Double Seventh Festival

Traditional Chinese Festivals
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synonym the seventh evening of the seventh moon (Chinese traditional festival) generally refers to the Double Seventh Festival (Chinese traditional festival)
Qixi Festival is a traditional Chinese folk festival. Also called Qiqiao Festival Seven Sisters' Day , Daughter's Day, Beggar's Day Seven Niangs Association , Tanabata Festival [38-39] , Niu Bull Popo Day, Qiaoxi, etc. In ancient times, the Tanabata Festival was first called "Qiqiao Festival" or "Daughter's Day". On this day, women met to ask for wisdom and become dexterous [41] Qixi Festival originated in the Han Dynasty, flourished in the Tang Dynasty, flourished in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and enriched in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. [42-43]
Tanabata is an ancient traditional festival in China, which originated from the worship of ancient stars. It is a romantic night for girls to worship the Star God and pray for ingenuity. After the Han and Wei Dynasties, it was mainly a festival to express women's wishes, compete and show women's skillful skills [44] People will eat Qiaoguo, Qiaoya Noodles and other food on the Double Seventh Festival, and carry out a series of begging activities: such as needle threading, spider response, vigil vows, book exposure, clothes drying, etc. [43]
The material shell and spiritual core of the Double Seventh Festival consist of folk culture, love pursuit, innovation enthusiasm and national pride [44] The Double Seventh Festival provides us with profound cultural relics, including love, labor, enterprising spirit, morality, and sense of responsibility. It is one of the typical examples of the revival of Chinese festivals in the process of globalization [45] On May 20, 2006, the Qixi Festival was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists [46] In 2008, Gansu Xihe Qiqiao Festival custom was included in the second batch of intangible cultural heritage list [47] In 2011, the Tanabata custom in Tianhe, Guangdong, and Wenling, Zhejiang was included in the third batch of intangible cultural heritage list [48-49] In 2014, the customs of Yun (y ú n) West Qixi Festival in Hubei Province were listed as the fourth batch of intangible cultural heritage [50] Tanabata also has an impact on Asian neighbors. Japan, Vietnam and the Korean Peninsula all have Tanabata festivals. [43]
Chinese name
Double Seventh Festival
Foreign name
Double Seventh Festival
Seven Sisters' Day Qiqiao Festival Seventh Sister's Birthday Double Seven Festival Double Seven [43]
Holiday time
lunar calendar July 7th [41]
Festival type
traditional festival
Epidemic area
China and the Countries in the Cultural Circle of Chinese Characters [43]
Origin of festivals
The worship of natural phenomena, the seventh sister's birthday (the seventh mother's birthday) [44]
Festival activities
Paying homage to Sister Seven, storing water for the Double Seventh Festival, eating skillful fruits, begging for skillful skills and marriage, etc [43]
Holiday diet
Ingenious fruit , crisp sugar, etc [43]
Festival significance
Inherit and carry forward traditional Chinese culture [44]
Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Unit
Ministry of Culture and Tourism [9]

historical origin


Origin of festivals

Worship of natural phenomena
Niulang and Zhinv astrology
The ancient Chinese astrological culture has a long history and is broad and profound. The ancients have explored the mysteries of the universe from a very early age, and thus deduced a complete and profound culture of watching stars“ the cowherd and the weaving maid lovers separated by the milky way -- husband and wife living apart ”This is a typical example. The legend of Niulang and Zhinv on the Double Seventh Festival originated from people's worship of the natural celestial phenomena. As early as in ancient times, the ancients who pursued order not only planned the sky in order, but also corresponded the constellations to the ground area one by one. In terms of astronomy, this correspondence was called“ Fractional star ”As far as the ground is concerned, it is called“ Demarcate ”。 In simple terms, the ancients corresponded each constellation in the sky to the physical geographical area on the ground. The purpose of ancient star separation and field separation was mainly to carry out astronomical survey in accordance with astrology theory. In the ancient constellation system“ Abhijit ”It is composed of six stars. It is located on the east bank of the Milky Way, like two inverted triangles. One is up and down, which is very distinctive, but the triangle above is larger and brighter. And the small triangle below just lies Ecliptic These stars form a cow with two horns but only three feet, so the ancients called it "morning glory". There are nine stars in the south of this "cow", forming the "Tiantian", which is its farming place. Looking south, near the southern horizon, there are nine stars called "Jiukan". Kan is a lowland used for irrigation. To the east of Niusu is the "Luoyan" 3-star, which is a water conservancy facility similar to a reservoir. The "Vega" 3 stars are located in the north of Niusu“ Vega ”The star is the fifth bright star in the sky, second only to the "Big Horn" star, so it is often directly called "Vega". The "Niu Su Xing" and "Vega" are collectively referred to as "Niulang and Zhinu". [10]
People's worship of the natural celestial phenomena of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl has a long history, which can be traced back to ancient times. The Preface to the Calendar of Life in Spring and Autumn: "When heaven and earth are opened up, everything is muddy and ignorant; Yin and Yang are based on... the sun and the moon rise at five latitudes Morning Glory Forty five thousand years, the sun and the moon rotate in five latitudes It is the image of the sky and the instrument of the earth. It is used as a trunk and branch to set the sun and the moon. " The Book of Han · Chronicles of Law and Calendar: "It refers to the beginning of morning glory. It is called star glory because it records the sun and the moon. The five stars start from the beginning, and the sun and the moon start from them." Shuowen: "Things are all things; cattle are big things; the number of heaven and earth starts from morning glory; so from cattle, keep silent". The Corpse: "The sky is left to relax Morning Glory , rising from the right Pyiadian ”。 Tianguan Letter [Justice]: "Southern Dou, Morning Glory, and Xunv are all star disciplines. In the Chen Dynasty, they are ugly, and the more they are ugly, the more they are divided, while the bullfight is the division of Wu". In Volume 61 of the Kaiyuan Zhanjing, the Shi family was quoted as saying, "Morning Glory was born in the city of Lieze, and was the ruler of the State of Yue.". Press: Altair is the dividing star between Wu and Yue. The original meaning of "Morning Glory Wunv" is that Guangdong is used as the "sub star" of the corresponding geographical division of the astronomical star area. Wu actress later evolved into a mythical goddess, popularly known as the Seven Sisters, the Heavenly Immortal Goddess, the Seven Star Goddess, the Seven Mother Goddess, and so on. She is a cloud weaver and textile manufacturer, and a protector of lovers, women, and children. July 7 is her birthday. It is said that every year on the seventh day of July, Niulang and Zhinu will meet in the sky Meet the Magpies and Bridges Later, the folk further developed the story and gave it the beautiful love legend of "Cowherd and Weaver Girl". [7] [10-11]
 Encyclopedia x ignorance: Illustrating the Double Seventh Festival Encyclopedia x ignorance: Illustrating the Double Seventh Festival
Encyclopedia x ignorance: Illustrating the Double Seventh Festival
Time and number worship
The "Double Seventh Festival" falls on the seventh month and the seventh day. In ancient times, the ancients called the sun and the moon together with the five planets of water, fire, wood, gold and earth“ Qiyao ”。 Shangshu Kaolingyao: "(heaven and earth opened up), the seven obsidities are all in the morning glory for the first time". The Supplement to Yi Wei's Understanding of Divination: "The Emperor was the first one to combine virtue with Qianyao". Note: It is said that the ancestors of the Mikado family were in harmony with the sun, the moon and the five stars (Qiyao), which means that their status was extremely lofty. "Yi Zhuan": "The sun, the moon and the five stars start from morning glory." "Hanshu Astronomy": "Morning glory starts from the sun, the moon and the five stars, the yuan of the calendar, and the beginning of three rectifications." [3]
"The seventh day of July" is related to the ancient people's worship of numbers and time. The ancient folk regarded the first lunar month, the second of February, the third of March, the fifth of May, the sixth of June, the seventh of July, and the ninth of September as“ Sevenfold ”It is listed as an auspicious day. In ancient China, "Chongri" was regarded as a day of "interaction between heaven and earth" and "communication between heaven and man". In these“ Heavy day ”It is easy to see the ancient people's worship of numbers. For example, nine and five are important numbers, Ninth Five Year Supreme It is a symbol of status. "One" means the beginning of all things, and is the symbol of achievement, status and honor. [12]
"Seven" is the number of beads in each column of the abacus. It is romantic and rigorous, giving people a mysterious beauty. "Seven" is a phase of time in the folk, and it often ends with "seven seven" when calculating time. Calculate the current“ week ”, there are some reservations in Japanese. In Taiwan, July is called the month of "Joy in Joy with Good Luck". "Seven" is homophonic with "auspicious". "Seven seven" also means "double auspicious". It is a lucky day. Because the shape of the character "Xi" in cursive is like "Seventy seven", it is also called "Seventy seven"“ Happy birthday ”。 [3] [6]
Seventh Sister's Birthday
The Seventh Sister's Birthday is also called the Seventh Mother's Meeting, the Seventh Mother's Birthday, etc. The Seventh Sister (Vega) is a weaver of clouds and textiles. She is the patron saint of lovers, women and children. July 7th is her birthday. The main activities of the "Seventh Sister's Birthday" (Seventh Mother's Birthday) include praying for blessings and wishes, begging for skillful skills, praying for marriage, and protecting children's safety. Such activities as paying homage to Sister Seven have been forgotten. Only a few Zongxiang Guild Halls set up incense tables to pay homage to Sister Seven on this festival; The incense table is usually ready on the seventh day of July. In the evening, I began to pray to Sister Seven. [2-3]
People's worship of the natural celestial phenomena of Niulang and Zhinu has a long history, which can be traced back to Ancient times The Double Seventh Festival has a long history and is derived from the worship of stars. It is the seventh sister's birthday in the traditional sense. The practice of Qijie's birthday begging began in the Han Dynasty when it was introduced to Xi'an in the north Liu Xin Collection of historical notes and novels edited and copied by Ge Hong in the Eastern Jin Dynasty《 Miscellaneous Records of Xijing 》There is a record that "the colorful women of Han Dynasty often wear seven hole needles in the Kaifeng Building on July 7, and everyone is used to it". Qixi Festival begging is to pray to the Seventh Sister (Weaver Girl) for ingenuity, hoping for a happy marriage and a happy family. The Seventh Sister's Birthday is called "Seven Mother's Day" in Minnan, Fujian, Wenling, Zhejiang, Taiwan and other regions. It is very popular among the people to worship the Seven Mother's Day, which is regarded as an immortal to protect children's peace and health. [3] [13]
According to folk legend, on the night of the Double Seventh Festival every year, when the Weaver Maid Cowherd and the Magpie Bridge meet in the sky, the Weaver Maid is a beautiful, intelligent and ingenious fairy. The girls put seasonal fruits and fruits in front of the bright moon in the sky this evening, worshipped the sky, and begged the goddess in the sky to endow them with intelligent hearts and dexterous hands, so that their needlework knitting skills could be skilled, and even more begged for the marriage match of love and marriage.
Reproduction worship
”"Seven or seven" is the life cycle. "The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine · Suwen · Ancient Innocence": "There are only eight or eight men, seven or seven women, and the essence of heaven and earth is exhausted. "It says that men are eight years old in a cycle, and women are seven years old in a cycle. Women are seven years old, and their kidney qi is full, and their hair is longer when they change their teeth. Twenty seven days ago, the Ren meridian is connected. The Tian gui is the essence of the kidney, and the Ren and Du meridians are connected. In Chinese medicine," it is a sea of yin and yang, and the five qi is pure. "That is to say, twenty seven years ago, menstruation begins, and children can be born. Thirty seven years ago, the kidney qi is even, and the last teeth are full grown, and fully mature. Four or seven strong muscles and bones, long hair, strong body, to the peak. The Yang Ming pulse of May 7th is failing, the face starts to turn yellow, and the hair starts to fall off. Six or seven "the three yang pulse declines on the top, the face is burnt, and the hair begins to white". Seven seven is the end of a life cycle.
the cowherd and the weaving maid lovers separated by the milky way -- husband and wife living apart
The number "seven" refers to the West, so the meeting of seven and seven should be the birth in the end. "The Book of Changes · Fugua": "If you repeat the Tao, you will come back in seven days, and heaven will walk." Kong Yingdashu: "After the heaven's yang disappears, it will only come back in seven days, which is the natural principle of heaven, so it is called heaven's walk." "Coming back" is to go back, that is, rebirth, reincarnation cycle, so the spirit of the seven seven forty-nine days is exhausted, and the seven seven forty-nine days are full of soul.

Origin of section name

Section Name
the seventh evening of the seventh moon
July 7 is called "Seventh Sister's Birthday". Because the worship activity is held on the seventh evening of the first day of July (evening, which was called "Xi" in ancient times), it is called "Qixi".
Double Seven
This day, month and day are all seven, so they are also called seven. Incense Day: It is said that the Tanabata Niunv will meet, and the Weaver Maid will dress up and put on makeup to make the sky fragrant, so it is called.
The two stars Niulang and Zhinv are located in a special position. They can only meet once a year, so this day is called the week.
Double Seven Festival
It is named after the "Qiqiao" custom of "Qijie's Birthday". The seventh of July is the birthday of the seventh sister. "Qiqiao" is one of the important customs of the seventh sister's birthday, so it is also called "Qiqiao Festival". According to folk legend, Sister Seven is a skilled weaver in the sky. In the old days, women begged the Seventh Sister to teach her ingenuity; In fact, the so-called "Qiqiao" is just "Douqiao".
Women's Day
The Tanabata Festival is the main festival activities for girls to worship immortals, beg for tricks, and match tricks, so it is called the Women's Day, also known as Daughter's Day , Girls' Day. It is an exclusive festival for women in traditional Chinese festivals. The girls in this evening, in addition to begging for skilled hands from the Weaver Maid, they also begged for marriage. In the past, marriage was the final event that determined a girl's happiness in her life. Therefore, infatuated women in the world would pray for their marriage happiness in the night of Tanabata.
Blue Night
The seventh month of the lunar calendar was called the "Blue Moon" in ancient times, so the Double Seventh Festival is also called“ Blue Night ”。
Bull, Bull and Mother Day
In Vietnam, the main body of the celebration of Tanabata is the Chinese people. Tanabata has a nickname, "Bull, Bull and Mother Day".
It is called Qiqiao, Qiwen and so on because they are mostly used by girls and boys.
Pinprick joint
It is called because of the custom of threading needles on this day.
According to the Taoist "Jade Book from the Emperor to the Taoist Taiqing", the seventh day of July is called Daodela. On this day, the five emperors will meet in the Western Seven Qiqisu Heaven.
Through historical development, Tanabata has been endowed with the beautiful love legend of "Cowherd and Weaver Girl". Because it has been endowed with the connotation related to love, it has become a festival symbolizing love, thus it is considered to be a traditional festival with a very romantic color in China, and has produced the cultural meaning of "Chinese Valentine's Day" in modern times.
reference material [1] [6] [8] [12]

Folk customs


Xiangqiao Club

In Yixing, Jiangsu, there are Qixi Xiangqiao Festival Custom. Every year on the Double Seventh Festival, people come to take part in building the incense bridge. The so-called fragrant bridge is a four or five meter long and half meter wide bridge made of various thick and long wrapped incense (paper wrapped incense). It is decorated with flowers by putting railings and colored threads on the railings. At night, people offer sacrifices to the two stars, beg for good fortune, and then burn the incense bridge, symbolizing that the two stars have passed the incense bridge and met happily. This fragrant bridge is derived from the legendary magpie bridge legend. [12]

Connect dew

In rural areas of Zhejiang, it is popular to use washbasins to catch dew. It is said that the dew during the Tanabata Festival is the tears of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl when they meet. If it is put on the eyes and hands, it can make people quick and clear. [2]

Baiqi Sister

Baiqi Sister
The Seven Mothers' Meeting on July 7 is often called "Seven Sisters Worship" in Guangdong, and "Seven Mothers Worship" in Fujian and Taiwan. Guangdong used to celebrate the Qiqiao Festival very lively. Liu Kezhuang in the Song Dynasty once had a poem chanting: "Melons, fruits, fists, and wishes, and throat, Luo, Pu, and sound. Cantonese people value Qiaoxi, and the lights come to dawn." Before the festival, the girls had prepared all kinds of strange toys in advance, and made all kinds of flowers and fruits, ladies, utensils, palace models and other things with grass, colored paper, sesame, rice, etc. Soak the grain seeds and green beans in a small box to make them germinate. When the buds grow to more than two inches, they are used to worship gods. They are called "Baixian He" and "Baishen Cuisine". Or organize people to gather in Zongxiang Guild Hall, place all kinds of colorful incense tables, and sacrifice at a distance the cowherd and the weaving maid lovers separated by the milky way -- husband and wife living apart The "incense table" is full of flowers, fruits, rouge powder, paper small flower clothes, shoes, daily necessities and embroidery. The "Seven Sisters' Club" in different regions worked hard on the incense table to compare with each other and see whose production was exquisite. The traditional "Seventh Sister's Birthday" celebration ceremony starts from the sixth night of the seventh lunar month, lasting one to two nights. The ceremonies to celebrate the "Seventh Sister's Birthday" in different places have different characteristics. The "Seven Sisters' Birthday" begging custom is also popular in Southeast Asia. [1-2] [7] [14]
In Guangzhou, no matter rich or poor, girls will dress up and light candles. "We will prepare all kinds of strange toys in advance, and use grass, colored paper, sesame, rice grains, etc. to make all kinds of flowers and fruits, ladies' utensils, palaces, etc. (see Guangzhou Chronicles). Married women are generally not allowed to participate in the worship of immortals on the Double Seventh Festival in Guangzhou, but newly married brides should hold a "farewell ceremony" when they celebrate their first Double Seventh Festival. According to the 17th volume of Guangzhou Annals, on the 7th day of the first lunar month, there was also an old custom of women boating around the Chenxiangpu at Shimen. Yachts are decorated with jasmine flowers and jasmine flowers, which are called flower boats. They believe that this day is "Fairy Shower Day". Dongguan Qixi Worship Seven Sisters "is a traditional folk ceremony of praying for the blessings of seven Sisters, which includes offering tribute, cleaning hands, offering incense, offering sacrifices and other links. In some places, on the night of the Double Seventh Festival, women set up a table in the moonlight, on which tea, wine, fruit, melon seeds and other sacrifices were placed; There are also some flowers, bunches of red paper, inserted in the bottle, and a small incense burner in front of the flowers. Sitting around the table, I silently read my thoughts and made a wish to Vega. Worship the Weaver Maid ”It's all about girls and young women. Most of them have made an appointment with their friends or neighbors in advance to hold a joint event for five or six people, up to ten people. The young women and girls who made an appointment to worship the Weaver Maid, fast One day, after a bath, everyone came to the host's home on time. After burning incense before the ceremony, everyone sat around the table, eating peanuts and melon seeds, while facing the Vega constellation, meditating on their thoughts. For example, young girls who wish to be beautiful or marry a good man, young women who wish to have children early, can pray to Vega in silence. Tianhe District, Panyu District and Huangpu District in Guangzhou call the Double Seventh Festival "Seven Sisters' Birthday", also known as "Seven Niangs' Birthday", "Putting up Seven Niangs" and "Worshipping Seven Niangs", which is the continuation of the ancient folk custom of begging for cleverness in Lingnan. On the day of the Double Seventh Festival, the community organized a "Seven Niangs Worship" ceremony. In addition to the Cowherd, the Two Stars of Zhinu, there were also six sisters of Zhinu. The display of handicrafts by women in the community is the main content of the "Qiaoqiao" activity. [14-17]
Worship Seven Niang's Mother
It is also called worship in southern Fujian, Wenling in Zhejiang and Taiwan“ Seven Niangs Mother ”The Seven Star Mother is also called the Seven Star Mother, the Seven Star Mother, the Seven Star Lady, the Seven Star Lady and so on, and is the incarnation of Vega. Qixi is the birthday of "Qiniang Ma", which is very popular among the people Seven Niangs Mother This is regarded as an idol to protect children's safety and health. Every year on this day, people come to Qiniangma Temple in groups to offer flowers, fruits, cosmetics, animal gifts, etc. On that day, a "rite of passage" was also popular among Taiwanese people, that is, when a child reached the age of 15, his parents took him to the Seven Mother Temple with offerings to thank "Seven Mother" for protecting the child from childhood, childhood and adolescence. On this day, Tainan will "make a sixteen year old" ceremony for 16 year old children. In addition to offering sacrifices to "Qiniang Ma" on the Double Seventh Festival, some parents also hold a feast for relatives and friends to celebrate the coming of age ceremony for their children. Although the folk Tanabata in southern Fujian and Taiwan do not pay much attention to begging, they attach great importance to health care and food customs. On the occasion of the Double Seventh Festival, almost every household will buy Chinese medicine envoys and pomegranates. Shitang Tanabata Custom It is popular in Shitang and Ruoshan along the coast of Wenling, Zhejiang Province. It is a traditional folk activity for children under 16 years old to pray to Qiniang on the Double Seventh Festival. The ancestors of Shitang, more than 300 years ago South Fujian The custom of moving in followed and has survived to this day. The chief mourner is a female elder. [18-20]


Qixi Douqiao is a "divination" method to judge the skillful person, which mainly includes several forms, such as "threading needle to beg for skill", "spiders should be skillful", "threading needle to the moon", "losing skill", "blue night Douqiao" and "throwing needle to check skill". [21]
Needle threading begging
Needle threading begging
Needle threading begging , also known as "Saiqiao", that is, women wear needles in competitions. They tie colored threads and wear seven hole needles. The faster they wear, the more skillful they beg. Those who wear slowly are called "losers". Those who "losers" should give gifts prepared in advance to the losers. Miscellaneous Records of Xijing 》It said: "The colorful women of Han Dynasty often wear seven hole needles in the Kaijin Building on July 7, and people have learned it." [6]
Liang Zongmou of the Southern Dynasty《 Jing Chu's Chronicle 》Said: "On July 7, it is the Xijia women's lottery building that pierces the seven holes, or uses gold and silver as a needle."《 Geographical geography 》He said, "On July 7, when Emperor Wu of Qi ascended the view of the city, the palace people frequently threaded the needle. The world called it the Piercing Needle Tower."
Wang Renyu of the Five Dynasties《 The Legacy of Kaiyuan Tianbao 》It said: "On the Double Seventh Festival, the palace is made of brocade. It is a hundred feet high and can win dozens of people. It is made of melons and fruit wine, and has seats to worship the two stars of cattle and women. The concubines wear it to the moon with nine hole needles and five color threads. Those who pass by are skillful. They can enjoy the music of the Qing Dynasty. All the families of the natives can use it."
According to Yuan Zongyi's Yeting Record, "The nine leading platforms are the place to beg for skill on the Double Seventh Festival. At the end of the day, the palace maids go on the stage with colorful silk and nine tail needles. Those who finish first are skilled. Those who finish late are called losers, and those who make contributions to get skill are not." [22]
Needle threading to the moon
"Threading the needle to the moon" means that in the evening of the seventh day of July, every household cleans the courtyard. Young women and girls should first kneel down to Vega and beg her to bless their ingenuity. Then, they took out the colorful silk thread and seven silver needles that had been prepared in advance, and threaded the needles to the moon. Who would finish the seven needles first would indicate that she would become a skilled woman in the future. [6]
Joyful Spider should be skillful
Joyful Spider should be skillful
Joyful Spider Yingqiao is also an earlier way of begging for cleverness, and its popularity is slightly later than Needle threading begging , roughly starting from the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Liang Zongxuan of the Southern Dynasty《 Jing Chu's Chronicle 》Say; "In the evening, Chen melon and fruit begged for cleverness in court. Youxi subnet thought it was a symbol on the melon."
Wang Renyu of the Five Dynasties《 The Legacy of Kaiyuan Tianbao 》He said, "On July 7, we will catch each other spider In a small box until dawn; Think the cobweb is thin and dense. Secret people speak more skillfully, while rare people speak less skillfully. It is also effective among the people.
Song dynasty Meng Yuanlao《 Tokyo Dream Record 》It was said that on the seventh day of July, "if a small spider fits inside, the next day, if the web is round, it is called skillful."
According to Song Zhoumi's "Records of Qianchun's Age"; "How long can you store small spiders and how long can you wait for the density of the web?"
bright Tian Rucheng The Joy of the Xi Dynasty said that the Double Seventh Festival "holds spiders in small boxes. The next morning, I thought it would be more skillful to see the density of their webs."
It can be seen from this that there are different ways to experience ingenuity in the past dynasties. In the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there was no such thing as a website, in the Tang Dynasty, there was no such thing as a website, in the Song Dynasty, there was a website that was round and upright, and later generations followed the customs of the Tang Dynasty. [22]
Needle throwing skill test
It is a variation of the Qixi Qiqiao custom, which originated from and was different from the Qixi custom in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The so-called needle throwing skill test is to prepare a washbasin, put it in the courtyard and pour in "mandarin duck water", that is, mix the water taken in the day with the water taken at night. However, it is often regarded as pouring the river water and well water into the basin together. The basin and water should be spent in the open air overnight, and then the next day, the seventh day of July, when the sun shines in the daytime, you can "test your skills" at noon or afternoon. The water in the basin was exposed to the sun for half a day, and a thin film was formed on the surface. So the sewing needle was taken and placed gently on the water surface. The needle would not sink. Under the water, a needle shadow appeared. If the needle shadow was straight, it would be a failure to "beg for cleverness". If the needle shadow formed various shapes, or curved, or one end was thick, one end was thin, or other shapes, it would be "Deqiao" [23]
bright Liu Dong Yu Yizheng's "A Brief Introduction to the Imperial Capital" said: "On the afternoon of July 7, a skillful needle was lost. When a woman was exposed to water, the water film covered her face. When the embroidery needle was thrown into the water, it floated and looked at the shadow of the needle under the water. Those with clouds, flower heads, birds and animals, and those with shoes and scissors, water eggplants, were called Qidaqiao. The shadow was as thick as a hammer, as thin as silk, and as straight as a shaft wax, which was clumsy." The Annals of Zhili also said, Liangxiang County (today's southwest of Beijing) "On July 7, women begged for skills, threw needles into water, borrowed the shadow to test their skills, and still begged for skills at night.". Qing Yu Minzhong quoted Wanshu Miscellany as saying: "On July 7, Yandu women used a bowl of water to storm the sun. Each of them threw a small needle on the surface of the water and slowly looked at the shadow under the water. They were scattered like flowers, moving like clouds, thin as lines, and rough as cones, because of the ingenuity of divining women." [2] [22] [24]
Lose cleverly
Losing skill means begging for skill on the Double Seventh Festival. The latter is called "losing skill". After worshipping the immortals, the girls hold colored threads in their hands and pass the threads through the pinholes in front of the lampshade. If they can pierce seven pinholes at a time, they are called Deqiao, and are called skilled hands. Those who can't pierce seven pinholes are called losers. As described by a poet of the Tang Dynasty, "It is easy to thread a needle to the moon, but difficult to finish the line in the wind. I don't know who has the chance, but try to find it in the next day." After the worship ceremony, the furnishings on the Eight Immortals Platform remained unchanged, and the next day (the seventh day of the lunar calendar) was reserved for girls to visit and comment when they visited each other. After the Double Seventh Festival, the girls gave each other small handicrafts and toys as gifts to show their friendship.
Lan Yedouqiao
Lan Yedouqiao is a game. In the old days, July was called "Lan Yue", and the evening of the seventh day of July, the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, is also called Lan Ye. The multicolored threads are intertwined and tied together, which is called "pity and love". The women went to the closed front building together and learned to wear seven skillful needles to beg for skill. [22]

Begging for marriage

Worship the Weaver Maid and pray for luck
On a clear summer and autumn night, stars are shining in the sky, and a Milky Way runs from north to south, the galaxy There is a shining star on both the east and west sides of the river Altair and Vega Wu actress later evolved into a mythical goddess, known as the Seven Sisters, the Heavenly Immortal Goddess, the Seven Mother Goddess, and so on in the folk. She is the protector of clouds, lovers, women, and children. Countless men and women in love in the world will pray for their marriage to the Weaver Girl in the night of the Double Seventh Festival. [25]
According to folklore, the "Tanabata Festival" expresses a feeling of "never giving up" and "growing old together" between married men and women, and abides by the commitment of both parties to love. The love story of Niulang and Zhinu is widely known in China. Their loyalty to love is touching, so the Tanabata Festival is full of romance. It is said that on the seventh day of July, the magpies in the world will fly to the sky to meet Niulang and Zhinu in the Milky Way. The Weaver Maid is a beautiful, intelligent and dexterous fairy. The mortal woman begged her that night for a wise mind and dexterous hands, and also for a happy marriage. [12] [25]

You swim in the water of Sister Seven

It is said that the seven fairies in the sky will go down to the earth to bathe in the river on the Double Seventh Festival. At this time, the river water is stained with fairy gas. Washing will not only bring happiness, but also prevent diseases. People in Baise, Jingxi and other places in Guangxi believe that the water on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month is very holy and clean. The water on the Double Seventh Festival can not only drive away evil spirits and avoid disease, but also make their love and life happy. This custom is related to the legend that the local seven fairies went down to earth to take a bath. [26]

Seed progeny

In the festival custom of the Han nationality, a few days before the Double Seventh Festival, a layer of soil is laid on a small board, and the seeds of millet are sown to let it produce green seedlings. Then some small huts, flowers and trees are placed on it to make it look like a small village of a farmhouse family, called "shell board". Or green beans, small beans, wheat, etc. are dipped in a magnetic bowl, and when it grows buds, they are bound into a bunch with red and blue silk ropes, It is called "seed pot", also called "five pot" or "flower pot". [27]
The Han people in the south are also called "Paoqiao". They call the bean sprouts "Qiaoya". They even use Qiaoya to replace needles and throw them on the water to beg for skill. They also use wax to shape various images, such as the characters in the stories of cowherd and weaver girl, or the shapes of vultures, mandarin ducks, and other animals, to float on the water, which is called "floating on water". There are also wax baby dolls for women to buy and float in the water and soil, which are called "Huasheng". [27]
Before the festival, several kinds of plants, such as wheat, mung beans, adzuki beans, peas, etc., are used to immerse in water in utensils, sprout several inches, and then tie them up with red and blue colored wire harnesses on the Chinese Valentine's Day, as a symbol of getting children and being blessed. Wax is also used to shape various images and float on the water. [17] [27]

To store water from the Double Seventh Festival

The "Tanabata Water" is also called the "July Seven Water". It is said that the "Tanabata Water" has magical functions. It can be stored for a long time without changing, and can treat burns, remove sore toxins, etc. Guangdong and Guangxi all have the custom of storing "Tanabata Water", that is, after the first rooster crowing on the morning of the seventh day of the lunar calendar, each family goes to the well or river to collect water for storage. According to the folk legend, on the morning of July 7, the fairy would go down to the earth to take a bath, and use her bath water to avoid evil, cure diseases and prolong life; Therefore, people always go to the river to fetch water on the morning of the Double Seventh Festival, and put it in new jars for future use. It is said that on the Chinese Valentine's Eve, washing your face with seven kinds of colorful flower water soaked with Milan flowers, jasmine flowers, roses and other seven kinds of flowers can make women more beautiful.

Celebrate Niu's birthday

In the old days, children would pick wild flowers on the Chinese Valentine's Day and hang them on the horns of cows, which was also called "cattle birthday". Because it is said that after the Queen Mother of the West separated the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl with the Tianhe River, the Old Cowherd asked the Cowherd to cut off its hide and drive its hide to meet the Weaver Girl in order to let the Cowherd cross the Tianhe River to see the Weaver Girl. In order to commemorate the sacrifice spirit of Lao Niu, people have the custom of "celebrating Niu's birthday". [18]

Qiqiao Tribute Case

Huizhou In the past, "Qiqiao Tribute Case" prevailed in Pinghai Ancient City of Huidong County. Around the Double Seventh Festival, the little girls, big girls, new wives and old ladies from many families in Pinghai City paid homage to the "Seven Sisters" and competed with each other through various "tributes" made by themselves to show their ingenuity and quality of orchids, pray for family happiness and wish the country peaceful and the people safe. Handicrafts in Pinghai Qiqiao Tribute Case include lanterns, palace lanterns, flowers and fruits, ladies, artifacts, palaces, towers, flower arrangement, patterns, embroidery, sugar art the scholar 's four jewels And complete sets of historical story characters. The Qiqiao Tribute Case is usually set up in the front yard of the house from the evening of the sixth day of the seventh lunar month to the evening of the eighth lunar month for people to appreciate and comment.

Welcome immortals

The Begging Festival in Guangzhou, Guangdong, is unique. Before the festival, the girls had prepared colorful paper, grass, string, etc. in advance, and compiled various ingenious gadgets. They also put grain seeds and green beans into small boxes and soaked them in water to make them sprout. When the buds grew to more than two inches, they used them to worship gods, known as "God worship grass" and "God worship dishes". From the sixth night of the first lunar month to the seventh night of the seventh lunar month, the girls put on new clothes and jewelry for two nights in a row. After everything was arranged, they burned incense and candles, knelt down to the stars and called it "greeting immortals". From the third night to the fifth night, they had to worship seven times in a row. [2]

worship Gods

Some villages in western Guangdong have the custom of worshipping gods on July 7. According to traditional customs, people first worship the "master" (Bodhisattva) in the temple, and then worship the land lord. The offerings for worshiping the gods generally include bamboos, three teas and five wines, fruits, etc. [2]

Cowherd worship

According to some books published in the Ming, Qing and Republic of China periods, the ingenious skills that Guangzhou girls displayed on the Double Seventh Festival included embroidered shoes the size of a grain, various fans the size of a nail, exquisite and light little loggings, and special lotus, jasmine, rose, nightingale, etc. The flower pot was only the size of a sprinkling cup, and there were two flowers in the pot, one true and one false, which was difficult to distinguish. On the evening of the seventh day of the lunar new year, they continue to worship the gods as they did last night, which is called "cowherd worship", and is usually performed by boys.


Activity photo
Big Dipper The first star of is called Kuixing, also called Kuixing. Kuixing is the god that dominates the rise and fall of articles in ancient Chinese mythology. In the eyes of ancient students, Kuixing has a supreme position. It is said that the seventh day of July is Kuixing's birthday. Kuixing scholars who want to seek fame especially respect Kuixing, so they worship him on the Double Seventh Festival and pray him to bless his success in the exam. In ancient times, when the scholar was the number one scholar, he was called "Dakui Tianxia Scholar" or "won the title at one stroke" because Kuixing was in charge of the exam. Mindong Scholars in the area revere Kuixing, and there is a custom of "worshipping Kuixing" on the "Double Seventh Festival". [5]
Baikuixing ”The ceremony was held in the moonlight, similar to the worship of Zhinv. Therefore, if the residents in the villages in the east of Fujian were a family Ding Wangsheng's spacious house, on the night of "Tanabata", the patio often had two incense tables, "Zhinv Worship" and "Kuixing Worship". The ladies gathered together and were divided into two relatively different sex worlds, which were very lively and interesting. "Baikuixing" needs to paste a paper figure (Kuixing) in advance: about two feet high, five or six inches wide, with blue face and eyes, brocade robes and soap boots, with the left hand raking the floating chest and red beard, and the right hand holding the red pen, and put it on the table. The ceremonious and indispensable part of the sacrifice is the sheep's head (ram, with beard and horns), which is boiled, wrapped with red paper in two corners, placed in the plate, and placed in front of the image of "Kuixing". Other offerings such as tea and wine are optional. Those who participate in the worship of Kuixing will have a dinner around the table in front of the incense table after firing guns and burning incense.

Bed Mother Worship

In addition to paying homage to Qiniang's mother on Taiwan Tanabata, small bowls of rice with oil are often prepared to pay homage to "bed mother" in the room, which should have similar meanings. It is the irreplaceable responsibility of women to produce and raise children, so these gods are also female gods; There is a close relationship between female gods and female believers, which resolves the anxiety and fear of women when they assume the role of mother. Bed mother ”Is the patron saint of children. July 7 is the birthday of the bed mother. Families with children in their homes worship the bed mother at the bedside of the children's bed in the evening of that day; The offerings include: fried rice, chicken wine (or sesame oil chicken), burning "Sifang Gold" and "Bed Mother Clothes". The time of worshipping the bed mother should not be too long, unlike the usual three rounds of wine pouring, about the offerings are ready, after the incense is burned, you can prepare to burn "Sifang Gold" and "Bed Mother Clothes", and withdraw the offerings after burning them. I hope the children will grow up quickly, and can't worship too long, afraid that the bed mother will spoil the children and stay in bed. [2]

paint fingernails

Nail dyeing is a Tanabata custom spread in southwest China. In many areas, young girls like to wash their hair with the sap of trees and water at festivals. They can not only be young and beautiful, but also find a good husband for unmarried women as soon as possible. Dyeing nails with flowers and plants is also a hobby of most women and children in festival entertainment, and is also closely related to fertility beliefs. [18]

Star gazing on the Double Seventh Festival

In early autumn, at about 9 o'clock in the evening, Vega with a brightness of 0 stars first appeared near the zenith, and then Altair with a brightness of 1 stars rose in its southern direction. In the middle of the two stars is a vast white Tianhe (that is the galaxy )The cowherd is in the east of the river and the weaver girl is in the west of the river. There are four darker stars below Vega, forming a small parallelogram They are the shuttles of beautiful clouds and rainbows woven by the Weaver Maid in myths and legends. Niulang Star is a bright yellowish star. The two small stars on both sides of it are called Biandan Star. It is said that Niulang carries a pair of children. [6]
It is a traditional folk custom to sit and watch the Morning Glory and Vega on the night of the Double Seventh Festival. On the night of the Double Seventh Festival, young women should put on seasonal fruits prepared in advance and worship the bright moon; They also held various begging ceremonies, and piously begged the weaving goddess to endow them with intelligent skills, hoping that they could get a happy marriage match. [13]

Listen to whispers

In some rural areas of Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, there will be many women hiding under the lush pumpkin shed on the Tanabata night. If you can hear the whispers of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl when they meet in the dead of night, the girl to be married will get a thousand years of love in the future. [12]

Water purification visual image

The begging activity in Jiangsu is to take a bowl of clean water and expose it to the sun and spend the night in the open air. That is, pick up a thin straw stick and float it in the water. You can see how skillful it is according to its shadow. There are also many young women who use small needles to see the underwater needle shadow to prove their wisdom and ignorance. Han people in other regions also use this method to test their cleverness, clumsiness, wisdom and stupidity. [2]

Red headband

It is said that if there is a weak and sickly child in the family, parents often tie the red head rope in seven knots around the child's neck on this day, praying that God will bless the child's health and longevity. [6]

Girl shampoo

It is also a special custom for girls to wash their hair on Tanabata. In many areas, young girls like to wash their hair with the sap of a tree mixed with water on the Double Seventh Festival. It is said that it can not only make women young and beautiful, but also enable unmarried girls to find a good husband as soon as possible. This custom is related to the belief in "holy water" on the Double Seventh Festival. It is believed that taking spring water and river water on the Double Seventh Festival is as pure and holy as taking silver river water. Some places call it "Tiansun" woman weaver )Holy Water ". Therefore, it is of special significance for women to bathe their hair on this day, which means that if they use the holy water in the Milky Way to clean their hair, they will be protected by the Weaving Goddess. [28]
It is recorded in Hunan, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. For example, in the Annals of You County in Xiangtan, Hunan Province, "On July 7, women picked cypress leaves, peach branches and fried soup to bathe their hair. [18]

Drying books and clothes

Drying books and clothes
In ancient times, the "Double Seventh Festival" also had the custom of drying books and clothes, which was said to prevent insects from eating. It is said that people choose to sun books on Tanabata because on July 7, when the Tianmen is open and the sun is strong, it is the Dragon Lord's "day to sun scales". People often sun clothes, quilts and the like on this day to prevent insects from eating. Scholars also often sun books on this day. After the Han Dynasty, the cultural exchange envoy customs were integrated and spread, and the main traditional festivals have been popularized throughout the country. Cui Shi of the Eastern Han Dynasty said in the "Four People's Moon Order": "On the seventh day of July, expose the scriptures and clothes, and do not bark." [29-30]
According to the existing historical data, the time when printing books was officially valued began in the Song Dynasty. Although "the books of the past dynasties are not as rich as those of the Qin Dynasty and the Sui and Tang Dynasties", the official publishing of books in the Sui and Tang dynasties is rare in historical data. The book drying party in the Song Dynasty was eye-catching. It has been recorded in the notes of the people of the Song Dynasty about the book fair in the Song Dynasty《 Tieweishan 》Volume I said: "The secretary of the province will hold a meeting when he exposes the book at the age of, and the number is called the Book Exposition. The attendants will all gather and narrate in the title of nobility." According to Hong Mai of the Southern Song Dynasty《 Rongzhai Four Paintings 》, Chen Ji of Southern Song Dynasty《 Southern Song Dynasty Pavilion Record 》According to the Southern Song Dynasty Yiming's "Southern Song Pavilion Continuation" and other books, there were cultural activities such as "book drying party" in Shaoxing, Song Gaozong, Chunxi, Song Xiaozong and Qingyuan, Song Ningzong. The book exposure meeting in Song Dynasty was generally hosted by the secretary province in charge of books, and specifically undertaken by Lin'an Prefecture. It is usually on July 5, 6 and 7. 3. [30]
From the fact that there are more relevant historical materials in the Southern Song Dynasty than in the Northern Song Dynasty, it seems that the Southern Song Dynasty paid more attention to publishing books than the Northern Song Dynasty. The main reason is the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty Hangzhou It is located in the southeast and has a heavy tide. It has always been a customary activity in the local area, and so has the official. This was the case in the Song Dynasty, as well as in the Yuan Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the lax management of the official collection of books led to "no one asked about the courtiers and courtiers, and gradually lost them", and the official activities of publishing books did not continue. The activities of drying books in the Qing Dynasty were not as standardized and large-scale as those in the Song Dynasty. [30]

Ligation Aunt Qiao

In the Loess Plateau of Shaanxi Province, it is also the custom to hold various begging activities on the night of the Double Seventh Festival. Women often tie up and wear colorful clothes Drafter She is called Qiaogu. She not only provides melons and fruits, but also plants bean sprouts and green onions. On the night of the Double Seventh Festival, every woman carries a bowl of clean water, cuts bean sprouts and green onions, and puts them into the water. She uses the shadow of the moon to divine the fate of a skillful person. She also threads a needle to compete with others. At the same time, we also held a window cutting contest. [31]

Play with grinding and drinking

Grinding, drinking and music are children's toys, namely small clay dolls, used in the folk Tanabata Festival in Kaifeng, Henan Province in the old days. Their images are mostly half arm dresses with lotus leaves in hand. On July 7 every year, in Kaifeng, "Wazi outside the Dongsong Gate in Panlou Street, Wazi outside the Xiliang Gate in Zhouzhou, Wazi outside the Beimen Gate, Nanzhu Quemen Gate in Nanzhu Street and Maxhang Street, we sell grinding and drinking music, which is a small plastic puppet ear".

Historical development

Niulang and Zhinv (paper cutting) I
From the perspective of historical documents and ancient customs relics, with people's understanding of astronomical stars and the emergence of textile technology, the worship of the natural celestial phenomena of the cowherd and the weaver girl, as well as festival customs such as sacrificing and praying, have existed in ancient times. The Han Dynasty was the first period of great development after the reunification of China. The economic and cultural exchanges between the north and the south also combined customs, which provided good social conditions for the spread of festival customs. The main traditional festivals began to be popular in the Han Dynasty. Since then, the custom of Tanabata has gradually appeared in the literature. The practice of "Qijie's Birthday" was introduced to Xi'an in the north in the Han Dynasty. Western Han Dynasty Liu Xin Miscellaneous Records of Xijing 》(Xijing, now Xi'an, Shaanxi Province): "Colorful women in the Han Dynasty often wear seven hole needles on the 7th of July in the Kaifeng Building, and everyone is used to it.". This is the written record that the Qijie's begging custom appeared in the northern Xi'an area. In the Liang Dynasty of the Southern Dynasty, Dai Zongxuan wrote in the Jingchu Suishiji that "on the seventh day of July, it was the night of the gathering of cowherd and weaver girls. On that night, women from other families tied colored ribbons, wore seven hole needles, or used gold, silver and jade as needles, and Chen Jiyan drank, preserved fruits and fruits to beg for cleverness in the courtroom. If there were cucurbits on the net, it was regarded as a symbol". It can be seen that in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Southern Qixi Qiqiao ceremony was quite complicated, not only to worship the Altair and Weaver Maiden, thread a needle under the moon, but also to place fruits and melons in the court, and the custom of judging whether a spider is "skillful" according to its web has also been formed. In the Tang Dynasty, the palace even set up a special "Qiqiao Building" on the Double Seventh Festival, where the concubines and women used multicoloured threads to pierce nine holes in the moonlight. According to《 The Legacy of Kaiyuan Tianbao 》Set: Emperor Taizong and his concubines of the Tang Dynasty held a dinner in the Qing Palace on the Double Seventh Festival, and the palace ladies begged for skills. This custom has also been popular for generations. Through historical development and evolution, the characters and stars in the sky of Qianniuwu Nu have been endowed with the beautiful legend of Niulang and Zhinv (Tang Dynasty《 Suihua Jili 》The third volume quotes the lost article of Han Yingshao's "Customs Pass": "The Weaver Maid on the Double Seventh Festival should cross the river and make the magpie a bridge"). [32-33]
In the existing literature, the word "Qixi Festival" first appeared in the Northern Song Dynasty; In the literature before the Song Dynasty, most people called this day "July 7", "Qiqiao Festival", "Tanabata" and so on. The Double Seventh Festival was positioned as a country in the Song Dynasty legal holidays The festival is full of entertainment and commerce, and the festival atmosphere of the Double Seventh Festival has reached its peak. At the time of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, the practice of begging for cleverness on the seventh sister's birthday was quite grand. There was also a market in the capital that exclusively sold goods for begging for cleverness, which was called the Qiqiao City by the world. Song Luoye and Jin Ying's book, "The Drunkard's Tale", said: "On the Double Seventh Festival, people in front of Pan Lou bought and sold begging goods. Since July 1, the carriages and horses were angry. Three days before the Double Seventh Festival, the carriages and horses were not allowed to pass. They stopped each other and never came back until the night." Here, from the grand occasion of buying begging goods in the Double Seventh Festival, we can infer the lively scene of the Double Seventh Festival. People started to buy goods from the first day of July. There were so many cars and people in Qiqiao City that when it was near the Double Seventh Festival, Qiqiao City became a sea of people. It shows that the Tanabata Festival is one of the most favorite festivals of the ancient people. In ancient times, Tanabata was closely related to the legend of Niulang and Zhinv. It was a comprehensive festival with women as the main body. On this day, people would visit their intimate friends, pay homage to Zhinv, learn needlework, and pray for luck. Therefore, Tanabata was also called "Women's Day". On the day when women competed and entertained happily, men also gathered together to enjoy the fun. The love between men and women was just a by-product of the "Women's Day" event. According to written records, the activities on the Double Seventh Festival in the Yuan Dynasty mainly include the Begging Festival, needle threading and begging, Douqiao Feast, Mahara (clay doll), and Wusheng Pot (potted plant). On the Double Seventh Festival of the Ming Dynasty, only floating needles were used to beg for cleverness. The activities of Qixi in the Qing Dynasty mainly include floating needle begging for skill, sacrificial begging for skill, and Wushengban. [5]
In Nineteen Ancient Poems《 Altair far away 》In China, Qianniu and Zhinu are lovers who admire each other. Since then, through the "processing" of the contemporary literati, this part of the legend, which was originally from heaven, has become more and more vivid《 Tianxian Pai 》In China, the ancients' conjecture about the stars has been nearly perfectly integrated with a folk farmer named Dong Yong into a love tragedy in the world, which is now known as the legend of the cowherd and the weaver girl. In modern times, it was endowed with“ the cowherd and the weaving maid lovers separated by the milky way -- husband and wife living apart ”The beautiful love legend of“ Chinese Valentine's Day ”The cultural meaning of. Although the Chinese Tanabata Festival came into being much earlier than the Western Valentine's Day and has been popular among the people for a long time, it is not as popular as the Western Valentine's Day among young people at present. Folklore experts said that compared with the Western Festival, traditional festivals such as the Tanabata Festival have more potential in culture and connotation. If fashion elements such as romance, warmth and entertainment are embedded into traditional festivals, traditional festivals can be more exciting. [4] [6] [33]
the seventh evening of the seventh moon

Seasonal food

Ingenious fruit
The food customs of the Double Seventh Festival are different from place to place, and are generally called "eating skillfully". A "skillful" character vividly reflects the unique features of the Tanabata food customs, and expresses people's good wishes for dexterity, family health, and a happy life. [2] [12]
Ingenious fruit : Qixi Qiqiao's festive food Ingenious fruit Most famous. Qiaoguo, also called "Qiaoguo", has many styles. "Qiqiao Fruit" is a traditional sacrifice and beauty spot of the Double Seventh Festival. On the evening of the Double Seventh Festival, people brought "Qiaoguozi" to the courtyard, and the whole family sat around to taste the craftsmanship of being a "Qiaoguozi" person. Now this custom is no longer popular in many places, and the traditional food "Qiqiao Fruit" has also evolved into a variety of pastries. [34] Qiaoguo has many styles, and its main materials are oil, flour, sugar and honey. In addition, there are also many changes in the melons and fruits used for begging for cleverness: either the melons and fruits are carved into strange flowers and birds, or the surface of the melon skin is embossed with patterns; This kind of fruit is called "flower melon".
Crisp sugar In pastry shops in some parts of China, on this day, they will also make some crisp candies in the image of the Weaver Maid, commonly known as "skillful people" and "skillful people". When they sell them, they are also called "skillful people". People believe that people who eat this "crisp candies" will become dexterous. [12]
Qiaoqiao Rice : In Shandong, China, there is a day to eat Qiaoqiao rice. The custom of begging for Qiaoqiao is very interesting: seven good girls gather food, collect vegetables and make dumplings, wrap a copper coin, a needle and a red jujube into three dumplings respectively. After the activity of begging for cleverness, they get together to eat dumplings. It is said that those who eat money are lucky, those who eat needles are skillful, and those who eat dates get married early. [12]
Melons and fruits In Fujian, during the Tanabata Festival, the Weaver Maid should enjoy and taste the fruits so that she can bless the harvest of fruits in the coming year. The offerings include tea, wine, fresh fruit, five seeds (longans, red dates, hazelnuts, peanuts, melon seeds), flowers and pollen for women's cosmetics. Generally, after fasting and bathing, everyone takes turns to burn incense in front of the table and pray silently. [12]

Literary account



Nineteen Ancient Poems: Faraway Altair A faraway Altair, a white river woman. Grasping hands and weaving looms.
All day long without a chapter, crying tears like rain. The Hehan River is clear and shallow. In the midst of water, the pulse cannot speak.
"Xingxiangzi - Qixi" (Song Dynasty) Li Qingzhao
Whispering in the grass, the plane trees suddenly fall, and the world and the sky are full of worries.
Cloud terraces and moon fields, close lock thousand heavy. Vertical floating raft comes and floating raft goes, not meeting.
The star bridge and magpie drive, and only after years, if you want to leave love, don't hate poverty.
Altair cowherd and weaver girl, do not leave. It's sunny, rainy and windy.
The Book of Songs Xiaoya Dadong
Wei Tian has Han, and the prison has light. The Weaver Maid is always in the seven Xiangs.
Although seven Xiangfan, not a newspaper. The screen is a morning glory, not a suitcase.
Autumn Eve (Tang Dynasty) Du Mu
Silver candle autumn light cold painted screen, light Luo fan flutter fireflies.
The sky is as cool as water. Sit and watch the Morning Glory Vega.
Qixi (Five Dynasties · Later Tang Dynasty) Yang Pu
If you don't know how to lead a cow, you must invite the Weaver Maid to play with the golden shuttle.
Begging for human ingenuity every year, but there are many human ingenuity.


one of
Skilful in begging, skillful in begging; Begging for heart and face; I beg my parents for thousands of years; Begging my sister for thousands of years.
The emperor of heaven and the emperor of earth, I invite seven sisters to heaven.
Don't draw your needle, don't draw your line, optical your seventy-two good means.
Skillful buds are strange. The pot is raw and the hand is covered.
It was picked on July 7, and my sister and sister took photos.
They are like flowers and vegetables. It depends on who has a quick mind and hands.

Inheritance and protection

In November 2019, the List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Project Protection Units was published, and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism was awarded the qualification of "Qixi Festival" protection unit.
On October 31, 2023, the List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Project Protection Units was announced, and the project protection unit of the Double Seventh Festival was evaluated as qualified by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism [40]

Festival influence


Korean Peninsula

Korean litterateur Cui Nanshan According to the Korean Common Sense, Tanabata was originally Chinese custom , later spread to South Korea, King Kongmin With the Mongolian queen, we worshiped the morning glory (Niulang) and Vega, and gave salaries to the officials on that day.
The most representative custom of the Korean Tanabata Festival is to pray to the Vega, hoping that they also have the same dexterous hands as the Vega and can weave better. In the morning, the women put melons, cucumbers and other fruits on the table and kowtowed, hoping that women would become better at weaving. Another important matter of the Korean Tanabata Festival is sacrifice, which can be divided into family sacrifice and collective sacrifice. Korean women should put clean well water on the altar. Cowherd and Weaver Girl are no longer the objects of sacrifice. They mainly pray for the safety of their relatives and friends. In some places, field sacrifices are held to pray for a bumper harvest.
South Korea's Tanabata food is also particular about traditional food such as noodles, wheat pancakes, and steamed cakes. [36-37]


Influenced by the Chinese culture, the Japanese also had the tradition of Tanabata Festival, which they called "Tanabata Festival". The "Tanabata Festival" in Japan originated from China and is said to have been introduced in the era of Nara. From the middle of Nara era, the Japanese court and the upper class imitated the Tang Palace, and the Tanabata festival, needle threading begging and Tanabata poetry meeting became popular. It continues the custom and habit of "begging for cleverness", but it has nothing to do with love. The Tanabata Festival was originally the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. After the Meiji Restoration, Japan abolished the lunar calendar, so the Tanabata Festival in Japan is on July 7 of the Gregorian calendar every year. [2] [8]
The Tanabata Festival in Japan is not mainly used to pray for love, but to pray for girls to have good skills. At this time of year, adults and children gather together to write wishes and poems on colorful long poem paper, which are hung on small bamboo in their yard together with paper decorations. This custom comes from Edo Period Started. In the days approaching the Chinese Valentine's Day, there will be Chinese Valentine's Day bamboo trees in many places, and Chinese Valentine's Day wishing trees will be set up in stores where summer clothes are sold and supermarkets where money is settled.
In some large-scale celebration ceremonies, there will also be a competition for bamboo decorations (evolved from hanging a short wish), which will be organized by local kindergartens, primary schools and other schools or companies to create their own bamboo decorations, compare them, and select the most distinctive ones for display. In addition, the annual "Tanabata Festival" will be held every summer in various parts of Japan. People wear traditional clothes, sing and dance, and the streets and alleys are filled with adults and children watching and playing. In conjunction with the "Tanabata Festival", there is also the annual summer fireworks festival.


In Vietnam, the main body of the celebration of Tanabata is the Chinese, and Tanabata has a nickname - "Bull, Bull and Mother Day". On this day, people will go to the temple to make wishes. Ho Chi Ming City The tributes used by Chinese to worship the Double Seventh Festival are mainly the customs in southern China, mainly including: Water chestnut , chess piece cake, money cake, peanuts, etc., and“ Rice seedling ”And a "seven sister plate", two tribute items closely related to the legend of "cowherd and weaver girl". The young people who participated in the activity also wrote their expectations for love on a note, and made a wish when worshipping, hoping that they would have a happy family in the future. [8] [35]