
In ancient China, it means the emperor of heaven
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Confucius Said: "Zhou Yinyu Yin Li ”。
Reigning Sovereign in Heaven Five sided God Day and month Huangdi , China's state, ancestral temple, etc. are the great sacrifices, and the stars, five sacrifices, and four looks are Chinese Sacrifice , Sizhong, Siming wind god rain god And the stars, mountains and rivers are small sacrifices. The big sacrifice cultivates the nature, in the ninth day of Diqing, in the third day of Diqing, and in the tenth day of Xiaosi. [1]
Chinese name
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Beijing Tiantan
Emperor in the Shang Dynasty Oracle Oracle inscriptions and Zhou Dynasty Inscriptions on bronze China is also called "Emperor", "God" and "Heaven".
In oracle bone inscriptions, "heaven" is borrowed from "shang" or "da". Confucius Said: "Zhou Yinyu Yin Li ”。 and confucian It inherits the ritual system of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and the god of sacrifice is Emperor of Heaven [2] In Confucian classics, another title equal to heaven is Heaven, or the title of emperor, Emperor of Heaven The name of the God of Heaven comes from Shangshu Zhaogao: "The God of Heaven changed the order of the great nation Yan of Jueyuan Zizi." The Analects of Confucius· Yao Yue 》"Dare to tell the emperor". Shangshu ·Shun Code: "Four kinds of gods, six sects, mountains and rivers, and all gods." Emperor of Heaven Is the Chinese people's Five Emperors The best of the five emperors is Yellow Emperor and Emperor Yan The so-called first is that the family of the sons of heaven - "descendants of the Yellow Emperor" - is the descendants of the Yellow Emperor or the Yan Emperor, and later became the nickname of the ancestors of ordinary Chinese people. Sui and Tang Dynasties During the period, the name of the god in the national ritual code was based on《 Zhou Rites 》, officially identified as“ Reigning Sovereign in Heaven ”。 Reigning Sovereign in Heaven According to the Confucian scholars Mao's For《 The Book of Songs · Shuli 》The explanation of "leisurely heaven" in. He thinks that Haotian means "great vitality", while God means that the emperor of heaven, with great vitality, is called Great Heaven according to hyperopia The Cangran is called Heaven. There is nothing more respected than the emperor, who entrusted it to heaven, so it is called the Emperor of Heaven (Song History · Ritual Annals). The suburban heaven in the Tang Dynasty was completely Reigning Sovereign in Heaven As the Emperor of Heaven, we worship alone. [27]


oracular inscriptions on tortoise shells and bones In Chinese, "emperor" or "heaven" is the god of heaven. There are two aspects of power: [3]
1. It can replace the power of nature and make the wind and rain dominate the nature. as Wuding Temporal Oracle inscriptions He said, "The emperor... brought down... drought.". Zu Geng Zujia's divination said: "... Brother... the emperor... comes out..." "Only the five drums... the emperor is like the king... you are blessed." Such as "Zhen, the emperor ordered rain this March"(《 Oracle Collected Works 14136): "Zhen, the emperor, and this 13th month ordered Lei." (Collected Works 14127) Gui Mao The emperor does not command the wind, and the evening fog. " (Collection 672 Zheng) The emperor can order rain, wind and thunder. The "emperor" in the oracle inscriptions is very powerful. The gods of the sun, the moon, the stars, the wind, the rain, the thunder, and the electricity are all under their command. The words of rain offering sacrifices to mountains and rivers in oracle bone inscriptions were transferred from the gods of mountains and rivers to the emperor. The gods of mountains and rivers did not stop rain Theocracy [4] Clouds and thunderstorms are the will of the emperor, so the emperor decides whether the agricultural harvest is available or not. The emperor can make the rain adjust, and so on. The rain in the sky is also ordered by the emperor, so there are many records of "Emperor's order to rain" in oracle bone inscriptions; Secondly, the wind is not only like this, the emperor in the sky is not only a person, but also the court, with history, ministers and so on for their servitude. In the oracle bone inscriptions, there are emperor history, emperor ministers, emperor five ministers, emperor five ministers, etc. Natural deity It is a courtier of the emperor, such as "Emperor Shifeng" (Tongbian 398). [5] Such as "burning the emperor's history, a cow". (Collected Works 14226) This is about using an ox to carry out the mission to the emperor Burning sacrifices "熮 sacrifice" refers to the sacrifice of burning people to pray for rain. In the oracle inscriptions, it is recorded that "Zhen, today's garrison troops are fighting against the enemy, and there is rain", "... Bu, his wife is chanting, and there is heavy rain. Good luck". Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》The drought in central Shandong, Duke Xi of Lu desire Burn witches Pray for rain. It is often recorded in oracle inscriptions that people play and dance to pray for rain. Such as "dance with Bingwu the next day, there will be heavy rain, good luck". Bing Chen Bu, Zhen, today's dance is played, and there is rain. " "Chastity is the king's dance. Chastity is the king's dance." "Xin Sibu, Bin Zhen, Whoop dance There is rain. "
2. Can assist human society , harm or bless the world. For example, "Wu Shen Bu, fighting for chastity, the emperor sent me black for one month." (Collected Works 10171) "The emperor sent his destruction (destruction, originally referring to bird damage, extended to the meaning of disaster)." (Collected Works 14173) "The emperor only ended the town (ending the city)." (Collected Works 14209) "Zhen, the emperor made me breed." (Collected Works 14184) The above is to create disasters or harm. "Zhen, only the emperor can cause the king's illness." (Collection 14222 C) "The king is granted a manor, and the emperor is like." (Divination 373 and 374) (The king wants to build a capital, and God agrees.), "The next year the emperor will surrender his eternal (meaning of beauty and kindness) Zuyi Zong, October divination. " (《 Xiaotun Nandi Oracle 》723 (Divination 369) (Will God bless us if we want to go to war?), "Do not go to war, if the emperor does not, we will receive (grant) and (bless)." (Divination 366) (Do not go to war, and God will not bless us.). The Son of Heaven is Emperor of Heaven His son is appointed by heaven to govern the world. The emperors and dynasties on earth are Five sided God It is induced in turn, so it is also called“ Gansheng Emperor ”。
Ancestral deity It is the medium for living people to pray for the Emperor of Heaven. For example, "He Lingyu" (Part B of Yin Ruins, 3121), "Pray for rain in Shangjia,..." (Collection, 672 Zheng), "Geng Shuzhen, his quest for grain in Shangjia" (Collection, 1110), "Only Shangjia trance rain" (Shangjia stops the rain, Collection, 12648), "Ren Shenzhen, his quest for grain in Kui, fire three cows, Mao three cows" (Collection, 33278), "Chastity, go (Rang offering)" In Kui, there is rain "(Collection 14375). The former officials and their subordinates who became emperors after their death, such as "Dizheng", "Dishi", "Dizongzheng", "Dichen" and "Diwu Jiechen" in the oracle. They are also the medium for praying to the Emperor of Heaven. The former king or duke was the "imperial court" of the emperor, Inscriptions from Yin Ruins There are records of Yan people's dead ancestor "Bin Yu Di", "Xian does not Bin Yu Di, and Yi Bin Yu Di" (Part B 7197), "the King of Wen Zhi falls, around the emperor".
[6] Zhu Xi Said: "With father of the first Zhou king The god is in the sky, rising and falling, and is always around the emperor, so that his descendants are blessed, and the king has the world. " With others Consanguinity The ancestors of the gods are to pray to the emperor, and the ancestors accompany the emperor in the sky.
In the oracle inscriptions, "Wang Yousui was born at the age of emperor and five ministers" (Collection 30391), Song Gaocheng said:“ Accompanying meritorious officials The ceremony begins with the merchant. " Meritorious officials can enjoy the former king, such as "Kui Chou Bu, Shang Jia Sui, Yibin Ji." They can even enjoy God. Such as "Zhen, Xianbin in the emperor". Such as "Zhen, Xian Yun Zuo Wang". There are about three types of sacrifice: Suburban sacrifice Zhi Zhi (Sacrifice to Heaven), Yin sacrifice Zhijiu (the grand sacrifice in the temple of the princes of the Emperor), Zhijiu (one of the four seasonal sacrifices in the temple, held every summer)
Virtue is the basis of the theory of destiny. The Shangshu · Gaozong Zhiri: "Only heaven supervises the people, and there is a code of jue righteousness. When the year comes, there will be eternity, and there will be no permanence. The people will die if they are not born in the sky. People will not be virtuous if they are born, and they will not listen to sin. Heaven will bless their lives, and they will be virtuous if they are born, and they will be like a platform. Woo, Wang Sijingmin, Wang Feitianyin, and ritual sacrifice will not be rich in intimacy." Living people should use virtue and etiquette to obtain the favor of their ancestors and please God, Otherwise, God will condemn. This is Confucianism The basis of etiquette and virtue. According to the Book of Commerce, Xian has a virtue, "only heaven can bring disasters and auspiciousness, and virtue can be found." There is also a saying that "God does not believe in non human beings, and people do not worship non ethnic groups."“ worship of unorthodox gods No luck ". [7] Sacrificing ancestors who have no blood relationship with the living cannot please the Emperor of Heaven. "Incubation different surname The son, if there is a successor to Yang, Yin has already ceased. Since the "Spring and Autumn Annals" took the Duke of Ju as the cook, the sage wrote, 'Ju people destroy the food', which is not the same as that of Ju people. It is also the way of perishing to sacrifice with a different surname. "
Tiandi Principle
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Yin Yang and Five Elements Theory And the development of astrological observation, which enables people to predict natural phenomena Therefore, the worship of heaven and Shinto centered on Polaris came into being. The name of Beichen is Yaomeibao, namely the Emperor of Heaven, a "Taiyi", who is "the most noble of the gods of heaven". [8] Sun, moon and stars The track is considered Shinto. For the Shinto of human society To match the sky with virtue According to the destiny of heaven, propriety is the Shinto of the world, and the Shinto is also Confucianism. Three cardinal virtues and five constancy correspond to three stars and five elements. The Confucians believe that the Emperor of Heaven has assigned a king and a teacher to human beings to educate and govern the people of the Emperor of Heaven. "Heaven has come down to the people to be a king and a teacher, but it is said that it will help the Emperor of Heaven and spoil the world." [9] "Sage Heng, to enjoy the Emperor of Heaven". [10] "God, Subtle Xuantong It is impossible to measure, so we can know the situation of ghosts and gods, which is similar to heaven and earth. Know all things in the world, be happy and know your destiny, settle the earth and hold the benevolence, cover the heaven and earth, bend into all things, connect day and night, this is the function of God. The person who wrote the Book of Changes wanted to teach because of the God of nature. He wanted to make saints use this divine way to be known to the world. Although it was done by God, it was also done by saints. " "The way of God is subtle and unpredictable. If people can predict how little things are, they can meet with the way of God... The body of everything can be described from soft to hard, and the reason of everything can be seen from small to clear. People who know how many things are, know both the beginning and the end, and are in line with the way of God, so they are looked at by all people. If you know how much you are in harmony with God, you will be the master of the world. How can you just say that ten thousand people are the only ones who know how much you are in harmony with God? " [11] younger brother of Cheng Hao and forerunner of Zhu Xi He said, "The ancients offered sacrifices to heaven a lot in a year. In spring, they prayed for grain because people sowed seeds, and in summer, they feared drought Heavy rain , even in autumn Mingtang In winter, a round hill will be built, which is the heart of all people. " Or ask Zhu Xi: "The emperor is the heaven, and the heaven is the emperor. What is the point of offering sacrifices?" Say: "Sacrifice for the altar, so it is called the heaven, and sacrifice under the house, so it is called the emperor."
Song-dynasty philosophers younger brother of Cheng Hao and forerunner of Zhu Xi about Reigning Sovereign in Heaven He further explained that the natural heaven of vitality is Emperor of Heaven His body, which exists in the vitality and is inseparable from the vitality, is God, which controls the vitality. Therefore, in a sense, heaven, or the Emperor of Heaven, is reason. This Tiandi Temple passes by Confucian scholar Zhu Xi's recognition has become the orthodox interpretation of the concept of Emperor of Heaven in later generations. "The heaven is the reason; the god is the speaker of all things; the emperor is known for dominating things." [12]


Shangshu 》"God bless the people, be a king and a teacher, but he can restrain God and favor the whole world."
The Book of chancery Tang swore: "Wang said," I can only hear your words, sharpy If you are guilty, fear God and dare not be unjust. "
The Book of Songs 》:“ Emperor Yi God, there is great power in front of him. He supervises all directions and asks the people to stop. "
"Poetry · Daya · Daming": "God faces women without two hearts."
Mozi · Under Non attack: "It is the ancient benevolent people who have the world will oppose the theory of the great power. One world is the sum of the four seas. How can they lead the people of the world and use agricultural officials to serve God, mountains, ghosts and gods?"
The Book of Rites 》"It is the moon, and the Son of Heaven will pray to God for grain on the first day."
Yi Yin Tang Gao 》"Only the emperor and God are willing to lower down to the people, if there is perseverance." According to the National Language · Zhouyu I, "The ancient kings had the world and respected God and God, so they had the day and the moon to teach civil kings." Wei Zhao noted: "God is the sky. God is the bright god. The sun and the moon are also the bright god." The Book of Rites - Miscellaneous Notes records Meng Xianzi's words: "When the first month comes, you can have something to do with God.". ”The week is November The beginning of the year Weekly calendar The first month is Summer Calendar November. "Solstice" means winter solstice. This is November Winter Solstice An example of offering sacrifices to "God of Heaven". Wei-Jin period According to the previous thought of disasters, Reigning Sovereign in Heaven Like a strict father, if the Son of Heaven does evil, it will bring disaster. The day is bright and cannot be deceived. "The emperor therefore condemns people for their mistakes, just like his father's clear commandment. If they are afraid of respecting and changing, the disaster will be canceled and the good will come; if it is suddenly simple, the blame will not be removed. As the saying goes," Five blessings are to be enjoyed, but six poles are to be feared. " It is said that "If six people do not act together, they will be punished six times." In the past three years, disasters have sprung up, and small and big things have been accomplished. What they do does not enjoy God, and God does not give up. If you don't ask for something, you can't correct it. If you don't ask for something, you can make broad plans. Without words, you can follow the path of not enjoying it. If you don't thank others, the greater the responsibility will be. These five are the rules of the king's affairs and the urgent affairs in the south. Only your majesty can keep an eye on them. " [13] Zheng Zhu《 Monthly decree 》Pray for the valley in God and become the emperor of microenterprise. Note that God is Selwood The five virtues are like the emperor of the five heroes, and the two are different. Yu Weiyun: "The Five Emperors of the Great Micro School should be based on the five elements. Each of the five elements has its own virtue, so it is called the Emperor of the Five Virtues. The wood god benevolence, the gold god righteousness, the fire god ceremony, the water god knowledge, and the earth god faith are the five virtues." [14] Therefore, Haotian God is a five in one God.

Five in one

The Five in One Emperor
Emperor of Heaven It is not only the unity of six days, but also the five in one, that is, the god of five directions and five elements. "Confucius said," All the five upright elements are the official names of the five elements, and they are called after God Five Emperors ”。 [15] There was only one heaven, "Five Emperors, the alias of heaven". But in the Han Dynasty Chenwei After the popularity of "The Book of Six Days", the theory of "Six Days" appeared. In Taiwei Palace, there are five Star position , that is Five Heavenly Emperors Cloud Reigning Sovereign in Heaven , the Five Emperors of Microenterprise, press《 Zhou Rites ·The Si Fu said, "God of the heaven". Zheng thought that God of the heaven was just a god, and the Arctic was a treasure of the soul. Knowing that the God in the sky is not only the God of the soul jewel, but also the God of the microenterprise. According to the Zhouli · Sifu, "The big fur is crowned and the five emperors are also worshipped", which is different from the five emperors, so we know that the God in the sky is also the only god. This《 Monthly decree 》There is no other writing of the Five Emperors under the Heaven and God, so it is divided into two. [16] The Yuanmingbao also said: "Xia is the son of the White Emperor, Yin is the son of the Black Emperor, and Zhou is the son of the Cang Emperor." It is the king who feels the essence of the five emperors. [17] The Five Emperors' hearts of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faithfulness were echoed by their feelings. [18] The Five Emperors are "the gods of the five elements". The emperors and dynasties in the world are inspired by the Five Emperors in turn, so they are also called“ Gansheng Emperor ”For example, Yao was inspired by the Red Emperor, Shun by the Yellow Emperor, Yu by the White Emperor, and Tang by the Black Emperor, King Wen of Zhou It was felt by Emperor Cang. Of course, emperors should offer sacrifices to the heavenly emperors corresponding to their own dynasties. Tang Dynasty《 A synopsis 》It is recorded that there were six officials in the ceremony of Zhou Dynasty, among which, six banners were used to worship the God of Haotian and the five emperors in the east, south, west, north and middle directions: one was called Canglu to worship the God of Haotian. The second is called Green Lu, which is used to worship the Oriental Emperor. The third is the Zhu Lu, which is dedicated to the Southern Heaven Emperor and the morning sun. The fourth is the Yellow Lu, which is dedicated to the land and the central heaven. The fifth day is the White Lu, which is used to worship the Western Heavenly Emperor and the moon. The sixth is Xuan Lu, which is used to worship the Northern Heaven Emperor, Gan Emperor and Shenzhou.
Oriental Green Emperor Tai Hao Fuxi ),
south Emperor Yan (Shennong),
Central Yellow Emperor (Xuanyuan),
Western White Emperor (Shao Hao),
Northern Black Emperor( Zhuan Xu ), the five personified heavenly emperors. [19]
The five emperors are the heaven, and the king's spirit is different from time to time, so they have different names. Although they have five names, they are actually one god. In the southern suburbs of Mingtang, it is advisable to remove the seat of the five emperors and change the five suburbs Five essences All of them are called Haotian God, and each has its own seat. " [20] Zhu Xi He said, "All things are based on heaven, and people are based on their ancestors. Therefore, we should match heaven and earth with our ancestors minister of agriculture under legendary Shun He was born in Jiang Xuan, but he could not push it away. The contribution of literature and martial arts came from Hou Ji, so he had to be born in heaven. " The Five Emperors Call the East Qing Emperor's Holy Power , the Red Emperor of the South, the Red Emperor, the White Emperor of the West A white refusal , Northern Black Emperor Jueguang Ji, Central Yellow Emperor Including hub 。」 [21] That is: Tai Hao , Emperor Yan, Shaohao, Zhuan Xu, and the Yellow Emperor. [22] Sacrifice method: "It is the Eight Emperors of the Round Altar, and in the middle is the Heavy Altar. The heaven and earth are on top of it, both in the south and west. The outer altar is the Five Emperors. The Qing Emperor is on the Jia Yin The Red Emperor is located in Bingsi, and the Yellow Emperor is located in Ding Wei The White Emperor was in the place of Gengshen, and the Black Emperor was in the place of Renhai. The outside of the temple is a dragon. All the heavy camps are purple, which looks like a purple palace; There are four channels as the door. The sun and the moon are in the south of Zhongying, the sun and the moon are in the east, the moon are in the west, and the Big Dipper is in the west of the north The Heaven, the Earth, the High and the Yellow Emperors each used a calf, the Green and Red Emperors shared a calf, the White and Black Emperors shared a calf, and everyone used six calves. The sun, the moon and the Big Dipper share one cow, the four camp gods share four cows, and everyone uses five cows. " [23]

Sacrificial tradition

The Son of Heaven's Sacrifice to the Emperor of Heaven
In ancient China, only the Son of Heaven was qualified to offer sacrifices to the Emperor of Heaven, and offering sacrifices to God was considered to be Heavenly righteousness Therefore, the highest ruler of all dynasties in China was called the Son of Heaven. Shuoyuan pointed out that "the Emperor of Heaven is worshipped by the Emperor of Heaven, and the Lord Marquis is worshipped by a hundred gods, but there is no family below Qing". Later dynasties in China also continued to offer sacrifices to the Emperor of Heaven in this way. The name of the Emperor of Heaven appeared in the oracle bone inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty. At that time, sacrificing to the Emperor of Heaven was already the right of the Son of Heaven.
Reigning Sovereign in Heaven (From Shangshu) or Huangtian God (enshrined in the Temple of Heaven in Beijing) God's main card )It is the God, the Emperor, the Father (and“ Earth mother ”Huangtian (opposite to Houtu) god Formal honorific title of etc.
According to ancient documents, legendary emperor of great wisdom In the time of Xia Yu, there was a God called "Lei". In the oracle bone inscriptions of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the God of Heaven is the "Emperor", or "Heaven Emperor". He is the master of nature and the lower kingdom, surrounded by the sun, moon, wind, rain, etc ministers and officials messenger. Sacrificing to the Emperor of Heaven requires killing or burning prisoners and livestock as sacrifices, which costs a lot of wealth. remote date Sacrifice to heaven is to pray for the blessing of the god of the sun, so as to obtain a good harvest of agriculture and the prosperity of people and animals. According to《 Shangshu · Yao Dian 》, Historical Records· Five Emperors' History 》、《 Huainanzi Astronomical Training 》According to other historical records, before the Xia Dynasty, China offered sacrifices to the sun to pray for the year, and since Yin and Zhou Dynasties, fire has been used to offer sacrifices to the heaven. The Rites of the Zhou Dynasty records: "Sacrifice Reigning Sovereign in Heaven To worship the sun, the moon and the stars with real firewood, and to worship the minister, the minister, the teacher rain god ”, Note:“ Three Sacrifices The Book of Rites · Sacrifice Law: "The burnt firewood is used to worship the heaven in Mount Tai." The rulers of the Shang Dynasty mostly regarded themselves as "the destiny of heaven" and believed that their status was given by heaven. The Book of Songs · Pan Geng: "The first king had clothes and scrupulously respected the destiny of heaven." The Book of Songs · Song of the Shang Dynasty · Mysterious Birds said:“ The Mysterious Bird of Heaven , and business comes from the decline. ": "The religious life of the Yan people was mainly dominated by their ancestors' gods. Their relationship with heaven and the emperor was all mediated by their ancestors." The Yan people had the idea of relying on their ancestors to be the "guest emperor". The so-called Bindi means that the former king of the Shang Dynasty was around the Tiandi, who had the ability to protect and punish the Shang king. In the Zhou Dynasty, the concept of "heaven" gradually replaced what the Yan people called "God" and "Emperor". The image of the Emperor of Heaven was personified, King of Zhou There is also the title of "the Son of Heaven". The King of Zhou ruled the people on earth as the son of the Emperor of Heaven, and he should serve the Emperor of Heaven as his father. Sacrifice to Heaven is a ceremony to serve and enjoy the Emperor of Heaven. Since the Yin and Zhou Dynasties, the name of the Emperor of Heaven has become more and more complicated, including: Emperor, Emperor of Heaven, Heaven, Huangtian, Haotian, Huangtian God Reigning Sovereign in Heaven , Weihuang God, etc., refer to the personified God with will.

Sacrificial rites

Etiquette and Temple of Heaven
Confucius said, " offer sacrifice to heaven and earth minister of agriculture under legendary Shun In order to match the heaven, we worship King Wen in Mingtang to match the God. " This is a hard won method. [24] "In ancient times, the Son of Heaven lived in the suburbs in summer and worshipped God in the suburbs, so it was called the suburbs". [25] Suburb worship is the most important thing in China National Sacrifice Activities. Book of Rites · Suburb Special Animal 》He said, "The sky hangs down like an elephant, and the saints are like it, so the suburbs are the Tao of tomorrow." Holy number Specifically, Yin and Yang, the five elements, and the solar terms. The Son of Heaven conducts sacrifices according to these "heavenly phenomena". The suburban worship of Confucianism is that the Son of Heaven assumes the position of sage, representing all living people to communicate with heaven and earth, and acts as the intermediary between heaven and ordinary people. The people must play the role of sage by the Son of Heaven, and communicate with heaven and earth constantly, so that the order of the whole universe can be stabilized, and the people can live and produce stably. [26] The norms of suburban ritual are contained in《 etiquette 》、《 Zhou Rites 》、《 The Book of Rites 》Middle, supplemented by《 The Book of Rites Justice 》、《 Annotations to the Filial Piety Sutra 》And refer to《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》、《 The History of the Han Dynasty 》、《 Later Han Dynasty 》、《 Jin Shu 》、《 A synopsis 》、《 Opening Ceremony of the Tang Dynasty 》And other historical materials.
Zhou dynasty The official sacrifice to heaven is held every winter solstice in the southern suburbs of the capital the Circular Mound Altar Held to pray for the people Beginning of summer At the beginning of autumn and winter, we should welcome qi in the eastern, southern, western and northern suburbs respectively. Accordingly, the Son of Heaven should Jichun Bi Chun Qi, Yu Qiu Qi in mid autumn, send cold air in winter. "Round Hill worship ”Both "Fangqiu Sacrifice Land" and "Fangqiu Sacrifice Land" are in the suburbs, so they are also called "Suburb Sacrifice". The Round Hill is a round altar, which was believed by the ancients The sky is round and the place is round The circle is the image of the sky. Round Hill Sacrifice Reigning Sovereign in Heaven Or the Five Emperors and the sun, moon and stars; Fangqiu worships the deity of the country and the mountain.
Before offering sacrifices, the Son of Heaven and all officials should fast and examine the sacrifice and sacrificial utensil On the day of sacrifice, the emperor led his officials to the countryside in the early morning. The Emperor is wearing a big fur coat, and it's inside high-ranking government officials (Dresses decorated with sun, moon, stars, mountains, dragons and other decorative patterns), wear a crown with twelve diadem hanging from the front to the back, and insert it between the waist Dagui , hand-held Zhen Gui , facing the west and standing in the southeast of the Round Hill. At this time, the drums and music were playing together to announce that the Emperor of Heaven was coming to enjoy the sacrifice. Then the Son of Heaven led the sacrifice to the Emperor of Heaven and killed it. These sacrifices are accompanied by jade Yugui Sacrificial offerings such as silk and silk were put on the firewood stack, and the emperor lit the firewood to make the fireworks rise high in the sky, so that the emperor could smell the smell. This is burnt fire, also called "Sacrifice". Then he welcomed the corpse to the Round Hill with music. The corpse is decorated by a living person as the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, representing the Emperor of Heaven to receive sacrifices. The corpse sits in front of you Chen Fang Jade jade, tripod, Gui and other ritual vessels for holding sacrifices. At this time, sacrifice blood to the corpse first, and then offer five different quality wines in turn, called Wuqi. After the first two wine offerings, the whole animal and soup shall be offered( Gravy ), Xing soup (vegetable juice with salt), etc. After the fourth wine offering, serve millet Millet Diet. After offering, the corpse thanks the offeror with three kinds of wine, which is called Zuo. After drinking, the emperor and Dance team The dance of Cloud Gate is said to be Yellow Emperor The music and dance of the time. Finally, the worshippers also shared the wine used for the sacrifice. The corpse blessed the emperor, called "Gu", and later generations also called "Yin Fu". The Son of Heaven also gave the sacrificial meat to the imperial officials, which was called "Gizuo". The sacrificial rites for future generations are mostly formulated according to the Zhou rites, but God Or the divine position card replaced the corpse. The Son of Heaven is offered sacrifices four times a year at the winter solstice, in the first month, in the summer and in the autumn Reigning Sovereign in Heaven Jade is a gift to God.
There is very little information about offering sacrifices to heaven in the Qin Dynasty, and only one suburban ceremony is known for three years. Qin took October as the first year of the year, and the suburban worship was held in October. Temple officials are responsible for the worship of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty to heaven and earth. At the beginning of the reign of Emperor Wu, the ceremony was held every three years, that is, the first year, the second year, and the third year, the fifth emperor. In the first year of Emperor Cheng's founding (32 years ago), a circular hill was built in the south of the ancient canal of Kunming outside Chang'an City. In the first month of the spring of the next year, the first day (the first day) will be the day of worship Five sided God This is the beginning of the Han Dynasty Southern Suburb Sacrifice to Heaven. Later Han Dynasty Luoyang A round hill was built in the south of the city. The altar is divided into two layers. The upper layer is the place of heaven and earth, and the lower layer is divided Five Emperors There are two walls outside the altar, called "W é i". In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, there were also some changes in the suburban sacrificial system. In the Liang Dynasty, the southern and northern suburbs offered sacrifices to the heaven, the earth, the state, and the ancestral temples, without sacrificing, but with fruits and vegetables. Third Round Hill Altar Build houses outside as a place to change clothes and rest. The old system uses temporary curtains, Nanqi In the second year of Emperor Yongming (483), tile roofed houses were used. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty sacrifice Reigning Sovereign in Heaven There are four layers in the round hill of. God is the first, " Five Emperors , the sun and the moon are second in the hill, the Big Dipper, the Five Stars twelve nocturnal time divisions Hehan, Neiguan in the third class, 28su, Zhongguan in the fourth class, Foreign officials Inside the inner shell, the stars outside the inner shell. " The Rite of the Beginning of the Tang Dynasty is the earliest complete ceremony for offering sacrifices to God. The sacrifices of Confucianism can be divided into four categories, namely, gods Earthlings , ghosts and ancestors Confucius Sacrifice to heaven is the first national ceremony. The Five Emperors are the essence of the Five Elements that are subordinate to the Heaven. The process of offering sacrifices to the Emperor of Heaven on the winter solstice is divided into fasting, eating together, offering jade and jade Too firm With wine, offering greetings, eating meat, giving gifts Hope to burn In the Song Dynasty, offering sacrifices to heaven also included offering sacrifices to the Five Emperors, Yellow Emperor Therefore, they also received additional sacrifices in the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven. In the ninth year of Dade (1305), Secretariat discuss the Circular Mound Altar Sacrifice to heaven, advocate only following the Zhou Rites Reigning Sovereign in Heaven , cancel the attached sacrifice of the Five Emperors. but extremely large In the third year (1310), according to the practice of the Tang and Song Dynasties Five Emperors a subordinate spirit tablet worshiped beside the main one In the Song Dynasty, after the Round Hill worshiped heaven and earth together, an amnesty ceremony was held on the gate tower of the imperial city to pardon prisoners; Another day, to arrive Jingling Palace The ancestors' statues went forward to "salute". The Song Dynasty followed the Tang Dynasty in sacrificial rites. "On the winter solstice, we worship the God of Heaven at the Round Hill, and worship the gods below the Five Emperors, the sun, the moon, and the five stars. We also worship the Five Emperors with the Four Suburbs and the Earth King's Day, and worship the Five Emperors with five emperors, and worship the five senses, three stars, and seven nights" (History of the Song Dynasty - Ritual Annals III).
Beijing Tomorrow Temple
Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty After enthronement, life Li Shanchang Explore the origin and development of the ritual of offering sacrifices to heaven, and consider the ancient and modern conditions, so as to be moderate and definite. After studying the ritual of offering sacrifices to heaven, Li Shanchang said, "The state affairs are being offered sacrifices. Today, we should follow the ancient system and offer sacrifices to heaven and earth in the southern and northern suburbs. At the winter solstice, the emperor offered sacrifices to heaven in the southern suburbs, and the God of Heaven headed south, accompanied by the gods of Daming, Yeming, Stars, and Taisui. Fangqiu is in the northern suburbs, and at the summer solstice, the emperor offered sacrifices in Fangze." This further simplified the ritual, "Zhengsi ceremony, including the emperor, Taiyi, Liutian and Wudi, was abolished." the Circular Mound Altar imperial sacrifice to Heaven During the ceremony, the Yellow Emperor Reigning Sovereign in Heaven Below is the southwest of Erxin. Its status is more prominent. In offering sacrifices, Yellow Emperor And the heaven (earth) and the first ancestor, and Sifang Emperor Two calves will be provided, and one calf will be provided for the day and the moon. Although later, the Yellow Emperor and the other four emperors Supplies The basic convergence is only the color difference, but it still cannot change the position of the Five Emperors with the Yellow Emperor as the core. In the 10th year of Hongwu (1377) of the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, the ritual system of Huanqiu was changed, and every year Meng Chun In the southern suburbs of the southern suburbs, a large sacrificial hall was built to cover the altar with a large round house. The Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty moved to Beijing After, on Zhengyang Gate The South built the Great Sacrifice Hall according to the regulations of Nanjing, which was built in the 18th year of Yongle (1420) to worship heaven and earth together. In the ninth year of Jiajing (1530), Shizong changed the system of heaven and earth worship and built another one in the south of the Great Sacrifice Hall the Circular Mound Altar The Qing Dynasty basically followed the Ming system. Ancestor( Shunzhi )After the capital was established in Beijing, various supporting buildings of the South Temple of Heaven at Zhengyangmen were restored Qianlong It was renovated at that time and became the ancient architecture complex of the Temple of Heaven seen today. It includes the Circular Hill Daxiang Hall Imperial Dome Emperor extremely Palace Zhai Palace , well pavilion Slaughterhouse Etc. In addition to adopting the Han system, the people of the Qing Dynasty also kept their own customs“ Visit a temple ”The ceremony was renamed after entering the customs“ Jitangzi ”。 Beijing Tiantan the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest It is the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties offered sacrifices to God Reigning Sovereign in Heaven God's throne.

One of the Five Emperors

Xuantian God, one of the Five Emperors
Wudang Mountain Golden Temple of Mysterious God
The full name of North Zhenwu Xuantian God is also called Arctic Xuantian God. It is often referred to as the Northern Emperor, Zhenwu Emperor or Xuantian God. There are Basalt The Great Emperor, the Great Emperor of the North Pole, the Holy Emperor of the North Pole, the Kaitian Great Emperor, the Yuanwu God, etc; It is commonly known as Tiandi Gong, Tiandi Gong or Diye Gong. Its symbol Polaris It is the Taoist god and water god in the north. Because the north belongs to black among the five colors, it is also called Black Emperor. The Xuantian God was also the god of protecting the country in the Ming Dynasty. The Ming government built many Xuantian God temples, which were worshipped by the government. The Northern Emperor is said to have the magic power to eliminate disasters and difficulties, control water and fire, and prolong life, so he is popular. "On the day of the beginning of winter, welcome the winter in the northern suburbs and offer sacrifices to the Black Emperor Xuanming Car flag All clothes are black. Song Xuanming, Eight Evils The dance of life. " According to the Sutra of Divine Mantra on the Great Sage of Xuantian and True Martial Arts, Xuantian God is the eighty second change of the Supreme Lord Laojun. He was born in the Utopian Palace in the realm of Da Luo and is the son of King Jingle and Queen Shansheng. The queen dreamed of swallowing the sun, felt pregnant, and was born in the palace after 14 months and more than 400 days. After growing up, he gave up his parents and joined Wudang Mountain After 42 years of cultivation, he has achieved great success and ascended to heaven in the daytime. The Jade Emperor had an imperial edict, which was titled Taixuan, and the town was located in the north. The Blessing Mantra says that the God of the Dark Heaven is "the essence of the water level, which is transformed from the Taiyin. The virtual danger should rise, and the tortoise and snake should form together. The six movements around will deter all spirits". Therefore, the Northern Emperor belonged to water, which should be able to control water and fire, and relieve water and fire. In the Ming Dynasty, more Zhenwu temples were built in the palace to pray against fire and water. The Northern Emperor's contribution to the destruction of the tortoise spirit and python demon at his feet was also called the Xuantian God by the Emperor Yuanshi. The mysterious God not only commands the safety of all waters, but also is the incarnation of Polaris, which can guide ships to navigate in the right direction and not get lost in the sea. The portrait of the Northern Emperor As for the word "Xuanwu", it was the general name of the seven northern constellations in the 28 constellations. Qu Yuan Poetry of the South 》Of《 A long journey 》There is a saying in the article: "Call Xuanwu and run for the family". The seven constellations of Xuanwu are shaped like Tortoise snake Therefore, it is noted that "Xuanwu is a tortoise and a snake, located in the north, so it is called Xuan Squama Therefore, it is called "Wu". Northern Song Dynasty During Kaibao's reign, Xuanwu God came to Zhongnan Mountain. Taiping Revitalization In the sixth year (981), he was appointed General Yisheng. Song Zhenzong Large medium auspicious symbol In the seventh year (1014), he was granted the title of Yisheng Baode Zhenjun. Later, he tried to avoid Holy Ancestor Zhao Xuanlang changed Xuanwu into Zhenwu. Zhenzong of the Northern Song Dynasty Song Huizong Song Qinzong And so on. Among the seven constellations of Xuanwu, there is Dousu. Taoism attaches great importance to the worship of Douxing“ Nandou Zhu Sheng, Beidou injection ”From the day of reincarnation Beidou Beidou is the master of life and death. Therefore, when people pray for longevity, they must worship Zhenwu Emperor.