One to one marketing

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One to one marketing, also known as "121 marketing", "1-2-1 marketing" or "one-to-one marketing". Is a kind of customer relationship management (CRM) strategy, which provides targeted personalized solutions for the interaction between companies and individuals. The goal of one-on-one marketing is to improve short-term commercial promotion activities and lifetime Customer relationship Of ROI (ROI)。 The ultimate goal is to improve the overall Customer loyalty And maximize the lifetime value of customers.
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One to one marketing
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One-To-One Marketing
121 Marketing 1-2-1 Marketing 1 to 1 marketing etc.


One to one marketing
One to one marketing creates personalized Marketing communication The first key step in this process is to Customer classification (for example, based on previous behaviors as needed), so as to establish an interactive and personalized communication business process stay Modern logistics Practical dictionary One to one marketing is also called Relationship Marketing Customer relationship management is business Willing and able to adjust their own Business behavior These special needs may be provided by customers or collected by businesses from various channels.
Record responses (or interactions) to make future communication more personalized. Optimize marketing and communication costs to match or provide products or services that best meet needs or behaviors.


In the 1990s, Don Peppers and Martha Rogers created customer relationship management It has become a business rule in the interactive era《 One on one future 》、《 One to one enterprise 》、《 One on one combat manual 》、《 One to one manager 》Published in 14 languages around the world, it has become the bible of business people in the 21st century. Due to their outstanding achievements, Don Peppers and Martha Rogers are among the 16 top management masters in the world; In July 2001 London Won the Global Technology Award, and was praised by the Global Technology Network Association as "an innovator who truly creates the future". The "one-on-one strategy" of Don Peppers and Martha Rogers has been highly praised by the global business community, and its influence covers automobile, retail, finance, insurance medical care , telecommunications, Internet and other industries. Their 17 consulting services are distributed around the world. In essence, one-on-one marketing is“ loyalty A nickname for "marketing" – it aims to establish Customer loyalty , implement Customer lifetime value Maximize.



Marketing Steps

One to one marketing
The implementation and control of one-on-one marketing is a rather complex mechanism, which not only means that every customer facing Marketing personnel We should always maintain a warm attitude and be responsive. More importantly, it is essential to be able to identify, track and record Individual consumers And maintain long-term interaction with them, and ultimately provide personalized products or services. Therefore, the core of one-on-one marketing is to establish a new type of service relationship between enterprises and customers, that is, to increase the understanding of customers through repeated contact with customers. Enterprises can produce and provide products or services that fully meet the specific needs of a single customer according to the requirements and understanding of customers. Even if the competitors carry out one-on-one relationship marketing, your customers will not leave easily, because they will spend a lot of time and energy to make your competitors have the same degree of understanding of them.
Consumers are increasingly demanding of manufacturers, which is mainly reflected in two aspects: first, they hope manufacturers can provide customized goods or services specially designed for themselves; Second, we hope that customized goods or services can be delivered to our own hands as soon as possible. Only by constantly improving their one-on-one marketing ability can enterprises win customers and increase profits.
Enterprises can achieve one-on-one marketing of their products or services through the following four steps
Step 1: Identify customers
"No sales, investigation first". It is very important for enterprises to possess the detailed information of every customer. It can be argued that one-on-one marketing cannot be achieved without ideal customer profiles. This means that, Marketers There should be in-depth and detailed investigation and understanding of customer information. For enterprises preparing to implement one-on-one marketing, the key first step is to directly tap a certain number of enterprise customers, and most of them have high service value To establish their own customer base and establish good relations with each customer in the customer base, so as to maximize the service value of each customer.
1. Deep understanding is more important than superficial knowledge. Only know the customer's name, address phone number Or bank account number is far from enough. Enterprises must master Consumption habits , Individual preference As much information as possible. Enterprises can record every contact between themselves and customers, such as the quantity, price, purchase conditions, specific needs, hobbies, family members' names and birthdays, etc.
2. Long term research is more effective than cursory observation. It is not a feature of one-on-one marketing to only conduct a survey and interview with customers. One to one marketing requires enterprises to make use of every contact level and Communication channels , every venue, every department and Non competitive To know and understand each specific customer from the data collected by the enterprise.
Of course, the target of one-on-one marketing cannot be narrowly regarded as only referring to products or services End consumer For example, an enterprise specialized in manufacturing does not Direct sales Its own product, but it can completely follow the principle of one-on-one marketing Marketing channels Enterprises and products in Demand chain Each member in the establishes a one-to-one relationship.
Step 2: customer differentiation
One to one marketing compared with traditional marketing Target Marketing In terms of Product differentiation Turn to focus on customer differentiation. Broadly speaking, customer differentiation is mainly reflected in two aspects: one is different Customer representative Different value levels; Second, different customers have different needs. Therefore, one-on-one marketing believes that after fully grasping the information of enterprise customers and considering Customer value On the premise of, it is important to reasonably distinguish the differences between enterprise customers.
For enterprises that carry out one-on-one marketing, customer differentiation can, first of all, make the one-on-one work of the enterprise targeted, and concentrate the limited resources of the enterprise to obtain the maximum benefits from the most valuable customers. After all, enterprises cannot have the same energy to establish service relationships with different customers, nor can they obtain the same profits from different customers; Secondly, enterprises can also redesign production behavior according to existing customer information, so as to respond to customer value needs in a timely manner Third, enterprises can differentiate existing customer base to a certain extent, which will help enterprises business environment The appropriate management strategy
Lego Lego Group defines customers according to their specific needs Personalized marketing Of. According to the survey, 7-year-old boys play the same Lego toys For at least two different reasons cosplay , like to dress up as he just built with building blocks spacecraft The captain of; The second is to build, like according to the attached reference Sketch Map Think about how to build. In view of this, Lego provides "role players" with Video tape And storybooks; Provide more reference drawings for "builders", or even provide a set of references separately Bibliography
In this process, the enterprise should select several customers who are going to have business with them every year and input their details into the enterprise's customers database To inquire the opinions of target customers with different access frequencies and different communication methods for different customers; According to the evaluation, the customer's lifelong purchase of the enterprise's products and services makes the enterprise obtain Economic benefits The enterprise customers are divided into three grades, A, B and C, so as to determine the specific objects of two-way communication in the next step.
Step 3: "Enterprise Customer" Two way communication
When an enterprise further understands the specifications or needs of individual customers, two activities will occur: the company is learning and the customer is teaching. To win the real Customer loyalty The key lies in the interaction between these two activities. The key success of one-on-one marketing is that it can establish an interactive learning relationship with customers, and maintain this learning relationship to maximize Customer value One to one enterprises are good at creating opportunities for customers to tell them what they need, remember these needs, and feed them back to customers, so as to keep the customer's business forever.
There are two essential requirements for establishing a learning relationship
1. The enterprise must be a successful Cost effectiveness With effective Design interface And accurate customer specification memory. In this way, customers can accurately explain their needs in a convenient and accurate way. Moreover, customers should not be asked to explain the same thing to you again. A member of Barista Brava Coffee Chain Foreman He entertained 28 customers in a row without asking any of them what he wanted. Because he knows that the simplest and most direct way to treat customers well is to remember their personal tastes without bothering them to explain again. That's why Barista Brava is taking it Starbucks The most important factor of customers.
2. Customers must make efforts to provide these specifications to the company. If the return of the customer's efforts to provide the company with demand information is more personalized and satisfactory products or services, this behavior can make the customer more loyal and more willing to make efforts to provide the company with more personalized needs. The greater the initiative of customers, the richer and more beneficial the dialogue will become.
Step 4: operation flow restructure
The last step of one-on-one marketing is to re-establish the business process of the enterprise.
To achieve this step, enterprises can carry out research on Production process Reconstruct, divide the production process into relatively independent sub processes, reassemble, design various micro components or micro programs, and assemble various products at low cost to meet customer needs; Using various design tool Determine how to use your own throughput To meet the needs of customers. The ultimate goal of one-on-one marketing is to customize a product for a single customer, or provide some aspects of Customized service , such as the method of invoicing, product packaging style, etc. The implementation of one-on-one marketing is based on that the profit of customization is higher than the cost of customization, which requires enterprises to Marketing Department , R&D department, manufacturing department, procurement department and Finance Department And cooperate with each other. The marketing department shall determine the customized specifications that meet the requirements of customers; The R&D department should redesign the products efficiently; The manufacturing and purchasing departments must ensure the effective supply of raw materials and the smooth production; The financial department should provide timely information production costs Status and financial analysis

Marketing Traps

Customer loyalty
According to one-on-one marketing theory, through Customer database The customer's past preferences reflected in can determine the customer's future needs. There is a paradox here: the implementation of one-on-one marketing needs the support of customer database, and the establishment and improvement of customer database requires close interaction between enterprises and customers. In fact, it requires customers to be loyal, but it is precisely the purpose of one-to-one marketing to cultivate customer loyalty, which in turn becomes the goal of one-to-one marketing necessary condition
Undoubtedly, for some regular customers, it is possible for enterprises to improve their quality by using and improving their existing purchase data and providing better services and products Satisfaction To consolidate these Customer loyalty But I haven't repeated those purchasing behavior Customers, especially those who don't buy frequently Durable goods For consumers, it is difficult for enterprises to customize their decisions according to different customers when they have sufficient customer data. For example, if a family buys refrigerators, color TV sets, and air conditioners, it may Purchase cycle It's more than ten years, when they have Repeat purchase The historical purchase data is not only meagre, but also time lapse , may have lost value due to changes in customer preferences. For enterprises to carry out one-on-one marketing and provide personalized services, these information can no longer form the basis for action. In the case that there is not enough valuable customer loyalty as a starting point, one-on-one marketing has become a castle in the air.
One to one marketing is evangelist We claim that it is the most thorough customer orientation, because all activities of the enterprise are aimed at meeting the needs of each customer mined from the customer database. However, in the process of interaction between enterprises and customers, whether it is based on customers' purchase history data, or customers' complaints and suggestions, it reflects the stated needs, preferences and attitudes towards existing products and services of regular customers. Can enterprises led by these data still generate brilliant ideas to create the future? Can own sustained development Your vitality?
Northern Ireland Ulster University Marketing Professor, USA Northwestern University Visiting Professor and Marketing Scientist Stephen Brown once published《 Harvard Business Review 》In the last article, he criticized the enterprises that follow the trend of explicit demands on customers. He believed that customers were short-sighted, even they did not know what they wanted. Therefore, their demands could only be discovered by enterprises giving full play to creativity. Management scientist Hammer and Prahalad It has also been said that the future of the enterprise depends on the vague needs that customers have not expressed, especially those Leads In terms of fuzzy needs, exploring these customer needs and meeting them is the real customer orientation. It is these things that cannot exist in the customer database that can guide the future of the enterprise and ensure the long-term sustainable development of the enterprise. [1]
Enterprises trapped in the extreme "customer orientation" trap of one-on-one marketing will find that once competitor With extraordinary foresight, the company launched products that exceeded the existing expectations of customers. It was in danger of being betrayed by old customers, and one-on-one marketing became the "failure" of the enterprise.
Whether based on individual customers Customized products And service, or Cross selling , one-on-one marketing is not fully considered Enterprise capability It seems that any personalized customer needs can be met by enterprises; As long as it is required by regular customers, enterprises in any field can also extend.
In fact, in order to meet the needs of customers beyond the existing business scope of the enterprise, the enterprise must expand its existing Value chain Or even create a new value chain. This can never be done at will, because enterprises are Limited resources And face various technology barrier And financial barriers. association Can Lenovo refrigerator or Lenovo color TV be customized for computer customers? McDonald's Can schools be opened for children who often visit? To some extent, this is like asking a best-selling novelist to write a philosophy book with profound connotation for his loyal readers. The emergence of mass customization, in the view of Peppers and Rogers, can ensure that enterprises design and produce for each individual customer, while ensuring that costs remain within a certain range. They ignored this Final product Decompose into different modules, and add optional final products through module combination Production mode , or limited by limited modules. It is impossible for enterprises to meet the personalized needs of customers beyond this limit.
In the era of increasingly fierce competition, enterprises must cultivate core competitiveness if they want to remain invincible. That is to say, they should do better than their competitors in some aspects of creating customer value, and their competitors cannot imitate them. However, according to the requirements of one-on-one marketing, it is inevitable for enterprises to disperse resources in multiple links of the value chain, which makes it difficult to cultivate core competitiveness. It is impossible for enterprises to fall into the capability trap of one-on-one marketing Gain competitive advantage Has.
brand positioning
Advocates of one-on-one marketing emphasize to focus on Customer share On, rather than pursuing market share To complete this task, Peppers and Rogers' guidance is through Cross selling To ensure that every regular customer of the enterprise buys more products produced by the enterprise.
Under this policy, Starbucks Can't just be a family anymore coffee shop Because once a regular customer shows a demand beyond the service scope, whether it is Hamburg Deep-Fried Dough Sticks Soybean Milk noodle , or Beer , cigarettes, Starbucks should launch against him. It seems that only in this way can Starbucks become the only choice for leisure catering for every regular customer, and the customer share can be increased accordingly. This may be just a joke, but it should make us doubt this theory.
The vitality of the brand lies in its focus on the target Customer group The relatively consistent value provided by the brand Value proposition Above, rather than being scattered among the different values provided to each customer. As each customer has complex and diverse needs Customer share Enterprises need to expand business projects Differentiated development At the same time, the result will inevitably deviate from the brand positioning, disperse and blur the corporate image, and the brand value will be diluted. The one-sided pursuit of increasing customer share is bound to be an act of drinking poison to quench thirst, which is likely to push the enterprise on the road of no return.
data base
Development of information technology In the opinion of the advocates of one-on-one marketing, it is enough to ensure that enterprises can mine the extreme and accurate customer preferences and needs from customer data. Here is a logical basis: history always repeats itself. Unfortunately, research consumer behavior Scholars have proved that many purchase behaviors of customers are impulsive and do not have Repeatability At this point, collecting historical data is doing Idle work
In addition, consumers have the mentality of seeking innovation and change, which will be more obvious especially in today's increasingly publicized personalization. If future products and services are designed according to the characteristics of customers' needs in the past, enterprises may fall into a situation of losing vitality and eventually be abandoned by customers. For example, according to this logic, Fashion Designer It only needs to design clothes according to customers' past wearing preferences, not Reinnovation And breakthroughs. So beautiful Girls Where can I go shopping TaoBao Fashion designers can also completely give way to machines.
Moreover, when customers are generated by Desire to buy When the final purchase occurs, influence factor It can be a temporary mood fluctuation, a friend or Shopping Guide A sentence of, a detail of the terminal layout, or even changes in the weather. No matter how advanced information technology is mass data All are included in the database to analyze the customer's Consumer behavior , can only be the Arabian Nights. It can be seen that the customer database is by no means omnipotent, and it is difficult to accurately mine the rules of customers' purchase behavior. But cannot fully grasp Customer consumption behavior , one-on-one marketing has become a mirage.
One to one marketing believes that enterprises can better serve each customer, increase the value they experience, reduce the cost of their economy, energy and other costs, and thus increase the value customers gain after fully understanding customer preferences and establishing a learning relationship added value
However, in the long process of establishing this learning relationship, customers and enterprises need to invest energy together to enable enterprises to deeply understand customers' habits and preferences. On《 One to one enterprise 》As mentioned in LEGO It can be seen from the example of: customers should fill in the form after purchasing Lego toys warranty card , registered on Lego website, communicated with enterprises feedback information While enjoying the fun of toys, a child has to rack his brains to help Lego consider how to further improve its products and fill in those boring forms. God knows how imaginative Peppers and Rogers are. It is rare for them to think that even seven year olds can do this now. What wishful thinking!
One to one marketing requires designing personalized services to increase the value received by customers, so as to distinguish these customers from each other. For example, when an old passenger gets on a flight, stewardess You must pass the instructions of the database, and before the old passenger can speak, you can bring him a drink he likes and a magazine he often reads. It sounds very humanistic. However, we can see from this example that when implementing one-on-one marketing, many enterprises must devote a lot of energy to the details that customers do not necessarily attach importance to, and the investment cannot be significantly increased Customer value Aspects of. And if the preferences of the above old passengers have changed, the flight's output will not be flattered, but will be reduced Customer experience It's worth it.
It can be seen that one-on-one marketing may increase Customer cost Paying does not necessarily increase customer value, so customers added value They gave a big discount, customer satisfaction It also drops, completely deviating from the original intention of one-on-one marketing.
Customer power
How much data is needed to thoroughly understand customers' buying habits and preferences? How much power does the enterprise have to obtain this information and use it for operation? from Hollywood As can be seen from the movie Enemy of the State, people use any seemingly noble excuse to pry into citizens' privacy concerns Self protection Awareness has gradually strengthened. If all enterprises really regard one-on-one marketing as the "success story" and use various information technologies to dig out all the details of customers' living habits, people will inevitably lose a lot of self space in the face of snooping eyes, just like living among spies. How can customers not resist this kind of behavior? It may not be worth the loss for them enterprise behavior What about?
As another example given by one-on-one marketing advocates, Barista Brava coffee chain requires employees to remember every customer, so that regular customers can get their commonly used meals without having to order. However, many customers regard choice as a power to be exercised, not just a cost to pay. Being deprived by businesses for seemingly considerate reasons will also lead to customer dissatisfaction and negative effects. Enterprises should not be smart.
In the process of one-on-one marketing, communication is two-way. With the development of information technology, the cost of transmitting information has been greatly reduced. This is also the reason why Peppers and Rogers think it is time to carry out one-on-one marketing. However, the development of information technology is also double-edged sword , because the information transfer At the same time of cost, people have to contact information content It has also increased greatly. Especially those "uninvited" businesses E-mail , has spread to a worrying extent, making the cost of processing these information soaring. This caused great resistance from many people. For this reason, the EU has completely prohibited sending to individuals without the prior consent of the recipient commercial advertisement The nature of the email. One to one marketing advocates ignore the information of customers Decision power , Volkswagen Information dissemination Their resistance must have been unexpected

Marketing strategy

An enterprise should establish "relationship quality", that is, to establish a learning relationship with each customer, remember each customer's preferences, and always pick up the half way between the last time and the last time. Because this will make customers feel that only this relationship is labor-saving and convenient, which will establish an "inconvenient barrier" and become a reason why customers never want to communicate with competitors.


(1) Identify your customers
Before launching one-on-one marketing, enterprises must conduct business with a large number of customers direct contact It is important to get more details and remember that this is a never-ending process. What you should know is not only the customer's name, address and contact method, but also their Buying habits , hobbies, etc. Don't think that sending a questionnaire is the end of the matter. You should also obtain this information through every contact, every channel, every location, and every department of the enterprise. As long as the customer may produce Desire to buy , its information will be collected into the database.
(2) For customers Difference analysis
There are two main differences between different customers: different demands for products commercial value Different. Try to divide your customers into A, B, C, D and other categories. The value of an A-level customer may not be measured by money: first-class customers may play a key role in helping you complete your performance. On the contrary, Grade C Or D level customers may bring negative impacts to you when dealing with you. Effective difference analysis of customers can help enterprises better optimize the allocation of resources and make the improvement of products or services more effective. Only when we firmly grasp the most valuable customers can we achieve the maximum benefits.
(3) And Customer retention Active contact
Customer communication is an important part of an enterprise's growth strategy. To implement one-on-one marketing, it is necessary to explore what customers have bought in the past, find the final value of customers, and then develop incremental businesses that can be obtained from customers. In other words, we can find out more about our customers through a more comprehensive and specific understanding of them“ Strategic value ”。 Through this step, the best and most effective open communication channel has been established. Whether using a website or a call center, the goal is to reduce the cost of customer contact, increase the effectiveness of customer contact, and finally find a way to establish a learning relationship with customers. Customer feedback is critical at this stage.
(4) Adjust products or services to meet the needs of each customer
If you understand the customer's needs, you should take immediate action and provide products or services that can bring them additional benefits. If you want to lock customers in a learning relationship, it is indispensable to personalize your products or services according to individual conditions. This may involve a lot of customization work. In general, the adjustment point is not the product directly required by the customer, but some services around the product, such as the way of product distribution, product packaging style, etc. Provide customers with exactly what they need, and customer loyalty will be greatly improved.



Marketing Benefits

And traditional Marketing methods In contrast, one-on-one marketing has the following advantages:
1. It can greatly meet the personalized needs of consumers and improve the competitiveness of enterprises.
2. Fixed production based on sales, reducing inventory backlog of traditional Marketing mode In China, the enterprise pursues scale economy , try to reduce Unit product And expand production. To implement Profit maximization This is Seller's market Of course, China is very competitive. But with Buyer's market Formation of. This kind of large-scale production of similar product varieties will inevitably lead to unsalable and overstocked products, resulting in idle and waste of resources. One to one marketing is a good way to avoid this. At this time, the enterprise is producing according to the actual orders of customers, and has really realized the production based on demand, so there is almost no inventory backlog, which greatly speeds up Enterprise funds Turnaround speed of. It also reduces social resources Waste.
3. It is conducive to promoting the continuous development of enterprises. Innovation is an important factor for enterprises to maintain their vitality forever. But innovation must be combined with the needs of the market and customers. Otherwise, it will be detrimental to the competition and development of enterprises. In the traditional marketing mode. The R&D personnel of the enterprise explore new market demand And then launch new products. This method is restricted by the ability of researchers and can easily be misled by wrong investigation results.
In one-on-one marketing, customers can directly participate in product design, and enterprises can also directly participate in product design based on customers' opinions Improve product So as to achieve product and technical innovation, and always keep consistent with customer needs, so as to promote the continuous development of the enterprise.

Marketing shortcomings

Of course, one-on-one marketing is not perfect, it also has its disadvantages.
1. Because one-on-one marketing regards each customer as a single Segments This will certainly enable each customer to be treated differently according to their different needs and characteristics, so that enterprises can better serve customers. But on the other hand, it will also lead to Marketing work The complexity of, Operating costs Increase of and business risk Increase of.
2. With the progress of technology and the rapid spread of information, the difference of products is becoming weaker. Today's special products and services may be popularized tomorrow. Therefore, the long-term maintenance of the uniqueness of products and services becomes extremely difficult.
"One to one marketing" not only requires marketers to maintain a warm attitude when facing customers, but more importantly, it requires marketers to identify, track, record and finally meet Individual consumers Personalized needs.
Therefore, the basis of "one-on-one marketing" is to establish a new learning relationship between enterprises and customers, that is, to increase the understanding of customers through repeated contact with customers. By using the learning relationship, enterprises can produce and provide customized products or services that fully meet the specific needs of a single customer according to the requirements and understanding of customers competitor "One to one" Relationship Marketing Your customer will not leave easily, because he will spend a lot of time and energy to make competitors know him to the same extent.

Marketing Comparison

One to one marketing
U.S.A consumers ' association Chairman Ira Matala said, "We are now moving from the past mass consumption to the era of personalized consumption, and the era of mass consumption is coming to an end. Now consumers can boldly and freely give orders to obtain special and distinctive services." Even some consumers generally tend to keep up with the public Homogenization But it is also expected that businesses can meet their special needs in terms of delivery, payment, functions and after-sales services. Because each customer has different needs Market segmentation The traditional practice of classifying a group of customers as a market segment with common needs can no longer meet the special needs of each customer. And modern Database technology and statistical analysis The method can accurately record and predict the specific needs of each customer, so as to provide personalized services for each customer. Traditional marketing is to operate from the perspective of products, focus on one product or service at a time, and meet one basic requirement Customer needs , and then explore the market to find as many customers as possible who have this demand in the current sales season. Its marketing center is a certain product or service. And one-on-one marketing is not to focus on one demand at a time, but to focus on one customer at a time, so as to meet the needs of this customer as much as possible. It focuses on customers. implement Traditional marketing The successful direction of our company is to win more customers, while the successful direction of our company implementing one-on-one marketing is to retain customers for a longer time.
One to one marketing not only focuses on Market share And try to increase the purchase amount of each customer, that is, to increase the occupancy of each customer on a one-on-one basis. Traditional marketing competes by distinguishing products, while one-on-one marketing competes by distinguishing customers. Traditional marketing tries to differentiate products in practical sense by introducing new products and extending products, or create a conceptual distinction by using brands and advertisements; While one-on-one marketing enterprises care for one customer at a time, they rely on distinguishing each customer from others.
Traditional marketing Operators believe that it is unnecessary to interact with a single customer, and feedback from a customer may be useful only when the customer can represent the whole market. Produce and deliver the same product for everyone in a specific market in the same way to meet the same demand. But one-on-one enterprises must interact with customers and provide them with feedback from customers Tailored Products or services.