First-class star

Star brightness category
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First-class star Stellar brightness Category. The brightness of a star is closely related to its temperature. With the naked eye, we can distinguish different brightness among stars. The ancient Greeks Hipachas According to the different brightness levels, the starlight is divided into six grades, the first grade star is the brightest, and the sixth grade star is the darkest. The difference between the brightness of each order star is 2.512 times, and the difference between the actual brightness of the first order star and the sixth order star is 100 times. These six levels are called Apparent magnitude The apparent magnitude, regardless of the distance of the star, is the brightness we show when looking at the star on the earth.
Chinese name
First-class star
Foreign name
Stars of the first magnitude
Applicable fields
Measure constant star brightness
term in astronomy

Apparent magnitude

Differences in the brightness of stars in the night sky
The apparent magnitude, regardless of the distance between stars, is the brightness we show when looking at stars on the earth. But in fact, some stars that look extremely bright may not be very luminous, just because they are very close to us. Similarly, some stars that look very dark may be very bright stars, just because they are far away from us.
People extend the brightness level division to the range of decimal and negative numbers. According to this classification, the brightness of the moon at full moon is - 12.6 stars, and the sun on sunny days is - 26.8 stars. Besides the sun, the brightest stars in the sky are Sirius It is a star of - 1.6 magnitude. Compared with Sirius, the difference between the sun and Sirius is only 25.2 the magnitude But in fact, the brightness difference between them is 12 billion times. The darkest star that astronomers can see with modern telescopes is a star of class 20. If you take photos, you can see a star of class 23.

Absolute magnitude

32.62 Light year equidistant measurement
Absolute magnitude It measures the luminous ability of stars. Theoretically, such stars are ubiquitous and numerous, such as Vega The absolute magnitude of is+0.65, so Herotu On the same sequence as it Main sequence star All the stars darker than it are first class stars. If the absolute magnitude is represented by M, Apparent magnitude Represented by m, the distance of a star becomes Second gap If the number is r, then M=m+5-5lgr. Therefore, given a star (measured apparent magnitude) and known distance, the absolute magnitude can be directly calculated.
Therefore, in order to compare the luminosity emitted by the stars themselves, astronomers assume that all the stars are placed at the same distance (32.6 light-years), so as to determine their luminosity and absolute magnitude. In terms of absolute magnitude, the sun is just a weak star visible to the naked eye, which belongs to 4.8 absolute magnitude. Sirius belongs to 1.3 Absolute magnitude , so it is 25 times brighter than the sun.

Magnitude division

There is a difference between light and dark stars. Obviously bright star ratio Dark star Much more. In order to show the brightness of stars, people use "magnitude" to grade the stars in the whole sky: the darkest star visible to the naked eye is 6, the star brighter than 6 is 5, the brightest is 4... the brightest is 1.
A star of magnitude 1 is about 2.5 times brighter than a star of magnitude 2 and 6.2 times brighter than a star of magnitude 3.
Altair is a first order star. Vega Niulang Star It is still bright, set as 0, etc. Those brighter than stars of magnitude 0 are - 1, - 2, and so on. Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, has a magnitude of - 1.6.
On the other hand, the stars that are darker than the sixth class stars are the seventh, eighth and ninth class stars... They have to be observed with telescopes. Telescopic Objective aperture The larger, the darker stars can be observed. The world's largest telescope can observe Dark celestial body
After measuring the magnitude of each star in the sky, you can count a Magnitude range Internal Number of stars Has. For example, we classify stars of less than 1.5 degrees as "first-class stars", those of 1.6 to 2.4 degrees as "second-class stars", and those of 2.5 to 3.4 degrees as "third-order stars".
Generally speaking, the darkest star that can be seen by people with visual acuity of 1.5 is close to 6.5. This can only be achieved on a high mountain far from the city lights and with a completely dark sky.

Earth distance

Chinese name
English name
Visual magnitude (from light to dark)
Earth distance (l.y.)
eight point six
three hundred and nine point one five
Rigil Kentaurus
four point three
zero point zero four
Capella A
zero point zero eight
zero point one one
seven hundred
zero point three five
zero point four six
zero point six zero
three hundred and thirty
zero point seven seven
0.80 (long-period irregular variable stars, 0.2-1, etc., with a period of 2000 days)
five hundred
zero point eight five
zero point nine zero
four hundred and fifty
zero point nine six
three hundred and fifty
five hundred
one point one five
one point one six
one point two five
one thousand and eight hundred
Southern cross
one point two six
five hundred
one point three
five hundred and seventy

Isostellar brightness

According to legend, the ancient Greeks Hipachas The brightness of stars in the sky was first divided into six grades. The lightest one is level 1, the second lightest one is level 2, and the darkest one is level 6. This method is rough. Later, someone subdivided each magnitude into 10 or 100 degrees, so that the magnitude has a decimal. For example, the galaxy (Tianhe) East Bank Niulang Star The star magnitude of is 0.77, which is taken to one decimal place. According to the rounding rule, it is 0.8, and more simply, it is 1.
If a star is brighter than Altair, its magnitude is 0. 0 originally means "no", but it means "yes" in star magnitude, that is, it is brighter than a star of magnitude 1. For example, on the west bank of the Milky Way Vega Is a star of magnitude 0.
There are many stars in the sky that are brighter than Vega. Astronomers came up with the idea of using a number preceded by a "-" sign (pronounced negative here). For example, the magnitude of Sirius is - 1.6. At night, except the moon, the brightest stars in the whole day can be seen Venus Its brightest star magnitude is - 4.5. The greater the negative number, the brighter the stars. According to this method, the magnitude of the full moon is - 16, and the magnitude of the sun is - 27.
The stars that are darker than the sixth order are in order of magnitude 7 and 8. Such stars can only be observed with telescopes. China's largest Astronomical telescope (diameter 2.16m, installed on Xinglong Observatory of Beijing Astronomical Observatory )A star of 19 degrees can be observed. The world's largest telescope (with a diameter of 6 meters, installed on the caucasus mountains Above), stars of 22 degrees can be observed.