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One divides into three

Philosophical terms
synonym Trichotomy (trichotomy) Generally, one divides into three
The new term of philosophy, also known as trichotomy, three-point theory and trialism, refers to that as a unity of contradictions, things should not only recognize that they contain two contradictory aspects, but also pay attention to the true Both parties to the conflict It is the third party that plays a key role in the unification and transformation of. However, this third party has various forms of expression, sometimes more specific, sometimes Obscurity However, sometimes it can only be reflected through the relationship between the two parties. Therefore, this "three" has the characteristics of flickering and not easy to be discovered by ordinary people. This was said by our country 30 years ago Master of Traditional Chinese Culture Pang Pu After Mr. A proposed it, he was opposed by many people.
Chinese name
One divides into three
Foreign name
One divided into three
Trichotomy Three point theory Ternary theory
New Philosophical Terms

Chinese traditional culture

In ancient China, although the concept of "one divides into three" was not clearly put forward, the concept of "one divides into three" has been throughout Chinese traditional culture In various ancient books and records. In the Forty second Chapter of Laozi, it is clearly pointed out that "Tao is the first, One begets Two Two begets Three , three lives and all things "; The Records of the Historian · Law Book also said: "The number starts from one, ends at ten, and becomes three". In ancient times, "three" the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character "..." is also connected with "parameter", which means "participation", that is, the participation of the third party Both parties to the conflict To mediate, communicate and transform the conflicting parties. In fact《 I Ching 》The "intersection of yin and yang" thought of the Confucian "golden mean" Taoist school "Keeping in the middle" Buddhism "The Middle Way" and the famous“ Chicken tripod ”"Yellow Horse Liniu San" is a concrete embodiment of the concept of "one divides into three".

western philosophy

In western philosophers, the concept of "one divides into three" is also reflected in their main views and discussions. Aristotle It has been pointed out that "virtue is the middle way, which is a hit to the middle... It can be concluded that excess and lack are both evil, and the middle way is virtue." It is the same as the thought of "one divides into three" embodied in "the golden mean"; The "positive, negative and combined" of the great philosopher Hegel is simply a concrete copy of the "one divides into three" view.