the suburbs, and achieved higher economic benefits. In 1985, there were 797 warehouses. In 1988, it grew to 1107, including 1.66 million square meters of internal warehouses and 1.51 million square meters of external warehouses; Stored materials: 300 million yuan; 6000 employees; The income was 87.34 million yuan.
The export-oriented economy has developed rapidly, becoming one of the top ten export product bases at the county level. Export products have increased annually. In the 1950s and 1960s, agricultural products and handicrafts were the main products. In recent years, clothing, toys, and electromechanical products have become the main export products. The allocated value of foreign trade exports has increased year by year, reaching 35.88 million yuan in 1978 and 183.28 million yuan in 1984, including 136.43 million yuan of industrial products, accounting for 0.5% of the total industrial output value. There are more than 50 export product manufacturers. In 1988, the value allocated for foreign trade was 470.27 million yuan, including 440.01 million yuan for industrial products, accounting for 15.7% of the total industrial output value. There were nearly 100 factories producing export products. In recent years, it has also actively introduced foreign capital and set up Sino foreign joint ventures. After the establishment of the first Sino Japanese joint venture, Hongma Embroidery Co., Ltd., in 1985, there were 32 Sino foreign joint ventures, attracting 90.486 million dollars of foreign capital, ranking first in the suburbs of Shanghai. In order to improve the investment environment, a number of hotels, restaurants and villas have been built since 1983, including Xiyuan, Xinyuan, Chengqiao and other hotels, hotels and Hongqiao, Holiday, Garden and other villas.
Education, health, culture, sports and other undertakings have taken on a new look with the development and prosperity of the economy. Modern education originated in 1899, when Qiangshu School was opened. In the 1920s, secondary schools and vocational schools were opened. In the 1930s, public education centers were opened to implement adult education. In the 1940s, a senior high school was set up. The enrollment rate of school-age children was 40-50% from 1945 to 1949. But most people are unable to go to school or drop out of school. In 1949, 92% of adults were illiterate. After liberation, a large number of schools were built, primary and secondary general education flourished, and literacy education was carried out. After 1970, a network of general education, special education and adult education was formed to ensure that all young people have access to junior high school education. Literacy was basically eradicated in 1979, primary education was popularized in 1983, and nine-year compulsory education was first popularized in the suburbs of Shanghai in 1985. The medical and health services have developed rapidly. In the mid-1960s, the county formed a three-level medical network of county, township and village. In 1984, there were 1200 beds. More than 90% of the population received medical security from the public, labor insurance and cooperative medical care. The family planning rate is over 99%. The average life expectancy of residents is 71.94 years. Cultural undertakings present suburban characteristics of big cities. Cultural facilities are relatively complete. There are cultural center stations in the township, cultural centers and workers' clubs in the county, and 17 theaters with more than 20000 seats in the county. The cause of sports is booming. The county stadium was built in 1973, the county stadium was built in 1982, and the Shanghai Circuit was built in 1987. In recent years, 39% of the population in the county often participate in sports activities. In 1987, the county was rated as the "National Advanced Sports County" by the National Sports Commission.
The people's lives have improved fundamentally. Economic income increased. In 1949, the rural per capita income was less than 50 yuan. For a long time, agriculture was the main economic source, and the income growth was slow. In 1957, the rural per capita income was only 60 yuan, in 1966, 144 yuan, and in 1976, 213 yuan. Most people could only maintain their daily livelihood, and many farmers overdraw to the production team. After 1979, the commune and brigade industry developed, and the animal husbandry also developed rapidly. The farmers' income increased. In 1984, the per capita income in rural areas reached 638 yuan, and in 1988, 1328 yuan. The income of urban employees increased, with the per capita income of 586 yuan in 1958, 622 yuan in 1966, 574 yuan in 1976, 999 yuan in 1984, and 1948 yuan in 1988. The growth of economic income and the change of consumption concept cause the change of consumption structure. In 1981, according to the statistics of 40 rural households surveyed, food consumption accounted for 39.8% of the total expenditure, clothing accounted for 9.7%, and housing accounted for 14.1%. Culture: l.3%. In 1984, food consumption accounted for 40.9%, clothing 7%, housing 21.7%, and culture 1.3%. According to the statistics of one hundred rural households surveyed in 1988, food consumption accounted for 38.5% of the total expenditure, clothing 10.3%, housing 13.1%, and culture 0.1%. Since the late 1970s, the most significant changes in daily life are: 1. Both urban and rural areas are not worried about food and clothing; In the household economy of farmers, the proportion of agricultural income has greatly declined, and the income from industry or other industries generally accounts for more than 60%, so the source of income is guaranteed; 2、 The housing conditions in rural areas have been fundamentally improved. Farmers generally renovated buildings. In 1988, the per capita living area was more than 20 square meters, and a large number of urban residents lived in new workshops; 3、 Before the 1980s, watches, sewing machines, bicycles, etc., which were also valuable and durable consumer goods, became common consumer goods, and televisions, refrigerators, etc. were gradually popularized.
The residents' living customs gradually change with the times. In recent years, due to the substantial increase in economic income and the implementation of the rural household contract responsibility system, most of the labor force has shifted from the primary industry to the secondary and tertiary industries. Foreign exchanges have become increasingly frequent and extensive, and the changes in living habits are more significant. It gradually converges to the residents in the urban area of Shanghai, while maintaining some traditional customs, showing the characteristics of the alternation of the old and the new, and the combination of urban and rural areas. Social values and consumption concepts have also changed, especially the younger generation, is undergoing drastic changes.
The past 700 years have witnessed profound changes in Shanghai County; In the last 40 years of socialist construction, remarkable achievements have been made, which has completely changed the face of Shanghai County. Today, Shanghai County is about to enter its eighth 100 years, and the last decade of this century, which has already arrived, is also the key decade for the development of Shanghai County. Shanghai County will accelerate its urbanization, face historic changes, and has a long way to go. In the face of the surging tide of reform and opening up, the people of the county will be brave to fight, actively explore, give full play to the advantages of being connected to the central area of Shanghai, strong economic strength, complete agricultural, industrial and commercial infrastructure and other favorable conditions, focus on economic construction, vigorously develop the export-oriented economy and the tertiary industry, and build this treasure land into an open and multi-functional, A beautiful, rich and civilized new urban and rural integration city with reasonable industrial structure, advanced science and technology, full of vitality.
Main National Economic Indicators of Shanghai County from 1949 to 1988
Unit: 10000 yuan
particular year
industry and agriculture
total output value
particular year
industry and agriculture
total output value
one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine
three thousand six hundred and fifty
two thousand six hundred and sixty-two
three thousand two hundred and sixty-nine
eighteen thousand four hundred and fifty-eight
twenty-two thousand eight hundred and forty-two
twenty-two thousand eight hundred and twenty-two
one thousand nine hundred and fifty
six thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine
four thousand two hundred and sixteen
five thousand one hundred and ten
one thousand nine hundred and seventy
sixteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
twenty-two thousand seven hundred and forty-four
twenty-one thousand seven hundred and forty-nine
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-one
seven thousand and ninety-one
four thousand one hundred and eighty-four
four thousand six hundred and fifty-seven
one thousand nine hundred and seventy-one
eighteen thousand two hundred and ninety-one
twenty-six thousand three hundred and ninety-six
twenty-five thousand one hundred and fifty-five
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-two
eight thousand one hundred and fifty-four
five thousand and forty
five thousand eight hundred and ten
twenty thousand and fifteen
twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and ninety-five
twenty-eight thousand five hundred and ten
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-three
eight thousand two hundred and ninety-five
five thousand six hundred and forty-two
six thousand three hundred and eight
one thousand nine hundred and seventy-three
twenty thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven
thirty-two thousand seven hundred and ninety-one
thirty thousand five hundred and nine
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four
eight thousand two hundred and fifty
five thousand nine hundred and ten
six thousand four hundred and thirty-nine
twenty-two thousand eight hundred and two
thirty-seven thousand and sixty
thirty-four thousand four hundred and ten
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-five
eight thousand six hundred and forty-three
six thousand two hundred and ninety-one
six thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine
one thousand nine hundred and seventy-five
twenty-three thousand two hundred and thirty-nine
thirty-nine thousand and four hundred
thirty-six thousand three hundred and eleven
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six
nine thousand nine hundred and forty-eight
seven thousand nine hundred and fifty-five
nine thousand and ninety-eight
twenty-six thousand four hundred and thirty-eight
forty-four thousand eight hundred and one
forty-one thousand seven hundred and seventy-one
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven
nine thousand nine hundred and forty-six
eight thousand five hundred and seventy-five
nine thousand four hundred and fifty-six
twenty-five thousand one hundred and eighty-six
forty-five thousand four hundred and sixty-nine
forty-one thousand three hundred and seventy-seven
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight
nine thousand three hundred and seventy-seven
eight thousand two hundred and ninety-eight
eight thousand seven hundred and forty-one
one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight
thirty thousand four hundred and ninety-eight
fifty-nine thousand five hundred and seventeen
forty-nine thousand eight hundred and twenty-four
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine
twelve thousand six hundred and thirty-six
thirteen thousand eight hundred and fifty-two
fourteen thousand and thirty-two
thirty-four thousand two hundred and twenty-five
seventy thousand five hundred and sixty-five
fifty-nine thousand four hundred and sixty-five
one thousand nine hundred and sixty
thirteen thousand nine hundred and four
seventeen thousand five hundred and twenty-six
eighteen thousand five hundred and twenty-seven
one thousand nine hundred and eighty
forty-one thousand two hundred and sixty-four
eighty-eight thousand four hundred and seventy-seven
seventy-two thousand two hundred and seventy-nine
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-one
eleven thousand three hundred and ninety-nine
eleven thousand six hundred and thirty-two
eleven thousand nine hundred and fifty-one
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-one
forty-six thousand one hundred and thirty-six
one hundred thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven
eighty-two thousand five hundred and eighty-four
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-two
eleven thousand six hundred and sixty-nine
eleven thousand three hundred and eighteen
twelve thousand one hundred and forty-seven
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two
fifty thousand five hundred and sixteen
one hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and ten
ninety-two thousand seven hundred and forty-one
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three
eleven thousand four hundred and sixty-two
twelve thousand two hundred and ninety-seven
thirteen thousand two hundred and fifty-eight
fifty-three thousand eight hundred and forty-eight
one hundred and twenty-four thousand one hundred and five
one hundred and one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-four
thirteen thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven
fifteen thousand four hundred and fifty-eight
sixteen thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four
sixty-five thousand one hundred and twenty-one
one hundred and fifty thousand four hundred and ninety-seven
one hundred and twenty-four thousand nine hundred and seven
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five
fifteen thousand one hundred and sixty-three
seventeen thousand one hundred and sixteen
eighteen thousand three hundred and fifty-nine
eighty-two thousand and sixty
one hundred and ninety-eight thousand six hundred and eighty-six
one hundred and sixty thousand five hundred and ninety-three
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-six
fifteen thousand three hundred and four
eighteen thousand and seventy-eight
nineteen thousand four hundred and seventy-five
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six
ninety-five thousand three hundred and two
two hundred and twenty-two thousand and seventy-six
one hundred and seventy-seven thousand eight hundred and thirty-four
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven
fifteen thousand one hundred and three
seventeen thousand five hundred and twelve
eighteen thousand eight hundred and twenty-four
one hundred and twenty-one thousand two hundred and thirty-two
two hundred and eighty-seven thousand two hundred and ninety-four
two hundred and twelve thousand seven hundred and eighteen
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight
sixteen thousand three hundred and eighty-nine
nineteen thousand three hundred and thirty-five
twenty-one thousand two hundred and fifty-three
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
one hundred and fifty-seven thousand three hundred and seventy-eight
three million nine hundred and ninety-one thousand six hundred and two
two hundred and ninety-four thousand four hundred and eighty-eight
Note: (1) The data are from the statistics of Shanghai County in 1980 by the County Bureau of Statistics.
(2) From 1949 to 1955, it included Xinjing District and Longhua District, and from 1956 to 1957, it joined the western suburbs.
(3) The gross industrial and agricultural production value is fixed in 1980. [3]