Ding Cedar

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Composer, female ambassador abroad
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Ding Xuesong (May 1918 May 2011), female, Sichuan People from Baxian County (today's Chongqing Banan District )People. China's first female ambassador to foreign countries.
renowned composer Zheng Lucheng His wife. Deputies to the Eighth and Twelfth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Deputies to the Fourth and Fifth National People's Congress, and members of the Sixth and Seventh National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
Chinese name
Ding Cedar
one's native heath
Mudong Town, Chongqing
date of birth
May 27, 1918
Date of death
May 2011

Character's Life

May 27, 1918 (April 18 of the lunar calendar), born in Chongqing, Sichuan Province Baxian County Mudong Town In 1924, he entered the Gospel Church Primary School in Mudong Town.
In 1931, he entered Chongqing Wende Women's Middle School.
In 1932, he entered Chongqing Sichuan Provincial Women's Vocational School.
In 1934, he was admitted to Chongqing Civilian Bank.
In June 1936, Chongqing established the National Salvation Association of all circles. At the same time, Chongqing Business Daily · Public Garden successively published articles such as "All dreams will be dashed before the national liberation", "Abandoning all personal fantasies" (top and bottom).
Take a photo in Mudong Town, Baxian County, Chongqing (now Banan District)
In July 1936, Chongqing Professional Youth Salvation Association was founded and elected as a director.
In August 1937, Chongqing Women's National Salvation Association was established as a standing member.
In November 1937 Urumchi Introduce and join the Communist Party of China. After that, we set out from Chongqing to Yan'an via Chengdu and Xi'an.
In January 1938, arrived in Yan'an Counter-Japanese Military and Political University The third period is for the girls' team of the second brigade.
In April 1938, the fourth term of the Anti Japanese University began, and successively served as the head of the four female teams and the head of the five female teams.
In 1938, he served as the captain of the Anti Japanese University Girls' Team in Yan'an
In November 1938, the Anti Japanese University set up the Girls' Brigade (the Eighth Brigade) and then served as the captain of the First Brigade.
In January 1939, the fifth term of the Anti Japanese University began, and served as the captain of the first female team of the fifth team.
Yan'an, July 1939 China Women's University At the beginning of school, he entered an advanced research class and served as the vice chairman of the student union and the director of the club.
At the end of 1940. Four to five ten students from the first class of female senior high school selected by the central government participated in Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region Electoral work. let Suide Mizhi County Election of the deputy head of the mission.
In October 1941, he was transferred back to Yan'an to participate in the preparatory work for the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region Senate. At the end of the year, the Vice Chairman of the Border Region Government was transferred Li Dingming Mr. A serves as the secretary.
December 1941, and Zheng Lucheng Marriage.
April 18, 1943, daughter Zheng Xiaoti birth. Soon, he went to the Administrative College of the Border Region to participate in rectification and review.
In the summer and autumn of 1944, he served as the head of the investigation team of the Border Region Government and went to Ansai County Conduct investigation. Aftertone Northwest Bureau Laboratory work.
In September 1945, with the approval of the Central Committee, he left Yan'an with Zheng Lucheng Pyongyang , arriving in December.
In 1946, he took office hwanghae Zheng Licheng, Director of Publicity of the CPC Committee, arrived Haizhou , during, subject to kim il-sung Assigned to Northeast Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Liaison work.
Ding Xuesong and Zheng Lucheng pose in Pyongyang in 1947
In 1947 Korean Labor Party Secretary General of the Central Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission.
In the spring of 1949, let me Northeast Administrative Committee Representative of the business delegation in North Korea.
On the eve of the founding of New China, I was ordered to prepare Xinhua News Agency The Pyongyang branch is also the president.
On June 25, 1950, Korean War Outbreak, with reporters of People's Daily Li Zhuang Reporter of the British Workers Daily Alan Winington to Seoul interview. In July, the Chinese Embassy in North Korea was established. The business delegation was withdrawn.
In Beijing in the 1950s [2]
From September to October 1950, with the approval of Premier Zhou Enlai and the consent of Kim Il Sung, they returned to China one after another with Zheng Lucheng.
In April 1951, he went to the DPRK with the first condolences delegation to the DPRK and served as a reporter with the delegation. Adjustment in the second half of the year Foreign Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee , acting director of North Korea Office.
In 1952, he was transferred to the Steering Committee of the CPC Central Committee for International Activities as the Director of the Office.
In 1956, he attended the Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of China.
In February 1958, with the women's delegation led by Shi Liang Colombo Attended the Asian African Women's Conference.
In April 1958, the Foreign Affairs Office of the State Council was established as the head of the Secretary Group. In November 1958, she visited with the high-level women's delegation led by Zhang Qian Cambodia Vietnam.
In March 1961, along with Xu Guangping The Chinese women's delegation led by him visited Japan.
In 1964, he served as Secretary General of the Foreign Affairs Office of the State Council. Soon, I arrived in Shanxi Wenshui County Participation“ socialist education movement ”。
In 1966, the "Cultural Revolution" began. reach National Tourism Administration of the People's Republic of China Served as the leader of the working group, and was suspended for review soon.
In 1969, I went to Yinchuan, Ningxia with the Central Government Pingluo May 7th Cadre School ”Labor.
In 1971 Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries Secretary General and then Vice President.
——Attended and received many important foreign guests;
——Vice head of the Chinese Women's Delegation Albania National Women's Congress;
——Serve as the deputy head of the Chinese Art Troupe Caribbean Three country visit performance.
From March to June 1977, he led the Shanghai Ballet Troupe to visit France and Canada to perform.
From September to November 1977, he led the delegation of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries to visit five Nordic countries.
In February 1979, he served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
In May 1982, he served as the Chinese ambassador Denmark Kingdom (and Iceland )Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. In August 1982, he returned to China to participate in the 12th National Congress of the Party.
In November 1982, he returned to China to participate in the Fifth National People's Congress. In August 1984, he left his post and returned to China.
In March 1985, he participated in the 6th CPPCC National Committee; Participate in the visit of the CPPCC delegation Democratic People's Republic of Korea
In 1986, as the vice president of the China Latin America Friendship Association, he led a friendly delegation to visit six Latin American countries.
In 1987, the CPPCC delegation visited the Netherlands.
In 1988, he attended the 7th CPPCC National Committee.
In 1989, as the director of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, he participated in the visit of the China Soviet Friendship Activist Delegation Former Soviet Union
In 1992, he visited Korea at the invitation of the Front of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
In June 1994, he retired.
May 27, 1998, 80 birthday photo.
In 1996 Republic of Korea The National National Orchestra invited him to visit South Korea and Zheng Lucheng's hometown Kwangju
On May 29, 2011, Ding Xuesong died of illness in Beijing at the age of 93. [1]

Key achievements

Ding Xuesong, the first female ambassador of New China, has sent envoys successively Netherlands and Denmark kingdom. Adapt diplomatic work to the motherland under the situation of reform and opening up Four modernizations It has made valuable exploration for the needs of construction.
She has been engaged in folk diplomacy for a long time and has received many important foreign guests, many of whom are old friends of the Chinese people.
Zhou Enlai The Premier once urged her to give foreign friends both good and bad news, so that guests can have a comprehensive understanding of China.
She once hosted American friends edgar snow And accompanied by chair of the Political Consultative Congress after the Cultural Revolution Kang Keqing The two elder sisters met with American associate professor Vitek... She once led and accompanied a delegation to visit Asia, Europe and America, winning flowers, applause and honor for her motherland.
She is dictating a book《 Memoirs of Ding Xuesong, China's first female ambassador 》In the book, she also fondly recalled her revolutionary partner and famous composer Zheng Lucheng It provides valuable first-hand information for people to understand the unusual life and growth path of musicians, as well as their legendary experiences and special contributions to life and work in China and North Korea. [1]

Publishing books

  • Author name Ding Cedar
    Work time 2009-7-1
    Composer Zheng Lucheng is a book published by Liaoning People's Publishing House in 2009 by Ding Xuesong.