Have dinner together

In 2020, SSH and Xu Zhihui starred in Korean dramas
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"Dinner Together" is directed and written by Gao Zaixian, SSH Xu Zhihui The love drama starred by MBC First broadcast on TV.
The play is adapted from Netman of the same name. It tells the story of men and women who find love through dinner because of the pain of parting and the single culture [1-2]
Chinese name
Have dinner together
Foreign name
저녁같이 드실래요
Dinner Mate [5]
Have dinner together
Type of work
Plot, love, comedy [5]
SSH Xu Zhihui
Production area
the republic of korea
Gao Zaixian
Gao Zaixian
Shooting location
the republic of korea
Premiere time
May 25, 2020
Broadcast status
Number of sets
32 episodes
Duration of each episode
35 minutes


Jinhaijing SSH Decoration) He is a columnist and dietetic psychotherapist who specializes in diet. He analyzes the psychological state of patients through eating habits, and is concerned because of his unique professional skills. Yu Daoxi Xu Zhihui Decoration) She is the PD of the planning group of the YouTube special channel "2N Box". Although she has been in love twice since she was 20, she has experienced bitter lovelorn pain. Now she is a woman who has no feelings for love. [3]
Have dinner together

Diversified plot

    Episode 1
    Yu Duxi is a PD who works in YouTube channel. Her parents' endless quarrels when she was young made her have a different understanding of marriage and love. But she always yearns for a beautiful love to come to her, and fantasizes about living a romantic life with her boyfriend. Jin Haijing (Song Seung Heon) is a doctor of psychiatry. In order to catch up with a mental patient, he staged a motorcycle chase in the downtown area. Finally, he successfully subdued the patient and won the applause of the surrounding people. Yu Duxi's work unit is organizing a live broadcast. In order to break through the audience, they chose a female star who often drinks too much to come to the live broadcast room. They also asked the host to give her a drink and deliberately stimulate her. At first, the female star behaved normally. With the constant stimulation of alcohol, she began to lose her attitude. She got entangled with the host in public, and they tore each other's hair, The broadcast room was in a mess. Yu Duxi prevented the representatives from intervening, and she wanted to achieve this effect. Sure enough, the number of viewers in the broadcast room soared, breaking the record, but the performance of the female stars became more and more outrageous. They even grabbed the food on the table and threw it at the staff. Yu Duxi could not avoid it, and shot a box of ramen noodles beside them, But unexpectedly, it fell on the head of the representative.
    Yu Duxi was called to the office by the representative for a good scolding, but she gave an explanation on the grounds of audience rating. Now her whole body and mind don't care about work, because she was ready to go to Jeju Island when she came in the morning. Today is her boyfriend's birthday, and she wants to surprise him. As for whether to fire herself, that is the representative's thing. Yu Duxi recorded his joy of going to Jeju Island. Everything seemed to be turning on the green light for her. Her ticket was upgraded to business class. The stewardess Enxiu also enthusiastically recorded a blessing video for her. Jin Haijing, who also went to Jeju Island to help a lovelorn woman get out of love, happened to sit next to her. Yu Duxi wanted Jin Haijing to record a blessing video for her, but he refused.

    Episode 2
    When Jin Haijing (Song Seung Heon) appears in front of Yu Duxi, she is surprised, so she asks him why he changed his mind and stayed. Jin Haijing sincerely expresses that he just wants to have dinner with her, which makes Yu Duxi feel very warm in the extreme depression. Because it was late, many restaurants were closed. Jin Haijing searched the Internet for restaurants that were still open at this time, but Yu Duxi saw the big van restaurant next to it. She stopped the car directly and asked Jin Haijing to accompany her to the roadside stall. Jin Haijing was reluctant, but when he saw Yu Duxi's high spirits, he went with her. The stall keeper brothers publicized their food to the two people, but Jin Haijing perceived his reluctance from his words, so he planned to close the shop and go home. Yu Duxi hurriedly stopped him and ordered sea urchins to cover the meal, and Jin Haijing had to order another meal. The two of them had dinner in such an environment, and the taste of the cover meal was really good, which made them praise it. When they were finishing eating, they discussed where to stay. Before the words were finished, the stall owner brothers came around and strongly recommended a nearby hotel to the two of them, saying that they would have different feelings. Jin Haijing thought their brother was a bit strange, When they came to the hotel and saw the pictures on the wall, he realized that the old couple who ran the hotel were the parents of the stall owner's brother.
    The old couple thought they were a couple. Jin Haijing repeatedly explained that, together with Yu Duxi's appearance, they had arranged a room for them respectively. Jin Haijing was a little tired and went to bed after simply washing. Yu Duxi still felt unhappy. He took champagne to the swimming pool without water outside the house to pour himself and drink, and soon became drunk. Jin Haijing vaguely heard that Yu Duxi was practicing swimming outside. He came to the balcony and saw Yu Duxi doing different poses in the swimming pool. It looked like he was drunk. He was afraid that Yu Duxi would have another problem, so he came out to comfort her. Yu Duxi said his grievances and shed tears as he spoke.

    Episode 3
    Yu Duxi looked at the blurred figure in the video, and was not sure what the representative wanted to find this person for. He asked whether it was the establishment of a martial arts classroom that led to such an idea. The representative told her that this person was a psychiatrist, Dr. Jin Haijing (Song Seung Heon), who was famous not only in the treatment of mental diseases, but also in the diet treatment, Recently, the media wanted to chase the first place in the interview. She asked Yu Duxi to invite Jin Haijing no matter what method he took. Yu Duxi bargained with the representative. If he did, she would not only provide him with the monthly payment for the house, but also agreed to set up a column according to his own wishes. The representative reluctantly accepted the condition. The assistant told Jin Haijing that a 2N BOX company invited him to participate in a program. He first refused, and then searched the Internet for the specific program. He saw the video of the host and the female guests fighting each other. This kind of vulgar program made Jin Haijing a little nauseous. He told the assistant that compared with the people fighting in the video, the people who planned the program had a more strange mental state, He is different from others in obsessive-compulsive disorder, spiritual purity, and sadistic tendencies. He is more dangerous than the mentally ill, but he does not know that the planner he is talking about is Yu Duxi.
    When Yu Duxi learned that the invitation was rejected, and that the other party treated him as if he had hung up the insurance sales call, he couldn't help getting angry. He went to the battle in person and directly called the clinic of Jinhaijing. As a result, he received the same treatment. The assistant directly counted "three" and hung up the phone. Yu Duxi decided to contact Jin Haijing via email, but Jin Haijing didn't reply after seeing it. Jin Haijing sees that the assistant is sorting out a box of books, and finds that it is his mother Li Wenjing's book. He is angry that the assistant is presumptuous and tells Li Wenjing the address of the clinic, asking him to dispose of these books as soon as possible. When his mother abandoned him for his writing career, she ran away from home, which still haunts him today. When he returned home, Jin Haijing looked at the photos of his childhood and thought about the scene when his mother left. He was a little depressed. When he went to work the next day, when he saw that the assistant really hung up his mother's books on the Internet to sell them, he was so angry that he scolded the assistant for his lack of brains and asked him to contact the library to donate them.

    Episode 4
    Yu Duxi and Jin Haijing (Song Seung Heon) meet unintentionally at the Datong Night Market. Both of them feel a little strange. They have no mobile phone contact and no agreed location. They can still meet like this. They can only think of it as fate. Jin Haijing proposed to eat sea urchins, but Yu Duxi took him to eat cappella and took it to the rooftop of the building to see the night view of Seoul. It was like a young girl in love in a university. Jin Haijing talked with Yu Duxi while eating, feeling the difference between the girl. Jin Haijing had no cappella, and he saw that the plane in the sky lied to be a meteor, Yu Duxi hurriedly put down the promise of Gaifan, and Jin Haijing took the opportunity to eat her Gaifan. This kind of joking behavior made Jin Haijing regain the feeling he had not had for a long time. Later, Yu Duxi took Jin Haijing to the Tang Hotel to eat sea urchins. Jin Haijing had a bad impression of such a small restaurant, but after tasting the food, he immediately changed his view. Looking at Yu Duxi's sad appearance, Jin Haijing had another occupational disease, and he began to guess what was on Yu Duxi's mind, Yu Duxi said that the two places she took herself to were the places where she and her first love used to come together. Yu Duxi didn't expect him to guess so accurately. He asked him what his occupation was. Jin Haijing pretended to be mysterious and said that he was Sherlock Holmes. Yu Duxi told Jin Haijing about his experience of breaking up with his first love. They had been in love together for six years, but finally he only sent himself a message that he had gone to study abroad, and there was no news, not even an explanation. Yu Duxi said that other people's first love was a masterpiece, but her first love was a cruel fairy tale. Jin Haijing comforted her and said the same was true of her first love. Zheng Zaihe was Yu Duxi's first love. He returned to Seoul from the United States and is now a journalist specializing in medicine. After Yu Duxi, he went to Gai Hotel, Tiantai Hotel and Tang Hotel respectively. These places were the places he and Yu Duxi used to go before, where they had memories of being together and used to laugh at each other.

    Episode 5
    Yu Duxi and Jin Haijing (Song Seung Heon) meet unintentionally at the Datong Night Market. Both of them feel a little strange. They have no mobile phone contact and no agreed location. They can still meet like this. They can only think of it as fate. Jin Haijing proposed to eat sea urchins, but Yu Duxi took him to eat cappella and took it to the rooftop of the building to see the night view of Seoul. It was like a young girl in love in a university. Jin Haijing talked with Yu Duxi while eating, feeling the difference between the girl. Jin Haijing had no cappella, and he saw that the plane in the sky lied to be a meteor, Yu Duxi hurriedly put down the promise of Gaifan, and Jin Haijing took the opportunity to eat her Gaifan. This kind of joking behavior made Jin Haijing regain the feeling he had not had for a long time. Later, Yu Duxi took Jin Haijing to the Tang Hotel to eat sea urchins. Jin Haijing had a bad impression of such a small restaurant, but after tasting the food, he immediately changed his view. Looking at Yu Duxi's sad appearance, Jin Haijing had another occupational disease, and he began to guess what was on Yu Duxi's mind, Yu Duxi said that the two places she took herself to were the places where she and her first love used to come together. Yu Duxi didn't expect him to guess so accurately. He asked him what his occupation was. Jin Haijing pretended to be mysterious and said that he was Sherlock Holmes. Yu Duxi told Jin Haijing about his experience of breaking up with his first love. They had been in love together for six years, but finally he only sent himself a message that he had gone to study abroad, and there was no news, not even an explanation. Yu Duxi said that other people's first love was a masterpiece, but her first love was a cruel fairy tale. Jin Haijing comforted her and said the same was true of her first love. Zheng Zaihe was Yu Duxi's first love. He returned to Seoul from the United States and is now a journalist specializing in medicine. After Yu Duxi, he went to Gai Hotel, Tiantai Hotel and Tang Hotel respectively. These places were the places he and Yu Duxi used to go before, where they had memories of being together and used to laugh at each other.

Source of the above information [2]

screen credits



SSH Ornament Jinhaijing
Dubbing -
Xu Zhihui Ornament Yu Daoxi
Dubbing -
Sun Naen Ornament Chen Luyi
Dubbing -
Li Zhixun Ornament Zheng Zaihe
Dubbing -
Li Xiantian Ornament Jiang Jianyu
Dubbing -
Jin Ruiqing Ornament Li Bingzhen
Dubbing -
Gao Guibi Ornament Park Zhengui
Dubbing -
Yizhiyuan Ornament South Yaying
Dubbing -
Park Haoshan Ornament -
Dubbing -
Zheng Enbiao Ornament Yu Renhao
Dubbing -
Wu Huiyuan Ornament Lin Suruo
Dubbing -
Yin Furen Ornament Quan Chengzi
Dubbing -
An Taihuan Ornament Kim Jong hwan
Dubbing -

Employee List

director Gao Zaixian
Scriptwriter Gao Zaixian

Role Introduction

performer SSH
dubbing -
Dietary columnist and dietetic psychotherapist. 300000 yuan per hour, the dining place and menu are decided by him, and the meal fee is borne by the client. It is famous in China for its unique way of observing and treating its mental state through eating and dining. With handsome appearance and gentle attitude, patient satisfaction was 200%. But in addition to treating patients, he is very vicious, which has offended many food restaurants. I was hurt by the betrayal of my first love, and thought it was more comfortable to live alone.
Yu Daoxi
performer Xu Zhihui
dubbing -
PD of the planning group of the YouTube special channel "2N Box". Although she has been in love twice since she was 20 years old, she has experienced bitter lovelorn pain. Now she is a woman who has no feelings for love and is very enthusiastic about her work. One day, a man suddenly appeared in his life. Strangely, eating with him was as comfortable as eating alone.
Source of the above information [3-4]

Volkswagen rating

Number of participants
Statistics deadline
seven point one
two thousand one hundred and fourteen
2023-12-11 [7]