Three wastes

[sān fèi]
Waste water, waste gas and solid waste from industrial pollution sources
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"Three wastes" generally refer to Industrial pollution sources Waste water, waste gas and solid waste China has become a major tanning country in the world, with increasing wastewater, waste residue and waste gas. If leather waste is not treated, it will endanger the life and health of animals, plants and human beings. Especially in the three wastes of tanning Chromium pollution Sulfur pollution , salt pollution, etc. are fatal to the leather industry Pollution source Although there are better pollution control systems, there are still some problems in these systems, such as incomplete pollution control Secondary pollution Etc. Therefore, we must attach great importance to it. We must use high-tech means to comprehensively treat and recycle the three wastes, purify the living environment, and protect ecological equilibrium [1]
Waste gas, waste water solid waste The general name of. It can also be called "raw materials in the wrong place". Recycling it can also improve environmental health.
Chinese name
Three wastes
Foreign name
three wastes
Waste gas, waste water and solid waste
Raw materials in the wrong place


English: the Three Wastes—industrial wastewater, waste gases and residues
Waste gas, waste water solid waste The general name of.
It can also be called "raw materials in the wrong place".
Put it recycling It can also improve environmental health.
China has standards and regulations for their discharge and treatment.
Radioactive waste disposal And disposal: production and Nuclear science In the process of research, there will be some radioactivity The solid, liquid and gaseous wastes are referred to as "three wastes" for short.
The "three wastes" shall be treated and disposed by multi-level purification, decontamination, compression and volume reduction, incineration, solidification and other measures according to different situations. This process is called "three wastes" treatment and disposal.
For example, radioactive waste liquid can be divided into low, medium High Level Waste liquid can be purified Cement curing or Asphalt curing Vitrification After curing, store in a special disposal site or place Deep formation disposal Store in the storehouse to isolate it from the biosphere.

Waste removal method

stay chemical experiment Some methods for treating the three wastes in:

Waste gas treatment

Produce a small amount Toxic gas The test should be carried out in the fume hood. A small amount of toxic gas should be discharged to the outside through the exhaust equipment and diluted by air
Experiments that produce a large amount of toxic gas must have absorption or processing devices. as Oxides of nitrogen sulfur dioxide etc. Acid gas use Lye Absorption flammability Organic waste liquid can be used in Combustion furnace Intermediate oxygen supply Complete combustion

Treatment of waste liquid

1. Each laboratory shall be equipped with containers for storing waste residue and waste liquid. Waste residue and waste liquid that pollute the environment generated from the experiment shall be poured into designated containers for storage by category.
2. Acid and alkaline waste liquid chemical property , respectively neutralize Post processing send PH Discharge after reaching 6-9.
3. Organic waste liquid shall be recycled, converted and burned after being concentrated.
Treatment of waste liquid
4. Try not to use or use less chemical reagents containing heavy metals for experiments.

Destruction of waste materials

1. Toxic wastes that can be naturally degraded shall be intensively buried for treatment.
2. Water insoluble waste chemical It is forbidden to throw it into the waste water pipeline, and it must be concentrated to Incinerator Incinerate or chemically treat it into harmless substances.
3. Broken glass and other sharp wastes with edges and corners shall not be thrown into the waste paper basket, but shall be collected in the special waste box for treatment.

Engineering technical problems

On June 27, 2022 The 24th annual meeting of China Association for Science and Technology At the closing ceremony, the China Association for Science and Technology solemnly released 10 pairs of Engineering technology Innovate key engineering and technical problems, including "how to realize the low cost of super large amount of three wastes (solid, liquid and gas) in China's coal mines geological storage and ecological environment Collaborative development ?”。 [2]