zero Useful+1


Philosophical terms
German philosopher Hegel It is used to explain the development process formula. It is believed that all development goes through three stages, namely, the starting point of development (main topic), the appearance of the opposite (antithesis), and the unity of the opposite (combined topic). The antithesis negates the main topic, the combination negates the antithesis, and the combination is the negation of negation Hegel took the three paragraph form as an argument Objective idealism Tools, however, have opened the way for the dialectics of the development of things from the low level to the high level.
Chinese name
Explain the development process
Philosophical school
Objective idealism



Shaw combination

Caige Linke talked about multiple combination formulas and rotation methods of lottery numbers in Lottery Gold Edition. Among them, the "three-stage Shaw's combination formula" is a good method with high winning rate, investment saving and easy to apply, which is suitable for the vast number of lottery winners interested in this formula to apply.


"Three segment combination formula" lists the winning formula of 36 numbers, but when the formula is applied after the number is selected correctly, Digital grouping The matching of numbers is very important. How to match the numbers in the 12 groups of A, B, C, D, etc. becomes the key to winning several numbers.
The general lottery players use this formula from small to large. For example, 12 numbers of the package: 02, 04, 08, 11, 13, 16, 18, 25, 27, 29, 32, 35. If the package is arranged from small to large and divided into four groups, then group A is 02, 04, 08, group B is 11, 13, 16, group C is 18, 25, 27, and group D is 29, 32, 35. After applying the formula, it becomes: ABC=02040811ABD=02040811ACD=020408182527293235BCD=11293235
According to the above method, whether Multiple Bets There are still some imperfections in the change from compound to single betting. For example, the first group lacks numbers in the four ranges of 28~36, the second group lacks numbers in the three ranges of 20~28, the third group lacks numbers in the two ranges of 10~19, and the fourth group lacks numbers in the range of 1~9. According to the conventional lottery numbers, it is difficult to determine which section is out of gear, although it happens occasionally.

Leak detection and defect remedy

How to combine the selected numbers well to conform to the lottery law? After following the previous lottery numbers and repeated trials, I summarized two suitable methods.

Mantissa combination

Combine the selected numbers according to the mantissa 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8 and 3, 6, 9. The 12 numbers are arranged as follows: Group A 02, 08, 25, Group B 04, 11, 27, Group C 13, 16, 29, Group D 18, 32, 35. After this combination, we find that each group contains four interval numbers. If the numbers are selected correctly and the groups are matched properly, more lottery numbers can be distributed in a group, which can be proved by previous lottery numbers. 327: 06131415163132, including 061316.

Small, medium and large combination

As the numbers we selected earlier, we grouped them into groups according to the "small, medium and large" method: Group A: 02, 25, 35, Group B: 04, 18, 32, Group C: 08, 16, 29, Group D: 11, 13, 27, and then applied the "three-stage Shaw combination formula".

Collocation combination

After such combination, there are numbers in the four sections. If the selected number is out of gear, it can also be fully repeated to achieve the meaning of multiple combination, which is more suitable for the lottery law.

come to conclusion

According to the above method, we can draw a conclusion that the application characteristics of the "three-stage Shaw's combination formula" is "correct number selection, clever combination, and then apply the formula".


The body parts need to be exposed much in summer, plus most people's Anorexia Many beauties will consciously or unconsciously lose weight. But in autumn, without these factors, girls' vigilance against meat will be relaxed, and they are likely to gain "autumn fat" accidentally. Instead of repeatedly losing weight in the coming year, it would be better to eliminate it as soon as possible“ Autumn fat ”, always keep a beautiful figure. As long as you adhere to the following weight loss rules, you can easily return the "autumn fat" to its original shape!

Phase I

This phase takes about 3 to 4 days to let the body "spit out", slowly expel the deposits of many previous meals, return to the original regular track, and eat moderate and digestible food at the same time.
Rule 1: No shortage of three meals
Some people are very suspicious: what fat can I lose after eating three meals? In fact, there is a lot of knowledge about how to arrange three meals. You can eat more for breakfast and lunch. You should try to eat less for dinner, or use fruit instead to prevent indigestible food from accumulating in your abdomen. In addition, it is essential to eat protein every day, which does not contain fat cheese and skimmed milk You can enter your recipe.
Rule 2: Vegetables and fruits play the leading role
Eat more vegetables like broccoli and beans, and use the fiber in them to help the body detoxify. On the one hand, eating a lot of fruit is to help digestion, on the other hand, it is also to occupy a place in the stomach, so as to avoid being hungry at the beginning and making it difficult to carry out your weight loss plan.

Phase II

The second stage also takes three to four days. In this stage, we still need to avoid foods with high fat content, but we should not refuse low-fat proteins, because they are essential nutrients for us to slim down.
After 3 to 4 days of the first phase Clear intestines After that, we can eat some starchy food besides vegetables and fruits.
After about 8 days of the first and second stages, you will find yourself naturally returning to early autumn Binge drinking The weight before overeating should be attributed to the high fiber and low fat food.

Phase III

During this period, the main job is to restore physical strength, otherwise, if there is a need to work overtime and stay up late, you will lose your spirit. During this period, fruit played a very important role.
Rule 1: Choose fruit
Orange, grapefruit, apple Raisin and Tomatoes All are good choices, but don't drink juice to lose weight. You know, one cup of juice is about equal to three fruits. Like 100g Orange Juice There are 65 calories in it, 60 calories in grapefruit juice and 90 calories in raisin juice. Dietitians suggest or choose Tomato juice OK.
Rule 2: Three Vegetables Help
Asparagus fennel and Squash Have their own unique role. Asparagus is very diuretic, which is conducive to reducing the burden on the kidneys, detoxifying and slimming. The function of fennel is to reduce abdominal distension and clean up the toxic gas absorbed by the intestines and stomach. Zucchini can increase the secretion of bile to reduce the burden on the liver.
Choose the right weight loss food, and then exercise step by step, which will definitely make the "autumn fat" disappear.

Composition Application

As more and more provinces and cities carry out independent proposition, open and semi open compositions are increasingly favored. Because this type of question can more accurately examine whether the examinee can express his or her views accurately in English, which fully reflects the examination of the ability to actually solve problems. This kind of composition is mostly argumentative, so argumentative writing is more important. According to the characteristics of argumentative writing, it is best to use three Paragraph argumentation, the first paragraph asks questions (always written), that is, the topic paragraph, stating their own views; The second paragraph demonstrates the pros and cons of the argument with arguments (written separately), that is, expand the paragraph, and lay out the arguments supporting the argument; The third paragraph draws the corresponding conclusion (always written), which is a summary paragraph and summarizes my own views. Similar to the writing in Chinese (total - minute - total). This kind of writing can make the article hierarchical and clear in structure.
The college entrance examination composition has developed for so many years, always putting forward new requirements and summarizing new rules and patterns, but the rules and patterns will be abandoned in a few years. The three paragraph form has been abandoned, so it is not recommended to use this writing method. After all, there are too many people writing, and they are doomed to not get high marks.
1. In the three paragraph argumentation, you should first write a good beginning. A good beginning is half the battle. A good beginning will leave a good impression on the readers and make them attractive. Any article should have a clear theme and focus, and the argument should be straight to the point and close to the topic. The length of the composition for the college entrance examination is short, so the beginning should not be lengthy and tardy, and it is necessary to focus on the main points, that is, the characters, events and author's views of the article.
2. Deepen the middle section. The favorite part is the main body of the article. It needs to use specific examples and details to explain the topic sentence. Therefore, the favorite part should be specific and detailed. It should not be talked about in general or at the end of the point. An needs to focus on the content of the topic sentence. It should not talk about something unrelated to it, that is, the topic should be specific and persuasive. Common methods include comparison, example, induction, reasoning, comparison and refutation.
3. Keep the end close to avoid the lack of strength in the end. A good ending will deepen the theme and further strengthen the good impression of the marking teacher. At last, the article can return to the central idea put forward at the beginning to achieve the effect of reaffirming the emphasis; Or quote aphorisms or celebrity quotes to summarize the full text, which is concise and has strong explanatory power; A few sentences can also be used to summarize the content of the full text and further affirm the central idea of the article or the author's point of view.
4. Pay attention Connectives The use of, so that the article is more coherent, smooth and clear.
5. Pay attention to the levels and paragraphs of the article.
In order to better use the three paragraph writing technique in the exam, the examinees should carry out strict and systematic training in their usual study. The training topics should be rich, the quality of the ballot papers should be high, the writing effect should be emphasized, and the training should be completed within a time limit. Only strict training can ensure the super level play in the exam.