
A magazine founded in 1979
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Reading, founded in 1979, is a book centered ideological and cultural review magazine. "Reading" focuses on people and things inside and outside the book, and discusses what big books and small books involve social culture Problems, different promotions Knowledge area Of Independent thinking It has been China's thought for 30 years to show the complexity and diversity of various voices and take the leadership of ideological trend as its own responsibility Cultural changes Witness of.
In March 2018, it won the honor of the third National "Top 100 Newspapers". [1]
Chinese name
Competent unit
China Publishing Group
Life · Reading · New Knowledge · Sanlian Bookstore
Start date
Publication cycle
Sending code
executive editor
Jia Baolan, Wang Yan
Place of publication
32 ON
C    N
22 Yiyi East Street, Beijing

Journal Introduction

At the beginning of reading, a cry reflecting the common aspiration of the reading world was issued: "There is no forbidden area for reading." [2] He inherited the genteel feelings and traditions of Chinese intellectuals, took ideological enlightenment as his banner, and was committed to bringing order out of chaos and restoring the elegant style of Chinese writing. With his open mind, fresh discussion, and meaningful style of writing, he won the favor of the reading world. The writer Mr. Wang Meng once said, "You can't read without reading, you can't read without reading Reading." This sentence was once popular, reflecting the love of the reading world for this magazine.
"Reading" magazine is a monthly book centered ideological and cultural review magazine. All books and people, things and phenomena related to books are the focus of "Reading", and the content involves important Cultural phenomenon and Social ideological trend , inclusive Literature, history and philosophy and social sciences , as well as art reviews such as architecture, art, film and television, and stage, and some natural sciences, are known for leading the trend of thought. [3]
The purpose of running the journal is to show the thoughts and wisdom of readers, and gather humanistic care for contemporary life. The main supporters and contributors of the magazine are mostly academics the thought circle Influential intellectuals in the cultural circle. [4]

Periodical information

Title: read
Date of publication: one thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine
The journal is included in the following databases: China Humanities and Social Sciences citation databases (CHSSCD—2004)
recognized kernel journals: Chinese core journals (2011), Chinese core journals (2008), Chinese core journals (2004), Chinese core journals (1996), Chinese core journals (1992) [5]
catalog: Interviews, surveys, cases, historical materials, writers' world, French novels, foreign novels Classic works , Biography [6]