Ascending constellation

The constellation where the eastern horizon is located at the time of individual birth
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Ascending constellation (Ascendant, abbreviation: Asc) Birthday position Is the East when an individual was born horizon The change of the constellation depends on the time and place of birth.
The concept of ascending constellation originated from the medieval times The division of the heavenly palace was born at that time, which means that the heavenly palace at birth can be divided regionally according to the time and place of birth, so that Heavenly Palace Map Fully personalized.
Chinese name
Ascending constellation
Foreign name
Birthday position
The constellation where the eastern horizon is located at the time of individual birth
shàng shēng xīng zuò

brief introduction

Ascending constellation refers to the rising constellation on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth. It is Zodiac One of the constellations, Astrology It is believed that it has critical influence, and its characteristics are often the subconscious Medium permeability.
In each day of twenty-four hours, the twelve constellations of the zodiac follow in order Ground level Rise. The time for each rising constellation to change is about two hours. sun sign It's the day of birth sunlight stay Ecliptic The rising sign is the sign corresponding to horizon A rising constellation.


Generally, people born before and after sunrise are more likely to have the same constellation as the rising constellation. If they were born at sunset, the rising constellation may be the sun constellation Zodiac




Astrology There have always been two schools, one of which supports the sun constellation as the dominant personality, the other is to support the rising constellation, which believes that the rising constellation is the main reason for the external display of personality.
Ascending constellation is a personality that reflects without thinking, and this personality is shown when you are alone, or when you are with your family and close people, not when you are facing strangers and many people.
The rising constellation has the same influence on the external and internal aspects of personality as the sun constellation, but the rising constellation has more profound influence than the sun constellation, so when you know your own rising constellation, you can also refer to the explanation of this constellation in the sun constellation.
Ascendant is very important in astrology Life chart Have a considerable impact. Ascendant is the first house of the chart. The first house represents "self", that is, the most real character in the subconscious.


Character: energetic, active, often surprising, can well stimulate vitality, enhance self-confidence and motivation, and have business acumen and creativity. Enthusiasm is like fire. He is a general who takes the lead. He is either immobile or astonishing when he moves. It is easy to become the focus of attention. However, the advantages also tend to be excessively divergent, which makes it appear impulsive and impatient.
Appearance: overall, the body is strong, tall and fast, both men and women belong to Sporty The head has a large proportion and the eyes are alert. He is of medium stature, but has the posture and physique of a sportsman. He is muscular, strong and strong. Energetic and ruddy, it is a locomotive with courage and impetuosity. Even if you are born a woman, you are also full of masculinity. The head or face is slightly larger, and the hair color and skin color are darker, Hair quality Slightly thick and dense. The nose is very prominent, Bushy eyebrow , bright eyes, single eyelid or Inner doublet Most of them have straightforward eyes, and eyebrows form an important part of the face that cannot be ignored.


Character: stable personality, calm attitude, cautious and polite in dealing with people, patient and careful, very introverted, giving a sense of reliability and trust, but also easy to stick to details, not decisive enough.
appearance: forehead The lips have beautiful lines. Body proportion Well proportioned, with thick voice and good skin texture. Wide shoulders, thick back, slightly thick neck, strong skeleton, soft and thick palms, strong and powerful legs, wide hips, low center of gravity, moderate action, and looks very stable. The nose is slightly short, the lips are thick and sensitive, the cheeks are plump, and the hair is thin and soft, Hairline Low, stable and soft eyes, and fat after middle age, which may occur Double chin The voice is deep and bright, very pleasant.


Character: Yes Novelty They will show strong curiosity, be responsive, be more easy-going, be considerate of others, give people the impression of being lively and easy to get along with, be compatible with sensibility and rationality, treat people kindly, popular, funny and humorous, but they are also easy to become exaggerated.
Appearance: Both fat and thin have long limbs, especially fingers. The head scale is small, myopia There are many eyes. She is thin and slim, with long and beautiful limbs. She has a pair of slender fingers of a pianist. Small head, narrow shoulders, lively, responsive, Self expression Many exaggerated gestures will be added when the model is born. The hair line is receding, the forehead is high and round, looks very smart, the chin is small and sharp, and the face presents an inverted triangle. The small eyes are mostly single eyelids. The eyes are flexible and unstable with the mind. The nose is thin and straight, the lips are thin and flexible, and the hair color and skin color tend to be light.


Character: gentle and elegant, full of love, born with an attractive charm, giving people a warm and cordial feeling, rich inner feelings, favorable thinking, calm mood, keen intuition, both strong and emotional, often put a bright, kind smile on the face, let people want to be close, full of warmth, but the heart of dependence is also stronger.
Appearance: slim and graceful, generally not tall, Standing posture Slightly lazy and weak, most hands and feet are petite, with good temperament and beautiful appearance. The shoulders are smooth, the chest is very plump, and the hands and feet are small. Full and round cheeks, smooth forehead. The hair is soft, dense and light in color. The skin is white and rich in water. Nasal type Small and straight, nose Meaty Eyes are big, clear and bright, double-fold eyelids Most, baby face The eyes are affectionate and gentle. The lips are beautiful, soft, full and expressive.


Character: enthusiastic, generous and forthright, like to show talent in front of people, with king temperament, outgoing, soft with hard, emotional, confident, like to communicate with people, many friends, but not many confidants.
Appearance: Tall and muscular. The hair is many and fluffy, the forehead is wide, the eyes are alert, and the voice is loud. Powerful and powerful, with a tiger back and a bear waist, wide shoulders and narrow hips, the lower part of the body is weak and small, and the appearance is inverted triangle. Square head with big ears, wide and flat forehead, low hair line, thick and hard hair, slightly curly. Round eyes, sparkling, eyes happy. Lion nose , firm mouth line, always smiling. The chin is square and powerful, showing a W shape, with a loud voice.


Character: Civic and polite, giving the impression of being quiet and gentle, delicate in handling things, serious and careful in studying and working, principled in dealing with people and things, but not too stubborn. They are considerate and caring for others, but they are too strict with others and themselves. They are picky and fussy.
Appearance: small face, tall and thin. Fine facial features, Hair is supple , looks a little nervous , clean and tidy. Medium build The skeleton is fine. Flat body, slim and delicate, without fat and muscle. Slightly bony limbs, flexible fingers, thin hands, sign language Richness; common habituation Your hands overlap. Beautiful neck line. The forehead is round, the face is thin, the chin is pointed, the nose is long and bare, the lips are thin and smart, the eyes are black and white, and the eyes are slightly worried.


Character: kind and charming, communication skills Strong, able to quickly attract people's attention, intelligent, highly infectious, easy-going, easy to get along with, strong motivation, mild treatment, yet generous, both gregarious and have their own unique ideas, but also easy to drift, say more, do less, not pragmatic enough.
Appearance: Most of them are large eyes and double eyelids, with good temperament and elegant movements. Medium height, easy to get fat. The bone and flesh are well proportioned, the figure is beautiful, and the whole body presents a sense of beautiful lines, with moderate height. The face is plump, the facial features are flat, the face is beautiful, the eyebrows and eyes are soft and full of smiles, the eyelashes are long and beautiful, the hair is soft and wavy, the lips are plump, and the corners of the mouth rise like Water chestnut , the voice is elegant and pleasant.


Character: rich in feelings, mysterious and sensitive, able to protect relatives and friends, strong in understanding, calm and rational in dealing with people, gentle and mature in temperament, but will have a tendency to be timid, afraid of being hurt, and keep a distance from others. [1]
Appearance: smart and neat. Strong muscles and pale skin. Strong limbs and thick palms. The hair is dark, thick and thick. The forehead is high and round, the nose is sharp, and the cheekbones are prominent. Thick eyebrows, deep eye sockets, or Eyelids Thick, deep and compelling eyes, eyes like hawks, mouth type firm, deep lip color, full and sexy lips. The jaw is firm and powerful, and the neck is classic and strong.


Character: lively and cheerful, friendly, no lack of friends around, like to travel, pursue and enjoy a free life, can maintain a happy mood, open mind, like to communicate with people, share ideas and feelings.
Appearance: The facial features are not obvious, and the body is strong, especially the legs. The waist line is beautiful, and the hair is thick, dark, shiny and curly. Strong and straight, muscular, flexible limbs, slender legs, strong hips. Wide forehead, long oval face, ruddy complexion. The eyes are far apart, the eyes are bright and straight, the lips are wide and the teeth are firm, and the ears are slightly windy, Auricle to develop.


Character: cautious, practical, planned, patient, and able to work. Pragmatic, careful, stable and mature, decisive, keep a distance from others, do not like to join in the fun, too serious and formal.
Appearance: large bone, rigid action. Straight nose, thin lips. The body is thin, the joints are strong, it looks very bony, the bones are well developed, and it is strong and durable. The limbs are not strong, but they hide endurance. Be good at delicate hand work, such as dentist, clock repair. Prominent cheekbones, long nose and thin face are common Osseous sensation Narrow chin, Decree striation Obviously, the lips are thin and firm, the tone is low, and the teeth are firm. The eye socket is slightly concave, and the eyes are stable.


Character: intelligent, curious, active in thinking, often has good creative performance, especially active atmosphere, ready to help others, very influential in speaking, like lively, enthusiastic and lively, able to integrate into the group, philanthropic, free and independent, almost genius, but also easy to go overboard, it seems pompous.
Appearance: thin and straight, light and neat, no sense of muscle, good bone structure, with flat and bony square shoulders and thin waist. The limbs are long, the finger bone knot is protruding, and the lower leg and Ankle Beautiful lines and light body pigment. Square face, high and wide forehead, white skin, light hair, cold eyes, often Juvenile white hair After middle age, people often have white hair, light eyes, flexible eyes, strange eyes, and a slightly bony nose, forming the focus of the face.


Character: gentle and considerate, extremely sympathy , rich in emotion, considerate and harmonious with others, Optimistic and positive , although occasionally depressed, it will soon become clear.
Appearance: Large eyes with pouch. She is petite, round, with more flesh than bone, white and transparent skin, soft, slender limbs, small and soft hands. In any case, feet are very sensitive, and she often feels at a loss for shoes. The hair is thick and soft, with long wavy hair. It will be disheveled when you are in a bad mood. Soft face, sleepy eyes, dim and out of focus, affectionate and kind, small nose, moderate size, common Baby fat , soft and full lips, full smile, soft voice.


The correct statement about the rising constellation means that at the time of birth, it extends from the place of birth to the eastern horizon, and then extends outward to the constellation on the ecliptic. Therefore, to know your own rising constellation, you must first know your detailed date and time of birth and be accurate to "hour" and "minute", and also know your place of birth Longitude and latitude [1]