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Three Poets

[sān jiā shī]
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Chinese "poetry" learning terms. Qi Shi《 Lu Poetry 》"Han Shi". Because the three schools were written in official script, which was popular in the Han Dynasty, it is also called modern poetry.
Chinese name
Three Poets
Include poetic school
Lu Poetry, Qi Poetry, Han Poetry
Representative poet
Yuan Gu, Shen Peigong, Han Ying
Age of origin
Han Dynasty


sān jiā shī
Refers to“ Lu Poetry ”"Qi Poetry" and "Han Poetry"《 The Book of Songs 》The school of meaning belongs to the school of modern literature. In the Western Han Dynasty, there were three school officials (doctors). present All have Lost only《 Han Shiwaizhuan 》。 "Lu Poetry" belongs to Jinwen Jing Mao Poetry They form four poems together, and Mao's poems belong to Ancient classics
The Book of Songs
After the burning of books in the Qin Dynasty, there were three schools of poetry in the Han Dynasty Yuangu Biography of Qi Shi, from Lu Shen Peigong Biography《 Lu Poetry 》, Yanren Han Ying Pass on Han Shi. also Maoheng Gross current Biography《 Mao Poetry 》He is the teacher of the four schools of poetry.
Study of Han Dynasty《 The Book of Songs 》Four of them are Qi sent to represent Qi Renyuan Gu, and Lu sent to represent Lu people Application for training Han Ying, the representative of the Yan School, and Mao Heng, the representative of the Lu School, and Mao Chang, the representative of the Zhao School. Namely Qi, Lu, Han and Mao. The Qi, Lu, and Korean sects were very popular in the Western Han Dynasty. There were doctors in Korea who became Official school , which belongs to modern classics. These three poems have something in common, which is also called three poems. The poems of the three poets are quite complicated. They are all written in the official script commonly used in the Han Dynasty, so they are also called "modern prose school"“ Jinwen Classics ”。 Jinwen Classics is a school of study on Jinwen classics.
Modern and Ancient Chinese
so-called Modern and Ancient Chinese "Wen" refers to the words used to record classics. The modern text refers to the official script commonly used in the Han Dynasty, while the ancient text refers to First Emperor of Qin Before the unification of China Ancient writing (“ tadpole character ”), that is, big seal or Zhou Shu. In the early Qin Dynasty, the First Emperor of Qin implemented obscurantist policy "Burning books to pit scholars". At that time, only "medicine Divination The book of planting trees was spared. During the Western Han Dynasty, Martial Emperor adopt scholar-statesman instrumental in institutionalizing Confucianism and civil-service examinations Dismiss all schools of thought and uphold Confucianism ”Dong Zhongshu Confucianism , as an officially recognized ruling ideology. The government also set up a doctor of "Confucian classics" to teach Confucian classics. So far, Confucianism has been promoted to the status of "Confucian classics".
However, after the disaster of burning books in the Qin Dynasty, the Confucian classics were destroyed. Popular in the Western Han Dynasty Confucianism Most classics have no old classics, but rely on survival Scholar Oral transmission, from Study classics Students write it down. The characters used in their records are clerical script popular in the Western Han Dynasty, which belongs to the "modern text" of the time, so this kind of scripture is called Jinwen Jing
When the Qin Dynasty burned books, some Confucian scholars risked their lives to hide some Confucian books in the interlayer of the wall. These scriptures were discovered in the Han Dynasty. In the last years of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, King Lu Gong Dismantle Confucius' old house to expand his palace Confucius Mansion In the interlayer of the wall of the old house《 Shangshu 》A large number of books are collected here. These books are written in tadpole documents of the Six Kingdoms Period, so they are called ancient classics. Because there were not many people who knew the ancient writings of the Pre Qin Dynasty, these ancient writings were mainly hidden in the royal family after they were re published library , did not receive the attention of the people of the time.
Founder of Ancient Chinese Classics
The first one to shout for the ancient scriptures is Liu Xin He's helping his father Liu Xiang proofread books During this period, the ancient text of《 Legend of Zuo Clan in Spring and Autumn Period 》。 Liu Xin believes that《 Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》Is worth far more than Jinwen Jing Spring and Autumn Annals Commentary by Gongyang Gao 》And《 Guliang Chuan 》Therefore, he suggested to the imperial court that the ancient scriptures should be officially listed as academic officials and given legal status. But his suggestion was met Jinwen Classics Doctor's strong opposition, they gave Liu Xin a "upside down Five meridians ”, "turmoil Learn from ”Of the crime. Liu Xin's suggestion was not accepted and he himself left the capital Chang'an but Chinese history The Confucian Classics that has lasted for more than 2000 years Modern and Ancient Chinese Liu Xin is also known as Classical Chinese Classics The founder of.
Seen from the surface, the dispute between modern and ancient Chinese prose is mainly manifested in the difference of characters and the understanding and interpretation of Confucian classics. Generally speaking, when interpreting scriptures, the modern school pays attention to the "micro words and big meanings" in the scriptures, while the ancient school pays attention to the textual exegesis; The modern text school tried its best to link the scriptures with theological superstitions. Especially in the Western Han Dynasty, modern text scholars liked to mix the popular Chenwei Superstition. They combined the study of Confucian classics with Yin Yang and Five Elements In addition, they talk about the scriptures as supernatural. Although the School of Ancient Chinese Literature has not yet completely got rid of the fetters of theological superstition, it opposes the prophecy of disasters and focuses on Practical learning
Ancient and modern literature
In the Western Han Dynasty, the study of modern classics prevailed(“ Five meridians ”、“ Six Meridians ”)All doctors Jinwen School Control. During the reign of Emperor Ping in the late Western Han Dynasty, there was a doctor of ancient classics, With Jinwen Jing Doctor confrontation. Wang Mang's system reform After failure, the Eastern Han Dynasty Emperor Guangwu It also abolished the ancient text classics and advocated the modern text classics, but the ancient text classics still have considerable influence among the people. At the same time, with Jinwen Classics The research is becoming more and more complicated, and its influence is also declining. After the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Classical Chinese Classics Rise and develop, and overwhelm modern classics. During this period, a group of masters of ancient Chinese classics emerged, such as Jia Kui author of many commentaries on the Classics Xu Shen wait forsomeone. Xu Shen is the high foot of Jia Kui. He has devoted his whole life to writing《 Analytical Dictionary of Characters 》And made outstanding contributions to the spread of ancient Chinese classics. Also worth mentioning is the famous master of Confucian classics Zheng Xuan , he was Ma Rong's high foot School of Classical Chinese Classics However, he did not stick to the teacher's theory, but also understood the modern classics, and was good at absorbing some theories in the modern classics, so as to make the ancient classics more perfect, and also make the ancient classics eventually overwhelm the modern classics. So far, from the end of the Western Han Dynasty Classical Chinese Classics The dispute has just come to an end.
Han Dynasty Modern and Ancient Chinese The struggle between schools is very sharp. On the surface, the difference between the modern school and the ancient school lies in the characters. But in essence, the difference between them is far more than words. In the Han Dynasty, especially in the Western Han Dynasty, the modern school was supported by the government and belonged to the official school. The ancient scriptures are "great Confucians in the wilderness" Private school Classical Chinese Classics It is also necessary to strive for the position of an official school in order to gain a position relative to modern classics, so as to break the monopoly of modern classics scholars on the academic and political arena, which is naturally unacceptable to modern classics scholars. Here, the dispute over the study of modern and ancient classics has actually gone far beyond the scope of normal academic debate, and has become Political domination The extension of the need of "Tao" in the field of Confucian classics.
After the Eastern Han Dynasty, the dispute over the ancient Chinese classics rose and fell with the change of academic atmosphere and political situation. From the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, the ancient classics basically took the lead. The Song Dynasty, famous for its skepticism“ philosophical theories of Song scholars ”Rise. In contrast to the tradition of exegesis and biographical annotation in the study of ancient Chinese classics, the study of the Song Dynasty advocates seeking the truth directly from the classics. During this period, the orthodox study of ancient Chinese classics declined. In the Ming Dynasty, Confucian classics declined further. In the early Qing Dynasty, the study of ancient Chinese classics revived Qianlong Jiaqing During the qianjia school And reached its heyday. Jiaqing brilliance of virtue In, the study of ancient Chinese classics came to an end, Jinwen Classics But it has sprung up again. Wei Yuan Gong Zizhen and Kang Youwei People advocated political reform, they absorbed the Han Dynasty Jinwen School He advocated the thought of system reform and strongly advocated the study of modern classics. With the collapse of the Qing Dynasty Modern and Ancient Chinese The dispute between schools also disappeared.
in summary:
Qi Ren Yuangu He passed on "Qi Shi", "Lu Shi" by Shen Peigong, a native of Lu, and "Han Shi" by Han Ying, a native of Yan, Maoheng Mao Changchuan's "Mao Poems".
Known as "three poets" Jinwen Classics It's Qi Shi《 Lu Poetry 》, Han Shi.
The prosperity of ancient Chinese classics was in the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty. During this period, a group of masters of ancient Chinese classics emerged, such as Jia Kui, Ma Rong, Xu Shen, etc.

Qi Poetry

Poetry(《 The Book of Songs 》)One of the modern school. Qi people in the early Han Dynasty Yuangu (Yuan Gusheng). Emperor Jing of Han Dynasty When he became a doctor, he became an official student. The following "Qi Poems" Xiahou Shichang , Houcang, Yifeng Xiao Wangzhi , Kuang Heng, etc. Features: Joyful introduction Chenwei , infer current affairs from the disasters of yin and yang.  《 Hanshu · Yiwenzhi 》It is said that Yuan Gusheng once wrote a biography for "Shi", and the descriptions of this school include "The Story of Qihou Family", "The Story of Qihou Family", "The Story of Qisun Family", "The Story of Qisun Family", "The Miscellaneous Records of Qi", and so on. By the time of the Three Kingdoms Wei Dynasty, they had all been lost. Chen Qiaozong of the Qing Dynasty wrote "The Commentary on Qi Poems", which has been edited and explained.   Sima Qian In the Records of the Historian, it was said that "the words of" Shi "were used by Lu Ze to train the Duke, Yuan Gu to live in Qi, and Han Taifu to live in Yan;......" It was said that "all Qi were distinguished by" Shi ", and all Qi were disciples of Gu". Yuan Gu's disciple Lu Ren Xiahou Shichang Shichang later taught Houcang. Hou Cang taught Yi Feng, Xiao Wangzhi, Kuang Heng; Kuang Heng taught Lang Xie Shi Dan, Fu Liqi Jun Yingchuan Manchang, Jundu; Man Chang taught Jiujiang Zhang Han and Langxie Pi Rong. Therefore, "Qi Shi" has the learning of wing, Kuang, teacher and Fu.

Qi Xue

One of the schools of Confucian classics in the Qin and Han Dynasties. So we sent sutras to pass on "Poems"(《 The Book of Songs 》)Of Yuangu (Yuan Gusheng), Chuan《 Legend of Spring and Autumn Rams 》The longevity of the rams is equal to that of the people. Features: The style of study is more exaggerated. Classics: Qi Shi, Qi Lun, etc. Rear scholar-statesman instrumental in institutionalizing Confucianism and civil-service examinations Harmony of Yin, Yang and Five Elements Jinwen Jing Spring and Autumn Annals Commentary by Gongyang Gao 》The combination to consolidate the imperial power was developed following the learning style of Qi.

Lu Poetry

One of the literary schools of Poetry. Lu people in the early Han Dynasty Shen Gong Posted. This postscript《 Lu Poetry 》The flawed Qiu Jianggong Liu Xiang Etc. In the Western Han Dynasty, the most widely taught Western Jin Dynasty Lost. Features《 Lu Poetry 》On Pre Qin The origin and characteristics of the period: 1. Through《 Mao Poetry 》, Lu Shi and《 Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》Compared with the "cited poems" in, it shows that "Lu Shi" is the closest to the ancient poetry of the pre-qin period; 2、 Reveal from the characteristics of the poetry theory in Lu Shi Ban Gu "Lu is the closest"; 3、 From the only reserved materials, this paper analyzes the original state of the existence of poems and lines in Lu Shi.

Founder of Lu Shi

Shen Gong's youth and Liu Bang Fourth younger brother Liu Jiao Learn from Qi people Fu Chubo《 The Book of Songs 》。
At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, Shen Gong once met his disciple Fu Qiubo in the South Palace of the State of Lu Liu Bang In the sixth year of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty (201 BC) Liu Jiao He was the King of Chu and Yuan. When King Yuan of Chu took office, he used Duke Shen as a Chinese doctor. Empress Lv When Fuqiu Bo was in Chang'an, the King of Chu Yuan sent his son Yingke and Shen Gong to learn from Fuqiu Bo《 The Book of Songs 》Graduation. Wen Shengong studied during the reign of Emperor Wen《 The Book of Songs 》The most excellent, awarded doctor. The King of Chu and Yuan liked it《 The Book of Songs 》All scholars learned from the Book of Songs. Since then, Shen Gong has written a biography of the Book of Songs, known as《 Lu Poetry 》。 King Zhu of Chu and Yuan Dynasty, Ying Ke succeeded him King of Chu , appointed Duke Shen as the crown prince Liu Wu Our teacher. Liu Wu was not eager to learn and was disgusted with Shen Gong's request. Liu Wu and King of Wu The communication of rebellion was deeply blocked by Shen Gong and others. Liu Wu not only refused to listen, but tied Shen Gong and others up, put on ochre clothes, and pounded rice in the market with a pestle. Shamed, Duke Shen returned to his hometown and devoted himself to teaching. He had more than 1000 disciples, including Wang Zang, Zhao □ Kong Anguo Zhou Ba, Xia Kuan, Lu Ci, Miao Sheng, Xu Yan, Quemen Celebration Shen Gong not only teaches《 The Book of Songs 》, also teach《 spring and autumn 》。

Lu Poetry Viewpoint

Lu Poetry 》Yes《 The Book of Songs 》The scriptures have their own opinions. "Cai Ren's Wife"《 Lu Poetry 》It is believed that she was the daughter of the Song Dynasty. After her husband got married, her mother wanted to make her remarry. The daughter said, "The misfortune of my husband is the misfortune of my concubine. How can I go? It's the way of the fittest person. I will never change my mind in life, and I will never change my mind in case of ill luck.". "Zhou Nan's Wife"《 Lu Poetry 》He thought he was the wife of Doctor Zhou Nan. The doctor was ordered to harness the water and soil. When the deadline was up, the wife was afraid that her husband would slack off in politics, so she said to her neighbor, "The country is difficult, but it's just a matter of reluctance. There is no anger, and parents are worried about it." So she wrote a poem saying:“ Megalobrama amblycephala □ The royal family is destroyed. Although it is like destruction, your parents are very famous. " "Wei Gu Dingjiang"《 Lu Poetry 》It is believed that it is the wife of Duke Wei Ding and the son's mother. The son died after marriage, and his wife had no children. After three years of mourning, he was sent back to his mother's house by his mother-in-law. Ding Jiang personally sent his daughter-in-law to the wild. Her love for her daughter-in-law and her grief for her son made her cry sadly. The daughter-in-law had gone away, and she was still busy looking around, crying and weeping. So he wrote a poem saying: "Yan Yan flies in the air, shame the pool and its feathers. His son returns home, and sends him away to the wild. He looks at his daughter in law and weeps like rain." As he walked back, he cried and looked back from time to time, and wrote a poem saying: "The thought of the first king is that animals are less than people." The gentleman said that Jiang was more kind than his mother-in-law. "Mrs. Xu Mu"《 Lu Poetry 》Say yes Wei Yigong 's daughter, Xu Mugong Your wife. When Mrs. Xu Mu was not engaged, dedicate oneself to one's country To propose, Qi State Come and propose, too. Duke Wei She was about to promise her daughter to Xu. Through her nanny, she said to Duke Yi, "The ancient people were the daughters of the princes, so Bao Ju played with them to help the big country." She also said, "Today's people may be small and far away, and even big and near. If today's world, the strong will be strong. If the border is crowned, Wei will be the reason of the four sides. Go to tell the big country, and the wife will not get better? Today, we are far away from the near, from the big and attached to the small. If it is difficult to drive, who can consider the state? " Duke Yi of Wei refused to accept his advice and married his daughter to Xu Guo. Later, the Zhai people attacked the State of Wei, breaking the State of Wei and Xu was unable to save it. Wei Yigong regretted not taking his daughter's advice and fled to Xingze Killed. Duke Huan of Qi They sent troops to rescue, and built Chuqiu City to let Wei's adherents live. When the State of Wei was destroyed by the people of Di, Mrs. Xu Mu hurried to mourn Wei Yigong. She wrote a poem because of her grief and said, "Go to mourn Wei Marquis. Drive your horse slowly, and say as far as □. The doctor traveled, but my heart was worried. I can neither praise nor reverse. I can't think far if I don't appreciate her." Prince praised her kindness, wisdom and foresight.


[Phonics]: one of the modern school of poetry. Refers to the Yan people in the early Han Dynasty Han Ying Taught《 The Book of Songs 》。 At the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty, there were Lu, Qi, Han and Mao. Han Ying wrote four volumes of Han's poem Nei Zhuan by pushing the poet's idea《 External transmission 》Six volumes, tens of thousands of words《 Hanshu · Yiwenzhi 》Recorded. There are also 36 volumes of Han Gu and 41 volumes of Han Shuo. "Han Shi" in Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty He became a doctor at that time and became an official school Lu Poetry And Qi poems are called three poems. At that time, Huainan Ben Sheng, Cai Yi and others passed on "Han Shi". As in the Eastern Han Dynasty Mao Poetry In the Western Jin Dynasty, "Han poetry" existed, but none Messenger Southern Song Dynasty Later, the "Internal Biography" was lost, and only the "External Biography" remained (in a word, the internal biography was incorporated into the external biography). Current edition《 Han Shiwaizhuan 》There are ten volumes in total, which is quite different from the sentences recorded in the historical records, indicating that the original book is no longer available, and some of them have been revised by later generations. Zhao Huaiyi of the Qing Dynasty compiled the lost articles of Nei Zhuan, which were attached to Wai Zhuan. Chen Qiaozong has a collection of "The Commentary on Han Shi".

Mao Poetry

Current edition《 The Book of Songs 》That is Mao Poetry It is handed down from generation to generation. The Book of Songs, as the first collection of poems in the history of Han literature, has 305 pieces Confucius He was deleted and taught his disciples. Later, he went all over the world. It is undeniable that《 The Book of Songs 》The influence on Chinese thought and culture is extremely great, and the reason why it can spread today, Maoheng Gross current plays a vital role.  《 Hanshu · Yiwenzhi 》, Eastern Han Dynasty Zheng Xuan The Book of Songs "Notes on Mao's Poems" According to the Five Classics Justice by Kong Yingda of the Tang Dynasty and other books, up to the early Warring States Period, the people who studied and studied the Book of Songs included the Qi people, the Lu people, and the Yan people Han Ying Interriver Maoheng. "Mao Heng wrote The Justice of Mao's Poems at his home, and he offered them to the king in Hejian." Mao Heng taught the Justice of Mao's Poems to Mao Chang (according to the textual research of relevant scholars today, Mao Heng and Mao Chang are uncle and nephew). Wu People in the Three Kingdoms Period Land-based aircraft Written by《 Maoshi Vegetation, Birds, Animals, Insects and Fish 》It is recorded that "Confucius deleted books Divining merchants , divining merchants as the order, and giving Lu people Zeng Shen , awarded to Wei Ren Rick Meng Zhongzi, a Kelu native, Meng Zhongzi, Genmouzi and Zhao Ren Xun Qing , Qing Shulu Maoheng , Heng wrote the Biography of Gu Xun to teach Zhao Mao Chang, when people called Heng the Great Mao Gong, Chang the Small Mao Gong. " And the Tang Dynasty Lu Deming There are different records in the Preface to Classic Interpretation:“ Xu Zhen Cloud: Zixia Gao Xingzi, Gao Xingzi, Xue Cangzi, Xue Cangzi, Bo Miaozi, and He Jian Da Mao Gong were given the title of "Shi Gu Xun Zhuan" at home to teach Zhao people Xiao Mao Gong. "
Comprehensive history books local records , cultural relics, ancient books, legends, etc Interriver Of confucian Among scholars, Gross current To study《 The Book of Songs 》Is the most famous and has been Liu De He was awarded Doctor of Economics. What Mao Chang said《 The Book of Songs 》, world name“ Mao Poetry ”。 Since the Eastern Han Dynasty Zheng Xuan After writing notes for Mao's poems, learn from Mao Poet Gradually prosperous, the other three have been lost and now read《 The Book of Songs 》, that is, by Maoheng , handed down from Mao Chang.